Unknown tongue twisters for children. Tongue twisters for difficult to pronounce sound combinations

A collection of children's tongue twisters for speech development, improving diction and entertainment. You need to read tongue twisters from childhood, because reading tongue twisters and memorizing them helps to form beautiful, smooth speech, they teach you to pronounce all the letters without skipping them or “swallowing them.”

Tongue twisters for children on this page are divided into several categories. The most important tongue twisters for improving diction are, of course, “with the letter P” and sibilant consonants. Reading complex tongue twisters will help you consolidate your skills, and funny children's tongue twisters will help you learn while playing.

Tongue twisters starting with the letter r

Tongue twisters starting with the letter R for children. Children's tongue twisters in P improve a child's diction and help develop correct speech.

Tongue twisters with hissing sounds

Tongue twisters with hissing sounds are the most popular tongue twisters for children using complex hissing consonants.

Funny tongue twisters

Simple funny tongue twisters - rhyming rhymes for young children for speech development and entertainment.

Complex tongue twisters

The most difficult tongue twisters for children. Well-known tongue twisters for developing diction, which you need to try to learn by heart and pronounce without hesitation.

English tongue twisters with translation

Reading tongue twisters in English develops speech in terms of pronunciation of letter combinations unusual for the Russian language. Tongue twisters in English with translation are designed for children over 6 years old learning a foreign language.

Modern tongue twisters

Children's most modern tongue twisters for general speech development. They assume not only memorization, but also pronunciation at speed.

In this material we will tell you about why do we need tongue twisters for children?, how to properly work with your child on practicing certain sounds using tongue twisters, and you will also find many children's tongue twisters collected on one page for your convenience. Tongue twisters are simple rhythmic text that combines sounds that make words difficult to pronounce easily. The creation of tongue twisters has long been associated with the desire of the people amuse the children. It should be noted that this entertainment is very useful for the development of the speech apparatus and diction in children of different ages. Using tongue twisters for lessons with children allows you to achieve great success in correcting incorrect pronunciation in a short time.
The development of a child’s correct speech involves the use of tongue twisters, since they are very loved by children of preschool and school age. The pronunciation of tongue twisters can be different: slow, moderate and fast.

Clarity of pronunciation requires concentration on the pronunciation of each word and special attention, since the correct development of speech depends on this. More time should be devoted to those children's tongue twisters that are pronounced by the child with the greatest difficulty.

There are different ways to work with children's tongue twisters:

Invite your child to say a tongue twister, creating a rhythm with his palms.

Ask him pronounce tongue twister for children and at the same time throw and catch the ball with your hands.

It is also allowed to pronounce tongue twisters and throw the ball in parallel.
Repeating tongue twisters is very useful for children who are just beginning to learn a language.

Invite your child to say the same tongue twister several times in a row. You can't get lost.

Pronunciation of tongue twisters helps improve tongue mobility, develop attention and correct pronunciation of various sounds. Tongue twisters for children are a speech trainer. These “ornate” phrases are used in speech therapy. Speaker training also requires the use of tongue twisters. The more a child pronounces complex structures, the better his diction develops.

Tongue twisters are a very convenient and universal developmental tool. Tongue twister competitions do not require special equipment. Therefore, they are perfect for long lines, traffic jams, flights and transfers.
Of course all known tongue twisters cannot be pronounced, but you can try. First of all, the simplest rhyming tongue twisters are used.

During classes, it is necessary to ensure that the child likes the plot of the tongue twister and understands all the characters involved in it. And the most ideal option for this are books with children's tongue twisters. containing suitable illustrations.

The best tongue twisters for children to practice sounds and correct diction.
Next article:

“We wrote that pure sayings, in which the same sound is repeated, can help your baby practice the pronunciation of this sound. They learn to pronounce words and tongue twisters correctly. Tongue twisters for speech development You can offer it to your baby when he is still learning to speak. But in order not to scare off the baby with excessive complexity, you need to select tongue twisters based on the baby’s age, his speech skills and the sounds whose pronunciation you want to practice. Let's see how to choose tongue twisters for your child in a way that will be interesting and useful for him.

A little history

Tongue twisters, like proverbs and sayings, are a genre of oral folk art. They were invented by the people to teach a child to speak, to pronounce words correctly, so their stories often make you smile, sometimes even seem ridiculous:

The cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood,
I put the cuckoo's hood on,
How funny is the cuckoo in the hood.

Tongue twisters are specially invented phrases with difficult-to-pronounce or difficult-to-combine sounds and words, which must be pronounced quickly, clearly and without hesitation. In Rus', tongue twisters were also called frequent tongue twisters, tongue twisters, because sometimes it was not easy not only to pronounce them quickly, but even to pronounce them simply:

Forged a bell
Yes, not in a bell-like way.
We need to reforge the bell,
Yes, re-pluck it.

You can start doing exercises with tongue twisters when the baby is just learning to speak (from 1 to 1.5 years). At this age, it can be difficult for babies to pronounce individual sounds, so simple tongue twisters are suitable for them, in which one sound that is difficult for the baby is simply repeated, for example [s]:

Elephants are smart, elephants are calm,
Elephants are calm and intelligent.

As the baby grows, tongue twisters will “grow” with him: tongue twisters with new sounds will be gradually added. When the baby masters the pronunciation of most sounds (usually this happens at the age of 5 - 6 years), it will be possible to add tongue twisters with difficult to pronounce combinations of sounds:

Karl stole corals from Clara,
And Clara stole Karl’s clarinet.

We have made for you a selection of tongue twisters for children of different ages, taking into account the average child’s mastery of the sounds of their native language. (We used Inna Svetlova’s book “Home Speech Therapist” and books dedicated to Russian oral folk art.)

Tongue twisters for 1 - 2 years

After one year of age, the baby masters the sounds “g”, “d”, “s”, “z”. Sometimes babies replace these hard sounds with soft ones. To help your child begin to distinguish between hard and soft sounds and pronounce them correctly, try using these tongue twisters to practice these sounds:

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [s] and [s’]:

Mow, mow, while there is dew.
The dew is gone, and we are home.

Pussy eats soup from a bowl.
The pussy is full, the bowl is empty.

Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.

The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

Senka is taking Sanka
With Sonya on a sled.
Sleigh - gallop, Senka - off his feet,
Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [z] and [z’]:

Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.

All lakes are mirrors made of green glass.

Went early
Nazar to the market.
I bought a goat there
And a Nazar basket.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [g] and [g’]:

Geese cackle on the mountain,
There is a fire burning under the mountain.

Ga-ga-ga -
The goose cackles -
I'm proud of my family!
For the goslings and for the goose
I keep looking -
I can't get enough of it.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
Rook started a conversation with her.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [d] and [d’]:

A woodpecker sits on an oak tree and hollows out a hollow in the oak tree.

The house is near the oak tree, the oak tree is near the house.

Tongue twisters for 2 – 3 years old

After 2 years, the baby masters the sounds “p” and “b”, “f” and “v”, “t”, “k”, “x”, sonorant sounds “m” and “n”. Suitable tongue twisters to help you and your baby.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [p] and [p’]:

The baker baked pies in the oven.

- Tell me about your purchases.
— What kind of shopping?
- About shopping, about shopping,
About my purchases.

Prokop has arrived - the dill is boiling,
Prokop has left - the dill is boiling.
And dill is boiling under Prokop,
And without Prokop the dill is boiling.

The parrot says to the parrot:
“I’ll scare you, parrot.”
The parrot answers him: “Parrot me, parrot!”

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [b] and [b’]:

White sheep beat drums.

White snow. White chalk.
White sugar is also white.
But the squirrel is not white.
It wasn't even white.

Tongue twisters for practicing the sounds [f] and [f’]:

Frosya is flying millet into the field, Frosya is taking out the weeds.

Fanya has a sweatshirt,
Fedya has shoes.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [v] and [v’]:

The big guy Vavila merrily moved his pitchfork.

The water truck was carrying water from the water supply system.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [t] and [t’]:

The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.

A black grouse was sitting on a tree, and a black grouse was sitting with black grouse on a branch.

A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [k] and [k’]:

Cat thread ball
He rolled into a corner.
Rolled off to a corner
Cat thread ball.

Cat Tiny on the window
I ate the porridge bit by bit.

Klava put the onion on the shelf,
Nikolka called to her.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [x] and [x’]:

The crested little girls laughed with laughter:
- Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Prokhor and Pakhom were riding on horseback.

Delicious halva - praise to the master.

The letter X laughed:
Ha ha ha!

A grief fly landed on my ear.

There was a commotion in the garden -
Thistles bloomed there.
So that your garden does not die out,
Weed the thistles.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Tongue twisters for 3 – 4 years old

At the age of 3–4 years, the baby gradually masters hissing sounds (zh, sh, h, shch) and whistling sounds (z, z). To practice the pronunciation of these sounds, you can also use tongue twisters.

Tongue twisters for practicing sound [zh]:

The ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing, spinning.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, and the grass snake has a bite.

Snakes don’t live where hedgehogs live.

Frightened of the little boy
Hedgehog with a hedgehog and with a hedgehog,
Siskin with siskin and siskin,
Swift with a swift and a haircut.

Tongue twisters for practicing the sound [sh]:

Masha gave Romasha the whey from the yogurt.

On the window, a cat deftly catches a tiny midge with its paw.

There are six naughty girls in the hut.

Our sail is sewn conscientiously,
Even the storm will not frighten us.

Tongue twisters for practicing the sound [h]:

Oh, kachi-kachi-kachi.
We are rooks, we are rooks.

The student learned his lessons,
His cheeks are stained with ink.

They bought Anechka shoes, gloves, shoes and a T-shirt.

On Thursday the fourth
At four and a quarter o'clock
Four little little devils
A drawing was drawn in black ink.

Tongue twisters for practicing the sound [ш]:

Wolves prowl, looking for food.

Wash your hands cleaner and more often.

Two puppies, cheek to cheek,
They pinch the brush in the corner.

Masha, don't look for us:
We pinch the sorrel for cabbage soup.

Tongue twisters for practicing the sound [ts]:

Flowers are blooming in the flower garden.

The heron's chick clings tenaciously to the chain.

Two chickens are running right down the street.

A starling is flying winter is over.

Tongue twisters for 4 – 5 years old

Closer to the age of five, the baby’s speech apparatus gradually matures to pronounce the sonorant sounds [r] and [l]. In exercises with tongue twisters, you can also focus on the pronunciation of these sounds.

Tongue twisters for practicing the sound [р] and [р’]:

Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

The crow dropped the baby crow.

The mouse has a cheese rind in its hole.

Grandfather Egor is coming from behind the forest, from behind the mountains.

In the darkness the crayfish are noisy in a fight.

Three trumpeters blew their trumpets.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds [l] and [l’]:

Kolya stabs stakes,
Fields field flight.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

A fisherman catches fish
The entire catch floated into the river.

Little chatterbox
The milk was chatting and chatting,
Didn't blurt it out.

Tongue twisters for difficult to pronounce sound combinations

At 5–6 years old, when the baby masters the pronunciation of all sounds, he can already be offered tongue twisters with difficult-to-pronounce combinations of sounds:

There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass.
Don't cut wood on the yard grass!

They gave Varenka - felt boots, Valenka - mittens.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

The bull has dull lips, the bull has dull lips.

How to teach

  1. First you need to learn a tongue twister. Say it to your baby very slowly at first, as if syllable by syllable. Let the baby repeat it. If the tongue twister is long, break it into parts. Make sure that the baby does not swallow consonant sounds and pronounces the vowels correctly, as written (not “on dvA-re”, but “on dvO-re”). You can speak in a sing-song manner, stretching out vowel sounds.
  2. When your child remembers the tongue twister well, ask him to say it a little faster, then even faster.
  3. For variety, you can pronounce the tongue twister in a loud and quiet voice or almost in a whisper. You can sing or, conversely, speak abruptly, like a robot. Invite your child to say the tongue twister cheerfully or sadly, trembling with fear or jumping on the spot with joy, etc.

How to interest

To get real benefit from tongue twisters, pay attention to the correct pronunciation of sounds by your baby. If your child finds it difficult to pronounce such a long text, invite him to sing it. Singing is usually easier for babies than talking.

The baby will be very enthusiastic about repeating the tongue twister after you if you manage to turn it into a game and interest the baby.

Accompany the tongue twisters with colorful pictures. You can draw a picture yourself, cut one out of a magazine, or use books. There are a lot of books with tongue twisters now being published: from the simplest little books of a few pages to such masterpieces as the book « Try it again! Russian tongue twisters" with very beautiful illustrations.

With very young children it is better to learn tongue twisters in verse. When reading children's poems to your baby, and especially the alphabet in verse, pay attention to the repetition of sounds with adjacent words. Very often you come across phrases that are no worse than tongue twisters:

The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,
The oak chiseled like a chisel. (S. Marshak)

The old elephant sleeps peacefully
He can sleep standing up. (S. Marshak)

Wash, wash the chimney sweep, clean, clean, clean, clean.
It will be, the chimney sweep will be clean, clean, clean, clean! (K. Chukovsky)

Ushakov's explanatory dictionary calls tongue twisters phrases in which the combination of sounds in words is chosen in such a way that they are difficult to pronounce at a fast pace. They are rhythmic and often rhyme.

Repeating such complex texts in any language helps to train clear diction. Tongue twisters are especially important for children 7–8 years old, who are already fluent in speech, but sometimes have problems clearly and quickly pronouncing individual sounds of the Russian language.

Mastering any spoken language, including Russian, to perfection, even if it is your native language, is a rather complex and time-consuming process that requires several years.

Children of preschool and primary school age have difficulties pronouncing some sounds. Special games will help in overcoming them - tongue twisters, or phrases with artificially complicated articulation.

The importance of tongue twisters for the development of a child’s speech is very great: they help him learn to correctly and clearly pronounce certain consonant sounds of the language that are difficult to pronounce, as well as their combinations. Tongue phrases are used by professional speech therapists to correct speech defects in children, as well as in the treatment of childhood stuttering. According to experts, this technique gives very good results.

Important! Parents can use the training phrases themselves at home. Also, to better interest a little person, you can use tongue twisters with pictures.

Adults also enjoy participating in such games; moreover, there are even official competitions for them in tongue twisters for speed and clarity.

Fans of this type of entertainment in the Russian language have a wide selection of examples at their disposal - they can be selected for almost every consonant sound of the Russian alphabet. This fun, entertaining exercise for improving pronunciation comes in various forms. There are phrases:

  • folk, that is, known for a long time and without an author - a similar form of folklore is found among all nations, including in Russian;
  • copyright - composed by professional writers.

They can be divided according to the topics and sounds they are aimed at pronouncing. As a rule, in one phrase there are no more than two to four unpronounceable sounds or combinations thereof. By selecting phrases for one specific letter of the Russian language, a person gradually trains in pronouncing it.

The meaning of most of these short phrases, couplets and quatrains is of a comic or ironic nature - this makes them easier to memorize and transforms training in developing clear diction into a game form. In addition to the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds, short tongue twisters develop a sense of humor in children aged 7–8 years. If they get confused when pronouncing, they do not get upset, but laugh along with other children or adults.

Russian and foreign examples

The great Russian linguist V.I. Dahl, for his “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,” collected not only proverbs and sayings, but also patter phrases. His merit lies in the fact that he was the first among Russian linguists to collect, process, systematize and publish folk tongue twisters in Russian.

However, compared to proverbs and sayings, the number of truly folk tongue twisters in the Russian language is not so large. Some of them combine both folklore forms. So, for example, the phrase: “I reported, but didn’t report, but began to report more, I reported,” is both a fast-talking phrase and a proverb, hinting that a person, trying to do the job right, overdid it, got confused, and everything turned out unsuccessfully and inappropriately .

Among the Russian folk samples that do not have a specific authorship, one can certainly include the famous Greek riding across the river, as well as the following phrases:

  1. There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, don’t cut wood on the grass in the yard.
  2. The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.
  3. The liar put it in the chest, and the liar took it from the chest.
  4. I am tying a vine in the forest, and I am carrying the vine on a cart.
  5. Evsey, hey, sift the flour, bake some rolls in the oven, and keep the swords hot on the table.
  6. The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style. The bell was not poured like a bell. It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap. The bell needs to be re-belled, re-belled.
  7. I smoked a Turkish pipe, I pecked at the trigger of the grain. Don't smoke, Turk, pipes, don't peck, smoke, grains!
  8. The mower Kasyan mows with a scythe - the mower Kasyan does not mow the mow.
  9. Bull, blunt-lipped, blunt-lipped bull. The bull has a white lip and a blunt one.
  10. You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters quickly.

Like other forms of folklore, many foreign phrases can be translated while preserving not only the general meaning, but also their patter function, aimed at practicing individual sounds:

  1. Peter Piper ate a pound of pepper.
  2. In the gendarmerie, when one gendarme laughs, then all the gendarmes of the gendarmerie laugh (French)
  3. Brushes with white bristles clean better than brushes with black bristles (German).
  4. Little by little, Paquito packs tiny glasses into bags (Spanish).

When teaching a child a foreign language, it is very useful to use this type of exercise in the original language. They help to master the articulation and pronunciation of new sounds without cramming, in a playful way.

Children really like books that are tongue twisters with pictures illustrating their content. With their help, mastering the material goes much faster.

Author's tongue twisters

Poets writing for children often compose tongue twister poems, which are much easier for a child to remember because of their rhyming appearance. They also obey the rules of the genre - rhythmic repetition of complex consonant sounds, brevity, humor, and are suitable not only for pronunciation, but also for reading. Here is an example of such a cheerful patter poem by the children's poet Vladimir Prikhodko, where the emphasis is on the hissing sounds of the Russian language:

Mice walked on foot

Along a narrow path

From the village of Peshki

To the village of Lozhki,

And in the village of Lozhki

Their legs are tired -

Back to Mouse Pawns

We arrived on a cat.

The famous poem by the poet Daniil Kharms about Ivan Toporyshkin can also be attributed to this genre. Such poems are usually in book form - tongue twisters with pictures. Thanks to colorful and cheerful illustrations, they are remembered much better, and reading such books is interesting not only for children, but also for adults.

Interesting! Sometimes well-known examples of this creativity in Russian, considered folk, actually turn out to be the author’s. Thus, linguist V. Lunin in his book “Riddles. Tongue Twisters,” published in 1999, proves that the author of the text about the cuckoo who bought the cuckoo’s hood is I. Demyanov.

Learning technique

You need to start memorizing by understanding the content so that the child fully understands the meaning of what was said. An adult can expand a short tongue twister into a short story, coming up with a plot together with the child.

For example, you can talk about why the Greek was traveling across the river, how he saw a crayfish and put his hand in the water, and so on.

This is followed by a slow, intelligible pronunciation of the text with an emphasis on complex sounds. Many people like to combine this process with playing ball, when they catch the toy at the same time as pronouncing each word, others mark the words by clapping their hands. After this, the phrase is spoken in a loud whisper, then out loud. It is better if the adult also participates in the process on an equal basis, that is, he himself learns and repeats the tongue twister in the same way together with the child.

When the baby remembers and learns to pronounce all the sounds correctly and clearly, the rate of speech should be gradually increased. At this stage, a competitive moment appears: who can pronounce the phrase faster without missing a beat. To cheer up their son or daughter, parents may intentionally make more mistakes to show that there is nothing wrong with it. You can use a prize system: without ever making a mistake in pronouncing all the sounds, the winner of the competition (of course, a child) receives candy, an apple, an orange, etc.

Having memorized one phrase - let them be short to begin with - you can move on to the next one. When 4-5 texts for different sounds are firmly imprinted in memory, ask the child to repeat them in a row without long pauses. Such classes must be carried out regularly so as not to lose the acquired skill. They train diction, stimulate memory and help a little person with speech problems overcome psychological difficulties.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

The duration of lessons should not exceed 15–20 minutes, so that the play element does not disappear from them, and the children do not become overtired. At the end of each lesson, you must certainly praise the child, let him understand that it is not always possible to achieve what he wants the first time, but if you try hard and make an effort, everything will definitely work out.

A tongue twister belongs to folklore and is a phrase, the pronunciation of which poses certain articulatory difficulties. Tongue twisters are intended not only for the development of children's speech, but also for improving the speech of adults. Thanks to the sounds that are specially selected in these simple rhymes, speech becomes clearer and more beautiful.


Tongue twisters for children play an important role in the formation of beautiful and clear pronunciation of certain sounds. When pronouncing, speed is important - the success of speech correction depends on the speed of pronunciation.

Tongue twisters for children perform the following functions:

  • development of memory and attention;
  • acquaintance with folk art, which are tongue twisters;
  • development of diction, correction of pronunciation of difficult sounds;
  • vocabulary replenishment;
  • development of phonemic hearing.

Tongue twisters for children can be divided into complex and simple tongue twisters, modern and old Russian, and also into the pronunciation of certain sounds. Often in tongue twisters there are unfamiliar words, the meaning of which not all children will understand. Before starting work with the child, it is necessary to explain the meaning of each unfamiliar word.

In this article you can find both tongue twisters for kindergarten and homework. Children 4, 5, 6, 7 years old will be interested in more complex tongue twisters for problematic sounds, as well as a tongue twister about the Chinese (Japanese) in the original.

Tongue twisters for children starting with the sound R

Before you start working with tongue twisters with the sound R, it is important to find out whether the child has any problems pronouncing this letter at all. When does a child start saying the letter R? Speech therapists do not give a definite answer; it all depends on the development of a particular child. For example, a two-year-old child who goes to kindergarten and has an older brother or sister can easily “drum the drum.” A toddler raised at home may not be able to pronounce this complex sound until he is 4-5 years old.

However, 5 years is the limit and if a child does not pronounce the sound R before this age, it means that he has some problems. Therefore, it is worth taking your child to a speech therapist. The speech therapist will select not only articulation gymnastics, but also tongue twisters for the sound R. Typically, tongue twisters for children 5 years old for the sound R are simple phrases of 1-2 sentences.

Tongue twisters for children with hissing sounds Ш-Ш

Tongue twisters for children with the sounds Ch-Ts

Tongue twisters for children with sounds Z-S

Tongue twisters for children with consonants B-P

Tongue twisters in Rus' were at one time called pure twisters, since the main goal was clean and clear pronunciation, and not speed. But still, the point of a tongue twister is to pronounce the phrase quickly and correctly. It is important that tongue twisters for children do not cause negative emotions in them if something does not work out. This problem can be solved if you train with your child, have fun and joke about your mistakes and his. Then the baby will know that adults can make mistakes too.

Tongue twisters for children with consonants M-L-N

Tongue twister about the Japanese (Chinese)

This tongue twister is quite popular, but difficult to pronounce. In addition, there are quite a lot of versions of it. A tongue twister about the Japanese looks like this:

Once upon a time there lived three Japanese: Yak, Yak-Tsin-Drak, Yak-Tsin-Drak-Tsindroni.
Once upon a time there lived three Japanese women: Tsibi, Tsibi-Dribi, Tsibi-Dribi-Drempompony.
So Yak married Tsibi, Yak-Tsin-Drak married Tsibi-Dribi, Yak-Tsin-Drak-Tsindroni married Tsibi-Dribi-Drimpomponi.
Their children were born: Shah to Tsibi, Shah-Sharah to Tsibi-Dribi, Shah-Sharah-Sharoni to Tsibi-Dribi-Drimpomponi.

And here is a tongue twister about three Chinese:

Once upon a time there lived three Chinese - Yak, Yak-Tsi-Drak, Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsidron-Tsidroni,
And three more Chinese women - Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Lampomponi.
Yak got married to Tsypa, Yak-Tsi-Drak to Tsypa-Drip,
Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsidron-Tsidroni on Tsype-Drip-Lampomponi.
Here they had children: Yak and Tsypa had Shah,
at Yak-Tsi-Drak with Tsypa-Drypa - Shah-Sharah,
at Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsidroni with Tsypo-Drypa-Lampoponi - Shah-Sharah-Sharoni.

In principle, the tongue twister about 3 Chinese is not much different from the Japanese one.

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