A set of individual speech therapy classes on the formation of sound pronunciation in preschool children. Staging and automation of sound K

Type of lesson: correction of sound pronunciation + artistic activities.

Topic of the lesson. Consolidating the Sound L in syllables, in words. Drawing a house.

Goal: to automate the sound L in syllables and in words in the middle of a word and at the end of words.


Corrective and developmental:

  • correct pronunciation;
  • correct and develop dialogic speech through the formation of an answer in a complete sentence;
  • correct and develop auditory perception;
  • correct speech breathing;
  • correct and develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  • develop gross motor skills;
  • develop memory, attention, logical thinking;
  • correct and develop personal qualities, emotional and volitional sphere.


  • clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic “construction”;
  • clarify the articulation of the sound L;
  • develop reading skills.


  • cultivate interest in classes;
  • cultivate independence;
  • cultivate moral qualities.

Health saving:

  • plan the volume of material taking into account the child’s increased fatigue;
  • observe the correct position of the child;
  • contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate;
  • observe the vision protection regime;
  • alternate static and dynamic tasks.

Equipment: mirrors, articulation profile of the sound L, a toy clown, pictures of construction tools and houses, paper, pencils, Bazarny simulator, syllabic table with the sound L.

Progress of the lesson

Stages and types of work at the stage

Activities of a teacher

Child's activities

What tasks were solved during the tasks?

1.Organizing moment.

The long-awaited call was given -
The lesson begins.
Every day - always, everywhere,
In class, in play,
We speak boldly and clearly
And we sit quietly.

Introduction to the topic of the lesson, creating a positive attitude towards learning, correction of psychophysical functions.

2.1. Checking homework.

Say the poem you learned by heart at home.
Appendix 1.

Children read a poem.
The speech therapist monitors correct pronunciation.

Find out how much the pronunciation of the sound l in words is corrected.

2.2 Updating knowledge.

Guess the riddles.
Appendix 2

What sounds were found in the answers? (l and l).
In which words is the L sound hard?

They solve riddles. They pronounce the answers clearly.

Name the words: hammer, saw, drill

Attract children and arouse interest in the activity.

Develop phonemic awareness.

2.3. Learning new material.
Report the topic of the lesson.

Reading the syllabic table.

Today we have an unusual activity.
Guess who came to visit us.
He's the funniest guy in the circus.
He is a great success.
All that remains is to remember
That's what he's called, the merry fellow.
Let's help our hero Clown - Weird
(Appendix 3)
to build a house and we will need tools.
In order for everything to work out well, we will first pronounce syllables with the sound L.
(Appendix 4)

What types of construction tools are there? Appendix 5) and what are they for?

Children remember the articulation of the pronunciation of the sound L, read syllabic tables.
The children answer.

To determine the level of children's awareness of the correct pronunciation of the sound L.

Strengthen the articulation of sound and correct pronunciation.

Picture of a house.

Physical exercise.
An exercise to synchronize movements with words.

Clown - The weirdo was going to build a house. Tell us what materials and tools he might need?

Let's remember what the roof decoration is called?
- What is the name of the decoration under the roof?
- What is the name of the window decoration?
- Look carefully at the house. In what country do you think these houses were built? Why?
- Right. Only in Russia. Only in Russia did they come up with such beautiful names for home decoration elements: platbands, towels, ridge.
Draw a house.

"Building a house"

Movements with speech and facial accompaniment
Appendix 6

Children remember what types of houses there are (single-story and multi-story).
Where should construction begin?
What are houses made of?

Children draw a house, following the rules of sketching, shading, and drawing contour lines.
Children do exercises.

Enrich vocabulary on the topic of the lesson.
Develop the skill of answering a question in a complete sentence.

Develop fine motor skills,
sense of color, shape, composition, sense of beauty, artistic abilities of children,
cultivate a love for visual arts, replenish the active vocabulary with new words: trim, towels, skate.

Overcome speech disorders through the development of perception and correction of speech pathology, motor sphere, and coordination of movements.

2.4. Consolidation of the studied material.

Automation of sound pronunciation L at the end of a word.

Visual gymnastics using the Bazarny simulator
Appendix 7

What types of construction tools are there? (I show pictures of various tools). Which words have a hard L sound, and which ones have a soft one? Distribute the pictures into groups.

I will name the words - actions, and you will pronounce the words of action, masculine, singular.
I built-
I sawed
I injected
I measured
I was digging
I was drilling
I was watching

Children name objects by pronouncing the words correctly.
Work in pairs, distributing objects into 2 groups:

  1. With soft l;
  2. With hard l.

Children say:
I built
I sawed
I injected
I measured
I was digging
I was drilling
I watched

Children direct their gaze along the indicated arrows and listen to the instructions.

Enrich vocabulary on the topic of the lesson.
Develop the skill of answering a question in a complete sentence.
Reinforce correct pronunciation

Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the L sound at the end of a word.

Follow the eye protection regime.

2.5. Control of knowledge and skills.

Let's count the hammers and saws to 6.

Children think:
1 saw, 2 saws, etc.
1 hammer, 2 hammers, etc.

Check the skill of developing the correct pronunciation of the L sound in words.

3. Summary of the lesson.

Assessment of children's activities.

Which hero did we help build a house?
What tools did we need?
What new words did we learn?

A set of individual lessons on the formation of sound pronunciation is intended for children of senior preschool age with severe speech disorders (dysarthria, alalia) and compiled in accordance with the methodological recommendations of the classics of speech therapy M.E. Khvattseva, R.E. Levina, L. S. Volkova, T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina
Speech disorders in this category of children are systemic in nature; they affect both the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical aspects of speech. Therefore, speech therapy is aimed at the speech system as a whole, and not just at one isolated defect. In addition, the entire process of speech therapy work is aimed at the formation of mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, and generalization. The features of this complex are the maximum inclusion of auditory, visual, motor analyzers and the maximum use of didactic means.
Didactic material is selected and arranged with maximum consideration of didactic and methodological requirements for speech therapy work with children and in accordance with the laws of Russian phonetics.
The purpose of this complex is to develop a system of classes that includes all stages of work on the sound K, with children with severe speech impairments.
The complex solves the following problems:

  • Development of articulatory motor skills.
  • Formation of respiratory and vocal functions, prosodic aspects of speech.
  • Work on pronunciation (production, automation, introduction to speech)
  • Formation of sound analysis and synthesis skills
  • Enrichment of the dictionary.
  • Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.
  • Development of coherent speech.
  • Formation of cognitive processes.
  • Increasing speech and emotional activity of children.
  • Improving personal contact between the speech therapist and the child.

The complex consists of 6 lessons and includes the following sections:

  • sound pronunciation correction;
  • correction of phonemic processes;
  • correctional work at the syllabic and lexical levels;
  • correctional work at the syntactic level;
  • improving coherent speech.

In children with severe speech impairments, the stages of formation of articulatory motor skills (articulatory pattern) and sound automation go through a longer and more difficult path. It is extremely important to diversify this process, to arouse and maintain motivation, and to maintain the interest of children throughout the entire period of correctional speech therapy. The presentations included in the lesson structure serve this purpose.
Due to the fact that the old conditioned reflex connections in children with complex speech pathology are very conservative, it is necessary to carefully work out the stages of consolidating correct speech skills. Hence the frequent repetition of speech therapy exercises, but with the inclusion of elements of novelty in content and form. Given the rapid fatigue of children, frequent changes of activities are carried out, switching the child from one form of work to another.
Lesson 1
Target: prepare the articulatory apparatus for the production of the sound K, consolidate the pronunciation of the sound K in reverse syllables and words, introduce the letter K, develop fine motor skills, and cultivate a positive attitude towards speech therapy classes.
You love to travel. I want to make you happy, now we will go on a trip and stop at different stations. And here is our stop. We arrived in the forest. Look, someone is meeting us. And guess who it is?
Mixed with sour cream.
It's cold at the window.
He left his grandfather
He left his grandmother with a round side, a ruddy side
Rolled (Kolobok)

Kolobok came to us. You and I will show the movements of our tongues.
1. Preparatory part. Warm-up and exercises:
A) preparatory articulation exercises: for lips: alternation of movements
A-I, A-U, A-O and vice versa; for language: (Presentation1).
« Pussy is angry":
"Who is stronger?" competition between the child’s tongue and the speech therapist’s finger, pressing on the tip of the tongue and moving the tongue deeper into the mouth (mouth open, lips smiling) (5 times)
"Coil": mouth open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. The wide tongue “rolls out” forward and retracts into the depths of the mouth. (5 times)
"Gorka" 1: arching (raising) the back of the back of the tongue, pressing it against the soft palate, the tip of the tongue is slightly pulled away from the lower teeth (the mouth is open, the lips are in a smile). (5 times)
"Gorka" 2: the same with deflating a cotton ball. (5 times)
"Slide" 3: the same with a spatula or probe. (5 times)
Breathe through your nose with your mouth wide open.
B) warm-up for the hands and fingers + additional exercise “fist-ring” (the fingers of one hand are clenched into a fist, and the other hand alternates with the thumb to form a ring).
Voice exercises: Kolobok heard how “The hen teaches the chickens to say: “Ko-ko-ko.” The chickens repeat: “Ko-ko-ko.” And the smallest chicken says: “Ku-ku-ku.” Mom corrects him: “Not like that.” kuk-ku-ku,” says the cuckoo, and you say “ko-ko-ko.” What do chickens say? What does the cuckoo say?
“Mom has a sore throat and she coughs: “K-K-K-K”
2. Main part. Setting the sound K
1) By imitation. Let’s teach Kolobok to raise the back of his tongue and knock on the ceiling: “In the house he jumps and hops. He knocks on the ceiling, Kolobok cheers: “K-K-K-K”
- development of speech breathing: What time of year is it now? Snow falls in winter. A snowflake fell on Kolobok's mitten. Let's blow a snowflake off the mitten, pronouncing the sound K: “K-K-K-K”
Mechanical method (predominant)
Its basic principle is from the explosive anterior lingual anterior palatal T to the explosive posterior lingual posterior palatal K using a probe, a spatula, the finger of a speech therapist (then the child), pressing on the tip and the front part of the back of the tongue, gradually arching and moving the tongue into the depths of the mouth, while pronouncing TA-TA -TA: TA-TA-TA—TA-TA-TA—KYA-KYA-KYA—KA-KA-KA.
Mechanical assistance is gradually weakened, then completely eliminated.
2) Clarification of articulatory structure: How do we pronounce the sound K? The back of the tongue hits the roof of the mouth deep in the mouth, and the tip of the tongue is located behind the lower teeth. Say the sound K and try to feel it: “K-K-K-K.” Pronounce the sound repeatedly and abruptly.
Sound characteristics: consonant (since the air stream meets an obstacle), voiceless (since the vocal cords are not tense), hard, we will denote it with a blue square.
3. Reinforcing the correct pronunciation of sounds.
Pronounce the syllables by changing the rhythmic pattern “Repeat”
Introducing the letter K
Listen to a poem about the letter K
Look at the letter K:
There is a leg and there is a hand.
Kostya shouted to the cat: “Shoo!”
It's all in K, baby.
What does the letter K look like? (on the beetle's antennae, beak) Which direction does the letter K face? (to the right) How many elements does the letter K have? Which? (Appendix 1)
Let's make a letter for Kolobok and decorate it.
Summary of the lesson. Saying goodbye to Kolobok, we give him a letter made of plasticine.
Lesson 2.
Target: automate the sound K in reverse syllables and words, form phonemic hearing, consolidate the concepts of “letter”, “sound”, develop fine motor skills, cultivate a positive attitude towards speech therapy classes.
Kolobok wrote us a letter
“I’m waiting for you in the forest house, let’s play and relax”
- Shall we go for a visit?
- Yes
Let's go along the path into the forest. We'll find a house in the clearing.
Exercise “knock like I do” - developing a sense of rhythm, auditory attention, memory. (rhythmic pattern)
Kolobok found out that you were learning to pronounce his favorite sound correctly and decided to invite you over to play with the K sound together.
Articulation gymnastics:
"Spatula": the mouth is open, a wide, relaxed tongue lies on the lower lip (count to 6);

« Pussy is angry": mouth open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is raised up. (5 times)

"Coil": mouth open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. The wide tongue “rolls out” forward and retracts into the depths of the mouth. (5 times)

1. Say syllables and words (2-3 times): auditory attention auditory memory





OK-OK-OK - Honeydew IR-IR-IR - BROOM

2. Formation of the speech voice, practicing clear pronunciation and articulation of the sound K. (phonemic hearing) Listen to the nursery rhyme. Listen carefully to what sound I highlight in my voice, name the words with this sound:

Kitty, kitten, cat,

Kitty sharp claw

Learn a nursery rhyme by heart: say the nursery rhyme without a voice, clearly articulating each sound. Now let’s wake up the cat quietly, and now loudly, let’s call the cat for a walk.
3. Reinforcing the sound K in sentences: insert words with the sound K (Presentation 2)

Katya grew (poppy, peony, daffodil) in her flowerbed

Brown (fly agaric, honey fungus) adorned the stump.

There is a (broom, bucket) in the corner

Came down from the ceiling (spider, bee)

At the gate stood a huge (bull, camel).

Name words with the sound K: poppy, honey fungus, broom, spider, bull.

4.Look at the letter K, fold it out of sticks, and draw it in the air with the fingers of both hands alternately.


Color the large letter blue and the small letter green and shade it.

6. Summary of the lesson. Farewell to Kolobok.

Lesson 3

Purpose of the lesson: automate sound in direct syllables and words, develop phonemic hearing, and simple sound analysis, develop visual-motor coordination of the hand.

1. Preparatory part.

1. Warm-up and exercises:

A) preparatory articulation exercises : for lips: alternating movements A-I, A-U, A-O and back ; for language:

"Spatula": the mouth is open, a wide, relaxed tongue lies on the lower lip (count to 6);

"Snake" The mouth is open. Stick your tongue forward, tense and make it narrow. Push the narrow tongue forward as much as possible and then retract it into the back of the mouth.

Tongue movements are performed at a slow pace and are performed 5-6 times.

2. Main part.

1). Kolobok has prepared a lot of tasks and exercises for you today. He invites you to play with pictures: how the chickens cry: “Ko-ko-ko!”, “Where, where!”, the rooster: “Kuka-river”, ducks: “Quack-quack-quack!”, the cuckoo: “Koo”. -ku, ku-ku!”, crow: “Kar-kar”

In the cry of which birds is the sound [K] heard? Circle the appropriate pictures.

Isolated pronunciation of the sound K, clarification of articulation:

Open your mouth wide.

Hide your tongue deep in your mouth and squeeze it into a ball.

Tap the palate with your clenched tongue and pronounce the sound K.

Bring your palm to your mouth, feel the movement of air.

Say the sound K loudly and clearly, repeatedly.

Characteristics of sound: consonant, dull, hard.

Development of phonemic hearing

  • Identification of sound from a number of others

TO: K, R, G, M, K, F, K, L, K, X, K

  • Identification from syllables

Clench your fists tightly when you hear the sound TO: KA, GA, KY, MU, AK, KO, HA, KU

  • Identification from words

Clench your fists tightly when you hear the sound TO: LAMP, HAND, HOLE, GOAT, SHELF, HOUSE, CAT, CHOCOLATE, ELEPHANT, STONE, TABLE, GALOSHE.

Remember, repeat the syllables:





Say the words (2 times):

boar bank com

cabin booth con

beech office horse

coffee branch border

stone shirt forge

ditch note comet

captain duck candy

Game "Wonderful bag". Kolobok has a wonderful bag of vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, carrots. The child takes out the vegetables, names them, clarifies that the words contain the sound K (determines the place of the sound in the words). Clearly identifies the sound K intonation.

Selection of vegetable names for possessive pronouns: my cabbage, my potatoes, my carrots

Offers to find the same pictures - outlines and color them. Names vegetables that do not have the sound K in their names: (tomato, cucumber)

Game "Hide and Seek". Kolobok offers to play hide and seek. And the syllable KA will hide from you. Listen carefully to the sentences (number the pictures for the sentences) and try to reconstruct the words: (Appendix 2).

1. Soba (ka) yap (ka) la at fish (ka).

2. (Ka)cha on (ka) the hall make a mischievous kitten (ka)

3. Kosh(ka) la(ka)la milk from a saucer.

4. The little girl cried loudly.

5. Hare (ka) pos(ka) in the garden for (ka) empty.

6. Grandmother (ka) melts her grandson along the steam path.

Sound analysis: a hard consonant is indicated in the sound diagram of the word in blue, and vowel sounds in red:

Repeat the tongue twister“Kitten, kitten, cat. "Kitty's sharp claw"

Draw a loop of a dog near the booth.

Lesson 4.

Purpose of the lesson: continue to automate the sound K in words and sentences, expand the vocabulary for the sound K, develop visual-motor coordination of the hand, cultivate cognitive interest in speech therapy classes, and a positive emotional attitude towards the lesson.

Breathing development

Sit up straight, feet on the floor, hands on your stomach. Close your eyes. Imagine that there is a ball in your stomach. We inhale through the nose - the balloon inflates; the shoulders are motionless; exhale through the nose - the ball descends slowly. Now we will “inflate” and “deflate” the balloon. We breathe slowly.

The child sits on a chair, leaning back; performs the exercise at a slow pace 5 times.

Articulatory gymnastics Development of mobility and differentiated movements of the lips and tongue.

  • "Frog" - "Proboscis"
  • “Shovel” - “Needle”
  • "Pussy is angry"
  • “Brushing the bottom teeth”
  • "Coil"
  • "Swing"

A child performs counting exercises in front of a mirror at a slow pace.

Automation of sound [K]. using Sujok

on a long speech exhalation we pronounce the syllables:


During a long speech exhalation, the child pronounces the vowels clearly.

Let's play the game "Repeat" with you

Development of auditory perception, sense of rhythm, rhyme.

Consolidating the skill of correct pronunciation of the sound [k] in straight syllables and words with a straight syllable.

Ka-ka, Ka-ka, Ka-ka,

Porridge, stone, camera.

ka - Ka, ka - Ka, ka - Ka,

flower, turkey, hammer

Ko-ko, Ko-ko, Ko-ko,

Cat, cat, lump

ko - Ko, ko - Ko, ko - Ko,

high, wide, great.

Ku-ku, Ku-ku, Ku-ku.

Chicken, chickens, gossip

Coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo.

Eye, mouth, nose.

“Name the pictures.” Memory development. Development of phonemic functions. Activation of the dictionary.

Name the pictures whose names contain the sound [K].

(calf, foal, chicken, horse)

(calf, foal, chicken) what an extra word (horse). Why?

There is no sound (K) in this word.

Make up a sentence using one of the words.

Katya feeds the chicken.

How many words are there in a sentence?

Game "4 extra" (Presentation 3)

Bottom line

What did we do today?

How to pronounce the sound [K] correctly?

Lip position;

Position of teeth;

Tongue position;

What a blast of air.

Remembers activities;

correct articulation of the sound [K].

Lesson 5

Target: automate the sound K in syllables and words with a combination of consonants, work on sentences, formation of the grammatical structure of the language, cultivate a positive attitude towards speech therapy classes.

Kolobok was rolling, rolling along the path and heard someone shouting Kwa-Kwa. Who is this?

I'm green like grass

My song: “Kwa-kwa.”

Guess the riddle. Circle the answer.

We pull our lips straight to the ears, it turns out - a frog

Articulation gymnastics:

“Smile” - “Tube”, “Spatula” - “Needle”

“Brushing the lower teeth”, “Reel”, “Swing”

Articulation analysis:

  • lips slightly open, stretched out in a slight smile;
  • teeth open:
  • tip of tongue lies at the base of the lower incisors,
  • front and middle parts dorsum of tongue omitted,
  • back of the tongue rises up and rests on the back of the palate,
  • side edges the tongue is pressed against the upper lateral teeth;
  • soft palate raised, pressed against the back wall of the pharynx and closes the passage into the nasal cavity;
  • vocal cords not tense, open - the voice is not formed;
  • air jet strong, at the moment of pronouncing the sound it passes through the center of the oral cavity, breaking the bridge between the back of the back of the tongue and the palate.

The frog frog was happy to see us and jumped on the pebbles

Automation of the sound [k] in syllables.









Kvakushka - square - apartment

Bench - fairy tale - stroller.

Fizminutka: Here are the frogs along the path, jumping with their legs stretched out. They saw a mosquito and shouted: Kwa-Kwa-Kwa! (child imitates a frog)

Development of prosody.

How does a big frog croak? How small?

Game "Guess the riddles." Kolobok asks you to suggest the word at the end of each poem.

Who drags his house on himself

In a dark dungeon

Beautiful maiden

Without thread, without knitting needles,

Knits knits.


The baby is dancing -

Just one leg.

Cheporukha Ekaterina Vladimirovna

GKOU RO "Rostov Special Boarding School No. 48"



Final work “Integrated speech therapy session on sound pronunciation correction”

Type of integrated lesson: correction of sound pronunciation + speech development.

Teacher-defectologist - Cheporukha E.V.

Lesson notes

Subject: "Spring. The sound C in syllables, words and phrases."

Target: automate the C sound in syllables, words and phrases.


correctional and developmental:

correct pronunciation;

correct and develop coherent oral speech (orthoepic rules of pronunciation, replenishment and enrichment of passive and active vocabulary, dialogic and monologue speech) through the formation of an answer to a question in a complete sentence;

correct speech breathing;

correct and develop visual perception;

correct and develop auditory perception;

correct and develop mental activity (operations of analysis and synthesis, establishing cause-and-effect relationships).


continue to introduce children to the signs of spring;

expand passive and active vocabulary on the topic of the lesson;

systematize knowledge on the topic “Spring”.


cultivate interest in classes;

cultivate independence;

cultivate moral qualities (respect for nature and all living things).


plan the volume of material taking into account the child’s increased fatigue;

ensure that the child is seated correctly;

contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate;

observe the vision protection regime;

alternate static and dynamic tasks.

Equipment: symbols of sounds, signs with words, picture material, computer, presentation on the theme “Spring”, nest with chicks (layout).

Progress of the lesson:

Stages and types of work at the stage

Activities of a teacher

Child activity

What tasks were solved during the tasks?

I. Org moment. Traditional.

The speech therapist greets the child in poetic form.

The child returns the greeting.

Organize the child. Set up for class. Contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate.

II. 2. Updating knowledge.

The speech therapist invites the child to collect a cut-out picture depicting the season and spring.

The child puts together a picture and names the season depicted.

Update your knowledge on the topic of the lesson.

Attract the child's attention and interest.

III. 3. Studying new material.

Report the topic of the lesson.

The teacher reports that today in class he and the child will correctly pronounce the sound C.

The speech therapist suggests looking at a picture of spring on the computer and listening to birds singing, and then remembering the names of migratory birds.

The speech therapist invites the child to form words with the same root from the word starling and select signs for them (using signs).

The child remembers how to correctly pronounce the sound S.

A child listens to birdsong.

The child names migratory birds.

The child names new words: skvorchonok, skvorchika, skvorchata. He matches the words with definitions: black birdling, caring birdling, hungry starlings.

Determine the child’s level of awareness of the correct pronunciation of the sound C.

Develop coherent oral speech.

Develop auditory perception. Expand active and passive vocabulary.

To develop the skill of word formation and composing word combinations.

Game "Guess where the object is"

Speech therapist teacher

MBDOU No. 172 of Irkutsk

Milashevskaya Nadezhda Valerievna

Integration of educational areas: “cognition”, “communication”, “socialization”.

Topic: Sound R

Stage: automation of sound in words (at the beginning of a word)

Correctional and developmental:

Continue work on automation sound R at the beginning of a word;

Practice isolating sounds from words;

Improve the ability to determine the place of sound in a word;

Develop the skill of forming a new word by replacing the first sound in it;

Develop the skill of syllabic analysis;

Develop auditory attention, auditory memory;

Develop spatial orientation, consolidation of meaning and the use of prepositions above, below, between; concepts “right”, “left”;

Develop memory, attention, thought processes;

Correctional - educational:

Continue introducing children to sound R;

Develop the skill of giving an acoustic-articulatory characteristic to sound; - continue work on consolidating the concepts of “consonant sound”, “voiced sound”, “hard sound”;

Continue teaching the division of words into syllables;

Work on understanding antonym words and independently selecting such words;

Correctional and educational: - to cultivate organization and independence;

Create positive motivation in class;

Cultivate self-control over speech and the desire to practice.

Equipment: mirror, pictures of articulation exercises, cards for analyzing articulation and sound characteristics, pictures with sound R

1. Org. moment.

-Listen to the poem and tell me which sound is pronounced more often than others.

Somehow early in the morning

A gloomy crayfish digs a hole.

Cancer would be glad not to dig it,

But you have to live somewhere.

Cancer is reluctant to work,

He is not happy with his work.

(R sound)

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

That's right, today we will continue to learn how to pronounce correctly R sound.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

But before we get to work, let's train our tongue.

"The Tale of the Merry Tongue"

Once upon a time there lived a tongue. Waking up early in the morning, he went for a walk and met a frog.

We imitate frogs, pulling our lips straight towards our ears.

Ex. "Frog" ,

then I saw “Baby Elephant” - lips like a tube + alternating “Frog” - “Baby Elephant” b) Tongue watched the frog and moved on.

He sees the children's horse galloping. Tongue sat on the horse and also rode off.

Click your tongue loudly and you will hear the ringing sound of hooves.

Ex. "Horse"

The “horse” gallops loudly, but what if it’s the other way around? Child - (quietly)

The “horse” gallops quickly, but if it’s the other way around, then how? (slowly)

c) Tongue jumped off the horse and ran to swing on the swing. On a swing I swing up and down, up and down, I go up to the roof and then go down. Ex. "Swing"

d) I saw a tongue growing “Fungus” right next to the swing, and what kind of “Fungus” do you have in your mouth?

e) A boy was sitting next to the swing and playing the “Accordion”, let’s play too.

e) Somewhere on a tree a “Woodpecker” was sitting and knocking like that ddddddddd….

g) And far away we could hear the sound of the wheels of the train ttttttt..... (we say it quietly), and now the train is approaching and we hear the wheels knocking loudly ttttttt......

h) Tongue liked the way “Woodpecker” and “Train” knocked and he began to imagine himself as either a woodpecker or a train, etc....... Dtdtdtdt……..i) Suddenly a strong wind blew, Tongue got scared and ran home to his mother. Ex. "Focus"

4. Clarification of articulation and sound characteristics.

-How the tiger roars rrrrr....

What we must remember to correctly pronounce the sound -r- - lips are open,

Teeth are open

The tip of the tongue is raised to the upper teeth and trembles,

The air stream is strong and warm. (hand control)

The sound is consonant, because the tongue prevents the free passage of air,

The sound of a consonant, hard, voiced will be indicated in blue in the diagram. (the child lays out cards to characterize the sound -R-.)

5. Automation of sound in words.

a) D/i “Repeat, don’t make a mistake”

The speech therapist names the words, the child repeats only those that contain the sound -r-

Owl, work, fish, shop, winter, sock, cancer, hands, juice, skating rink, market, rainbow, story, etc. (sound-r- at the beginning of the word).

Let's remember what words you repeated after me? (the child names the words again with sound R)

Tell me in all these words where it stands R sound? (at the beginning of a word)

b) D/i “Listen and name”

The speech therapist knocks on the table with a hammer, how many times does she hit, pronounce the word according to the picture so many times

c) D/i “Walk the word”

The child pronounces the word suggested by the speech therapist, dividing it into syllables, the number of steps = the number of syllables.

d) D/i “Guess where the object is”

There are pictures on the table with sound R at the beginning of the word in several rows 3 vertically, 3 horizontally.

What's above the hand? (Rainbow over hand)

What's at hand? (Rose at hand), etc.

What's between a chamomile and a hand? (a lynx between the chamomile and the hand)

What's to the left of the daisy? (to the left of the daisy is a lynx)

What's to the right of the robot? (handle to the right of the robot), etc.

d) D/i “Replace the word”

The speech therapist calls the word, the child changes the first sound to R sound

Trunk-robot dance, care, moo, layouts, sponge, house, leg, llama, goats.

Along the way there is an explanation, clarification of the meaning of words.

f) D/game “Correct me” (without pictures, if difficulties arise, show the picture).

The speech therapist names words with sound R at the beginning, deliberately making mistakes in the stress of a word, or rearranging syllables or sounds.

(“raguda” - rainbow, hand, fisherman, “barota” - work)

7. Summary of the lesson.

What sound did you learn to pronounce today?

Well done, you did very well.

State budgetary educational institution for children of preschool and primary school age, progymnasium No. 698 of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg “Pension”

Integrated speech therapy session for sound pronunciation correction

(sound pronunciation correction + speech development)


teacher-speech therapist

Sinyavskaya Victoria Alexandrovna


Saint Petersburg

Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson for children of senior preschool age on the topic:

“Wild animals and birds. Preparing for winter. Sounds S and S’ in sentences"

(learning new material)

Target: teach to differentiate the sounds S and S in sentences.


Correctional and developmental:

  • correct pronunciation;
  • correct and develop coherent oral speech through composing a story - a description according to a diagram;
  • correct speech breathing;
  • coordinate and develop auditory and phonemic perception;
  • correct and develop fine motor skills of the hands (formation of manual skill, development of proportionality of movements);
  • develop gross motor skills, the ability to coordinate speech with movement;
  • develop attention, memory, thinking;
  • correct and develop personal qualities, emotional and volitional sphere
  • (skill of self-control, perseverance).


  • clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic: “Wild animals and birds. Preparing for winter." ;
  • Clarify the pronunciation and correct articulation of the sounds C and C’;
  • Differentiate the sounds S and S’ in sentences.
  • Educational:

  • cultivate interest in classes;
  • develop cooperation skills and a positive attitude towards participation in the lesson;
  • cultivate a caring attitude and love for nature.
  • Health saving:

  • plan the volume of material taking into account increased fatigue of children;
  • ensure that children are seated correctly;
  • contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate;
  • observe the vision protection regime;
  • alternate statistical and dynamic tasks.
  • Equipment:

  • Subject pictures depicting wintering birds and wild animals (N.V. Nishcheva “Wintering Birds”, “Wild Animals” Coloring Book. - St. Petersburg, DETSTVO-PRESS, 2003);
  • Game “At the Feeding Trough”, flannelgraph;
  • Letters C (2 pcs.), blue and green chips to indicate hardness and softness;
  • Blue and red signals;
  • Scheme for composing a story - description (T.A. Tkachenko “Schemes for preschoolers composing descriptive and comparative stories”, series “Practical Speech Therapy”, M. 2001);
  • Notebook No. 1 according to the number of children (N.V. Nishcheva Notebook No. 1 for the preparatory speech therapy group", St. Petersburg, DETSTVO-PRESS, 2012)
  • Colored pencils
  • Baskets of blue and green flowers,
  • Subject pictures (owl, fox, tit, bullfinch, goose, elk)
  • Interactive table.
  • Masks-caps of wild animals and birds.
  • A tape recorder (computer) with an audio recording of “Sounds of the Forest.”
  • Lesson stages

    Types of work at the stage

    Activities of a teacher

    Child activity

    What tasks were solved during the tasks?

  • Organizational- moment
  • Organize the children. Set up for class. Contribute to the creation of a favorable climate.

  • Main stage
  • Repetition of material
  • The speech therapist suggests naming the first sound from the pictures and characterizing the sounds C and C’

    Children answer

    Determine the level of children's awareness of the correct pronunciation of sounds and their differences

  • Updating knowledge
  • "Signals"

    The teacher invites the children to remember which animals and birds with the sounds C and C’ live in the forest, pronounce their name, determine what sound they heard and raise the signal: hard sound C - blue signal, soft sound C’ - red signal).

    Children repeat the words, determine the sound by hardness and softness and raise the signal.

    Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sounds S and S’ in words. Develop phonemic awareness.

  • Learning new material. Report the topic of the lesson.
  • Interactive game “Complete the picture”

    Compiling a story - a description of a wild animal or wintering bird through theatricalization

    The speech therapist reports that together they will go to the forest, where they will meet wild animals and wintering birds; asks you to remember the names of these birds and animals and complete the picture.

    The speech therapist invites children to “transform” into animals and birds by wearing attributes.

    The speech therapist demonstrates a diagram for composing a story - descriptions and asks questions.

    The speech therapist invites the children to listen to a story about their animal, and then asks the children to try to talk about the bird animal that he got in turn.

    Children remember the names of wild animals and wintering birds and complete the picture.

    Children put on masks and hats and remember the names of animals and birds.

    Children answer questions and get acquainted with the diagram.

    Children listen to the speech therapist's story, and then take turns composing their own stories.

    Update your knowledge on the topic of the lesson. Attract children's attention to the activity. Build manual skills.

    Develop imagination, attention, memory.

    Develop coherent speech. Develop the skill of answering questions in complete sentences.

    Develop coherent speech. Enrich your vocabulary on the topic. Develop memory.

  • Dynamic pause.
  • Speech motor gymnastics.

  • Reinforcing the material learned
  • Outdoor game

    " Bear"

    D/I "Baskets"

    The speech therapist invites the children to perform the exercise together, showing how to perform the movements correctly

    The teacher invites the children to put them in baskets: in the blue basket - pictures in the name, which have a hard sound C, in the green basket - pictures, in the name of which there is a soft sound C'.

    Children recite the poem and perform movements together with the teacher

    Children select pictures with the sounds C and C, name them and put them in baskets

    Develop gross motor skills, coordinate speech with movement. Develop creative imagination.

    Develop differentiation of sounds C and C in words based on the picture. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of these sounds. Develop the skill of answering in complete sentences

  • Visual gymnastics
  • D/I "Birds"

    The speech therapist asks the children to follow the bullfinch with their eyes - “where did the bird sit?”

    Children follow the bullfinch, describing with their eyes objects with the sounds S and S’, calling them

    Follow the eye protection regime. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sounds C and C’

  • Control of knowledge and skills
  • Work in a notebook (notebook No. 1)

    The speech therapist hands out notebooks to the children and asks them to listen to a poem about a bullfinch; asks to decorate the bullfinch with colored pencils.

    Children complete the task in a notebook.

    Develop fine motor skills.

  • Lesson summary
  • Summing up.

    Assessment of children's activities

    The speech therapist invites the children to remember what they did during the lesson, what they especially liked during the lesson, whose story about the bullfinch they liked the most.

    Children remember what birds and wild animals were discussed in class, what sounds they played with, what games they played, whose story they liked the most.

    Summarize the knowledge gained. Develop long-term memory. Assess children's activities.

    Sinyavskaya Victoria Alexandrovna

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