Captain 1st rank of the Zvyaginians. As long as I breathe, I hope

Affiliation USSR USSR
Russia Russia Branch of the military Navy Years of service 1986 - 2013 Rank
Captain 1st rank
Commanded 40 GNII Awards and prizes

Andrey Nikolaevich Zvyagintsev(born 1969) - Soviet and Russian officer, diving specialist, chief, captain 1st rank. Hero of the Russian Federation (2002).

In 2000-2001, the group commander of the 328th Expeditionary Rescue Unit of the Russian Navy, Captain 2nd Rank A. N. Zvyagintsev, participated in an attempt to rescue the crew of the sunken nuclear submarine K-141 Kursk in the Barents Sea, and also in the rise of the Kursk.


Born on March 14, 1969 in the city of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory. Russian .

Since 1993 - senior diving specialist of the 328th expeditionary rescue team of the IMF (Lomonosov, Leningrad region). He carried out important tasks in all Russian fleets.

In 2000, Captain 2nd Rank Zvyagintsev led a group of divers who took part in the examination and attempt to rescue the crew of the sunken nuclear submarine K-141 Kursk in the Barents Sea. Based on the results of the examination, he determined that there was no chance of saving the crew.

In the summer of 2001, Captain 2nd Rank Zvyagintsev again led a group of divers who took part in preparatory activities and the rise of the Kursk. During the rescue operation, Andrei Zvyagintsev made the maximum number of dives, spending more than 870 hours underwater at a depth of 100 meters. In emergency situations he showed self-control and courage.

On August 4, while working on the hull of the boat, he discovered that contact with his partner with whom he was working was lost. Having made my way to him, I saw that he was unconscious. Having freed him from the rubble, Zvyagintsev was able to deliver his partner to the bell in the shortest possible time, after which he continued working on the submarine’s hull.

On August 8, while working on the hull of the boat, due to technical circumstances, Andrei himself found the hose through which oxygen was supplied was blocked. In a critical situation, he was able to walk 20 meters without access to oxygen along the hull of the submarine, and then another 10 meters upward, to that same life-saving bell. Having changed his diving suit, he immediately returned to the submarine in order to turn off the equipment in order to avoid an emergency.

He continued his service in the same unit. Since January 22, 2004 - captain 1st rank.

External images
Heroes of Russia at the walls of their native school (undefined) . - from left to right: A. N. Zvyagintsev and aquanauts V. S. Slasten And A. G. Khramov.

Rescue operation at the site of the wreck of the motor ship "Bulgaria"

In 2011, he led a group of divers from the 40th State Scientific Research Institute, which participated in the examination and recovery of the sunken motor ship "Bulgaria".

Highly qualified specialist in the field of rescue, diving and underwater technical work, testing of diving equipment and hyperbaric technologies. Worked under water for more than three thousand hours.

In 2012, the Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for the Western Military District opened a criminal case against Andrei Zvyagintsev. According to investigators, in May 2010, he leased a remote-controlled underwater vehicle Tiger to St. Petersburg businessmen, with the help of which two employees of the research institute, the operators of the device, examined the bottom of the Gulf of Finland for 23 days in the interests of the company. However, the money for its use was transferred to the personal account of Andrei Zvyagintsev. On October 28, 2013, the 224th garrison military court found Hero of Russia, head of the 40th Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Andrei Zvyagintsev guilty of receiving a bribe in the amount of 560 thousand rubles and sentenced him to a fine of 70 times the amount (39.2 million rubles). In addition, the court confiscated the rescuer’s foreign car to recover the money he received as a bribe.

Even during the investigation, he was removed from his position, and then dismissed from the Armed Forces.

The “Kursk” operation showed the poor technical equipment of our rescue service. Even then our professionals were some of the best in the world, but there was a lot of tension with special equipment.

Immediately after the completion of the operation to raise the nuclear-powered vessel, the country's leadership allocated funds from the state budget for the modernization of existing rescue vessels, the construction of new ones, as well as the purchase of foreign deep-sea equipment. Today, much of what was planned has already been done.

A lesson in courage from the Hero of the Russian Federation: “A sailor has only one path - a glorious one!”

On March 30, Andrei Nikolaevich Zvyagintsev, a deep-sea diver, Hero of the Russian Federation, captain of the 1st rank, participant in the rescue operation of the Kursk nuclear submarine, conducted a lesson in courage for cadets of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Naval School”. Without courage, self-discipline, and self-education there cannot be a deep-sea diver, and, without a doubt, meeting this brave man only proved this to the students.

Andrei Nikolaevich Zvyagintsev told the audience about his childhood in the coastal city of Sochi, what prompted him to become a submariner, about his first dives and current activities. The Hero of Russia called on the younger generation to achieve their goals in life, believe in themselves and their strengths, and be persistent and persistent.

Andrei Nikolaevich not only spoke about himself and his service, but also answered numerous questions from students. The cadets were interested in what kind of training is needed to become a diver, and what kind of overload aquanauts experience during dives.

Concluding the meeting, Andrei Zvyagintsev called on schoolchildren to pay special attention not only to physical development, but also to spiritual, because a modern person is a literate person, which means he is intellectually developed and reads. Successful moral education at a young age is also important for the further formation of patriotic feelings. The hero also noted that in Russia young people have a lot of opportunities to express themselves, the main thing is to realize their dream and be committed to what they love.

Olga Koskina, a correspondent for the Maritime School newspaper, was also lucky enough to talk with Andrei Nikolaevich.

— Andrey Nikolaevich, What prompted you to choose the dangerous life path of a submariner and enter the Higher Naval Engineering School?

— From an early age I was connected with the sea, because I spent my childhood on the shores of the Black Sea in the city of Sochi. In 1986, when I was still an applicant, I had a choice of three universities: the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture, the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School or the Higher Naval Engineering School. But, probably, my genes, the sea that surrounded me, the romance of the profession still called me to our beautiful city of St. Petersburg and precisely to the Higher Naval Engineering School named after. Dzerzhinsky. I believe that anyone who has at least once been to the seashore, or been on ships or boats, will probably never remain indifferent to this element in his life.

— In your speech today you touched on the topic of patriotism. What does the word “patriotism” mean for you personally?

On the one hand, now this is a very often discussed, widespread, and on the other hand, it is a very intimate question for every person. Patriotism is the Great Motherland in which we live - the Greatest Russia, this small unit of society, which is called a family with its microclimate, with its joys and minor sorrows, pride in one’s parents. And at the same time, it is an understanding of the achievements that our country has achieved since its formation. If a person carefully studies the history of our state, he understands the essence of the statement of the great naval commander Nakhimov, who said that a sailor has no difficult or easy path, there is only one path - a glorious one. To paraphrase, I want to say that Russia cannot be backward or prosperous, it is always a Great country. Therefore, patriotism is that quality of a person, that property of a normal person born in our country, in the beauty of our open spaces, in the power of our great structures created by man, and it is also that spiritual warmth, those wonderful spiritual qualities of the Russian and other peoples inhabiting our vast Motherland.

— Andrey Nikolaevich, what advice do you have for those students who dream of making the sea, ocean or sky their life? What qualities, what skills do they need to develop?

Very interesting question, thank you. Here, I believe, we should not separate those guys who want to devote their lives to the sea and guys who want to devote their lives to the sky or even geological, historical research, strengthening military potential, and industrial development. In our country we have a very wide spectrum where a young man or girl can express themselves. Definitely, a person is required to be dedicated to his work, courage in making decisions, regardless of where you are: at school, in a student classroom or at a working machine. Commitment to your work and a clear understanding of your dreams should always come first. As for those whom the sea is calling, there is, of course, nothing to do at sea without a certain amount of romance. If you love the sea with all your soul, then the sea answers you in kind.

- Let's move on to more serious issues. How can you characterize the current state of the Russian Navy? Is the training of specialist divers fundamentally different now and when you studied? ( approx. Editors: Andrei Nikolaevich Zvyagintsev studied at the Higher Naval Engineering School from 1986 to 1991)

— A very difficult, but at the same time very interesting question. On the one hand, we are comparing the same thing, on the other, since 1986 there has been not only a quantitative time jump, calculated in years, months, hours, but also a qualitative one. And if after 1991 there was a decline, then from the beginning of 2000 a forward movement began in the field of education, in the field of science it was very noticeable. If there was any decline in the education of specialists, now we are seeing that the education given to specialists in military institutes corresponds to the level and demand of the present time. Because that patriotism, that inspiration, that dedication to the cause remains, and high-quality new technical means are present and studied more globally than we could have imagined then. Now young people who have dedicated their lives to serving the Navy are highly information savvy in modern technologies. At the moment, the presence of many simulators, the presence of a modern and high-quality level of teaching makes itself felt. Specialists graduating from military educational institutions have a serious stock of knowledge, and they see not only the current situation, but also the prospects for its development, which is very important. Another very important point is that a lot depends on the teachers. This was the case in 1986, and this is the case in 2016. That young man who has just decided to devote himself to any specialty, in particular to serving Russia in the Navy, comes with initial superficial knowledge. And how the teacher and the officers in charge of the educational process present themselves, whether they can interest and captivate, everything also affects the final result. It is absolutely clear that at the moment I am pleased with the level of graduates.

— Andrey Nikolaevich, as an experienced person, what specifically can you advise a person who does not necessarily work in dangerous professions to overcome their fear?

- Any person experiences fear, this is a normal physiological phenomenon. There are two types of fear: a feeling of fear, which mobilizes and helps to sharpen all one’s skills, and a feeling of fear, which completely demoralizes a person, subjugates him, and can even lead to tragic consequences. To educate yourself, to learn how to manage your fears, you just need to love what you do and devote many more hours to learning this business than an ordinary person. You need to be a professional in your activities. You need to cultivate a courageous person who is not afraid to cross the thresholds, one might even say, the vices of public opinion. For example, giving up your seat to your grandmother on the subway is already a small step towards a feat. After all, a person’s character and personality are made up of the smallest particles.

— And the last question, which will be of interest to everyone, young and old. You are now in excellent physical shape. Share the secret of how you manage to do this.

- There are no secrets. I just try to maintain my physical fitness, I try to play sports all my free time. I mean not only the gym, but also skiing and cycling. The infrastructure of our city allows you to play sports at any time of the year. I believe that physical culture should not be the object of close fanatical attention, it should be a part of life. As for nutrition, I don’t think about any dietary restrictions, the only thing is that for myself I don’t accept so-called fast food. However, I don’t want to force my opinion on anyone; I don’t think it’s right to forbid anyone anything. Everyone must come to this themselves logically, by trial and error. What else can you recommend for the harmonious development of personality? Educate yourself, play more sports, communicate more with smart people, read more books and attend wonderful events in the city of St. Petersburg.

Contact information:

Captain 1st rank, former head of the 40th Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Defense - a branch of the Naval Academy named after Admiral Kuznetsov - Hero of Russia Andrey Zvyagintsev accused of abuse of power.

Based on the materials of the prosecutor's investigation, a criminal case was also initiated against Zvyagintsev under the article “Receiving a bribe on a large scale by an official.” The reason for the accusation was that Zvyagintsev allegedly used the property of an institution under his jurisdiction for the purpose of personal enrichment.

As reported by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, “in May 2010, Zvyagintsev provided a commercial structure with the Tiger remote-controlled underwater vehicle, which was on the balance sheet of the State Research Institute, without any formalities.” Under the control of two operators - employees of the institute - for 23 days the device was used to survey the bottom of the Gulf of Finland in the interests of the company».

It is also known from the materials of the criminal case that Zvyagintsev preferred to rent out the underwater vehicle for a considerable sum.

“The businessmen transferred to the personal bank account of the director of the State Research Institute 560 thousand rubles. As a result of the illegal operation of the device, the state suffered damage in the amount of almost one million rubles“- noted in the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation.

If the accusations of the prosecutor's office turn out to be unfounded, then the Hero of the Russian Federation could face up to 12 years in prison.

Reference: Zvyagintsev Andrey Nikolaevich - senior diving specialist, group commander of the 328th expeditionary rescue squad of the Navy, captain 2nd rank. Born on March 14, 1969 in the city of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory.

Since 1986 in the Navy. In 1991 he graduated from the Higher Naval Engineering School named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky and was sent to the Black Sea Fleet. He began his service as an officer as the commander of a diving group - a diving specialist in the search and rescue service of the submarine rescue vessel "Zangezur". In the summer of 2001, Captain 2nd Rank Zvyagintsev was part of a group of divers who took part in the inspection and recovery of the sunken nuclear submarine Kursk in the Barents Sea. During the rescue operation, Andrei Zvyagintsev made the maximum number of dives and spent more than 870 hours underwater at a depth of 100 meters. In emergency situations he showed self-control and courage.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 274 of March 13, 2002, for the exemplary performance of the command assignment and the courage and bravery shown, Captain 2nd Rank Zvyagintsev Andrey Nikolaevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with a special distinction - the Gold Star medal (No. 751).

He continued his service in the same unit. Graduated from the N. G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy (2005, in absentia). For several years he was the commander of an expeditionary rescue team. Currently (2011), Captain 1st Rank Zvyagintsev is the head of the 40th State Research Institute for Emergency Rescue, Diving and Deep-sea Operations of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Highly qualified specialist in the field of rescue, diving and underwater technical work, testing of diving equipment and hyperbaric technologies. Worked under water for more than three thousand hours. Honored Rescuer of the Russian Federation (02.08.2006).

In 2000-2001, the group commander of the 328th Expeditionary Rescue Unit of the Russian Navy, Captain 2nd Rank A. N. Zvyagintsev, participated in an attempt to rescue the crew of the sunken nuclear submarine K-141 Kursk in the Barents Sea, and also in the rise of the Kursk


Since 1986 in the Navy. In 1991 he graduated with honors from the Higher Naval Engineering School named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky and was sent to the Black Sea Fleet. He began his service as an officer as the commander of a diving group - a diving specialist in the search and rescue service of the submarine rescue vessel "Zangezur" in Sevastopol. He was involved in training cadets at the diving school.


Hero of Russia Andrei Zvyagintsev welcomed the mixed style wrestlers

In the morning, receive instructions from a hero, and in the evening, try not to accomplish a feat, but at least win a couple of victories. As part of the sports and patriotic festival, mixed style wrestlers took part in the “Grand Prix 8” tournament for the prizes of Hero of Russia Andrei Zvyagintsev.

Barents Mountain. Diver - about how work went on the sunken Kursk

Russia's first diving museum will open in Kronstadt

We would like to add that the guests of the events will be Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Colonel General Alexander Chupriyan, President of the Russian Divers Association Alexander Demidov, Head of the Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Defense Hero of Russia Andrei Zvyagintsev and diving veterans.
link: 2012/05/04/977176.html

“Bulgaria” will be taken on a pontoon

Military divers are still collecting additional information for the design parameters of the project, carrying out almost round-the-clock dives. The work is led by the head of the 40th Scientific Research Institute, Hero of Russia, Captain 1st Rank Andrei Zvyagintsev, who led the operation of raising the Kursk submarine, although, as experts say, that lift has nothing in common with the current one.
link: article/2011/07/13/605474

"Bulgaria" remained at an angle

The rise of the “Bulgaria” began at the Kuibyshev Reservoir. Experts have been preparing for it all weekend. “The group of forces and assets involved in the work of lifting the sunken motor ship “Bulgaria” from the bottom of the Kuibyshev Reservoir includes 20 units of watercraft and 72 people, including 23 divers,” reported the head of the 40th State Research Institute of Emergency Rescue. , diving and deep-sea work of the Ministry of Defense Andrey Zvyagintsev. The research institute that developed the plan for raising the Kursk handed over the plan for lifting the ship to the general contractor Podvodrechstroy.
link: 2011/07/18/3697985.shtml

Was the death of the Kursk the result of betrayal?

“We had some of the best professionals in the world even then, but there was a lot of tension with special equipment,” quotes Andrey, head of the 40th State Research Institute for Emergency Rescue Diving and Deep-Sea Work of the Ministry of Defense (SRI ASD and GVR). Zvyagintsev (for participation in the operation to rescue the Kursk nuclear submarine he was awarded the Star of the Hero of Russia - ed.).
link: 14/9512.110993

The crew of the Kursk nuclear submarine will be remembered in Russia. On the 10th anniversary of the tragedy, relatives of sailors were deprived of benefits

In the 10 years since the sinking of the nuclear submarine Kursk, the rescue service of the Russian Navy has undergone major technical modernization. The “Kursk” operation showed the poor technical equipment of our rescue service. Even then, our professionals were some of the best in the world, but there was a lot of tension with special equipment,” the head of the 40th State Research Institute of Emergency Rescue Diving and Deep-Sea Work of the Ministry of Defense (Research Institute ASD and GVR) told Interfax. Andrey Zvyagintsev, awarded the Star of the Hero of Russia for his participation in the operation to rescue the Kursk nuclear submarine.

Zvyagintsev Andrey Nikolaevich – senior diving specialist, group commander of the 328th expeditionary rescue squad of the Navy, captain of the 2nd rank.

Since 1986 in the Navy. In 1991 he graduated with honors from the Higher Naval Engineering School named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky and was sent to the Black Sea Fleet. He began his service as an officer as the commander of a diving group - a diving specialist in the search and rescue service of the submarine rescue vessel "Zangezur" in Sevastopol. He was involved in training cadets at the diving school.

Since 1993 - senior diving specialist of the 328th expeditionary rescue team of the IMF (Lomonosov, Leningrad region). Performed important tasks in all Russian fleets. In 2000, Captain 2nd Rank Zvyagintsev led a group of divers who took part in the examination and attempt to rescue the crew of the sunken nuclear submarine K-141 Kursk in the Barents Sea. Then he gave a unequivocal answer - there was no chance of saving the crew.

In the summer of 2001, Captain 2nd Rank Zvyagintsev again led a group of divers who took part in preparatory activities and the raising of the Kursk nuclear submarine. During the rescue operation, Andrei Zvyagintsev made the maximum number of dives, spending more than 870 hours underwater at a depth of 100 meters. In emergency situations he showed self-control and courage.

On August 4, while working on the hull of the boat, he discovered that contact with his partner, with whom he was working together, had been lost. Having made my way to him, I saw that he was unconscious. Having freed him from the rubble, Zvyagintsev was able to deliver his partner to the bell in the shortest possible time, after which he continued working on the submarine’s hull.

On August 8, while working on the hull of the boat, due to technical circumstances, Andrei himself found the hose through which oxygen was supplied was blocked. In a critical situation, he was able to walk 20 meters without access to oxygen along the hull of the submarine, and then another 10 meters upward, to that same life-saving bell. Having changed his diving suit, he immediately returned to the submarine in order to turn off the equipment in order to avoid an emergency.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 274 of March 13, 2002, for the exemplary fulfillment of the command assignment and the courage and courage shown to the captain of the 2nd rank Zvyagintsev Andrey Nikolaevich awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

He continued his service in the same unit. Graduated from the N.G. Naval Academy. Kuznetsova (2005, in absentia). For several years he was the commander of the 328th Expeditionary Rescue Unit. Then he was the head of the 40th State Research Institute for Emergency Rescue, Diving and Deep-Sea Works of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Currently, he is the Deputy Head of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Marine Rescue Service” of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot).

Highly qualified specialist in the field of rescue, diving and underwater technical work, testing of diving equipment and hyperbaric technologies. Worked under water for more than three thousand hours.

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