Sample report on a student missing lessons. Memorandum


Design the header of the report. Write on the right top corner recipient data, i.e. in whose name you are writing, indicating the position, surname and initials. There may be one addressee (director, administration) or several (director, deputy director for educational educational work, acting deputy director for educational work). Indicate your position, last name and initials.

In the middle of the sheet, indicate the type of document in capital letters(MEMO) and its topic in the next line (what the note is about). For example: REPORT on the absence of student 9 “a” by Yu.N. Terekhov. Next to the type of document, you must subsequently enter its incoming number and registration date.

In the first half of the text of the report, describe the situation in detail, indicating the names, dates and times of what happened. Because a memorandum is one of the extreme measures, then when describing a specific situation you can rely on a diary on educational work (were there similar violations in the student’s behavior (date and eyewitnesses), what measures were taken class teacher(conversation, deprivation of privileges, parents about behavior, etc.), whether the student has already been discussed pedagogical councils, parent meetings on the same issue).

The second part of the memorandum is intended to present conclusions and requests to resolve this situation. For example; a report is drawn up about the disruption of a lesson by several students; describe in detail the actions and measures you took during the lesson; draw conclusions about preparations for other students and invite schools to take action regarding the behavior of children who disrupt the lesson.

Enter the date the note was written Arabic numerals on the left side of the sheet, signature and its transcript on the right.

An enterprise of any form of ownership has its own document flow in the form of a set of papers various directions, systematized according to a certain principle. Special attention when drawing up, a memorandum is required.

What is a memo

Business paper in the form of a memorandum is of an informative and recommendatory nature. It is provided to the immediate superior or head of the organization. A memorandum can be drawn up on the instructions of management and on the initiative of an employee.

A document consists of specific facts in relation to a particular issue. In most cases, a memorandum is a subjective opinion of the employee, which is set out in in writing. Sometimes, in light of current events at the enterprise, it is extremely important for a manager to know the opinions of his subordinates in order to adjust his own further actions. Employees are required to individually compose a detailed answer, supplemented own ideas and recommendations.

As for the subject of reports, it can be different: from one-time provision of information to periodic reporting. Unlike explanatory and memos, a memorandum can be used within an enterprise or play the role of a reporting document for a higher authority.

Reason for drawing up the document

A memo is drawn up as a result of a process going out of control, which can cause damage to the enterprise. It is then that the employee can similarly bring all the information to the attention of his superiors. For example, this could be multiple absenteeism of the person in charge or a disregard for the implementation of planned indicators, which, naturally, can negatively affect the results of the entire enterprise. Overall, the document is intended to be a signal for change domestic policy, which is implemented in at the moment management.

How to correctly prepare a report

Typically a document consists of several parts. Firstly, it is necessary to clearly formulate the reason that was the reason for writing the report. Outlined here specific situation and the facts are listed. Then it is quite lucidly recommended to express own opinion about what is happening. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the situation from all sides and propose your own solution to the problem.

All information should be presented quite concisely, while sticking to the topic of what happened. It is unacceptable to distort reality and express conjectures that are not supported by evidence.

The document is placed on an A4 sheet of paper with the obligatory indication of the name of the department in the upper left corner. Information about the addressee of the note should be located at the top right. Just below the red line in capital letters The name of the document and its number, as well as the place of compilation, are indicated.

Then in pretty free form information is presented that is supported by the signature of the employee who compiled the document.



A memo is a document issued in the name of the manager, chief accountant or any other employee of the organization.
The memorandum has legal force, since it is compiled for the purpose of taking measures or taking any action on the problem outlined in it.

The memorandum must be drawn up both spelling and legally competent, it must set out in detail the current problem and, preferably, the presence of actions to solve it, which are proposed by its compiler.

A memorandum addressed to the head of an organization or department is an internal document and can be drawn up at simple sheet A4 format.

If a document is sent to a higher organization, it automatically becomes external and is drawn up on company letterhead.

Rules for writing a report

The main purpose of the memorandum is not just to familiarize senior management with an existing problem or a breakdown in ongoing work.

And also to encourage management to promptly take measures to resolve the current situation.

The report must be drawn up in the OKUD form, go under code 0286041.

Memos are divided into several classifications depending on the information component or the addressee (in whose name this memo was written).

1. Thus, according to the first classification, it will be information reporting, which will indicate the stages, difficulties and features of the work being carried out.

The compiler of this type of report must, in an accessible and professional language convey to management what stage of development a particular project is at, and what is being done to ensure its implementation.

Such reports are prepared regularly until the very end, until the project is completed.

Reporting notes directly connect the organization's management with project managers

This allows you to quickly find out in which areas there is a lack of funds, in which of them there is an oversupply, and accordingly take measures to normalize the work of the project.

2. The second classification is memos that detail a specific case with proposed methods for solving them.

As a rule, such reports are carried negative character. They most often describe violations of labor discipline by an employee of an organization.

The forms and types of reports do not change regardless of the type of activity and affiliation of the organization.

The report must contain the following details:

  1. The position held by the addressee.
  2. Full name addressee.
  3. Details of the addressee's organization.
  4. The position held by the compiler.
  5. Full name compiler.
  6. Organization and position of the compiler.
  7. A competent presentation of the current problem.
  8. Measures taken to solve the current problem (if they were taken).
  9. Suggesting measures that can be taken to correct the problem.
  10. Date of preparation of the report.
  11. Compiler's signature with transcript.

How to write a memo, examples

Now let’s look specifically at what kind of reports an accountant can write:

1. These are reports addressed to the manager related to the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

Semenov Arkady Borisovich
Tokareva Galina Ivanovna


During the financial audit economic activity sales department, a financial deficiency was identified in the amount of 57,456.45 rubles (fifty-seven thousand four hundred fifty-six rubles forty-five kopecks).

I request that the head of the sales department, Artem Leonidovich Gavrilov, submit documentary reports on the financial activities of the sales department to the accounting department.

Signature _______ transcript__________

2. A report addressed to the head of the organization about insults to honor and dignity, violations.

General Director of LLC "VOZROZhDENIE"
Semenov Arkady Borisovich
Chief accountant of the organization
Tokareva Galina Ivanovna


27.11. 2013, procurement department employee, Gennady Petrovich Smeryagin, upon receipt wages turned out to be dissatisfied with the amount calculated, after which he rudely insulted the cashier Potapova Irina Anatolyevna, pouring a glass of water on her head, thereby insulting her honor and dignity.

I ask you to apply the strictest measures to Gennady Petrovich Smeryagin, up to and including dismissal, otherwise Irina Anatolyevna Potapova will be forced to seek help from law enforcement agencies to resolve this problem.

Signature_______ transcript __________

3. Sample of a report on an employee of an organization about appearing at the workplace in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication

General Director of LLC "VOZROZhDENIE"
Semenov Arkady Borisovich
Chief accountant of the organization
Tokareva Galina Ivanovna


I would like to bring to your attention that today accountant Antonina Mikhailovna Lupova came to work in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication, which can be confirmed by other employees of the department.

Lavrentieva I.P. (economist) __________ signature
Surkova K.R. (cashier)_________ signature

Guided by Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and our job responsibilities, I suspended the accountant Lupova A.N. from further work.

I request that the accountant Lupova A.N. disciplinary action in accordance with Art. 192 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Signature _______ transcript __________

In addition to such a memorandum, it is necessary to draw up an additional act, which will indicate the reason for its preparation.

It must be signed by all employees of the organization who observed this violation of labor discipline, indicating their position.

Who can write a memo?

Basically, a memo from the chief accountant is needed to confirm deductions from wages or refunds in case of an overpaid amount.

It is important to have it both during labor and tax audits.

As can be seen from the above examples, the chief accountant can draw up a memorandum only addressed to the head or acting head of the organization, as well as to the management of a higher organization.

While a simple accounting employee can use this right only during the absence of his immediate superior (chief accountant), or when a memorandum is drawn up specifically for him.

In other cases, he draws up a memo addressed to his immediate supervisor.

It must be remembered that an incorrectly drawn up note loses its legal force and cannot be presented as evidence when solving the current problem.

Sample report form:

A report on a student means information and reference document addressed to the administration representative.

The purpose of such a document is to inform about behavior that goes beyond the limits of permitted behavior and the impossibility of stopping situations at the student-teacher level. For example, when the matter is not limited to a couple of “tails” or a drawing not submitted on time.

Reference! To apply “to the top,” the reasons must be more serious - systematic violations or when it is obvious that the student can no longer catch up with his peers.

To whom and who writes?

Typically, the curator or teacher addresses the document to the dean, rector or vice-rector. Also the author could be, for example, the head of the group– if the student does not get along with anyone in the team, and the point is not in the similarity of characters, but in the unacceptable bad behavior– in the form of insults, for example.

There is no unified form for such paper. However, in individual organizations(and this also applies to educational institutions) local documentation usually contains samples of memos.

What information should be included in it:

Basic rules

  1. A memo is an element of written business communication; accordingly, the writing style should be businesslike.
  2. There is no need to use cumbersome, broken and ambiguous phrases, the language should be literate and concise, without emotional overtones, otherwise it will turn out that you are simply settling scores.
  3. Spelling, punctuation and other writing errors are not allowed.
  4. The “hat” is written according to established rules in the upper right corner of the sheet. Usually the full name is contained in the footer educational institution, accordingly, in the “header” you can indicate the accepted abbreviated name - for example, vocational school No. 26 named after. Chkalova.
  5. The title is written in the center - REPORTING NOTE and registration number.
  6. Below is the information part, which usually begins with standard phrase– “I would like to bring to your attention that...” and then the essence of the problem is described.
  7. Next, you must definitely mention how you confirm your words - for example, a report card. In general, this point must be approached with particular seriousness; otherwise, your report will simply be ignored, because there is no evidence of the student’s incompetence.

    Plus, such unpreparedness will deal a serious blow to the complainant’s reputation - no one wants to become persona non grata and be suspected of gathering a personal army against an objectionable person.

    Or even lose your job altogether - after all, it is unknown what retaliatory measures a student will take, who will be called “on the carpet”, will make him pretty nervous, but will not convince the rector that something needs to be done with this student.

  8. After this, it is mentioned why you are contacting your superiors with a note, what is its purpose? For example, I ask you to take disciplinary measures against such and such. After this - a signature with a transcript.

Here's an example of how such a document should look:

To the director of vocational school No. 24

Serpukhov, Moscow Region

Sidorov Peter Ivanovich

from Sergeeva Elena Sergeevna


I would like to bring to your attention the impossibility of transferring student Alena Gerasimovna Nikiforova on 01.02. Born in 2000 (group 101, faculty of merchandising) due to her failure to pass certification in 8 subjects out of 20. In addition, student Nikiforova was promptly informed of the consequences of such an attitude, but did not make any efforts to rectify the situation.

I ask you to issue an order to expel Nikiforova A.G.


Dean Sergeeva Elena Sergeevna (signature)

Consequences of such a document for the student

This will depend on the severity of the student’s offense and the ability to rectify the situation. If the fact is that a person simply went on a spree, taking advantage of his “adulthood” and the fact that he is no longer as controlled as at school, but the situation is solvable and is not critical for general certification - the student who misses classes will simply be given a lookout .

As a rule, parents are warned. They can do without this - if, for example, the image of a person in which he goes to classes (lectures, or practical) is too shocking.

But it’s a completely different matter if he or she fails most of the subjects or misses too many lessons. Or the offense was committed far beyond the normal discipline of the educational institution. In this case, the student faces expulsion, of which the military registration and enlistment office is immediately notified. It's not hard to guess what follows.

Important! The best way avoid incidents and troubles with management educational institution– this means not violating the internal routine and passing all tests on time.

In the end, if at school a child learns largely for his parents, then after finishing school everyone learns for himself.

How to write a memo about an employee’s boorish behavior?

At any enterprise there will be an employee who does not respect his colleagues, subordinates and sometimes even his superiors. In contrast to disciplinary offenses and improper performance of duties, it is sometimes difficult to punish an employee for inappropriate behavior, since the rules on inappropriate behavior are practically not found in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (with the exception of teaching staff).

Since the concept of incorrect behavior, as well as punishment for it, is not prescribed in the basic legislative acts, in order to be able to qualify the incorrect behavior of an employee, as well as apply punishment for this, it is necessary introduce the above concepts into the local regulatory documents of this organization.

For example, in a collective agreement or in internal labor regulations.

The following actions can be classified as incorrect (boorish) behavior:

  • offensive statements addressed to colleagues or clients of the organization;
  • usage profanity in relation to people or simply in colloquial speech;
  • obsessive and rude behavior;
  • obscene gestures towards colleagues and clients of the organization, etc.

These are just some of the main signs of inappropriate employee behavior.

This list can be continued almost endlessly, it all depends on the corporate policy of the organization and the scope of its activities.

What responsibilities should a technical director have in a company? see the link.

In addition to the above actions, this can include many others, including wearing revealing clothes if the company has a strict dress code.

Including a clause on inappropriate behavior in one of the organization’s local regulatory documents, as well as familiarizing the employee with them, is necessary so that the head of the organization has the right to punish the employee who committed this offense.

A sample act of failure to provide an explanation for the application of a penalty.

Who writes the report on inappropriate behavior?

Any employee who was present or the one to whom this behavior was directed has the right to draw up a report on the inappropriate behavior of an employee.

Calculating alimony from wages is not the easiest procedure. To correctly calculate child support, look.

In addition to the memorandum, an act may also be drawn up in the presence of the commission stating that this employee behaved inappropriately towards employees or business partners of the organization.

Often, inappropriate behavior, in particular obscene statements addressed to someone, accompanies alcohol intoxication. So in this case, an employee can be punished twice for one seemingly wrongdoing.

For the appearance of an employee in a drunken state and for inappropriate behavior. But only on condition that the norms of incorrect behavior and their prohibition are included in the local regulatory documents of the organization.

In this case, a memorandum or act is drawn up by a commission that records the fact that the employee is drunk.

Sample memo about boorish behavior of an employee

The procedure for drawing up documents stating that the employee allowed himself boorish behavior no different from compiling all the others memos and acts from which the official investigation begins.

There is no clear opinion on this matter as far as the internal investigation is concerned. But if the case is brought to court, then it is necessary to indicate and, moreover, it is advisable to have witnesses.

The official investigation is carried out in general procedure in compliance with legal requirements.

Since standards of behavior are often prescribed in internal labor regulations, violation of them can be classified as disciplinary offenses.

Employee Responsibility

An employee who indulges in inappropriate (boorish) behavior is usually subject to disciplinary punishment. Usually, depending on the severity, this is a reprimand or reprimand.

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It is impossible to dismiss immediately for inappropriate behavior, since it does not apply to one-time serious ones.

But if the employee has already received a previously imposed disciplinary sanction for less than a year, then dismissal is quite possible, even if the previous sanction was imposed for a completely different offense.

In addition to punishment, according to Labor Code, V in this case the norms of the Civil Code can also be applied, in terms of insult to personality and dignity, slander.

Both injured third-party citizens who have been insulted and directly employees of this organization can go to court.

There are precedents when a lawsuit was filed not against a specific employee, but against the organization as a whole, if the person who allowed himself to behave incorrectly (boorishly) held a high position.

How to document the receipt of goods? Compilation rules and see the link.

Also, the only way out for employees is to go to court in cases where the head of the organization allowed himself to behave rudely and incorrectly.

In any case, currently everything more companies began to pay attention to this part of employee communication as an important component of the business image of the enterprise.

For educational purposes. If previously it was possible to slam a ruler or kick a student out of class, now the teacher has no right to do anything like that. Although, did the parental belt used for the cause seriously damage us? But they knew that they couldn’t do that.

The teacher has become practically powerless, the students take advantage of this, and believe that the teacher must “cope with it.” A child may show up drunk in class, fail to complete assignments, or interfere with other students. But in no documents or job description it is not said that the teacher must establish discipline in the class, cope, etc. The teacher must provide the knowledge provided by the program and educate using the means provided school course. What to do then?

Almost a year ago, I wrote my thoughts on why there might be a lack of discipline in the classroom. This is very good article for parents to remember once again that education mainly depends on the parents, but not on the school. Please draw your attention to it again - . In other cases, the teacher has only one thing left to do - report to the director about the current situation. It is advisable to do this in writing, as this will be evidence to the parents that the claims against them and their child are not unfounded.

Now let's move on to the question of the article - how to write a report addressed to the school principal. It is usually written by teachers and other school employees.

Why do they write a report to the director?

In order to report the current situation in one or more classes, about discipline, about violation of school rules and about other misconduct.

In what cases do they write a report?

If you are faced with:

  • violation of discipline in the classroom;
  • non-attendance of classes by one or more students for an unexcused reason;
  • repeated lateness to classes;
  • failure to comply with the school charter;
  • a child showing up at school under the influence of drugs or alcohol, etc. (in such cases the police may be called) ;
  • insulting you;
  • fight;
  • the child’s poor performance in the subject (inability to give a positive mark)
  • etc.

In situations highlighted in bold, you must write the report as soon as possible to reduce the consequences and keep your liability to a minimum. Any problems with the class must also be notified so that he can promptly contact the parents.

Who reviews the report?

The report is recorded in the incoming correspondence book, which makes it mandatory for consideration.

The report is submitted depending on the situation, but if it concerns a violation of discipline, it will be transferred to the Deputy Director for Educational Work, social educator, psychologist and class teacher.

Within what time frame are actions taken after receiving a report?

It all depends on the situation. As a rule, in the near future, since delays in solving problems can lead to disastrous results, which no one wants.

How to write a report?

The report is written as usual , on an A4 sheet (you can even use a notebook) by hand or on a computer. A sample for you.

Good luck with your decision school problems! Comment and like. Subscribe to new articles using the form!

Sincerely, Tatyana Ivanova.

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