What does the title page consist of? How to properly design a title page

Today, not only an institute or college student, but every schoolchild is faced with the need to complete an essay. Such a study is a presentation of information from various sources on any topic. What should a performer pay attention to when writing such a work?

It, like any scientific work, is written in accordance with the following rules:

  • a specific research structure;
  • correct design (according to GOST) and many others.

All these issues will be covered in this review.

What is a title page and is it required?

Correct formatting of the abstract, like other requirements, is very important. Any good report consists of certain structural elements– “title”, content, introductory part and many others. It is very important that all these components are present in the study. Below we will look at the issues of title page design.

The first page of any report is mandatory - it is impossible to imagine such work without a title. This structural element performs an informative function - anyone who reads the work, having seen the “title”, should understand where and by whom the research was carried out, what its topic is, and who is the examiner.

What does the title page look like?

What does it look like front page abstract? Any home page The report consists of the following required fields:

  • educational institution - located on top;
  • type of work and topic - in the center;
  • data of the author, checker and reviewer - on the right;
  • Information about the city and year is below.

Let's consider the listed components in more detail.

Educational institution. The full name of the school, college or institute must be provided here. If the research work is carried out at a university, then it is necessary to indicate the department where the teacher who issued the assignment works.

Type of work and topic. IN in this case It is important to write that the research performed is an abstract and indicate the topic.

Details of the author, examiner and reviewer. The performer's data is the last name, first name, patronymic, group and course (if the author is a student) or class (if the author is a schoolchild). Information about the inspector is the last name, first name, patronymic and position. When a work has a reviewer, his last name, first name, patronymic and position are written.

If everything is clear with the personalities of the performer and the reviewer, then with the candidacy of the reviewer everything is not so clear. Therefore, the questions arise: “Who is this?” and “When should it be indicated?”

A reviewer is a person who writes brief description report (review).

Typically only higher education institutions require this, so students do not need to list the reviewer in the title. A review of the work should be written by a teacher who is fairly well versed in the topic of the work, but has nothing to do with its implementation.

City and year. Here you need to indicate the year the work was written and the city where the educational institution is located.

How to correctly design a “title card” according to GOST 2018 (with an example)

For an abstract, it is important that all its components are written in accordance with GOST. This is a document containing a list of certain rules by which any scientific work is prepared.

Basic rules for performing work title according to GOST 2018:

  • As with other components of the study, this section primarily uses Times New Roman 14 point. The exception is the type of research and topic - they can be written in size 18. In addition, when writing the first page of a report, you can only use black font color.
  • All margins except the left one must be 2 cm. The left margin is 3 cm.
  • The text containing information about the performer, checker and reviewer (if any) is aligned to the right. All other text is centered.
  • There is no need to number the title page.

The topic and type of the report is drawn up in capital letters. The font format is bold.

Based on the sample, you can create a title page in a few minutes. The template can be obtained from methodological manual or ask your teacher.

First page of the document - how business card. It causes first impressions, which must be positive. This is quite easy to do in Word.

Text editor Microsoft Word provides ample opportunities, most of which people do not use simply because they do not know about their existence. These include a tool for working with the title page. Meanwhile, it allows you to set an original design for short time. However, you don't have to use standard templates. You can develop your own own style and use it in the future without creating it from scratch each time.

How to insert a cover page

Most objects in the Word editor are added through the Insert tab of the ribbon menu. Creating a document cover is no exception; moreover, the “Title Page” button is the very first in this category and is located in the “Pages” area. When you click it, Word offers many ready-made design options - just select the one you like and click on it to add.

A nice feature of this type of title page insert is the automatic absence of numbering on the first page. Therefore, the question does not even arise.

Interestingly, you can insert a cover page in Word not only at the beginning of the document. When choosing a template, you can right-click on it and select one of the insert options. This opportunity will be especially relevant if you plan to design not only the cover, but also the beginning of each new section or chapter.

Editing the title page

The added template has customized areas for entering text - headings, subheadings, date, author and much more, depending on the selected template. Unnecessary fields can be easily removed, the rest can be edited in the usual way, changing the font, its color and size, and much more.

The graphic design also has flexible settings. If the title page contains an image, you can replace it by right-clicking and selecting “Change Image”. In this case, a new picture will be inserted immediately with dimensions suitable for design.

If it is a colored substrate, then its color can be changed. Right-click on the background area and use the Style, Fill, and Outline buttons to create your own design.

After all the changes, the updated cover can be saved for future use in new documents. To do this, go again to the “Insert” menu tab, click on the “Cover Page” button and select “Save selected fragment to cover page collection.”

Create your own template

If you wish, you can create your own title page design from scratch. The numerous “Shapes” and SmartArt objects, also located in the “Insert” menu tab, are perfect for this. Add a graphic update, then right-click on it and select “Add Text”.

If the text must be used the same every time, then you can type it right away. Otherwise it's better to use . They are available in the “Developer” menu tab (not available by default, but can be added through the “File” – “Options” – “Customize Ribbon” menu).

When the personal title page template is ready, go to the “Insert” menu again. Find the “Text” area and click the “Express Blocks” button. In the pop-up menu, select “Save the selected fragment to a collection of express blocks.” In the dialog box that opens, enter a name for the new template and for the “Collection” item, select “Cover Page” from the output list.

After saving, your own version will be available through the “Insert” – “Cover Page” menu. If you are unhappy with the result, you can always delete the template.

The first page of the document has its own unique design, which every student must adhere to. After all, the title page of the abstract is the face of all the work done and it creates the first impression (negative or positive) on the examiner. If the first page is formatted incorrectly, then the reviewer, without even reading the text, will send the document for revision.

The title page of the abstract is drawn up according to two main state standards:

  1. GOST 7.32-2001 – “Report on research work”. This applies to research work, which is an abstract. IN this section everything is well described in this section necessary requirements and students should adhere to them when designing the main page of the work. That is, what exactly should be on the title.
  2. GOST 2.105-95 - as a rule, they say ESKD, but the entire document is called: “Unified system of design documentation”. This state standard operates not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Here are the general requirements for any text documents. That is, the student will read what the title page format should be, how to write the name of the university, student and teacher information, etc.

Teachers at some universities do not focus on GOST standards, but create guidelines based on GOST standards, which specify the requirements for the entire abstract, including the first page of the abstract.

Still, according to GOSTs it is easier to prepare documents, since even if students did something incorrectly according to the manual, the teacher will not be able to object, since the student adhered to state standards.

Rules for the design of the title page

Despite the fact that university teachers create manuals with their own requirements, there are certain rules, which must be adhered to in any case. Before creating the title page of the abstract, you need to set the margin sizes: right - at least 1.5 cm, left - 3 cm, and top and bottom 2 cm, respectively.

However, it is better to learn these nuances at the department, since the teacher can change the requirements and deviate from state standards.

The title page of the main page of the document for each student should contain the following data:

  • Country name (not always);
  • full or abbreviated name of the department. The reviewer should be consulted about this;
  • name of the discipline;
  • topic of scientific work;
  • data of the student (the author who wrote the work). All data must be indicated in full, that is, full name, course or group number;
  • author's training form. A student can study full-time, part-time or evening;
  • reviewer data, that is, position (required) and full last name, first name, patronymic;
  • the city where the student studies;
  • year of document release.

You should also remember that the abstract must be numbered from the first page, but the page number is not indicated on the title page.

It is worth noting that not a single GOST regulates the font, that is, the type and size are not specified. As a rule, teachers themselves say which font to use, usually Times New Roman, font size 14. Therefore, before you start writing your work, you need to consult your reviewer about this, who will accept the work.

Procedure for preparing the title page of an abstract

Don't know how to format the title page of an essay? If the teacher has not indicated his requirements, then the student can independently draw up the document according to GOST.

To begin with, you can conditionally divide the A4 sheet into 4 parts. These are the top, center, right and bottom, and in each of them adhere to certain requirements.

In the first upper part in capital letters in the center it is written: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RF. On the next line is written the name of the university and below the name of the department in quotation marks. We present an example for clarity:

The second part is located in the center of the A4 sheet. Here the word “ABSTRACT” is written only in capital letters, and after it the subject and topic of the scientific work is indicated. For example:

The third block should be aligned to the right, where the data of the students (group, full name) and the inspector (position and full name) are written. The position of the teacher must be indicated:

And the last, fourth block, although small, is no less important. It is placed at the very bottom of the page and must be centered. Here you can indicate the city in which the university is located and the year the scientific work was published. It is worth remembering: if the essay is due at the end of December, then you need to indicate next year. The example shows that only the name of the city and the year are written. It is very important to note that the period is not placed anywhere.

Of course, title pages often differ from each other. It all depends on the specific university and its requirements. Some teachers ask that the design of the title page of the essay comply with all GOST standards, while others want to see work written exclusively according to the manual.

The title page of the essay is completed quickly and easily if the student knows everything necessary rules. Here the requirements are minimal, but it is very important to correctly indicate the details of not only the university or department, but also the teacher.

The article looked at how to correctly format the title page of an abstract in accordance with all GOST standards. When writing a paper, it is very important to consider the design of the first page. However, we should not forget that universities often deviate at least a little from GOST, so it is better to still consult with your reviewer and then start writing an essay.

How to format the title page of an essay correctly? updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Correct formatting in a student’s essay is important stage completing the entire task, therefore college and institute students should take the design theme seriously.

If you do not take into account this important factor, as the design of an abstract, then even the most best work may need to be improved. And during the session period, when timely delivery is required, this can become a problem. Let's look at what a title page is and how to format it according to the rules.

There are developed rules that recommend how to write the title page of an abstract according to GOST. Freshmen should pay attention to them, especially before the first session. This topic is not difficult. Except general rules, GOSTs, there are guidelines that cover in detail the topic of how to correctly design the title page.

Example of title page design

The preparation of the abstract should begin with the study of GOSTs. Each university develops its own teaching aids, which contain an example of a title page for a student’s work. You should carefully study the manuals.

The first page of the work is usually designed in a style that is designed for these purposes. Each student must adhere to the standards that indicate how to properly format the title page.

Important! The first page is always a presentation of the student's entire work. It can create both a positive and negative impression on the teacher.

The thing is that if the title page of an essay at a university is formatted incorrectly, the teacher will not even read the text, but will simply return it for revision.

There are two samples of scientific work:

  1. The first is called “Report on Research”. Its number is 7.32-2001. It refers to scientific work This section of GOST describes in detail all the conditions for preparing the report, and what information it should contain.
  2. The second is called the “Unified System of Design Documentation”. Its number is 2.105-95. This document is distributed not only in the territory Russian Federation, but also in the CIS countries. It regulates the preparation of documents: the format of the main sheet, how to write the name of the university, personal data of the student and the inspector.

If you design the title page of the essay according to GOST, the teacher will have less chance of returning it for revision.

Basic rules

Of course, the university administration can put forward its own demands and approve them in teaching aids. But there are generally developed rules for how to design the title page of an essay. First of all, you should set the dimensions of the sheet margin.

Sample title page

The indentation should be like this:

  • right – 15 mm;
  • left – 30 mm;
  • top – 20 mm;
  • below – 20 mm.

Important! To be on the safe side, you can check this information with your teacher, as he has the right to change it. Even if it goes against accepted design standards.

Basic information found on the home page:

  1. Country (sometimes this information is not required).
  2. Name of the department. It can be full or abbreviated. This should be clarified with the inspector.
  3. Discipline.
  4. Topic title.
  5. Basic information about the student.
  6. Type of training form used (day hospital, correspondence form, evening uniform).
  7. Information about the reviewer, his name, and his position.
  8. City.

Sample title page

Elements of the presentation page of the work:

  1. Information about the educational institution. They must be indicated in full, without abbreviations, at the top of the page. When entering information, a regular font is used; writing in capital letters is allowed. But this is not a prerequisite. The phrase is located in the center.
  2. The department name should be written using Times New Roman, size 14. It should be centered. To differentiate it from the name of the university, you can draw a line.
  3. The topic name is located in the middle of the page. The font is already in use 18. When writing the topic, a bold font is used.
  4. When entering information about the person checking, the text should be placed on the right edge. Be sure to indicate the reviewer's position.
  5. Data regarding the year the work was written and the city are centered on the page.

Retreat is important point when writing a paper. If we take into account GOST, then 1.5 cm is indented on the right, and 2 cm on the left.

Sample title page of an abstract

When completing the first page, students look for an example of already completed work. The sample is downloaded from the Internet, but how correct it is should be checked by comparing it with GOST standards. The work of other students should not be used as an example, as it is easy to copy someone else's mistake.

We must not forget that even though the numbering starts from the first page, there should not be a number on the title. Not a single GOST recommends which font should be used when writing. The most common is Times New Roman. Sometimes 18 point is used.

The text is typed in black. If a student does not know exactly how to correctly format the title page of an essay, then you need to contact your teacher at the department for clarification.

Since the main page presents all the work, you need to type it without errors, correctly, in accordance with the general requirements:

  1. No spelling errors.
  2. Full provision of information.
  3. Compliance with GOST standards.


Provided that the reviewer has not nominated special requirements, you can use GOST standards to formalize the work. First, you should divide the page into 4 sectors: top, center, right and bottom. Each segment is designed in accordance with the developed requirements.

If a student is not sure, then he can always clarify the information on how to design the title page of an essay at his department.

For example,


Samara State University

Department of Information Innovation

Creation of the “Library Storage” database

Completed by: NAP student

group KI-521 Ivanov A.A.

Checked by: Associate Professor Anikin S.E.

To control the mastery of the topic, teachers ask students to write essays on the questions covered. When completing a task, you have to study the subject in more detail, increasing your level of education.

The work should have a clear structure, from the introduction to the final part. It’s good when the text is diluted with diagrams, diagrams, and tables. The student not only researches the topic, but also can express his point of view on the issue under consideration.

Title page requirements

An abstract is a written text that covers a topic using multiple sources. It is drawn up on A4 paper. You can write by hand or type on a computer. The font size used is 12/14 and the name is Times New Roman.

Be sure to maintain line spacing and margin indents. The title never ends with a period. The text is located on one side of the sheet. The entire abstract must be numbered. The title page is included in the numbering, but no mark is placed on it.

The student must provide a list of sources in order of importance:

  • basic,
  • periodicals,
  • Internet.

To receive a positive grade, the student must fully consider the topic, research it, and give examples. The work is carried out according to plan and is documented according to established rules. On the main sheet the student indicates everything key points: what topic is being covered, who wrote it, to which department, who will check the work.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

It is important that the first page is designed in accordance with GOST, so to be on the safe side, the student can use a sample title page, which can be easily downloaded from the Internet, or you can find a photo of the work already submitted to be sure of the correct design.

When a student prepares coursework for delivery, one of the most pressing problems that he may encounter is the design of the title page, which, in most cases, is due to ignorance of the general educational GOST, which establishes the basic requirements for appearance and title content. Other no less important reason is the inability to use a text editor - MS Word.

Therefore, today I will give a number of tips on how to design a title page, I will try to highlight the main mistakes that students make and I will attach several samples that are relevant in 2017-2018.

Design of the title page of coursework according to GOST

First of all, I would like to briefly explain why, when preparing student projects, it is necessary to adhere to any requirements and standards.

A student is a future specialist who will work with drawings, estimates, contracts, acts, regulatory documents and other types of documentation.

Each of these documents has its own form adopted by the state. In order to develop in a future specialist the ability to correctly interact with standardized documents, each alma mater teaches cadets how to draw up their educational works in accordance with an established set of requirements. Due to this, the graduate, trained by coursework and semester work, reports, etc., getting into the real work environment, can already independently process documents, generate and correct them. Perhaps this is the main reason for the use of GOST by students modern universities and secondary educational institutions.

I've gone off topic, so I'll continue.

The need to design a title page in accordance with GOST is due to the fact that since the title page is the “cover” of the document, this is precisely the element that is first seen scientific supervisor, examination committee and by which the first impression of this scientific work. Imagine that you are given a term paper, the first page of which is not clearly designed (for a better understanding, look at the figure below).

Figure 1 – Example of incorrect design of the coursework title page

What do you see here? Different font, there is no clear identification of the main elements (header, author’s name, topic) and other problems, isn’t it? Now think about it, would you accept such a document from your student? So, most teachers, having seen only the title page, “wrap up” the student, even if he has prepared an ideal paper as a whole. Therefore, my advice to you is to always adhere to GOST and do not ignore its requirements.

Where to get requirements for the title page

You can always get all the requirements that may be required when completing a course project from your teacher; usually all the manuals are provided to them immediately before issuance individual assignment on course work. If your teacher has not done this himself, ask him - he must give it. Well, if he doesn’t have it either, then go to the pulpit.

In the received methodological manual you will find not only a set of requirements for the design of the title page of the coursework, but you can also find a sample that can be used by copying into your project. If you copy, do not forget to adjust it according to your data.

From my experience, I will offer you my set of requirements, which I use to design title pages, but whether you use them in your practice is up to you to decide.

  • Inclusion in the general numbering is mandatory. But under no circumstances should you put a number on it.
  • We center the header on the sheet and indicate the name of your educational institution and the name of the department;
  • We write the name of the work in capital letters, highlighted in bold, centered on the page (horizontally and vertically);
  • After the name, indicate your name, group number, as well as information about your leader, indicating his position;
  • At the bottom of the page, indicate your city and the year the work was performed;
  • To highlight structural elements, do not use spaces and tabs - use MS Word tools to align text;
  • If you need to create a frame, use headers and footers and divide the entire document into separate sections so that the frame does not extend to the next pages of the work;
  • Always use Times New Roman font unless otherwise stated in the manual.

To consolidate the knowledge gained, next I will tell you how to use it in practice.

How to make a title page in Word 2010 and 2007

To prepare main sheet of your document in the MS Word 2007, 2010 and later versions, we will create new document(I hope you know how to do this). Now we fill out the empty document with the information that you want to reflect here. To begin with, you can fill the document with information without any formatting; we will do that later.

So you should end up with something like this:

Figure 2 – Example of a title page without formatting

Did it work? - Well done! Let's continue. Format the document header - select the text and select " Center text alignment" on the panel " Paragraph", we get the following result:

Figure 3 – Example of title header design

Now let's move on to the title of the work - center it in the middle of the sheet and move it down by pressing the " Enter", then open the font control panel and configure the parameters, we get:

Figure 4 – Example of title design

Figure 5 – Example of a correctly designed title page

How to make a title page frame in Word

I hear this question very often from students. To begin with, I want to clarify that there are several types of frames for title pages - these can be GOST frames for making entries in them, or there can be ordinary bounding lines. The first option is done using headers and footers, but I don’t recommend doing them yourself - it’s quite long process and can negatively affect the structure of the entire document, so it’s better to download it:

The second option is much simpler and is done using the MS Word tool - “ Borders and Shading", which is located on the toolbar " Paragraph" The following window will open:

Figure 6 – Borders and shading

Now in this window you need to open the “ Page» indicate the places where the borders of the frame will be placed on the title page - top, bottom, right, left. Also, if necessary, here you can set the thickness and texture of the frame. Then click “ OK", as a result, the title page of the document will be framed in a regular frame:

Figure 7 – Sample title page in frame

Where to find a sample title page for a term paper

The above sample design for the title page is rather a generalized version and it is not always suitable for practical use, since in some cases the requirements of the manual establish other design rules. In my practice, I have seen more than 20 ways to design a title page just for course projects, and how many more can you find for essays, diplomas and other student reporting documents. Are different various samples title cards, frames, fonts used, location and presence of certain structural elements, etc.

Find ready-made templates for the title guy is not as difficult as it seems. Many manuals already contain a sample title page in the appendix, others contain a link to the place where you can get a sample. You can also get it from your academic teacher, department, download it on the Internet, take it from a manual on another subject, ask a friend, find it in last year’s papers, etc. You can download several samples from the links below:

And finally. The last piece of advice is to make the title page last and preferably in a separate document, so that its formatting features do not accidentally interfere with the design of the main content of the course work.

That's all, good luck with your studies!

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