An ancient state in the Far East. We get a Far Eastern hectare: what kind of business can be organized on free land

Relations between the atamans and Omsk worsened after Vice Admiral Alexander Kolchak seized power there on November 18, 1918. Kolchak declared himself " supreme ruler Russia." Semyonov and two other Far Eastern chieftains refused to recognize him in this capacity.

At the same time, Semyonov negotiated directly with other Cossack and White Guard leaders. So, in December 1918, an emissary of the Orenburg Cossack army, Colonel Rudakov, came to him with a request to provide assistance to the Orenburg Cossacks, who found themselves in a difficult situation due to the advance of the Red Army. Semyonov ordered the allocation of a division and three armored trains to help the Orenburg residents, but the Orenburg ataman Alexander Dutov allegedly refused to accept this help for political reasons - due to the fact that Semyonov did not obey Kolchak. However, it is not clear how such military strength could have been sent from Transbaikalia through the territory controlled by Kolchak in conditions of almost a military conflict between him and Semyonov.

Semyonov declared a blockade of “white Siberia” from the Far East and did not allow cargo sent by the allies to Kolchak through Trans-Siberian Railway. They had to deliver them via the Northern Sea Route, through the mouth of the Ob, and this route opened only in the summer of 1919. Thus, during the decisive period of its struggle against the Bolsheviks, in the winter of 1918/19 and the spring of 1919, Kolchak’s army was completely deprived of material supplies from the allies, which became impossible the last reason her defeats.

All negotiations on the subordination of the Far Eastern Cossacks to Kolchak were disrupted by Semyonov, behind whom stood the Japanese. At the end of December 1918, Kolchak, in a letter to the commander-in-chief of the White armies in the south of Russia, General Anton Denikin (Denikin himself received this letter only in April 1919), complained that “the so-called atamans Semyonov, Kalmykov, Gamov, supported by the Japanese, with their gangs form a hostile me group and the issues with them have not yet been resolved, since the Japanese openly intervened and prevented me armed force bring Semyonov into obedience."

These lines are significant in many ways. Firstly, it is clear that Kolchak (and not Semyonov) was the initiator of an acute conflict, striving to achieve the unconditional submission of the chieftains and not allowing compromises. But why on earth should Semyonov, who participated in the fight against the Bolsheviks from the first days of the civil war, obey a hitherto unknown vice admiral brought to Omsk by the British? Secondly, Kolchak calls the Far Eastern Cossacks “gangs” not because of their atrocities, but only because of the insubordination of their atamans. This makes us suspect that the emphasis on these atrocities was subsequently placed deliberately, and in fact the Far Eastern atamans were no different in this regard from Kolchak himself and the atamans loyal to him (Dutova, Annenkova, etc.).

Great powers often use puppets to achieve their geopolitical goals. The Japanese Empire was no exception.

In 1931, the Japanese created a puppet state - the Great Manchu Empire (Manchukuo), and the emigration of Russians to international Shanghai began. The activity of militaristic Japan in Northeast Asia contributed to the recognition of the Soviet Union by the United States. America since the days Civil War opposed the strengthening of Japan, eager for the resources of the Russian Far East and Siberia.

The Japanese did not plan to include Siberia and the Far East into their empire. By analogy with Manchukuo, it was planned to create new puppet states east of Lake Baikal after the occupation. In this case, the emphasis was placed on national emigrant groups in Manchuria. In Harbin alone, numerous anti-Soviet organizations operated, including the “People’s Monarchical Union”, “Far Eastern Cossack Union”, “Russian Combined Arms Union”, “All-Russian Fascist Party”, “Union of Trade and Industrialists”, “Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists” (ONU), as well as other emigrant groups.

Based on open archives Soviet intelligence services expanded their knowledge of white emigration in Manchuria. About the creation project Ukrainian state in Russian Far East I learned for the first time in the late 90s from an article by historian Leonid Kuras, published in a collection of scientific works in Ulan-Ud and have written about this more than once in geopolitical publications. For example, Manchukuo and the Ukrainian puppet state

The small “Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists” in Manchuria became an ally of the Country rising sun in the hope of creating an independent anti-Russian state in the Far East. They were disappointed by the great European powers who did not grant independence to the Western Ukrainian people's republic. And according to widespread national idea, decided to “lie down” under the Japanese. And the Japanese military mission in the puppet state of Manchukuo promised Ukrainian statehood.

The ONU was tasked with establishing ties with the Ukrainian population of Green Klin, Red Army Ukrainians of the Far Eastern Special Military District and repressed Ukrainians from the Far Eastern Gulag camps. In Harbin, radio broadcasts were organized and a newspaper was published in Ukrainian and a magazine about Ukraine in English, and “Kobzar” by Taras Shevchenko was released in Japanese in Tokyo.

In 1934, in Harbin, as a branch of the Berlin organization of Hetman Skoropadsky, the Ukrainian military organization “Sich” was created, which could become the core of the future Far Eastern Ukrainian army. And although a little more than 11 thousand Ukrainians lived in Manchukuo, the local Japanese military mission attributed this fact great value. Ukrainians were second after Russians in number in Soviet Primorye, where they made up a third of the population (313 thousand people). The Japanese intended to use the movement of Ukrainians “for independence” in Europe and create a buffer state in Soviet Primorye, where there was a so-called “green wedge” populated by Little Russians. The Japanese planned to provoke anti-Soviet uprising Ukrainians of Primorye and, with the help of the diaspora in Harbin, create a buffer Hetman Far Eastern Ukrainian Republic. It was expected that the uprising would be supported by Ukrainian soldiers serving in the Special Far Eastern Army, who were acutely experiencing the tragedy of the Holodomor.

The Japanese wanted to see Hetman Skoropadsky, who was in exile in Berlin, as the leader of the Ukrainian state in the Far East. But the hetman, as a true Orthodox Ukrainian, this time refused to play the role of the main puppet.

Then the Japanese military mission in Manchuria relied on Ataman G.M. Semenov, promising him the creation of a puppet Russian, predominantly Cossack, state in Transbaikalia. But the Transbaikal Cossacks in exile did not support the Japanese, since the ataman betrayed them and fled from Chita by plane during their retreat from Transbaikalia.

To create an anti-Soviet state, the Japanese also relied on the All-Russian fascist party, formed in 1925 in Harbin under the impression of the successes of the Italian Duce Mussolini. The party also united the Russian diaspora in other parts of the world and numbered up to 30 thousand people in the early 30s. Therefore, only taking into account this knowledge does it become clear why, with the arrival of the Red Army, repressions began and Russian Harbin practically ceased to exist.

But what is the Green Wedge? “Wedges” in Ukrainian sources refer to places of compact residence of Ukrainians during the process of Russian colonization to the east. The most prominent are the “Yellow Wedge” in the middle and lower Volga region, the “Crimson Wedge” in the Kuban and the “Grey Wedge” in the south. Western Siberia Northern Kazakhstan.
In the early 50s, my father was elected chairman of a collective farm in the predominantly Ukrainian village of Volnoye on the Lower Volga. The Ukrainian spoken language was still preserved there. According to the latest all-Russian population census in 2010, the vast majority of village residents already identified themselves as Russians.
On Wikipedia (if anyone doesn’t know that this is an American project), an article about the “Green Wedge” of Ukrainians in the Russian Far East is posted in 10 languages. On the map, all of the Amur and Primorye regions are shaded green. Source - broken link to an article in a Lviv magazine from 1931.

The green Ukrainian wedge in the Russian Far East was formed mainly in the Primorsky Territory, the colonization of which was carried out by sea on Dobroflot ships from Odessa. According to the All-Union Population Census of 1926, in the Far Eastern Territory, Ukrainians made up 18.1% of the population. In the 1930s, some regional newspapers were published in Ukrainian. In the early 70s, I still found villages with a predominantly Ukrainian population. According to the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, 50 thousand Ukrainians lived in the Primorsky Territory, or 2.6% of the population. With the end of the artificial “Ukrainization” of the 20s, the Far Eastern Little Russians gradually decided on their Russian self-identification.

The failed Japanese experience in creating a puppet Ukrainian state was adopted by the United States, which organized a coup in Ukraine in 2014. The Ukrainian “Cossacks” from the Orange regime turned out to be soft-bodied and were unable to create an anti-Russian state. But after the next Maidan, thanks to the US State Department, true puppets from American totalitarian (anti-Orthodox) sects were appointed, reinforced by an American citizen, a Lithuanian and a Georgian. Jews were placed at the head of the anti-Russian state, which causes concern in Israeli society among those who have not forgotten history and 1918 in Ukraine.

One of the organizers of the coup, the US Ambassador to Ukraine, in an interview with the media, praised himself for the work done, “the current (Ukrainian) government is world class”

State of Bohai (698–926) At the end of the 6th - beginning of the 7th centuries. The Tungus tribes of the Mohe, who inhabited the territory of Primorye and adjacent areas of the Far East, reached a level in their development where property inequality within individual tribal associations led to the emergence of class differences.

By the end of the 7th century. the process of decomposition of the primitive communal system and the emergence of class relations affected a significant part of the Mohe tribes. The threat of an attack on the Mohe tribes by powerful neighbors contributed to the acceleration of their unification into large military-tribal alliances, which then took shape into a single state whole. This is how the first medieval Tungus state arose in 698 - the kingdom of Bohai.

The Bohai state at the beginning of its existence occupied a small territory. By the second half of the 8th century. Bohai became a powerful state in the Far East. By this time, his possessions extended in the south to the kingdom of Silla, which occupied the territory of modern South Korea, in the east - to the coast of the Sea of ​​​​Japan, in the west, Bohai's possessions bordered on the territory of the Khitans, in the southwest - on the possessions Chinese Empire on Liaodong, in the north Bohai included lands up to the lower reaches of the Amur. The basis administrative division The country was laid down in the former possessions of tribal and clan associations of the Mohes. The entire territory of the state was divided into 15 districts (regions), 62 prefectures, 125 counties. The main political and administrative center of Bohai was in the Upper Capital, located on the right bank of the river. Khurhi (Mudanjiang), near the modern city of Dongjingcheng.

The Bohai state was headed by a kedu (king), whose decrees “had the force of law and nothing was carried out without his approval.” These words, which characterize the Bohai kings as the only and sovereign rulers, at the same time indicate that in Bohai, as well as in a number of other states of the East, “the king is the sole and exclusive owner of all lands in the state” (K. Marx and F. Engels. Soch., vol. XXI, M-L., 1929, p. 491.)

Executive power in Bohai was concentrated in two ministries of the royal government. In the Left Ministry, draft laws were developed and current affairs were discussed. The Right Ministry was in charge of records of royal decrees, historical events, complaints, etc. In addition, the Left Ministry was in charge of the departments of ranks, warehouses and food, and the Right Ministry was in charge of the departments of payments, military and water. The state apparatus of Bohai, as well as most Asian countries, was characterized, according to the glory of K. Marx, by “three branches of management: the financial department, or the department for robbing one’s own own people, a military department, or a department for the robbery of neighboring peoples, and, finally, a department of public works” (K. Marx and F. Engels. Works, vol. IX, p. 347.).

Thus, in Bohai there was a relatively complex bureaucratic apparatus, which consisted, as V.I. Lenin said, “of a group of people who were engaged only in that, or almost only in that, or mainly in managing” (V.I. Lenin. Soch., vol. 29, p. 440.)

Such “public power,” wrote F. Engels, “exists in every state. It consists not only of armed men, but also of material appendages, prisons and compulsory institutions of all kinds, which were unknown to the generic structure of society. It can be very insignificant, almost imperceptible in societies with still undeveloped class oppositions and in remote areas" (F. Engels. Origin of the Family, private property and states. M., 1952, p. 177.)

The Bohai king relied on the bureaucracy and tribal leaders, with the help of whom the subject tribes were exploited. The power of the leaders was confirmed by royal decree.

IN in this case we have a peculiar form of the early feudal allotment system, adapted to conditions when a significant part of the medieval Tungus population, subject to the Bohai kings, was experiencing the process of decomposition of primitive communal relations and the enslavement of free community members by the nobility.

The population of Bohai was engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, hunting, marine and taiga crafts. Great development handicraft production has reached. In general, the Bohai economy was mixed. There was widespread specialization of individual cities, prefectures and districts in the production of certain types of handicraft, agricultural and hunting products. This contributed to a significant expansion trade relations. Along with the development of exchange between tribes and regions, great attention was given to Bohai's barter trade with neighboring states and peoples, with whom constant political, economic and cultural ties were maintained.

Bohai possessed high culture, the development of which was influenced by neighboring states, as well as Turkic and Khitan tribes. In turn, Bohai played a positive role in the development of the culture of peoples East Asia.

Several monuments of Bohai culture are currently known on the territory of Primorye. Of greatest interest are the remains of two Buddhist temples in the river valley. Chapigou near the village. Krounovka in the Ussuriysk region. Interesting material was obtained by archaeologists during excavations of the Abrikosovsky Temple. This temple was destroyed as a result of a fire that suddenly broke out in the building. At the site of the former temple, archaeologists discovered numerous items made of baked clay: richly ornamented tiles, figurines of Buddhas (gods), the head of a dokshita (demon) with a terrifying grinning mouth, images of dragons and other mythical animals, various stucco decorations in the form of rosettes, etc. One of the clay objects depicts a cross, which suggests the presence in Bohai, along with Buddhism and shamanism, of other types of religious worldview, i.e., in this case, Nestorianism, which became widespread in the countries of Central Asia and the Far East in VII - IX centuries

Bohai's power was shaken by the struggle masses and attacks from external enemies. The Khitan tribes took advantage of this, destroyed the kingdom and created their own statehood in 918, which became known as the Liao Empire. On the part of Bohai territory captured by the Khitans, the state of Eastern Dan, a vassal state of the Khitan emperor, was created. However, thanks to the stubborn resistance of the conquered people, the Khitans failed to capture the entire territory of Bohai. Tungus tribes, who lived in the eastern and northeastern regions of the former kingdom of Bohai, were only nominally considered vassals of the Khitan emperors and gradually accumulated forces for armed struggle against the invaders.

State of the Jurchens (1115-1234). The Jurchens, or Nuizhens, are descendants of the Tungus tribes that were previously part of Bohai. In the brutal internecine struggle that followed shortly after the defeat of Bohai between individual Jurchen tribes, which managed to maintain their independence from the Khitans, the Wangyang tribe won. The leaders of this tribe managed to unite a significant part of the Jurchen tribes around themselves and inflict a major defeat on the Khitans. After the defeat of the Khitans, the leader of the Jurchens, Aguda, declared himself emperor in 1115, choosing the name Aisin, i.e. Golden, for the empire he created.

Having defeated the Khitans and destroyed their statehood, the Jurchen emperors turned their greedy gaze to the riches of neighboring China. In a difficult war between two powerful empires the winners were the Jurchens, who, despite heroic resistance on the part of the Chinese population, it is possible to long time establish their dominance over most of the territory of the Chinese Empire, which brought untold suffering to the common people of China.

The entire territory of the Jurchen Empire was divided into 19 provinces. At the head of the state was the emperor, who enjoyed unlimited power. Executive power was exercised State Council. Six ministries were subordinate to him: ranks, finance, ceremonies, military affairs, public works and criminal. Special state chambers were in charge of collecting taxes.

Social system of the Jurchens in the 12th-13th centuries. determined primarily by the presence of feudal ownership of land. The owners of the land were the emperor and his relatives, the court nobility, and the clergy. They owned the best plots and received income from the land.

The main occupation of the Jurchens was agriculture and animal husbandry; they bred mainly cows, horses and pigs. Hunting and fishing. Craftsmen and peasants made their homes from wood, coating the outside with clay. In winter, the Jurchens wore fur clothes, and in summer, linen clothes.

The most common religious worldview among the Jurchens was shamanism. Along with this, part of the population professed Buddhism.

The general cultural level of the Jurchens was quite high. The most important event in cultural history This people created their own written language. Jurchen writing served primarily for business correspondence, but over time it became the basis for the creation own literature, primarily historical.

Currently, on the territory of Soviet Primorye it is known large number Jurchen monuments, mainly fortifications (enclosed by high earthen ramparts of settlements). Two such settlements were recently located in the area of ​​the city of Ussuriysk, on the territory of which sculptural images of turtles, people, etc., carved from granite, were once discovered.

The remains of the third large fortification near Ussuriysk are on Kraenoyarovaya Sopka. Here was once the center of the Jurchen district of Subin (Suifun). The ramparts of this fortification are partially preserved and reach a height of 6–8 meters in some places. In the south-eastern part of the settlement there was the so-called “Forbidden City”, where various administrative institutions, palaces and homes of the local nobility were located. Population of this ancient city was well prepared for defense in case of a long siege. In a number of places, the remains of ancient reservoirs are currently visible; at the foot of the fortress walls there are small accumulations of basalt cores for stone-throwing machines.

Archaeological excavations that were carried out on the territory of the Krasnoyarovsky settlement, as well as on the territory of the settlement near the village. Nikolaevka, in the valley of the river. Suchan, have given historians extremely rich material, on the basis of which we can now speak about the relatively high level of Jurchen culture, the talent and great artistic taste of this people.

In general, we can say that the existence of the Jurchen state was an important stage in the development of the economy, social relations and culture of the ancestors of the present Tungus peoples who inhabited our Far East in the Middle Ages. The Jurchen state took on the powerful onslaught of the Mongol armies. The first blows of the Mongols in East Asia fell on the Jurchens. For more than thirty years it has been carried out bloody war, which was started by Genghis Khan and completed by his son Ogedei. Jurchen cities and villages were burned and destroyed, huge amount the population was destroyed and taken into slavery by the conquering Mongols.

After the Mongol invasion, which contemporaries of the events wrote about as “the most terrible disaster and the greatest disaster, the likes of which had never been seen day or night on earth,” and then more than a century of the Mongol yoke, Primorye for many centuries until the first half of the 19th century V. remained a wild and sparsely populated region, and the inhabitants who survived here (Nanai, Udege, Orochi, Orok) were thrown back several centuries in their development and could no longer on our own overcome centuries of backwardness.

INTO THE SECRETS OF RUSSIAN CIVILIZATION. Artifacts of an ancient state found in the Far East

The Far East, now almost deserted, was densely populated in ancient times. The Jurchen Empire - people of the white race - flourished there, which was the heir to a highly developed civilization that existed there three thousand years ago...

An ancient state of white people in the Far East

In the 50s of the 20th century, academician A.P. Okladnikov and his students discovered in the Far East the existence of the Golden Jurchen Empire, which existed there in the Middle Ages. It occupied the territory of modern Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, the Amur region, the eastern regions of Mongolia, northern regions Korea and the entire northern part of China. The capital of this huge empire was Yanqing (now Beijing) for a long time. The empire included 72 tribes, the population ranged from 36 to 50 million people, according to various estimates. There were 1200 cities in the empire.

An ancient state of enormous size - white people in the Far East

Jurchen Empire

The Jurchen Empire was based on ancient civilizations, which existed long before “Great China” and possessed the highest technologies at that time: they knew how to produce porcelain, paper, bronze mirrors and gunpowder, and also possessed mysterious occult knowledge. Bronze mirrors, which were made in the Jurchen Empire, are found by archaeologists in the territory from Pacific Ocean to the Caspian Sea. In other words, the Jurchens used these achievements much earlier than the Chinese “discovered” them. In addition, the inhabitants of the empire used runic writing, which orthodox science is unable to decipher.

However, the empire received all these technological achievements from previous states that were located on its territory much earlier. The most mysterious of them is the state Shubi, which is believed to have existed in I-II millennium BC They truly had unique knowledge, had underground communications in the form of tunnels with many parts of their empire and neighboring states.

It is quite possible that these underground passages still exist. Moreover, most likely, there are underground tunnels leading to the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin and Kamchatka. For example, it is known that the idea of ​​connecting Sakhalin with the mainland through a tunnel was developed at the end of the 19th century, but was not implemented. In 1950, this idea was resurrected by Stalin. On May 5, 1950, the USSR Council of Ministers issued a secret decree on the construction of a tunnel and a reserve sea ferry. It is quite possible that the secrecy was caused by the fact that it was not planned to build a tunnel, but only restore something that was built in ancient times. The tunnel was never built. Immediately after Stalin's death, construction was curtailed.

But let's return to Shubi. It's them invented gunpowder, paper, porcelain and everything else the invention of which is attributed to the Chinese. In addition, they created an amazing system for the distribution of rare plants on the territory of their state. In other words, plants in Primorye not only grew “as God willing,” but they were specially selected, grown and planted. An eloquent witness to this selection is the yew grove on Petrov Island, and at the foot of Mount Pidan several old yew trees have been preserved, which are not found anywhere else in the region. This feature was noticed by Academician V.L. Komarov, a Russian botanist and geographer, and military topographer and ethnographer V.K. Arsenyev, who explored Primorye in 1902-1907 and 1908-1910, discovered that the boundaries of the Tibeto-Manchu flora coincided with the boundaries of the bygone Shubi civilization.

In addition, V.K. Arsenyev found and excavated numerous cities correct form and stone roads in the taiga on the Dadianshan plateau. All this eloquently testifies to the scale of the bygone civilization. Remains of stone roads are still preserved in the coastal taiga. Besides these fragments material culture, information about the Shubi civilization has reached us very, very little, mostly it is of a legendary nature. Bohai legends also called the state of Shubi the Land of Magic Mirrors and the Land of Flying People.

Legends also claim that they all went to underground city, the entrance to which is located on the top of a large mountain (most likely Mount Pidan), that they made magic mirrors capable of showing the future from some kind of unusual gold. A two-meter statue of the so-called Golden Baba was made from this gold, which was worshiped by both the Bohais and the Jurchens as an ancient idol. Legends tell that this gold was not mined on the territory of Primorye, but it was brought through underground passages from the depths of volcanoes. When the cities of the Shubi country were deserted, and the Bohais and Jurchens went underground to the kingdom of the Shubi birds, they took with them “forty carts loaded to the brim with gold,” and this gold also disappeared.

Interesting information about mysterious mirrors is provided by the modern writer, traveler and researcher Vsevolod Karinberg in his essay “The Mystery of “Magic” Mirrors or the Matrix”:

“In Chinese paintings depicting celestial beings traveling through the clouds and tops of mythical mountains, you often see “magic” mirrors in their hands. “Magic mirrors” already existed in the 5th century, but the book “The History of Ancient Mirrors,” which described the method of making them, was lost in the 8th century. The convex reflective side is cast from light bronze, polished to a shine and coated with mercury amalgam. In different lighting conditions, if you hold the mirror in your hand, it is no different from normal. However, under the bright sun rays through its reflective surface you can “look through” and see patterns and hieroglyphs on back side. In some mysterious way, massive bronze becomes transparent. Shen Gua in the book “Reflections on the Lake of Dreams” in 1086 wrote: “There are “mirrors that transmit light”, on the back side of which there are about twenty ancient hieroglyphs that cannot be deciphered, they “appear” on the front side and are reflected on the wall of the house , where they can be clearly seen. They are all similar to each other, they are all very ancient, and they all transmit light...”

So what are these ancient hieroglyphs that, already in the 11th century, could not be deciphered by a Chinese scientist? Chinese sources speak of a letter from the Bohai ruler, written in characters incomprehensible to the Chinese, reminiscent of paw prints of animals and birds. Moreover, this letter is not readable in any of the languages ​​of the Tungus-Manchu group, which includes the Bohais and Jurchens. Therefore, they hastened to call this language unreadable and dead.

We know another language - the Etruscan language, which was also “unreadable” until recently, until we tried it read in Russian. The same thing happened with the hieroglyphs, or rather runes, of the flying people from the Shubi Empire. They have been read. And they read it in Russian. See the works of V. Yurkovets “We will remember everything” and academician V. Chudinov “On the writing of the Jurchens according to Yurkovets.”

Moreover, we were able to find images of the Jurchen emperors. Or rather, not images, but busts that are exhibited today in Chinese city Harbin, in a museum called the Museum of the First Jin Capital.

Jurchen Emperor Taizu, Wanyan Aguda (1068-1123).

Jurchen Emperor Taizong, Wanyan Wuqimai (1075-1135).

Jurchen Emperor Xizong, Wanyan Hela (1119-1149).

Jurchen Emperor Hai Ling Wang, Wanyan Liang (1122-1161).

Jurchen mirror with swastikas.

The photographs show busts of: the first Jurchen Emperor Taizu, Wanyan Aguda (1115-1123), the second Jurchen Emperor Taizong, Wanyan Wuqimai (1123-1135) - younger brother previous emperor; the third Jurchen emperor Xizong, Wanyan Hel (1135-1149) and the fourth Jurchen emperor Hai Ling Wang, Wanyan Liang (1149-1161).

Pay attention to the racial traits of the emperors. These are people of the white race. In addition, the last picture shows an exhibit from the excavations of the Shaiginsky settlement, which is 70 km away. north of Nakhodka - unique monument Jurchen culture in the Primorsky Territory. This mirror was discovered in 1891, and in 1963 excavations of this monument began, which continued until 1992. As we can see, it depicts a swastika - the solar symbol of the Slavic-Aryans.

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, something was known about the Jurchen civilization, magic mirrors showing the future and other artifacts of this empire. And this is not surprising, because the territory of Primorye was part of Great Tartary- a huge empire of the White Race, which at one time occupied the territory of all of Eurasia. Europeans knew about its existence back in the 17th century, despite the fact that Europe was already completely torn away from it and began writing its own “unfair” history.

In 1653, “Atlas of Asia” by Nicholas Sanson, who talked about the easternmost part of Tartary - Cathai. Not to be confused with China, which was designated China or Cina on medieval maps and was located south of Cathay. It was Cathay, not China, that Marco Polo visited in the 13th century. It was his descriptions that served as the basis for plotting data on the most distant eastern territories Eurasia on a 15th century map created by the Venetian monk Fra Mauro in 1459. Thanks to this map, you can see cities completely unknown to modern historical science. The peculiarity of this map is the fact that north is at the bottom and south is at the top. Interactive map can be viewed here - It also shows states unknown to today's historical science that were part of Cathay: Tangut and Tenduk.

In 1659, the "World History" of Dionysius Petavius, which described the rich and developed Tartar state of Cathai, which had long been called Scythia, which did not include the Himalayas. Like N. Sanson, he mentions the states included in Cathay: Tangut, Tenduc, Camul, Tainfur and Tibet. Unfortunately, these names, except for the last one, do not tell us anything today.

In 1676 in Paris, “World Geography” by Duval Dubville, which contained a description of the main countries of the world, among which several Tartaries occupied a significant place. Among them was “Kim(n) Tartaria - this is one of the names used to call Cathai, which is the most big state Tartary, for it is heavily populated, full of rich and beautiful cities.”

This section of our site contains an Italian map of China from 1682 by Giacomo Cantelli and Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi, which shows the possessions of the Jurchens: Tangut, Tenduk, the kingdom of the Nivkhs, which are called the Kin Tartars or Golden Tartars (remember , that the Jurchen empire is called Golden) and the kingdom of Yupi (the kingdom of the Tartars, who dressed in fish skin).

Mappa mundi Fra Mauro.

Giacomo Cantelli 1682

Map of Tartary and Korea, Paris, 1780

Map of Chinese and Independent Tartary, 1806

Map of geopolitical divisions of Asia, 1871

After the defeat of Great Tartaria in the war of 1773, which was given the name “Pugachev’s Rebellion,” the memory of this empire began to be carefully erased, but this was not immediately possible. On maps of the 18th and sometimes 19th centuries, it, or its provinces, were still reflected, including the Far East. For example, we look at maps: Tartary and Korea, Paris, 1780, by the French naval engineer M. Bonne, Chinese and Independent Tartary, 1806 by John Curry, geopolitical division of Asia, 1871 by the British cartographer Samuel Mitchell.

Let's return to the Jurchen empire and their magic mirrors. There is information that they were found by Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky (1839-1888), an officer of the General Staff. He made 5 expeditions to the Ussuri region, the lands of which by that time had been annexed by the Romanov Empire, and Central Asia. Based on the results of expeditions in the Amur region, the monumental work “Journey to the Ussuri Region” and “On the Foreign Population in the Southern Part of the Amur Region” was written. In St. Petersburg, at the Department of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences, his field notes about the Ussuri region are kept, as well as a list of materials he transferred to the Russian Museum.

N.M. Przhevalsky.

These materials include a collection of bronze mirrors. According to legend, among these mirrors there is a magic mirror that shows the future, and into which the great traveler looked when setting off on his last expedition to Tibet. He intended to cross the Tien Shan Mountains and the Tarim Basin from north to south, explore the northwestern part of Tibet, and then visit the city of Lhasa. However, in the mirror he saw that he would not return back. And indeed, on the border with Tibet, Przhevalsky suddenly fell ill, as they say, either from drinking raw water, or from sweating while hunting and catching a cold, or from typhoid fever. However, there is another version - poisoning. The fact is that the expedition of an officer of the Russian General Staff aroused fears both in Chinese government, and among the British, who were at odds with Tibet, and suspected a secret political mission on the part of the Russian government in the expedition.

After each Przhevalsky expedition, the Academy of Sciences and the Russian Geographical Society regularly organized exhibitions of the rich material that he brought to the capital - hundreds of stuffed animals, skins of wild animals, infinite number herbariums and material artifacts, such as magic mirrors, which he purposefully sought, like the Golden Baba of the Jurchens. By the way, he so persistently wanted to go to Tibet, also because he believed that the main Jurchen artifacts were taken there. He didn’t find the woman, but he brought a mirror. At the beginning of 1887, the Museum of the Academy of Sciences hosted an exhibition of Przhevalsky’s collections, which was visited by Emperor Alexander III. He was very interested in the Magic Mirror. Przhevalsky told him that he saw his death in the mirror during a trip to Tibet. The Emperor looked into the mirror, after which he ordered the mirrors to be removed from the exhibition.

The son of Alexander III, Nicholas II, was also interested in the mystery of the magic mirror. He met with another outstanding researcher of Primorye, military topographer Vladimir Klavdievich Arsenyev, who, after an expedition around the region in 1910, also organized an exhibition of artifacts. Arsenyev told the emperor not only about magic mirrors, but also about a special type of gold, about the Golden Baba, and showed samples rocks which he brought from the expedition.

V.K. Arsenyev.

What was this special kind gold? Let us turn again to the text by Vsevolod Karinberg “The Mystery of the “Magic” Mirrors or the Matrix”:

“In the Academic Town of Novosibirsk, Professor Ershov at the Institute of Programming and Informatics conducted research on the problem of Chinese mirrors. And it seems that something has become clearer for them, if all the conclusions were suddenly classified. Research was also carried out in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) at the Electro-Mechanical Institute under the leadership of Zhores Alferov. They showed that the bronze alloy from which the mirror is made contains, in addition to copper, tin, and zinc, also rare earth elements of groups 6 and 7: rhenium, iridium. The alloy contains nickel, gold, mercury, silver, platinum, palladium, as well as radioactive elements - impurities of thorium, actinium, uranium.

And for some reason, the special light bronze of the front surface of the mirror contains phosphorus in large quantities. It is assumed that if it hits the mirror sunlight the alloy is excited and it radioactive radiation causes the front mirror surface to glow in certain places. There is one more trick in these mirrors - a spiral winding of multilayer metal tapes on the handle. There is a hypothesis that through this handle, human bioenergy is transferred to the mirror. And that is why someone is able to simply activate the mirror, and someone is able to see pictures of the future in it.

The symbols on the back surface of the mirror act on the human psyche, and it is they that allow you to tune in to pictures of the subtle world. Combination rare elements in the alloy inherent in Chinese mirrors, there is only one mine. In 1985 on the island. In Kunashir, in the former closed zone of the Japanese Imperial Reserve on the Zolotaya River, next to the Tyatya volcano, adits were discovered where the Japanese mined gold throughout the war, moreover, ore, chemically bound, and not alluvial, which is why no one knew about it.

And here we again come to the mystery of Bohai gold. According to legend, when going underground, the Bohai people took with them “forty carts loaded to the brim with gold.” The largest gold bar was the Golden Woman - a sculpture about two meters high. Both Shubi gold and Bohai gold were not mined in the territory of modern Primorye. Gold was brought through underground passages from the underground country of Shubi, from the depths of volcanoes. When the cities of the land of Shubi were deserted, the gold disappeared.

The gold of Shubi, or, if you like, the gold of Bohai, reveals one secret, because of which the researchers of the secrets of magic mirrors, the pioneers in Primorye, may have died. No one imagined that there was gold from volcanoes, especially ore. The melt squeezes out through basalt rocks, in some “pockets” up to 1200 grams per cubic meter of soil. Inside the volcanoes there is silver, platinum and rare earth elements, which are very rare in nature. Gold! This is what the world power Japan fought for. Underground passages, leading to the gold volcanic developments of the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, quite possibly, exist to this day ... "

Since 2016, Russians have the opportunity to own 1 hectare (10,000 sq.m.) of land in the Far East. The adopted law aroused wide interest among the citizens of our country: how will they be distributed and to whom will they be entitled?

The Far East is one of the regions with extremely low population density. The law on Far Eastern hectares is aimed at solving this problem. According to the Ministry of Eastern Development, in the Far Eastern Federal District today there are 600 million hectares of land, while here only 2 million hectares are used.

The agency indicates that 147 million hectares can be used for development. Thus, if desired, every Russian has the right to become a full-fledged Far Eastern landowner (the total population of Russia does not exceed 146 million people).

In the Khabarovsk Territory alone, Russians have access to up to 0.915 million hectares of forest fund and another 11,400 hectares of former state farm land.

The law on the distribution of land in the Far Eastern Federal District (119-FZ) was signed by the president in May 2016.

Its full title: “On the features of providing land plots on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District."

The Federal Law provides for the allocation of free land plots to everyone who lives in the Far East or would like to move here. Owners can be individuals and individual entrepreneurs. The plot can be used at your own discretion: to create your own business, run a business, etc.

For those planning to move to the Far East, the Government has provided a number of additional benefits and privileges.

Thus, it is planned to provide comprehensive support to the development of the agricultural industry and provide displaced people with preferential rates on mortgage loans.

Also, migrants to the Far North will be able to use existing social guarantees and allowances:

  • “northern” salary increases in the amount of 30-100% depending on length of service;
  • shortened working week for women (36 hours);
  • payment for vacation necessary for moving and settling in;
  • additional leave up to 24 days;
  • payment for travel to and from the place of annual vacation (no more than 2 times per year);
  • early labor pension;
  • bonus for work experience and status of a young specialist.

It is planned to provide comprehensive support for small businesses in the form of grants and subsidies, assistance to cooperatives in installing power grids and constructing infrastructure facilities.

According to research by VTsIOM, 29 million people showed interest in moving (among them, much fewer are actually ready to move). These are mainly people under the age of 24.

The most popular regions for moving: Primorye, Khabarovsk region and Amur region.

Who has the right to receive land

Applications began to be processed in June 2016 and initially only residents of the Far Eastern regions can apply.

Now implementation the project is underway in nine pilot regions:

  • Khankaisky district (Primorye);
  • Amur (Khabarovsk Territory);
  • Oktyabrsky (Jewish autonomous region);
  • Neryungri region (Yakutia);
  • Olsk (Magadan region);
  • Ust-Bolsheretsky (Kamchatka Territory);
  • Tymovsky (Sakhalin region);
  • Anadyr (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug);
  • Arkharinsky (Amur region).

According to the Ministry of Eastern Development, these regions were not chosen randomly, but based on transport accessibility and communication quality. For those interested in farming, only three regions are suitable: Primorsky Krai, Amur Region and Jewish Autonomous Okrug.

From February 2017, all Russians will have the opportunity to apply for plots, regardless of their place of residence.

The law especially emphasizes that only Russians can receive land. Foreigners do not even have the opportunity to rent it, let alone take ownership of it. We are talking about foreign individuals and legal entities, as well as stateless persons.

It is also possible to register not ownership rights, but . A citizen can submit an application for re-registration of property rights before the expiration of the five-year period.

There is one exception: if land from the forest fund is transferred to a citizen, it cannot be transferred into ownership. In this case, a citizen has the right to take possession of the land only after 10 years and subject to the transfer of land from the forest fund to another category.

During the first year, the land user needs to decide exactly how he plans to use the land entrusted to him. Authorized authorities must be notified about this through the website. After three years, a declaration on the use of the site is filled out. The approved use of land can always be changed.

Throughout the entire period, the user must pay land tax.

If the state commission finds out that the site has never been developed, then the agreement for free use will be terminated by the state unilaterally. In this case, local authorities will have to prove in court the fact of misuse. It is the court that decides final decision about the transfer of land.

What the concept of “land has been developed” means is not yet entirely clear, as this issue has not yet been regulated by additional legal acts. With land for individual housing construction, everything is more or less clear: within five years, some kind of building needs to be built and registered there.

By law, land is not provided within urban districts and settlements.

There is one problem: plots are allocated in areas remote from settlements at least 10 km (if we're talking about O small town up to 50 thousand people) or 20 km for settlements inhabited by more than 300 thousand people.

How to get land?

The process of obtaining a “Far Eastern hectare” is quite simple: the application can be submitted to electronic form.

The procedure for obtaining land consists of 6 stages:

  1. Registration on the State Services portal.
  2. Login to your personal account on the official website of NaDalniyVostok.rf using the created login/password on the State Services portal.
  3. Formation of the boundaries of the preferred site on the public cadastral map.
  4. Confirm your choice.
  5. Formation of an application in electronic form and confirmation of its sending to the authorized bodies. You must first check the correctness of the information provided. All the above steps should take the user no more than 15 minutes.
  6. After completing the application, the authorized body must register the selected site and issue a resolution on its transfer for free use.
  7. At the final stage, a free use agreement is signed.

Registration will take no more than 30 days.

Going through all of these stages is absolutely free for the user. In the applicant’s personal account you can always see a list of documents, the status of their consideration, as well as information about the site:

  1. its location diagram,
  2. characteristics (area, perimeter, aerial photography)
  3. and the statement itself.

In some cases, cadastral work will be required.

They are free for the applicant and are carried out at the expense of the budget.

Information about the engineers (organizations) authorized to carry out work in the selected territory with whom the contract is concluded will be available in your personal account.

Based on the results of cadastral work, the applicant will be provided in electronic and paper form with a technical plan, an inspection report and from the cadastral register.

If a citizen does not have access to the Internet, then it is possible to submit an application through the MFC, by sending a letter to authorized government agencies or through Rosreestr.

In this case, the following information must be indicated in the application:

  • Full name, place of residence, SNILS and passport details;
  • cadastral number of the plot;
  • details of the decision on land surveying or approval of the survey project;
  • the type of title under which the applicant would like to purchase the plot;
  • purpose of land use;
  • contact information for communicating with the applicant.

A copy of the passport and a site diagram (on paper or generated electronically) are attached to the application. In addition, a power of attorney will be required if the document is transferred by a representative. Request for other documents is prohibited.

Based on the results of consideration of the application, an agreement for free use of the land plot is concluded with the citizen.

It specifies the intended purpose of the land (it can always be changed), details of the site and the validity period of the contract (5 years).

Before the expiration of the contract, a citizen must submit an application for the allocation of a plot of land to him as a property or on a lease basis.

When making a decision to allocate land to a user government agency prepares a draft lease or gratuitous transfer agreement and sends it to the applicant. The applicant will have 30 days to sign the agreement.

The signed agreement can be submitted in person to the authorized body, by mail or in the form of an electronic document.

When the signature is received by the government agency, it must make a decision on allocating a plot of land to it. Together with the agreement signed by both parties, you can contact Rosreestr to register ownership rights.

When can they refuse?

After receiving an application from the user for land approval authorized bodies will have 10 days to verify the application. If it does not meet the established requirements or any documents from the list are missing, the application is returned back to the applicant. The reasons for its return are indicated.

A refusal may be issued if, after receiving a resolution from the land or fire supervision authorities or forest protection authorities, the user does not eliminate the violations within the established time frame.

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