If you have lost everything in life. Life has lost its meaning - what to do, how to live on? Psychologist's advice

We all have those moments when it seems that things can’t get any worse, that the emptiness inside is forever, and that the meaning of life is irretrievably lost. How to return it, this meaning? Everyone has their own answer, according to life experience and level of depression. One will seek the meaning of life through travel, trying to find himself in them or at least get out of a state of melancholy. Another will drown himself in entertainment, a third will go into religion, and a fourth will buy a cat. How can you regain the feeling of fullness of life again? What to look for a way out of the deadlock?

  • A radical change in external image. One of the most popular options among girls drowned in search of the meaning of life. All available and not so affordable means are used - strict diets, a complete wardrobe change, a new hairstyle/makeup, a series of procedures in a beauty salon with a course lasting “until it goes away” and even a surgical knife. Will it help? Of course, self-confidence will appear. And many changes in life begin with self-correction. Those very changes that become links in a happy chain leading to happiness and success. Just don't overdo it. Changing your appearance and finding yourself in image experiments can become obsession and a “drug” that, instead of calming down, will bring only problems.

  • IN healthy body- healthy spirit! And harmony of spirit and body is impossible in the absence physical strength. AND reverse side eat - than stronger spirit(the spirit of the winner), the stronger the health. The right image life - like a “pill” for despondency, depression and states of “whatever it is, whatever it is.” Exercises, a swimming pool, morning jogging - like a pleasant tradition, life is a sport (let’s go where we’re most drawn), healthy eating etc. There are no cons! Nothing but advantages. In the process of acquiring the habit of a healthy lifestyle, even the need to search for “meaning” is lost - everything falls into place on its own.

  • Shopping. A typically feminine remedy for “everything.” Any stress is relieved by shopping. Of course, a shopping trip brings a lot of positive emotions. But the danger of this option is not only in useless purchases and irrepressible waste of money, but in the emergence bad habit– cure every melancholy with shopping. As in the case of eating cakes or in the case of changing your image this method has more minuses than pluses. Learn to cure the blues and look for yourself in what only has positive consequences and creative prospects. Don't let your stress pills turn into bad habits and took over you completely. This is not a “treatment”, but a “respite”.

  • Analysis of the situation. Look around. What do you see around you ? Do you have a roof over your head? Don't you go naked? Enough for bread and cheese? And even for a trip to warm regions? And don’t you particularly complain about your health? So it's time to figure it out psychological problems. When you lock yourself in your shell, think about what is most hindering your life right now? What would you get rid of without thinking? Eliminate sources of irritation, get away from those things and people that make you want to “lie down and go to sleep forever,” radically shake up your life and don’t be afraid of anything. Most often, a state when life loses meaning “covers” in a situation of complete helplessness or loneliness. You have the power to change this. Just start small - understand yourself, stop watching the news that puts you in a state of suspended animation and prostration (sit on social networks, “die” within 4 walls, etc.), look for your inspiration.

  • Creation. Easiest to deal with a terrible beast“apathy” (as well as blues, depression and other derivatives) through creativity. Everything that scares you, confuses you, puts you in a state of trance, irritates you, etc., should be thrown out through creativity. Write. As best you can. Clumsily, with errors, in the form of diaries, blank verses or memoirs - this is a powerful antidepressant that allows you not only to lift your spirits and get rid of unnecessary thoughts, but also to understand the meaning. The meaning of everything. Just remember that the ending should ALWAYS be positive! And draw. Whatever you know how to eat - pencils, construction paints, vegetables from the refrigerator or coal from the stove. Draw your anxieties, fears, emoticons and the future, abstractions and simply your state. Paper and canvas will endure anything. And instead of emptiness in the soul, grace will come. Learn to “drain” the bad in creativity and concentrate the positive from it. Pros: maybe in 5-6 years you will wake up as a famous artist or writer. To everyone creative people inspiration comes from melancholy and melancholy.

  • Adding new colors to life. What haven't you tried yet? Surely, you secretly dream of learning how to belly dance, jump from a tower into a pool, shoot (very discharges and shakes up the “psyche”), sculpt jewelry or embroider on sofa cushions? Look for yours! An activity that will not only distract and calm the nervous system, but will also become a valuable experience, perspective, and the beginning of meetings with interesting people. Get out of the swamp, it's time to act!

  • Help your neighbor. The call that “sets teeth on edge” is known to everyone. But the speech in in this case It’s not about throwing a couple of coins to an aunty with someone else’s child on the subway. We're talking about real help. For many people real help becomes a neighbor true meaning life. Always remember - someone is now much worse off than you. Look around. While you cherish the “meaninglessness” of your existence, someone is already helping the lonely, abandoned, sick and trapped difficult situations people - in orphanages, hospitals, hospices, the Ministry of Emergency Situations (and even animals in zoos and shelters). On a voluntary basis, at the behest of the heart. By doing good, a person cleanses himself of unnecessary “tails,” brightens his soul, and attracts joy. Start with a couple kind words for your offenders, from an unexpected visit to your elderly mother, whom you have not visited for a long time, from humanitarian assistance to those who need it.

  • Isn't it too quiet in your house? Isn't it time to liven up your apartment with the patter of little feet and the sonorous laughter of children? Children - main meaning this life. Our continuation, our mark on earth. The appearance of a baby (whether your own or an adopted one) changes your life instantly and forever. True, if a child is only a way to get out of a psychological impasse, then it is better to wait with this “method”. A child will only be a salvation if you are already ready for motherhood.

  • If the maternal instinct has not yet awakened, and the desire to take care of someone is simply unbearable, get a dog. You definitely won't be bored. You are guaranteed morning jogs ( healthy image life), diet (you can’t eat much when those eyes look at you, but long tongue constantly strives to slide across your plate), new acquaintances (girl, what kind of breed is this? Can Rex and I go for a walk with you too?), sincere selfless love and devotion to the tip of the tail.

And most importantly, look for motivation. Without motivation, life controls you. With motivation, you control your life.

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“I’m lost...I remember my name and where I live, I know who I am by education and what I work for, I know what I believe in and what I build my life on, but I’m lost!...
It may seem strange, but everything that I have absorbed like a sponge during my life begins to seem somehow unnatural, feigned and false. It’s as if I’m carrying something extra with me that doesn’t allow me to straighten my back and straighten my shoulders.
I want to part with this burden. I want to take off all these clothes that restrict my movements. I'm tired of hiding from Life as it is. I want to find myself. The path may not be easy, but I am ready. I'm ready to meet halfway with the one I've been running from all this time. I am sure, I feel that Someone has invested a piece of eternity in me. She digs into my mortal tissue like a splinter and reminds me that Life is a gift that deserves more attention on my part. Events that happen, as if on purpose, affect her and cause unbearable pain. And then I realized that it was time for me to wake up...
I searched but didn't find it. He called, but received no answer. I forgot about it for hours, days, weeks... I broke it, then rebuilt it, burned bridges, but always returned to the same thing.
Life is a search. She will never give you ready-made answers, but she will make you learn lessons that cannot be skipped. It is a rapid and dynamic flow that is all-encompassing and omnipresent. It will not leave anyone indifferent, because everything that surrounds us is filled with it.
She is a strict but caring father, she is the gentle hands and hugs of a mother. She is the smile of a child. She is the beat of a heart in silence. She is a friend's shoulder difficult moment. She is inhalation and exhalation. She is sunrise and sunset, the sound of rain and wind, birds singing in the treetops, laughter and joyful exclamations of loved ones. She is the first cry of a baby and the last breath of an old man. She is the ringing of the bell at Christmas and the dead silence in the desert. She is a friend in everything and everywhere! She is for us! She doesn't keep stones in her bosom and will never stick a knife in her back. She smiles when we smile. She cries when we cry. She breathes and lives when we breathe and live. She is our reflection in the big mirror of this world, and we stand with eyes closed and we cannot see and solve a mystery that actually does not exist.
I'm sorry...I'm sorry that I fenced myself off from you with thick walls of beliefs and prejudices. Sorry I looked and didn't see it. I listened, but didn't hear. I'm sorry that I didn't trust you and relied more on my own strength. I'm sorry that I was attached to things and ideas that forced me to judge you prejudicially.
The rose-colored glasses that had grown into my face did not allow me to see the entire palette of colors and colors. But I want to take them off. I want to return home and am taking the first steps to meet you.
Everything shrinks inside when I see how with passion loving father, you meet prodigal son. I want to cry loudly and lament when I see what kind of hugs you give to someone who has a piece of you in them. I want to remain silent until the end of eternity and feel your even breathing, feel that you are nearby. Carefree children's laughter itself begins to break out from the depths of my soul and fills everything around with its light and warmth. Every moment I want to hold on to you more and more, for every movement, sound heard, kiss, heartbeat, handshake and every step. I am gradually beginning to realize that I am home!
Thank you...Thank you for the fact that when I take off all my masks from my face, you accept and do not turn away from me. Thank you for the fact that when I open up to the beat of my heart, it does not stop beating. It reminds me of you with a smile!
Thank you for teaching me to find miracles in the everyday routine of my days that reflect your versatility. Every breath, and this seemingly familiar opportunity to look, is a gift. Thank you for happiness being wrapped in the fabric of your presence. Being in it, I increasingly find joy and peace.
Thank you for this passionate dance of love. I haven't learned all the moves yet and sometimes I step on your feet, but I can handle it. Give me a couple more chances and tries!
I’m lost... there’s Life in you!..”

You can listen to the audio version of the prose here - http://vk.com/neslovami

A man without clear life guidelines like a ship without a destination port, it sails not to where the desired result awaits it, but to where the wind and underwater currents drive it. Very often this leads to a person marking time in one place for YEARS.

I knew one person who, following either the will of external circumstances (in the person of superiors, acquaintances, social “trends”, etc.), or parental attitudes, or his momentary desires and immature ambitions, destroyed two of his marriages, lost a solid position in the state hierarchy, and then the very opportunity to get a more or less decent job was ruined by relationships with loved ones. And in the end, he became so disoriented in his life that he started drinking heavily, almost ended up in a colony, and miraculously avoided losing his apartment.

Now he drags out a miserable, beggarly existence, miraculously not sliding to the social bottom, although he could become influential and respected person if not at the regional level, then certainly at the local level. And all this because he DID NOT KNOW what to do if he was confused in life.

If you are at a crossroads in life, if you have many questions but no answers, if you don’t know how to continue living, then I sincerely hope that the recommendations in this article will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes and the possible collapse of all life prospects.

The first recommendation is, oddly enough, to do nothing. That is, do not make ill-conceived and unnecessary, and therefore extremely dangerous, body movements. There is only one safety rule for those who find themselves in a quagmire or quicksand - under no circumstances wave your arms and legs randomly, do not make sudden and chaotic movements - fall even deeper, the one who flutters the most is sucked in the fastest. In nature, this rule can be observed in the example of a spider’s web, where the fly that fights the most gets entangled the fastest.

So don't hesitate. “Investing in clutter” only increases the amount of clutter in your life. Before you do anything, you need to eliminate the clutter (in your head), before you eliminate the clutter, you just need to stop and look around soberly.

The second recommendation is to review the strategy. It was not by chance that you found yourself at this point in life. Something brought you here. And that something is yours life strategy, it doesn’t matter whether you are aware of it or not. Therefore, sit down, take a pen and paper and start analyzing: “How did I get to this life?” To make this process faster, better and more interesting for you, I recommend using .

The third recommendation is to “get out from under the press.” Begin new life- means getting out of a dead end, figuring out a confusing route. But not for a person who carries behind him a rotting bag of difficult and emotionally unresolved situations. Such a person simply will not make it to the exit. But really, it will be difficult for him to take even a couple of steps. How can we be here? The bag needs to be dropped. There can't be two options here. How exactly is a technical question. It helps me personally and my clients a lot with this. .

It is important here to grasp and try to understand one simple thing- a person, despite all his perfection, is very similar to a car. The car runs as long as there is fuel. No fuel - the car does not move. A person moves as long as he has energy. More energy - the process goes better, faster, more fun. Little energy - the process is slow, painful, dull.

Energy is elusive, but we feel it through emotions. Negative emotions– the flow of energy slows down, narrows, and gradually dries up. Positive emotions– energy is in full swing, “we can move mountains” (see also ). This state is also called “resource”, since there is a resource - energy. Therefore, energy must be released, It helps a lot with this.

The fourth recommendation is to “separate the wheat from the chaff.” Even in 3 pines it’s easy to get lost if you have a map with false coordinates - you’ll wander around in circles “until the second coming.” In our lives, and, consequently, in our heads, there is a lot of varied information “garbage”: false values, rotten “ideas”, vulgar ambitions, outdated beliefs, relict attitudes, etc. etc.

As children, it was strongly instilled in us that “we must obey our elders.” In adult life this transformed into “obey your superiors.” What does the boss need? So that the employee works hard (preferably without days off), “gets hit” for the managerial mistakes of his superiors and does not create problems for his superiors (i.e. does not make any demands). The ideal worker is a robot!

This belief will help you get out of life's dead end? I seriously doubt it. The conclusion is to throw it in a landfill.

The fifth recommendation is to find yours Big Goal. Actually, this is the way out for those who are lost and asking the question “What to do if you are confused in life?”, the previous recommendations are a “seed”, preparatory stage, clearing the “Augean stables”. What does it take to find your Big Goal? It’s very simple - you need to be able to rise above your life and look at it from the outside (more detailed information you can find it in my article ). To make it more clear to you, a small illustrative parable:

One day, a Taoist Master led his disciple to a park located at the foot of a mountain. The park contained a complex labyrinth with high and smooth walls. The labyrinth had no roof, and its passages were illuminated by sunlight.
The master led the student to the entrance to the labyrinth and told him to find a way out. The student wandered through the labyrinth all day and all night, but time after time he invariably reached a dead end. Desperate to get out, he fell to the ground and fell asleep.
Feeling someone shaking his shoulder, the student opened his eyes. The Master stood over him.
“Follow me,” he said.
Coming out of the labyrinth, the Taoist, without turning around, began to climb the mountain. Having climbed to the top, he ordered:
- Look down!
From the place where they stood, the labyrinth was clearly visible.
“Looking from here, can you find the path leading to the exit from the labyrinth?” - asked the Taoist.
“It’s not difficult,” said the student. – You just need to look closely.
“Find it and remember it well,” the Teacher ordered. After some time, they descended the mountain, the student entered the labyrinth and confidently passed it, without ever getting lost or lost.
“The lesson you learned today concerns one of the main secrets of the Art of Living,” the Taoist said, meeting the student at the exit.
“The further you move away from the situation, the higher you rise above it, the larger the surface your gaze covers, the easier it is to find the right solution.

“I’ll come home. I'll close the doors. I'll leave my shoes at the door. I'll get into the bath. I'll open the tap. And... I’ll just wash away this day.” V. Vysotsky

Lost the meaning of life, what to do: the fight against depression and laziness

Psychologists say that if a person becomes fixated on finding his meaning in life and becomes depressed, it means he has too much free time.

He asks himself the same questions over and over again. He tries to find an answer from those around him, thereby nourishing hope and arousing pity. Being depressed, a person wants everyone to see how poor and unhappy he is. He expects pity and sympathy. The reason may be that he simply lacks communication.

What to do if there is no meaning in life?

If you find yourself in such a situation, you need to pull yourself together and come up with something to do. You cannot get carried away with the situation of the victim; this can develop into chronic depression, which you will no longer be able to overcome on your own.

Often the reason for the loss of meaning in life is:

  • loss of a loved one;
  • dismissal from work;
  • cheating spouse.

All these life situations can lead to a person feeling: he has lost the meaning of life and he doesn’t know what to do. You can't devote your life to just one thing. Any unpleasant situation can knock out a person even with very strong character out of a rut. But if you were fired from your job, but your loved one is still there, he will support you and help you find a new position. If there is no loved one, there are friends who can support in difficult times and help with advice. Having lost one, look for support in another.

What to do if the meaning of life is lost: live for the sake of others

Most often, people who are very focused on their “I” are susceptible to depression. The question of what to do if the meaning of life is lost can be solved not only by inventing an activity and hobby.

Try to live for others

Give your full attention free time on the people around you who need help and communication. Take care of a pensioner, help a child suffering from a serious illness. Become a volunteer. You will see that there are a lot of people in the world who have problems much more serious than yours, but they live, rejoice and do not lose their positivity.

You cannot change your life, but you can change the way you look at it.

Cases when a person lost meaning of life, happen to everyone. Nobody promised that ours life path will be strewn with roses. And it’s quite normal that sometimes you don’t have the strength to move on. Everything around seems so meaningless and you want only one thing - to forget. Depression is usually treated with medication. As it turns out, our mood is controlled by the hormone of joy, which in this case ceases to be produced.

But why wait for the “last moment” When did your life lose its meaning? Isn't it better to deal with this problem at the very beginning, as soon as you begin to feel that your life is starting to fade? These three simple exercises will help you paint your life with new colors and illuminate it.

Exercise 1.
Live the last moment

This exercise was proposed by psychotherapist Frederic Fange. Based on self-analysis using .

  1. Sit in a quiet, secluded place and imagine that you have just one day life. Then ask yourself three questions:
      • What would I like to hear about myself after death?
      • What do I regret not doing?
      • What am I most proud of?
  1. Now think about what you would do on your last day that actually makes sense to you. Make a list of these things and choose what you can do in the next 24 hours.

Since in this exercise work is being done with the deep layers of the subconscious, it is not recommended for those who have already driven themselves into deep depression.

Exercise 2.
Cooking party

Through the stomach you can not only find the way to a man’s heart, but also regain the joy of life. For this you just need start cooking. In principle, this is one of the most simple ways, which allows you to put yourself in a state. Try throwing an unusual cooking party for your friends.

Food evokes vivid sensations in a person that are remembered for a long time. By sharing your feelings with others, you intensely experience the present moment.

Exercise 3.
Fire up your brains

This exercise is from the French writer Denis Grozdanovich and, naturally, is related to reading. It's very simple - all you need is read And think about it over the next two passages. It's good if you do this in writing in your Diary.

So let's get started:

In a world where no one should work more than four hours a day... compulsory work will be enough to make leisure time enjoyable, but not enough to cause exhaustion. If people are not tired in their free time, not only passive and empty entertainment will suit them
(Bertrand Russell).

All objects were covered with a snowy blanket of silence. You can only hear what is happening inside the house. I wrap myself in a blanket and don't think about anything. I feel joy and fall asleep, not understanding why all these things are done in the world
(Fernando Pessoa).

In fact, it's best not to wait for your life to rust and fade. And if you like the method, do these exercises periodically. They will allow you to always feel the taste of your life and diversify it in time.

Evaluation test
your level of depression

If you want to assess your level of depression, you can take special test. This is quite an interesting test. It will help you figure out how much imbalance nervous system and whether you are at risk of depression.

I found it in the book of a psychotherapist - Andrei Kurpatov. And he claims that this test is very serious and is used all over the world. Despite its simplicity, this is a proven technique for detecting depression. The reliability of the test has been confirmed by scientists and many studies.

The test is short and will not take you much time to complete.

It is shareware. I prepared it as a return gift for financial support this site. I am constantly asked how people can express gratitude for my work. Just. Buy me a cup of coffee. I love it very much and have a lot of fun. And in return I will thank you with this test.

To receive this test, enter 100 rub. to Yandex wallet or WebMoney. Residents of Ukraine can deposit hryvnia on WebMoney ( 50 UAH ).

Wallet numbers:

WebMoney R213267026024 (rubles)
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When listing in Notes, please indicate your Last name and first name.

After this:

  1. Write to me in the Form feedback(section Contacts), category!Financial issues".
  2. Indicate where you transferred the money and from where.
  3. The test will be sent to you by e-mail, which you indicate in the Feedback Form.

So if you're having dark thoughts, just take this test and see what you get. Actually, the test shows a person’s condition on two scales (anxiety and depression). Your result with the letter “T” will show you the degree of your anxiety, and with the letter “D” - the degree of your depression.

Of course, only a doctor can make a final diagnosis. This test I present this only so that a person can see the problem in time and take advantage of the advice given on this site.

The test results can and should be taken as a kind of warning. Therefore, do not ignore the problem, but take care of yourself and your life.

P.S. Of course, I also took the test. My results: T=2, D=3. I'm curious what happened to you. Share your results in the comments.

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