The best design institutes. Video: How an interior designer works

Professional design work is usually chosen by people with creative abilities and outlook on life. The goal of such a specialty, no matter what field the design is in, is the ability to determine the best qualities of a product and execute it in the most attractive form for the buyer. Therefore, in addition to a person’s ability to draw well or combine colors, there must be overall development and the ability to create structured relationships.

What subjects need to be taken as a designer?

We live in a time when design can help a person make a choice. It is the outer shell that gives an idea of ​​the quality of the product and the need for its existence among the buyer. The designer must be able to understand what the buyer needs to see and subtly sense the customer’s requirements. Thus, this one covers many aspects of the human humanities, including psychology. The field of design seems to be very interesting for young people from different points of view:

  1. This profession is growing rapidly. For a person who does not like monotony and is ready for constant change, studying new trends will be interesting to cover new unexplored islands of knowledge about the chosen subject. With the advent of new technologies and evolving professions, new varieties of designers are appearing in the market.
  2. It's profitable. Just a few decades ago, designers were considered people who could not find a “normal” job or did not have the required amount of knowledge to enter another profession. This misconception is still floating around the people, which is actually false information. A specialist in this field will earn much more than “office plankton”, managers and managers. In addition, of all creative fields, designer leads the list of the most profitable professions.
  3. This is a new way to dating. Yes, there are people who choose the field of design because of the opportunity to communicate with people from different walks of life. Despite the fact that such a reason may seem trivial to some, designers often have the opportunity to meet interesting, famous personalities. Frequent travel and business trips ensure that your company is located in different parts of the world.

If we sum up what a person involved in design is like, we can draw several conclusions:

  • This is definitely a creative person. It’s hard to imagine how a designer who is not keen and understands nothing about art will try to squeeze out something creative and aesthetic. Therefore, to become a good designer, you need to be able to at least draw.
  • Flexible and willing to take risks. It's rarely talked about, but almost half of design consists of a person's ability to take risks and adapt to changing trends. If a designer knows how to subtly sense the wave of popular trends that exist among people, then he will be able to control them through his design.
  • This is a computer friendly specialist. It is difficult to imagine at least one type of designer in the modern world that does not require special equipment and computer programs. New technologies make it easy to create more interesting and high-quality designs. To become a sought-after specialist, you need to follow updates in the world of technology and, naturally, the release of new graphic editors.

It is thanks to such small information about the general image of the person who will be engaged in design that we can intuitively imagine what subjects need to be taken for this profession.

What do you need to take for admission?

There is a list of compulsory subjects that an applicant must take for any creative specialty. This list also applies to the designer:

  1. Russian language (or other official language in the country).
  2. Story.
  3. Literature.
  4. Creative competition. It is this stage that causes more difficulties for people who are planning to subsequently study to become a designer. The creative competition is presented differently by different universities, so you need to prepare for it solely based on your personal requirements for a higher education institution. In general, we can say that this is usually an art competition, which represents the applicant’s need to draw a picture or composition within a certain period of time.

The first place in the list of the most popular areas in design is assigned to industrial design, since it includes the most extensive opportunities and work. The task of a specialist in this field is to create not only beautiful, but also the most functional objects. A person involved in industrial design must understand how to combine beauty and practicality.

The natural duties of a profession of this kind will be the creation of models of objects and things for various uses. This could be a label for a new product or a store display.

You can apply for the following specialties:

  • decorator;
  • layout designer;
  • interior designer.

In addition, industrial design has the opportunity to train students after ninth and eleventh grades. For admission you need to know the following subjects:

  1. Story.
  2. Russian language.
  3. Creative competition.

This is a broad aspect that includes a huge variety of people with different creative abilities and potential. This includes illustrators, artists, graphic designers and web designers. Most often, graphic design involves the ability to create a functional and practical website design.

For this reason, a necessary requirement for a graphic designer, in addition to fine artistic taste, is a good knowledge of the computer system and programs.

To enroll in graphic design you need to take the following subjects:

  1. Mathematics.
  2. Russian language.
  3. Physics and computer science.
  4. Literature and creative competition.

It is necessary to take into account that you can apply to be a graphic designer only after the eleventh grade.

Another quite popular trend among designers. Specialists in this field can create outfit collections, study folk traditions, learn to select fabrics and accessories, and select clothes.

What subjects do you need to take to become a clothing designer:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Creative competition.
  3. Story.

Entering this specialty is a really good decision, since it is possible to become a fashion designer and study in this specialty even after completing the ninth grade.

Interior designer

Many people mistakenly believe that interior designers are exclusively involved in designing houses and apartments. Their responsibilities, in fact, include a much more extensive list, such as studios, shops, offices and other types of premises. Interior designers are considered one of the most in demand on the labor market, so it is not surprising that most applicants choose this area for their further development.

To become an interior designer, you need to know the following subjects:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Story.
  3. Creative competition.

In any case, no matter what direction in the creative specialty someone chooses, it is always the right path to an interesting future and adventures. It is important to take preparation and admission into account, but also not to forget about your real desires and dreams.

The profession of a designer allows you to make the most of your creative abilities to implement practical ideas. The prospects it opens up for graduates cannot be described in one article.

If ten years ago a designer was associated exclusively with tailoring, today this person can be considered the creator of the reality around us. It is quite understandable why young creative guys strive to realize themselves in this area.

Although the start of the entrance campaign is quite far away, you need to start preparing for the Unified State Exam as early as possible. Applicants are interested in the admission procedure and which exams they will have to take. As for applying to become a designer, it is impossible to answer the questions of school graduates unambiguously. Design is a fairly broad concept. Today there are more than a dozen specialties that can be divided into three main classes of design:

  1. Industrial.
  2. Graphic.
  3. Landscape.

Depending on the specifics of a particular industry, the required entrance exams will differ.

Industrial design

The widest field of activity is assigned to industrial design. It is one of the directions of architecture. The main goal of this movement is to fill a person’s life with beautiful and functional things. Agree that the level of its sales directly depends on the ergonomics of a product. People will not use ball-shaped jars, but will prefer products with a flat bottom that can be easily placed.

The designer's responsibilities include creating mockups of a wide variety of items - from labels to the general configuration of buildings. Due to the focus of industrial design on the needs of the market and the close connection with everyday human needs, specialists will always be in demand.

The most popular specialties in domestic universities are:

  • decorator;
  • layout designer;
  • interior designer.

Each profession implies a specific niche that the graduate will occupy. The decorator will be able to artistically design various objects: building facades and store windows. To become a decorative designer, you must pass the following exams:

  • specialized - literature or mathematics;
  • additionally – history or social studies;
  • creative competition – drawing and composition.

The layout designer composes texts and graphics, creates unique printed products (posters, posters, leaflets, advertising brochures, etc.). Advertising is now at its peak, and marketers are focused on increasing sales. Due to the abundance of products in the market, it is difficult to make a product memorable. A good layout designer is able to take an original approach to the packaging manufacturing process. Which consumers will refuse catchy and bright products? No one will be able to pass by a display case with an interesting product. To become a layout designer you must pass the following exams:

  • Russian literature or social studies;
  • native language;
  • history;
  • creative test (only for applicants to the “Design” specialty);
  • English (for future publishers).

An interior designer is required to think imaginatively and be able to draw well. The specialist will create projects for the interior design of residential and non-residential buildings. It will add variety to everyday life and help the client navigate the latest trends in the decorative elements market. What exams are required for an interior designer? This:

  • core subject - literature;
  • Russian language;
  • story;
  • creative exam – drawing and composition.

It should be noted that the specialized subject may differ in different universities. The basic rule for admission is that the applicant should not have vision problems that affect the perception of color and perspective.

Graphic design

This is a wide field of activity for designers, decorators and artists. Perhaps one of the most popular trends is web development. We live in the era of Internet technologies, so the ability to create a website style, define and clearly formulate its concept, and also embody ideas on the Internet is in great demand.

In order to become a web designer, you must not only have a creative personality, but also be “friendly” with technology. It is necessary to carefully and accurately work out the smallest details of the graphic content of the portal. Only having an analytical mind will allow you to find and eliminate errors in the code.

To become a website designer, you need to pass exams such as:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • physics and computer science (for IT specialties);
  • literature and creative competition (only for the “Design” specialty).

If the university focuses on artistic fields, then history or social studies may be added to the list of subjects for the Unified State Exam. Literature is used as a profile exam. Technical institutes and universities pay more attention to the exact sciences.

Landscape design

A specialist in the field of registration and improvement of land plots is required to develop an individual concept taking into account the client’s requests and implement it in practice. The designer must understand the specifics of growing different types of plants and be physically resilient. After receiving his diploma, he will be able to work in construction firms and companies that offer similar services. Which exams you need to take depend on the specialty you choose.

If an applicant wants to connect his life with landscape design, then he must get a high score in:

  • mathematics;
  • biology;
  • native language;
  • geography.

To enter the specialty “General Design” you need to pass:

  • Russian literature;
  • social studies or history;
  • Russian language;
  • creative exam.

There is no point in talking about what specific points will allow you to qualify for the budget. Firstly, it all depends on the prestige of the university and the number of applicants for the place. Secondly, commercial universities do not provide free education at all.

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Beauty will save the world, and we will raise those who know how to create it. The profession of designer (web, environment) has risen in the ranking of preferences of 9th grade graduates from 5th to 3rd place in the last three years alone. The market for “designer” vacancies follows the same course: in 2016, designers were in the top 10 most in-demand specialists.

One of the undoubted advantages of this profile is the opportunity to master a profession already at the level of vocational secondary education with the prospect of growth - career, professional (higher school), personal, profile (web technologies + interior design, clothing, decorations).

Apply for training

Specialty "Design: web and environmental design" in college

Where to study as a designer after 9th grade? To college, where design education is the full development of each individual personality in a friendly, family-like, warm atmosphere. We raise not just sought-after professionals, but we train multidisciplinary experts with:

  • introduction to practice (creative, graphic) from the first year of study;
  • attracting leading famous designers from Russia and beyond;
  • involving students in creative and technical processes at all levels.

The specialty of web + media designer at Synergy College opens up brilliant prospects: introduction to the world of art, visiting the Moscow Union of Artists, personal communication with recognized masters of the profession. For 3+ years, students here master the theory, while simultaneously testing its methods in practice, and form a professional, competitive portfolio.

Are there entrance tests for future college students?

By enrolling in web and environment design after 9th grade, applicants to our college receive an advantage. There are no entrance exams required. Admission is based on the average score of the certificate. If the score is insufficient, it is possible to consider the prospect of an internal examination (much depends on the availability of places), the results of the OGE.

Forms of study at the Faculty of Design after 9th grade

Design assumes equal importance of the creative and technical components of the profile. It is impossible to master this profession without complete immersion in the appropriate environment. The future designer needs full-fledged workshops.

We have created the most professional conditions for creative growth for our students - the college has mock-up laboratories, galleries, and exhibitions. Without personal participation, it is impossible to understand, feel, and master the rules, laws, and patterns of the specialty. Therefore, the forms of education offered to college students involve attending classes. Attention to applicants 2 formats.

  • Classic full-time study. Daily attendance of classes, live participation in forums, communication with masters of the design industry.
  • Weekend school (WSD). It involves studying on weekends, leaving weekdays for work and family life. Includes intensive workload on Saturdays/Sundays with practice in equipped creative rooms, workshops, and laboratories.

How long to study to become a designer after 9th grade

The regulated period for training specialists depends on the form of training. For full-time college students, the minimum term is 2 years 10 months. Graduates of the weekend program study for 3 years 10 months. Upon completion, students receive a diploma of one type (state).

Where can you work after graduation?

  • In the field of web design, graduates can work as online creatives, remote color correctors, font designers, advertising brochure layout designers, and engravers. Growth prospects - art director, own website design studio, development of online advertising campaigns.
  • Environmental design opens up opportunities to work as a stained glass artist, interior designer, landscape designer, phytodesigner, ergonomist, inlay artist.

Interior design, interfaces, virtual reality, interiors, clothing. Industrial, graphic, industrial design - this profession has dozens of specializations, and therefore dozens of categories of specialists. Professional specialization leaves an imprint on the employee’s capabilities: a web interface designer will not be able to visualize a residential building project in 3D and create a concept for a future car unless he acquires additional skills. This profession is covered in many rumors, myths and stereotypes. Let's find out the truth about her.

Designer - who is it? Description of the profession

A designer is a specialist in creating models of the surrounding reality. It can be real or virtual, it can be brought to life or remain a concept.

The designer does not draw - the artists draw. At the same time, he uses drawing as a tool to visualize ideas and projects.

The main difference between a specialist and an artist is the practical application of his work. A painter can depict any surreal interior and he doesn’t care what furniture is placed there or how. The designer pursues other goals - people will live in the interiors he designs.

Therefore, to obtain a profession, it is not enough to graduate from art school - you need vocational training and specialization. At the same time, society is constantly trying to level out the value of a specialist’s skills, because every second person is “his own designer.” People take 2-week courses, master the basic functionality of the 3D max program and create interiors that are impossible to live in. Customers pay for their work, see the horror on the builders’ faces and receive uncomfortable, non-functional, impractical premises, losing confidence in the profession. If you decide to get a specialty and show professionalism, you may join the fight for quality design, which is so lacking in all spheres of human life.

Types of design and responsibilities of specialists

The designer’s range of tasks is limited not only by his professional skills, but also by his chosen specialization. Of course, you can master 2, 3 or more areas, but it is extremely difficult to do this. Do you often meet surgeons who are also pediatricians? Most likely not. Although both specialists are doctors, the area of ​​activity determines the specialist’s responsibilities. It’s the same in design. The most popular specializations are:

  • Interior designer. By profession, ordinary people understand the ability to select and beautifully arrange furniture in a room. Sometimes - choose wallpaper. “Specialists” who have completed 10-day courses see this in their tasks. In fact, the profession of an interior designer is much more complicated. The ideal direction for training is designer-architect. The interior is everything that's inside. Not only furniture and decoration, but also lighting, communications, architectural groups. A specialist must create not only a beautiful, but also a functional interior. He must think about the decoration, furniture, location of lighting fixtures, passage of communications and installation of equipment. He must develop the concept of a room in which it will be convenient to live or work, which will solve the assigned tasks.
  • Web designer or interface designer. One of the most in demand professions. Have you noticed how websites on the same topic with approximately the same structure can differ from each other? On some, everything is clear and accessible, on others, it is impossible to find the necessary information, and even a phone number. Design is the first thing a user sees on a website, a visual reflection of the functionality and positioning of a web resource. Here it is not enough to create a beautiful picture - it is important to consider how the site will be laid out when transferring the layout to the frontend developer, how user-friendly it will be, how the functionality will be implemented, how the company’s corporate style will be presented, and how page conversion will be achieved. The profession of a web designer requires an understanding of the principles of the site and the implementation of options. Here you need not so much to be able to draw beautifully as to know the basics of development. It is very important to be able to communicate not only with clients, but also with programmers.
  • Graphic designer. De facto, this is a specialist who creates the shell. Typography, corporate identity and logos, navigation systems, visual solutions for packaging and media are the most popular areas of activity. The key task of the shell is to fulfill its purpose. Attract, sell, promote the brand. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the practical significance of each item. How convenient this packaging for chocolate or a box for chocolates will be, how it will be implemented in industry, whether the selected colors and fonts will be pleasing to the eye of the beholder, whether the corporate style will become recognizable - all this depends on the specialist, his talent and professionalism.
  • Landscape designer. In fact, he also performs the tasks of the designer, being responsible for the complex creation of the landscape. And at the same time, it is necessary to possess the skills of an agronomist, engineer and artist. How convenient the landscape will be from a practical point of view, how communications will be carried out, whether the given aesthetics will be individual and harmonious, whether the flowers, trees and shrubs recommended for planting will ultimately take root - a specialist must answer each of these questions.
  • Industrial designer. This is industrial design, which is responsible for the implementation of projects for large-scale production. A striking example is the automotive industry. Once a car design is developed, it will influence the fate of millions of people who buy it from the manufacturer. Here it is important to take into account not only aesthetics, but also engineering systems, ergonomics, practicality, and compliance with functional features. Industrial design is inseparable from reality even when creating concepts for which science has not yet found the necessary tools for implementation.

These are just the most popular and sought-after destinations. The design certainly doesn't end there.

Moreover, many areas are just emerging and will receive intensive development. If a fashion designer (clothing designer) is the present, then the creator of a virtual habitat is the near future. Each of the areas of the profession is relevant and promising. According to experts, interest in specialties will only continue to grow in the coming years.

Rating of the TOP 10 best online schools

International school of foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual lessons with a tutor in preparation for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, and school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school, which provides the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. School curriculum lessons from grades 1 to 11: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Where to get a designer profession? TOP 5 Universities

It wouldn't hurt to graduate from art school, but if you didn't do it in a timely manner, it's okay. It will provide significant advantages only before admission, where drawing and composition are usually included as an exam. However, many universities are moving away from this - it is necessary to clarify the list of entrance tests in advance. To obtain a professional education, it is better to choose a reputable university that provides training in specific areas.

  1. St. Petersburg State University.
  2. Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
  3. St. Petersburg Institute of Design and Arts.
  4. Moscow University of Design and Business.
  5. St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

The rating should not be taken as the ultimate truth, since much depends on the specialization. It is better to study interior design at a university with, web interfaces - with an emphasis on IT, clothing - with an emphasis on creative and artistic specialties. At the same time, the authority of domestic universities does not determine future success, which cannot be said about. Fashion designers trained in France and Italy, or industrial design specialists trained in Germany, have significant employment advantages.

What personal qualities should you have?

  • Logical thinking. You will not create a picture, but projects of reality. Therefore, it is important to be able to think logically and take into account many aspects within the framework of specialization.
  • Individuality. It combines with creativity and helps generate unique ideas that make your design individual and recognizable.
  • Attentiveness. One mistake made in web design will result in sleepless weeks for the layout designer, and in creating interiors - a complete violation of its functionality.
  • Perseverance. You won't become an artist who can wait years for inspiration - you will work within a strictly defined deadline. Therefore, it is important to have perseverance and efficiency.
  • Developed intelligence. It is important to be able to penetrate the direction in which you are engaged and understand what will reflect and visualize your design.

How to build a career and achieve success

The presentation of a profession immediately loses its attractiveness and the image of “pure creativity” if it is filled with semantic realities. Think about the meaning behind a typical large company logo, as it is a very expensive corporate property (think Nike or Mercedes-Benz). Behind the approved picture are the most complex marketing research, analysis or creation of a corporate identity, dozens of ideas thrown into the trash and hundreds of sketches.

You can do this only if you do not create illusions and perceive the design as a picture. You need to receive a quality education in your chosen field and continue learning throughout your life. It is necessary to master a lot of software and technical tools, in particular illustrators and visualizers - specialists have not worked with paper for a long time.

Ideally, if you manage to get an education at an elite foreign university. If not, settle for an affordable university or college, continue your professional development, and strive to gain as much experience as possible. Learn from your own mistakes, don’t stay in one job, attend seminars and trainings, and take part in professional competitions. Connect with the global community, explore trends and trends while maintaining your own individuality.

Pros and cons of the designer profession

This specialty has many advantages and disadvantages. Many of them are conditional, most apply only to employees with little experience or frankly average qualifications. That is why we will pay attention to the average pros and cons in order to be at least somewhat objective in the analysis.

Pros professions designer:

  • A sought-after, relevant and promising profession.
  • Decent wages for qualified specialists.
  • Unlimited opportunities for making good money freelancing.
  • Interesting, somewhat creative work.
  • A real opportunity to improve the surrounding reality.

Cons professions designer:

  • Complex work that requires industry understanding.
  • Often subjective, incompetent assessment of work.
  • Low salaries for specialists without a name, qualifications, or experience.
  • Lack of instructions for solving specific problems.
  • Almost always long working hours.

It is worth noting that it is subjective assessment that is noted by most experts as a key drawback of the profession.

Even with extensive experience and high qualifications, you will constantly encounter misunderstandings on the part of customers, engineers and builders. Even specialists whose works have been repeatedly noted by the world community cannot avoid this.

How much do designers earn in Russia and abroad?

Salary depends on the field of profession, experience, degree of proficiency in software and technical tools, region, personal brand and many other factors.

The amount in any case will be the “average temperature in the hospital.” However, indicators can serve as guidelines. On average, Russian specialists receive 33-35 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 37-43 thousand, in the regions the minimum wage is 12-15 thousand rubles.

Interface designers (90-100 thousand) earn the most, followed by 3D designers (93 thousand), web designers (85 thousand), interior designers (73 thousand), furniture (65 thousand) and landscape designers (62 thousand). Specialists from European countries almost always earn more. If we consider the same interface designer, then in the USA he receives on average 3 thousand dollars a month, in Canada - 2.7 thousand, in Germany 3.9 thousand euros.

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