How to develop determination in yourself. Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Perseverance is a character trait that is common to all successful people. After all, to be honest, without this internal quality they simply would not have been able to achieve their current position. But what exactly do people mean when they talk about perseverance? Why do some people have this trait and others don’t? And is it possible to develop perseverance if nature has not endowed you with it from birth?

What is persistence?

Perseverance is a special character trait due to which a person does not give up under the influence of certain factors and does not give in to difficulties and obstacles. In this case, one important point should be taken into account: in this context, what is meant is just temporary troubles or failures. For example, perseverance is when a traveler, tired to death, continues to walk towards his intended goal. Or when a programmer, sparing no effort, spends one hour after another, finalizing the binary code of the program.

That is, perseverance is the strength that allows you to win in cases where all circumstances indicate otherwise. That is why this character trait is so necessary for those who strive to become better than others. After all, only by relying on one’s own perseverance and willpower can a person conquer the peaks.

Tenacity vs. Stubbornness: What's the Difference?

Unfortunately, few people are able to see the fine line that distinguishes perseverance from stubbornness. However, if the first trait makes people better, then the second, on the contrary, can lead them to collapse. Therefore, let's look at the fundamental differences between these two concepts.

So, perseverance is something similar to determination. For example, a person has set a certain goal for himself and is trying to achieve it by all possible means. At the same time, he soberly assesses the chances of success, planning his every step.

As for stubbornness, it is more likely caused by an emotional impulse than by prudence or common sense. It is because of this character trait that a person does not give up even in cases where there is no chance of success. But! In such a situation, he is driven by an uncontrollable desire to win, behaving like a child in a candy store.

How to cultivate perseverance and determination?

Now, we think, everyone understands why perseverance is needed. But how to cultivate this trait in yourself?

Let's start with the fact that this is a very difficult path that not everyone is able to complete. But the prize at the end is worth the effort. So, here are some tips that can increase your determination and perseverance:

  1. Learn to set the right goals for yourself. On the one hand, they must be ambitious, and on the other, completely feasible.
  2. However, it is initially better to focus on small tasks that can be completed within a few weeks. By doing this, you will feel the joy of victory, which will serve as good motivation in the future.
  3. Be prepared for defeats - they are an integral part of this path. However, you should not be upset about them. Take mistakes as a way to gain new experience and try not to step on the same rake several times.
  4. Never quit something you started halfway, even if this goal is no longer a priority.
  5. Ultimately, get yourself a journal. It will help you plan your time wisely and will also be proof that your life is changing for the better.

Why don't all people succeed? Why, after finishing school, sometimes graduates cannot decide where to go?

One of the answers is to cultivate in a child such a quality as determination. You ask, from what age? You need to cultivate a sense of purpose in a child from a very early age, as soon as you notice that the child begins to understand speech addressed to him, when adults begin to set tasks according to the child’s age.

Purposefulness is the main quality of a person. It's no secret that the ability to set goals is the first step to success. The ability to set goals and achieve them is often beyond the power of even an adult.

Modern life makes parents think about how to instill sense of purpose in their children. So how?

  1. Be an example for your child. A child takes a lot from his parents, one might say “absorbs” some of the qualities of his parents. And, of course, we understand that everything in this world is relative, that even a dysfunctional family can raise a purposeful child.
  2. Support your child in his endeavors, pushing him to complete the work (task) to the end.
  3. Motivate and encourage your child for any manifestation of activity and initiative. If a task is difficult for him, help him finish it together. Praise your child while completing a task (or game), for any achievement, be it eating independently, assembling a house from blocks, cleaning up toys, etc.
  4. Don’t do for your child what he can do himself, for example, get a nearby bright toy, eat, or clean up after himself.
  5. Play role-playing games with your child or organize such a game with his peers. They usually set a task that requires mental and physical effort, for example, “cure”, “feed”, “put to bed”, etc. Such games increase intelligence, concentration and perseverance. The important point is that the game should bring pleasure and joy. A child may develop an interest in a particular profession from childhood.
  6. Constantly complicate tasks. Break them down into their component parts. This teaches the child to make a plan for the future.
  7. Arrange competitive games - it is always a desire to win, to achieve the desired result. The feeling of being a “winner” will help the child remember this feeling and he will want to experience it again and again.
  8. Constantly explain to your child that in order to achieve a goal (dream), you need to put in a lot of effort and work.
If you know how to diagnose a child’s joy, the intensity of his joy, then you should have noticed that the greatest joy is the happiness of overcoming a difficulty, achieving a goal, an open secret, the joy of victory and the happiness of independence, mastery, possession.
Janusz Korczak

Let one of your goals be to instill determination in your child, and the results will not keep you waiting. You will see how your child overcomes difficulties, moving towards his dream, and his victories will be your victories.



Persistence is a quality that will help you achieve your goal, get what you want, and learn to defend your rights when dealing with stubborn and difficult people. Perseverance is what separates successful people from unsuccessful people in any situation.

Lack of dedication and perseverance is one of the most common reasons for failure. This article will tell you how perseverance can affect achieving goals, overcoming failures and communicating with people around you.

1. Achieving goals

If you've ever signed up for a gym on the second of January and stayed religiously until the fourth, you know that achieving your goals requires persistence. Whether you're trying to develop a new habit, break an old one, or have a larger goal, it's one thing to set it, but another to complete it. This part of the article will help you achieve success in achieving your goals.

1.1 Set a goal. Imagine in detail what result you want to achieve and how quickly it should happen, and also make sure that the goal is realistic and achievable.

Write down the goal where it will constantly catch your eye. For example, in a diary, on a sticky note above your desk, or on a poster.

1.2 Divide the main goal into several intermediate ones. Small goals are easier to achieve, and completing them will give you strength and additional motivation.
Divide your goals by time. Break down each intermediate goal into pieces that can be completed in a certain period of time, for example, in 15 minutes or an hour. If you are trying to change your habits, count the time in days.

1.1 You can divide the goal not by time, but by content - sort a certain number of files at a time or clean certain rooms.

1.3 Progress little by little. Five minutes three times a week is better than nothing and is completely doable. Start small and move slowly.

1.4 Determine what motivates you. Do you know the feeling of satisfaction after a job well done? Try to achieve an even better result than last time. Do you like praise? Tell someone about your progress and achievements.

1.5 Post a reminder of your goal in a visible place. Trying to save money to buy a new home? Stick a photo of your ideal home on your bathroom mirror or on your credit card.

1.6 Make it a habit. If possible, do something every day that leads to achieving your goal. You can try to “attach” a new habit to an old one so that it quickly becomes a part of your life. For example, if you brush your teeth every day, you can also floss or apply a moisturizing mask to your face. Water your lawn when you get home from walking the dog or when you pick up the mail. You may even be able to pull out a few weeds before the hose starts working.

1.7 Don't be bored. Play music or listen to an audiobook if the task doesn't require a lot of your attention, such as painting walls while renovating. Try listening to a certain number of hours or reaching a certain point. If you're working with someone else, have a competition! You can even make a bet and use a massage or cooking dinner as a bet.

1.8 Find yourself some company. Ask a friend to join you, or at least report to him on your progress. It's much more shameful to skip a workout if you know that someone will be interested in your progress. There are even special sites where you can display your progress for all participants to see, and if you fail, you will have to donate money to charity.

1.9 Keep score. Track your progress in a diary or calendar - you can simply write down each day whether you completed the assigned tasks, or evaluate your work in some way: how much you accomplished, how quickly you did it, how many tasks you completed, etc.

1.10 Take breaks. Working as hard as you can without being distracted by anything sounds noble, but in reality this is far from the best work schedule. The body needs rest to restore strength and recharge with energy. Your subconscious mind continues to work even during a break, so rest is very important and is one of the necessary aspects of achieving your goal.

1.11 Reward yourself for perseverance. Achieving a big goal can take months or years, and motivation levels will inevitably begin to wane over time. To avoid giving up on your idea, create a list of different gifts that you will reward yourself with at certain stages. For example, a small gift for a day of good work towards a goal and a large gift for a month of work.

Create small rewards. Buy a new calendar for your collection, stick a star in your diary, or add another feather to your cap every time you complete a milestone. Go to the cinema or theater with friends.

Come up with big rewards. You don't have to constantly reward yourself with expensive or fancy gifts, but every now and then it's the only way to get your motivation back. Improve your musical instrument once you reach a certain level of playing, or plan a trip to another country to practice the foreign language you're learning.

Rewards should be consistent with your goal. If you want to grow a garden, buy seeds from new and unusual plants. If you're trying to lose weight, don't reward yourself with food. Better take a relaxing bubble bath with aromatic oils.

Reward yourself only when you actually accomplish what you set out to do. Rewards will lose their validity if you use them for other purposes.

Get started! Even if you can’t yet imagine your entire future path, start small, and soon you will have very specific questions that will help you figure it out. Perhaps your goal is not as difficult as it seemed at first. And if you don't start, you will never finish.

2. Maintaining a sense of purpose in the face of failure

Obstacles along the way often cause you to abandon your goal. In fact, failure is only an incentive to continue further if you treat it rationally and are not afraid.

2.1 Accept that failures happen. Even the most successful people on the planet have failed. The only difference is that successful people do not live in constant fear and continue to act, attempt after attempt. They don't give up because they know that failure is an integral part of success. Learn to accept adversity as a natural part of the path to prosperity. Ask yourself:

How do I deal with failure? Am I trying to avoid them by not doing anything at all that seems difficult? Am I afraid that I won't succeed?

Do I use fear of failure as an excuse for not taking action and committing to achieving my goals? How does this affect my life in general?

2.2 Don't give up at the first problem that arises. When they fail, people often convince themselves that they shouldn’t have tried, which results in proverbs and legends about the pointlessness of any attempts to change something. No matter what you plan, there will always be obstacles and difficulties along the way, and you will have to deal with them. Take challenges calmly and see them as opportunities to become stronger and more resilient, as well as an opportunity to prove your dedication to a goal. If at first you don't succeed, try again. If you don't get your dream job or the publisher doesn't agree to publish your book, try again, try again, try again. Many people believe that if it doesn’t work out the first time, it will never work out - this is a completely false assumption that only depresses and limits you. If you have a good goal and a strategy to achieve it, it's just a matter of persistence. Don’t forget that there are a lot of people and a lot of opportunities in the world - it’s too arrogant to think that you will be able to catch the bird of happiness on the first try.

2.3 Examine the reasons that led to failure. This is a logical continuation of the previous step - if your actions were ineffective and did not lead to the desired result, it is quite possible that you should change your approach. As Albert Einstein once said: “The greatest folly is to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.” Maybe your blog really isn't interesting enough to attract many readers; maybe your resume doesn’t reveal all your positive qualities; maybe you should use the services of a professional consultant and analyze your behavior during an interview if you are not hired; maybe you should use more innovative and vibrant business methods because right now your product or offer is simply not being noticed.

Stop and reconsider your methods of achieving the goal - very often the problem lies in them, and not in the goal itself.

Don't be afraid of constructive criticism and advice - your own objective observations, as well as comments from people you trust. Even your opponents can provide you with a lot of information on this topic, the main thing is to listen carefully and analyze.

2.4 Learn to accept defeat with dignity. The famous phrase “never give up” actually means “never give up quickly.” Give it your all, make more and more attempts, do everything in your power, and only after that give up. “Never give up” does not mean “be a stubborn fool.” This expression encourages you to give up goals that are obviously unrealistic and impossible to achieve at a given moment in time, despite all your efforts, and not to waste your energy in vain. Do not lose your self-esteem - you have only learned from experience that this path is now closed, and you can look for other ways to achieve what you want.

2.5 Present your results clearly. When things get difficult and you want to quit, regain your motivation by imagining the end result and how you will feel at the end. This should cheer you up! Draw a wonderful picturesque picture in your head, do not tune in to the negative. You deserve what you want, so go for it!

3. Perseverance in requests and refusals

Sometimes when communicating with people you also need to be persistent. Whether you ask for something or refuse someone, it is persistence that will help you get your way and let people know what you are ready or not ready to do for them, and also teach you how to persuade and convince others.

3.1 Speak in such a way that people clearly understand what you mean and how serious your intentions are. Make sure you understand the other person correctly, and do not give up your opinion until you consciously reconsider the situation. If you are one of those people who express their desires in a whisper, you are probably easily led astray or convinced - learn to defend your opinion.

Being persistent in your requests and refusals lets people know what you want without sugarcoating it.

Persistence helps you stand up for your opinion in cases where others, for their own good, try to lead you astray, intimidate or dissuade you from doing something. Whether you achieved the desired response is not as important as how you handled the situation as a whole.

3.2 Use the stuck record technique. This technique is often promoted in courses on developing a sense of purpose - its essence is to repeatedly clearly repeat your intention, decision, statement or request, remaining as calm and peaceful as possible, no matter how long you have to do it.

Learn to repeat your refusal or request several times and do it with clear statements (“I want” or “I don’t want”).

Notice in time if others are trying to make you feel guilty or doubtful - this is how they want to break you.

Control your anger and irritability. This is just repetition - a broken record.

3.3 Don't equate compromise with losing. Sometimes compromise is the only solution to a problem, but it won't work if you feel like you've given up or that you're being taken advantage of. Accept compromise as a necessary part of a healthy approach to the situation, listen to what the other person wants, and ask questions to find out what concessions he is willing to make. You should not offer options that would make you feel that your interests are not taken into account.
An example of a compromise that works: Bill asks Jenny if he can borrow her car for the evening. Jenny has already told Bill that she doesn't intend to give him her car anymore because he scratched it last time. Bill tries very hard and promises that this time he will be careful with the car, in addition, he will also fill it up before returning. This option also does not suit Jenny, but at the same time she is concerned that otherwise Bill will not be able to get home, since public transport does not work at night. However, she can pick up Bill on her own, since she will be meeting friends in approximately the same area in the evening. Jenny asks Bill if he's willing to make the trade-off, but at the same time makes it clear to him that she's never going to borrow the car again. Bill smiles and agrees. As a result, both Bill and Jenny are happy with the situation's resolution. Jenny can also tell Bill that this is a one-time offer and that he will have to look for other options in the future.

3.4 Focus on your request or refusal. Answer only those questions that are directly relevant and ignore others that are intended to distract you. When you ask for something or refuse someone, remember the following:

Make eye contact to show that you mean business. This is just as important when you're sending the kids to bed as it is when you're asking your boss for a raise.

Don't start a conversation with an apology if it can be avoided. If you start apologizing from the very first word, this gives the other person many opportunities to dissuade you or refuse you, manipulating your uncertainty, fear or guilt.

Always be specific. Be as clear as possible about what you do or do not want to do/change/get.

Remain calm, polite and optimistic. Don't get angry and destroy everything around you. Don't exaggerate or threaten people in any way.

3.5 Be rational in your persistence. Sometimes it's better to compromise. If another person refuses you, he has the right to do so. Commitment is knowing that you did your best, stood up for yourself, and didn't lose your cool in the process. This way, even if you don't get what you want, you will still maintain your self-esteem and the respect of others.


Learn to deal with disappointment. Don't give up on your goal just because of one mistake or problem. If you fail to do something on Monday, try again on Tuesday.
Don't be shy about your goals. Most of us will never compete in the Olympics, become CEOs of top companies, or win a Nobel Prize, but we still admire those who do, right? Who is your idol? By imitating another person's strategy for achieving goals, you can achieve the same success. What if your rivals follow exactly this principle? Take cues from people who have achieved what you want to achieve and try to adopt their thinking style.
If you don't want to be seen as irresponsible, promise only what you can actually deliver. Otherwise, it is better to refuse immediately or try to find a compromise.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. This does not mean shifting your responsibilities to other people, but only getting the necessary support from them, listening to their advice and valuing their cooperation. If you don't have friends or family to support you, reach out to a counselor, mentor, or life coach. Create your own “group of advisors”, as many successful people have done from Alexander the Great to Oprah Winfrey.
Health is always more important. Feeling unwell will only hinder your path to your goal. Exercise, balance your diet, and don't sacrifice sleep for work.
Don't prolong your breaks. Sometimes rest is exactly what the body needs, but you are unlikely to achieve anything if it drags on forever.


Determination is a person’s desire to achieve a goal. It is characterized by the fact that a person not only wants to achieve what he wants, but works purposefully and strives for results. He has clearly formulated his goal and is developing an action strategy to achieve it. Purposefulness is the quality of those people who know what they want from this life. They are faced with certain tasks, which they solve one by one, moving towards the set heights.

Remember how, as children, we set clear goals for ourselves? For example, climb that tree over there or jump off that steep cliff into the river. There was no fear, at that moment it seemed that everything was within my control. Only from delight and foreboding of trouble the heart sank, but it could be survived. What happened to us? Nothing special - caring adults intimidated in us that same purposeful little person who walked towards desire directly, without turning anywhere.

Purposefulness as a collective quality

The concept of “determination” has several definitions:

Collective quality, which is a guarantor in achieving the goal;
The internal ability to activate hidden resources within oneself (energy, knowledge, strength), to overcome external obstacles (circumstances, public opinion, etc.) in order to achieve what is desired;
Demonstration of activity on the way to achieving set goals. This applies to both individual goals and the ability to act in this way at all times;
The ability to regulate behavior, outlook on life and skills in order to subordinate them to the general direction of action.

Purpose consists of several aspects of human existence:

And aspirations that matter to a person. Ideally, if they coincide or help achieve a single goal. Then expect good results and hope for success;
Motivation and drive. In every person, unknown (to himself) forces lie dormant, which are activated at the moment when a specific goal is found to strive for. Motivation is a powerful reactor that activates the corresponding processes in the human body, giving him the strength and energy to go in the right direction. Desire rejects inaction and pushes him to new achievements, which time after time bring a person closer to his goal;
. A persistent person can overcome the difficulties that lie in wait on the way to achieving his goal. He is able to deny himself many things, go through hardships and pain, just to “see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

By acting persistently without losing faith that they will achieve what they want. These individuals sometimes violate the laws of logic and common sense, remaining true to their desire to achieve the task.

A person’s determination or how to achieve a goal

Now it is clear that a person who strives to develop determination in himself has certain qualities. But you can also learn how to do this by removing . There are several character traits that prevent you from becoming a purposeful person:

Lack of purpose in life or motivation;
Laziness, which has destroyed many destinies and lives;
or inability to overcome difficulties. Such people immediately refuse to fight, without taking a single step towards their dream. Truth is not only born in dispute, it is also born in struggle;
. For people suffering from low self-confidence and their own strengths, every new action is akin to climbing the scaffold. They don’t even think that they can achieve something important and necessary. It’s easier for them to give up and move on with their lives, being content with what they have.

To develop determination in yourself, the first and most important thing is to set yourself correct and realistic goals that systematically bring a person closer to the main task.

A few tips to help you understand your own fears and develop determination in yourself:

Remember yourself as a child or watch how your little son drags a chair across the room to get candy from the top shelf of the closet that his mother is hiding from him. He does not react to the pain from falling through toys, to his mother’s threats and admonitions. He purposefully strives to complete the task. He clearly knows that at the end of the path there is a reward - the coveted candy!
Visualize in front of you the result you want to achieve. Imagine what you are striving for in detail. This will help you concentrate on the task at hand and bring only the technical components of your dream to life. However, don't overdo it! Set goals one at a time.

Remember the proverb about two birds with one stone?

Don't let go of your goal even for a second. Constantly scroll through your brain about options for developing events and making decisions. The brain is designed in such a way that it provides the necessary information at any second if you ask for it for a long time. An idea will come to you even in a dream if you think about it and think about solving this problem. Remember D.I. Mendeleev?
Don't be distracted from the process! If you decide today to change the summer wheels on your car to winter ones, then today you should do it. And it doesn’t matter that a friend called and offered to watch the match and drink beer together. Do not be distracted from your goal, no matter what momentary pleasures you imagine. Then you will definitely regret that you put off solving the main task for the sake of nonsense.
Don’t give up, don’t get hysterical if something doesn’t work out for you. Step away from work and check your progress again. Maybe you made a mistake at the next stage or started solving the problem from the wrong side. Try to start from the place where everything worked out for you.
Celebrate each of your own achievements. Rejoice in them. Every goal achieved has the right to evoke only in you. This will become an incentive to complete the following tasks.

Train positive qualities - willpower, analytical skills and courage. Make it a rule to run in the morning or go to the gym. A healthy body has a healthy spirit and a bright mind. Read literature, learn how the powers that be achieved their goals, and don’t be afraid to take action.

Don't stop there, set new goals and move towards them, no matter what. Make as much effort as the situation requires. It is especially scary for a purposeful person to do everything “carelessly.” Don't relax without completing some important task. Don’t reassure yourself that you’re almost finished, you’ll finish it tomorrow. This is not an excuse. If you have the strength, the desire will come in the process of conquering the next peak.

Determination on a global scale is achieved by the minute-by-minute understanding of what you need to do today or in the near future. in actions lead to the stratification of the final goal. Don't get distracted by little things, act purposefully and clearly. If you doubt something, seek the help of those who have already achieved heights in this aspect of life.

An amorphous, lazy and insecure person will not become purposeful. Laziness and lack of self-confidence eat up activity and vital energy. Cheer up and act with confidence. Go towards your dream in small steps, only then will you achieve something important in life.

14 March 2014, 16:59

It doesn’t matter how fast you go towards your goal, the main thing is not to stop. (Confucius)

Determination is a precisely formulated, clearly realized ability by a person to take the necessary actions to implement planned plans. This trait presupposes the application of certain volitional efforts that mobilize the internal resources of the individual, allowing one to overcome obstacles that arise on the way to the goal and not to give up when encountering difficulties.

Purposefulness arises as a result of a kind of victory over oneself: overcoming laziness, triumph over fears, triumph of efficiency over fatigue. This quality is one of the necessary conditions for the formation of a strong character, because in order to develop determination, one often has to painfully experience a struggle of motives, select reasonable arguments, weighing the pros and cons, and experience a genuine conflict between various desires, needs, and intentions.

A person who has chosen a specific goal and established ways to achieve it, like a ship sailing with a fair wind. He confidently and effectively moves towards his goal, and does not drift in the ocean of chance. The course of his movement is determined by himself, and not by the circumstances and desires of other people. A purposeful person is ready to consciously sacrifice and give up many temptations and pleasures. A clearly stated goal is the best way to achieve the desired result. A correctly chosen intention opens up new horizons for a person, does not hamper movement and does not limit resources. Completing a given task is the best reward, taking a person one step higher in his personal development. Achieving a goal is a significant factor in gaining and strengthening self-confidence. This is the main incentive that gives objective reasons to feel like a successful person.

Overcoming one’s own indecision and lack of composure, efforts and actions that lead to a significant result, bring a person a feeling of success and self-worth, allow one to respect oneself and increase self-esteem. The individual gains confidence that he is able to control the situation. Determination is the main secret of success, allowing you to achieve high results in any activity.

Why is determination needed?

This is a property of the volitional sphere:

  • sets the right course to achieve the goal;
  • provides special energy to overcome obstacles;
  • allows you to achieve success in any activity;
  • “suggests” the best ways to resolve difficulties;
  • frees from indecision, hesitation, doubt;
  • brings the joy of awareness of actions;
  • gives a feeling of personal freedom and independence;
  • helps develop respect and love for one’s personality;
  • elevates a person in the eyes of others.

How does determination manifest itself?

This human quality is a necessary and important component for successfully performing actions in everyday life.

  • Professional activities. A purposeful person moves up the career ladder quickly and more comfortably. He is not afraid to set high standards in business, confidently overcomes difficulties and solves problems. He is able to independently control and manage his behavior, independent of external pressure from society. Determination helps a person gain clear confidence in success.
  • Sports career. A purposeful athlete demonstrates the highest results. He is ready to train hard and for a long time. Knows how to limit himself from temptations. He has no fear of participating in competitions, he does not experience panic anxiety when meeting an opponent. He controls his emotions by force of will.
  • Education. A person with a clearly defined goal firmly masters knowledge in the shortest possible time. Determination allows you to develop your abilities to the maximum. A clearly defined level of heights contributes to better understanding and memorization of material, helps to navigate and concentrate on the learning process. This quality is the most useful tool for improving learning efficiency.
  • Scientific activity. The author of the saying that laziness is the engine of progress was not entirely accurate. It is not this sign of weakness of will, but precisely the important quality of human will - determination that allowed outstanding scientists to achieve significant heights in scientific activity. Purpose in all centuries has been the driving force that allows one to overcome internal resistance and external obstacles, often requiring heroism and self-sacrifice from the individual.

How to develop determination?

The components of the volitional sphere are flexible and plastic material that can be developed through meaningful and consistent actions of the individual. Anyone can forge and cultivate a sense of purpose. Methods for developing this volitional quality can be very diverse, but their effectiveness depends on compliance with the following rules.

  • Rule 1. A global and difficult intention must be developed into several smaller and closer goals and achieved one by one step by step. If you have a long-term perspective, it is very important to understand the stages of achieving a goal and, having outlined the immediate prospects, take actions to resolve particular problems. The result of consistent work will be the created conditions for achieving the final goal.
  • Rule 2. When formulating a goal, choosing methods to achieve it and making the final decision, it is necessary to take into account the feasibility of intentions and analyze their feasibility. Any decision must be thoroughly thought out.
  • Rule 3. Any decision made requires immediate execution. Every time a person has made a decision, but postpones its execution again and again, his volitional sphere is disorganized.
  • Rule 4. Remember, the more significant a person’s goal and the higher the level of motivation, the more difficult obstacles he is able to overcome.
  • Rule 5. It is important that in the everyday routine of problems and troubles, the individual does not lose sight of the final, desired goal of the activity and does not waste strength, energy, and time on solving unimportant, optional tasks.

To develop determination, you need to:

  • overcome yours and find peace of mind;
  • wean yourself from “inventing” self-justifications for your laziness;
  • ban doubts and indecision;
  • learn to live with your head, and not be guided by spontaneous feelings;
  • try different options for solving problems;
  • develop energy and activity;
  • develop clear self-organization and maintain strict discipline;
  • accept momentary mood swings as natural reactions of the emotional sphere and do not focus on disappointments, irritation, resentment, fears;
  • do not be afraid to look for other ways to achieve the goal and understand that the previously made decision may be wrong.

Good helpers that bring a person closer to achieving determination will be: faith in one’s strengths, respect and love for one’s personality, the fight against indecision and cowardice. As Washington Irving said: “Great minds have goals, others have desires.”

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