Card on the topic of comparing multi-digit numbers. Reading and writing multi-digit numbers

RULE No. 1 First, pay attention to the number of digits in their notation = more is a multi-digit number whose notation has more digits.

RULE No. 2 - if the number of numbers in a record is the same, then they are compared bit by bit:

(for clarity, at first you can write the numbers in the table of ranks). The comparison process begins with the most significant digit (first from the left) and continues until unequal digit values ​​are found. The larger number will be the one whose value in the corresponding digit is greater.

For example: we compare hundreds of thousands, then tens of thousands, and in units of thousands in one number “5” and in the other “6”, there is no further need to compare the digits. The first number is smaller.

Characteristics of students’ activities when studying this material and the planned results of its mastery

The effectiveness of mastering this topic will depend on how the teacher organizes the children’s activities in the lesson. The organization of children's activities should be such that each student performs all practical actions with handouts myself. The leading teaching methods in lessons on this topic are conversation and practical work students.

In the process of studying the numbering of the first ten numbers, primary schoolchildren should learn:

The sequence of the first ten numbers and the ability to reproduce it forward and backward, starting from any number;

Two ways to form a number;

The name of each number and its designation;

What is the relationship between each number and the number following it?

the number preceding it;

What place does each number occupy in the natural series of numbers from 1 to 10

(the ability to quickly name what number follows it, what number follows this number, what numbers are found when counting to given number, between which numbers it is located).

Determine the place of each of the studied numbers in the natural series and establish relationships between numbers

Group numbers according to a specified or independently established characteristic

Establish a pattern in a series of numbers and supplement it in accordance with this pattern

Complete the recording of numerical equalities and inequalities in accordance with the assignment

2. Methods for learning addition and subtraction of integers non-negative numbers V initial course mathematics.

Interpretation of the concept of addition and subtraction of non-negative integers in an initial mathematics course.

The NCM reflects a set-theoretic approach to the interpretation of addition and subtraction of non-negative integers. numbers, according to which the addition of Z0 is associated with the operation of combining pairwise disjoint finite sets, subtraction – with the operation of complementing the selected subset.

Amount 2 integer non-negatives. numbers A And V is called the number of elements of a union of finite non-intersecting. plurality of A and B, such that plurality A contains a elements, plurality B contains b elements. EXAMPLE: Let's find the union of the sets A and B, where n(A)=a, n(B)=b, A∩B=(empty set), AỤB=(a.b,с.d,е. f.p) count the number of elements of AỤB, n(AỤB) = 7, which means the sum of the numbers 4 and 3 is equal to 7.

Action, with pom. cat. find the sum called addition, and numbers that add are called addends.

Addition has commutativity and associativity (commutative and associative laws).

1.Difference nature numbers a and b are called. the number of elements of the addition of the set B to the set A, provided that B is a subset of A and the set A contains. a elements, a plurality of B contents. in elements. Action, with the help of a cat. find the difference, name. by subtraction. EXAMPLE: 4-3 Let's take numbers A and B. n(A)=4, n(B)=3. B is a subset of A, A(§·Ñð) B=(§·Ñ) We find the addition A\B=(ð) n(A\B)=4-3=1.

2. Determining the difference through the sum: difference nature numbers A and B are called. such a natural number C, sum cat. and the number b is equal to a. a-b=c, c+b=a.

In NCM, the relationship between the actions of complex and subtract is established. This relationship is formulated in the form of rules that establish a connection between the components and the results of complex actions. and subtract: 1) If you subtract one slug from the sum, you get another slug. 2) If we add the subtrahend to the difference, we get the minuend.

Methods for introducing students to addition and its properties.

One of the approaches is based on students performing licks. substantive actions and their interpretation in the form of graphic and symbolic models. Students’ work first comes down to translating objective actions into the language of mathematics, and then to establishing correspondence between various models. For example: children are offered a picture in which Misha and Masha are releasing hazel grouse into the same aquarium.

Stage 1. Children tell what Misha and Masha are doing in the pictures. (Misha launches 2 fish, and Masha launches 3)

It is important for the teacher to emphasize that children's fish are grouped together in one aquarium.

Stage 2. The teacher reports that the actions of Masha and Misha can be written in the language of mathematics. These entries are given under the pictures and are mathematical expressions, which in mathematics are called sums. It turns out how these expressions are similar (each has two numbers and a + sign) and how you can read them (in different ways: “2 plus 3, add three to two, add the numbers 2 and 3”)

3. Children practice reading these expressions

4. Now you need to correlate each of these expressions with the corresponding picture. When completing this task, children focus on the number of objects that Masha and Misha have in common.

5. In addition to expressions, each picture can be associated certain number. (Children can also guess this by counting the objects in each picture)

6. As a result of this work, the teacher shows how to write equality and introduces children to this concept, as well as the term “value of the sum.”

Numerical equalities are then interpreted into number line. We can distinguish three types of situations associated with the union operation: a) an increase in a given subject set by several objects; b) an increase in a set equal to the given one by several objects.

c) compiling one subject set from two data

In the process of performing object actions, the child develops an idea of ​​addition as an action that is associated with an increase in the number of objects.

An instruction to perform objective actions can be the task: “Show...”. For example, the teacher offers the task: “Kolya had 4 stamps. They gave him 2 more. Show me how many stamps Kolya now has.”

Children lay out 4 stamps. Then add 2 brands. They show with a movement of their hand how many stamps Kolya has. Next, we find out how you can write down a completed objective action using mathematical signs, using numbers, plus and equal signs.

Situations of type a) can actually be reduced to situations of type c), considering the stamps that Kolya had as one object set, and the stamps that were given to him as another object set.

To explain the meaning of addition, you can also rely on children’s ideas about the relationship between the whole and its parts. In this case, for the above situation, all Kolya’s stamps (the whole) will consist of two parts: the stamps that he “had” and the stamps that were “given” to him. Denoting the whole and their parts numerical values, children receive the expression (4+2) or equality (4+2=6).

In the process of performing objective actions corresponding to situations of type b) children form the concept more by, ideas about which are associated with the construction of a set equal in number to the given one (take the same amount) and its increase by several objects (and more). In this case, the aggregates “as much” and “more” are combined.

Addition natural numbers has the following properties: a commutative property (the commutative property) and a combinative property (the associativity property), proven both in set theory and in axiomatic theory.

The commutative property is that the value of the sum does not change when the terms are rearranged, for example: 2+1=1+2. This property is studied in 1st grade, when studying the addition of numbers within the first ten.

With commutative property You can introduce students to the following:

1. Solve pairs of examples of the form: 3 + 4 and 4 + 3, compare how the solved examples are similar and how they differ, then lead the children to a certain conclusion: changing the terms does not change the sum. Another 2–3 pairs of examples are considered in the same way.

2. You can start by considering actions with subject sets. Here is a sample discussion between a teacher and students.

Place 4 large triangles and 3 more small ones. How many triangles are there in total? (7).

Place 3 red circles and 4 green ones. How many circles are there in total? (7).

Result practical action translated into mathematical language and notes are made. 4 +3 = 7 and 3 + 4 = 7. I compare the records, find out how they are similar and how they differ, and draw the appropriate conclusions.

It is advisable to start getting acquainted with a new computational technique by considering problematic situation. From solving a practical problem: “On one school site the children collected 2 bags of potatoes, the other 7. How many potatoes were collected from the two plots? You need to put them together. Which is more convenient, move 7 bags to two or move 2 bags to seven?” The practical situation translates into mathematical language: 2 +7 or 7 + 2.

Based on life situation and observations, children are convinced that it is far from indifferent how to perform addition and choose a convenient method.

Another option for modeling the displacement property of addition is also possible:

Т=▲▲▲ Т+К=▲▲▲■■

K=■■ K+T=■■▲▲▲

Matching property or the rule for grouping terms is that the value of the sum of several terms does not depend on the order in which the addition operations are performed, for example: (8+3)+7=8+(3+7). The matching property is used for rational calculation. Let us pay attention to several addition techniques in which the use of this property necessary:

When adding single-digit numbers with transition through digit. For example, in order to perform an addition, for example, 7+5, you need to represent the second term as a sum of convenient terms 3+2 and apply associative property, that is, change the order of addition:

You can begin to become familiar with this property by solving the example: (4+3)+2. Example illustration: 4 red large circles, 3 blue triangles and 2 blue circles are laid out on a typesetting canvas

It is proposed to compose examples: (4 + 3)+2=9, 4 +3 +2=9, 4+(3+2)=9. Having compared the examples obtained and their results, schoolchildren will be able to conclude: when adding three terms the result does not change if adjacent terms are replaced by their sum. Then, by analogy, children are led to the rule: when adding three and more terms, adjacent numbers can be replaced by their sum.

Features of studying the table of addition of single-digit numbers in various methodological systems.

The approach of the M1M textbook to the formation of addition and subtraction skills within 10 involves the conscious compilation of tables and their involuntary or voluntary memorization in the process on purpose organized activities. Conscious tabulation can be achieved theoretical line course, subject actions, methodological techniques and visual aids. For voluntary and involuntary memorization of tables it is used special system exercises.

Tables of addition and subtraction within 10 can be roughly divided into four groups, each of which is associated with theoretical basis and the corresponding method of action: 1) the principle of constructing a natural series of numbers - counting and counting by 1; 2) the meaning of addition and subtraction is counting and counting in parts; 3) commutative property of addition - rearrangement of terms; 4) the relationship between addition and subtraction - the rule: if you subtract one term from the value of the sum, you get another term.

Compiling tables of 1) groups is not difficult. When developing computational skills for cases of addition and subtraction, presented in 2), 3), 4) groups, work is organized in accordance with certain stages: 1 – preparation for familiarization with a computational technique; 2 – familiarization with the computational technique; 3 – compiling tables using computational techniques; 4 – setting to memorize tables; 5 – consolidation of tables during training exercises.

In the formation of computing skills in school practice are used different approaches:

· You can simply learn the tables of addition, multiplication, etc. cases of division and subtraction; consolidate them in the process of solving examples, since the examples themselves are a table, only broken down. Cognitive activity in this case the students in this case are characterized active work memory and voltage voluntary attention.

· In the second approach, students become familiar with various computational techniques, independently compile tables and involuntarily remember them in the process of performing various computational exercises.

· The third approach differs from the second in that at a certain moment, after using objective actions and various computational techniques, the student is given a memorization setting.

Which approach is most effective? Which one can provide more short terms formation of strong (brought to automation) calculations. skills?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously, since much depends on individual characteristics memory and attention of a junior schoolchild. Nevertheless, practice shows that the third option is most acceptable for most.

UMK "Harmony" and we use exactly these models = Triangle "Ten". One triangle is suitable for exercises on the composition of numbers within 10, several triangles + separate circles will help you understand the transition through ten and actions within 100.

Familiarization technique junior schoolchildren with subtraction. Finding the unknown component of addition (subtraction).

When developing children’s ideas about subtraction, we can conditionally focus on the following subject situations:

a) reducing a given subject set by several items (by crossing out)

b) reduction of quantity equal to the given one by several items

c) comparison of two subject sets, i.e. answer to the question: “How many more objects are there in one set than in the other?”

In the process of performing object actions, younger schoolchildren develop the idea of ​​subtraction as an action that is associated with a decrease in the number of objects. Let's consider concrete example: “Masha had five dolls. She gave two to Tanya. Show me the dolls she still has.” Children draw 5 dolls, cross out 2 and show the dolls that she has left.

To explain the meaning of subtraction, as well as addition, you can use children’s ideas about the relationship between the whole and the part. In this case, the dolls that Masha had (“the whole”) consist of two parts: “the dolls that she gave and the dolls that she kept.”

The part is always less than the whole, so finding the part involves subtraction. By designating the parts and the whole by their numerical values, children receive the expression 5 - 2 or the equality 5 - 2 = 3. In the process of performing objective actions corresponding to the situation b) children form an idea of ​​the concept "less by".

When considering situation c) in teaching practice, students are usually offered an illustration, based on which the following conversation is held:

The teacher asks a question:

Which row has more circles? (The question is almost never difficult.)

How many more objects are there in the top row than in the bottom row? (The question also does not pose any difficulties, because children focus on the number of objects left without a pair.) However, first-graders do not in any way connect their answer with performing subtraction, since they do not perform any actions with objects. So that the guys can understand the connection of the question: “How much more (less)?” with subtraction, you need to direct their activities to solve this problem. Let's describe a possible option.

Two students are called to the board. Each of them is given a flannelgraph with circles. One of the boys (Vitya) has 7 circles, the other (Kolya) has 5 circles. Students stand so as not to see the circles on each other’s flannelgraph. The class also does not see these circles. The teacher addresses the class:

No one knows how many circles each student has on the flannelgraph, and no one can yet answer the question of who has more or less. Let's do this: the boys standing at the board will simultaneously shoot one circle at a time. Maybe doing this will help answer your question.

The children begin to complete the task. There comes a moment when one of the students says:

I don't have any more circles.

Do you still have any circles left? - the teacher asks the other. (Yes.)

The teacher addresses the class:

Maybe now someone can guess who has more circles and who has fewer?

How did you guess? (Whoever has circles left has more.)

But we don’t know how many laps are left. But I’ll tell you how many laps Vitya had. Maybe then you will guess what action needs to be performed to answer the question: “How many more laps does Vitya have than Kolya?”

(Children are thinking...)

Okay, let's count how many laps Kolya gave me and how many Vitya gave me.

(Equally. Kolya - 5 and Vitya - 5.)

And if I tell you that Vitya had 7 laps. Then you can answer the question: “How many laps does he have left?” or “How many more circles does Vitya have than Kolya?” (You need to subtract 5 from 7.)

Students can verify the truth of the answer by analyzing the pictures.

What numerical equalities need to be written down to answer the question under each picture:

As a result, first-graders develop an idea of ​​differential comparison of numbers, which can be summarized in the form of a rule: “To find out how much one number is greater (less) than another, you need to subtract the smaller number from the larger number.”

When comparing sets of two subject sets, you can also rely on children’s ideas about the relationship between the whole and the part. To do this, it is necessary to draw their attention to the fact that in order to answer the question: “How much more... (less)?” we select in a larger aggregate such a part of objects that is equal in number to another given aggregate, and we find another part of the larger aggregate, that is, we perform subtraction.

Tests on the topic. Reading, writing and comparing multi-digit numbers.

Option 1

1. Mark with an “x” the entry for the number MILLION.

1 000 10 000 1 000 000 100 000

2. How to write the number 306 thousand in numbers? Mark the correct answer with an "x".

360 000 306 000 3 060 360000

ninety thousand ten

Nine hundred one

Nine thousand ten

nine hundred one thousand

4. Write down the number in which 4 thousand 8 hundred 12 units.

9 308 9 452 50 065 40 098

Option 2

1. Mark with an “x” the entry for the number BILLION.

100 000 1 000 000 000 1 000 000 100 000

2. How to write the number 204 thousand in numbers? Mark the correct answer with an "x".

2 040 20 400 204 000 240 000

sixty thousand twenty

six thousand twenty

six thousand two hundred

six thousand two

4. Write down the number in which 7 thousand 2 hundreds 3 tens.

5. Compare the numbers. Write the sign in the box

8 134 8 043 59 917 60 017

Option 3

1. Mark with an “x” the entry for the number HUNDRED THOUSAND TEN.

10 010 100 010 10 000 010 100 100

2. How to write the number 404 thousand in numbers? Mark the correct answer with an "x".

4 400 40 004 4 004 000 404 000

Three hundred thousand thirty
thirty thousand thirty
Three thousand thirty

thirty three thousand

4. Write down the number / in which there are 40 thousand 51 tens.

5. Compare the numbers. Write the sign in the box.

8543 12 056 60 471 60 461

Option 4.

    Mark with an “x” the entry for the number MILLION HUNDRED THOUSAND.

1 000 100 000 100 100 000 1 000 000 100 1 100 000

2. How to write the number 550 thousand in numbers? Mark the correct answer with an "x".

550 000 50 050 000 505 000 55 000

four thousand four hundred

forty thousand four hundred

four hundred four thousand

four thousand forty

4. Write down the number in which 300 thousand is 50 tens.

5. Compare the numbers. Write the sign in the box.

80 345 9 936 10 052 10 152 1

Option 5

1. Write down the number THREE HUNDRED MILLION FORTY THOUSAND SEVENTY in numbers.

2. Mark with an “x” the number that contains fifteen hundred.

15 600 157 000 1 578 150

3. How many zeros are there in the number TWO HUNDRED SIXTY MILLION? Mark the correct answer with an "x".

6 7 8 9

4. Write down the number in which 28 thousand 15 tens 3 ones.

TOPIC: Comparison of multi-digit numbers.

TYPE OF LESSON: combined

GOALS: familiarization with methods of comparing multi-digit numbers, improving the ability to read and write multi-digit numbers, solving problems with proportional quantities: labor productivity, work time, output; development of voluntary attention, thinking and speech; upbringing cognitive activity students, respect for working people.


Personal UUD:

1- internal position student at the level positive attitude to mathematics classes;

2- understanding the reasons for academic success;

3- self-assessment based on success criteria educational activities.

Regulatory UUD:

1- accept and save the learning task corresponding to the stage of learning;

2- apply established rules in planning the solution method;

3- monitor and evaluate the process and result of the activity.

Cognitive UUD:

1- find the answer to the textbook in the materials asked question;

2- analyze the objects under study, highlighting essential and non-essential features;

3- use symbolic means, including models and diagrams to solve problems;

4- draw analogies between the material being studied and own experience.

Communicative UUD:

1- choose adequate speech means in dialogue with the teacher, classmates;

2- perceive other opinions and positions;

3- construct statements that are understandable to the partner;

4- carry out mutual control actions

Subject results:

Know the sequence of multi-digit numbers;
be able to compare multi-digit numbers, name the neighbors of a number;

Know proportional quantities: productivity, work time, output and be able to solve problems with these quantities.

Basic: Mathematics. 4th grade. Textbook for general education institutions. At 2 p.m. Part 1/ M.I. Moro - M.: Education, 2014.

Additional: multimedia equipment, presentation, cards for individual work, quantities for a short notation for the problem


Lesson stage

Type of work

Teacher activities

Student activities



Checking readiness.

The bell rang and stopped.

It's time to start the lesson.

Greet your guests!

Sit down quietly and beautifully.

Check to see if your space is ready to go.

There should be a textbook, notebook, pen, pencil, and diary on the table.

If everything is ready, show it with correct posture.


Check readiness for the lesson.



I would like to start the lesson with a poem.

Read it from the slide: SLIDE 2

The tractor is driven by a tractor driver,

Electric train driver.

Glory to the farmer in the field,

And your work is at school.

Don't be lazy to work,

Study conscientiously.

To whom are these lines addressed?

What does the poet encourage schoolchildren to do?

Remember, any work is honorable and requires effort. Write down the date and place of work.

To the students.

Work conscientiously.



Oral counting

Game "Open the window"


Individual work using cards (3 people)



SLIDE 3 A) Consider unusual equalities. Guess what numbers are hidden under each figure. Remember, the same figure represents the same number.

SLIDE 4 B) What signs arithmetic operations missed?

SLIDE 5 Q) What comparison signs are missing?

Collect cards and evaluate the work.

Which keyword did it work?

Who guessed what we will learn in class?

Models of equality are considered.

They reason.

We should start with an equality in which there is only one unknown term, this is the last line. To find a term, you need to subtract another term from the sum: 300-230=70 - Tr

120-70=50 – Kv

230-50=180 – Kr

Multiply or divide, because a.1=a.

Plus or minus






Compare multi-digit numbers


Observations on the material and derivation of rules

Look again at the inequalities we have obtained. What comparison rule can we derive? SLIDE 5 (animation)

Read it by filling in the blanks:

Of two numbers, the smaller is the one that is called……. when counting,

And more what is called….

SLIDE 6. Compare the following pairs of numbers: 368*127 and 763*791

What numbers are enough to compare to immediately answer the question?

Restore the second part of the rule: SLIDE 6(an.)

Numbers can be compared bit by bit, starting from the lowest/highest digit.

Let's check the accuracy of our reasoning using the textbook. Let's read the advice from Znayka-mathematician on p. 27 to the right of the red line. SLIDE 7



3 and 1, 3 hundred is more than 1 hundred

6 and 9, since the number of hundreds is the same, let’s compare the tens


Find and read theoretical material


Comparison of numbers. P.27, No. 117. Indicate the assignment number in your notebook. Who wants to think out loud?

No. 120 Read the task. About what we're talking about? Which unknown word met? What is a conveyor?

Look at the image of the conveyor on tractor plant. For each finished product of the plant, a technical passport with a number is issued.

What numbers did the tractors have?

What are you asked to determine in the assignment?

How do you propose to determine which tractor retired before others? Which one is next? Which third?

Read, write and compare numbers, reasoning out loud.

A device for continuously moving a workpiece from one worker to another or for transporting goods.

250000, 249999, 250001

Which tractor got off first? Second?

249999, 250000, 250001



SLIDE 8. People who work in factories get up early in the morning and work long hours. To ensure they have enough health for everything, they, of course, do exercises.

The sun looked into the crib


We all do exercises:

We need to sit down and stand up

On the toe, then on the heel.

We all do exercises.

Once - get up, stretch.

Two – bend over, straighten up.

Three - 3 claps in your hands, 3 nods with your head.

Four – arms wider!

Five - wave your arms.

Six - sit down quietly.

We can continue moving.

They get up from their desks.

Perform the movements named in the text


Working on tasks:

A) Familiarity with the content

B) Making a short note

C) Finding a solution

D) Recording the solution and answer

SLIDE 9. Let's continue to get acquainted with the labor of workers.

Find problem 122. Read it.

What is the task about?

Who made the parts?

Who did more details? Why?

In such cases, they say that the worker and the student had different labor productivity, i.e. the number of parts each of them makes in an hour.

Specify the first value, productivity, like this:

Selected Time Total

for 1 hour of work worked out.

Who guessed what the second value will be in the table? Write it down. What should we write in column 3?

Let us point out that a teacher and a student worked.

Let's fill out the table. What is known? What do you need to find? How do you propose to write this question briefly? Write it down. Circle.

R.? 8 h 80 d.

Uch. ? 6 hours 42 days

How do you know how much more one grinds than the other?

Can we perform this action right away? Why?

How do you propose to find out?

How many steps will we take to solve the problem?

Talk through a solution plan.

Write down the decision on the actions with explanations.

Which additional task offer? Read the expression. What action has changed? What will you tell them? Formulate a question.

Open the textbook, find and read the problem. Answer the questions:

This problem is about making parts.

Worker and student.

A worker, he has more experience.

Do short note to the task.

Write down the solution and answer to the problem in a notebook.

Opening hours

Total output

Find numerical data in the text of the problem and enter it into the table.

Subtract the smaller from the larger.

No. because We don’t know how much each person did in an hour. By division.

At 3:1) (:)-worker for 1 hour

2) (:) – student in 1 hour

Change the question so that the last action is (+) How many parts do a worker and his student make together in an hour?


SLIDE 10. Read task No. 121. What needs to be done? Think about where you should put parentheses to change the order of actions? Complete the task yourself.

Read the task and complete it independently.


P.27, No. 123, p.24, No. 97.

Write down the task in your diary.


SLIDE 12. Complete the sentences: In class I learned... I did.... It was difficult for me...

Marks earned today...

Complete the sentences.

Put notes in the diary.

Marina Vitalievna Kislitsyna
Summary of a lesson in mathematics in grade 4 “Comparison of multi-digit numbers”

Technological map lesson

Item mathematics

Subject lesson: « Comparison of multi-digit numbers»

Target lesson: generalization of knowledge and skills in comparison of multi-digit numbers


Educational: reinforce a skill comparison of multi-digit numbers; train reading and writing ability multi-digit numbers

Developmental: develop attention, observation, ability to analyze and draw conclusions; work independently, collectively, speech skills;

Educational: cultivate interest in mathematics, respect for your groupmate, learn to listen and hear each other

Type lesson: systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills


Regulatory: understand, accept and maintain the learning task, exercise self-control and self-assessment educational activities.

Cognitive: solve practical problems, structure knowledge


- participate in dialogue: "teacher - students" And "student - student";

Answer the teacher's questions and classmates;

Observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette;

Develop the ability to listen and understand the speech of others

Planned results:

Metasubject: determine your knowledge and ignorance; see and correct errors; ; justify conclusions; ability to work in pairs, groups, exercise self-control and self-assessment.

Subject: be able to identify a pattern, compare, classify.

the ability to act according to a plan and plan your actions in accordance with the task.

Stage lesson Formed UUD Student activities

1. Organizational stage

Motivation of students by teacher

There is sun in nature. It shines and warms us all. So let every ray of it look into us Class and will not only warm us, but also give you strength and confidence in your knowledge.

Open your notebooks. Write down the topic lesson(SLIDE No. 1)

Who feels ready today? "5"? On "4"? On "3"? Thank you. Let's compare at the end of the lesson your expected results.

Emotionally – positive mood: “First, we will admire your deep knowledge of mathematics and we will pull out something valuable from the recesses of your memory. Do you agree? Regulatory

Ensuring students organize their educational activities.

Emotionally - positive attitude towards lesson, creating a situation of trust

Students listen and answer questions

2. Playback and correction background knowledge students. Updating knowledge

Purpose of the stage:

A). I suggest starting with a Blitz survey that will help you formulate the topic of our lesson(the question is asked to each group in turn)

What's called multi-digit numbers?

Which classes of multi-digit numbers you know?

What actions can be performed with multi-digit numbers?

Name the algorithm comparison of multi-digit numbers.

What will be discussed at lesson? Formulate a topic lesson. « Comparison of multi-digit numbers» . (SLIDE No. 2)


Construction speech utterance V orally, answer based on existing knowledge.


Constructing statements that are understandable to your partner.


Acceptance and retention educational task, performing educational activities in materialized and mental shape . Students recall theoretical material and perform a practical task on a previously studied topic.

Call the expression « comparison of multi-digit numbers» and make a guess about the topic lesson.

3. Setting goals and objectives lesson.

Motivation for students' learning activities

What tasks will we set for lesson and shall we achieve?

(SLIDE No. 3)

1. Fasten. (skill compare multi-digit numbers)

2. Work it out. (algorithm comparison of multi-digit numbers)

3. Develop. (ability to work in a group) Communication:

Learn to formulate your own opinions


putting forward hypotheses and their substantiation

Students make hypotheses, accept and save learning goal and task

4. Reproduction and correction of students’ basic knowledge. Updating knowledge

Purpose of the stage:

Preparing students’ thinking and their awareness of the need to identify the causes of difficulties in their own activities

You have mastered the theory, let's see how you are doing with practical tasks? Warm-up in the form of a test (SLIDE No. 4 - No. 9)

We work as a group, choose correct option answer and compare with the other group's response.

Express their guesses in the group and take turns voicing an answer.

5 Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Purpose of the stage:

Students’ meaningful correction of their mistakes in independent work and developing the ability to correctly apply appropriate methods of action

Large numbers come visit us

They come every day

And your information

It's not too lazy to share.

- Multiple-valued numbers we can meet in our lives.

Give examples.

Now write down some of them.

Temperature on the surface of the Sun is 6,000 C

Lena is the most long river Russia. Its length. 4400 km

The deepest place in Pacific Ocean- Mariana Trench. Its depth. 11,034 km

Distance from Earth to Moon 384,400 km

The distance from the Sun to the Earth is about 50,000,000 km

The most high mountain Elbrus has a height of 5,642 m

Earth diameter 12,720 km

Check your spelling (WORK IN PAIRS, exchange notebooks) (SLIDE No. 10)


Write the numbers in ascending order (EXAMINATION)

4400, 5 642, 6000, 11 034, 12 720, 384 400, 50 000 000.

(SLIDE No. 10)



Write in descending order (EXAMINATION)

50 000 000, 384 400, 12 720, 11 034, 6000, 5 642, 4400

(SLIDE No. 10)



record multi-digit numbers


control of partner's actions


performing educational activities;

taking into account the rules in planning and controlling the solution method;

making necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Students write down multi-digit numbers, write them down in descending and ascending order. Then they read out what they did. Explain their choice

6. Application of knowledge and skills. Thinking operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison

Teacher: - Today mathematics continues to put before you difficult tasks, to which you will try to find answers by reasoning and drawing conclusions. (SLIDE No. 11)

The encoded numbers contain the following signs.

Are these inequalities true?

Restore the recording and explain what knowledge you relied on when comparing numbers? (ALGORITHM COMPARISONS)


implementation of semantic reading of an expression


planning your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation


Perceive the students’ answers Students reconstruct the recording and explain what knowledge they relied on when comparing numbers, make inferences


We are studying numbers. What numbers are in mathematics except multivalued, You know? Now let's move and practice attention:

if I call single digit number- sat down,

two-digit - stood up,

three-digit - hands up.

1, 13, 456, 389, 25, 8, 34, 444, 6, 39, 230, 3

Well done, you did a great job, you completed the job successfully and are ready to continue working further.

8. Task: Write down the largest number from each column

(SLIDE No. 12)

4275 13785 359999 38002500

3689 1274 830099 27426502

6424 18348 803900 35000571

Express two of them as a sum bit terms

2 representatives from each team to the BOARD (Carries out random control)


Application of the algorithm comparison of multi-digit numbers


Evaluating learning activities in accordance with the assigned task


Reflection on their actions Students write down the most big numbers and represent them as a sum of bit terms

9. Teacher: - Having solved the anagram, you will learn the next task

(anagram recording on multimedia) (SLIDE No. 13)


(solve the problem)

Page 31, No. 83 (textbook) Teacher check


1). 587 – 37 = 550 (cm)– difference comparison.

2). 550 : 2 = 275 (cm)– a smaller part of the tape.

3). 275 + 37 = 312 (cm)most tapes.


Independent search required task in a textbook, using it to solve an educational-cognitive task


Planning and taking action to solve it


Participation in joint activities; providing mutual assistance Children solve the anagram and solve the problem independently as a group

10. Control of absorption (Exercise individual control)

Purpose of the stage:

Students’ awareness of the method of overcoming difficulties and their self-assessment of the results of their correctional (and if there were no errors, do it yourself) activities.

We will conduct mental gymnastics in the form of individual testing, during which we will find out how you understood the topic lesson. (EACH STUDENT IS GIVEN A TEST)

Test tasks

1. Name the answer option in which the number 5 is in the place dozens:

2. Determine the correct notation for the number six thousand nine:

3. Name the correct representation of the number 975 as a sum of digits terms:

4. Thirteen thousand fifty six is

a) 13,560 b) 1,356 c) 130,0056 d) 13,056*

5. The number 32,028 is read:

a) three thousand two hundred twenty-eight;

b) three hundred twenty thousand twenty eight;

c) thirty two thousand twenty eight*

(frontal verification of tests - via multimedia)

(SLIDE No. 14)

a, d, c, b, d, c


Finding the correct answers to solve problems


Planning your actions in accordance with the task.


control of their actions Students independently complete the test proposed by the teacher

11. Reflection of activity

Purpose of the stage:

Focus students' attention on end result educational activities at lesson

Have we completed our tasks?

Were your estimated readiness estimates justified? lesson?

(SLIDE No. 15)

What can you praise yourself or someone in the group for?

Do you want to know my opinion?



The ability to express your thoughts orally.


Evaluation of the correctness of the actions performed.


Formation of motives for achievement and social recognition.

Formation own borders knowledge and "ignorance" Formulate the final result of their work on lesson. Evaluate their activities.

Fill out the evaluation sheet

12. Information about homework, instructions on its implementation

(SLIDE No. 16)

1. Write down some examples multi-digit numbers from life

2. Page 55 notebooks

Lesson developments (lesson notes)

Initial general education

Line UMK V. N. Rudnitskaya. Mathematics (1-4)

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Purpose of the lesson

Carry out intermediate control of training, identify the level of achieved required results learning, mastery of knowledge and strength of skill formation on the topic “Reading, writing and comparing multi-digit numbers”. Create conditions for individual work of students

Lesson Objectives

  • To identify the level of mandatory learning outcomes mastered by students on the topic “Reading, writing and comparing multi-digit numbers.”
  • To promote in schoolchildren the ability to perform self-control and self-esteem

Types of activities

    Selecting the name of a number based on its notation. Write a number in digits by its name. Determining the digits of a multi-digit number. Writing a number as a sum of digit terms. Comparing multi-digit numbers and writing the result as an inequality. Writing a multi-digit number according to a given condition. Self-test of completed tasks

Key Concepts

    Quiz, multi-digit numbers, reading multi-digit numbers, writing multi-digit numbers, comparing multi-digit numbers
Stage nameMethodical comment
1 2.1. Completing tasks test work
2 2.2. Completing test tasks The test is offered in four versions and has two levels of difficulty. Options 1 and 2 are standard level, options 3 and 4 are designed for students with more than high level development educational material. When choosing options test work the teacher should focus on intermediate level mathematical training class.
3 2.3. Completing test tasks The test is offered in four versions and has two levels of difficulty. Options 1 and 2 are standard level, options 3 and 4 are designed for students with a higher level of mastery of educational material. When choosing test options, the teacher should focus on the average level of mathematical preparation of the class.
4 2.4. Completing test tasks The test is offered in four versions and has two levels of difficulty. Options 1 and 2 are standard level, options 3 and 4 are designed for students with a higher level of mastery of educational material. When choosing test options, the teacher should focus on the average level of mathematical preparation of the class.

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