How to answer the question: no money. What to do if you have no money

What to do if you don’t have money: 5 ways to find funds to open a business + 5 opportunities to make your dream come true without finances + 12 options to solve the problem of lack of money here and now.

No, of course, we’re not arguing – there’s something romantic about going around the world without money, like the cartoon characters “ Bremen Town Musicians”, hoping that Lady Luck will feed, drink and put you to sleep on feather beds.

But what to do if you have no money, but potatoes and pasta just won’t fit anymore?

What if you have brains, arms, legs and a tremendous desire to become a business shark, but no start-up capital?

Or does your soul require romance in the form of a trip to Brazil, “where there are a lot of wild monkeys,” but your money is only enough for a taxi to the airport?

Arm yourself with our tips and go hunting for money!

Knock and they will open your door or 5 ways of what to do if you don’t have money to start your own business?

No.Organization name
5 New Eurasia Foundation
6 UN Development Program
7 Soros Foundation
8 Rockefeller Foundation
9 Ford Foundation
10 MacArthur Foundation
11 Bill Gates Foundation
12 Microsoft Foundation

“But I want to fly...”: 5 ways of what to do if there is no money to “make your dreams come true”?

3 options for what you can do to see the world if you don’t have money

If you dream of taking photos with real Indians on the prairies of the States, scratching an elephant behind the ear and cuddling with pandas in China, but you realize that you have no money, we advise you to think about:

    International volunteer projects.

    A great way to see the world and show yourself.

    The Internet is full of offers for the fleet-footed and easy-going - from babysitting to Jewish summer camps to saving giant tortoises in Indonesia, if you know exactly what to do with your life, but have no money!

    Couchsurfing is a real find for those who decide what to do if there is no money for housing in a foreign country.

    True, you will have to show miracles of hospitality, welcoming community members also without money;

    Hitchhiking can be a wonderful option, what you can do if you have no money, and your heart is asking “for a nomadic star.”

    No, you don’t need to recall the plots of American “horror stories” about maniacal truck drivers.

    With good company, this can become the greatest adventure of your life!

Let's break through! 2 things you can do if you don’t have money for your own home

Your dream is to live in your own square meters so that they don’t turn you over, but in case of a fire they take you out first? We will tell you what to do if you have no money:

    Apply for a “long ruble” to earn money.

    “Docs” on employment abroad claim that, depending on your appetite (royal mansions or a modest “kopeck piece” on the outskirts), you can buy an apartment in 2-5 years:

    Signing a lifelong maintenance agreement with an old, lonely person is what you can do if you have no money.

    You give him care and all you can financial assistance(specified in the document), he gives you his home according to the will.

    The main thing is to be patient so as not to repeat the fate of the unfortunate

    Raskolnikov, who killed an old woman for money.

When things smell like kerosene: 12 ways of what to do if you have no money, but you need it here and now

    Collect all your debts.

    The reputation of this Mother Teresa is, of course, flattering, but she will not feed you a hearty lunch and will not pay for you in the minibus if there is no money.

    Donate jewelry or other valuable items to a pawnshop– one of the ways to survive when there is no money and you don’t have to do anything special.

    There is no need to shed tears over a wedding ring - it is just despicable metal.

    You are not selling your husband into slavery for money!

    There is no point in making a tragedy out of this!

    Put all your unwanted items up for sale online(clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, appliances, etc.).

    Perhaps the leopard print blouse you bought for ridiculous money during the frenzy of the sale will become a real fashion sensation in the village of Orekhovo.

    Making money from bad purchases is a great idea!

    Borrow funds from relatives or friends when you urgently need to decide what to do if you have no money.

    Of course, it’s not a good idea to go “bow” to your parents in your fourth decade, but it’s better than eating sweet tea and clean air for the second week.

    Rent out a room in your apartment, a dacha, a garage, a storage room in the entrance for money.

    Oh, where are our eighteen years and magical time in student dormitories!

    Find a part-time job online.

    There are vacancies for online store sellers, copywriters, rewriters, social media managers - there are a dime a dozen, everyone will find something to do online.

    So on Facebook you can not only flirt with hot Turkish guys, but also replenish your depleted wallet.

    Negotiate a salary increase at your main place of work if there is no money.

    Arguments in a conversation with your superiors should be stronger than granite rock (you agree to take on additional responsibilities, increase working hours etc.).

    Take an express loan.

    Yes, we know that all these loans are evil, worse than the dyes and preservatives in children’s “sweets,” but what to do if things are really “at the seams” and there is no money?

    Try to make something with your own hands and sell it or offer your services.

    You can’t even imagine how many young ladies who do not suffer from “handjob” make money doing manicures, tailoring, decoupage and other girlish pleasures.

    Now no one wants “stamping”, everyone wants to emphasize their individuality, and therefore - even crooked, even oblique, but hand-made!

    By the way, this also applies to men!

    Become a PR manager for your friends and acquaintances if you have no money.

    “My friend opened her travel agency. And if, on my recommendation, they come to her and buy a ticket, then I receive 30% of the total amount earnings. Another friend works as a hairdresser.

    I also receive interest from her for referred clients. I recommend my relative as a “super-duper” manicurist. In most cases, I find clients in social networks. This is how I solve the problem of what to do if there is no money,”— Lviv resident Oksana shares her secrets of making money.

  1. If they are not there.

    It’s not for nothing that wise old Jews say that a ruble saved is a ruble earned.

    You can make money this way!

    Do you really think that coffee from a fancy takeaway coffee shop is a necessary waste of money?

    And if you don’t buy the latest issue of Cosmopolitan, will your friends forever brand you with shame as an example of bad taste?

    Or walking two minibus stops is not comme il faut “what a person!”

    Finally, change your job if they ask you for a ruble, but they pay you three kopecks- something you should definitely do if you have no money.

    Never, hear, never believe your employer if he says that he keeps you at work out of the kindness of his heart, and without him you will disappear like a homeless kitten.

Crooked path: 5 things that you should never do if you don’t have money

    Despair and be angry at the whole world if it does not make you happy with money.

    How many years the best minds humanity is told that money cannot buy happiness, and the iPhone generation continues to choke with delight at the sight of designer clothes and a villa in Mallorca.

    Well, dear, you will make yourself new breasts and lips, buy panties from Victoria's Secret and spend a vacation in the Maldives (where, by the way, there is nothing but palm trees and salt water), and then what to do when you have money?

    “Last year I was able to take part in a week-long religious procession from Kamenets-Podolsky to Pochaev. This is 250 kilometers on foot with one backpack and sleeping bag.

    Slept under open air where night fell, they ate what they fed us in the villages. I then clearly realized how much external “tinsel” there is in our lives and what to do if there is no money.

    After all, for happiness then it was enough to have a sip of water, some bread, at least some kind of roof over your head and two changes of clothes, and not a lot of money,”– says Olga from Kiev.

  • Get involved in financial scams, various frauds, thefts and other criminal romances- this is definitely something you shouldn’t do if you don’t have money.

    You remember that neither the fictional Ostap Bender, nor the real-life Sonya Zolotaya Ruchka and Mishka Yaponchik ended up with anything good in search of easy money?

    It’s not worth saving on your health and impressions, even if you’re wondering what to do if you don’t have money.

    When the wind blows through your wallet, like through the Sahara Desert, you don’t need to sit at home, reveling in self-pity and eating Doshirak!

    It’s better to have lunch with a salad of carrots or beets (vegetables will cost you mere pennies) and go on a hike or just a walk.

    It doesn't cost any money!

    Finding a wealthy lover/mistress to “promote” money- the very last thing you can do if you have no funds.

    Oh, the age of “sweet crumbs” is so short!

    And then what should you tell your children about your youth?

    Or do you want them to be “enlightened” by the all-knowing grannies at the entrance about what you had to do when you had no money?

    Focus on money problems.

    This will definitely not make them any better!

    Either do something to earn it, or treat the lack of money as philosophically as bad weather.

So, if the question is " What to do if you have no money? hung over you like a Sword of Damocles - don’t yell “Boss, everything is lost!”, but tear your “butt off” from the sofa and do at least something to break out of your dull, moneyless routine.

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What should a person do if he has no money at all? Where can I get them?

Lack of money is a problem that affects many people living on the planet. But this is not the most terrible problem because it has a solution.

Urgent options:

  1. You can sell something if you have something.
  2. Borrow (borrow).
  3. Take a loan from a bank.
  4. Ask someone for “freebies.”
  5. Steal for free.

Nothing will work if:

  1. Nothing to sell quickly.
  2. Nobody lends.
  3. The bank doesn't give a loan (bad) credit history, debt, etc.)
  4. It doesn't work for free.
  5. It's scary to steal.

Where can you get money if you don’t have enough to live on?

Solutions options:

  • Earn more!

If it depends on you, of course. Don't be lazy. The rest is up to luck. Luck smiles on most people. And she doesn't look at any indicators or characteristics.

  • Change your job

Logical! If you don’t have enough money, go to the job that pays more. A newspaper in hand, the Internet to help – and off to the search.

  • Lend finances

If you have someone to borrow them from, naturally. Remember when you borrow that you will have to pay them back! It’s good when they don’t ask you to pay back with interest….

  • Work multiple jobs

On two, or three. And if you have time, then you can work with four. There are women like that, imagine!

  • Sell ​​some things

Think about what you don’t need, but might be useful to other people.

  • Give your jewelry to a pawnshop

It doesn’t matter how much they offer you for them, since you will be happy with “any penny” if financial hopelessness reigns around you.

  • Learn to save

Save on everything you can. After all, if you think about it, you will realize that you can do without a lot.

  • Write a book

It should be so interesting that they agree to publish it without any investment!

  • Free income

Get a lover or admirer who has a lot of money. Well, ask him for everything your soul desires.

  • Sell ​​real estate

You can buy it later when you get rich again. Car, cottage, apartment... These are the “extremes”.

  • Shock the debtors

Collect all your debts by ceasing to shine with kindness and altruism. Surely there are people who owe you at least some amount of money.

  • Get through these difficult moments!

They will pass, just like everything in life passes. Don't whine or "swear" on it. Think less about money, there is something - oh well.

  • Win the lottery

And let a friend give you the “lottery” itself. Or an acquaintance, a friend... This is a good sign (giving lotteries).

  • Take a loan

We hope that there will be no problems with this, although many do. Try to choose the right loan, without huge interest rates!

  • Rent out an apartment or room

Believe me: it’s profitable! Especially when there is no money at all. Some managed to rent out five apartments each.

  • open a business

With someone close so that support is not lost. It may be a small business, but it will be profitable and competitive if you try.

Money from extra work

You can find a part-time job. Which one? - See the list:

  • Courier

You will have to run a lot if you don’t have personal vehicles. But they will pay the money, even if it’s a pittance.

  • Artist

Can you draw? Get started! You can also get money for this. Because you like it so much.

  • Musician

Here, at weddings, funerals, and anniversaries, there is a chance to “distinguish yourself.” And if everything is really bad, step into the pedestrian crossing. Maybe everything won’t be so smooth, but you will be able to earn money.

  • Tutor

It's good if you speak some languages. Several? Even better and cooler! You can earn extra money even more actively.

  • Nanny or nannies

Kids are wonderful! If you work with children and adore them, you will receive not only well-deserved finances, but also a sea of ​​pleasure.

  • Housekeeper

Every woman knows this topic. It is enough to have skill and patience.

It’s good to make money: hairdressers, makeup artists, translators, secretaries - assistants, manicurists, massage therapists, pedicurists, managers. Their work is not so difficult, and the money they pay is decent.

What do most girls do when they don't have money?


Alevtina, Krasnoyarsk: I'm not going to the store. I sell all my jewelry to the pawnshop. I'm changing jobs. You know, it helps, I’ll tell you!

Sofia, Vasilkov: I'm not doing anything. I use my husband's money to promote it. I wash his clothes, cook his food, and that’s it…. Well, those who are married will understand. A man must... Try to provide for the woman you love!

Olga, Lipetsk: No money - I’m waiting until I get it. Then I try to save (for a while). I can’t save on myself for a long time. I love myself!!!

Tatiana, Nizhny Novgorod: I'm looking for richer lovers. And I’m not at all ashamed of this. My friends don’t approve of me, but they never condemn me either. They say that I have the right to behave as I see fit.

Natalya, Grodno: And I’m looking for lovers. At first I was somehow ashamed of this. But then I got used to it. It’s good when someone provides and does not reproach you for this provision.

Irina, Magnitogorsk: It never happens to me that I don’t have money. When you run out of money, save the rest. They start paying less at work - I switch to another one.

Lolita, Moscow: Where can I get money? - I breed Persian cats. And therefore, if there is no money, it’s not a problem for me to find it. I’m glad now that there’s always enough for bread, and there’s still enough left for cosmetics. I have already sold a lot of kittens. My kittens mostly go to Germany.

These are the girls! That is, they always find a way out difficult situation. You can find it too if you want! It is desirable that the methods be legal, harmless, and not risky.

Continuation. . .

So that the money “flows” -

Interesting -

In this article I want to answer a question that seems rhetorical to many: why don't I have money? The check showed that this and similar questions even search engines asked by thousands of people every month. That is, they want to find the answer. And here I bring to your attention my options for answering this burning question.

I apologize in advance if you don't like them - these are my opinions and you should not necessarily take them as absolute truth. Moreover, you can even argue with me in the comments. So why is there no money?

I will offer you a whole series of answers, your task is to objectively analyze them, and most importantly, yourself, in order to select those answers that are relevant specifically for your situation, admit it to yourself and correct it. Then you will definitely have money - you'll see. I’ll say right away that there may be several answers that suit you. The more of them that come up, the worse your current situation, however, there is no absolute hopelessness if you really want to find the answer to the question “Why don’t I have money?” and fix it.

Answer 1. You don't know how to make money. The ability to earn money least of all depends on your education, specialty, place of residence, place of work, etc. If you go to work every day and receive a salary, this does not mean that you know how to earn money, it rather means that you earn it for your employer.

The ability to make money is the ability to see opportunities for making money in everything, to see where you can earn money faster, more and easier. It is necessary to get rid of stereotypes and think not about work, but about earning money, which are completely different things.

  • Etc. – a lot has already been written on this topic on the site.

Answer 2. You don't know how to spend money. Why don’t I have money, because I don’t seem to earn as little/as everyone else/more than everyone else? Because you don’t know how to use what you earn wisely, and this is no less important. No matter how much you earn, even if it is tens of thousands of dollars every month, you will still not have money if you do not manage it effectively and efficiently.

Answer 3. You don’t have a clear goal, a clear plan, you yourself don’t know what you want. You ask yourself the question “why don’t I have money?”, but at the same time you don’t even know how much you need and for what. Or you think in some abstract stereotypes: “I want to be rich,” “I want a lot of money,” “I want to be financially independent,” but you don’t understand what exactly this means. Naturally, without understanding what you are specifically striving for, you will never be able to achieve this “something”.

Therefore, learn to put specific goals and plan to achieve them. You can read more about this, for example, here:

Answer 4. Your goals are unrealistic. Perhaps you set a goal for yourself, but somehow, to put it mildly, you went too far with it. Well, let's say you decide in a year. IN best case scenario you simply do not fulfill your plans, in the worst case, you begin to frantically invest money in some that promise such fabulous profits. There is only one result: you return to the question “why don’t I have money?”...

Answer 5. You dream about money, but do nothing to make it appear. A very common option! Having read “smart” books or quotes on social networks, you realized that you need to think about something more often, visualize it, and then you will have it. I assure you, thoughts and dreams alone are not enough.

I also specifically wrote a separate article on this topic: .

Answer 6. You are afraid to have money. One of the problems of lack of money can be trivial psychological fear possession of them. Perhaps you even think that money is evil and only causes problems. Many people who are accustomed to living in poverty from generation to generation are simply afraid that they will have money, so they subconsciously prevent this in every possible way (they refuse high position with a good salary, refuse profitable investments, immediately spend the “extra” amounts that they have, etc.).

If this is about you, then don’t even ask “why is there no money?” – you are simply not ready to possess them.

Answer 7. You are satisfied with your current financial condition. And of course, you will never have more money if you are happy with what you have. In this case, you will simply “go with the flow” without doing anything to. And the answer to the question “why is there no money?” in this case, the simplest one is: “you just don’t need them.”

These are the options for answering the question “why don’t I have money” that I offer you. Do you have other options? I'll be glad to hear them in the comments. Just don’t rush to blame some “third forces” for this: the state, employers, parents, husband, etc. Look for the reason in yourself, because only this can you really eliminate. You still won’t influence external factors in any way. Just look around: after all, with the same external factors some have money, and some don’t... So, it’s not just about them after all.

I hope that this article will have at least some motivating effect on you and become an incentive to. Don’t be afraid to change something and take action, because without this, the problem of lack of money will remain with you for the rest of your life. And this way you will at least get a chance to fix it.

By the way, the site will certainly help you solve this problem: study, ask and put into action the tips and recommendations received here. See you in other posts!

In our country, you will hardly surprise anyone with the statement that your pocket is empty. But by this, people emphasize the lack of money rather than their complete absence. Whatever one may say, there are some savings for groceries, for travel, and even for an evening at a bar. But what to do when there is no money at all? Not a single wooden one. Not in your pocket, not in your piggy bank, not on your card.

People without a fixed place of residence are not bothered by such problems (although few people know that many of these beggars have more per day than the average factory worker). But, how to live without money to a normal person? In order to answer this question, we first define the nature of lack of money:

  • There is no money because it is despised, just like employers, work and the whole way of life in general
  • Temporarily there is no money due to certain circumstances (wasted, robbed, lost, etc.)

In the first case, a person is unlikely to live in a populated area. The only way out for him will be to go into the forest. There, he will be able to get food and clothing by hunting, fish, collect berries and root crops, and build a hut.

The second case should be considered in more detail. Knowing some tricks, you can last a whole week.

By the way, one cannot discount such an option as the mudra of wealth. And you can read about it in the article Surely at least once in your life you have thought about why money passes you by. In this case, you can use wise wealth. Mudra itself is a special arrangement of fingers and is capable of attracting wealth. It directly affects the human energy field.

Any person can live with money, but only a select few can survive for a week (or even more) without money.

1. Ask for an advance

There is nothing shameful, during a period of lack of money, to come to your boss and ask (and if you have certain services to the company, then demand) an advance. It doesn’t hurt to explain the reason for such an unexpected request, and emphasize the seriousness of the situation with every word. If the boss is not a callous cracker, then you will achieve what you want.

2. Borrow

If the management is heartless, it is worth moving to another method that has greater degree efficiency - borrow money. It's best to ask family or friends. But if they themselves are “broke,” then there is nothing left to do but turn to credit organizations. Fortunately, the financial crisis created a mass of institutions willing to give you a loan.

As an option, you can consider a regular bank, but you should immediately take into account that this financial institution issues only large sums and for long periods. Is it worth getting involved in Kabbalah?

The second option is MFOs that issue small amounts to their clients. One such loan, if spent correctly, should last for a week or two. But there is a minus - the terms of this loan will not exceed one month. By the way, keep in mind that the interest rates in such a company are close to the “space” level.

The third option if you are short of money is to go to a pawnshop. Surely you have a piece of jewelry or a gadget. By pawning your item for a month (or more), you receive money, which you undertake to return with interest. Otherwise, the deposit goes to the pawnshop. If you pick good option, then you can find a very profitable offer with low interest.

All of the above methods are often practiced today. But how can someone who has neither a job nor property live without money? Let's look below.

3. Donate blood

Almost every city in our long-suffering country has a blood collection point. You may not have money in your pocket, but there is an abundance of this fluid in your body.

You can donate blood no more than once a month. But if you live in big city, then there should be several donor points, but as practice shows, they do not have a common database. In other words, you can donate blood at two (if your condition allows, at three) points in one day.

Unfortunately, not everyone can become a blood donor. Due to some previous illnesses, blood may not be suitable.

How can someone who has neither a job, nor property, nor healthy blood live without money? Read on.

4. Working on the Internet

Fortunately, the Internet has a lot of options on which you can make money. Creative people can simultaneously combine business and pleasure by registering on a freelance exchange. This could be writing texts for which you will be paid, or making money by posting photographs.

Many people suffering financial difficulties today earn their living by reposting, leaving comments, liking, etc. Naturally, big money It won’t bring you any money, but you can feed yourself until you get paid.

There are many web resources where people offer their services. It could be walking the dog, renovation work, going to the store, caring for the elderly and much more.

How to live without money for those who have no job, no property, no healthy blood, no Internet? Below!

5. Find a temporary job

If you are not a resident of a remote village, then it will not be difficult for you to open a newspaper that has a special column where vacancies are located. There are always advertisements for temporary employment.

People are always needed to unload wagons and trucks. In addition, every day there is a recruitment of leaflet posters. There is no easier way to make money by distributing leaflets and business cards. Main feature For a part-time job of this nature, the pay is good.

If you have a car, then you can go “bombing” without any problems in your free time from your main job. Many organizations are constantly in need of couriers, which will again be to your advantage.

Finding money to feed yourself today is more than realistic. The main thing is not to wait for manna from heaven to fall, but to independently look for ways to normalize your financial situation.

As soon as you have a small amount of money, do not rush to spend it right away. Buy only necessary products. Do not visit fast food establishments, but cook yourself. Move on public transport(or even better on your own two feet).

Don't spend money on entertainment, and, for a while, give up your weaknesses (sweets, alcohol, etc.).

And, remember that it is important not only to earn money, but also to manage it wisely, save and increase it. And it will help you with this

Always look for new income opportunities. This way you will quickly get out of poverty. Good luck!

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Today I want to address those people who cannot make ends meet and only dream of prosperity and wealth. Have you ever asked yourself why this happens? Why is there no money? Why can’t you start earning decent money or get out of the debt hole?

Today I will try to answer these questions for you. I hope that you will not be offended, but will take note of this article and try to start living differently.

Why there is no money and why you will never be rich

1. Laziness was born before you.

No, of course you are working. You work your 8 hours honestly, and when you come home, you feel like you have every right to do nothing. This, for the most part, only applies to men. Many people believe that the wife should do all the housework, since it is not a man’s job. There are also reverse side– women who do not work, believing that their husband is obliged to provide for them. When the wife only does women's work around the house, and the husband only works, something good rarely comes out, since, in fact, both are lazy. It turns out to be a kind of swamp, Groundhog Day, routine and dense walls of a small world. Of course, a woman should not work long and hard, but she also cannot do nothing at all. It is not necessary to bring a mammoth into the house; you can at least provide yourself with all the necessary feminine things, from cosmetics to clothes. Agree, if a husband and wife worked together and shared housework, it would be much better and easier to live.

Isn't this about you? Look for yourself, realize yourself in life and don’t put on others what you can and should do yourself!

2. Your life is full of dreams or complaints.

But not actions. You would rather dream and fly in the clouds or complain about life than actually do anything. Why talk endlessly about how you can’t do anything? Do you think this is interesting to anyone? If you're not happy with the job, change it! Find one where you like the team and will pay you more. You just need to be able to move from words to action. As they say, less words- more to do!

3. Studying remained in distant childhood.

You have become adults and “smart” and now you think that you don’t have to study. You don’t want to learn something new, you don’t want to strain your brain, delve into something and think. It is much easier, having “worked” your allotted 8 hours, to collapse on the sofa in front of the TV or mindlessly hang out on the Internet from page to page. In general, do everything so as not to think and stress. But successful and prosperous people study and strain their brains all their lives, forcing them to work. Learn something new every day, learn something. Try, for example, installing some necessary programs by watching an instructional video on YouTube rather than asking a friend or neighbor to do it. In general, the Internet provides many opportunities to earn money, useful information on this topic can be found in the article But first you need to learn and master something new. And don’t sit and brush it off, saying that you don’t need it and you don’t understand anything about it.

4. Losers and whiners - this is your social circle.

Look at the people who surround you. Isn't your environment made up of losers? For example, friends who borrow money for a bottle or girlfriends who are constantly beaten by their husband. Or maybe even a husband who has grown a belly and is snoring on a sagging sofa, or a wife who has lost all her femininity, is unkempt and has gained a lot of extra pounds. Take a sober look at the people who surround you. If you are surrounded by losers, then I can assure you that even if you suddenly want to change something in life and make it better, you will be immediately ridiculed and “asked” to sit down and not show off. Firstly, they will lose extra ears for their complaints and an interlocutor to discuss their difficult lot. And secondly, what if you manage to break out of this? vicious circle poverty, you will be able to earn more and successfully implement your ideas. After all, you will become a living reproach for them, a living example that they are just losers. Their self-esteem will suffer, so they'd rather have you be just like them.

5. You don’t know how to appreciate and take care of what you have.

There are people who even the highest quality and good thing can turn into “nothing” for a very short term. There are people who absolutely do not know how to value and take care of things. For example, having bought a new phone, they spare money on a case, but a week later they drop and break this phone and then walk around with a broken phone. There are also more global things. For example, I have a friend who has been living in an apartment that belongs to her husband’s father for 20 years (!) and does nothing there, explaining that the apartment is not hers. When she gets her own apartment, then it will unfold, according to her. And you can simply “kill” this apartment on the sly, without making repairs there and without investing effort and money in it. But even this apartment might not exist. Is it really difficult to appreciate what you have, take care of it and be happy about it? Appreciate and take care of what you have now.

6. Inability to plan.

7. Save wisely.

Saving means not buying any “crap”, from chips to cheap shoes. And if you think you're saving money by buying shoes for one season or expired products at a discount, you're wrong. It’s better to buy fewer things, but of high quality, while not forgetting to care for and take care of these things (this will be much more economical). Low quality Products are also not an option for saving, since they are harmful to health, and lost health cannot be returned at any cost. So this is also not a saving option. And besides, by buying everything cheap and low-quality, you give a signal to the Universe that you are ready to be content with little, and in the end you get the minimum. I described this entire system in the article

Do you recognize yourself in at least one of these cases? Do you understand why there is no money? Why are you not thriving, but surviving? If yes, then get rid of it urgently and change your life. Unless, of course, you want to live better. Or maybe everything suits you and you like being poor? Live the way you are used to, in your comfort zone? And you don't want to stress? After all, any change and moving forward requires effort, and even the unknown lies ahead. Therefore, maybe it’s easier for you to remain poor than to change at least something in your life? Then continue to live like this, just don’t complain about life. You are the author of your life and you choose how you want to live! The choice is yours!

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