How to conduct a trial lesson in English. "How to make English lessons interesting" methodological development in English (grade 6)

Probably, any work can be done without a plan, at random. But the result of such work, as a rule, leaves much to be desired...

Teaching English without a plan is like wandering around an unfamiliar city without a GPS or map. You may find the right address, but you will lose a lot of time and nerves. So let's talk about how to plan a lesson correctly. We will do this using an ESL (English as a Second Language) lesson as an example. There are many manuals containing ESL/EFL lesson plans, but not always a ready-made plan is suitable for a given class. Therefore, many teachers consider it necessary to make their own amendments, and often completely revise the lesson plan. Sometimes this is also required by the management of the educational institution.

We bring to your attention a basic template, following which you can create your lesson plan English language.

General Lesson Plan

The plan consists of four main parts that can be repeated during the lesson, but the main thing is to adhere to the following scheme:
  1. Warming up
  2. Main part (program): study of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, etc.
  3. Analysis of the features of the material covered
  4. Practice of use in context

Warming up

Use warming up to get your brain moving in the right direction. Start with simple questions and an invitation to talk about how your weekend was, for example. Use simple grammatical structures, such as the simple past. If you are working with an advanced group, try discussing an imaginary situation using conditional constructions (you should have come; I would have done; etc.). To develop descriptive skills, ask students to describe what they see around them. Encourage them to turn to their neighbor and ask them to do some action or movement.

    For example:
  • Clap your hands.
  • Snap your fingers.
  • Touch your elbow.
  • Turn around.
  • Pretend to be driving a car.
  • Make a funny face.
  • Pretend to be shocked.

Many teachers are happy to use it as a hint. At the same time, students receive a lot of positive emotions and a charge of cheerfulness for the entire lesson.

Main part

In this part we focus on studying the basic material. Here the process is controlled by the teacher. Give free rein to your imagination without going beyond the curriculum (approved) program. You can explain the grammar and give examples on the board, show a short video for further discussion. New words must be used in a broad context. Read the text, if something remains unclear, tell me, work on the grammar and sentence structure. Explain to students that asking questions is not only not shameful, but even useful. If you cannot answer a question, take a deferment by saying, for example: we will return to this topic a little later (in the next lesson). This will give you time to find an answer and allow you to save face.

Guided Practice

Practice under the supervision of a teacher allows you to determine how much students understand the course material. You can use sentences with missing words to substitute, for example, verbs in various conjugations. Offer to complete unfinished sentences in writing using certain templates. Check students' understanding of written text and spoken language. Conduct small dialogues on a specific topic, for example, apology, gratitude, business communication, etc.

Free practice

Free practice allows your students to monitor their own mastery of the material. Such an activity should encourage students to more actively use English for communication. Offer to hold a debate on some interesting topic. Organize a role-playing game and perform it like a small performance. Writing a short essay on a free topic also has a positive effect. During practical classes, note for yourself the common mistakes and shortcomings of each student. It is advisable to record the results of such observations. Use these posts to provide guidance and help to all students, but do not focus on the personality of the person who made the mistake.

This lesson plan is useful for several reasons. Firstly, students have at their disposal a variety of tools for mastering language material. Secondly, they have the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The teacher, in turn, can give more precise instructions to the students. The plan creates a structure within which you can improvise during practice. The focus of attention during the lesson should gradually move from the teacher to the students. This is very important.

Variations on a theme...

No matter how hard you try, working according to a plan can eventually get boring. Therefore, it is important to know that any plan allows for improvisation, which can be used at different stages of the lesson. Here, of course, you will need creativity and ingenuity. For example, students may come to class with their problems, tired, or even be completely late. Let them recover by relaxing a little during the warm-up part. Tell a story, ask simple questions. Help them talk. You can go further and play a good song in English and comment on its lyrics. Draw on the board or use a ready-made picture. Offer to discuss it. Starting with a simple greeting will be fine, but it is better to link the warm-up to the topic of the upcoming lesson.

The body of the lesson can take many different forms. The main thing is that the presentation of the material is clear and understandable. Try to formulate the content briefly. Remember: brevity is the sister of talent. Here are some ideas for how you can introduce new information to your class. Find a topic that interests your students and invite them to just talk. Choose the appropriate text to read. Listen to the podcast in English. Show a short video.

Give the lesson as a presentation. It should contain the main essence of the lesson. Let's take for example. Prepare a short fragment of text thoroughly flavored with irregular verbs. Check how much your audience was able to understand and master them. Here you can use exercises and tests that will help you focus on the main topic of the lesson. At this stage, it is very important to provide feedback to students and allow them to speak on a given topic. This could be answers to questions from the teacher or a conversation with classmates.

Review what you have learned using the lesson vocabulary in practice. Exercises should motivate students to independently use target language structures. This can be done through discussions in pairs or small groups, written notes or essays, listening exercises, or games. Perhaps the most important principle of a good lesson is that students want to incorporate what they learn into more complex language constructs. This will require you to be more creative in your learning. It will be useful to walk around the class, write down and summarize the main mistakes. Simply put, in this part of the lesson you are allowed to make more mistakes, but they must be identified and corrected together with the students.

Feedback allows students to test themselves, and the teacher will find out how clear the lesson material was. This can be done quickly enough using oral questions on the topic of the lesson. Prepare them in advance. You can also invite students to talk in groups, giving them the opportunity to better understand the topic themselves. This lesson format will help your students to be interested in continuing to learn English. The more opportunities and options for language learning you provide in the classroom, the more interesting it will be for your students to work with you and continue learning the language on their own.

English lesson notes for primary school. Subject: Hello English! Hello English!

The lesson is intended for English teachers in primary schools, designed for children in grades 1-2 (the first year of learning English), it is possible to conduct the lesson as part of a class hour. Students receive new information through games and fairy tales, update existing knowledge, and apply it in practice.
Target: introduce students to the subject, practice new English words and sounds in oral speech, create conditions for the development of creative abilities.
develop speaking skills with new LE;
develop the ability to work in pairs, compose an etiquette dialogue-greeting;
develop the ability to work in groups, participate in games in an organized manner;
promote the formation of positive interest in learning English.
develop the ability to recognize and use words on the topic “Acquaintance”, recognize the teacher’s attitudes in English.
transcription icons; toys, mood cards for each child, pictures of cartoon characters.
Lesson type: Combined.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment
Hello, children. Hello children.
Sit down, please. Please sit down.
I "m Alina Yuryevna. What is your name? (children answer in Russian)

2. Setting the lesson goal
How many of you know why we have gathered today? Right. To learn English. Why do we need it? (children answer in Russian)
Where is English spoken? (children answer) Good. Fine.
Let's look at a cartoon character who speaks English and try to recognize him. (children are shown a picture of Mickey Mouse)
Well done! Well done!
Having learned English, you and I will be able to find friends from other countries, go on a trip and communicate freely, we will be able to write, read books in English, even watch cartoons!

3. Phonetic warm-up.
Have you noticed that English words are pronounced a little differently? In order for you and me to be understood, we must learn to hear English sounds.
Let's play a game. I will name the words. Every time I say an English word, quickly clap your hands and we will try to repeat this word.
Progress of the game: the teacher names the words after hearing English words, the children clap their hands, then repeat the new word in chorus several times.
a cat;
a dog;
a teacher;
Great! Great! So we learned how to greet you. Let's say hello in English “Hello, children”, the children answer “Hello, teacher” (we repeat several times)

4.Acquaintance with new sounds, updating previously familiar sounds. (Transcription icons)
Now I will tell you a very interesting tale about our tongue. But I will really need your help, we must repeat and show each sound.
Fairy tale:
Show me your tongue.
Where does the tongue live? In a warm, cozy house (point to cheeks, lips).
When the tongue is scared, it hides behind a strong fence (show teeth).
One day the tongue got bored and decided to meet with friends.
He met a goose [g], [g], [g], [g], [g].
Met a cow [m], [m], [m], [m], [m].
Met a hedgehog [f], [f], [f], [f], [f].
Met a dog [r], [r], [r], [r], [r].
Suddenly a strong wind blew, , , , ,
door slammed [w], [w], [w], [w], [w],
the rain began to patter [p], [p], [p], [p], [p].
The tongue ran home [t], [t], [t], [t], [t], lay down in the crib, stretched and snorted [h], [h], [h], [h], [h]. Let's not disturb the tongue from sleeping and say shh-sh-sh-sh-sh.

5. Physical education minute.
Hands up, (we raise our hands up)
Hands down, (we lower our hands down)
Hands on hips, (hands on hips)
sit down! (sat down)
Stand up, (stood up)
hands to the sides (hands to the sides)
Bend left, (bent to the left)
bend right. (leaned to the right)

6. Training in the use of studied samples and vocabulary in dialogical speech.

Now we know how to pronounce sounds in English. Let's try to get acquainted. I "m Alina Yuryevna. And you? (children say their name)
Now let’s choose a toy for ourselves and play (With the help of toys, children make up a greeting dialogue and introduce themselves).

7. End of lesson. Reflection.
I'm always very happy when the guys do so well. Did you like the lesson? What have we learned today, what have we learned? What was difficult/easy? Let's choose a card with a mood and tell us how we felt during the lesson. Why?

What can be done to make children want to learn English themselves? How to conduct English lessons for children so that they want to learn?

The answer is simple - don't stress.

Focus 80% of your efforts on making English lessons easy and relaxed for your child. There is no need to try to conduct the lesson strictly according to the rules: the main thing is that you and your child find it interesting.

What is the easiest way to arouse interest and turn a lesson into a favorite pastime? We need to fill the lesson with joy and laughter! Make your child laugh.

This is important! The brain just needs a little rest, and laughter will help both relax and absorb information. After all, information, with emotional uplift, is absorbed much deeper.

And, since children’s humor differs from adults’ (we no longer find children’s jokes and fables funny), let’s remember a few ways to make a child laugh.

9 ways to make English lessons interesting and enjoyable

  1. Use things for purposes other than their intended purpose. For example, during a tea party with your toys, one of them began to drink tea from a shoe, rather than a cup or eat soup with a fork. If you have an active game with the study of clothes and body parts, then you can suggest putting a hat on your feet or socks on your hands, and mittens on your feet.
  1. Add inappropriate things. For example, if you play with toys, you can add a ladle or shoe to them. Imagine how funny it is when a toy store tries to sell one shoe.
  1. Get dirty. It always makes kids laugh when someone gets dirty in something. For example, if a bunny fell into flour or mom got her nose dirty.

  1. Tickling. Another simple way to cheer up your baby when the plot of a book or game requires a laugh, just tickle him. How do you like the idea of ​​teaching an English lesson to the joyful squeals of your beloved child?
  1. Faces. Children love to make faces, but they are even more amused when their mother makes faces. Use funny faces when playing role-playing games or reading a book.

  1. Funny voices. Changing your voice when speaking on behalf of different characters will be at least interesting, and if the bear suddenly speaks in a thin voice, like a mouse, it will also be funny.
  1. Confused place. During the game, when you are sorting objects according to some criteria, put the object in the wrong pile, this will make the child laugh. If suddenly the child does not understand that you made a mistake, then you can artistically turn your head (or even grab your head) and say “no, no, no, it needs to be here.” For example, when you are sorting large and small items, place a very small item with the large ones.
  1. Confuse objects. You should not use this technique if you have just started studying the topic. But when the child already knows the names of objects on the topic well, then try to mix up the name, for example, call the bear a monkey. If the child does not notice the mistake, you can always quickly correct yourself, which also most often causes laughter.
  1. Something unusual, extraordinary. For example, a toy jumped over their heads or it began to rain from soft toys. The fish tried to take off, but the plane rode on rails instead of a train.

Gradually you will understand which jokes your child likes best and it will not be difficult for you to come up with new ones, right on the go. Often improvisation works better than any planned action.

I want to return to games that were easy and relaxed again and again. Come back, play, joke and have the best time possible.

And then English lessons for children will become loved and long-awaited :)

Sincerely yours, Anastasia Rykova

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Dear colleague! Teaching was once my favorite job. As in the famous saying, I received little money for my “hobby” and was happy. Just like my students. However, then “perestroika” began in the Russian education system and enthusiastic teachers were replaced by just teachers. Yes, the salary has increased, but for this money they began to demand from us not just to “teach children”, but to “control” them, and I’m tired! Yes, working in a system where every step you and your student take is under total control is not my thing! But for you, dear colleague, I publish my developments on this site, which now takes up all my time. Today we'll talk about How to make English lessons more interesting using textbook material?

Here are some tips that will help you make English lessons more interesting, using only textbook material (from personal experience).

These exercises contribute to the development of all types of activities, namely writing and speaking, listening and grammatical skills, and also develop independence in learning. And most importantly, your students will come to your aid!

How to make English lessons... MORE INTERESTING

Working on written speech: punctuation

Exercise 1. Punctuation marks

  1. Type it, removing all commas, periods and, accordingly, capital letters.
  2. Instruct students to copy the text into a notebook, using punctuation marks and capital letters.
  3. Ask them to compare their version with the text in the textbook.
  4. You can arrange a competition between two teams, each of which writes text on different halves of the board.

Development of linguistic conjecture

Exercise 2. Broken sentences

  1. Take a short text from the textbook.
  2. Print it, then cut a strip the width of a ruler and stick it in the center of the text.
  3. Students should read the sentences, inserting possible words into the sentences as they go.

Note. As an option for pair work, you can ask students to simply cover the text with a vertical strip of paper and read the sentences one by one.

Development of listening skills and activation of vocabulary

Exercise 3. Listening to activate the covered topic
(it is advisable to ask homework to repeat the words on this topic)

Option 1.

  1. Before listening, students must write down 5 words in their notebooks that they can hear in the text.
  2. Then have them switch notebooks.
  3. While listening, students cross out the words they hear.

Option 2.

  1. Give students a list of 15 words on the topic(They will hear 10 of them in the recording, and 5 not).
  2. Ask them to choose 5 words related to the topic.
  3. While listening, students cross off the words they hear from the list.
  4. If someone guesses all the words, then he wins (come up with an incentive).

Exercise 4: Use your best students

Texts for audio recordings (appendix to any textbook) are very valuable material. Be sure to use it!

  1. Divide students into small groups (3-4 people).
  2. Instead of an audio recording, have the best students read the text for the rest of the group to complete the listening task.
  3. During the reading process, you are allowed to ask to repeat sentences in English (Can you repeat that, please?, etc.), but only 3 times.
  4. Play the audio recording to review the exercise during your final listening session.

Note. This exercise should be practiced in cycles until everyone in the group acts as a speaker. The composition of the groups needs to be changed: for the second time, for example, you can unite strong children together.
Exercise 5. Repetition

  1. For repetition, use texts that you have already listened to, but in a different form.
  2. Type the text, but remove 10 words from it, leaving gaps.
  3. While listening, students must write the words into the text.


Exercise 6. Work in mini-groups with experts

After carrying out the verification work, you can organize work on errors in a similar way.

Tell students that you will need helpers for the next lesson. Those who want to be experts will help you review the grammatical topics you have covered and where you made mistakes. Also ask students who are not very knowledgeable about such topics to raise their hands.
  1. In the next lesson, expert students give a short explanation (presentation of this section) in mini-groups.
  2. Then weak students ask them questions and correct their mistakes.
  3. You oversee the process, adjusting your assistants as needed.
  4. In conclusion, you can suggest completing a short test (5 minutes) on this topic.

Note. For strong classes, you can ask experts to study any grammar section, which is given at the end of the textbook, usually in English or Russian (available on our website). They then explain the topic to their classmates in mini groups (about 10 minutes).

This practice is very motivating and engaging for children, and also contributes to the development of reflection in the child.

Exercise 7. Completing grammar tasks

Often, when doing exercises from a textbook, one student goes to the board and writes sentences, while the rest simply copy. Divide the board into two parts and call two people to the board. If they have different options, for example, translating a sentence or using verb tense, then the rest of the students will take an active part in the discussion. And brainstorming will help many people understand the topic!

Development of writing skills

Oh, how tired I am of these template letters to imaginary friends! And ask your students to write a letter to the authors of the textbook! By the way, the address is on the cover. Let them write in a letter what they think about the textbook, which section is the most interesting, which is the least interesting, what topics they would like to see in the next edition of the textbook. By the way, you can ask a few questions to the authors of the textbook.

A trial lesson is an important part in the interaction between a teacher and a potential student. There are several main tasks in conducting a trial lesson:

  • identify the student’s level and needs
  • stipulate all organizational aspects (regularity of classes, time, price and payment methods)
  • motivate and interest

We tell you how to conduct the first trial lesson in order to get everything done and get yourself a new student. All these tips are more suitable for conducting a trial individual lesson, but will be useful to absolutely all teachers:

Stages of a trial lesson


Briefly describe yourself as a professional (work experience, internships, certificates, achievements) and ask the student to tell about himself.

With students of any level, start speaking in your native language, and then, if the level allows, switch to English (“I’ll speak to you in English, do you mind?”)

Level determination

During the conversation, you are already beginning to determine the student’s level.

If the student is at an elementary level, but has studied English, then he can say a few phrases: My name is... I am from... / I live in...

If a student finds it difficult to say sentences on his own, you can give him an example and ask him to repeat, replacing the data with his own (in the form of a game). The purpose of this exercise is to show the beginner level student that he can already speak and knows some English words.

When working with higher-level students, it is better to determine their level using translation sentences (grammar knowledge) and answers to questions/talk about yourself (oral skills and vocabulary).

It is important to remember that proposals cannot be invented “on the fly”; everything must be prepared in advance and be in front of you. This will ensure a fast pace of the lesson and will allow you to quickly and clearly determine the level.

Translation proposals should also include vocabulary.

Answers to questions + story about yourself: when carrying out this work, it is important to turn the answers to questions into a story about yourself. Suggested questions are provided below.

Questions are asked from simple to complex: Present Simple – Past Simple – Present Perfect

Where are you from?
Were you born there?
Can you tell me more about the place where you live?
What do you like the most about the place where you live?

What do you like doing in your free time?
What are your hobbies?
Do you like reading/ music/ animals/ art/ sport ?
Do you like traveling?
How often do you travel?
Have you ever been abroad?
Which countries would you like to visit?
Tell me about your experience of learning English.
Why do you want to learn English now?
Have you ever tried Skype lessons?

If necessary, you can also conduct testing to further determine the level. Use your assignments or try ours

Goals and deadlines

Based on the information received, create an approximate class schedule. Provide the student with a sample lesson plan and indicate when and what result will be achieved with such regularity of lessons.

At this moment, try to motivate the student, tell him how knowledge of the language will be useful to him in life.

Give a mini lesson

In the remaining time, do a short lesson for 10-15 minutes. For example, if during the survey a student was unable to answer the question “Where are you from?” , talk about the verb to be and explain how to correct its error.

Solve organizational issues

Immediately specify the following points:

- who will assign the lesson and when;
— when and how the lesson will be paid for;
- what circumstances may cause the cancellation of a lesson by both the client and the teacher (here it is important to convey the idea that classes cannot be missed!)

At the end of the trial lesson, schedule the next lesson and it's done! If you manage to show a student the benefits of your lessons, establish yourself as a professional and show him his own potential, the student will not want to leave you.

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