Учебный проект на тему "British schools". Информационный проект: "Школьное образование в Великобритании" Проект по английскому языку старые английские школы

Educational system in Great Britain

  • Live and learn.
  • It is never too late to learn.
  • Knowledge is power.
  • To know everything is to know nothing .
  • I know that I know nothing (So с rates) .

  • Private school
  • Public school
  • Kindergarten
  • Nursery class
  • Optional
  • Compulsory
  • To pass an exam
  • Entrance examination
  • Comprehensive school
  • Grammar school
  • Further education

  • State
  • Compulsory
  • About 93 % of children
  • Private
  • Public schools
  • Boarding schools
  • 7 % of children
  • The most famous are Eton , Winchester

  • Eton is a highly-exclusive private school for boys where children only from the richest families of Great Britain or princes from royal family study .

Pre-school education


Nursery classes

  • State and private
  • Optional
  • Children are taught to sing , draw , they play different creative games

Primary school

Children attend primary school for six years, where they study English, mathematics, science, Religious education, history, geography, music, art and music, physical education (PE), information technology-IT (computers) and a foreign language.

  • Comprehensive
  • Grammar school
  • Children pass the 11+ exams

Children study compulsory subjects:

  • English, Literature
  • Mathematics
  • IT (information technology)
  • Religious Education

and optional courses:

  • one foreign language
  • one science subject
  • one art subject
  • History
  • Geography
  • PE (physical education)
  • Design and Technology

  • The National Curriculum is set by the government and must be followed in all state schools. Most private schools follow the National Curriculum, but they have more flexibility in the number of subjects on offe r.





А* (star)



Very good


Very poor

  • After five years of secondary education, pupils take GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) examination.
  • Compulsory education ends at 16.
  • Some people leave secondary school and go to colleges for further education.
  • Some choose to stay at secondary school for two years more and prepare for a university

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE )

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) are the basic examinations which schoolchildren pass at the end of the first step of secondary education in England.

In each subject, the schoolboy can receive marks from A (the highest mark) to G (the lowest mark). The final result of GCSE will depend on the received marks for course and practical works during the year.


The highest level in a secondary school . Students go into the 6-th form at the age of about 16 and stay there for 2 years , preparing to take their A- levels .

  • сертификат о среднем образовании GCSE

= аттестат о неполном среднем образовании (9 классов средней школы)

= аттестат о среднем (полном) образовании (11 классов) + подготовительные курсы ВУЗа

  • сертификат GCE/A Level

  • Further education is for students over 16 taking courses at various levels up to the standard required for entry to higher education .
  • Colleges

  • Britain has 89 universities (including 39 "new" universities which were created since the 1992 .


Higher education begins at 18 and usually lasts three or four years.

Students go to universities, polytechnics or colleges of higher education.

There are now about 80 universities in Great Britain .

  • Oxford University is the oldest and most famous in Britain


Cambridge is the second oldest. It was founded in the 13-th century and has 27 colleges

In the UK higher education academic year begins in October and consists of the trimesters of 8-10 weeks each.

  • степень бакалавра ( Bachelor s Degree )

3-4 года обучения на дневном отделении ВУЗа

  • степень магистра ( Master s Degree )

+ 1 год обучения на дневном отделении ВУЗа

  • степень доктора ( Doctor s Degree )

+ 3 или более лет - исследовательская работ по какой-либо теме + защита диссертации

British bachelor

British bachelor"s degree is recognized throughout the world and gives high chances of a successful career in any country.

This is the first stage of higher education.

Master"s degree (second step) can be obtained by studying for one of two programs. Listen to the lectures and seminars at the end of exams, a thesis project and defend it or do yourself some research work for 1-2 years under the guidance of the supervisor (the supervisor) and the results of this work, you can assign a master"s degree.

The highest degree is a doctorate degree. Supervisor selects the topic of the research project, student’s working on it for 2-3 years, and then publishes reports on the results of their work in scientific journals or websites, and published materials written thesis, which will protect them. If the dissertation is successful, then earned a doctorate.

Complete the table .

Reception class-year 1

First year (fresher), second year, third/final year

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Schools in Britain

Schools in Britain Children in Britain start school when they are five and stay at school until they are sixteen or older. Дети в Британии начинают обучение в школе с 5 лет и обучаются там до 16 лет и старше.

Schools in Britain Many children in Britain attend nursery school from age of about three, but these schools are not compulsory. Compulsory education begins at the age of five, when children go to primary school. Многие дети в Британии посещают детский сад с 3-х летнего возраста, но такие школы не обязательны. Обязательное образование начинается с 5-ти летнего возраста, когда дети идут в начальную школу.

Schools in Britain Primary education lasts for six years. They attend the infant school from five to seven and then junior school until they are eleven. Then pupils go to secondary school. Начальное образование продолжается 6 лет. Дети посещают подготовительную школу с 5 до 7 лет, и затем младшую школу до исполнения 11 лет. Затем ученики идут в среднюю школу.

Schools in Britain Children study 10 subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Physical Education and a Foreign Language. Дети изучают 10 учебных предметов: английский язык, математику, естественные науки, географию, историю, изобразительное искусство, музыку, физическую культуру.

Schools in Britain Most secondary schools teach French and some schools offer Spanish, German, Italian and Russian. The first three are called “core” subjects. Pupils take examinations in the core subjects at the age 7, 11 and 14. В большинстве средних школ изучают французский язык, в некоторых школах предлагаются испанский, немецкий, итальянский и русский языки. Первые три языка называются основными (обязательными) предметами. Ученики сдают по ним обязательные экзамены в 7, 11 и 14 лет.

Schools in Britain After five years of secondary education, pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education examination. Most pupils take examinations in all subjects. После 5-ти летнего среднего образования ученики получают документ об общем среднем образовании. Большинство учащихся сдают экзамены по всем предметам.

Schools in Britain Compulsory education ends at sixteen. Some people choose to stay at secondary school for a further two years. Other people leave secondary school at sixteen and go to colleges or further education. Обязательное образование оканчивается в 16 лет. Некоторые ученики остаются в средней школе и продолжают дальнейшее обучение еще в течение двух лет. Другие оставляют среднюю школу в 16 лет и идут в колледжи и получают дальнейшее образование.

Schools in Britain Higher education begins at eighteen and usually lasts for three or four years. Students go to universities, polytechnics or colleges of higher education. Высшее образование начинается с 18 лет и продолжается три или четыре года. Студенты учатся в университетах, институтах или колледжах, где получают высшее образование.

Schools in Britain Some parents choose to send their children to private schools where they pay for their education. Некоторые родители отдают своих детей в частные школы, где платят за их обучение.

Schools in Britain State education is free. More than 90% of Britain’s children attend state schools. Государственное образование бесплатное. Более 90% детей посещают государственные школы.

Schools in Britain Age Type of school 3 – 5 years nursery school 5 – 7 years infant school 7 – 11 years junior school 11 – 16 years secondary school 16 – 18 years high school

Schools in Britain Answer the questions: When does compulsory education start in England? Compulsory education begins at the age of five, when children go to primary school. How long does primary education last? Primary education lasts six years. How long does secondary education last? Secondary education lasts five years. Which subjects do British children study at school? English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Physical Education and a Foreign Language. Which foreign languages are taught in British schools? French, Spanish, German, Italian and Russian. Is education in Britain free? State education is free in Britain.

Schools in Britain Презентацию подготовила Сироштанова Е.А., МБОУ СОШ № 76, п. Гигант, 2014 год

Слайд 2

The school year in Britain starts in September. The lessons last 40-45 minutes. British pupils wear a school uniform. The favourite colors are blue, grey, black and green. The first foreign language they learn at school is French. Sometimes they also learn a second foreign language: German, Spanish, Russian. British students have Christmas holidays, Easter holidays and Summer holidays. Schools also have special half-term holidays in the middle of each term. These holidays last 2-3 days before or after a weekend.

Слайд 3

School uniform

  • Слайд 4

    Schools in England and America use their own marks: letters or percentage A – 90-100 -excellent , B – 80-89 – good, C – 70-79 – satisfactory, D – 60-69 bad, E – 0-59 poor. Marks

    Слайд 5

    In Britain at the end of each term school sends a report to parents. It has the pupil’s marks in all the subjects and the teacher’s comments on the pupil’s progress. In Russia: during the term the pupils keep a homework diary. At the end of each term the form teacher puts all the final marks there. And the parents should sign it.

    Слайд 7

    At the age of twelve Russian students go to the sixth form. In most English schools forms start only at the secondary school, at the age of eleven. So at the age of twelve British students go to the second form.

    Слайд 8

    Susan is 13. She goes to Earlham Comprehensive School. This is her timetable for Wednesday.

    The school day starts with assembly. All schools orgonise a short daily meeting for the whole schools to give important information and give some form or religious worship (богослужение)

    Слайд 9

    The five minutes between lessons is not a break. Pupils must use this time to move quickly to the next lesson. During the lunch hour pupils have time to do many things besides eating. They can also read in the library, participate in clubs or sport, and go home. Some children go to Sunday school – classes giving religious instruction to children, organised by churches on Sundays. ed by churches on Sundays.

    Слайд 10

    In British culture

    In British culture schools have names, such as Manchester School, Mary Hampden School, Abbey Road What about your country?

    Слайд 11

    At English schools children call the male teachers Mr and the female teachers Miss/Mrs with the surname. What about your country?

    Слайд 12

    What do you know about British schools?

    Mark the following statements true or false. School day starts with assembly. British pupils go to school on Saturday. There are schools only for boys and only for girls in Britain. Children of your age can go to a grammar school in England. A school year in Britain has four terms. The marking system in Britain is similar to that in Russia. Science includes chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics. сайт

    Посмотреть все слайды

    Schools in Britain

    Чеснокова Александра Викторовна,

    учитель английского языка,

    МБОУ СШ №135

    Красноярск 2017

    Schools in Britain

    Children in Britain start school when they are five and stay at school until they are sixteen or older.

    Дети в Британии начинают обучение в школе с 5 лет и обучаются там до 16 лет и старше.

    Schools in Britain

    Many children in Britain attend nursery school from age of about three, but these schools are not compulsory. Compulsory education begins at the age of five, when children go to primary school.

    Многие дети в Британии посещают детский сад с 3-х летнего возраста, но такие школы не обязательны. Обязательное образование начинается с 5-ти летнего возраста, когда дети идут в начальную школу.

    Schools in Britain

    Primary education lasts for six years. They attend the infant school from five to seven and then junior school until they are eleven. Then pupils go to secondary school.

    Начальное образование продолжается 6 лет. Дети посещают подготовительную школу с 5 до 7 лет, и затем младшую школу до исполнения 11 лет. Затем ученики идут в среднюю школу.

    Schools in Britain

    Children study 10 subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Physical Education and a Foreign Language.

    Дети изучают 10 учебных предметов: английский язык, математику, естественные науки, географию, историю, изобразительное искусство, музыку, физическую культуру.

    Schools in Britain

    Most secondary schools teach French and some schools offer Spanish, German, Italian and Russian. The first three are called “core” subjects. Pupils take examinations in the core subjects at the age 7, 11 and 14.

    В большинстве средних школ изучают французский язык, в некоторых школах предлагаются испанский, немецкий, итальянский и русский языки. Первые три языка называются основными (обязательными) предметами. Ученики сдают по ним обязательные экзамены в 7, 11 и 14 лет.

    Schools in Britain

    After five years of secondary education, pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education examination. Most pupils take examinations in all subjects.

    После 5-ти летнего среднего образования ученики получают документ об общем среднем образовании. Большинство учащихся сдают экзамены по всем предметам.

    Schools in Britain

    Compulsory education ends at sixteen. Some people choose to stay at secondary school for a further two years. Other people leave secondary school at sixteen and go to colleges or further education.

    Обязательное образование оканчивается в 16 лет. Некоторые ученики остаются в средней школе и продолжают дальнейшее обучение еще в течение двух лет. Другие оставляют среднюю школу в 16 лет и идут в колледжи и получают дальнейшее образование.

    Schools in Britain

    Higher education begins at eighteen and usually lasts for three or four years. Students go to universities, polytechnics or colleges of higher education.

    Высшее образование начинается с 18 лет и продолжается три или четыре года. Студенты учатся в университетах, институтах или колледжах, где получают высшее образование.

    Schools in Britain

    Some parents choose to send their children to private schools where they pay for their education.

    Некоторые родители отдают своих детей в частные школы, где платят за их обучение.

    Schools in Britain

    State education is free. More than 90% of Britain’s children attend state schools.

    Государственное образование бесплатное. Более 90% детей посещают государственные школы.

    Schools in Britain

    Age Type of school

    3 – 5 years nursery school

    5 – 7 years infant school

    7 – 11 years junior school

    11 – 16 years secondary school

    16 – 18 years high school

    Schools in Britain

    Answer the questions:

    When does compulsory education start in England?

    Compulsory education begins at the age of five, when

    children go to primary school.

    How long does primary education last?

    Primary education lasts six years.

    How long does secondary education last?

    Secondary education lasts five years.

    Which subjects do British children study at school?

    English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music,

    Physical Education and a Foreign Language.

    Which foreign languages are taught in British schools?

    French, Spanish, German, Italian and Russian.

    Is education in Britain free?

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