Why do we need spelling rules? Several interesting essays

Children in school, especially elementary school students, always wonder why spelling exists? Who even came up with it? Primary school children tend to think that spelling is not needed at all.

As it would seem to them at that moment. That a written word, even if it contains spelling errors, will still be understandable when read, and its meaning will not change in any way.

Why think about which letter should be written correctly, for example, in the word cow, “a” or “o”. Why learn boring rules that teach knowledge about the correct spelling of words, especially since there are a huge number of rules for teaching spelling, and not just one.

Realizing that learning correct spelling is inevitable, they also dream of one single spelling rule that could instantly teach them to avoid spelling mistakes. Moreover, by learning a lot of rules, personal time is lost, which could be used playing interesting and entertaining games with friends.

Older children, who study several grades higher, understand that spelling is necessary in order to be a literate and educated person. Although once upon a time, when they were in the lower grades, they thought completely differently, exactly the same as the kids in the elementary grades. They also understand that ignoramuses are taken very lightly in adult life.

Middle school children are thinking about a future profession, which may involve writing the correct text, and due to a lack of knowledge they may not be hired.

When high school students leave school, they have a clear understanding of what spelling is needed for. They understand that the correct spelling of words is not only the key to success, which lies in human literacy.

They also understand that spelling is needed so that words are not distorted, so that when written they remain unchanged in the form in which they actually exist, and are not written down as they sound in colloquial speech, because colloquial speech does not preserve the root word.

Russian and foreign literature, analysis of works, essays

Analysis of works of Russian and foreign literature, samples of school essays

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Essay on the linguistic topic “Why spelling is needed”

Knowledge of the Russian language is the key not only to the correct understanding of other people’s thoughts expressed on paper, but also to the correct expression of your own. And all this is simply impossible without studying the rules of spelling. It is precisely this branch of the science of language, which includes the rules for writing words.

We become familiar with spelling in the youngest grades. She explains to us that “zhi” and “shi” are written through “i”, and if there is no accent in the root, the same letter that we hear under the accent is written in it.

Do we need spelling today? After all, you can simply type the text on a computer, where a special program will check the correct spelling of words. And if we are not satisfied with the result obtained, then the Internet comes to the rescue, providing an online dictionary. On the one hand, a modern person does not necessarily have to learn the rules of spelling by the sweat of his brow. However, on a computer, a misspelled word may take on a completely different meaning. For example, the phrase “in the forest” can easily be turned into “in the fox.” The program will not notice the error by finding the desired word in the dictionary.

So why should a modern person master spelling? In order to avoid mistakes when expressing your thoughts in writing. This will allow you to correctly understand the meaning of any text. If one person writes or speaks, making mistakes, then another simply will not understand him or will do it incorrectly.

A person who knows spelling can without a doubt be called cultured. And it's not as difficult as it seems. In order to write correctly, it is enough to master the simple principles of spelling and be a well-read person.

Essay Why do we need spelling rules, reasoning, grade 9

Orthography is a branch of linguistics that studies and develops a system of rules that ensure uniformity in the transmission of words and their forms in writing. It is spelling rules that make up a large part of the subject “Russian language”, which is studied at school throughout the entire eleven-year education.

From the first grade we began to learn the simplest rules. And the older the student gets, the more complex the rules in the textbook. The spelling of some words just needs to be remembered, and we write the unstressed vowel in the root only after we have checked it under stress. If the root has an alternating vowel, then remember the rule and write the correct one. Spelling of endings, suffixes and prefixes, separate or combined spelling of words, and many other rules. Why so much, sometimes complex and incomprehensible?

Along with punctuation, spelling rules form the basis of the Russian language curriculum. And this is no coincidence. After all, we always need them, no matter what profession we choose. Competent oral and written speech is an indicator of a person’s education. And in order for people to understand what is written in a document or letter, we must ensure that the word is recognizable.

Imagine if we wrote everything the way we hear or pronounce words, what a mess it would be! Through an ineptly written transcription of a word, it is very difficult to get to the meaning of the statement. As in those cases when one letter can radically change the meaning of a word. A company is a group of people, and a campaign is a system of events. It would seem that two words sound the same, but in writing they have completely different spellings and, therefore, different meanings. Many more examples can be given that only confirm that spelling rules must be taught thoroughly in order to successfully apply them in life.

Spelling helps us every day, because literacy is the key to success. With the help of rules learned by heart, you can competently structure your speech and achieve success in your chosen professional activity.

Why are spelling rules needed?

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Sample essays about spelling

Essay samples

Why is spelling needed?

Option 1

I completely agree with Ilya's opinion. Indeed, a well-written word is the key to understanding other people's thoughts and expressions. And in order to write correctly, you need to know the rules of Russian spelling. Of course, there are a lot of them, and it is probably very difficult to learn everything, but if we want to be understood correctly by those who perceive our written speech, we need to master at least the main ones.

In the text (full name of the author), the spelling of, for example, the word “came” is associated with two spelling rules: 1) the spelling of the prefixes PRE -, PRI- and 2) the vowel being checked at the root of the word. According to the first rule, in the meaning of “approaching, joining” the prefix PRI- is written in the word. According to the second, to write the correct letter in the root, you need to put the weak vowel in a strong position: prikhO/Adil - walks.

We can't do without spelling rules. Not knowing them means not loving and not respecting your native language and yourself.

Option 2.

Do we need knowledge of spelling rules? Of course they are necessary. Knowledge of spelling rules makes our speech more literate, clearer, and more organized.

To understand why we need spelling, let's remember what it studies. Spelling is a branch of the science of language in which spelling patterns are studied, that is, the rules for the correct spelling of words.

Let's remember what the functions of spelling are. They are directly related to the principles of Russian spelling. What are these principles? There are three of them: morphological, traditional, phonetic. 90% of words in the Russian language are written according to the morphological principle, according to which it is necessary to maintain a uniform spelling of all meaningful parts of a word (morphemes, that is, prefixes, roots, suffixes and endings), despite the difference in their pronunciation. The phonetic principle is the dream of all schoolchildren: we write as we hear. This is how, for example, prefixes on z – s are written. The traditional principle of writing concerns words that we call “dictionary”, they cannot be verified by a rule, words are written according to tradition.

Let's consider the principles of Russian spelling and their functions in A. Aleksin's text. In it, as in any other text, there are many words with verifiable unstressed vowels at the roots of words: met, bring, come, etc. This is the morphological principle of spelling. According to the phonetic principle, the words “boiled” are written (sentence 26), jumped up, (No. 55). The traditional principle of spelling is represented by the dictionary words “minute,” “vacation.” In words with alternating vowels at the root, “cleaned up” (sentence 18), “wiped” (19).

Sometimes one misspelled letter changes the lexical meaning of a word. For example, A. Aleksin uses the word “reconciled” twice. Change and to e radically, and the meaning of the word will become completely different!

Analyzing the text of A Aleksin, we were once again convinced that knowledge of spelling is necessary. Without it, we would not be able to quickly and correctly understand what we read, or understand the thoughts that the author wanted to convey to us.

Option 3.

The problem of spelling literacy is relevant in our time. It is impossible to write without knowing spelling rules.

Spelling is a branch of the science of language that sets out a system of rules for writing words. Competent writing is a sign of a cultured person. To write correctly, you need to know spelling rules.

In the text... there are many words with spellings. For example, in a sentence...a word is used. with an unpronounceable consonant. Knowing how to check this word, we will never make a mistake in it, and we will write other words using the same rule correctly. There were several such words in the text:

In a sentence. (..) the word “went” was encountered with the letter “E” at the root of the word after the sibilant. Illiterate people often make a mistake with this word. It is better to learn the rule than to blush because of your ignorance.

Thus, spelling is an important section of the Russian language and you cannot do without it if you want to be literate.


Why do we need Russian spelling?

Nowadays, knowing spelling is very important. It contributes to the correct spelling of words, and the correctness of writing, in turn, shows the cultural level of a person and his education. So, if in a sentence you write not “it’s a long climb”, but “a long time to flatter” or not “the train is leaving”, but “will eat atpravlyaitsa”, then people simply will not understand what is being said in the text. However, some believe that no one needs a set of spelling rules anymore.

After all, many people have computers where the text is checked automatically. True, any system, even the most “smart” one, can fail. Of course, when typing, the computer immediately highlights spelling errors, but not lexical ones! After all, a word can be written correctly, but the meaning of what is written is radically changed.

Others think that this is simply unnecessary knowledge that clogs their heads, and even knowing all the rules does not mean that the individual is smart and well-mannered enough. Of course, you can’t do without a culture of speech either, but if you don’t know the basic rules of writing, then, first of all, this means absolute neglect and disrespect towards readers. Agree, it’s unpleasant to read a work with errors and guess what the author really wanted to say. Although sometimes it seems funny and amusing, if every person writes like this, then it will be a big problem to find out some of the information you need.

Everyone has the right to a personal opinion and can act as they wish. But spelling is not only a special method that makes it easier to use written language. It is also closely connected with the historical roots of writing and represents centuries-old foundations that trace their origins back to ancient times, and not only in the Russian language, but also in other languages ​​of the world. When the culture of the people changes, the spelling becomes different. If our modern man had been in Russia a hundred years ago, no one would have understood him and, perhaps, would have mistaken him for a foreigner. Maybe they could somehow understand his speech, but it’s unlikely that he wrote. It would become clear to everyone that this man was from another time.

The study of spelling rules begins at school. True, this does not mean that they should be immediately forgotten upon completion of training. After all, the level of literacy indicates a person’s education, and it will be more pleasant for the interlocutor to talk to you as an intelligent person, and not as a braggart and fool. Therefore, you should always strive to educate yourself and expand your horizons. What is the meaning of the word “spelling” itself? It comes from 2 words of the ancient Greek language: “opphos” - correct and “grapho” - I write, i.e., simply spelling. This is a system of uniform transmission of words and speech grammatical forms in writing, so that the reader perceives them correctly.

So, what is spelling for? It is a stable basis for writing, which transmits information from the previous generation to the next and allows people to take into account the mistakes of their ancestors, read highly artistic works and excludes the possibility of returning only to the oral language. This is our linguistic heritage and every native speaker is obliged to know the rules of its spelling.

On the letter. In other words, this is the totality of all existing rules that determine the spelling of words and sentences.

Every language has its own spelling. And this is not surprising! After all, otherwise people simply would not understand the meaning of what was written. Or they could have misunderstood something. Therefore, the question “why is spelling needed” can be answered like this: “For a better understanding of what is written.”

An example that can serve as confirmation of this statement is the following story. One illiterate person wrote the word “pond” instead of the word “twig.” And the sentence completely changed its meaning! He wanted to say that the boy had ruined a twig, a twig, but it turned out that a pond had been ruined. There are a great many examples like this in the Russian language. If a teacher in a Russian language lesson or other adults who are interested in their child taking spelling more seriously are able to put them into short, bright stories, then the child will definitely be able to understand why spelling is needed.

Children will understand this situation, which could have arisen due to neglect of the rules of the Russian language or their basic ignorance. Competitions take place between the two schools in the form of a war game. The “radio operator” transmits the message: “There is a cat hidden under a broken birch tree!” Look!" The “scouts,” of course, are diligently looking for this cat, which for some reason was hidden under a birch tree, naturally, to no avail. The game is lost. And the “radio operator” is to blame for everything, who sent his people to look for a pet instead of the “code.” This is where it becomes clear to everyone why spelling is needed!

There is also a practical way to prove the need for writing rules. Everyone knows how they test in primary school. So, one person is first given a text printed according to all the rules, and the result is counted. Then he is given another text, which is full of errors. After comparison, the resulting numbers provide a clear explanation of why spelling is needed! In the second case, the result is significantly lower than in the first. This happens because he himself is already tuned in to reading a correctly written text and resists the perception of “abracadabra”.

The rules of spelling in the Russian language are based on three principles: phonetic, morphological and traditional. The main one is the morphological principle. It is based on the analogy of writing morphemes (roots, suffixes, endings, prefixes) regardless of their sound (move - find - exit)

The traditional principle is to write a word the same way it was written in ancient times or in the language from which it was borrowed. For example, the rule “Write through “I”!” shows the historical softness of hissing sounds. Often such rules are called etymological; they reflect the history of the word.

The phonetic principle is based on the letter designation of the sounds pronounced in each case. That is, pronunciation in this case becomes a support for spelling. A striking example is the writing of prefixes that end in “З” or “С”: without- or bes-, voz- or vos-, from- or is-, niz- or nis-, raz- or ras- (soulless - spineless , lead - rise, publish - proceed). In these examples, the final sound in prefixes before voiceless consonants is deafened, which is reflected in the letter.

Russian spelling has a long history, which explains some of the spelling difficulties. In ancient Rus', for example, there were no differences between the writing and pronunciation of words, which cannot be said about our time.

The general rules of Russian spelling are not as difficult to remember as some people think. In order to write the correct consonant, which is at the end of a word or before another consonant (“P” or “B”, “F” or “V”, “S” or “Z”), you should select or change the form of the original in this way so that after the consonant there would be a vowel. As a result, the consonant that is clearly audible in (threshing - threshing, spoon - spoon) is written.

It is worth noting that spelling and punctuation are closely related. Today in our speech many spelling and punctuation issues can be corrected. For example, you can now use a dash instead of a colon. However, it should be borne in mind that this is just a variable use of punctuation marks. It follows that this rule does not apply in all cases.

And to illustrate why you need to study punctuation, you can watch the wonderful cartoon “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons.” Remember the catchphrase about execution, when a correctly placed comma played a huge role? This is how, by joking and playing, you can turn an inveterate know-nothing into a person who will want to learn the rules of the Russian language with all his might.

Spelling is a branch of the science of language that sets out a system of rules for writing words. You are probably saying to yourself: “Why is this spelling needed? The answer to the question: why do we need spelling rules, is on this page! Is it really impossible without her? But still, some people think that spelling rules are no longer needed by anyone. Why do we need spelling rules? Do we need knowledge of spelling rules? Why do you need to learn spelling? Template: The problem of spelling literacy is relevant in our time. In writing, it is impossible to do without knowing the rules of spelling. But, still, why are spelling rules needed in this case? The answer to the question: why do we need spelling rules for essays, is on this page! Essay-reasoning why spelling rules are needed. The problem of spelling literacy is relevant in our time. It is impossible to write without knowing spelling rules.

You are probably saying to yourself: “Why is this spelling needed? Is it really impossible to live without her?” Spelling is needed so that a person correctly understands the meaning of the word he read. So, for example, in M. Prishvin’s story “Grandfather’s Felt Boots” the word “it’s time” (25) can be written in accordance with the pronunciation - “couple”, while making a spelling mistake. Then the meaning of the word will change.

To write words correctly, it is enough to know the basic rules. Some might say there are too many rules. But in the Russian language there are simple principles of spelling, which you will not have difficulty mastering: morphological, phonetic, traditional and differentiating.

For example, the words “life” and “fluff” are written according to the traditional principle, and “look” and “passed” - in accordance with the most common morphological one.

Thus, spelling is an eternal section of the Russian language and one cannot do without it.

Spelling is a branch of the science of language that sets out a system of rules for writing words. You are probably saying to yourself: “Why is this spelling needed? The answer to the question: why do we need spelling rules, is on this page! Is it really impossible without her? But still, some people think that spelling rules are no longer needed by anyone. Why do we need spelling rules? Do we need knowledge of spelling rules? Why do you need to learn spelling? Template: The problem of spelling literacy is relevant in our time. In writing, it is impossible to do without knowing the rules of spelling. But, still, why are spelling rules needed in this case? The answer to the question: why do we need spelling rules for essays, is on this page! Essay-reasoning why spelling rules are needed.

Nowadays, knowing spelling is very important. It contributes to the correct spelling of words, and the correctness of writing, in turn, shows the cultural level of a person and his education. So, if in a sentence you write not “it’s a long climb”, but “a long time to flatter” or not “the train is leaving”, but “will eat atpravlyaitsa”, then people simply will not understand what is being said in the text. However, some believe that no one needs a set of spelling rules anymore.

After all, many people have computers where the text is checked automatically. True, any system, even the most “smart” one, can fail. Of course, when typing, the computer immediately highlights spelling errors, but not lexical ones! After all, a word can be written correctly, but the meaning of what is written is radically changed.

Others think that this is simply unnecessary knowledge that clogs their heads, and even knowing all the rules does not mean that the individual is smart and well-mannered enough. Of course, you can’t do without a culture of speech either, but if you don’t know the basic rules of writing, then, first of all, this means absolute neglect and disrespect towards readers. Agree, it’s unpleasant to read a work with errors and guess what the author really wanted to say. Although sometimes it seems funny and amusing, if every person writes like this, then it will be a big problem to find out some of the information you need.

Everyone has the right to a personal opinion and can act as they wish. But spelling is not only a special method that makes it easier to use written language. It is also closely connected with the historical roots of writing and represents centuries-old foundations that trace their origins back to ancient times, and not only in the Russian language, but also in other languages ​​of the world. When the culture of the people changes, the spelling becomes different. If our modern man had been in Russia a hundred years ago, no one would have understood him and, perhaps, would have mistaken him for a foreigner. Maybe they could somehow understand his speech, but it’s unlikely that he wrote. It would become clear to everyone that this man was from another time.

The study of spelling rules begins at school. True, this does not mean that they should be immediately forgotten upon completion of training. After all, the level of literacy indicates a person’s education, and it will be more pleasant for the interlocutor to talk to you as an intelligent person, and not as a braggart and fool. Therefore, you should always strive to educate yourself and expand your horizons. What is the meaning of the word “spelling” itself? It comes from 2 words of the ancient Greek language: “opphos” - correct and “grapho” - I write, i.e., simply spelling. This is a system of uniform transmission of words and speech grammatical forms in writing, so that the reader perceives them correctly.

So, what is spelling for? It is a stable basis for writing, which transmits information from the previous generation to the next and allows people to take into account the mistakes of their ancestors, read highly artistic works and excludes the possibility of returning only to the oral language. This is our linguistic heritage and every native speaker is obliged to know the rules of its spelling.

“Why do we need rules of spelling and punctuation?”


Why do we need spelling and punctuation rules?

In the modern world, every person needs to be literate. Spelling and punctuation helps him with this.

Spelling is a system of rules about the spelling of words. In Russian orthography, the spelling of significant parts of words is studied - morphemes: roots, prefixes, suffixes, endings; merged, separate, semi-merged (hyphenated) spellings; use of capital letters: rules for hyphenation of words.

Punctuation is a collection of rules for placing punctuation marks. The main purpose of punctuation is to indicate the semantic division of speech.

It is very important for every person to be able to establish friendly and business contacts with other people, to be able to communicate, i.e. be able to listen and hear others, understand thoughts, feelings expressed in words, gestures, facial expressions; be able to accurately convey your thoughts to listeners, using all the riches of the Russian language.

All means of language help to most accurately, clearly and figuratively express the most complex thoughts and feelings of people, all the diversity of the surrounding world. A person constantly strives to expand his knowledge and enrich his memory, but without the ability to substantiate existing beliefs, there is no true and solid knowledge.

Studying the Russian language will help us speak and write better, choose the most accurate and necessary words to express thoughts. “The word is the clothing of all facts, all thoughts,” said Maxim Gorky. The meaning of language (speech, words) is noted by Russian proverbs: The human word is sharper than an arrow. Good speech is good to listen to. A bullet will hit one, but a well-aimed word will hit a thousand. The wind destroys mountains, the word raises nations. A living word is more valuable than a dead letter.

For each of us it is necessary to be understood by other people. In order to be understood, we must not only speak correctly and be able to use all means of expression, but also know punctuation. Knowing how to use punctuation correctly is very important for all of us. A clear example is the fairy tale by Geraskina L. “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons”: The famous phrase EXECUTION CANNOT BE PARTY confirms that even a comma can decide a person’s fate. We, as the future of our country, must be literate, smart and strengthen the power of our country, glorify our small Motherland.

The time will come for us young people to create our own families. The family is one of the most important units of society. It participates in the preservation, accumulation and transmission of labor skills to the future generation, and ensures the continuity of spiritual culture. It is the family that raises and educates its generation and passes on the accumulated knowledge. The family forms in the future adult such character qualities as the ability to empathize with another person, tolerance, the ability to understand and accept a different point of view and opinion, democracy and humanism.

And finally, playing the role of an intermediary between all the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, the Russian language helps solve the problems of the political, economic and cultural development of the country. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that only a person who has learned to be a citizen of his people, who is a patriot not in words, but in deeds, who knows how to adequately represent his country and his people, achievements and culture, can be a citizen of his country everywhere and always.

So, you need to know the rules of spelling and punctuation in order to be successful in this life, to benefit society and to be a worthy speaker of the Russian language.

Why is spelling needed?

Studying the rules of spelling is aimed not only at developing thinking and logic, but also at training your memory; over time, you will learn to write correctly, this will happen automatically, like transcribing audio.

Why do you need to learn spelling?

Impeccable knowledge of spelling allows you to write words without the slightest error; the correctness of writing, in turn, speaks of a person’s cultural level and his education.

Rules that have been established for centuries make speech easy to pronounce, beautiful, and optimal for expressing thoughts. As for illiterate writing, in this case, it can even cause irritation.

Orthography aims to preserve the richness and diversity of language, just as activities such as audio transcription have many varied purposes. It also has its own distinctive features, for example, this includes specific rules that need to be memorized, as well as vocabulary words.

Many people mistakenly believe that it is not at all necessary to study numerous spelling rules, because there is text proofreading; today, when almost all texts are typed on computers, the text can be checked automatically. However, the computer does not correct lexical errors.

Moreover, spelling is closely connected with the historical roots of writing; it represents centuries-old foundations that originate from ancient times, not only in the Russian language. As culture changes, so does spelling. If a modern person came to Russia a hundred years ago, no one would understand him, proofreading the text would be simply necessary.

Basis of writing

Spelling begins to be studied at school, but, of course, this does not mean that after graduation, you need to forget about all the rules.

Objectives of the school course:

  • Introducing students to the system of generally accepted methods of conveying sound language in writing;
  • Practical mastery of the rules;
  • Formation of permanent spelling skills in students.

In order for training to be successful, special attention should be paid to the quality of didactic material. Sentences and texts that are varied in meaning will strengthen spelling habits and contribute to the development of students’ knowledge. The wider the lexical base, the more successful the acquisition of spelling will be.

Remember that literacy is the best evidence of a person’s education. This is why it is so important to pay attention to self-education, then you will never encounter such a thing as text proofreading, since all your notes will not have a single error.

We can conclude that spelling serves as a kind of basis for writing, information is transmitted from the previous generation to the next, thus we can take into account the mistakes of our ancestors and exclude the possibility of returning only to the oral language. Of course, we are talking about our linguistic heritage...

Help me write an argumentative essay on the topic: “Why do you need to study spelling rules? "

The problem of spelling literacy is relevant in our time. It is impossible to write without knowing spelling rules.
Spelling is a branch of the science of language that sets out a system of rules for writing words. Competent writing is a sign of a cultured person. To write correctly, you need to know spelling rules.
In the text……….. there are many words with spellings. For example, in the sentence …………..the word …… is used. with an unpronounceable consonant. Knowing how to check this word, we will never make a mistake in it, and we will write other words using the same rule correctly. In the text…….there were several such words:……… …
In a sentence... (…………..) the word “went” was encountered with the letter “E” at the root of the word after the hissing word. Illiterate people often make a mistake with this word. It is better to learn the rule than to blush because of your ignorance.
Thus, spelling is an eternal section of the Russian language and you cannot do without it if you want to be literate.

Do we need knowledge of spelling rules? Of course they are necessary. Knowledge of spelling rules makes our speech more literate, understandable, and organized.
To understand why we need spelling, let's remember what it studies. Spelling is a branch of the science of language in which spelling patterns are studied, that is, the rules for the correct spelling of words.
Let's remember what the functions of spelling are. They are directly related to the principles of Russian spelling. What are these principles? There are three of them: morphological, traditional, phonetic. 90% of words in the Russian language are written according to the morphological principle, according to which it is necessary to maintain a uniform spelling of all meaningful parts of a word (morphemes, that is, prefixes, roots, suffixes and endings), despite the difference in their pronunciation. The phonetic principle is the dream of all schoolchildren: we write as we hear. This is how, for example, prefixes on z – s are written. The traditional principle of writing concerns words that we call “dictionary”, they cannot be verified by a rule, words are written according to tradition.
Let's consider the principles of Russian spelling and their functions in A. Aleksin's text. In it, as in any other text, there are many words with verifiable unstressed vowels at the roots of words: met, bring, come, etc. This is the morphological principle of spelling. According to the phonetic principle, the words “boiled” are written (sentence 26), jumped up, (No. 55). The traditional principle of spelling is represented by the dictionary words “minute, “vacation”. Words with alternating vowels at the root “cleaned up” (sentence 18), “wiped” (19).
Sometimes one misspelled letter changes the lexical meaning of a word. For example, A. Aleksin uses the word “reconciled” twice. Change and to e radically, and the meaning of the word will become completely different!
Analyzing the text of A Aleksin, we were once again convinced that knowledge of spelling is necessary. Without it, we would not be able to quickly and correctly understand what we read, or understand the thoughts that the author wanted to convey to us.

Where can I start my essay? Since you need to create a text of the argument type, you need to start with a thesis.
Here are some ideas for writing an essay.

The rules of Russian spelling help us communicate in writing and correctly understand what is said and written.
Many writers and poets spoke about the need to study the Russian language. A. M. Gorky: “It’s a shame for students to write so illiterately, very shameful! And it is necessary that... Lively slobs and careless people should be ashamed of their inability to clearly express their thoughts and their ignorance of grammar.”

Do you need to know the rules of Russian spelling? Of course it is necessary. The rules of Russian spelling help us communicate in writing and correctly understand what is said or written.

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I believe that the rules must be taught. The story that happened to Senya will help prove this. He did not know how to check unstressed vowels, and made many mistakes in his letter to his mother. Instead of “ran around,” Senya wrote “offended,” and instead of “got off,” he wrote “licked.” Mom didn’t understand Senya and was very scared. She thought that her son had offended the boys, licked the mountain and, like a rag, rinsed the Bug in the river. So it turns out: without rules you won’t learn to write correctly and accurately, or to express your thoughts clearly. Without rules, how can you distinguish the completely different words “cry” and “cry”, “ball” and “ball”? You will make a mistake and confuse a dance evening with an assessment.

You need to learn the rules in order to know the Russian language well. We recognize all languages, but the Russian language is dearest to us. And it’s a shame not to learn your native language! It's a shame to write illiterately!

Why are spelling rules needed?

  • Why are spelling rules needed?
  • Why do you need to know Russian?
  • Why do you need to learn spelling rules?

Spelling rules are needed to maintain the cultural level of the population of the Russian Federation. This means that all laws in force in the state, set out in the constitution and codes, are drawn up without a single grammatical or spelling error. One of the constitutionally enshrined rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation is his right to education. And an ordinary high school gives such a chance. Starting from the first copybooks and ending with the unified state exam, the school curriculum gradually gives children the opportunity to master many of the subtleties of the Russian language

Of course, not everyone can know the rules of spelling. It is not at all necessary for a janitor, salesperson, cashier, loader or representative of any other profession that involves very primitive work to know them. But if a person has ambitions, a desire to reach some career heights and a desire to be an educated person, it is simply vital for him that his level of knowledge of the Russian language is at its best.

A Russian person born and living in Russia must know the rules of the Russian language, the rules of spelling and punctuation, because this is a sign of respect for oneself, one’s country, and culture. Competently expressing your thoughts on paper will help you be understood by other people. After all, it would be much more pleasant for any person to belong to a circle of educated people than to those who do not care whether he is literate or not.

The best way to improve general literacy is reading. In the process of reading, any person will unconsciously remember the spelling of words, the principles of composing sentences and phrases. The classics of Russian literature are best suited for these purposes. Books by such authors as Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Mikhail Bulgakov are always available to anyone in bookstores, libraries and even the Internet.

Nowadays, knowing spelling is very important. It contributes to the correct spelling of words, and the correctness of writing, in turn, shows the cultural level of a person and his education. So, if in a sentence you write not “it’s a long climb”, but “a long time to flatter” or not “the train is leaving”, but “will eat atpravlyaitsa”, then people simply will not understand what is being said in the text. However, some believe that no one needs a set of spelling rules anymore.

After all, many people have computers where the text is checked automatically. True, any system, even the most “smart” one, can fail. Of course, when typing, the computer immediately highlights spelling errors, but not lexical ones! After all, a word can be written correctly, but the meaning of what is written is radically changed.

Others think that this is simply unnecessary knowledge that clogs their heads, and even knowing all the rules does not mean that the individual is smart and well-mannered enough. Of course, you can’t do without a culture of speech either, but if you don’t know the basic rules of writing, then, first of all, this means absolute neglect and disrespect towards readers. Agree, it’s unpleasant to read a work with errors and guess what the author really wanted to say. Although sometimes it seems funny and amusing, if every person writes like this, then it will be a big problem to find out some of the information you need.

Everyone has the right to a personal opinion and can act as they wish. But spelling is not only a special method that makes it easier to use written language. It is also closely connected with the historical roots of writing and represents centuries-old foundations that trace their origins back to ancient times, and not only in the Russian language, but also in other languages ​​of the world. When the culture of the people changes, the spelling becomes different. If our modern man had been in Russia a hundred years ago, no one would have understood him and, perhaps, would have mistaken him for a foreigner. Maybe they could somehow understand his speech, but it’s unlikely that he wrote. It would become clear to everyone that this man was from another time.

The study of spelling rules begins at school. True, this does not mean that they should be immediately forgotten upon completion of training. After all, the level of literacy indicates a person’s education, and it will be more pleasant for the interlocutor to talk to you as an intelligent person, and not as a braggart and fool. Therefore, you should always strive to educate yourself and expand your horizons. What is the meaning of the word “spelling” itself? It comes from 2 words of the ancient Greek language: “opphos” - correct and “grapho” - I write, i.e., simply spelling. This is a system of uniform transmission of words and speech grammatical forms in writing, so that the reader perceives them correctly.

So, what is spelling for? It is a stable basis for writing, which transmits information from the previous generation to the next and allows people to take into account the mistakes of their ancestors, read highly artistic works and excludes the possibility of returning only to the oral language. This is our linguistic heritage and every native speaker is obliged to know the rules of its spelling.

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