Air Chief Marshal Kutakhov. Pavel Stepanovich Kutakhov (USSR) - great pilots of the world

Soviet military leader, Chief Marshal of Aviation (1972), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (05/01/1943, 08/12/1984), Honored Military Pilot of the USSR (1966).

Born on August 16, 1914 in the family of a poor peasant in the village of Malo-Kirsanovka, Rostov region. The family was large: four sons and a daughter. And the workers have one father. The mother barely had time to manage the housework. And then the revolution and civil war broke out. At the beginning of 1919, my father died of typhus. Life has become very difficult. From an early age, Pavel experienced the hard work of peasant labor. He learned to do everything: mowing, plowing, sowing, but you never know how much work there is to do in the village at any time. Since childhood, Pavel was drawn to knowledge. In my native village at that time there was only an elementary school. And then most of the guys my age became workers. Pavel was lucky. His desire to study was supported by his older brothers Gerasim and Ivan. And Pavel went to study in the village of Fedorovka, which is 18 kilometers from Malo-Kirsanovka.

And in 1933, Pavel left the outskirts of his native village and set off along a familiar road into a new, unknown life. So he ended up in Taganrog. At first I really wanted to finish high school. I settled on a quiet Aptekarskaya street. I went to school for a little while near the New Market. Now this is secondary school 9, on the wall of the school building hangs a memorial plaque stating that Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Chief Aviation Marshal P.S., studied here. Kutakhov. Moreover, through the efforts of the head teacher of the school for educational work, Shilchenko, the Kutakhov Museum was created.

But I didn’t have to study at school for long, I had to somehow feed and support myself, and then a factory school for tram drivers opened. And Paul went there. I studied well. Soon he became his first student. In 1934, after graduating from college, he was sent to work at the aircraft plant 31 named after Dimitrov.

The young mechanic Pavel Kutakhov ended up at the site of the foreman Pyotr Pavlovich Korobeinikov, a knowledgeable and experienced man. He quickly noticed the hardworking, modest boy. By this time, Pavel’s older brother Gerasim was already working at the plant, and then Ivan became a Dimitrov worker.

The country grew and transformed before our eyes. People also grew. Everyone was thirsty for knowledge. Soon Pavel Kutakhov entered the evening workers' school. He worked during the day and went to study in the evenings. Even then I dreamed of the sky, of airplanes, of being a pilot. In August 1935, following a Komsomol call-up, Pavel went to the Stalingrad Military Pilot School. Good preparation, excellent health and ardent desire, as well as a proletarian origin, helped Pavel Kutakhov to withstand the tough selection and become a pilot. And soon he was one of the three lucky ones who put on a cadet uniform. And the remaining thirty guys returned to Taganrog. A new, amazing life began for Pavel. First airfield, first flight with an instructor and... finally, the first solo flight on a U-2 plane.

In 1938, Lieutenant P. Kutakhov arrived in a combat regiment near Leningrad. He soon becomes commander of a fighter flight. He managed to make several sorties during the liberation of Western Belarus, but truly received his baptism of fire in the winter of 1939. During the war with Finland, Pavel Ste

Panovich Kutakhov flew 131 combat missions. It was a difficult and harsh time in the formation of a young military pilot. In one of the battles, he was shot down and escaped by parachute, and then made his way through the deep snow to his own. The severe frost could have played its fatal “joke”, but military luck helped, he came across our scouts, who helped the pilot return to his airfield.

The Great Patriotic War found the young lieutenant P. Kutakhov in the position of flight commander in the Vyborg region. Here he opened his winning account: he shot down the first fascist vulture. He started near Leningrad, then ended up in the Arctic, on the Karelian Front. He was deputy squadron commander and later became squadron commander. He defended Murmansk, Kandalaksha, the Kirov railway, fought over the hills and tundra, over the cold Barents Sea.

We had to accompany caravans of transports that brought us weapons, materials, and equipment. On July 9, 1941, Pavel Kutakhov won his first victory in the northern skies, together with the experienced pilot Golovnya, and shot down a German plane. The young pilot turned into one of the most famous aces of the Soviet Arctic. The newspaper “Boevaya Vakhta” wrote in May 1943: “During 22 months of combat work on our front, Hero of the Soviet Union Pavel Kutakhov not only hardened himself and went through a difficult path of improving his skills. During this time, he rallied around himself a wonderful galaxy of brave ace pilots, became the educator of new air fighters, Among them the name of Hero of the Soviet Union Efim Krivosheev shines with eternal glory." The Nazis sent their most experienced and skilled pilots to the North at the beginning of the war. And two months later, their best cadres were killed. Our glorious falcons did this, and among them a place of honor rightfully belongs to P.S. Kutakhov. In total, during the war years P.S. Kutakhov made 497 combat missions, conducted 79 air battles, in which he personally shot down 28 and with his comrades another 14 fascist aircraft. He has received many awards.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. USSR on May 1, 1943 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1944, Major Kutakhov already commanded a guards regiment. P.S. Kutakhov was not only an excellent air fighter, but also a caring educator and a skilled commander. The fame of him and his comrades spread throughout the entire front. Ten Heroes of the Soviet Union grew up in his regiment.

In 1944, Guard Major Kutakhov, by decree of the English King George, was awarded the Order of the British Empire, 4th class, for high flying skill and exploits while protecting allied convoys.

After the war, Lieutenant Colonel Kutakhov commanded a regiment in the Arctic for several more years, and then he was sent to study in Lipetsk. Here he graduated with honors from the Higher Officer Flight Tactical Courses in 1949 and was assigned to a group of Soviet troops in Germany. He held the position of commander of an aviation division, flew a lot and selflessly, and taught young people.

This was the time of transition to jet technology. It is no coincidence that Pavel Stepan

Vich was among the first to receive the rank of military pilot first class.

Then he arrived at a new duty station in the Baltic states. Here he mastered supersonic fighters. In 1957, Pavel Stepanovich successfully graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff and was again in a responsible job. In 1966, on his birthday, Pavel Stepanovich learned that he, the aviation commander of the Odessa Military District, lieutenant general of aviation, was awarded the title “Honored Pilot of the USSR” among the very first in the country. The Decree stated “For special merits in the development of aviation technology, high performance in the education and training of flight personnel and many years of accident-free flight work...”.

In 1967, Colonel General of Aviation P.S. Kutakhov was appointed First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the country's Air Force, and since March 1969, Air Marshal Kutakhov became the head of the country's military aviation. Since 1972, Pavel Stepanovich Kutakhov has been Chief Marshal of Aviation. Enormous and responsible work occupied all his time, his entire life. But along with this, Pavel Stepanovich finds time to meet with his voters. He was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of four convocations. Since 1961, he was elected as a delegate to all party congresses. And since 1971, a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

As a military pilot, Air Chief Marshal Kutakhov flew modern combat fighters into the skies until he was 60 years old. Few pilots could boast of such health and confidently pass medical examinations. But he had every day scheduled by the hour. He had to solve a huge number of complex problems in an important government position. Now students of his students are already flying in the peaceful skies of the Motherland.

Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, Chief Marshal of Aviation Pavel Stepanovich Kutakhov celebrated his seventieth birthday in hard work.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council in 1984, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the second time. But it so happened that the famous marshal never managed to receive his second gold star of Hero. In August, he became twice a Hero, and on December 3 of that year, the country and all military aviators of the Soviet Union learned the sad news of P.S. Kutakhov died. He died at a combat post and suddenly felt unwell while in Star City. He was taken to Moscow, where he died. Extensive stroke.

Pavel Stepanovich devoted his entire life to serving the Fatherland. And the Motherland highly appreciated his services.

State awards P.S. Kutakhova

Four-time holder of the Order of Lenin;

Knight of the Order of the October Revolution;

Knight of the Order of Kutuzov, 1st degree;

Five-time Knight of the Order of the Red Banner;

Knight of the Order of Alexander Nevsky;

Knight of the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree;

Two-time Knight of the Order of the Red Star;

Knight of the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces" III degree;

Recipient of many orders and medals of foreign countries

Born on August 16, 1914 in the family of a poor peasant in the village of Malo-Kirsanovka, Rostov region. The family was large: four sons and a daughter. And the workers have one father. The mother barely had time to manage the housework. And then the revolution and civil war broke out. At the beginning of 1919, my father died of typhus. Life has become very difficult. From an early age, Pavel experienced the hard work of peasant labor. He learned to do everything: mowing, plowing, sowing, but you never know how much work there is to do in the village at any time. Since childhood, Pavel was drawn to knowledge. In my native village at that time there was only an elementary school. And then most of the guys my age became workers. Pavel was lucky. His desire to study was supported by his older brothers Gerasim and Ivan. And Pavel went to study in the village of Fedorovka, which is 18 kilometers from Malo-Kirsanovka.

And in 1933, Pavel left the outskirts of his native village and set off along a familiar road into a new, unknown life. So he ended up in Taganrog. At first I really wanted to finish high school. I settled on a quiet Aptekarskaya street. I went to school for a little while near the New Market. Now this is secondary school 9, on the wall of the school building hangs a memorial plaque stating that Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Chief Aviation Marshal P.S., studied here. Kutakhov. Moreover, through the efforts of the head teacher of the school for educational work, Shilchenko, the Kutakhov Museum was created.

But I didn’t have to study at school for long, I had to somehow feed and support myself, and then a factory school for tram drivers opened. And Paul went there. I studied well. Soon he became his first student. In 1934, after graduating from college, he was sent to work at the aircraft plant 31 named after Dimitrov.

The young mechanic Pavel Kutakhov ended up at the site of the foreman Pyotr Pavlovich Korobeinikov, a knowledgeable and experienced man. He quickly noticed the hardworking, modest boy. By this time, Pavel’s older brother Gerasim was already working at the plant, and then Ivan became a Dimitrov worker.

The country grew and transformed before our eyes. People also grew. Everyone was thirsty for knowledge. Soon Pavel Kutakhov entered the evening workers' school. He worked during the day and went to study in the evenings. Even then I dreamed of the sky, of airplanes, of being a pilot. In August 1935, following a Komsomol call-up, Pavel went to the Stalingrad Military Pilot School. Good preparation, excellent health and ardent desire, as well as a proletarian origin, helped Pavel Kutakhov to withstand the tough selection and become a pilot. And soon he was one of the three lucky ones who put on a cadet uniform. And the remaining thirty guys returned to Taganrog. A new, amazing life began for Pavel. First airfield, first flight with an instructor and... finally, the first solo flight on a U-2 plane.

In 1938, Lieutenant P. Kutakhov arrived in a combat regiment near Leningrad. He soon becomes commander of a fighter flight. He managed to make several sorties during the liberation of Western Belarus, but truly received his baptism of fire in the winter of 1939. During the war with Finland, Pavel Stepanovich Kutakhov made 131 combat missions. It was a difficult and harsh time in the formation of a young military pilot. In one of the battles, he was shot down and escaped by parachute, and then made his way through the deep snow to his own. The severe frost could have played its fatal “joke”, but military luck helped, he came across our scouts, who helped the pilot return to his airfield.

The Great Patriotic War found the young lieutenant P. Kutakhov in the position of flight commander in the Vyborg region. Here he opened his winning account: he shot down the first fascist vulture. He started near Leningrad, then ended up in the Arctic, on the Karelian Front. He was deputy squadron commander and later became squadron commander. He defended Murmansk, Kandalaksha, the Kirov railway, fought over the hills and tundra, over the cold Barents Sea.

We had to accompany caravans of transports that brought us weapons, materials, and equipment. On July 9, 1941, Pavel Kutakhov won his first victory in the northern skies, together with the experienced pilot Golovnya, and shot down a German plane. The young pilot turned into one of the most famous aces of the Soviet Arctic. The newspaper “Boevaya Vakhta” wrote in May 1943: “During 22 months of combat work on our front, Hero of the Soviet Union Pavel Kutakhov not only hardened himself and went through a difficult path of improving his skills. During this time, he rallied around himself a wonderful galaxy of brave ace pilots, became the educator of new air fighters, Among them the name of Hero of the Soviet Union Efim Krivosheev shines with eternal glory." The Nazis sent their most experienced and skilled pilots to the North at the beginning of the war. And two months later, their best cadres were killed. Our glorious falcons did this, and among them a place of honor rightfully belongs to P.S. Kutakhov. In total, during the war years P.S. Kutakhov made 497 combat missions, conducted 79 air battles, in which he personally shot down 28 and with his comrades another 14 fascist aircraft. He has received many awards.

Best of the day

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. USSR on May 1, 1943 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1944, Major Kutakhov already commanded a guards regiment. P.S. Kutakhov was not only an excellent air fighter, but also a caring educator and a skilled commander. The fame of him and his comrades spread throughout the entire front. Ten Heroes of the Soviet Union grew up in his regiment.

In 1944, Guard Major Kutakhov, by decree of the English King George, was awarded the Order of the British Empire, 4th class, for high flying skill and exploits while protecting allied convoys.

After the war, Lieutenant Colonel Kutakhov commanded a regiment in the Arctic for several more years, and then he was sent to study in Lipetsk. Here he graduated with honors from the Higher Officer Flight Tactical Courses in 1949 and was assigned to a group of Soviet troops in Germany. He held the position of commander of an aviation division, flew a lot and selflessly, and taught young people.

This was the time of transition to jet technology. It is no coincidence that Pavel Stepanovich was among the first to receive the rank of military pilot first class.

Then he arrived at a new duty station in the Baltic states. Here he mastered supersonic fighters. In 1957, Pavel Stepanovich successfully graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff and was again in a responsible job. In 1966, on his birthday, Pavel Stepanovich learned that he, the aviation commander of the Odessa Military District, lieutenant general of aviation, was awarded the title “Honored Pilot of the USSR” among the very first in the country. The Decree stated “For special merits in the development of aviation technology, high performance in the education and training of flight personnel and many years of accident-free flight work...”.

In 1967, Colonel General of Aviation P.S. Kutakhov was appointed First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the country's Air Force, and since March 1969, Air Marshal Kutakhov became the head of the country's military aviation. Since 1972, Pavel Stepanovich Kutakhov has been Chief Marshal of Aviation. Enormous and responsible work occupied all his time, his entire life. But along with this, Pavel Stepanovich finds time to meet with his voters. He was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of four convocations. Since 1961, he was elected as a delegate to all party congresses. And since 1971, a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

As a military pilot, Air Chief Marshal Kutakhov flew modern combat fighters into the skies until he was 60 years old. Few pilots could boast of such health and confidently pass medical examinations. But he had every day scheduled by the hour. He had to solve a huge number of complex problems in an important government position. Now students of his students are already flying in the peaceful skies of the Motherland.

Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, Chief Marshal of Aviation Pavel Stepanovich Kutakhov celebrated his seventieth birthday in hard work.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council in 1984, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the second time. But it so happened that the famous marshal never managed to receive his second gold star of Hero. In August, he became twice a Hero, and on December 3 of that year, the country and all military aviators of the Soviet Union learned the sad news of P.S. Kutakhov died. He died at a combat post and suddenly felt unwell while in Star City. He was taken to Moscow, where he died. Extensive stroke.

Pavel Stepanovich devoted his entire life to serving the Fatherland. And the Motherland highly appreciated his services.

State awards P.S. Kutakhova

Four-time holder of the Order of Lenin;

Knight of the Order of the October Revolution;

Knight of the Order of Kutuzov, 1st degree;

Five-time Knight of the Order of the Red Banner;

Knight of the Order of Alexander Nevsky;

Knight of the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree;

Two-time Knight of the Order of the Red Star;

Knight of the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces" III degree;

Recipient of many orders and medals of foreign countries.

16.8.1914 - 3.12.1984

Kutakhov Pavel Stepanovich - commander of the air squadron of the 19th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (258th Fighter Aviation Division, 7th Air Army, Karelian Front), guard major; Commander-in-Chief of the country's Air Force, Air Chief Marshal.

Born on August 3 (16), 1914 in the village of Malokirsanovka, today Matveevo-Kurgan district, Rostov region. Russian. In 1930 he graduated from the 7th grade of school. Since 1930 he lived in the city of Taganrog, Rostov region. In 1933 he graduated from the school of tram drivers. He worked as a mechanic at an aircraft plant in Taganrog. In 1935 he graduated from the workers' faculty at the Taganrog Industrial Institute.

In the army since August 1935. In 1938 he graduated from the Stalingrad Military Aviation Pilot School. He served in combat units of the Air Force (in the Leningrad Military District).

Participant in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. as a flight commander of the 7th Fighter Aviation Regiment; made 131 combat missions on the I-16 fighter. In one of the air battles he was shot down and escaped by parachute.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War: in June 1941 - May 1944 - deputy commander and commander of the air squadron of the 145th (from April 1942 - 19th Guards) Fighter Aviation Regiment, in May 1944 - January 1945 - commander of the 20th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. By February 1943, he had flown 262 combat missions, in 40 air battles he personally shot down 7 enemy aircraft and 24 in a group.

For the courage and heroism shown in battles, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 1, 1943, Guard Major Kutakhov Pavel Stepanovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 1026).

During the war he fought on the Leningrad and Karelian fronts. Participated in the defense of Leningrad, Murmansk and the Arctic, covering allied convoys, and the Petsamo-Kirkenes operation. In total, during the war he made 367 combat missions on I-16, LaGG-3 and R-39 Aircobra fighters, in 79 air battles he personally shot down 14 and in a group 28 enemy aircraft.

After the war, he continued to serve in combat units of the Air Force (in the Arctic). In 1949 he graduated from the Lipetsk Higher Officer Flight Tactical Courses. He commanded a division (in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany), a corps (in the Baltic Military District). In 1957 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff. In 1957-1959. - Deputy Commander for Combat Training, 1959-1961. - First Deputy Commander of the 30th Air Army (Baltic Military District). In 1961-1967 commanded the 48th Air Army (Odessa Military District). In 1967-1969. - First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force. Since March 1969 - Commander-in-Chief of the country's Air Force.

During his leadership, the country's Air Force achieved its highest development and growth. At the insistence of P.S. Kutakhov were again (after the “Khrushchev” reduction) hundreds of aviation regiments were formed and armed with modern equipment. The Commander-in-Chief, his deputies and the Air Force General Staff did a great job of creating mixed attack and front-line aviation formations of the Reserve of the High Command.

For his great contribution to increasing combat readiness and equipping the Air Force with modern aviation equipment and in connection with the 70th anniversary of his birth, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 15, 1984, Chief Marshal of Aviation Pavel Stepanovich Kutakhov was awarded the Order of Lenin and the second Gold Star medal. (No. 123/II).

Chief Marshal of Aviation (1972), Honored Military Pilot of the USSR (1966), Lenin Prize laureate (1983). Awarded 4 Orders of Lenin (05/1/1943, 08/15/1974, 02/21/1978, 08/15/1984), Order of the October Revolution (05/4/1972), 5 Orders of the Red Banner (05/1/1942) ., 07/13/1942, 02/22/1955, 12/30/1956, 02/22/1968), orders of Kutuzov 1st degree (11/4/1981), Alexander Nevsky (11/5/1944) , Patriotic War, 1st degree (09/22/1943), 2 Orders of the Red Star (11/15/1950, 04/29/1954), Order “For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces” 3rd degree (02/17/1976), medals, Order of the British Empire, 4th class (1944) and other foreign awards. Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU since 1971. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR since 1970.

Bronze busts of P.S. Kutakhov were installed in the village of Malokirsanovka and the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow region. In Moscow, memorial plaques were installed on the house in which the Hero lived, and in Taganrog on the building of the school where he studied. A street in the village of Malokirsanovka, as well as a gymnasium in Lyubertsy, are named after him.

Great pilots of the world Bodrikhin Nikolai Georgievich

Pavel Stepanovich Kutakhov (USSR)

Pavel Stepanovich Kutakhov

Born on August 16, 1914 in the village of Malokirsanovka, now Matveevo-Kurgan district, Rostov region. In 1930, he graduated from the 7th grade of school and entered the school of tram drivers. He worked as a mechanic at an aircraft plant in Taganrog. In 1935 he graduated from the workers' faculty at the Taganrog Industrial Institute.

Kutakhov has been in the army since August 1935. In 1938 he graduated from the Stalingrad Military Aviation Pilot School. He served in combat units of the Air Force in the Leningrad Military District.

Kutakhov took part in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939–1940. as a flight commander of the 7th IAP. He flew more than a hundred combat missions on the I-16 fighter.

From June 1941 to May 1944 he fought as deputy commander and commander of the air squadron of the 145th IAP, in May 1944 - January 1945 - commander of the 20th Guards IAP. By February 1943, he had flown 262 combat missions, in 40 air battles he personally shot down 7 enemy aircraft and 24 in a group.

On March 27, 1943, Captain Pavel Kutakhov, in a tense battle with the aces of the 5th German fighter squadron, shot down an Me-109G-2 fighter piloted by non-commissioned officer Edmund Kozlowski. The next day, a German pilot in the Urd-Lake area was captured.

For the courage and heroism shown in battles, Guard Major P.S. Kutakhov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Kutakhov fought on the Leningrad and Karelian fronts, participated in the defense of Leningrad, Murmansk and the Arctic, in covering allied convoys, in the Petsamo-Kirkenes operation. He ended the war with the rank of guard lieutenant colonel, as commander of the 20th Guards IAP.

In total, during the war he made 367 combat missions on I-16, LaGG-3 and R-39 Airacobra fighters, in 79 air battles he personally shot down 14 and in a group 28 enemy aircraft. Among those personally shot down, P.S. Kutakhov aircraft - 1 reconnaissance "Fisler-Storch" and 13 Me-109, among group victories - 5 Me-110, 3 Xe-111, 4 Yu-88, 2 Do-215.

After the war he continued to serve in the Arctic. In 1949 he graduated from the Lipetsk Higher Officer Flight Tactical Courses. Since 1949, Colonel P.S. Kutakhov commanded a division in a group of Soviet forces in Germany and a corps in the Baltic Military District. In 1957 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff. In 1957–1959 was deputy commander for combat training, 1959–1961. - 1st Deputy Commander of the 30th Air Army of the Baltic Military District. In 1961–1967 commanded the 48th Air Army of the Odessa Military District. In 1967–1969 - 1st Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force.

Since March 1969, Kutakhov has been Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Air Force. During his leadership, the country's air force achieved its highest development and growth.

General Kutakhov flew supersonic fighters until 1967. He got into emergency situations several times, but his exceptional flight endurance and composure allowed him to complete the flight without an accident. In 1967 he was awarded the rank of Air Marshal, and in 1972 - Air Chief Marshal.

Kutakhov died of heart failure on December 3, 1984. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Bronze busts of P.S. Kutakhov were installed in the village of Malokirsanovka and in the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow region. In Moscow, memorial plaques were installed on the house where the Hero lived, and in Taganrog on the building of the school where he studied. A street in the village of Malokirsanovka, as well as a gymnasium in Lyubertsy, are named after him.

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27 Draft agreement between Great Britain, France and the USSR, presented by the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. M. Molotov to the British Ambassador to the USSR W. Seeds and Chargé d'Affaires of France in the USSR J. Paillard on June 2, 1939. Secret Government of Great Britain and France

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Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov

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Pavel Artemyevich Plotnikov (USSR) Pavel Plotnikov was born on March 4, 1920 in the village of Gonba, Altai Territory, into a peasant family. After graduating from school No. 27 in Barnaul, he worked as an electrical mechanic at a car repair plant and at the same time was involved in a flying club. In the Red Army since 1938. In 1940.

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Pavel Vasilyevich Rychagov (USSR) Pavel Rychagov was born on January 2, 1911 in the village of Nizhnie Likhobory (now the territory of the Northern District of Moscow) into a peasant family. Graduated from junior high school. In the Red Army since 1928. In 1930 he graduated from the Leningrad Military Theoretical School of the Air Force, in 1931.

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Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov Vice Admiral, Admiral. On September 11, 1854 he was appointed head of naval commands on the southern side of Sevastopol, then he was assistant to the head of the Sevastopol garrison, and from March 2, 1855, in addition to fulfilling this position, he was commander

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From the book Reform in the Red Army Documents and materials 1923-1928. t 1 author

No. 3 Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 1962 with the announcement of the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated August 18, 1923 on the composition of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 196, Moscow September 6, 1923. At the same time, the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated August 28, 1923 "on the composition of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR."Deputy

Kutakhov Pavel Stepanovich - commander of the air squadron of the 19th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (258th Fighter Aviation Division, 7th Air Army, Karelian Front), guard major;
Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force - Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, Chief Marshal of Aviation.

Born on August 3 (16), 1914 in the village of Malaya Kirsanovka, Malo-Kirsanovsky volost, Taganrog district of the Don Army Region (now the village of Malokirsanovka, Matveevo-Kurgan district, Rostov region). Russian. In 1930, he graduated from the 7th grade of school in the village of Fedorovka (now Neklinovsky district, Rostov region). Since 1930 he lived in the city of Taganrog (now Rostov region). In 1933 he graduated from the school of tram drivers. In 1933-1934 he worked as a mechanic at aircraft plant No. 31 in Taganrog. In 1935 he graduated from the workers' faculty at the Taganrog Industrial Institute.

In the army since July 1935. In 1938 he graduated from the Stalingrad Military Aviation School. He served in the Air Force as a flight commander of a fighter aviation regiment (in the Leningrad Military District).

Participant in the Soviet-Finnish War: in November 1939 - March 1940 - flight commander of the 7th Fighter Aviation Regiment. He completed 101 combat missions on I-15bis and I-153 fighters. On December 25, 1939, his plane was shot down and made an emergency landing on its territory. In January 1940, his plane was shot down by enemy anti-aircraft fire and escaped by parachute.

He continued to serve in the Air Force as a flight commander and deputy commander of an air squadron of a fighter aviation regiment (in the Leningrad Military District).

Participant of the Great Patriotic War: in June-July 1941 - deputy commander of the air squadron of the 7th Fighter Aviation Regiment, July 1941 - May 1944 - deputy commander and commander of the air squadron, assistant regiment commander for air rifle service and deputy commander of the 145th (from April 1942 – 19th Guards) Fighter Aviation Regiment. He fought on the Northern (June-August 1941) and Karelian (August 1941 - May 1944) fronts. Participated in the defense of Leningrad, Murmansk and the Arctic, covering allied convoys. On March 27, 1943, a P-39 Airacobra was shot down in an air battle and escaped by parachute.

For courage and heroism shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 1, 1943, to Guards Major Kutakhov Pavel Stepanovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

Since May 1944 - commander of the 20th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. He fought on the Karelian Front (May 1944 – January 1945). Participated in the Svir-Petrozavodsk and Petsamo-Kirkenes operations.

In total, during the war he made 367 combat missions on MiG-3, LaGG-3 and R-39 Airacobra fighters, in 79 air battles he personally shot down 13 and in a group 24 enemy aircraft.

After the war, until November 1948, he continued to command the 20th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment (in the White Sea Military District; the city of Petrozavodsk, Karelia).

In 1949 he graduated from the Lipetsk Higher Officer Tactical Flight Courses of the Air Force. In 1949-1950 - deputy commander of the 175th Fighter Aviation Division, in December 1950 - November 1951 - commander of the 145th Fighter Aviation Division (in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany). From November 1951 - deputy commander, and in December 1953 - December 1955 - commander of the 71st Fighter Aviation Corps (in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany).

In 1957 he graduated from the Higher Military Academy (Military Academy of the General Staff). From December 1957 - Deputy Commander for Combat Training, and in October 1959 - August 1961 - 1st Deputy Commander of the 30th Air Army (in the Baltic Military District; headquarters in Riga, Latvia). In August 1961 - July 1967 - commander of the 48th Air Army (in the Odessa Military District; headquarters in Odessa, Ukraine).

In July 1967 - March 1969 - 1st Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force. Since March 1969 - Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force - Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR.

During his leadership, the country's Air Force achieved its highest development and growth. The Commander-in-Chief, his deputies and the Air Force General Staff did a great job of creating mixed attack and front-line aviation formations of the Reserve of the High Command.

For his great contribution to increasing combat readiness and equipping the Air Force with modern aviation equipment and in connection with the 70th anniversary of his birth, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 15, 1984, the Chief Marshal of Aviation was awarded the Order of Lenin and the second Gold Star medal.

Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU since 1971. Deputy of the Supreme Soviets of the Ukrainian SSR of the 6th-7th convocations (in 1963-1971) and the USSR of the 8th-11th convocations (since 1970).

Chief Marshal of Aviation (1972), Honored Military Pilot of the USSR (08/16/1966). Awarded 4 Orders of Lenin (05/1/1943; 08/15/1974; 02/21/1978; 08/15/1984), the Order of the October Revolution (05/4/1972), 5 Orders of the Red Banner (05/1/1942; 07/13/1942; 02/22/195). 5; 30.12. 1956; 02/22/1968), orders of Kutuzov 1st degree (11/4/1981), Alexander Nevsky (11/5/1944), Patriotic War 1st degree (09/22/1943), 2 orders of the Red Star (11/15/1950; 04/29. 1954), the Order “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR”, 3rd class (02/17/1976), the medal “For Military Merit” (11/6/1945) and other medals, foreign awards - the Order of the British Empire, 4th class (05/1944 ), 2 orders of Sukhbaatar (Mongolia; 1971, 06/11/1981), orders of the Renaissance of Poland, 3rd degree (10/1973), Scharnhorst (GDR; 04/1983), “For services to the Fatherland” in gold (GDR; 03/1977), “ For merits in aviation" (Peru; 1972), People's Republic of Bulgaria 1st degree (09/14/1974), Red Banner (Hungary; 05/16/1978), Red Banner (Czechoslovakia; 10/6/1982) and other foreign awards.

Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1983, for a set of works on the adoption of the X-55 air-to-surface cruise missile for Tu-95MS, Tu-95M-55 and Tu-160 aircraft).

Bronze busts of P.S. Kutakhov were installed in the village of Malokirsanovka and the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow region. In Moscow, memorial plaques were installed on the house in which he lived, and in Taganrog on the building of the school where he studied. Streets in the village of Murmashi (Kola district of the Murmansk region) and the village of Malokirsanovka, as well as gymnasium No. 41 in the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow region, are named after him. In 1985-1998, the Armavir Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots was named after P.S. Kutakhov. The fishing trawler “Pavel Kutakhov” (home port is the city of Murmansk) is named after him.

1) Awarded for completing 262 combat missions and participating in 40 air battles, in which he personally shot down 7 and as part of a group 24 enemy aircraft (as of February 1943);
2) Some sources contain information about 14 personal and 28 group victories, which is not confirmed by documents.

Military ranks:
Lieutenant (22.09.1939)
Senior Lieutenant (10/14/1941)
Captain (2.02.1942)
Major (06/29/1942)
Lieutenant Colonel (24.10.1944)
Colonel (06/27/1950)
Major General of Aviation (05/31/1954)
Lieutenant General of Aviation (04/27/1962)
Colonel General of Aviation (02/23/1967)
Air Marshal (02/21/1969)
Air Chief Marshal (11/3/1972)

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