Getting ready for a new job. things to do in the morning to get ready for work

Due to various factors, it is sometimes very difficult for a person to get into the right groove and get into a working mood. This especially often happens after a long vacation, after a long period of being unemployed, after graduating from university, or for new freelancers. And here it’s not even a matter of our laziness, but simply a matter of insufficient self-organization. So what needs to be done to become motivated to work? How to increase productivity, what is needed for this? Let's talk about this now.

Firstly, getting ready for work is equally difficult for both office workers and remote workers. And both have their own nuances. Thus, for an office employee, the main “anti-motivation” is the discomfort of traveling to work on public transport early in the morning; management control over your actions; various noises in the office; distracting conversations from colleagues who are just asking you to go have coffee.

For remote employees, it is very difficult to get into the working mood due to the fact that there is no clear concept of working hours, there is no need to get up at six in the morning every day and run to the office, a relaxing home environment, the opportunity to go somewhere at any time, go away for time.

Let's look at 10 simple techniques, after which you will be motivated to work and you can easily tune in to it:

1.Limit distractions.

Reading an endless news feed on VKontakte or Facebook, frequent trips to the smoking room with colleagues is not the path to productive work. There are a number of distractions present in the office. To get away from the noise, listen to music on headphones, leave communication and drinking tea with colleagues for lunch time. But if you are a freelancer and work from home, everything is much more complicated. At home there are always many temptations in the form of complete freedom of action, a soft sofa, a relaxing environment, and the TV on. In such cases, concentration on work is reduced to zero. Alternatively, look for coworking spaces in your city - a special place for co-working that is gaining popularity these days, which ideally creates a working atmosphere and is well suited for business meetings.

2. StartGoogle calendar.

It is in this convenient application that you can distribute your working day as productively as possible. Notifications about a specific task or action will always keep you on your toes and focused on completing a specific job.

3.Write a plan for the current month.

Be sure to set goals for yourself, both short and long term. This is very important so that you understand what you are going for, how much time and resources it will take. It is the plan, especially written down in a notebook, that will give you an understanding of exactly what things you need to concentrate on first.

4.Place special attention on sleep.

When starting work after a long vacation, or even after a regular weekend, always try to get enough sleep. There can be no talk of any productive work if your body is tired. No matter how voluminous and complex the work is, there is no need to work too hard, unless, of course, there is force majeure. Adequate sleep will support both the concentration of your attention on important things, and will make you as active and energetic as possible and will help you

5 .Motivation to work.

You always need to motivate yourself, know the result you will come to after a long time of work. Alternatively, hang a collage of photos on the wall at home or in the office that depict what you want: the sea, a new bike, new shoes, an apartment, a country house, a trip around the world. Visualization helps in achieving your plans. Knowing what you will get with some effort, you will definitely work much more productively and with more enthusiasm.

No matter how difficult the path to achieving a goal, or just a regular working day, may seem, do not set yourself up for the bad in the morning. Get ready to be productive throughout the day. Negative emotions poison our life and deprive it of all the colors. We must find something pleasant in everything. But scientists have long proven that people who smile more live much longer!

7.Talk to successful people.

Surround yourself with people who have achieved success or who are close to you in spirit and can give sensible advice or recommendations. The more such people around you, you will automatically want to at least make more efforts, despite the upcoming difficulties. In addition, always read the blogs of opinion leaders and celebrities who have successfully realized themselves in various fields. For example, Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, having founded the company in 1995, only brought the company to profit by 2010, because his credo was this: “There are two types of companies: some work to take more money from the client, others work to take less. We will belong to the second type." He initially chose a difficult path, but it was this goal that brought the company to global recognition and popularity.

8. Encourage yourself.

Every time you achieve what you want or receive a long-awaited bonus for your work, always treat yourself. Buy yourself what you wanted, what your soul required, go to a new place, on an excursion. Thus, you will program yourself so that next time, with even more effort, you will be able to afford much more. Such incentives are a great motivation to work.

9.Listen to positive or just your favorite music.

Agree, even sometimes, just by chance hearing your favorite track on the radio or just somewhere on the street, your mood immediately rises, and you just want to do something, with great zeal and optimism. Music is a very important component of our life. This is a great charge of positivity and setting you up for

10.Order on the desktop.

It would seem, what’s wrong with this point? But it is the pile of papers randomly placed on the table, under which there is an important letter that you cannot see, that prevents you from working productively. Try to keep your workspace in the office, or at home if you work remotely, clean and tidy. This way you can concentrate on the main things, nothing will disturb you or distract you from the work process.


As you can see, you can tune in to productive work, despite upcoming difficulties or other life circumstances. Motivation to work is everything that leads you to your goal, makes you move and make maximum efforts. By performing all 10 of the above techniques, you can easily start something new, complete what you have already started, or simply continue to work hard towards a specific result.

By ridding yourself of distractions, managing your time management and planning for the month, you will not only concentrate on work, but will also be able to do much more, your work will be as effective as possible. And of course, the main thing is the end result; it should serve as a beacon for you, the light of which forces you to move towards it as actively and efficiently as possible, bringing the time of the meeting closer every day.

Daily work activity, household chores and problems with loved ones leave an imprint on a person’s psycho-emotional state. And as a result, it becomes difficult for him to get ready for work. Lack of motivation is dangerous because it can be noticed by your superiors. Such a problem can give the employer a bad impression of the subordinate, which will affect his career advancement, as well as the availability of bonuses.

Household and work routines affect the ability to concentrate

The importance of attitude

A person constantly needs motivation. From an early age, parents force their children to wash dishes, clean, go to the store and look after younger brothers or sisters. In return, the child receives pocket money, desired toys, clothes, etc. From an early age, the child is instilled with the principles of remuneration.

You cannot survive without motivation in adult life. People need money as a means of subsistence. But in order to receive them, you must conscientiously perform the tasks that the employer sets for your subordinate. Another problem is that even regular monetary rewards cannot constantly motivate a person. Sometimes laziness manifests itself, which forces you to “give up”, despite the need to urgently resolve important work tasks, the number of bonuses, etc.

Colleagues or superiors may notice a lack of interest in work. Such an employee will no longer be valuable. If completing tasks causes difficulties, the employer can reprimand the person, fine or fire him. Therefore, it is important to learn how to motivate yourself to work.

Money is not always sufficient motivation to work

Ways to motivate

The ability to prepare yourself for work is no less important quality than punctuality, attentiveness or professional skills. The quality and duration of task completion depends on motivation. In addition, this also affects the employer’s overall perception of the employee.

Psychologists are confident that the mood at work depends on many factors. You won't have to motivate yourself in the cases listed below.

  1. The work is interesting to the person. If work gives the employee pleasure, there is no need to force him to work.
  2. The employee is in a good mood. Positive emotions indicate psychological comfort with which starting work will not be difficult.
  3. No distractions. Other employees and their own problems may prevent a person from starting work. It is important to focus only on work organization.
  4. A person has a goal. Anything will do: from little things that he would like to buy for himself, to a promotion.

Thoughts about the consequences of one’s own laziness are often motivating. The first step towards success is realizing that we are wasting time every day.

As a result, people do not reach their potential and are not valued by their superiors.

The consequences may vary. It is important to understand that avoidance of duties can be noticed, and the person himself can be punished. Your own laziness can lead to the loss of your job and your way of earning money. Therefore, it is important to take timely measures to avoid such consequences. It is important to determine a goal for yourself and move towards its implementation, without being distracted by extraneous conversations or personal desires.

After vacation

Most often, the problem with the right mood for work occurs after a long weekend or vacation. People quickly get used to a lot of free time and its “fruits”. Tasty and not always healthy food, alcohol, outdoor recreation, etc. “knocks” a person out of the working rhythm. And getting back to doing work is hard.

Psychologists advise not to strive to be the most productive after a vacation. The main thing is to determine for yourself guidelines for further work. You should start completing tasks slowly, without being distracted by anything. It is better to start with easy tasks, gradually moving on to difficult ones. Other features are also important. They are listed below.

  1. You should only focus on work. It is important not to be distracted by memories of your vacation. You should clean up your desk, turn off your mobile phone and concentrate only on business.
  2. It will be easier to get ready for the work day if a person gets into the flow of things. Changes could occur at the enterprise during the employee’s absence. You should study the situation thoroughly before starting work.
  3. Discussing tasks with colleagues or supervisor. This will help a person draw up a specific plan of action or understand how to perform certain tasks correctly.

By concentrating on the organization of work and finding out all the features of the existing work, it will be easier to obtain the necessary motivation. Without allowing laziness to manifest itself, the employee will be able to quickly get to grips with tasks and regain an effective work pace.

How to get into a work rhythm after a long weekend

In the morning

The most difficult time to get ready for work is in the morning, especially if work was preceded by poor sleep. Going to work without sleep is the hardest thing. It is difficult to get out of bed, get ready, travel on public transport and solve some work problems. Therefore, it is important to learn how to motivate yourself in any condition and at any time. It will be easier to get started in the morning if you fulfill the conditions below.

  1. The employee will make a plan for the day. It is important to think about things, analyze their features and arrange them into a specific list. Such actions will help you tune in to completing tasks and manage your time correctly.
  2. Find a way to motivate yourself. This method has its own characteristics for each person. Some people like to listen to music in the morning, others like to watch positive videos.
  3. Set yourself more tasks. This is a “challenge” that a person can throw at himself. Such actions stimulate the employee to complete tasks as quickly as possible.
  4. Drink tea or coffee. You can wake up faster with invigorating hot drinks. You can take a few minutes to do this before doing things.

Physical activity will also help you get a charge of positive emotions and acquire the necessary mood for the working day.

You can do exercises immediately after waking up, or go to work on foot.

Such methods will help a person wake up and quickly activate his mental activity before he gets down to business.

A cup of coffee helps you get into a working rhythm

At a new job

Often problems with motivation arise in a new place of work. Ignorance of the peculiarities of work organization, relationships in a team, etc. can cause confusion for a new employee of an enterprise, which colleagues may perceive as laziness. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that employees have a good impression of the person. This can be done using certain tricks.

  1. When you come to a new job, you need to show your best side: a neat appearance and interest in work should be visible to others. It is important that the new employee is not afraid of meeting people and feels comfortable.
  2. A new employee should not be afraid to ask more experienced colleagues about work. It's best to be discreet about asking questions to employees and patiently waiting for answers. It is better to avoid outside conversations.
  3. You need to get down to business, starting with simple tasks from your superiors. It is best to do them yourself, and after completing them, ask for criticism from your colleagues. This way you can learn to work according to the norms and rules that are established in the team or at the enterprise.

In search of a better job, people often forget that they themselves may not be suitable for it. It is important to prove your self-confidence, not to show off your professional skills. The qualifications of a specialist should be judged by his work.

Exercises for motivation

Psychologists are confident that it becomes difficult for a worker to constantly maintain motivation due to his own problems or the complexity of his work. You can apply special exercises to practice time management.

  1. Swiss cheese. This exercise is suitable for people who have to work on huge complex projects. Psychologists advise imagining the entire work process as a large piece of cheese. It is important to approach the task from different angles, constantly changing priorities and goals. Gradually, like a piece of cheese, there will be less and less work.
  2. Eat an elephant. This method involves the ability to break down work into specific items and complete them in order. By solving micro-tasks, a person crosses them off his to-do list and gradually solves the big problem.
  3. Eat a frog. All the hardest things are done in the morning. This method allows you to get rid of the unpleasant expectation of unloved work. It is better to do it in the first hours of work than to postpone it until the end of the working day.

Such exercises relate to time management techniques. They allow you to properly systematize and organize the work process, which helps motivate yourself to work.

A person copes better with tasks if he knows how to complete them, where to start and how to properly distribute his working time.


The right attitude to work is important both for the person himself and for the company where he works. Effective motivation will help an employee not only concentrate on completing tasks, but also set an example for colleagues.

The main thing is to learn to concentrate only on work activities, without forgetting about your own goals and benefits. In addition, the right motivation will not go unnoticed by management.

– these are general concepts that describe this problem. In this article we will talk specifically about the reluctance to work. It is noteworthy that a person can do many useful things during this period, but it is work that will be difficult for him. What to do in such cases? How to get ready for work? Let's talk about this in more detail.

First What you should do is stop scolding or forcing yourself. In both cases, this will only lead to more negative consequences. You may be able to forget for a short period of time, but in the long term you will feel empty and completely dislike the activity.

Second, calm down and clear your mind. Meditation is ideal for this. I talked about this in previous articles. If you are at your workplace and cannot perform the technique, then simply inhale and exhale deeply 10 times. This is necessary to get rid of emotions. And this applies to both negative and positive ones.

Third, try to determine what your dislike is related to. Perhaps your boss doesn't value your input at all, or your coworker is annoying. Or maybe you are not happy with the atmosphere or your computer is constantly slowing down. In general, assess as objectively as possible why your brain reacts hostilely to the work process.

You had a great rest for a couple of days, ate a lot of delicious food, slept and drank alcohol. After such a rest it is very difficult to force yourself to work again. However, clients don’t wait, reports don’t write themselves, and the boss demands that everything be ready in a couple of hours. Can't you raise your hands at all? No problem! Try it "cheese" method.

In principle, this recommendation is also suitable for those who want to know how to get ready for work after the weekend, since holidays (except New Year's) rarely exceed a couple of days. The essence of the technique is that you define all the steps in a specific task. For example, you need to write an article (I’ll look at what I’m doing now as an example). To achieve this goal it is necessary:

  • come up with a title;
  • collect as much information as possible;
  • make a plan;
  • fill out each item of the plan;
  • subtract;
  • edit;
  • select additional material (pictures, videos, etc.).

Let's say I celebrated the New Year holidays and don't want to write at all. What do I do in this case? I open the list with all the steps necessary for it and look through them carefully, listening to my own feelings. For example, “fill in every item on the plan” looks extremely unattractive and repulsive. But “pick up additional material” suits me quite well.

I start doing everything not in order, but in a way that is psychologically easier for me. What happens next? Our brain tunes in to work and understands that it will no longer be able to deviate from its intended goals and begins to adapt. Once you have done everything that is easy for you, move on to more complex tasks. This build-up will allow you to quickly get ready for work without wasting time.

What if the weekend was more than a few days? In this case, a deeper swing will be needed. It is best to start it 1-2 days before going to work. Then, when you arrive at the office (or wherever you work), it will be much easier for you to get down to business right away. I recommend using a 3-step model:

  1. Get up to speed. Many events could have happened during your absence from the company. Moreover, those that are directly related to work and those that are social or psychological in nature. You need to stand strong in the team, so find out the latest news and prepare for the possible difficulties that come with it.
  2. Discuss upcoming tasks. If you are an employee, do this with your manager, if you are a manager, do this with your subordinates. Discuss where to go next. You probably have a specific plan, but a short re-discussion will allow you to choose the right course of action. Moreover, the very conversations about upcoming tasks allow you to tune in. Highlight specific actions that need to be performed, and also determine your area of ​​responsibilities in them.
  3. Reduce the pace to a minimum. This is especially true when considering how to get ready for work after maternity leave. Just start doing your tasks calmly, measuredly and very slowly. Even if it takes you 1-2 days, but you will be able to overcome internal resistance, get to the heart of the matter, avoid many mistakes and avoid stress. Then gradually return to your usual pace to the delight of your superiors.

But these were questions related to how to get ready for work after a long break, but what about everyday tasks? After all, it happens that it is impossible to force yourself to act even if you are waist-deep in urgent matters. Let's look at this issue. But first, I recommend subscribing to blog updates so as not to miss interesting and useful articles.

Oh, it’s a painful feeling when you open your eyes at six o’clock in the morning to get out of bed and go to work, and your brain is trying its best to dissuade you from this activity. This happens to all people, no matter how much they love their work. However, only those people succeed who silence this voice and continue to move forward.

Here I have highlighted a number of techniques that I use myself and which bring results. Try it, maybe some of this will help you:

  • Plan. Make a plan for the day. Of course, it is better to do this in advance in the evening, but some authors consider the morning option to be acceptable. Think about what you have to accomplish during the day. Try to roughly map the tasks to when they need to be completed and how long they will take. Such planning is useful because it saves time and allows you to set up in advance. Besides this, you can do much more with it;
  • Motivational videos. Personally, I watch 1-2 motivational videos in English in the morning. This way I kill two birds with one stone: I train my language skills and raise my morale. You can do this with headphones or, conversely, turn up the volume to full. Today you can find many similar videos on YouTube. Remember those that motivated you the most and review them periodically;
  • Challenge yourself. Let's say you need to release 10 materials per day. Bet with yourself that you can release 20. It may seem unrealistic to you, but such a bet creates an internal feeling of struggle and competition. Even if you fail to achieve your goal, you will still be able to take the first step and get to work, and this is the most important thing.
  • Drink coffee or strong tea. Sometimes the reluctance to work in the morning has a normal physiological basis. Coffee or strong tea will allow you to wake up and get a little boost of strength. By the way, the authors of articles about how to get yourself in the mood for work very often recommend drinking energy drinks. I am not a supporter of these drinks, although there is probably an effect. In combination with the previous options, this will bring an extremely positive effect. Just don't abuse it.
  • Charging and water. Physical activity in the morning is a great incentive to work, and in general is extremely beneficial for health. Washing with cold water or a contrast shower also helps to perk up well in the morning. Of course, it is necessary to follow certain predisposition measures and rules so as not to harm yourself. I will cover these issues in more detail in future articles, so subscribe to updates so you don’t miss out.

Next, let's look at a situation where you need to start a completely new job. You don’t really know the bosses and you certainly don’t know what kind of people will work in the team. In this case, a couple of psychological tricks will help you.

Firstly, you must present yourself as confident as possible. Even if this is not the case, still imagine the features of a person who is a highly qualified specialist, and generally handsome in life. This technique works in 80% of cases. You can even use visualization. In the evening, before going to bed, imagine how you enter the office and how everyone wants to meet you.

Secondly, To understand how to get into the right mindset for work, try talking more with other people. This could be your boss or colleagues. But here you need to adhere to the rule: talk less - listen more (generally a good rule of life). Ask questions and carefully absorb the information you hear. This will allow:

  • feel like you belong;
  • the team will begin to get used to you;
  • since you talk little about yourself, you will not have a sense of openness and, accordingly, psychological protection;
  • you can find out useful information about work;
  • in general, you will become more clear about what and how to do, and this is always a plus for your psychological mood.

Thirdly, ask for criticism. Complete a few tasks using half the time, and then ask a more experienced employee to give you recommendations. This will also allow you to become more immersed in the team, put you in a favorable light, and create additional comfort. However, don't be too provocative. It is advisable that a more experienced colleague give recommendations in private, and not in front of everyone.

How to prepare yourself for painstaking and difficult work

In the last part of the post I would like to talk about how to tune in to complex tasks. Often they are the ones that have the strongest demotivating effect. As soon as our brain realizes how much it still has to do and how difficult it is, it turns on the laziness mechanism. We are designed in such a way as to use resources as economically as possible, and since mental activity takes up a lot of energy, reluctance appears.

How to get rid of this? Very simple, close your eyes for a minute. First, imagine what will happen if you do this work. What relief you will experience, what joy and what burden of responsibility you will be able to throw off. Even better if it is associated with some kind of reward. Next, imagine what will happen if you fail to complete the task. What are the negative factors: increased apathy, decreased self-confidence, possibly punishment, and so on. Finally, imagine yourself working hard to achieve your goals. As a rule, this is enough.

If the task is really complex, then to configure it you will have to remove all irritants. Clean your workspace, put your phone on silent if possible, and put on headphones. Distractions can cause irritation that makes you not want to work.

You can also use a simple technique. Set the timer for 1 minute. Watch carefully as it approaches the zero mark. During this time, you can think about anything, but as soon as the timer gives a signal, put everything aside and immediately get to work. At least for 5 minutes. After this, you will notice how much easier it is for you to continue making efforts. You will no longer have to wonder how to set yourself up for work.

I hope the recommendations I gave in this article helped you. If you have any of your own techniques and techniques, be sure to write them in the comments. There you can ask your questions. If you didn’t know, I have new posts on my blog every week. However, they are easy to miss if you don't subscribe to updates. Think about the future - subscribe now. Who knows, maybe this knowledge can really help you. Bye!

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It happens that you need to complete an urgent, significant task, but instead you do something completely unrelated to it. We watch collections of videos about funny pandas, read news about the personal lives of stars whom we had never heard of before, drink liters of coffee... We will tell you in the article below how to pull yourself together when you have little time and get the right mood for work.

Eliminate distractions

When the deadline is looming, you need to completely immerse yourself in the task. But how do you get ready to work when the world around you seems to have conspired to prevent this from happening? It is important to get rid of external distractions. For example, you can:

  • Turn off, if not your phone (especially if it might receive an important call), then at least notifications from various applications. A constantly buzzing smartphone makes it difficult to concentrate. It’s a shame if a smart idea is lost just because cabbage is ripe on a virtual farm.
  • Ask your colleagues (or relatives, if the person works from home) not to disturb you for the required amount of time. Because urgent questions arise among others precisely when there is absolutely no time for them. And all these: “I’m just for a second,” merge into an endless stream of conversations about unimportant things.
  • Perhaps the distraction is thoughts about unfinished business or an upcoming important conversation. Then it makes sense to briefly switch to the object of experience, solve the problem, and then calmly return to work. For example, in the morning the boss needs an urgent report. And it’s impossible to finish it while sitting at home because of the mountain of unwashed dishes (they’ll understand), or worries about how to admit to my wife that I bought a new one with the last of the family money. In such cases, it is better to spend 10 minutes / moral teaching, breathe out - and get back to business.

Do only the important things

One of the key principles of effective time management is to be able to categorize all tasks according to urgency and importance.

The secret is simple: to be truly productive, you need to do only urgent and medium-term important things. And exclude unimportant ones - both urgent and not urgent.

Do this, at least for periods of working on significant projects under time pressure.

Get organized

Atmosphere affects work efficiency more than we may realize. To create the necessary conditions, you should:

  • Clear the table. Especially if the keyboard has long been lost under a pile of papers and chocolate wrappers. Chaos on the table creates chaos in your thoughts.
  • At least superficially clean the room. Of course, it’s not time to vacuum when the boss is breathing down his neck, waiting for the promised deal. But removing the pile of plastic coffee cups and a flower that dried up three years ago under the table is quite appropriate.
  • Ventilate the room - fresh air promotes productive thinking.

Make a plan

If a person clearly plans things for the day, week, year, life, it is easier to focus on each of the planned tasks than on an unformulated stream of scraps of thoughts and vague desires.

You need to realistically estimate the time required to complete a particular task, and leave some resource for unforeseen circumstances.

And, of course, deadlines are necessary - if the customer or boss did not set them, you need to do it yourself.

Keep your target in focus

It is much easier to concentrate if you have the right motivation for work.

You need to constantly think about the goal - when you know exactly what you are making efforts for, it is easier to achieve.

The only difference is the distances: it can be either a short or a long marathon.

Motivation to work can be different:

  • An attractive monetary reward - and everything that it will improve in the life of the person himself and his loved ones. Thinking that having delivered your order quickly and efficiently, you will be able to buy yourself new speakers (a fur coat for your wife, skates for your son, a family trip to the sea), it is easier to keep yourself in good shape.
  • The social benefit of the work performed is if our efforts help society or individuals.
  • Prospects – when, if successful, career growth, salary increases, and an interesting trip are promised.

Think about the consequences if you don't comply.

Sometimes the best motivation to work is to imagine what will happen if the task is not completed on time. If it’s a dismissal, a fine, a reprimand – in most cases, the thought of them helps clear your mind and speed up the work process.

Assess the real scale of idleness

Sometimes, when we think about how to get ready for work, we don’t even realize how much time we spend on trifles. It seems that only a few minutes are spent on social networks, favorite websites, and calls for no reason. But during the day they can add up to hours, and you have to pull up your tails at nights and weekends, complaining about unscrupulous management who do not know how to adequately distribute the workload.

If you conduct an objective timekeeping of everything that is done during the day, and it turns out that the lion's share is spent on extraneous things, you need to reconsider your attitude towards your own effectiveness. And most likely, introduce a temporary ban on the use of time absorbers until you learn how to use them in doses.

Use time management techniques

Among time management practices for those who just can’t get themselves into the mood for work, there are very effective and simple tools:

  • "Swiss cheese"

A large-scale task, which you don’t even know how to approach, is presented in the form of a large piece of cheese, and things are done a little bit, from different sides, in random order, changing priorities, alternating pleasant and not so pleasant processes. It’s as if a mouse eats small holes in a favorite treat, and it gradually becomes smaller, and then is completely eaten. Thus, the scope of work becomes smaller and smaller until the goal is achieved.

  • "Eat an elephant."

When a large project is broken down into small tasks that are completed sequentially. Small steps make up a long journey - items are crossed off the to-do list, the project is completed.

  • "Eat a frog."

When the most unpleasant tasks (say, calling a not very accommodating client) are completed in the very morning - and the rest of the day does not burden the person with unpleasant anticipation.

Learn to delegate

Perhaps it is impossible to concentrate on work because there are too many tasks, and small problems do not provide the opportunity to properly think through large, strategically important ones. If this is objectively true, the reason for this may be not only the boss’s inability to assess the degree of workload, but also the person’s inability to share responsibility and the desire to do everything himself. This approach is especially wrong when it comes to a leadership position.

It should be remembered that the manager must manage - distribute tasks, control, motivate, give feedback, and analyze the team’s performance. Instead of correcting every letter in documents and ordering stationery.

You need to be able to share responsibility with subordinates - but do it competently. The algorithm is as follows:

  • Teach, show by example.
  • Do it together.
  • Allow you to do it yourself and control the execution.
  • If all is well, give freedom of action.

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