Moon-Pluto and catharsis. Square Moon Pluto in a woman: bad daughter and her “good” mother

It will tell about the struggle of contradictions within a person himself. Since Pluto, which is a conflict planet, is involved in this tense configuration, fighting qualities are clearly manifested in the character of the subject.

Responsible for the internal state of the native, under the influence of the impulsive and energetic, she becomes less secretive and self-absorbed. The owner of the aspect does not hesitate to show his emotions, both positive and negative. He openly tells the whole world about his most intimate experiences, and such behavior often brings the subject, albeit scandalous, fame.

The influence of opposition on a person’s character and behavior

A person with the opposition aspect of the Moon and Pluto has a strong character, charisma, high ambitions and well-defined leadership qualities. He loves to be in public, talk about his achievements and share the joys of life, but sometimes others think that this person is too much.

In addition, if the owner of the aspect is in a bad mood, then his irritation, dissatisfaction, anger and indignation immediately become public property. Such people certainly want others to share their emotions and spiritual impulses.

In his home, such a person is used to deciding everything at his own discretion. Household members consider him a dictator and a tyrant, but in reality it turns out that everything in the family rests on the owner of the aspect. The native knows how to act independently, control the processes around him, give out instructions and inspire others to a common cause.

Opposition Moon – Pluto in a man’s natal chart

If a man’s birth chart has this configuration, then this will tell about the authoritarian character, jealousy and possessive tendencies that he demonstrates in relationships with the opposite sex. It is interesting that his partners include strong-willed, decisive and headstrong women, and in the union, thus, a situation of competition and struggle arises.

In order for a relationship to develop successfully, you need to avoid open pressure and dictate. It is desirable that the areas of activity and responsibility of such partners do not overlap. This is the only way each of them can feel their importance and leadership position.

Opposition Moon – Pluto in a woman’s natal chart

A woman with this aspect has a strong will, an ambitious character and natural magnetism that attracts fans to her.

It is important for the owner of the horoscope to be the first in everything and to win success in all areas of life available to her. Despite the fact that her complex character prevents her from building harmonious relationships with partners (both marriage and business), she still goes ahead towards her success and, as a rule, achieves her goal, becoming popular, loved and in demand.

Opposition Moon - Pluto in the children's horoscope

A child whose natal chart contains the opposition of the Moon and Pluto will surprise adults with his independence, assertiveness and energy. There is no need to put a spoke in his wheels, especially since the baby is confident in his desires and knows how to solve the task. And only full bumps and broken knees will tell such a child that sometimes it would be nice to listen to the advice and warnings of more knowledgeable and experienced people.

Adults need to make it clear to the little owner of the aspect that they are worthy leaders and their decisions can be trusted. This will lead to trust in parents, a desire to imitate them, and, at an older age, the need to achieve successes and heights in life that are no less significant than theirs.

Moon and Pluto in different zodiac signs

An interesting astrological combination is the opposition formed by the Moon in Taurus and Pluto in Scorpio. Both luminaries here are strong in quality, and therefore the native has all the prerequisites for success in material and financial affairs. Despite the somewhat authoritarian and harsh nature of the owner of the horoscope, he has every chance of creating a strong family. There will be prosperity, comfort and well-being in his home.

05.12.2010 | Visitors: 22791

Article Moon/Pluto Aspects: Brainstorm

Translation of foi

Original translation in Russian:

Hidden emotionality. Hidden feelings. Hiding feelings. A feeling of satisfaction and support from intense experiences. The need for constant emotional experiences to transform your emotions. Emotional obsession. Feeling of rebirth. Survival instinct. Emotionally feeds (feels supported) by the forbidden. Forbidden feelings. Feelings you shouldn't have. Strong feeling of women. There is a highly emotional woman in your life. Powerful emotions. Depressing emotions. Pensive. Feelings of jealousy. Compulsory eating habits. Obsessive habits. Emotional intensity. Emotionally coercive. Mood swings. Captures you with emotion. The need for power, strength. Immersion in deep experiences. Emotional healing. Emotional depth. Intense woman. Powerful woman. Healers. Urges to gain strength. Unaware of behavior control. The need to be in control. Controlled eating. Controlling instinctive reactions. Passionate feelings. Powerful unconscious urges and aspirations. Emotional death. Eliminating bad habits. Emotionally suppressive mother. Insidious feelings. Insidious habits. Emotional shadow. Female shadow. Mysterious woman. Witch. Intense reactions. Psychological vision. Emotional pressure. Fighting women. Fight with mother. Mother's strangulation. Sexual instincts. Sexual sensations. Secret habits. Secret sensations. Hiding personal needs. Lots of emotions. Instinctive desire for wealth. The desire to find hidden treasure. Feeding shade. Feeding your dark side. Comfortable during transformation. Comfort through sex. Powerful support. Emotional resources. Food resources. Emotions-Agony. All-consuming emotions. The need for revenge. Vengefulness. Relentless and unrelenting feelings. Delay of internal anger. Relentless support. Unrelenting passion and intensity for better or worse. Intense feelings about family. Feeling comfortable when captured by emotions. Strong love and hatred, extremes. There are no average emotions. Extreme hatred and feelings of love. Emotional stuffiness. Taking things personally. Never forgets the bad. Emotional cruelty to yourself or others. The pleasure of destruction. The pleasure of cruelty. Emotional abuse - given or received. Perseverance. The ability to resurrect. Pleasure from the forbidden. The pleasure of healing. Pleasure from psychology. Pleasure from deep and/or difficult sensations. Pleasure from women. Terrible needs that guarantee safety. Subversive habits. Instinct for transformation. Regeneration.


Stefan Arroyo. Astrology, karma and transformation: internal dimensions of the birth chart / Translation from English by O. Matveeva. - M.: TsAI Publishing House, 1997 - p. 249 - 263.

Moon-Pluto aspects

Many of the qualities associated with Sun-Pluto aspects apply to these exchanges, but the main difference is the greater emotional extremism of Moon-Pluto aspects. These people exhibit qualities strikingly similar to the natal Moon in Scorpio: intense, even explosive sensitivity; deep dissatisfaction with oneself and the urge to reshape oneself in a new way; strong mental attunement and need to explore the mysteries of other people's lives and motivations; the urge to break through the taboos that have been established by their particular type of upbringing and parental influence. There is usually a deep capacity for intense effort, an unflagging attachment to purpose and self-discipline; the individual is usually so attuned to the needs of survival that he can be incredibly resourceful in times of crisis. (Note that this is a combination of Cancer/Moon and Scorpio/Pluto principles, both of which are geared toward self-preservation.)

Because the Moon symbolizes the self-image and how one feels about oneself, and because Pluto (especially when challenged) shows a tendency to destroy and eliminate the old, their interaction often manifests as ruthlessness and hardness towards oneself; there is an urge to destroy the old self-image and individuality because the person is not at all comfortable with the old emotional patterns. In extreme cases, it can even manifest as a suicidal mood, the ultimate symbol of self-destruction. In any case, periods of self-loathing and intense emotional turmoil are not unusual. Such a person needs, more than anyone else, a focused program of self-transformation based on reprogramming his instinctive response patterns so that he can adapt with greater flexibility and objectivity to all life experiences.

In people with such combinations, a “mother complex” is also evident. Sometimes this is experienced simply by having a domineering or subtly demanding mother; who projects all her fears onto the child. (Occasionally, one may find that these aspects are also associated with a demanding or rejecting father.) In other cases, a woman may feel the need to become a “super mother,” either by having many children of her own (to impress others with her maternal strength) or by playing the role of a mother. heads in a group of people. An example of such a case would be a woman who becomes or wants to become a "mother superior" in a monastery or the head of an orphanage or school. The same tendency is found even in those women who have the Sun in close aspect to Pluto, for, as Charles Jane observed in his studies related to rectification and progressions, the mother is often symbolized by Pluto, so it is natural that the Moon is the traditional symbol of motherhood - unites with Pluto, we can expect this emphasis to be even more pronounced. This does not mean that all such desires will be realized, but simply that people with these aspects often feel these types of urges to be particularly influential. Pluto can be characterized in this regard. as identical to the "terrible mother" archetype found in various myths, such as the goddess Kali in Hinduism. Such a mother figure is omnipotent, nourishing her child with one hand and destroying with the other. The power to give and take away life is revered in such deities, and impersonality is such. strength should be easily obvious.

These combinations (especially the opposition) also indicate a tendency to subconsciously identify with others and then demand too much from them, as the person views them simply as an extension of himself. There is a strong need here to either absorb the other person into yourself or to be absorbed by him. In any case, the person destroys (Pluto) his own special identity, or at least tries to do so through such a merger.

Donna Cunnigham



(Pluto aspects to the Moon, Moon in Scorpio, Scorpio planets in the fourth house, Scorpio in the fourth house).

This is a very plutonic personality. especially when Pluto is near the cusp of the fourth house. One of the parents, most likely the mother, was a powerful person, seeking to impose his opinion and control others. If one of the parents openly dominated, then the other could more subtly manipulate the child: “You and I stand together against this monster.” Often there is strong, but not overtly expressed, resentment in the home, especially regarding the child's needs or the need to care for him. Sometimes the grandmother has enormous influence - she is like the matriarch of the family. There could be a real loss, such as the death of a parent, or there could be a constant threat of abandonment if the child does not behave well. Perhaps, near the time of the birth of the child, someone's death was mourned, so the mother was in a sad mood and could not give much to the child.

If a man has a Scorpio Moon or an aspect between the Moon and Pluto, he may have difficulty trusting women; there may be resentment towards them or a desire to manipulate them in order to make women symbiotically dependent and thereby avoid rejection. A parent with this placement may resent having to care for the child, while at the same time overcompensating or symbiotically bonding with the child by doing too much for him. A parent may hold onto a child as if it were a matter of life and death, feeling that at least in this relationship he will not be rejected. Conversely, the scars left by a lack of love and care in childhood can be so deep that a person decides never to become a parent.

When a person with Pluto or Scorpio in the fourth house becomes an adult, his house can become a battleground for the struggle of forces; or, in order to avoid repeating what happened in the parental family, he decides to live alone. It can be difficult to live alone unless that person has absolute control over the situation. He says: “My home is my fortress, my secret refuge, and I cannot stand the need to share it with someone.” It is significant that people with this placement have a need for privacy and solitude, and even if they live with others, they need to be alone for some time.

Various sources for a child's horoscope

Your child may feel like his emotions are overwhelming him and getting the better of him. Sometimes there is a fear that a child has a powerful magnetic force, but does not know how to handle it. He can be harsh with his parents, does not tolerate interference from them, and when pressured he becomes indignant and angry. Little things cause irritation, since he wants to deal only with important, unique things. Impatient when things are stalled. Such children need to develop the ability to handle their strength. They should not be prevented from having their own feelings and expressing them freely.
The mother seems to the child to be powerful, understanding and all-knowing, having power over life and death. He may think that she has eyes in the back of her head. The mother must establish open communication with the child so that he does not feel overwhelmed by her.

No Monster. Aspects

Strong emotionality, strong mental field. This causes others, especially women, to feel insecure. The desire to forget the past, to break interfering ties. If pressure is put on them, they become indignant and angry. Clairvoyance, resulting in a disregard for material values. Little things irritate them, as they only want to deal with the important.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Opposition, quadrature: a categorical rejection of the maternal model and, therefore, of the female role, which consciousness often actively does not accept, trying to displace. And since the Moon in conditionalist astrology is associated with a person in his integrity, these aspects indicate difficulties associated with the body or damage to bodily health in childhood (illness, long and difficult labor that damaged the health of the newborn).

Absalom the Underwater. Aspects

Pluto Square: Angel wings grow on the places rubbed by the cross of fate.
The influence of Pluto's square is manifested in a certain inconvenience for a person of those sacrifices in the area of ​​the Planet that fate will require of him; at least that’s what it will seem like to the person himself. He should come to terms with the idea that these sacrifices will be required of him at the wrong moment and will entail unpleasant consequences that seem to be of a completely optional and unnecessary nature; but this, alas, is the characteristic of this karmic program. The square of Pluto is the aspect of Job, which, fortunately, does not always go as far.
Manifestations of the Planetary principle in the external world will greatly displease a person, and he will have a desire to establish order in this regard in the world, for which he will need the appropriate power. The intention of karma, however, is exactly the opposite in nature, namely, to bring cleanliness and order in the area of ​​the Planetary principle in the inner world of a person and his subconscious, for which a person must gain power over his instincts and lower inclinations related to the Planet. Until a person realizes this, he will more than once have to face heavy sacrifices and fate, which will haunt him exactly to the extent that a person causes it - indifferently, subconsciously or consciously, intentionally or unintentionally, with the best or worst intentions. The essential point is that in the area of ​​the Planet a person has, as it were, a magnifying glass that clearly reveals his (and others’) minimal imperfections and errors. This aspect provides great opportunities for internal development and self-purification, and at the same time gives the world black teachers of the dictatorial type, exterminating in the external world the low and average manifestations of the Planetary principle with power, fire and sword, leaving room only for the subtlest (which are not seen), and sometimes just ashes . The average level is characterized by harsh behavior with elements of rude command and nihilism towards others, which is combined with the desire to master the Planetary principle oneself. Internally, a person really wants to show his example to the world, but this absolutely does not work out, or (in the person’s opinion) the world is simply not mature enough and therefore is not able to see the perfection shown to him.

Absalom the Underwater. Aspects

Square of the Moon: It is necessary to distinguish people whose souls are asleep from those whose souls have already flown away.
The square of the Moon gives great internal difficulties associated with the Planetary principle, especially when it is perceived. For example, the Moon - Mars square gives a feeling of rudeness and aggression of the outside world in situations where this is not even remotely similar, and vice versa, a person can be aggressive and cruel without noticing it. The square of the Moon makes the ego programs associated with the Planet convex and visible: a person really wants to egoistically consume its principle, but the circumstances of external and internal life are such that he cannot do this, resulting in severe frustration, resentment towards the world, and an underconsumption complex etc. This person has many sharp internal corners in the spheres of the Planetary principle, he constantly trips over them, and the more he feels sorry for himself, the worse he becomes. The karmic meaning of this square, however, lies not in straightforward asceticism and rejection of the principle of the Planet (this can sometimes lead to illness), but in a detailed and thorough study of the subconscious programs corresponding to the Planet, highlighting the egocentric and evolutionary-constructive components in them and establishing an adequate diet : the problem of the square of the Moon lies, in particular, in the fact that the ego wants to eat, directing itself, the vibrations of the Planet entirely, but it succeeds poorly, or, if the Moon is significantly stronger than the Planet, a strong profanation of the latter occurs. For example, the Moon - Venus square can make a person a ruthless consumer of the opposite sex, who is subconsciously perceived (at least in love) as unconditionally primitive and rude, and develop respect (i.e., a skill that prevents conscious and subconscious profanity) for It can be very difficult for someone of the other gender. Elaboration gives a good understanding and subtlety in relation to the Planetary principle, as well as a vision of its operation in the subconscious of others, which gives good teaching abilities in relevant areas; for example, a well-developed Sun-Moon square is an aspect of a class teacher or a primary school teacher.
Chiron Square: Having sunk to the bottom of the life stream, you should not blow bubbles unless absolutely necessary.
The Square of Chiron gives a person in the spheres of influence of the Planet strong, incomprehensible and seemingly completely insurmountable dead ends of development, which he is in no hurry to open. If the square stands in a fixed cross, then these may be small dead ends constantly replacing each other, behind which, however, one can see one large one, constantly reproducing. The square of Chiron means a karmic requirement to look at the Planet and the problems associated with it in a non-standard way, in particular, to look for their source in one’s own imperfection, the disharmonious interaction of subconscious programs and following social cliches, which Chiron always overcomes, and in the case of a square, most intensely.
The square of Chiron does not give a person in the relevant areas the opportunity to follow ordinary views and stereotypes: they quickly lead the action to a dead end, and incredible chaos arises, behind which there is something, but what exactly remains unclear. At an average level, a person can develop an attitude like black humor, which is better than panic, but still not constructive. Here, a person is required to understand himself, understand the role of the Planetary principle in his life (external and internal) and do something constructive from the point of view of Chiron, that is, to materialize certain subtle plans associated with the Planet. Usually it looks like a materialized miracle, but one that can be taught to others. At a high level, this aspect gives a breakthrough into great creativity in areas related to the planet, and the ability to discover original talent in others, but also a feeling of dissatisfaction both with one's methods and specific achievements, as if someone is behind one's back with undisguised ridicule , turning into outright mockery, says to him: “And you think this is talented and original?” At a low level, a person can set himself the goal of discrediting any creative manifestations of the Planetary principle and, to some extent, succeed in this, especially as regards him personally.

A. Ryzhov. Health, ASC, Sun, Moon

Let's say, quadrature - increased sexuality, if the cosmogram is Yang. Impotence if the cosmogram is Yin. But impotence is strange. That is, a person can be impotent for a year, a year and a half, and then a stallion for five years, and then impotent for another 2 weeks, and then a stallion for another 18 years. This is the air aspect, which is why it is very strange.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects

Strong emotionality and a strong mental field, causing people, especially women, to feel insecure. The desire to forget the past, to break all the ties that interfere. They are harsh with parents and family, do not tolerate interference from them, and when pressured they become indignant and angry. Clairvoyance, resulting in neglect of material values. Little things cause irritation, because they want to deal only with important, unique things. They get impatient when things get stuck. They want to change their lives greatly and find solutions to emotional difficulties.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

Self-assertion, dictatorship, authoritarianism, struggle for success and popularity, self-confidence, arrogance, arrogance. Inconsistency, inflexibility, lack of adaptability, hardness.
The positive side is great ambition, which is a stimulus for personal achievement. Gives self-confidence and the ability to fight; ability to achieve, command, dominate, pressure.

Such a person is characterized by a need for additional guarantees of emotional security. A person sometimes feels the inevitability of emotional intrusion, even violence, if preventive measures are not taken. Distrust of the motives of other people's behavior, fear of intrusion into personal space and, as a way of defense, intrusion into the personal emotional space of others, an attempt to control and manipulate. Sensitive attitude towards the use of power, force, invasion of privacy.
Emotional life is intense, often manifesting itself in two extremes: you really want to get to the root of your feelings in order to get rid of them once and for all, or do everything to not experience them at all. In both cases, the speech is often of a destructive nature: revenge, jealousy, etc. Sometimes these feelings are inherent not only to the individual with this aspect, but to the entire family to which he belongs and in which he grew up, reflecting the past traumatic experiences of this family (“skeleton in the closet”).
Quite often, a person with such a configuration, like a sponge, absorbs negative, hidden feelings that hover around him, loading himself with someone else's emotional burden. Even when a crisis situation does not directly affect this person, he is often involved in this situation and, having already experienced similar emotional crises, serves as a support for others. Such people are more tolerant of the “dark” side of human nature, thereby creating a favorable atmosphere for emotional frankness of all kinds.
Home and emotional life rarely remains calm for a long time; quite often there is a feeling of turbulent undercurrents, an impending crisis. Characterized by secrecy regarding everything related to private life and personal emotional experiences.
A frequent manifestation of this aspect is a domineering, controlling, overprotective mother. Emotional pressure on her part, imposition of her will, unwillingness to provide the child with freedom of choice and personal space of reasonable size. Moreover, all this can be realized in a way that is very unnoticeable to an external observer.
The aspect of the Moon with Pluto is directly related to the most primary feelings (instincts), which are common to all people and which civilization is trying to transform, eradicate, sometimes in a violent way. Obsessive states that are difficult to get rid of. The emotional intensity of everyday life. B.Israel

Moon-Pluto conjunction

Constancy of feelings, occult abilities. Have a strong influence on others. They tend to forget about the past: their emotional experiences mature in the present. They are looking for drastic changes in life, so they can sometimes act tactlessly with loved ones. Their harshness and authority frighten women. Het Monster

Connection: the sphere of feelings is in direct, immediate connection with the unconscious, and depending on the content of the latter, feelings can give strength or weakness. Man feels deeply and keenly the complexity of things; if necessary, he finds complexity even where there is none. The maternal model plays a very important role, sometimes even pressing, which creates problems for women with self-identification with their mother (for example, they can build their lifestyle on denying their mother’s example); Because of this, the role of a woman can be difficult for them. In a man, the influence of the image of his mother gives rise to a certain irresistible, hypnotic attraction to a woman, for whom he unconsciously recognizes almost magical power. Catherine Aubier

Persistence in feelings, parapsychological and occult abilities, the desire to dominate one’s environment. Strongly influence others, sensitive to metaphysical areas of manifestation, but in a more developed way than with the Moon-Neptune conjunction. Interest in spiritualism, life after death. They tend to forget the past and create new foundations for emotional experiences. They don't know fear, they love risk. Pluto is the master of the principle of death and rebirth - often makes them seek drastic changes in life. They can act very dramatically towards loved ones, which will lead to unexpected changes in the family. Harshness and authority frighten women. Francis Sakoyan

Opposition Moon - Pluto

The tendency to boss around family and friends, to always control and change everything. Feelings manifest themselves with such force that others become afraid. There are often quarrels about money within the family. Stubbornness leading to quarrels. They don’t allow themselves to be taught and “read morals.” In love - complete sobriety or aggressiveness. Het Monster

Tendency to boss family and friends around and make changes. Feelings manifest themselves with such force that others become afraid. Disagreement in financial matters and the use of common funds - often disputes about inheritance within the family. Stubbornness leads to quarrels. They don’t allow themselves to be taught and read morals. In love, sobriety or aggressiveness. Francis Sakoyan

Self-assertion, dictatorship, authoritarianism, struggle for success and popularity, self-confidence, arrogance, arrogance. Inconsistency, inflexibility, lack of adaptability, hardness. The positive side is enormous ambition, which is a stimulus for personal achievement. Gives self-confidence and the ability to fight; ability to achieve, command, dominate, pressure. S.V. Shestopalov

Trigon (trine), sextile Moon – Pluto

Intensity of feelings, the ability to renew yourself and your environment. Feelings are under the control of the will, but manifest themselves with extraordinary force. Courage, firmness in overcoming obstacles. They often intuitively understand the causes of phenomena. Het Monster

Trine, sextile: These aspects are associated with intuition, with an innate insatiable desire for difficulties, as well as with the ability to restore the acuteness of one's senses. Catherine Aubier

The intensity of feeling is under the control of the will and is expressed with extraordinary force. Courage and strength of will in overcoming obstacles on the path to material or spiritual success. Often one intuitively grasps the reasons underlying objective phenomena. To express objective and realistic thoughts, they use willpower and imagination, as they instinctively create the power of thoughts accumulated by will and energy. Francis Sakoyan

Energy, enthusiasm, ability to gain attention, popularity, success, fame, good well-being. The negative side of these aspects is the desire to benefit from these abilities. S.V. Shestopalov

Square Moon – Pluto

Strong emotionality, strong mental field. This causes others, especially women, to feel insecure. The desire to forget the past, to break interfering ties. If pressure is put on them, they become indignant and angry. Clairvoyance, resulting in a disregard for material values. Little things irritate them because they only want to deal with the important. Het Monster

Opposition, quadrature: a categorical rejection of the maternal model and, therefore, of the female role, which consciousness often actively does not accept, trying to displace. And since the Moon in conditionalist astrology is associated with a person in his integrity, these aspects indicate difficulties associated with the body or damage to bodily health in childhood (illness, long and difficult labor that damaged the health of the newborn). Catherine Aubier

Strong emotionality and a strong mental field, causing people, especially women, to feel insecure. The desire to forget the past, to break all the ties that interfere. They are harsh with parents and family, do not tolerate interference from them, and when pressured they become indignant and angry. Clairvoyance, resulting in neglect of material values. Little things cause irritation, because they want to deal only with important, unique things. They get impatient when things get stuck. They want to change their lives greatly and find solutions to emotional difficulties. Francis Sakoyan

Self-assertion, dictatorship, authoritarianism, struggle for success and popularity, self-confidence, arrogance, arrogance. Inconsistency, inflexibility, lack of adaptability, hardness. The positive side is great ambition, which is a stimulus for personal achievement. Gives self-confidence and the ability to fight; ability to achieve, command, dominate, pressure. S.V. Shestopalov

What's happened Moon square Pluto for a woman? This is when her mother comes to the Channel 1 studio and declares to the whole country that her daughter is a complete alcoholic and drug addict.

Dana Borisova has a square of the Moon to Pluto in her birth chart. The mother’s bringing out her daughter’s “dirty laundry” for everyone to see is deciphered as follows: mother – the Moon, “dirty laundry” – Pluto, square – tears and resentment towards each other.

Did you think that a mother saves her daughter? What is the act of salvation? Need to raise money for Dana's treatment? Let's say that all the money was spent on an apartment in an elite complex, drugs, silicone breasts and the stylist Ray. But couldn't everything be resolved as a family? Borisova’s ex-husbands, oligarchs and friends from Rublyovka would chip in to go to her drug dispensary and close the topic without too much fuss. Maybe a recovered Dana Borisova could still continue her career as a TV presenter.

Well no! The Moon square to Pluto demands revenge and vengeance, completely drowning out the mother's mind! Everyone should know how 2 years ago an ungrateful daughter kicked her mother out of her apartment, how she didn’t invite her to her next wedding, and even how she threatened her own mother with a knife. And now, on top of everything else, the daughter is a drug addict and alcoholic with a long history.

This is how, through a difficult relationship with her mother, Dana Borisova lives her square of the Moon to Pluto in the natal chart. By the way, destroying yourself with drugs and alcohol is from the same opera.

Why? Because both the Moon and Pluto are planets responsible for emotions. Only the Moon and Pluto are not friends; they are in different weight categories. The moon is the soul, it is mother, it is where it is good and safe. And Pluto is tension, this is violence, this is the intensity of emotions and this is death.

Now let’s combine the meanings of the Moon and Pluto together with the aspect of the square in the woman’s chart. And we get a woman who has a difficult relationship with her mother and with herself.

For this to be so, often a child with a square of the Moon and Pluto is born to a domineering and oppressive mother. She has under her thumb not only the child himself, but the whole family. An overbearing mother is an overprotective mother who strangles the child with her “love”, instilling in him a lifelong sense of guilt for the fact that she gave birth to him and took care of him, wasting her whole life on this.

Then the girl grows up. He starts arguing and tries to defend himself, or he finally tells his mother to go to hell. But mom always knows how to make her daughter feel like a bastard. This is the conflict between Dana Borisova and her mother. Both are unhappy: mother and daughter.

The daughter also doesn’t succeed with her husbands, because they were all chosen in the likeness of “mommy.” It's like getting used to the poisoned milk you were given as a child. Your hand again reaches for the package of poisoned milk. You don't see any other food.

Ultimately, when you break off relationships with loved ones, you break off relationships with your emotions. Emotions are “killed” by drugs, alcohol, antidepressants and promiscuous sex.

Sad story. Of course, this is a last resort. Much will depend on the signs and houses in which the Moon and Pluto fall. For example, Dana was unlucky. Her Moon is in Capricorn. Too cold and controlling sign for the Moon.

Well, the most important thing in this story is the “enlightenment” of the mother. If the mother manages not to force the child under herself, but to respect his will, then the child’s life will turn out differently, and the Moon Pluto square will play out in a different, softer version. If the mother’s “enlightenment” is difficult, then the child himself will have to become enlightened.

The girl will grow up, reach 30-40 years old and understand that she never lived her own life, that her mother “ate” her life. She always did what her mother, husband, friends, acquaintances wanted her to do.

Cutting the umbilical cord... Finding yourself... Or slow death... Because the square is an aspect of the struggle, who will win. There are no compromises or truces here, this is not opposition.

Does your chart have the Moon square Pluto? How do you feel about it?

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