Dagestan fairy tales for children about azhdakh. Dagestan fairy tale

The fairy tale is one of the most popular and widespread genres in the folklore of the peoples of Dagestan. Having emerged later than the myth, the fairy tale reflected a new stage in the development of folk poetry. In the process of long historical development the fairy tale has found its stable traditional form and content, special poetic devices and a special fairy-tale style developed over the centuries.

According to a senior researcher at the folklore department of the Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Dagestan scientific center RAS, candidate philological sciences Fatima Aliyeva, in a wide variety of Dagestan fairy tales such eternal themes in art as the struggle between good and evil, the search for happiness, and the triumph of justice were vividly reflected. “They are imbued with the ideas of humanism, goodness, the desire for better life. Fairy-tale images affirm healthy moral qualities, love for the land, for man, instills in people a moral and aesthetic ideal, and this is their enduring value and significance,” says Aliyeva.

Animal Tales

The specificity of a fairy tale about animals lies in its special system of images, poetic techniques and means. Transferring human properties to animals, their living colloquial speech in fairy tales they create a special atmosphere of emotional mood, psychological tension, poeticize what is familiar to a person the world around us. Showing animals in specific life situations, relationships and conflicts, fairy tales explain the essence of many vital important phenomena, contribute to the disclosure of their cause-and-effect relationship. Exactly this cognitive essence fairy tales about animals makes them especially accessible to children’s perception, to influence the child’s psyche and consciousness.

Fairy tale

The world of Dagestan fairy tales is truly rich and diverse. All sorts of fantastic objects and phenomena appear here. These are wonderful rings, scarves, sticks, apples, stones, magic feathers, hair, needles, trees and more, many of which have a specific character that determines national characteristics peoples of Dagestan. In fairy tales, the motif of turning into stone is widespread. The hero has only to touch a stone or rock, and miraculous transformations occur: the rock moves away, or the hero himself turns into stone. Various forms of magical influences are especially common: as soon as a hero throws a tuft of hair or wool, mountains, gorges, rivers, etc. immediately appear. The forms of magical effects of words and water are also common in fairy tales. Enough to say the right word how all sorts of wonderful transformations instantly occur, and after drinking water or eating an apple, the hero is instantly transformed, turning into a bird, an animal, a hero, etc.

Often the heroes of fairy tales enter into a fight with fantastic characters - devas, dragons, azhdakhs. Sometimes this struggle is long-lasting, but most often the hero easily defeats his opponents. Heroes of fairy tales also fight khans, shamkhals, and kings. Showing exceptional strength, courage and wisdom, they conquer happy life. Such are the tales about the seducing khan, who, by cunning and deceit, tries to take away his beautiful wife or bride from a young man; about a khan who offends an innocent hero, gives him difficult assignments, but is defeated; about three brothers, the youngest of whom accomplishes feats and achieves all good things, and many others.

Household satirical tales

In the everyday satirical tales of the peoples of Dagestan, the people’s dream of intelligent people is uniquely expressed. social relations. They created a generalized image of a people's fighter - a spokesman for the interests of the working people. Heroes everyday tales- seekers of happiness and social justice, they embody best features character of his people. In many everyday fairy tales, heroes use cunning, deception, skillful theft, and fooling to deal with representatives of the ruling classes. The main character of everyday fairy tales of the peoples of Dagestan concentrates those qualities that, moving from fairy tale to fairy tale, create a generalized image of a people's fighter expressing the interests of the working people. These are fabulous heroes from fairy tales, and heroes of social and everyday fairy tales - fighters for truth and justice, and brave, courageous women who enter into single combat with representatives of those in power, and modest and hardworking girls dreaming of a better life. Such heroes embody the best character traits of their people.

In the system of fairy-tale images of everyday tales, the images of wise girls especially stand out. These are the heroines of the Avar fairy tale “The Lame Leg”, the Kumyk fairy tale “Peymakhanum”, who with her cunning answers baffles the foreman and helps people get out of trouble, the shepherd’s daughter from the Lak fairy tale who restored justice, the heroines of the Dargin fairy tales “Kadi and the Old Woman”, “The Wise girl”, who won the Khan’s dispute, and many others. They are able to come out of it with dignity. difficult situation, protect their honor and the honor of their family, endowed with charm and inner beauty.

Humorous tales

In the repertoire of Dagestan everyday tales greatest distribution received humorous tales that are closely related to the tradition of laughter culture, the genesis and roots of which go back to ancient rites, magical acts and rituals. The life and way of life of the mountaineers in all their diverse manifestations has long been nutrient medium for the emergence of various jokes, ridicule, witty expressions. They suggested plots, situations, conflicts, which in the process of long existence acquired poetic forms, formed into fairy tales and anecdotes. Many of them have a family theme, built on relationships in everyday life and family, husband and wife, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, etc.

Fairy tales with such humorous characters as Chaltuk Khan among the Kubachi people, Nakrikutsul among the Urakhins, Kulbay among the Kumyks, Zallal Kishi among the Laks, Kas-Buba among the Lezgins, Dzhiyrenshi among the Nogais and many others are imbued with elements of national specificity. They are completely replete with comic situations and episodes, contain elements of local color, customs of the people and are often associated with the very occupation of the people inhabiting a particular locality, region, village.

Dagestan fairy tales are works high culture folk thinking, richest source folk wisdom and talent. They will captivate us for a long time with their amazing and endless beautiful world fiction and imagination, opening up the light into a life of goodness, justice and happiness.

Three people, having formed, did business together. They set out to trade together and stayed with an old woman in one village. They gave all their money to this woman and ordered her to return it only to all three. Then they went to the river to wash their heads, but forgot the comb. Then they instructed one of their company: - Go to the woman and [...]


Greedy fool

One greedy fool lived or did not live in the world. This man was unhappy with his fate. He decided to look for happiness and went to where it was distributed to people. Having arrived there, the man began to ask for happiness, and they told him: “In such and such a place, in the khan’s field, on a plot of one tithe, bread will never be born.” Go dig this field and you will find your […]

Published in: Dagestan fairy tales Tagged: 29 Mar

Intelligence and happiness

One day, Mind and Happiness argued. Happiness says: - I am stronger! And the Mind objects: - No, I. Finally, Happiness said: “So we will never decide who is stronger.” Let me show you my strength. At this point they parted. Who should I tell you about? I'll tell you about the poor bald guy. This rocker was a servant in the king's house. He received at least two […]

Published in: Dagestan fairy tales Tagged: 29 Mar

Khan and the tailor

There lived a khan in one country. He was known among the people as very smart, but strange man. One day he ordered to call all the tailors living in the city and told them: “Each of you must sew a dress for me in one day.” At night, the khan, leaving the house, began to eavesdrop on what the tailors were saying about him. Stopping under the window of a tailor, the khan heard the tailor […]

Published in: Dagestan fairy tales Tagged: 29 Mar

Wise Shepherd's Daughter

One shepherd had a smart and beautiful daughter. And one king had three nukers. The king wanted to disgrace his nukers. So he ordered them to go to the clearing, cut it out and return. The nukers came to the clearing, but they didn’t know what to do. The shepherd's daughter approached them and asked what they were doing here. - Yes, he told us [...]

Published in: Dagestan fairy tales Tagged: 29 Mar


Whether it was or not, there lived a shepherd named Tsitsali. And he had a wife. One day a man died in the city. The women were to gather in the house of the deceased. It so happened that the shepherd's wife arrived before everyone else. There was no one in the room, and she sat down near the fireplace. After some time, the rich man's wife came and, pushing aside the shepherd's wife, she sat down near the hearth. […]

Published in: Dagestan fairy tales Tagged: 17 Mar

The Hunter's Son and the Talking Hare

Once upon a time there lived a poor hunter with his wife and son. One day a hunter saw a hare, took aim at it and was about to shoot, when suddenly the hare spoke in a human voice: “Don’t kill me, hunter!” Maybe I can help you someday. The hunter spared the hare, brought it home and gave it to his son. He was very happy and played with the hare all day long. And a few days later […]

Published in: Dagestan fairy tales Tagged: 15 Mar


One man did not have children for a long time. Finally, his wife gave birth to a son, and such a one that he looked exactly like an adult. The delighted father threw a feast, and after the feast the boy suddenly spoke: “Father, I’m already big.” Let me mount a horse and tend your flocks. “What are you talking about,” the father objected, “you’re still a child!” But boy […]

Published in: Dagestan fairy tales Tagged: 11 Mar

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan

MKOU "Novosasitlinskaya secondary school" of Khasavyurt district

Student Research and Project Competition

in general educational organizations and pupils of preschool educational organizations of the Republic of Dagestan

“Science feeds young men”

Item: Russian literature.

Direction: "Culture"

Research work on the topic:

Completed: 5th grade student

MKOU "Novosasitlinskaya Secondary School"

Sapigulayeva Jamilya Magdievna

Novosasitli village, Khasavyurt district


Isaeva Aishat Magomedovna

teacher primary classes

MKOU "Novosasitlinskaya Secondary School"


Abstract for a research paper.

Subject research work: "Dagestan folk tales»

MKOU "Novosasitlinskaya secondary school" in the village of Novosasitli, Khasavyurt district

In this work, I explored what Russian and Dagestan fairy tales have in common; I saw that all fairy tales tell about the struggle between good and evil. Fairy tale characters of course different nations their own, but they have one thing in common: they show us an example of how not to behave. As the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin said, “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!” A lesson to good fellows..."

I presented my work in class literary reading, on extracurricular activities. The desire to learn more about folk tales was another reason for choosing this research topic. I talked about what I learned new to my classmates.

During my research work, I noticed some similarities between Russian and Dagestan folk tales. I concluded that good always triumphs over evil.

Some fairy-tale heroes make me feel antipathetic.

I define such heroes by their negative qualities and actions.

I also dislike the appearance of such heroes.

Therefore, there is no need to try to be like such heroes.


1. The concept of a fairy tale, types of fairy tales

2. Analysis of the fairy tales under study

3. Comparison of the fairy tales under study




“A fairy tale is a great spiritual culture of the people,

which we collect bit by bit,

and through a fairy tale it is revealed to us thousand-year history people."

A.N. Tolstoy


I, Sapigulaeva Jamilya, a student of 5th grade and my nickname is “Storyteller” . I really love not only reading, but also composing, and also telling the children various interesting fairy tales. I like it when kids listen to me with great interest. I often go to visit junior classes. The kids in my class who study with me also love fairy tales.

So I set a goal for myself to learn a lot of interesting things from the fairy tales of other nationalities of Dagestan and Russia and to share my findings with my classmates.

Purpose of my research – find out whether good always triumphs over evil using the example of folk tales.

Research objectives :

    Find out what a fairy tale is.

    Explore fairy tales different types and compare them.

    Identify the main ideas of fairy tales.

It can be assumed that the general main idea of ​​fairy tales is the victory of good over evil.

Research methods:

    reading fairy tales,

    studying literature on the topic,

    comparative analysis of fairy tales.

Previously, our parents and teachers read fairy tales to us, but now we have learned to read them ourselves. It seems to me that in every fairy tale you can get acquainted with folk wisdom, folk tradition. Each fairy tale has a lot of life moments. There is always a struggle between good and evil, justice and dishonesty. But I noticed that only the good and the just always win. I believe that this should be the case in life.

Many ancient traditions of my Dagestan people laid down in Dagestan and Russian folk tales. And in Dagestan, I heard, there are 44 nationalities, and that means fairy tales of the peoples of Dagestan are written in so many languages. And each fairy tale is fraught with its own traditions, its own adats, its own parables. No wonder they say: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows.” . I believe that every fairy tale teaches us something. You just need to take a closer look and listen to her.

When I read fairy tales, I plunge into magical world, and sometimes I feel joy and sometimes sadness for the heroes of my favorite fairy tales. Sometimes, at our request, our literature teacher Patimat Toralovna at the end of the lesson or at class hour reads us fairy tales. She once said that Russian and Dagestan fairy tales are one of the most popular and beloved genres of folklore, because they not only have an entertaining plot, not only amazing characters, but in every fairy tale there is a feeling of true poetry that opens up the world to us human feelings and relationships, affirms kindness and justice, introduces to culture, to wise folk experience, to native language. And I completely agree with her.

I assume that studying fairy tales will help me better understand the historical past, culture, traditions of my people, and will instill in me pride and respect for our ancestors. I read 40 Avar, 6 Kumyk, 10 Lak, 5 Dargin and a lot of Russian folk tales. Yes, now it’s not a problem to find fairy tales. A lot of e-books. The main thing is that there is a desire to read them.

    Main part.

    Fairy tale concept

A fairy tale is one of the main types of folk oral storytelling with fantastic fiction.

The fairy tale appeared many centuries ago, when people did not yet know how to read and write. She lives in oral performance and in books, she is loved by children and adults. When we pronounce the word “fairy tale”, “fabulous”, a special, beautiful and mysterious world, living according to its unusual fairy-tale laws, a world where extraordinary fantastic heroes act, where light, goodness, truth conquer darkness, evil and lies. The tale is listened to, told and read in all corners globe. A fairy tale helps you grow up, become wise and find answers to questions that concern people living on earth: what is happiness, how to survive misfortune and grief, where do you get the strength to overcome adversity, is it possible to live with lies in the world, is it stronger than the truth, where do they come from? evil forces and how to deal with them.

Types of fairy tales

I learned from what I read that fairy tales are divided according to the plot into tales about animals, magic, everyday life, cumulative , annoying and humorous. Fairy tales can also be divided into folk and literary. Folk tales, in turn, are divided into Russian, Dagestan folk and fairy tales of the peoples of the world, and literary (or author's) tales are divided into fairy tales of Russian, Dagestan writers and foreign writers.

    Analysis of the fairy tales under study

Every nation has created many wonderful and interesting fairy tales. For the study, we took three Russian folk tales and three tales of the peoples of Dagestan. After reading fairy tales, you can identify the positive and negative character traits of the main characters of each fairy tale and its main thoughts.

Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka

(Russian folk tale)

Main characters:

Sister Alyonushka, brother Ivanushka, merchant, witch.

Positive traits:

kindness, ability to help, courage, courage, love for family

Negative traits:

Disobedience, anger, deceit.

Main ideas of the tale:

Listen to your elders, do not offend anyone, friends will help you resist evil, good always triumphs over evil.

Geese - swans

(Russian folk tale)

Main characters: girl, brother, baba yaga, geese swans

Positive features:

courage, bravery, intelligence, resourcefulness.

Negative features:

deceit, villainy.

Main ideas of the tale: we must believe that good always triumphs over evil.

Avar folk tale

"How a Poor Man Gave Up Wealth"

Main characters: poor man and village residents

Positive features: tolerance, sedateness,

Negative features:

Greed, greed, stinginess, envy.

Main ideas of the tale:

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

We are responsible for everything purchased.

Avar folk tale

"Wolf, Bear and Fox"

Main characters: wolf, fox, bear

Positive features: friendship, friends trust each other.

Negative features: lies, greed, deceit and hypocrisy

Main ideas of the tale: You can't deceive your friends. Friends need help.

Comparison of the fairy tales studied

Most nationalities have many fairy tales that are similar in theme, plot, and images. All fairy tales are filled with numerous details of the life of the people, the land where the fairy tale lives.

After reading the selected fairy tales, I compared their main thoughts and character traits of the heroes. I think that it is not necessary to be the strongest, the smartest. You must be brave, hardworking, reasonable, kind, resourceful and, most importantly, not leave your comrades in trouble, help those who are weaker than you, and be able to stand up for yourself. And through almost all fairy tales the idea of ​​the triumph of truth and justice is conveyed. Often goodies become winners in the fight, and negative heroes are punished. For example:

Three wise advice

TOonce upon a time a king decided to build big city. To do this, he ordered to gather all the masons and carpenters who lived in his country. Among them was a young mason who had to go build a city the very next day after his wedding. The city took twelve years to build...

By being stingy, you cannot save; by being greedy, you will not accumulate

RThey say that there is no time in Azaini Two widows lived next door. One was a young, powerful woman, full of strength and health. The other is a decrepit old woman.

Every week both neighbors went to the forest together to get firewood. The young woman usually picked up a huge, heavy bundle of firewood, but the old woman could carry on her back only as much firewood as her weak strength could handle.

Stone Boy (Dagestan Tale)

Mothers of Dagestan, if you want your children to grow up as real mountaineers and mountain women, patriots of their land, do not forget to also read our folk tales to them. In Dagestan they will no longer see those qualities that they constantly hear about, so let them at least know how it was before...

If we consider the plots and images of fairy tales of the peoples of Dagestan, then the first thing we learn is that the fairy tale arose later than the myth and reflected a new stage in the development of folk poetry.

In the process of long historical development, the fairy tale acquired its stable traditional form and content, special poetic techniques and a special fairy tale style developed over the centuries.

According to Fatima Aliyeva, candidate of philological sciences, such eternal themes in art as the struggle between good and evil, the search for happiness, and the triumph of justice are clearly reflected in the wide variety of Dagestan fairy tales. “They are imbued with the ideas of humanism, kindness, and the desire for a better life. Fairy-tale images affirm healthy moral qualities, love for the earth, for man, and educate people in a moral and aesthetic ideal, and this is their enduring value and significance.”

I read fairy tales about animals and concluded that the object of the fairy tale was not only humans, but also all living things on the planet. By depicting animals, the fairy tale gives them human traits, but at the same time it records and characterizes their habits and “way of life.”

Man has long felt a kinship with nature; he truly was a part of it, fighting with it, seeking its protection, sympathizing and understanding.

By depicting animals, the fairy tale gives them human traits, but at the same time it records and characterizes their habits and “way of life.” In fairy tales about animals, fish, animals, birds act, they talk to each other, declare war on each other, make peace. The basis of such tales is the belief in the totemic beast, the patron of the clan, which resulted in the cult of the animal.

The further the belief in this goes, the more confident a person becomes in his abilities, the more possible is his power over the animal, the “victory” over him. This happens, for example, in the fairy tales “The Man and the Bear” and “The Bear, the Dog and the Cat.” Leading place In fairy tales about animals, comic tales are occupied - about the antics of animals (“Wolf, Fox and Dog”, “Wolf, Bear and Fox”, etc.), which influence other fairy-tale genres of animal epics . For example, such tales as:

Bird Kuklukhai (Dargin fairy tale)

WITHThere was a tree in the field, there was a hollow in the tree, in the hollow there was a nest, in the nest there were three chicks, and with them their mother, the Kuklukhai bird. One day the Khan-Wolf was running through a field, saw Kukla-hai with her children and growled: This is my field, in the field is my tree, in the tree is my hollow, in the hollow...

Fox and wolf

ABOUTOne day a fox wandered through the mountains and found some old

book. The fox sat down under a tree and began to read it. I ran

A wolf passed by, saw a fox and asked:...

Snake and fox

ZMeya and the fox were considered friends, but they themselves only thought about how to destroy each other.

One day the snake says to the fox:

- People go to worship holy places in Mecca, let's go there too.

The fox agreed and they went to Mecca. We walked at night, walked during the day and reached the seashore........


ABOUTOne day a bear, a fox, a boar, a hare, a jackal, a wolf and a rooster decided to live together.

The bear became March, the boar became an elder, the wolf became a hunter, the jackal became a chavush, the hare became a shepherd, and the rooster became a mullah. Only one fox was left idle......

Wolf, bear and fox

ANDor wolf, bear and fox. One day they all went together to get some prey.

The bear and the fox sat on guard, and the wolf crawled up to the flock and stole one of the lambs. With this booty they returned to their cave…….

Fox and crane

LIsa and the crane became friends, even had sex with him in someone’s homeland.

So one day the fox decided to treat the crane and went to invite him to visit her.

Come, kumanek, come, dear! How can I treat you!

How the fox sewed a fur coat for the wolf

AND wolf child in the forest. He sees a woodpecker hammering a tree; he says to him: Here you are, woodpecker, hammering and hammering, working and working, but you can’t build a hut in your lifetime!

And the woodpecker says to the wolf: And you, wolf, keep cutting and cutting livestock, but you won’t be able to sew a casing in your lifetime! The wolf thought that the woodpecker was telling him the right thing. The wolf comes to the fox and says to her: Fox, sew me a fur coat. …..

Besides fairy tales about animals, my favorite things are fairy tales. The world of Dagestan fairy tales is truly rich and diverse.

All sorts of fantastic objects and phenomena appear here. These are wonderful rings, scarves, sticks, apples, stones, magic feathers, hair, needles, trees and more, many of which are of a specific nature that determine the national characteristics of the peoples of Dagestan. In fairy tales, the motif of turning into stone is widespread. The hero has only to touch a stone or rock, and miraculous transformations occur: the rock moves away, or the hero himself turns into stone. Various forms of magical influences are especially common: as soon as a hero throws a tuft of hair or wool, mountains, gorges, rivers, etc. immediately appear. The forms of magical effects of words and water are also common in fairy tales. It is enough to say the right word, and all sorts of wonderful transformations instantly occur, and after drinking water or eating an apple, the hero is instantly transformed, turning into a bird, an animal, a hero, etc.

Often the heroes of fairy tales come into conflict with fantastic characters - devas , dragons, azhdahs . Sometimes this struggle is long-lasting, but most often the hero easily defeats his opponents. Heroes of fairy tales also fight khans, shamkhals, and kings. By demonstrating exceptional strength, courage and wisdom, they win a happy life for themselves. Such are the tales about the seducing khan, who, by cunning and deceit, tries to take away his beautiful wife or bride from a young man; about a khan who offends an innocent hero, gives him difficult assignments, but is defeated; about three brothers, the youngest of whom accomplishes feats and achieves all good things, and many others. When you read these fairy tales it is so mysterious, it takes your breath away. For example:

Fairy tales


MWe will tell you about what a glutton Zulum-Maghoma was.

One day, hungry, he returned home and said to his mother:

- Mother, give me some bread......

Miracle-born hero

TOOnce upon a time there lived a husband and wife. They owned great wealth, but they had no children. One day, when the husband and wife were sadly sitting at home, one poor old woman came to them………

Noseless Horseman

INdistant land, in unknown city, V time immemorial whether the young man and the girl lived or did not live. This young man was in love with a girl, and she did not despise him either. One day they happened to meet at someone’s wedding......


ANDthere was one poor young man. He had neither father nor mother, but he was left with his father nice house. One day, when the young man was having fun with archery, he saw three pigeons on a tree…….

About three brothers.

ANDThere lived in this world one rich old man, and he had three sons. They grew up and started farming, but their father became decrepit and blind. So he says to his sons: Go to a place where I have never been in my life, and bring me leaves from there......

Sea girl

ANDJahan Shah lived or did not live, and he had three sons.

One day, when Jahan Shah was walking along the seashore, a girl of extraordinary beauty appeared from the water, waved her hand to him and disappeared into the waves...

The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess

INin a certain kingdom, far away - in the thirtieth kingdom there lived a strong man, mighty king. That king had a great archer, and the good archer had a heroic horse.

Once the archer rode on his heroic horse into the forest to hunt; He was traveling along a wide road, and he ran into the golden feather of a firebird: the feather glows like fire!......

Magic ring

INIn a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had a son, Martynka. All his life the old man hunted, killed animals and birds, and thus fed himself and fed his family.

The time came - the old man fell ill and died; Martynka stayed with his mother, they strained and cried, but there was nothing to do: you can’t bring a dead person back. ……….

White duck

ABOUTone prince married a beautiful princess and did not have time to look at her enough, did not have time to talk to her, did not have time to listen to her enough, and they had to part with him, he had to go to long journey, leaving your wife in someone else's arms. What to do! They say you can’t sit for a century hugging each other…….

But it turns out that there are everyday satirical tales.

In the everyday satirical tales of the peoples of Dagestan, the people’s dream of reasonable social relations is uniquely expressed. They created a generalized image of a people's fighter - a spokesman for the interests of the working people. The heroes of everyday fairy tales are seekers of happiness and social justice; they embody the best character traits of their people. In many everyday fairy tales, heroes use cunning, deception, skillful theft, and fooling to deal with representatives of the ruling classes. The main character of everyday fairy tales of the peoples of Dagestan concentrates those qualities that, moving from fairy tale to fairy tale, create a generalized image of a people's fighter expressing the interests of the working people. These are fabulous heroes from fairy tales, and heroes of social and everyday fairy tales - fighters for truth and justice, and brave, courageous women who enter into single combat with representatives of those in power, and modest and hardworking girls dreaming of a better life. Such heroes embody the best character traits of their people.

In the system of fairy-tale images of everyday tales, the images of wise girls especially stand out. These are the heroines of the Avar fairy tale “The Lame Leg,” the Kumyk fairy tale “Peymakhanum,” who with her cunning answers baffles the foreman and helps people get out of trouble, the shepherd’s daughter from the Lak fairy tale who restored justice, the heroines of the Dargin fairy tales “Kadiy and the old woman”, “The Wise Girl”, who won the khan’s dispute, and many others. They are able to get out of a difficult situation with dignity, defend their honor and the honor of their family, and are endowed with charm and inner beauty. For example:

Everyday tales.

Brother and sister

BRat and sister were left orphans after the death of their parents. They ran their own household and did not expect help from anyone. Constant care for each other further strengthened their mutual love.....

Four minds

ANDor one stupid person. He wanted to be smart, and he decided to get himself four smarts. He went in search. After a long wandering, he came to one village and met there a gray-bearded old man.....


BWhether it was or not, there lived a shepherd named Tsitsali. And he had a wife. One day a man died in the city. The women were to gather in the house of the deceased. It so happened that the shepherd's wife arrived before everyone else. There was no one howling in the room, and she sat down near the fire………

Wise Shepherd's Daughter

UOne shepherd had a smart and beautiful daughter. And one king had three nukers. The king wanted to disgrace his nukers. So he ordered them to go to the clearing, cut it out and return........

The Hunter and the Nightingale

INThere lived a hunter in one city. He never returned from a hunt without catch, as he was a good shooter. And the residents of the city respected him very much.

One day the hunter failed......

About the king, the thief and the mullah

ANDOnce upon a time there was a rich king. He had at least forty guards at his court. It is unknown how, but one rascal managed to enter the king’s palace and steal his property. The king did not know what to do……..

I really love humor and I like to joke myself. And it turns out there are humorous tales too.

In the repertoire of Dagestan everyday tales, the most widespread are humorous tales, closely related to the tradition of laughter culture, the genesis and roots of which go back to ancient rites, magical acts and rituals. The life and way of life of the mountaineers in all their diverse manifestations has long been a breeding ground for the emergence of various jokes, ridicule, and witty expressions. They suggested plots, situations, conflicts, which in the process of long-term existence took on poetic forms and developed into fairy tales and anecdotes. Many of them have a family theme, built on relationships in everyday life and family, husband and wife, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.

Fairy tales with such humorous characters as Chaltuk Khan - among the Kubachi people, Nakrikutsul - among the Urakhins, Kulbai - among the Kumyks, Zallal Kishi - among the Laks, Kas-Buba - among the Lezgins, Dzhiyrenshi - among the Nogais, are completely replete with comic situations and episodes, contain elements local color, customs of the people and are often associated with the very occupation of the people.

I believe, and agree with the opinion of scientists, that “Dagestan Tales” are works of high culture of folk thinking, a rich source of folk wisdom and talent. They will captivate us for a long time with their amazing and infinitely beautiful world of fantasy and imagination, opening a glimpse into a life of goodness, justice and happiness.


The results of my research and conclusions showed me that, along with others, the main idea of ​​any fairy tale is the struggle between good and evil. Everyone loves to read fairy tales. Everything ends well in them and the soul becomes joyful. And any fairy tale teaches you how to live. In every fairy tale there is the truth of the fairy tale and the truth of a person’s thoughts and feelings. A fairy tale does not give direct instructions, but its content always contains some kind of lesson. Sometimes what is hinted at in a fairy tale is not immediately realized, but gradually everything becomes clear. Folk wisdom in fairy tales is especially instructive: “Don’t dig a hole for others, you’ll fall into it yourself,” “Do good to others and you’ll be out of trouble,” “Good is what they pay for,” “When doing evil, don’t hope for good,” “Life given for good deeds."

No need to despair difficult situation, because the world is not without good people and someone will definitely help. For any strength there is more great strength. Any cunning man can be outwitted. And if you are kind, patient, brave, brave, generous, resourceful, then in the end you will be appreciated according to your deserts.

I think there are many different types of research that can be done on fairy tales. I was very interested. I would like to continue working in this direction.


1. V.I. Dahl Illustrated explanatory dictionary Russian language – Moscow, 2007

2. A. Kvyatkovsky Poetic Dictionary - Moscow " Soviet encyclopedia", 1966

3. V.Ya. Propp Historical roots fairy tale - L.: 1946

4. Russian fairy tales - Moscow " Soviet Russia", 1989

5. l - tales . ru

6. skazbook . ru

7. tvoyaskazka.ru

8. hyaenidae.narod.ru – Russian folk tales about animals, magical and everyday

Appendix 5.

Appendix 6.

MKOU "Novosasitlinskaya Secondary School" Isaeva A.M.

High in the mountains in one village lived little boy Murad with his mother. Although he was small in age, he had long been a real man in soul, capable of overcoming any difficulties. One day his mother became seriously ill. Nothing helped her: neither the healer, nor the herbs. An old woman came to visit her and said:

I know what will get you out of bed. The flower of life grows high in the mountains and is guarded by Azhdha himself. But no one knows the way there, and many brave souls died while going for the magic flower.

Quiet, grandmother, otherwise my son will hear,” the woman said. But Murad heard everything and immediately got ready to go:

Don’t worry, mother, I will definitely find this flower, and Azhdha himself will give it to me when he finds out what I need it for,” Murad said cheerfully.

What you? “I just said what I heard from my grandmother,” said the old woman. - Aren't you afraid? dangerous road in the mountains? - she asked.

Mountains are not scary for those born in the mountains,” the boy answered. - Goodbye, mom. Be patient a little. I'm already getting ready to go.

The boy took with him ropes, a stick and a light khurjin, in which he put several chureks and a piece of cheese.

The mountain path twisted for a long time until it completely disappeared. Suddenly he heard a plaintive bleating - it was a mountain goat that fell from a high cliff and fell into a crevice:

Now I will help you. The boy looped a rope around the goat and pulled it out of the crevice.

Eat some of my churek, you're probably hungry.

Thank you, young horseman. Where are you going?

“I’m looking for the flower of life, but I don’t know where to go,” the boy answered.

I'll give you a hint. From tours I heard that the flower of life grows on the top of that mountain. The snow never melts there, and the cold winds do not allow anything living to live. He is guarded by the evil Azhdha. Beware of him. He is invincible. All his power lies in his magical beard. But I don’t know how to defeat him. He is not only strong, but also cunning. I won’t be able to take you there - even wild goats can’t get there. But your brave heart will find its own way there. Goodbye and happy journey to you!

Thanks for the advice.

For long days and nights the boy climbed higher and higher up the mountain. One day, making his way through a mountain gorge, quite unexpectedly he heard a voice:

Boy, help.

He looked around and saw a small eaglet, which, probably, had accidentally fallen out of the nest and to which a terrible snake was crawling, pinching. Murad chased away the snake with a stick:

Poor thing, where is your nest?

“On the top of this rock,” the eaglet showed.

The boy put him in the khurjin and began to climb up. Finally he overcame the steepness of the rock and carefully placed the eaglet in its nest:

Thank you! And there’s mom flying. Mom, don’t touch him, I fell out of the nest, and he helped me and saved me from a terrible snake.

Thank you, little boy,” said Hawkgirl. - What can I do for you?

Please, but you can't help me. I climb to the top of that mountain - there the flower of life grows. I have to get it for my sick mother.

You are brave and noble. I'll help you. Azhdahi's strength is in his beard - that's why he never cuts it. And only magic scissors can cut it - here they are. They were given to us by the Mother of the Mountains, who wakes up once every thousand years. She asked to give them to the horseman with the eagle’s heart. Azhdakha knows that the magic scissors are kept by us, the eagles, so he never touches us. Take them, boy. You also have an eagle's heart. Now sit on me and I will carry you to the top of that mountain. Just continue to act on your own.

“Thank you, Eagle,” said the boy and sat on Eagle’s back. - Goodbye, little eagle!

Soon the Eaglet landed on snowy peak and flew away. It was cold and deserted all around. But suddenly the boy noticed a light in the distance. He carefully approached the light and saw that the fire in the cave had been lit by a huge monster. The boy boldly entered the cave and said hello:

Salaam Aleikum, Azhdah!

Vaaleikum Salaam, boy! Why did you come?

I came to you for the flower of life - my mother is very sick.

I like you, cheeky. Well, since you are so sincere, then I will be frank: why should I give you the flower of life? I cherish it more than my eyes.

I don’t ask you for it for nothing - I’m ready to earn it. Tell me how I can help you and I will try to fulfill your wish.

OK then. You yourself asked me to give an assignment. So, in one village they wove a magic carpet that is so beautiful that it warms you with its beauty - no fire is needed. I would find such a carpet very useful on this cold peak. Bring it and the flower is yours.

“Okay,” the boy answered. - I will carry out your instructions.

He left the cave, walked a little and was surprised to see the Eagle:

I didn’t fly away and heard everything. This task is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The magic carpet is guarded by seven brothers, and it was woven by their beautiful sister. Anyone who is deceitful or dishonestly tries to take possession of the carpet will not be able to touch the carpet - he will immediately be incinerated. That’s why the evil Azhdakha is sending you for the carpet. Sit on my back - I’ll take you to the carpet-makers’ village in no time. But before that, you and I need to visit the village of goldsmiths. Only a worthy weapon can surprise the horsemen brothers, and they will give up the magic carpet.

A short time later, the Eagle landed on the outskirts of the goldsmiths’ village. The boy walked through the village and saw sad faces of women everywhere:

Salaam alaikum. What happened to you? - he asked one woman. - Why are you all so sad?

Vaaleikum salaam. For some reason our spring has dried up and there is nothing we can do. What is a village without water? But this is the land of our ancestors and we cannot leave it.

Where is your source? - asked Murad.

In the center of the village. Follow this road, and when you see the watchtower, turn right - there is a spring.

The boy quickly reached the dry spring. He looked around. The trees around the spring were green. “This means there is still water at depth,” Murad guessed. Then he saw a goat by the spring and immediately thought:

“Or maybe there is some kind of crevice in the depths where all the water goes?” Murad tied himself with a rope and began to gradually descend along the bottom of the well. And exactly! At the very bottom, in one of the walls of the well there was a small crevice where all the water went. Murad fiddled for a long time, but finally closed the crevice with stones and clay. And the water gradually began to fill the well again! How happy the villagers were! They didn't know how to thank Murad. And when they found out that he was going to get a magic carpet, they made miracle sabers for the seven brothers: with these weapons the horseman became invincible! Happy Murad flew to the carpet-makers' village and went to the house of seven brothers. When the brothers saw the weapon, they immediately agreed to give up the magic carpet! Joyful Murad returned to Azhdakha. At the top of the mountain, Eaglet warned him:

Don't forget that he is not only strong, but also cunning. He stays awake for three days and sleeps for three days. Now he is waiting for you, but tomorrow he will be asleep. Maybe you’ll wait until tomorrow, and when he’s sleeping, cut off his beard, and then pick the flower of life,” suggested the Eagle.

I can’t, I have to get the flower honestly. They get off someone else's horse into the mud. And after all, I completed the assignment. What should I be afraid of? - Murad answered. Joyful Murad entered the cave with the carpet:

Salaam Aleikum, Azhdah! I brought a magic carpet. Where is my flower of life?

Oh, what a great fellow you are, Murad. But we live in Dagestan. I can't let you go so easily. Sit down and be my guest. Eat khinkal, sleep before the difficult return journey,” Azhdakha said insinuatingly. - You won’t refuse my request, you won’t offend me?

“Okay,” Murad replied.

Soon he fell asleep. Azhdakha approached him carefully, took Murad along with the cloak on which he was sleeping, carried him out of the cave and threw him into the abyss.

Stupid boy,” Azhdakha said angrily. - Wallah, I don’t part with my treasures so easily.

He entered the cave and snored, wrapped in the carpet. At this time, Murad was already sitting on the top of the mountain again and could not understand how he ended up here:

The treacherous Azhdha threw you into the abyss so as not to give up the flower. I knew that he would definitely come up with some kind of meanness. You know the proverb: “Place your head where you will find it whole.” So I just had to catch you on the fly,” said the Eaglet.

Thank you, Eagle, you saved my life. I am now indebted to you.

Didn't you save my little eaglet's life when he was in trouble? Good will not remain without return,” answered the Eagle. - Go to the cave while he sleeps. Every meanness has its own cunning.

Murad entered the cave, slowly approached Azhdakha, and cut off his beard with magic scissors. Then he went to the flower and carefully dug it up:

You won't bring sorrow anymore honest people“, evil Azhdah,” said Murad.

The eagle quickly took off, and soon they were already at the house of Murad’s mother. The joyful mother ran out to meet Murad:

Wow, son, you're alive! What happiness! I’ve already recovered and I can’t wait to see you! How big you have become! A real man!

What about the flower of life? - asked the delighted Murad.

Let's plant it in the garden and grow it for all sick people. “We will help everyone,” the mother answered.

Mom, meet me, this is Eagle. She saved me from death and helped me with everything.

Because your son has the heart of an eagle and he is like a son to me. “I will visit you often, but now I’m hurrying to my eaglets,” said the Eaglet and flew into the sky.

To celebrate, the mother threw a feast: pipes whistled, tambourines thundered, people gathered from all over. They feasted for three days and three nights.

Since then, in Dagestan, people very often live more than a hundred years - either a magic flower helps, or an eagle’s heart.

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