It is not proud beauty that seduces living youths. Topics of adjacent essays


By the nature of his talent, M.Yu. Lermontov, like A.S. Pushkin, was primarily a lyric poet. Lyric poems occupy central place in his literary heritage. It was in the lyrics that Lermontov’s ideological and artistic quests, the facts of his personal biography and the “biography” of his contemporaries were most fully reflected.
The main feature of Lermontov's lyrics is its protesting, rebellious and at the same time tragic character. The source of tragic rebellion is conflict free person in an unfree world. Lermontov could not find support for ideals either in his generation, or in society, or even in love. Therefore, in Lermontov’s poems the theme of failed love invariably sounds.
Love, according to Lermontov, is a feeling that is born along with a person and in intensity is incomparable with any other. The poem “1831, June 11th” contains remarkable lines:
I can't define love
But this is the strongest passion! - to love
Necessity for me; and I loved
With all the tension mental strength.
With such strength and intensity of feelings, the poet’s love could not help but bring him suffering, could not help but be unrequited, because it was almost impossible to match the impulses of his soul. Lermontov tragically lacked reciprocity. He couldn't find soul mate.
In one of early poems“She is not proud of her beauty...” the poet created perfect image beloved. The work can be conditionally divided into two semantic parts. The first lists those qualities of appearance that the woman you love does not have:
She is not proud of her beauty
Seduces the living youths,
She doesn't lead
A crowd of silent admirers.
And her camp is not the camp of a goddess,
And my chest doesn’t rise in waves...
The intensification of denial in the description of the heroine’s appearance immediately makes one recall the lines from Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin” dedicated to Tatyana Larina. Lermontov uses the same technique of contrast: dim appearance - inner beauty. It is important for the poet to show that the beloved is a real, earthly woman. She does not evoke pseudo-romantic stormy delight, does not become an idol:
And in it no one has his shrine,
Crouching to the ground, he does not recognize;
In this regard, the epithet with which the poem begins is also interesting. The heroine “seduces” with “not proud beauty.” “Proud beauty” means “inaccessible.” The poet's beloved is contrasted with those arrogant, cold beauties who allow themselves to be loved, but are themselves incapable of deep reciprocal feelings.
The second part of the poem talks about the true virtues of a woman. Opposing alliances and repeats demonstrative pronouns emphasize those qualities, the combination of which gives a woman a unique charm:
However, all her movements
Smiles, speeches and features
So full of life, inspiration,
So full of wonderful simplicity.
But the voice penetrates the soul,
Like remembering better days,
And the heart loves and suffers,
Almost ashamed of my love.
The antithesis of “proud beauty” - “wonderful simplicity” - expresses the main idea of ​​the poem: only a natural creature, not affected by vanity, can evoke a sincere and pure love. But this feeling in the “cold” world of calculation, falsehood and hypocrisy has to be hidden from envious people and ill-wishers.
In a series of poems addressed to Natalia Ivanova, Lermontov continues to develop the motif of love, combined with a protest against the surrounding vulgarity. In the soul of his beloved, the poet seeks readiness to resist the despicable “crowd.” Having lost faith in his beloved’s ability to withstand moral tests, Lermontov breaks off the painful romance for him. He writes the poem “I will not humiliate myself before you...”, in which he decisively announces the breakup:
I will not humble myself before you;
Neither your greeting nor your reproach
They have no power over my soul.
Know: we are strangers from now on.
The poem is filled with reproaches:
Why weren't you there at first?
What did you finally become?
The “angel” turned into a “demon”, the poet became disillusioned with the one who so “tenderly promised” to become an inspiration for him, an eternal muse. In the poem, the poet does not recreate the portrait of his beloved. He only exclaims bitterly:
And so I sacrificed years
Your smile and eyes...
Comes to the fore moral problem deceit, betrayal. The beloved is capable of breaking vows and causing harm. Bitter rhetorical question ends the poem. In these lines the final, “terrible” touch appears in the moral image of the once beloved woman:
Or is it possible to respect women?
When did an angel cheat on me?..
In almost all subsequent poems, Lermontov continues to create the image of a beloved who deceived hopes, rejected “forever” a feeling, caused “the bitterness of tears,” and gave “the poison of a kiss.” The poet exposes the wounds of his heart inflicted by “magic eyes.” The most outstanding example of Russian love poetry was the poem “The Beggar.” In it, the beloved combines heartlessness with cruelty. Her image received a poetically succinct embodiment:
So I prayed for your love
With bitter tears, with longing;
So my best feelings
Deceived by you forever!
So, melancholy, a feeling of loneliness - this is what Lermontov experiences about love in his poems lyrical hero. His beloved seriously wounds his sensitive heart. The poet seeks, but does not find earthly, human happiness, and in one of his works he made a bitter generalization: “Love does not color my life...”

Analysis of Lermontov’s poem “She is not proud of her beauty”

In the life of Mikhail Lermontov there were several women for whom he had very tender and reverent feelings. One of them was Varvara Lopukhina, whom the poet had known since childhood. At the age of 15, he was faced with a very serious choice, as he fell in love with two young ladies at once - Lopukhina and Sushkova. However, he gave preference to the latter, although he understood that achieving its reciprocity would not be easy at all.

It is noteworthy that by that time the poet was barely 18 years old, and according to all the laws of nature, he should have been carried away by beauties and coquettes. However, against the background of Varvara Lopukhina, they all lost their attractiveness, because his chosen one “captivates living young men not with her proud beauty.”

Recreating the image of his beloved from memory, Lermontov notes that she cannot boast of either the figure of a goddess or a luxurious bust. Fans do not follow her in droves and do not confess their love to her, hoping to receive at least a fleeting glance as a reward. Nevertheless, this woman amazes the imagination of those around her, since her “smiles, speeches and features are so full of wonderful simplicity.”

The absence of coquetry and affectation, which so irritated Lermontov, turns Varvara Lopukhina in the eyes of the poet almost into a deity. And the author manages to keep this feeling in his soul for the rest of his life, although he understands that he will never be able to be close to the one who is so dear to him. Therefore, Lermontov writes that “the heart loves and suffers, almost ashamed of its love,” putting an end to relationships with a woman who could make him truly happy.

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You are currently reading an essay Analysis of Lermontov’s poem “She is not proud of her beauty”

Analysis of the poem She is not proud of her beauty. Lermontov

  1. In one of the early poems, It was not with her proud beauty that the poet created the ideal image of his beloved. The work can be conditionally divided into two semantic parts. The first lists those qualities of appearance that the woman you love does not have:
    She is not proud of her beauty
    Seduces the living youths,
    She doesn't lead
    A crowd of silent admirers.
    And her camp is not that of a goddess,
    And the chest does not rise in waves
    The intensification of negations in the description of the heroine’s appearance immediately makes one recall the lines from Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin dedicated to Tatyana Larina. Lermontov uses the same technique of contrast: dull appearance, inner beauty. It is important for the poet to show that the beloved is a real, earthly woman. She does not cause pseudo-romantic stormy delight, does not become an idol:
    And in it no one has his shrine,
    Crouching to the ground, he does not recognize;
    In this regard, the epithet with which the poem begins is also interesting. The heroine does not seduce with her proud beauty. Proud beauty means inaccessible. The poet's beloved is contrasted with those arrogant, cold beauties who allow themselves to be loved, but are themselves incapable of deep reciprocal feelings.
    The second part of the poem talks about the true virtues of a woman. Adversative conjunctions and repetitions of demonstrative pronouns emphasize those qualities, the combination of which gives a woman a unique charm:
    However, all her movements
    Smiles, speeches and features
    So full of life, inspiration,
    So full of wonderful simplicity.
    But the voice penetrates the soul,
    Like remembering better days,
    And the heart loves and suffers,
    Almost ashamed of my love.
    The antithesis of proud beauty - wonderful simplicity - expresses the main idea of ​​the poem: only a natural creature, not affected by vanity, can evoke sincere and pure love.

P.S. Just redo this analysis a little in your own words, don’t rewrite everything into one thing, add something of your own.

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She is not proud of her beauty
Seduces the living youths,
She doesn't lead
A crowd of silent admirers.
And her camp is not that of a goddess,
And the chest does not rise in waves,
And in it no one has his shrine,
Having crouched to the ground, he does not recognize.
However, all her movements
Smiles, speeches and features
So full of life, inspiration,
So full of wonderful simplicity.
But the voice penetrates the soul,
Like remembering better days,
And the heart loves and suffers,
Almost ashamed of my love.

Comments: 18

Heartfelt. Heartfelt. Impressive. Bravo!

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"However, all her movements
Smiles, speeches and features
So full of life, inspiration,
So full of wonderful simplicity.."
I really liked these lines



Analysis of the poem by Mikhail Lermontov “She is not proud of her beauty. »

In the life of Mikhail Lermontov there were several women for whom he had very tender and reverent feelings. One of them was Varvara Lopukhina, whom the poet had known since childhood. At the age of 15, he was faced with a very serious choice, as he fell in love with two young ladies at once - Lopukhina and Sushkova. However, he gave preference to the latter, although he understood that achieving its reciprocity would not be easy at all.

Very soon Varvara Lopukhina got married, and this news kindled in the poet’s heart not only jealousy, but also love. It’s surprising that a childhood friend felt no less for her longtime admirer. strong feelings and was ready to dissolve the marriage for the opportunity to share all the sorrows and sorrows with Lermontov living together. However, the poet did not accept such a sacrifice and insisted on breaking off relations. Nevertheless, the young people maintained an extensive correspondence, and Varvara Lopukhina was the very first reader of all the poet’s works until his tragic death.

True, she was able to see one poem only after the poet’s death. Lermontov kept it in a separate notebook and did not consider it necessary to publish it, for fear of compromising his chosen one. The work “She is not proud of her beauty,” written in 1832, became public knowledge 15 years later. And no one doubted who exactly it was addressed to.

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She is not proud of her beauty.

She is not proud of her beauty

Seduces the living youths,

She doesn't lead

A crowd of silent admirers.

And her camp is not that of a goddess,

And the chest does not rise in waves,

And in it no one has his shrine,

Crouching to the ground, he does not recognize;

“She is not proud of her beauty” M. Lermontov

“She is not proud of her beauty” Mikhail Lermontov

She is not proud of her beauty
Seduces the living youths,
She doesn't lead
A crowd of silent admirers.
And her camp is not that of a goddess,
And the chest does not rise in waves,
And in it no one has his shrine,

Crouching to the ground, he does not recognize;
However, all her movements
Smiles, speeches and features
So full of life, inspiration,
So full of wonderful simplicity.
But the voice penetrates the soul
Like remembering better days,
And the heart loves and suffers,
Almost ashamed of my love.

Analysis of Lermontov’s poem “She is not proud of her beauty”

In the life of Mikhail Lermontov there were several women for whom he had very tender and reverent feelings. One of them was Varvara Lopukhina, whom the poet had known since childhood. At the age of 15, he was faced with a very serious choice, as he fell in love with two young ladies at once - Lopukhina and Sushkova. However, he gave preference to the latter, although he understood that achieving its reciprocity would not be easy at all.

Very soon Varvara Lopukhina got married, and this news kindled in the poet’s heart not only jealousy, but also love. The surprising thing is that her childhood friend had no less strong feelings for her longtime admirer and was ready to break up the marriage for the opportunity to share with Lermontov all the sorrows and sorrows of their life together. However, the poet did not accept such a sacrifice and insisted on breaking off relations. Nevertheless, the young people maintained an extensive correspondence, and Varvara Lopukhina was the very first reader of all the poet’s works until his tragic death.

True, she was able to see one poem only after the poet’s death. Lermontov kept it in a separate notebook and did not consider it necessary to publish it, for fear of compromising his chosen one. The work “She is not proud of her beauty,” written in 1832, became public knowledge 15 years later. And no one doubted who exactly it was addressed to.

It is noteworthy that by that time the poet was barely 18 years old, and according to all the laws of nature, he should have been carried away by beauties and coquettes. However, against the background of Varvara Lopukhina, they all lost their attractiveness, because his chosen one “captivates living young men not with her proud beauty.” Recreating the image of his beloved from memory, Lermontov notes that she cannot boast of either the figure of a goddess or a luxurious bust. Fans do not follow her in droves and do not confess their love to her, hoping to receive at least a fleeting glance as a reward. Nevertheless, this woman amazes the imagination of those around her, since her “smiles, speeches and features are so full of life, inspiration, so full of wonderful simplicity.” The absence of coquetry and affectation, which so irritated Lermontov, turns Varvara Lopukhina in the eyes of the poet almost into a deity. And the author manages to keep this feeling in his soul for the rest of his life, although he understands that he will never be able to be close to the one who is so dear to him. Therefore, Lermontov writes that “the heart loves and suffers, almost ashamed of its love,” putting an end to relationships with a woman who could make him truly happy.

Listen to Lermontov's poem She is not a proud beauty

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Picture for the essay analysis of the poem She is not proud of her beauty

The poem “She is not proud of her beauty” was written by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov in 1832. It belongs to love lyrics poet. The work is dedicated to Varvara Lopukhina, to whom for a long time Lermontov felt very tender feelings.

The poem can be divided into two semantic parts. In the first, the poet says that the woman about whom we're talking about, has a calm, not bright appearance. Lermontov lists the qualities that, in his opinion, are absent in lyrical heroine. She does not have a crowd of fans and admirers. The camp is not the camp of the goddess, and no one recognizes her as “their shrine” and does not swear love. The second part of the poem is contrasted with the first. A woman’s external beauty fades into the background and becomes insignificant compared to the beauty of her soul. The heroine’s smiles, gestures, openness and simplicity make her so beautiful that they evoke the author’s admiration.

In the first line of the poem you can find the epithet “proud beauty.” Most likely, here the word “proud” is synonymous with the word “cold”. Charming in appearance, but arrogant beauties did not captivate the heart of the young poet. However, the heroine is endowed with beauty not external, but rather internal. And this beauty is so strong that it “seduces young men of the living,” that is, young people for whom it is not a beautiful external appearance that is important, but feminine kindness and “wonderful simplicity.”

The end of the work is very unusual. The author’s heart not only “loves and suffers,” but is also ashamed of love. What makes Lermontov ashamed of his feelings? At the time of writing the work, Varvara Lopukhina was married, but she always maintained close friendly relations with the poet. The woman was the first reader of Lermontov's works, many of which were dedicated to her. However, the young poet did not show the poem “She is not a proud beauty” to anyone during his lifetime, for fear of compromising the woman he loved in the public eye. The work was first published after the death of its creator. The end of the poem is the realization of the impossibility of being close to the one who is so dear to the poet.

Thus, main idea The work is expressed in the antithesis “proud beauty” - “wonderful simplicity”. External beauty is contrasted with spiritual beauty, which is the most significant.

Analysis 2

Some poems have amazing fate, and She is not proud of her beauty.. – characteristic of that example. It was written by Lermontov in early age and dedicated to Varvara Lopukhina, a childhood friend for whom he had tender feelings, which she reciprocated. However, in the end they were unable to fully connect, and each had own way, therefore the poet did not publish the poem for a long time; it probably became available to the public only after his death.

The poem is full of tender feelings and sincerity that Lermontov experienced. In addition, it describes in a rather original way advantages that are not entirely characteristic of female beauty. To some extent, the lack of female beauty within the usual framework is even described and praised, but at the same time the reader’s attention is focused on some other features and details, which, according to Lermontov, are also of high value.

First Lermontov states quite clearly about general fact: “not proud beauty,” that is, indeed, beauty in the usual sense is absent here and, accordingly, there are no admirers and admirers. Next, fairly typical features of the female figure are considered, which often act as the main advantages and are considered signs of beauty. That is why no one considers this girl to be something truly exalted and worthy of worship, because, as you know, for men in general, the worship of female beauty is quite characteristic behavior.

Lermontov sees something different in his chosen one; he notes the details that make up such an attractive image. Every seemingly insignificant detail, such as a speech or a smile, is filled with inspiration and amazing simplicity, which is actually attractive. Such a simple and sincere description is complemented by the final lines from Lermontov, who analyzes his own attitude and watches how he suffers and is even a little ashamed of his own admiration.

This example of love lyrics is quite easy and simple to understand, however, it can really, in some sense, be a standard for all times. In it, the author shifts the emphasis of admiration from the description of external female beauty and consistently all the details of the appearance, as poets often do, to consideration of his own feelings and inner feeling which it creates in the poet. The notorious inner beauty is described here incredibly accurately and clearly, exactly as it can be perceived by a man.

Analysis of the poem She is not proud of beauty according to plan

We recently translated Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 130. And how similar in content
It turned out to be a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov.

She is not proud of her beauty
Seduces the living youths,
She doesn't lead
A crowd of silent admirers.
And her camp is not the camp of a goddess,
And the chest does not rise in waves,
And in it no one has his shrine,
Having crouched to the ground, he does not recognize.
However, all her movements
Smiles, speeches and features
So full of life, inspiration,
So full of wonderful simplicity.
But the voice penetrates the soul,
Like remembering better days,
And the heart loves and suffers,
Almost ashamed of my love.

“SHE IS NOT PROUD OF BEAUTY,” verse. L. (1832). There is an assumption (N. Brodsky) that it contains comparisons. characteristics of V. A. Lopukhina and N. F. Ivanova. The inspired appearance of the heroine is contrasted with the ideal of a secular beauty. The contrast of these images is emphasized poetically. the structure of the verse is its antithetical. construction (“She is not with her proud beauty / Seduces living young men... / However, all her movements, / Smiles, speeches and features / So full of life, inspiration, / So full of wonderful simplicity..."). Verses 9-12 are close to verses 125-130 of the poem “The Demon” (1838). Autograph - IRLI, notebook. XX. For the first time - “Saratov. leaflet”, 1876, January 1, No. 1. Dated according to the position in the notebook.


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Lermontov's heart loved many women. The writer always experienced reverent and tender feelings, even if they were not mutual. While still a young guy, Lermontov fell in love with two girls, Sushkova and Lopukhina. The writer understood that if he chose Sushkova, he would have to go through the hard way to win her heart, since the chosen one was not particularly in love with him. Having abandoned the feelings of Varvara Lopukhina, the poet chooses the difficult path in love with Sushkova. After some time, it becomes known that Lopukhina is getting married, and Lermontov has both a feeling of love and a feeling of jealousy. The girl, it turns out, had loved the writer for a long time, she was even ready to take extreme measures, to dissolve her marriage with her husband. The poet did not appreciate this and ended his relationship with her. Despite his failure in love, Lermontov shared his works with the girl throughout his life. We can say that she was the first to read them. The girl was able to read only one poem, which Lermontov dedicated to Lopukhina, after the poet passed away.

The poem “She is not proud of her beauty” refers to the poet’s love lyrics. The work describes a girl main character, or rather her image, which remained in the soul of the writer in love. It would seem that the young poet should admire naive coquettes. But he admires the girl, against whose background everyone else loses their attractiveness. The author, as if from memories, recreates the image of his beloved girl, there is nothing divine in her, she cannot distinguish herself with chic forms. The heroine, with her features and speech, inspires and wins over you. She completely lacks the features of pretense and unnaturalness, which is what touches people to the quick. Lermontov understands that he missed the chance to be happy when he chose another woman over Lopukhina. This is now his burden, all that remains is to remember his beloved, and keep the memory of his feelings for her forever in his soul.

Lermontov was able to convey the ideal image of his beloved girl through a poem. He seemed to divide his work into two parts. In the first part, the author talked about the qualities of the heroine’s appearance that she does not possess. He emphasizes that the girl is ordinary and down to earth, as if there is nothing special about her. In the second part, Lermontov lists her true merits, which without hesitation emphasize her specialness among other women. Only the naturalness and pure nature of his beloved was remembered by the writer for the rest of his life. It was as if he didn’t want to notice anything different in her; for him, she forever remained sincere and real.

Picture for the poem She is not proud of her beauty

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