Are there any non-drinking students living in the dorms? Dorm life: pros and cons

Hello all students! Admission to a higher education institution for visiting students is an exciting process. And not only because everyone considers a passing grade, but also because the question of place of residence arises. Some students prefer rented housing, while those who cannot afford this option choose to live at the university. How to live in a hostel and what pitfalls can await us there?

At what age can you live in a “dorm”?

You can live in a student dormitory in accordance with the following requirements:

  • Be a student of this educational institution. Correspondence students can live in the dormitory temporarily (during the session).
  • Do not have your own housing in the city (be a newcomer).
  • At the age of 14 to 18 years, the transaction agreement is concluded with the written consent of the legal representative (parents or guardian).

How can a freshman learn to live in a dormitory?

I have never lived in a dormitory, but from the outside it always seemed to me that my classmates living in a dormitory were experiencing student life to the fullest and living a cool life. That life in the hostel is full of joy, unbridled fun and constant parties. All freshmen think so. However, in fact, a mature teenager faces some difficulties: living an independent life, conflicts, noisy neighbors, etc.

To learn how to live in a dorm, a student should learn about some unspoken rules:

A girl may face some problems while living in a hostel. I’ll tell you about the main difficulties and ways to solve them:

  • "Bad" neighbor. Yes, a lot depends on the people living in the same room with you. If you just can’t get along with your neighbor, then try to negotiate your move to another room. Usually such issues are resolved positively if your complaint is not built from scratch.
  • Negative rumors and gossip. It is difficult to hide something in a hostel. Any news spreads like lightning throughout the hostel. Negative gossip about girls is even faster. Therefore, watch your speech and think about your conversations with your girlfriends.
  • Don't be lazy to clean your room. Share responsibilities with other roommates and keep order.
  • Girls who cook deliciously and well literally become “objects of worship.” If you have culinary skills, don't be shy to show them off.

How to live in a dorm for a guy

In my personal opinion, the life of a guy in a hostel is somewhat easier than that of a girl. Basic principles of staying in a dorm for a guy:

  • Don't spread rumors about girls - it's at least ugly and doesn't add masculinity to you.
  • When gathering with friends in a dorm, remember that you are not alone and try not to disturb other residents with noisy parties.
  • It is better to resolve any conflicts peacefully. A fight can serve as a reason for expulsion from a college or university, as well as a reason for eviction from a student dormitory.
  • Despite the fact that cleaning in the usual sense is considered a woman's responsibility, you will be the one who cleans your room. Share household responsibilities with your neighbors and adhere to a given cleaning routine.

Pros and cons of living in a dorm

Living in a hostel has its pros and cons. The positive characteristics of “dorm” life include:

  • Complete independence and a tentative step into adulthood.
  • The opportunity to make true friends and meet senior students who are useful for studying.

The negative aspects of living in a hostel can be considered:

  • A random neighborhood that can be unfortunate.
  • Living together with strangers.
  • The noise from other guests is unavoidable.
  • The risk of becoming an object of gossip and rumors.
  • Rapid spread of infectious diseases.
  • Strict living conditions.

I'm afraid and don't want to live in a dorm, what should I do?

During the first time you live in a dorm, you will hear the phrase “I want to go home” from your neighbors. Perhaps you yourself will want to return to your usual way of life. After some time, you will appreciate all the benefits of a “free” life. If this does not happen, then there are several options left:

Good afternoon, let’s start with the fact that my life is unbearable, I’m dying mentally, I don’t want to live anymore. Something is eating me up from the inside, tears every day and suicidal thoughts. The only thing that stops me is the thought of my parents. I am an ordinary full-time student at a university, getting an absolutely meaningless specialty. I still don’t understand who I want to be in this life, I had thoughts about going to medical college, but I can’t leave the university. I live in a hostel, it’s simply unbearable here, I’m almost mentally broken. The hostel commandant hates me and constantly finds a reason to find fault and yell. I have absolutely no luck with neighbors. I can't live here anymore. I don’t want to come here after studying, I feel like a homeless person. I want to come to my room, where it is quiet and peaceful, where I can rest and relax. Mom offers to rent an apartment, I still feel sorry for the money, and so I’m sitting on my neck, and here I still have to pay so much money for the apartment. I am absolutely alone in a strange city, I don’t even have anyone to go to and take a break from this hell. Thanks for reading this. Suicidal thoughts do not leave me every day. I can't do this anymore
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Masha, age: 19 / 07.11.2015


Mashulechka, you feel sorry for the money, but you don’t feel sorry for your mother, imagine what will happen to her if you are not there! Masha, if you have the opportunity to rent an apartment, then rent it!!! Especially if the parents themselves offer it! Do not refuse help, now they support you and help you rise, and then you will get an education, work, begin to support your parents yourself and return to them what they invested in you in your youth! As for choosing a life path, you are not the only one who suffers from this, people often find themselves even at 40, few know exactly what they want from childhood. If the specialty is completely different, then maybe you should think about it and change everything dramatically, but if it’s close and you like it, but you’re afraid that you won’t get a job in it, then everything will be measured by the degree of your attraction to it. If you have at least some interest and don’t yet fully know what exactly you want to be, then maybe it’s worth finishing your studies, but no one is stopping you from graduating from medical college.

Violet, age: 32 / 07.11.2015

Hello Masha,

When you study at the university, sometimes the thought comes that you are studying for the wrong thing, since there is no practice, and as if you are doing it all according to the program, and not yourself... I had this too... why is the specialty pointless, it can give does it have a new meaning, think about it, and get carried away?
And if you can’t get carried away with your work in this specialty, why not leave the university? or move to another faculty, where you will like it from the inside? If you are drawn to medicine, then you will be drawn... one day you will go there... It’s better to set out on your path earlier...
Do you live in a dormitory? I was a little envious of those who lived in the hostel, it seemed to me that it was somehow different from home, different, like an adult. And you can communicate more often, and like one big family... There are, of course, some disadvantages...
Maybe such a philosophical reflection is happening to you, and am I there, or have I gone there, or am I teaching, or am I doing something... It can be like such self-reflection, and it is very useful to think about it sometimes... Or maybe you I’m overtired, then you need to have a good rest, give yourself the opportunity to relax, do what you want... Distract yourself... Psychologists can help well, that’s why they studied to be psychologists, to advise people in difficult life situations, to give a person such a confidential inner space , in which you can calmly think about everything... and be listened to about all the painful things.

Good luck to you!!

dasha, age: 48 / 11/07/2015

Hello, Masha! How about we talk to the deputy? Dean about your moving to another room? After all, if you are unlucky with your neighbors, this is a big problem, I know this, since I myself live in a hostel.

Don’t argue with the commandant, it’s better to just remain silent. Like “I’m guilty, I’ll correct myself.” Understand that sometimes it is better not to argue with people, but to show tact. They reproached you for something - don’t prove anything and don’t make excuses. Apologize, smile. It will be easier for you and more pleasant for the commandant.

Sun, learn, try! As they say, you need to study for the sake of learning. Brain crusts:) Read more, go to the cinema, to exhibitions. Develop yourself! In your free time, do what you like.
Give yourself at least a day of rest. Visit your parents, lie in the bathroom, eat something delicious. There will be friends. And the young man too. Just act natural and be sincere!

Everything will work out! God help you

Lo, age: 19/07/11/2015

Hello, Masha. The solution is simple - find a job. Or a part-time job. You can rent a room. You are an adult girl, you need to learn to solve difficulties and not think about suicide. Have pity on mommy. Good luck to you!

Irina, age: 27 / 07.11.2015

Good afternoon! Mashenka, there must be a way out? Don’t be upset. Maybe look for a room with a friend, because there are also elderly people who rent out rooms and will gladly accept you. Why do you need to rent an apartment? There are grandmothers who live alone and it will help them to retire and it will be easier for you than with such neighbors. Good luck!

Lily, age: 34 years / 11/07/2015

Hello, Mashenka! You and your parents need to urgently resolve this issue. I think that you should leave the hostel, your health is more important, and even more so your mental health. No study is worth such nerves! It will take you years to restore your damaged health and psyche. Do you and your parents need this? If you develop depression, you won’t get rid of it that easily, and then you’ll have to treat it. So don’t feel sorry for your parents’ money, it’s better to spend it now on a rented apartment, or you can rent a room in a two-room apartment with an adequate neighbor or grandmother, it will be cheaper. If I understand correctly, you would like to quit this specialty, but your parents do not allow it. I think you need to have an open conversation with your parents about this. Is this specialty really necessary and important to you in your life? Where will you work on it? Or is she just looking for a higher education certificate? (then why all the nerves and effort?) You want to go to medical college, have you talked to your mom about this? Have a heart-to-heart talk with your mom. Higher education is not a guarantee of happiness and prosperity in life. We must strive to enjoy the profession (at least more or less), this is one of the guarantees of mental health.
Another option, if you decide to stay at the university, transfer to the correspondence department. Or, while you don’t know who to be, quit university (or take an academic degree) and go to work. At the same time, you will think about where it is better to continue your studies. It seems to parents that this is a disaster, but in fact, a couple of years of interruption in studies means nothing compared to the rest of your life and health. Health and peace of mind are what is most valuable in life!
Be strong, Mashenka! Studying is a difficult period in the life of all students; some experience it hard, others find it easier. But all this passes, and it ends! And there will be many more good things in life! Also, you can change your profession throughout your life, so don’t despair. I advise you to show your request for help and responses to your parents, let them think about it.

Tanya T, age: 31 / 07.11.2015

Margarita, age: 32 / 07.11.2015

Mashenka, agree to rent an apartment, your health is more important. If you feel sorry for your mother’s money, go work part-time in your free time. A hostel is not a reason to take your own life. You are only 19 years old. University will end sooner or later and another, adult life will begin. Be patient a little.

Svetlana, age: 40 / 11/07/2015

Of course, the money issue is serious. but no amount of money is worth your personal peace of mind. If you don’t find the strength to overcome someone else’s opinion or forget about it, then move to an apartment. the new environment will give you the opportunity to reconsider everything, relax and give you freedom. Just look, you will gain strength and return to the dorm with a different character. When I moved out of my dorm (for other reasons), I didn’t regret it. I found another place where life was even better than among good friends!!!

Entire legends are made up about how students live in the dormitory. Surely every person, when mentioning this place of residence, has associations with fun, parties and strong friendships that are formed during these years, which are considered the best in life. And there is the lion’s share of truth in this, but it is worth delving into the topic and paying attention not only to the pros but also to the cons.


So, before talking about how students live in the hostel, we need to pay attention to some provisions that everyone will have to comply with. There is a Charter, and it sets out the basic rules of behavior. Not all of them are observed, but they exist.

For example, the commandant has the right to not allow students into the dormitory after 23:00. This rule is almost never observed, since young people most often reach an agreement with the “chief”, explaining the reasons.

It is strictly prohibited to appear in the hostel while intoxicated, as well as to sell alcohol on the hostel premises. The same goes for drugs. Smoking is prohibited in the room and corridors - there are strictly designated areas for this. Those still living in the hostel do not have the right to bring anyone to their place for the night - be it a “significant other” or a relative. As practice shows, there are also exceptions to this rule.

And finally, young people must pay their room rent regularly. In some cases, a subsidy is provided to a student living in a dormitory. In these cases, there should be no problems with payment. Delay is unacceptable - otherwise you will face eviction. And one more thing: before moving in, the student must check out of home and temporarily register at the place of residence - in the dormitory.

Social aspect

Typically, two to four people live in one room. And the most important thing for every student is to get used to their new neighbors. It happens that school graduates who are friends enter the same university, and then write an application to the dormitory with a request to accommodate them together. Some meet in advance on social networks. But most often people who are complete strangers move into the room. What is it like for a student to live in a dormitory if he finds himself in the same room with a stranger? It's easy if he's social. Otherwise it will be difficult. Individuals who are too demanding of others will have a very difficult time. Absolutely everything will irritate them. And they, in turn, will begin to get on the nerves of their neighbors. The result is hostility. But it is impossible to live, study and relax in such conditions.


When talking about how students live in a dormitory, it is worth noting the advantages. First of all, no one will have to go hungry. One student will bring food from home after the weekend. The second one will buy something additional. And the third one will prepare the dish. The fourth will figure out how to get out if there is absolutely nothing to eat. Living together is easy!

Preparing for the session is also easier. The most important thing here is to get ready to study. Otherwise, everyone knows how students live in the dormitory. We gathered to prepare tickets - but in the end it all ended in a party. It's really easier to learn together. You can solve a complex problem together, and if the guys have different specialties and faculties, then sooner or later they will help each other out, since universities teach related or general education subjects, in which someone will definitely think better than their neighbors.


When talking about how to live in a hostel as a student, girl or guy, it is worth talking about some pitfalls, the most important of which is very weak wiring. What does it mean? The fact that you will have to forget about operating powerful electrical appliances. About a heater, for example, a “wind blower”, a kettle and even a boiler. Some use them, but after closing the door to the room or block - because at any time the commandant has the right to come with an inspection. And so, while he (s) is knocking, he will have time to hide everything. But in some dormitories everything is too strict - right down to opening closets and mezzanines.

Another “stone” is the shower. Those who love cleanliness will have a hard time. It’s good if the hostel has a block system. In such places, one bathroom is designed for 7-8 people. And if not, then you will have to get used to queuing for the public shower. How many students live in dormitories? In some, their number is in the hundreds. But in these, as a rule, there is at least a sanitary block per floor.

And one more catch can await students. This is the need to make repairs: repaint the floors, doors and windows, seal the ceiling... True, this is not the case in all dormitories, but this practice still takes place.


Students who cannot live without communication and parties see rainbow pictures before moving in. Or those who want to finally make friends.

Parties and celebrations naturally take place. After all, the hostel is the epicenter of youth communication. You just need to do everything carefully. Or, at a minimum, negotiate with the commandant to avoid problems. Because for carousing they may well get evicted.

But how can you have fun if one of your close friends doesn’t live in the dorm? After all, as mentioned above, it is forbidden to bring someone to your home. That's right. But we are talking about students - the most resourceful people in the world. Some people take other people’s passes and stick a photo of the person they need on them. Risky guys sneak through the window through the drainpipe. Or even on a rope! Owners of “convenient” windows with visors even have price tags for passage through their room. And the lawless people even turn on the alarm using the smoke from a match, and when the watchman tries to “silence” it, the guests pass through. But we must not forget about the consequences.


This topic also needs to be addressed with attention, talking about how to live in a hostel, there are very different ones, but the main rule that everyone should learn is this: everyone should be an exemplary student. Even if not a single party is complete without it.

We need to clean the room and block. Do wet cleaning, wash floors, change bed linen, take out trash, clean the bathroom. You shouldn't clutter your room with unnecessary things either. There is a possibility of receiving complaints from the commandant.

Participation in community cleanups is also mandatory, since the territory of the hostel is the department of each of its residents. The same goes for the shared kitchen and hallways. If the stove, table or floor gets dirty while cooking, everything must be cleaned. And ventilate.

Is the hostel good?

Everyone has their own answer to this question. Overall, most people like it. Many people feel comfortable here. The guys have pleasant memories, funny and crazy stories associated with the hostel. Many people find real close friends and like-minded people here. Others meet their “soul mate.” They will also learn the meaning of such concepts as mutual assistance, respect and support. They learn to live independently and resolve conflicts not related to the family. A hostel is not only a place with low prices for accommodation. This is a whole community, a school of life for absolutely all children. Everyone will learn some useful lesson while in the hostel and gain useful skills.

Where to go otherwise?

Finally, a few words about where a student can live if there is no dormitory. And this happens. Some universities, technical schools and colleges do not have them. And sometimes it’s just very difficult to get into the hostel - depending on your luck. Others are simply not used to such an environment and decide to move out. Well, in this case, there is only one option - a rented apartment. Fortunately, there are many options today. You can find budget ones, even when it comes to living in large cities, where prices are usually high. By the way, rented apartments often become mini-dormitories. Just a few classmates or friends decide to move in together and split the rent. This is also a good way out of the situation. And certain charms of the hostel are preserved - such as communication, mutual assistance and fun. Plus there is no commandant - no one will stop you from having fun. In general, here, to each his own.

And move? This is one of the main tasks that parents face after enrolling their child in the first year. There are several ways out: some rent an apartment near the institute, others are forced to continue living under their parents’ wing.

“For” moving to a hostel


Whether he wants it or not, after moving to a dorm, the student begins to solve any problems himself: he decides what he will eat, wear, how to wash, clean and iron. The important thing is that being in the same room or block, everyone learns to interact with each other, agree on what to cook and who will clean up today. Moving provides an opportunity to express yourself and learn to be responsible.


This process begins in the child in kindergarten, but does not end during the student period. Not quite children anymore learn to find a common language with other people, to be responsible for their actions, to communicate with adults (dean, teachers), to solve their personal (and not really) problems.

The main thing is for the freshman to understand that there is no place to wait for help, he must make his own way to a bright future.

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If during school years parents resolved many issues, negotiated and dealt with organizational issues, now everything is different. The student must make decisions himself, manage time in order to complete assignments in all subjects, and also look for ways to develop and self-improvement.

If you haven’t completed an assignment, received a bad grade, or haven’t received admission to the session, you need to find a way out, take a “tail”, and negotiate with the teacher about a retake.

Growing up

A university is a place where you can not only get an education, but also acquire various skills. Learn to be independent, submit coursework, tests, essays, tests and exams on time, find out in which classroom a lecture or seminar is being held, and much more.

“Against” moving to a dorm

Smoking and alcoholic drinks

According to statistics, most first-year students start smoking or simply try it at the moment they enroll in university. Have no doubt: all this is prohibited within the walls of the hostel and is even punishable by eviction! But this does not stop young and energetic people who have just escaped from parental control. The moment of onset is not as terrible as the appearance of the first signs of addiction.

The loss of a scholarship, the commandant’s and janitor’s ignorance of student fun does not mean that this does not exist. Students are very resourceful, they sneak alcohol into the room where they can also smoke.

Sanitary standards, lack of comfort

This is not about personal reluctance to clean and keep everything clean, but about the conditions that the university provides. If peace and order reign in the hostels of the USA and European countries, then in the countries of the former CIS this is very rare. The cramped space, the lack of cosmetic repairs, a shared toilet, the only shower on the floor - all this makes you wonder whether you need to move to a dorm?

Many people have watched enough sensational TV series about life in a hostel and think that the conditions there are better than in their apartment, but this is far from the case. The creators of the series work for a beautiful picture and your imagination, so be prepared for the worst.

Character difference

Admission to a higher educational institution is voluntary, and a cultural exam has not yet been invented. That is why the absolute opposite of you can live in the room. Lack of modesty, tact, tolerance and banal respect is found not only among beginners, but even among fifth-year students. It follows from this that students who have already moved into the dorm can often significantly spoil the life of a freshman.

It turns out that the negative aspects somewhat offset the positive aspects of moving to a dorm. But, having passed them, the student becomes more mature, smarter and more independent.

And if he doesn’t become smarter and more mature, then student service comes to the rescue, whose specialists, although they won’t solve all your problems, will make a significant contribution.

There is an opinion that anyone who did not live in a dormitory was not a student. And there is some truth in this, because it is student life in a dormitory that provides the opportunity, so to speak, to taste all the charm of the first experience of independent life.

But in order for these years to be remembered with warmth, you need to learn to live according to the laws of the community. Moreover, there is nothing complicated about them.

Dormitory mode and student

First, you need to remember the main thing: a hostel is a place where many different inexperienced young people live together at the same time. The rules and regulations of life in the hostel are not restrictions on freedom, but help organize living comfortably for everyone.

Student life in the dormitory assumes that the student will not:

  1. From 23.00 to 7.00 break the silence. You are also not allowed to return to the hostel later than 23.00 and keep guests after this time.
  2. Use devices for additional heating of the room.
  3. Carry out unauthorized redevelopment of the room in which you live, or move from room to room.
  4. Keep flammable and prohibited items in your possession, as well as store your personal belongings in public places.
  5. In addition, the student is obliged to carefully maintain the dormitory equipment and maintain cleanliness, and, of course, pay for accommodation and utilities on time.

But in addition to all the annoying responsibilities, student life in the hostel also provides a number of rights that protect the interests of the student. Namely:

  1. Demand replacement of equipment, bed linen and furniture that has become unusable
  2. Use the toilet, shower and other special rooms, as well as the provided equipment.
  3. Participate in decision-making that concerns the public life of the hostel, and have the opportunity to be elected to the management council.
  4. Upon moving in, the administration issues the student a warrant for a free space of at least 6 square meters, which remains with him for the entire period of study.
  5. And yet, the student should not, at his own expense, carry out routine repairs of those dormitory premises in which he does not directly live.

Relationships with hostel administration and roommates

Relationships cannot be built following any rules. Rather, we are talking about the unwritten laws of student life in the hostel. And here you should remember that under no circumstances should you spoil your relationship with the commandant. You just have to take it for granted that he is the boss in the dorm. And demonstrating your temper or disobedience is simply unacceptable.

It is also worth making friends with the watchmen - curious old grandmothers with an appraising look from head to toe. Friendship with them will come in handy when one day you have to return to the dorm after 23.00.

As for your neighbors, you don’t need to conflict, but be able to negotiate. There are no ideal people, and everyone has their own shortcomings. By initially stipulating the terms of cohabitation, you can avoid many problems in the future. They can even be documented (written down on paper and signed) – it’s a matter of minutes, and in the event of a conflict situation it can be very useful.

To avoid open confrontation, problems need to be resolved at the initial stage. And for this you don’t need to be afraid and endure. All your displeasures and claims, if, of course, they are justified and this is not a whim, you need to declare openly.

The following should be kept in mind about the kitchen, shower, washbasins and toilet: they are shared and everyone has the right to use them. And if everyone uses them, then everyone is obliged to keep them clean and tidy. And for this it is better to organize a duty or use the principle of subbotniks.

About independence

Yes, living in a hostel is a challenge to yourself. You can't be childish. However, you will immediately understand this yourself. You will have to learn to solve all everyday problems, even such unexpected ones as, for example, covering the ceiling with ceiling tiles or insulating windows for the winter. Yes, the most basic thing is cooking. Admit it, you don’t cook everything at home, do you? In the hostel - you have to!

Knowing the rules and laws of the hostel, you can make life much easier for yourself and those around you. Then your student years will definitely be remembered as the best.

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