Ideal house layout according to vastu. Seven Vastu Tips for Room Decoration

When choosing an apartment, pay attention to its general shape . It is desirable that housing be correct form rectangular or square, where all four cardinal directions would be present. Then the energy in the room will move along natural laws and each sector can be harmonized.

According to Vastu theory, the northwestern sector is responsible for relationships, West - for order in the house and gaining knowledge, South-West - for the implementation of plans and protection from troubles, South - for vitality and performance, southeast – for feminine and beauty, the east - for health, the northeast - for children, luck and prosperity, the north - for money, business and intelligence.

The main sector in the house is northeast. It is believed that through it good luck comes to you - sattva, that is, living, creative energy. Therefore, it is important that this part of the apartment or house is as open as possible, not cluttered with furniture, and that there is no toilet here. Ideally there would be a window or door. But on the contrary, it is better to close the southern and western sides, so you block the influence of tamas - destructive energy (you can, for example, place a ficus in this part - it will absorb negative energy).

The kitchen is a sacred place ruled by the element of fire. The ideal place for it is in the southeastern part. Never leave unwashed dishes, do not allow pets into the kitchen, and take out the trash at night (but no later than eight o’clock in the evening). According to Vastu, it is better to cook yourself, but you cannot do it in a bad mood.

Don't block the corridor and don’t put your shoes right next to the door - let the entrance to the house be as spacious as possible. When you come home, be sure to change into your home clothes.

The toilet lid must be kept closed.

Don't sleep with your head facing north or northeast, otherwise your sleep will be unhealthy. A bedroom located on the southeast side is unfavorable.

If mirrors are hung correctly in the house, they increase good energy. The north and east are the best place for them. Move the TV into the northwest corner. There it will take less energy from you.

Each direction of the world in the house corresponds to its own natural element and a certain color. The northwest is associated with air energy, pearlescent and light gray colors. North is light green. Northeast is the energy of water, its color is lemon. East is orange. Southeast – fire energy, colors – pastel. South – gray and burgundy. Southwest – earth energy, khaki and brown. West – blue and purple. If you at least partially follow these patterns (for example, put candles in the south-east side, and a fan in the north-west), and the desired color will prevail in the corresponding sides of the home (this can be easily done with the help of details - pillows , bedspreads), you will have more fun living in this house.

Don't hang pictures of fighting animals in your home., hunting, game, naked bodies, fire, trees without flowers and fruits, pigeons, crows, lions, snakes, vultures, owls, bats and do not keep stuffed animals.

Vastu suggests that the house is living creature , so you need to take care of him like a family member. This way we can increase the level of prana - vital energy– and gain additional potential for improving karma. And yes, main responsibility The responsibility for arranging housing rests with the woman. Men are by nature ascetic and do not have much power over the home space. But it’s useful for a woman to ground herself and take root.

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian teaching that mainly covers the knowledge of proper home arrangement, guided by the energy of the cardinal directions. It is associated with Vedic astrology and Ayurveda. Vastu Shastra is the Indian analogue of the well-known Feng Shui. The word “vastu” is translated as “house”, “dwelling”, “place”, “room”, and “shastra” is translated as “science” or “treatise”. Arranging a room according to Vastu Shastra implies the goal of helping a person achieve harmony between himself and the world around him. Indian teachings say that a home is a place where people spend most of their lives, and they need to arrange it so that while they are in it, they can concentrate on their thoughts and feelings, and not feel anxious. Vastu teachings are not only focused on achieving material goods, but also peace of mind. In India they are confident that the principles of Vastu Shastra can be applied in modern life. You need to start not from the room where you spend all your time, but from the house as a whole. You need to answer the questions: where is it built? What was here before this? If you bought the house from the previous owners, then it would not be superfluous to inquire about the reason for the sale, and even the lives of people themselves, because it is difficult to “remove” the bad energy of strangers.

1. Room shape

1. Room shape

Indian experts in furniture placement according to Vastu Shastra prefer the classic square or rectangular shape of the room. They believe that round rooms do not receive the favorable energy of the cardinal directions. The southwestern corner cannot be left free; it is better to place some “light” decorative element in it, for example, a stand for indoor plants. If we talk about the house in general, then it must have a north-eastern corner. When there is no such angle, it entails financial difficulties.

2. Door 90 degrees

2. Door 90 degrees

In the design of a room according to Vastu Shastra, doors are of no small importance. All doors in the room and house should open at least ninety degrees. It is believed that a door that does not open completely cannot let out the negative and let in positive energy. Thus, the room accumulates negativity and has a bad effect on the person and his life. This means that a person risks losing the opportunity to gain happiness and success, because a door that does not open well delays all the good that a person can get from life.

3. Details that bring peace

It is better to position the bed so that the head of the bed is directed to the south. According to Vastu Shastra, it is forbidden to sleep with your head facing north; this can have a bad effect on your sleep. Directing your head to the west can lead to health problems. It is better to place a children's bed with its head facing east; this can have a positive effect on the child's intellectual development.

The room must be kept clean. Cluttered places trap negative energy that brings failure into your life. You need to get rid of old and unnecessary things, even if you think they will still be useful to you. And, of course, don’t forget about wet cleaning.

When furnishing a room according to the principles of Vastu Shastra, you need to take into account the fact that such things as aquariums and terrariums have no place in your bedroom - they lead to material losses. Hanging icons above the entrance to the room is also not recommended.

On the wall opposite the door to the room there should be an object that brings positive emotions. It could be smiling family photo, a beautiful picture or favorite flowers. This is one of the most important aspects of Vastu decoration, because when you enter a room and see something pleasant, you bring positive energy into it.

4. Colors in the room

4. Colors in the room

In order for your room to be properly furnished according to the laws of Vastu Shastra, you need to choose a suitable color scheme for it. The bedroom should bring calm, relaxation and harmony. You should not use aggressive colors that will cause anxiety. During rest, a person should think only about something good, and the colors in the room should set him up for positive thoughts. In this case, it is better to give preference to pastel colors, but despite this, you can also use soft pink, brown, orange, yellow, green, gold and even blue shades. The main thing in this remains that a person should feel comfortable among such a palette.

5. Lighting

5. Lighting

Lighting is also an important point in decorating according to Vastu Shastra. The main thing that should be taken into account is the ability to adjust the light if necessary. A regular switch will not provide you with this function, but a special “roller” switch will help you illuminate the room the way you like. The teachings of Vastu Shastra do not take into account the placement of a lamp in the middle of the ceiling. Indian sages are sure that this arrangement of the lamp is unfavorable. It is better to hang it on the southern walls of the room. For a room (especially small ones), it is better to choose light, small chandeliers that will not “crush” with their size.

We must not forget that not only artificial light bulbs should be used in the house. Until the evening, daylight does a great job illuminating the room. An ideally built house should have many large windows, thus filling the rooms with light and positive energy.

A live fire (or candles) is also desirable in the house. It is better to place these elements in the south or southeast.

6. Wooden furniture

6. Wooden furniture

It is better to buy furniture from wood to decorate a room in Vastu Shastra. If you believe the Indian teaching, then it is she who brings the energy of nature into the house. An important fact is the place where the goods were purchased. To do this, it is better to choose a successful manufacturer. You should not buy furniture at sales, even if you are really attracted to the price. It can harm your savings in the future.

If we talk about the bed, then it should also be wooden and, of course, stand on legs. It is not necessary to place it along the wall. As we have already said, the head of the bed should face south. Sleeping with your feet towards the exit is also strictly prohibited by Vastu Shastra design. It is better to place a bookshelf in the western corner of the room; place the dressing table in the east or north, as well as the desk. Wooden wardrobe should be placed in the southeast or northwest corner.

Decoration according to Vastu Shastra prohibits hanging a mirror in the room. This is due to the fact that it retains good and bad events that happened in the house all the time. At night, negative mirror energy can have a negative impact on your health and quality of sleep. If you nevertheless decide to hang it, then you should not forget that the bed should under no circumstances be reflected in it, especially a matrimonial one. This can lead to quarrels, scandals and even divorces. It is best to buy a new mirror for your home rather than borrow it from relatives. It often happens that during repairs people give away their mirror, which was preserved in good condition, to your friends. It is not advisable to accept such a “gift”. Vastu teachings warn that this mirror can pose a threat to your well-being, because you probably do not know what events took place in that family, and what energy the mirror “absorbed.”

Also, you can look into the Book of Ideas, which will tell you about the rules in your home.

Bramastan. Elements. Optimal arrangement of rooms. Test to determine the level of favorable energy at home.

The first thing a Vastu specialist (and, in general, any other person) does when finding himself in an unfamiliar environment for the first time is listen to his feelings. What feeling comes first to him - peace, calm, security, or maybe vice versa?! Children and men are the first to suffer from an apartment with unfavorable energy. Women are energetically more resilient and adaptable; they can live in negative apartment, feeding her with his vitality, with virtually no consequences.
So, listen to your feelings... An apartment with a level of Vastu energy favorable for life gives peace, tranquility, and a sense of security; It's cozy, clean, and smells delicious. I would like to stay in such an apartment longer.

An apartment - energetically sick - often gives the impression of neglect, although it could have been cleaned only yesterday; a person in such an apartment feels either “on pins and needles” or too broken and tired, regardless of the renovation, the apartment does not feel comfortable. The owners of such apartments do not feel safe and are very worried about the irons not being turned off, the taps not being turned off and the doors not being closed...
Ask yourself a few questions: Are you sleeping well? Are you suffering from insomnia? Do you get up in the morning rested and full of energy? Do quarrels often occur in your home? Do guests often come to your home? Do you often laugh in your home? Or are they shedding tears? Do you feel at home as if behind a stone wall? Do you want to be at home? Or maybe you come home only to spend the night? Do appliances often break down in your home? Do flowers wither quickly or do fruits and vegetables spoil? All these questions will help you understand whether your apartment needs reconstruction and adjustment. subtle energies!

In general, the science of Vastu contains the knowledge that each fragment of the territory under consideration is under the influence and influence of the most various factors(planets, constellations, magnetic poles, etc.). Guided by the need to take these influences into account and in order to ensure a prosperous and happy life inhabitants of the house, resort to simply dividing the area in question into parts, and only after that they specify the qualities and properties brought by each individual fragment, in accordance with their influence on a person.
Vastumandal, that's what the plan is called in Sanskrit. land plot under the house, in a certain way divided into 45 parts. Each part is influenced by a specific patron deity, which determines the manifestation characteristic features this part of the house. Vastumandal also determines the position of Vastupurusha, the spirit of the house. The intersection of red lines indicates the location of the Vastu heart, and the red dots identify the vital chakras of Vastupurush. Need I say that these places need to be freed from heavy furniture, junk and debris?!

This diagram plays a key role in the design of houses. And in an apartment, this diagram will help determine whether the rooms, corridors, dressing rooms, etc. are located correctly. Are all sectors present in the house? Is Vastupurush's head or legs cut off, because the absence, for example, of Vastupurush's head does not allow a family living in an apartment to grow and develop, to be materially and spiritually prosperous. But I'll tell you about this a little later.
The central part of the house is called Bramasthan. This is the place of the Creator of the universe, it is in this place that the heart of your home is located. There should be no toilets, kitchens, storage rooms or heavy furniture in Bramasthan. The bramastan should not be crossed by load-bearing walls or columns. Ideally, of course, there should be no walls at all in Bramastan. But in an apartment, this is practically impossible!
Let's define Bramastan on the floor plan of your apartment. To do this, we need to fit the apartment into a rectangle or square. At this stage, the question often arises: to take into account or not to take into account the walls of the house. There is no definite answer to this question - some experts base their calculations from the middle of the wall, some consider only the space limited by the walls without taking them into account. The literature on Vedic architecture describes huge amount in various ways Bramastan being at home. The size and location of Bramastan depends on many conditions - the size and shape of the plot, the area and number of floors of the house, the number of people living in the house. But for apartments everything is a little simpler - we divide the resulting rectangle into 9 equal parts. The fragment in the center will be Bramastan.

It is important to remember that loggias are included in the plan to determine Bramastan, but balconies are not.
In Vedic architecture, each direction corresponds to a strictly defined arrangement of the Elements - Water, Fire, Air, Earth, Ether (Space). Each Element contributes to a specific type of human activity: in the fire zone it is good to cook food and warm up with the warmth of the fireplace, in the air zone it is good to restore strength during sleep, and in the water zone simple morning washes give lightness and health. We can use the positive influences of the elements to benefit ourselves and the needs of our family. It must be said that in addition to the Elements, each of the sectors is protected by a specific planet. The nature of the planet, as well as the nature of the Elements, determines the human activity that prevails in a certain part of the house.

Planets can be “friends” with each other, they can be “enmity” or be neutral towards each other. Taking into account the characteristics of the planets, Elements and tutelary Deities, the optimal arrangement of rooms can be deduced.

Let's arm ourselves with paper and pen and try to calculate the percentage of favorable energy in our apartment.
1. Where is the main entrance to the apartment located?
for north + 48, northeast + 24, east + 64 points, northwest - 0, west - 16, southwest - 64, southeast -32, south - 48.
2. Where is the kitchen located?
southeast + 64 points, northwest + 48 points, south + 16 points, for the north or northeast subtract 16 points, for the southwest - 40 points, and for the west - 32 points, for the kitchen in the center of the house - 64 points.
3. Where is trash stored in your home?
southwest + 64 points, west + 32, south + 48, southeast - 24, east - 56, northeast - 64, north - 32, northwest - 8, center - 64
4. Where is the toilet located?
northwest and west +64, in all other cases - 64.
5. Where is the master bedroom located?
south, southwest + 48, west + 30, north + 12, center - 48, east - 12, northeast - 36, southeast - 42.
6. Where is the bathtub in your apartment?
northwest, north, west, east + 48 points, northeast + 24 points, southwest and southeast - 48, south - 24, center - 36.
7. Location of the nursery?
west + 48, east, south + 36, northwest + 18, north + 30, center - 48, southwest - 36, northeast - 0, southeast - 24.
8. Home office? Computer desk?
northwest, southeast, northeast - 0, west + 16, east, north, southwest + 8, south + 10, center - 4.
9. Living room?
north, west, center + 8, southwest, northeast, east, northwest + 4, southeast, south + 5.
10. Where is it? dining table?
northwest, north, west + 18, east, south - + 6, southwest + 3, northeast - 0, southeast - 6, center - 12.

Now add up the resulting numbers. If you scored from 200 to 442 points - the level of favorable energy in your apartment is from 75 to 100% - you have a wonderful apartment. From 0 to 200 points, the level of favorable energy is from 50 to 75% - the apartment is suitable for living. From 0 to -200 - level of favorable energy from 25 to 50% - level below average, for favorable stay adjustment required. And finally, everything below -200 are vampire apartments that suck the energy out of you. In this case, immediate adjustments are required in all respects.

Of course, this calculation only approximately reflects the true essence of things. In fact, there are much more points for analyzing an apartment than 10. But even at this stage, you can draw conclusions about the reasons for success or failure in your life.

Do you want the owner of the house to be perceived as the main one, and not as an “errand boy”, so that the children are obedient and do not manage all the processes in the house, and the guests do not stay so long as to become full-fledged residents?!... About this and more you will learn in this article!

Topics of this article:
- Parents' room and bed location
- Room for an active and passive child
- Kitchen

- Toilet

- The most important place in the house - the center of the home
- Fireplace
- Window location

In order to be the master of your life, Vastu recommends placing your parents’ room in the Rahu sector - in the South-West. IN in this case the healthy ambitions of the owner of the house will be realized in all areas of life.

Shouldn't South-West sector use for children's room. Otherwise, children will dictate terms and “sit on the neck.”

In case you live big family and there are several generations in the house, then for grandparents, place the room in the West to avoid conflicts, quarrels, and numerous advice “for the good.”

In modern homes, beds are often allocated to the center of the room. However, Vastu does not allow such a location. The center of any room should be as clear as possible.
The most best place for the bed - South-West corner. You can also place it along the Western or Southern walls.

Don't forget where the headboard is facing. The best position for sleeping is with your head facing East. The worst is to the North. South and West are acceptable.

It is advisable that the bed should not be on the floor, but on legs. Choose natural materials. As for color, give preference to light shades.

If the child does not show enthusiasm or initiative, he is not interested in anything, and he is apathetic, simply put, not active in any activity, then do not sound the alarm. In this case, Vastu recommends placing the room of such a family member in the North-West direction. NW is ruled by the Moon, element - Air. That is, in this sector energies will always circulate.

However, if you place a lively child or teenager in the North-West (such children are also called “as smart as an electric broom”), then be prepared that his activity will increase. For your favorite fidgets, the room is suitable in the North-East direction.

The kitchen has a very important in Vastu, because it is its location that is responsible for wealth and all financial issues in the family. In order not to upset the balance of energies in the house, literally “not to play with fire,” you should place the kitchen strictly in the South-East of the house. It has long been believed that a kitchen in such a place contributes to the well-being of all family members.
As a compromise, the kitchen can be located in the North-West, but only vegetarian. Of course, one cannot expect wealth from her.

Most ideal option the location of the latrine is outside the house. It’s not for nothing that our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers intuitively built houses correctly, moving the toilet outside their homes. Perhaps they used some knowledge.

IN modern world people can’t even imagine how they can live without this convenience at home.
What compromise is possible? Under no circumstances should the toilet room be:
1. In the Northeast. There should be an altar here, not a toilet.
2. In the North. It is the North that is responsible for finance and business. Draw conclusions.
3. In the East, since this direction good energy comes into the house.
4. In the very center of the house/apartment. The center is Brahmastan.

The permissible position of the toilet in the apartment is North-West or West.

The center of each room, be it a plot, a house, an apartment or a separate room, must always be free. Free not only from things and furniture, but even from the walls. Yes, in apartments it seems unrealistic to us, but when building your own Vastu house, take into account this rule both possible and necessary.

And all because Brahmastan is the heart of our home! Through it, the most divine pure energy enters the house.
Ideally sunlight should actually come through the roof, a “turret” on the roof, as, for example, seen in the picture.

The fireplace belongs to the element of fire, which means it should be placed in the Southeast of the house, in the southeastern part of the room.
However, it is interesting to pay attention to some nuances.

Often, designers offer above the fireplace free space fill with a mirror, framing it in a good frame. Undoubtedly, this is a good solution, but you need to be careful with it.
The mirror is compatible with the fireplace if the latter is on the East wall, that is, the mirror faces the East. This solution is successful not only from a design point of view, but also according to Vastu: it will contribute to the well-being of the residents!
However, if the fireplace is located on the South wall, then there is no place for a mirror above the fireplace. It would be best to hang a picture (not with a view of the sea!), a wall panel, or highlight it with contrasting wallpaper.

If you have already decided to install a fireplace, then buy a real one. After all, an imitation fireplace immediately falls under the protection of Rahu, like everything artificial.

If you look closely at houses built according to Vastu, you will see that there are windows to the left and right of the main entrance. At first glance it seems that this is not entirely convenient. However, in the Vedic scriptures there is a logical explanation for this: these windows are responsible for vision and represent the eyes.

It is curious that in Vastu everything is natural and there are no contradictions. Main entrance must be strictly from the North and East. As many windows as possible should also be in these directions.
It turns out if we stick to this law and we place windows to the left and right of the main entrance, then beneficial energy will necessarily enter the house from the North or East.

The information below is not a guide to action. I present it so that you can familiarize yourself with some of the instructions and have a little idea of ​​what it is Vastu Shastra . This is very complex science, I do not recommend rushing to put information from the Internet into practice. Although this does not mean that you cannot experiment, for a deeper study and application of Vastu, I advise you to turn to practitioners and primary sources.


In the modern world there are practically no buildings that do not have Vastu defects. To one degree or another, they are always present, but by applying the principles of Vastu, you can either completely normalize the energy at home or significantly improve it. There are methods and techniques for this, described below.

Before you begin the correction, you need to determine exactly what problems exist in your apartment/house or other premises. To do this, you need to create "Vastu Defects Plan" . It is created as follows:

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the site on which the building is located - to determine it "energy hemisphere" (about what it is,). This is done visually and using a special dowsing instrument - the “Lecher antenna”. The definition of the “energy hemisphere” is an important point that cannot be skipped. Without this, one cannot know how to apply Vastu rules in this area;

Measurements are taken and a plan of the apartment/house is drawn. This must be done with the greatest possible accuracy. For a house, plans are drawn for each floor separately;

Then you need to determine the orientation of the apartment/house relative to the Earth's magnetic pole. In Vastu it is important magnetic pole , not geographical. This must also be done with an accuracy of 1 degree. The extent to which the house deviates from the strict orientation determines how Vastu rules will be applied to it. It is very difficult to accurately determine the orientation using a compass, so you can use Yandex or Google maps. They are oriented towards the magnetic pole;

When the plan is ready and focused on cardinal directions, a Vastu Purusha mandala is superimposed on it - a rectangular energy grid of 9 by 9 cells. The lattice is built along the outer contour of the external walls. All speakers structural elements houses (porch, balcony, etc.) are taken into account. If the building/apartment has irregular shape, then using auxiliary lines the plan is completed to the correct shape (square or rectangle). Below is an example of a real apartment with complex plan geometry:

We define Brahmastan(the area inside the diagonals) and marma(the points of intersection of the diagonals are the sensitive points of Brahmastan). The example above shows how Brahmastan is determined in the case of " northern energy hemisphere "and when the house deviates from strict orientation less than 5 degrees . In other cases, Brahmastan is defined differently.

The next step is to determine the zones of influence in the room of the primary elements and planets. Having done this, we will see which primary elements and planets are missing, which will give us an understanding of what we should first of all pay attention to when correcting Vastu.

Like this way in general outline buildings are analyzed. When analyzing a Vastu specialist, he considers and takes into account many more factors than I described. I deliberately do not want to give a lot of specific information here, since it requires in-depth study and practice to properly understand and apply it. The same applies to correction methods described below. Using these methods without correct understanding the overall picture can bring more harm than good.

1. Vastu correction at the physical level.

Changing sizes/proportions: shapes, length, width and height;

- Adding/removing openings – windows, doors;

- Adding/removing premises .

1. 2. Changing the purpose of rooms in the house .

Since each planet is “responsible” for certain functionality of the room, you should adhere to the rules of compatibility of planets - room managers and planets - rulers of sectors. For clarity, below is a diagram of the optimal locations of rooms in the house, depending on their purpose. If there is a discrepancy between the premises and the diagram below, it is necessary, if possible, to change the functionality of the rooms.

(Note : The data in the table is given for the “northern energy hemisphere”)


Reception room, study area, office, living room, children's bedroom, bathroom with toilet, granary

Main entrance, basement, terrace, veranda, safe, hallway, living room, gym, bathroom, office, children's bedroom


Main entrance, terrace, veranda, balcony, swimming pool, altar, meditation and yoga room, basement, hall


Children's bedroom, study area, food storage, dining room, guest room, office, toilet

Open space (more air and light - preferably sunny)


Main entrance, altar, meditation and yoga room, hallway, bathroom, dining room, basement, children's bedroom


Master bedroom, wardrobe, storage room, toilet


Dining room, bedroom, toilet, staircase, food pantry


Kitchen, boiler room, room for electrical equipment, staircase, garage

1. 3. Arrangement of furniture in rooms.

Unlike the previous ones, this is the simplest correction method in terms of feasibility.

central part rooms must be free;

all heavy furniture, flower pots, built-in cabinets and stairs should be located in the southern, western and southwestern sectors, and the northern, eastern and northeastern sectors should be as open and light as possible.

(Some examples of proper placement of furniture in rooms are given in previous article )

2. Vastu correction at a subtle level.

2.1. Using symbols of the five elements, or primary elements.

Each primary element, or their combination, corresponds to a certain direction of light. Also, each primary element can be expressed a certain subject– a symbol that must be placed in the appropriate sector and remove objects that do not agree with the element of the primary element.

2.2 . Correction using color.

Color is a vibration with a certain wavelength. Each sector the house matches its color. If the correct color is present in the interior in each sector, this will harmonize the structure in the subtle body of a person corresponding to a given wavelength.Correction is carried out by gluing stickers of the corresponding color in the visible area in each sector, or by placing interior items of this color.

2. 3. Use of paintings.

Paintings depicting grief, natural disasters, negative emotions, etc. should not be placed in the home. Abstract art is also not welcome, because... does not carry harmonic frequencies. To the san. You shouldn't post photos of people on sites. When selecting paintings, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of the image to the sector where this painting is located:

2. 4. Use of yantras.

Yantra is a graphic image containing a combination of geometric elements, colors, mantras, letters and symbols, and used to harmonize a room.

With their help, you can improve not only the energy of the house, but also the karma of the people living in it. The space where specially selected yantras are correctly hung is covered with a “protective net”, as a result of which the energy in such a room increases significantly, and quite quickly.

Yantras are one of the most strong ways room corrections. However, in order for them to work for good, it is necessary to know the exact locations of their location, the mantras for activation and the rules for hanging.

For yantras play an extremely important roledepicted on themgeometric shapes, color, symbols and words. In each yantra, only those geometric shapes are used as dominant ones that correspond to the primary element for which this yantra is used to strengthen:

Circle corresponds to the element of Water

Square – elements of the Earth

Triangle – elements of Fire

Diagonal lines– elements of Air

Horizontal lines– elements of Water

Vertical lines– elements of Fire

Dot – elements of Ether.


Since the color spectrum represents the spectrum of subtle energies, the color of the yantramust match the color exactlyspectrum corresponding to a specific planet and the direction it controls, because only then the energy of the planet will fully manifest itself in the yantra. They also claim that yantras that are identical in terms of geometry, but different in color, will give several different effect impact.

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