The legendary Vasily Zaitsev. Sniper Vasily Zaitsev: how a naval clerk became a hero of Stalingrad

On March 23 the hero of the Great Patriotic War would have celebrated his birthday. Patriotic War, famous sniper Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev.

Vasily was born in 1915 in the village of Eleninka, Polotsk village, Verkhneuralsky district, Orenburg province (now Kartalinsky district Chelyabinsk region) in the family of a peasant, a commercial hunter. Vasily's grandfather, Andrey Alekseevich Zaitsev, with early childhood taught his grandchildren, Vasily and his younger brother, Maxima, hunting.

The shooter recalled: “In my memory, my childhood is marked by the words of my grandfather Andrei, who took me hunting with him, there he handed me a bow with homemade arrows and said: “You have to shoot accurately, in the eye of every animal. Now you are no longer a child... Use your cartridges sparingly, learn to shoot without missing a beat. This skill can be useful not only when hunting for four-legged animals...” It was as if he knew or foresaw that I would have to carry out this order in the fire of the most brutal battle for the honor of our Motherland - in Stalingrad... I received from my grandfather a letter of taiga wisdom, love of nature and worldly experience.”

At the age of 12, Vasily received his first hunting rifle as a gift. On March 23, the hero of the Great Patriotic War, the famous sniper Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev, would have celebrated the birthday.

Sniper Vasily Zaitsev

After finishing seventh grade high school the young man left the village and entered Magnitogorsk construction college, where he learned to become a fitter. Then he completed accounting courses.

Since 1937, Vasily served in Pacific Fleet, where he was assigned as a clerk in the artillery department. After studying at the Military Economic School, he was appointed head of the financial department in the Pacific Fleet, in Preobrazhenie Bay. The Great Patriotic War found him in this position.

By the summer of 1942, the foreman of the first article, Zaitsev, submitted five reports with a request to be sent to the front. Finally, the commander granted his request, and Zaitsev left for active army, where he was enlisted in the 284th Infantry Division.

Throughout the war, the hero did not part with his sailor vest. “Blue and white stripes! - He remembered. - How impressively they emphasize the feeling in you own strength! Let the sea rage on your chest - I will endure it, I will stand. This feeling did not leave me either in the first or in the second year of service in the navy. On the contrary, the longer you live in a vest, the more familiar it becomes to you, sometimes it seems that you were born in it and are ready to thank you for it my own mother. Yes, indeed, as Sergeant Major Ilyin said: “There is no sailor without a vest.” She always calls you to test your own strength.”

On a September night in 1942, together with other Pacific Islanders, Zaitsev, after short training to battles in urban conditions, crossed the Volga and took part in the battles for Stalingrad.

The sniper shows his rifle to the division commander

Baptism of fire passed in fierce battles. In a short period of time, the fighter became a legend among his fellow soldiers - he killed 32 Nazis with an ordinary Mosin rifle. They especially noted how a sniper from his “three-line” hit three enemy soldiers from 800 meters.

Real sniper rifle Zaitsev received it personally from the commander of the 1047th regiment, Metelev, along with the medal “For Courage”. “Our determination to fight here, in the ruins of the city,” said the commander, “under the slogan “Not a step back,” is dictated by the will of the people. The open spaces beyond the Volga are great, but with what eyes will we look at our people there? To which the fighter uttered a phrase that later became legendary: “There is nowhere to retreat, there is no land for us beyond the Volga!”

The art of a sniper is not only to accurately hit the target, like a target at a shooting range. Zaitsev combined all the qualities inherent in a sniper - visual acuity, sensitive hearing, restraint, composure, endurance, military cunning. He knew how to choose best positions, mask them; usually hid from enemy soldiers in places where they could not even imagine a Soviet sniper. The famous sniper beat the enemy mercilessly. Only in the period from November 10 to December 17, 1942, in the battles for Stalingrad, V.G. Zaitsev destroyed 225 enemy soldiers and officers, including 11 snipers, and his comrades in arms in the 62nd Army - 6000.

Zaitsev was especially glorified by the sniper duel with the German “super sniper”, whom Zaitsev himself calls Major König in his memoirs (according to Alan Clark - head of the sniper school in Zossen, SS Standartenführer Heinz Thorwald König), sent to Stalingrad with special assignment fight against Soviet snipers, with the primary goal being the destruction of Zaitsev. Zaitsev, in turn, received the task of destroying Koenig personally from commander N.F. Batyuk. After one of the Soviet snipers had his optical sight broken by a bullet, and another in the same area was wounded, Zaitsev managed to establish the enemy’s position. About the fight that followed, Vasily Grigorievich wrote:

“It was clear that an experienced sniper was operating in front of us, so we decided to intrigue him, but we had to wait out the first half of the day, because the shine of the optics could give us away. After lunch, our rifles were already in the shadows, and direct rays of the sun fell on the fascist positions. Something glittered from under the sheet - a sniper scope. A well-aimed shot, the sniper fell. As soon as it got dark, ours went on the offensive and at the height of the battle we pulled the dead man out from under the iron sheet fascist major. They took his documents and delivered them to the division commander.”

“I was sure that you would shoot this Berlin bird,” said the division commander.

Unlike all standard German and Soviet rifles of that time, which had a scope magnification of only 3-4 times, since only virtuosos could work with high magnification, the scope on the rifle of the head of the Berlin school had a magnification of 10 times. This is precisely what speaks about the level of the enemy that Vasily Zaitsev had to face.

Awarding sniper Zaitsev

In his book “Beyond the Volga there was no land for us. Notes of a Sniper” Vasily Grigorievich wrote about his fight with Koening: “It was difficult to say in which area he was located. He probably changed positions often and looked for me as carefully as I did for him. But then an incident happened: the enemy broke my friend Morozov’s optical sight, and wounded Sheikin. Morozov and Sheikin were considered experienced snipers; they often emerged victorious in the most difficult and difficult battles with the enemy.

Now there was no doubt - they had stumbled upon exactly the fascist “super sniper” that I was looking for... Now it was necessary to lure out and “put” at least a piece of his head on the gun. It was useless to achieve this now. Need time. But the character of a fascist has been studied. He will not leave this successful position. We definitely had to change our position... After lunch, our rifles were in the shade, and direct rays of the sun fell on the fascist position. Something glittered at the edge of the sheet: a random piece of glass or an optical sight? Kulikov carefully, as only the most experienced sniper can do, began to lift his helmet.

The fascist fired. The Nazi thought that he had finally killed the Soviet sniper, whom he had been hunting for four days, and stuck half his head out from under the leaf. That's what I was counting on. He hit it straight. The fascist’s head sank, and the optical sight of his rifle, without moving, sparkled in the sun until the evening...”

In January 1943, following the order of the division commander to disrupt German attack On the right-flank regiment by the forces of Zaitsev's sniper group, which at that time consisted of only 13 people, Zaitsev was seriously wounded and blinded by a mine explosion. Only on February 10, 1943, after several operations performed in Moscow by Professor Filatov, his vision returned.

Vasily Zaitsev

By Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR on February 22, 1943 for courage and military valor shown in battles with Nazi invaders, junior lieutenant V. G. Zaitsev was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union, with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and medal " Golden Star».

Throughout the war, V.G. Zaitsev served in the army, headed a sniper school, commanded a mortar platoon, and then was a company commander. He accounted for 242 destroyed enemy soldiers and officers. He took part in the liberation of Donbass, in the battle for the Dnieper, and fought near Odessa and on the Dniester. Captain V.G. Zaitsev met May 1945 in Kyiv - again in the hospital.

During the war years, Zaitsev wrote two textbooks for snipers, and also developed the still used technique of sniper hunting with “sixes” - when three pairs of snipers (shooters and observers) cover the same battle zone with fire.

After the end of the war, he was demobilized and settled in Kyiv. He was the commandant of the Pechersk region. Studied by correspondence All-Union Institute textile and light industry. He worked as director of a machine-building plant, director of the Ukraina clothing factory, and headed the light industry technical school. Participated in army tests of the SVD rifle. The war hero met his wife Zinaida Sergeevna while holding the position of director of an automobile repair plant, and she worked as the secretary of the party bureau of a machine-building plant.

Zaitsev rifle in the museum

By decision of the Volgograd City Council people's deputies dated May 7, 1980 for special merits, shown during the defense of the city and in the defeat Nazi troops V Battle of Stalingrad, Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev was awarded the title “ Honorable Sir hero city of Volgograd.

Zaitsev retained his accuracy into old age. One day he was invited to evaluate the training of young snipers. After the shooting, he was asked to demonstrate his skills to the young fighters. The 65-year-old warrior, taking a rifle from one of the young fighters, hit the “ten” three times. That time the cup was awarded not to excellent marksmen, but to him, an outstanding master of marksmanship.

Vasily Grigorievich died on December 15, 1991. He was buried in Kyiv at the Lukyanovsky military cemetery, although his will was to be buried in the Stalingrad land, which he defended.

Monument at the hero's grave

On January 31, 2006, the ashes of Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev were solemnly reburied with full military honors in Volgograd on the Mamayev Kurgan.


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Zaitsev Vasily Grigorievich sniper 1047th rifle regiment(284th Rifle Division, 62nd Army, Stalingrad Front) junior lieutenant. Born on March 23, 1915 in the village of Elino, now Agapovsky district, Chelyabinsk region, in a peasant family. Russian. Member of the CPSU since 1943. Graduated from a construction technical school in Magnitogorsk. Since 1936 in the Navy. Graduated from the Military Economic School. The war found Zaitsev in the position of head of the financial department in the Pacific Fleet, in Preobrazhenye Bay.

In the battles of the Great Patriotic War from September 1942. He received a sniper rifle from the hands of the commander of his 1047th regiment, Metelev, a month later, along with the medal "For Courage". By that time, Zaitsev had killed 32 Nazis from a simple “three-line rifle”. In the period from November 10 to December 17, 1942, in the battles for Stalingrad, he killed 225 soldiers and officers of the pr-ka, including 11 snipers (among whom was Heinz Horwald). Directly on the front line, he taught sniper work to soldiers in the commanders, trained 28 snipers. In January 1943, Zaitsev was seriously wounded. Professor Filatov saved his sight in a Moscow hospital.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal was awarded to Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev on February 22, 1943.

Having received the Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union in the Kremlin, Zaitsev returned to the front. He finished the war on the Dniester with the rank of captain. During the war, Zaitsev wrote two textbooks for snipers, and also invented the still used technique of sniper hunting with “sixes” - when three pairs of snipers (a shooter and an observer) cover the same battle zone with fire.

After the war he was demobilized. He worked as director of the Kyiv Machine-Building Plant. Died on December 15, 1991.

Awarded the Order Lenin, 2 Orders of the Red Banner, Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree, medals. The ship plying along the Dnieper bears his name.

ABOUT famous duel Two films were shot by Zaitsev and Horvald. "Angels of Death" 1992 directed by Yu.N. Ozerov, starring Fyodor Bondarchuk. And "Enemy at the Gates" 2001, directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud, in the role of Zaitsev - Judy Lowe.

Born on March 23, 1915 in the village of Elininsk, now Agapovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, in a peasant family. In 1930, he received a specialty in fittings at the FZU school (now SPTU...

Born on March 23, 1915 in the village of Elininsk, now Agapovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, in a peasant family. In 1930, he received a specialty in fittings at the FZU school (now SPTU No. 19 in the city of Magnitogorsk). Since 1936 in the Military - Navy. He graduated from military economic school and served in the Pacific Fleet until 1942.

Since September 1942 in the active army. During the period from October 10 to December 17, 1942, the sniper of the 1047th Infantry Regiment (284th Infantry Division, 62nd Army, Stalingrad Front) Junior Lieutenant V.G. Zaitsev destroyed 225 enemy soldiers and officers. Directly at the forefront, he taught sniper training to soldiers and commanders, and trained 28 snipers. On February 22, 1943, for courage and military valor shown in battles with enemies, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In total, he killed 242 enemies (officially), including several famous snipers.

After the war he was demobilized. He worked as director of the Kyiv Machine-Building Plant. Awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner (twice), the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and medals. The ship plying along the Dnieper bears his name.

Vasily Zaitsev became one of the most famous snipers of the Battle of Stalingrad. Just as the spirit of art lives in a real artist, so in Vasily Zaitsev lived the talent of a most magnificent shooter. Zaitsev and the rifle seemed to form a single whole.

The legendary Mamayev Kurgan!... Here, at a height dug up by shells and bombs, Pacific sailor Vasily Zaitsev began his combat sniper count.

Remembering those harsh days, Marshal of the Soviet Union V.I. Chuikov writes:

“A massive sniper movement developed in the battles for the city. It began in Batyuk’s division on the initiative of the remarkable sniper Vasily Zaitsev, and then spread to all parts of the army.

The glory of the fearless Vasily Zaitsev thundered on all fronts, not only because he personally exterminated over 300 Nazis, but also because he trained sniper art dozens of other soldiers, as they were called then, “hares”... Our snipers forced the Nazis to crawl on the ground and played a significant role in both the defense and offensive of our troops.”

Zaitsev's life path is typical of his contemporaries, for whom the interests of the Motherland are above all. The son of a Ural peasant, he served in the Pacific Fleet as an anti-aircraft gunner since 1937. The diligent, disciplined sailor was accepted into the Komsomol. After studying at the military economic school, he was appointed head of the financial department in the Pacific Fleet, in Preobrazhenye Bay. While working as a quartermaster, Zaitsev lovingly studied weapons, making his commander and colleagues happy excellent results at shooting.

It was the 2nd year bloody war. Foreman 1st Article Zaitsev has already submitted 5 reports with a request to be sent to the front. In the summer of 1942, the commander finally granted his request and Zaitsev left for the active army. Together with other Pacific people, he was enlisted in the division of N.F. Batyuk, crossed the Volga on a dark September night and began to participate in the battles for the city.

One day, the enemies decided to burn alive the brave souls who broke into the territory of the Metiz plant. With an air strike, German pilots destroyed 12 gas storage facilities. Literally everything was burning. It seemed that there was nothing alive left on the Volga land. But as soon as the fire subsided, the sailors again rushed forward from the Volga. Fierce battles continued for five days in a row for every factory workshop, house, and floor.

Already in the first battles with the enemy, Vasily Zaitsev showed himself to be an outstanding shooter. One day the battalion commander called Zaitsev and pointed out the window. The fascist was running 800 meters away. The sailor took careful aim. A shot rang out and the German fell. A few minutes later, 2 more invaders appeared in the same place. They suffered the same fate.

In October, from the hands of the commander of his 1047th regiment, Metelev, he received a sniper rifle and a medal “For Courage”. By that time, Zaitsev had killed 32 Nazis using a simple “three-line rifle”. Soon people in the regiment, division, and army started talking about him.

During the battles for Stalingrad, the front-line press took the initiative in developing the sniper movement, which arose at the front at the initiative of the Leningraders. She talks widely about the famous Stalingrad sniper Vasily Zaitsev, about other masters of accurate fire, and called on all soldiers to mercilessly exterminate the fascist invaders.

Photo: personal archive V. Zaitseva

In 1942, during the brutal battles for Stalingrad Soviet snipers dealt sensitive blows to the Germans.

Vasily Zaitsev - famous sniper 62nd Army Stalingrad Front, Hero of the Soviet Union, best sniper Battle of Stalingrad. During this battle from November 10 to December 17, 1942, he destroyed 225 enemy soldiers and officers, including 11 snipers.

In order to reduce the activity of Russian snipers and thus raise the morale of their soldiers, German command decides to send the head of the Berlin sniper squad, SS Colonel Heinz Thorwald, to the city on the Volga to destroy the “main Russian hare.”

Torvald, transported to the front by plane, immediately challenged Zaitsev, shooting down two Soviet snipers with single shots.

Now I'm worried and Soviet command upon learning of the arrival German ace. Commander of the 284th rifle division Colonel Batyuk ordered his snipers to eliminate Heinz at any cost.

The task was not easy. First of all, it was necessary to find a German, study his behavior, habits, handwriting. And this is all for one single shot.

Thanks to his vast experience, Zaitsev perfectly studied the handwriting of enemy snipers. By the camouflage and firing of each of them, he could determine their character, experience, and courage. But Colonel Thorvald puzzled him. It was impossible to even understand in which sector of the front he was operating. Most likely, he changes positions quite often, acts with great caution, tracking down the enemy himself.

One day at dawn, together with his partner Nikolai Kuznetsov, Zaitsev took a secret position in the area where their comrades had been wounded the day before. But the whole day of observation did not bring any results.

But suddenly a helmet appeared above the enemy trench and began to slowly move along the trench. But her swaying was somehow unnatural. “Bait,” Vasily realized. But for the whole day not a single movement was noticed. This means that the German lay in a hidden position all day without giving himself away. From this ability to be patient, Zaitsev realized that in front of him was the head of a sniper school. On the second day, the fascist again showed nothing of himself.

Then we began to understand that this was the same guest from Berlin.

The third morning at the position began as usual. A battle was breaking out nearby. But the Soviet snipers did not move and only observed the enemy positions. But political instructor Danilov, who went with them into the ambush, could not stand it. Having decided that he had noticed the enemy, he leaned out of the trench quite a bit and just for a second. This was enough for the enemy shooter to notice him, take aim and shoot him. Fortunately, the political instructor only wounded him. It was clear that only a master of his craft could shoot like that. This convinced Zaitsev and Kuznetsov that it was the guest from Berlin who fired and, judging by the speed of the shot, was right in front of them. But where exactly?


There is a bunker on the right, but the embrasure in it is closed. There is a damaged tank on the left, but an experienced shooter will not climb there. Between them, on a flat area, lies a piece of metal, covered with a pile of bricks. Moreover, it has been lying there for a long time, the eye has become accustomed to it, and you won’t even notice it right away. Maybe a German under the leaf?

Zaitsev put his mitten on his stick and raised it above the parapet. A shot and an accurate hit. Vasily lowered the bait in the same position as he raised it. The bullet entered smoothly, without drift. Like a German under a sheet of iron.

The next challenge is to get him to open up. But today it is useless to do this. It’s okay, the enemy sniper will not leave the successful position. It's not in his character. The Russians definitely need to change their position.

The next night we took a new position and began to wait for dawn. In the morning, a new battle between infantry units broke out. Kulikov fired at random, illuminating his cover and piqued the interest of the enemy shooter. Then they rested throughout the first half of the day, waiting for the sun to turn around, leaving their shelter in the shadows, and illuminating the enemy’s with direct rays

Suddenly, right in front of the leaf, something sparkled. Optical sight. Kulikov slowly began to lift his helmet. The shot clicked. Kulikov screamed, stood up and immediately fell without moving.

The German committed fatal mistake, without counting the second sniper. He leaned out a little from under cover right under Vasily Zaitsev’s bullet.

Thus ended this sniper duel, which became famous at the front and was included in the list of classic techniques of snipers around the world.

By the way, curiously, the hero of the Battle of Stalingrad Vasily Zaitsev did not immediately become a sniper.

When it became clear that Japan would not start a war against the USSR, troops began to be transferred from Siberia and Far East on German front. This is how Vasily Zaitsev fell under Stalingrad. Initially, he was an ordinary infantryman-shooter of the famous 62nd Army of V.I. Chuikova. But he was distinguished by enviable accuracy.

On September 22, 1942, the division in which Zaitsev served broke into the territory of the Stalingrad hardware plant and took up defense there. Zaitsev received a bayonet wound, but did not leave the line. Having asked his shell-shocked comrade to load the rifle, Zaitsev continued to fire. And, despite being wounded and lacking a sniper scope, he destroyed 32 Nazis in that battle. The grandson of the Ural hunter turned out to be a worthy student of his grandfather.

“For us, the soldiers and commanders of the 62nd Army, there is no land beyond the Volga. We have stood and will stand to the death!” V. Zaitsev

Zaitsev combined all the qualities inherent in a sniper - visual acuity, sensitive hearing, restraint, composure, endurance, military cunning. He knew how to choose the best positions and disguise them; usually hid from enemy soldiers in places where they could not even imagine a Russian sniper. The famous sniper beat the enemy mercilessly.

Only in the period from November 10 to December 17, 1942, in the battles for Stalingrad, V.G. Zaitsev destroyed 225 enemy soldiers and officers, including 11 snipers, and his comrades in arms in the 62nd Army - 6000.

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