Description of the training program Know Yourself. Interactive lesson "know yourself"

Interactive lesson “Know yourself”

Goal: to help students better know themselves, their strengths, develop a sense of self-esteem, formation of a positive self-attitude.

1. Expanding knowledge and ideas of adolescents about themselves.

2. Formation of the ability to adequately evaluate oneself based on internal system values, views.

3. Building self-confidence, a sense of value, significance self.

4. Formation of the desire for self-knowledge and self-development.

The optimal number of class participants is 10-15 teenagers. The duration of the lesson is from 60 to 90 minutes. The lesson is designed to work with teenagers 13-15 years old.

Introductory part.

Goal: acquaintance, creating a positive emotional background. Hello, my name is Irina Valerievna, I am an educational psychologist. I will conduct an interactive lesson with you aimed at self-knowledge and improving your ideas about yourself. The lesson is held in a group, so to begin with, I propose to define the rules that will guide us in working together. I suggest following rules(they are reflected on the poster):

1. Rule of activity. IN group work everyone participates.

2. Rule of sincerity. Each participant is sincere, which helps to establish trust relationships in Group.

3. Rule of equivalence. Everyone in the group is equal.

4. The “here and now” rule. Only what happens directly during the training is subject to discussion in the group.

5. Confidentiality rule. Information discussed in the group and relating to everyone’s personal life stories is not shared outside the group.

6. Rule of constructive feedback. Participants agree not to give overall rating personality, but talk about behavior, describe what is happening

7. Raised hand rule.

Does anyone have any additions? Does everyone agree with the proposed rules? Now let's get acquainted.

Exercise 1. “Circles”.

Purpose: getting to know the participants of the lesson.

Participants are asked to draw three circles on A5 sheets of paper, in which they indicate their name, a positive quality for the first letter of the name, and a hobby (hobby). At the end of the task, everyone introduces themselves.

Exercise 2. “Change seats those who...”

The goal is awakening, activation to work, lifting the mood.

In the circle there is a leader, the number of chairs is one less than the number of participants. The presenter names a certain sign, those who have this sign are seated, and the presenter at this time needs to take a chair. Whoever is left without a chair will be the leader.

Exercise 3. “Me and my inner world».

Goal: forming an idea of ​​the inner world, creating motivation for joint activities.

As I already said, our classes will be devoted to self-knowledge. Let's try to define what self-knowledge is? How do you imagine? Why does a person need to know himself? Students' answers are written on the board.

In psychology, self-knowledge is defined as a complex, long-term process of a person acquiring knowledge about himself. What do you think are the ways to achieve self-knowledge? What is needed for this? (students' answers). Indeed, self-knowledge is carried out through introspection, as well as communication with other people, since by comparing ourselves with them, we get more information about your characteristics, your individuality. The process of self-knowledge is very closely related to self-education and self-improvement. Only by knowing ourselves can we begin to work on self-improvement and achieving our ideal. As a result of self-knowledge, we form a system of ideas about ourselves that regulate our whole life: communication with other people, success in various types activities, goals that we set for ourselves. Unfortunately, people often cannot adequately assess themselves, their capabilities, and their self-attitude is distorted. This leads to various difficulties.

Exercise 4. “Interesting questions.”

Target: actualization of knowledge about oneself, awareness of one’s “I”.

In the center are signs with questions written on them. Now, in turn, everyone will take one sign and answer the question that is written there. You just need to remember that the questions there are unusual, think before answering, you may have to use your imagination and imagination.

1. What flower can you compare yourself to?

2. What piece of furniture can you imagine yourself using?

3. How fairy-tale hero can you imagine yourself?

4. What animal do you associate with?

5. What time of year can you compare yourself to?

6. How musical instrument can you imagine yourself?

7. What kind of toy could you be?

8. With what natural phenomenon could you compare yourself?

9. If you were a movie character, what kind would you be?

10. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would it be?

11. If you were a drink, what would it be?

12. If there was transport, what kind would it be?

13. If there were a color, what color would it be?

14. What clothes do you identify with?

15. If you were food, what kind would you be?

Discussion. Was it easy or difficult to complete the task? What difficulties did you encounter? This exercise It helped to look at yourself from the other side, to see what I am without judgment, not just bad or good, beautiful or not beautiful, to look at your inner self.

Main part.

Exercise 5. Psychogeometric test.

Instructions. Look at the five shapes: square, triangle, rectangle, circle, zigzag. Choose the one that first attracted you. Write down its name under No. 1. Now rank the remaining four shapes in order of your preference and write down their names under the corresponding numbers. Whatever piece you place first is your main piece or subjective form. It makes it possible to determine your main, dominant character traits and behavioral characteristics. The remaining four figures are unique modulators that can color the leading melody of your behavior. The strength of their influence decreases with increasing serial number. However, it may turn out that not a single figure suits you completely. Then you can be described by a combination of two or even three forms. The meaning of the last figure is also important - it indicates the shape of the person with whom interaction will present the greatest difficulties for you.


Square is a tireless worker! Hard work, diligence, which makes it possible to achieve the completion of work - this is what, above all, true Squares are famous for. Endurance, patience and methodicality usually make Kvadrat a highly qualified specialist in his field. This is facilitated by the insatiable need for information.

Squares are collectors of all kinds of data. All information is systematized and organized. Therefore, Squares are deservedly known as erudites, at least in their field. Mental analysis is the strong point of the Square.

Squares "calculate" the result rather than guess at it. Squares are extremely attentive to details and details. Squares love established order once and for all. The ideal of the Square is a planned, predictable life, and he does not like “surprises” and changes usual course events. He constantly “orders”, organizes people and things around him. All these qualities contribute to the fact that Squares can become (and do become!) excellent administrators and performers, but... alas, they are rarely good stewards and managers.

Excessive predilection for details, the need for additional, clarifying information to make a decision deprives the Square of efficiency. Neatness, order, observance of rules and decorum can develop to a paralyzing extreme. And when the time comes to make a decision, especially one associated with risk, with a possible loss of the status quo, Squares, wittingly or unwittingly, delay its adoption. In addition, rationality, emotional dryness and coldness prevent Squares from quickly establishing contacts with different people. The square does not work effectively in an amorphous situation.

Life values : traditions, stability, safety, reliability, past.

Roles: Conservative. Reliability and support. Pedant. Keeper of traditions. Executor.

"Strong" qualities: organization, discipline, diligence, punctuality, accuracy, cleanliness, law-abidingness, hard work, patience, perseverance, perseverance, true to word, honesty, caution, prudence, rationality, frugality, practicality.

"Weak" qualities: inertia, inflexibility, inertia, pedantry, dryness, one-sidedness, indecision, stubbornness, conservatism, resistance to new things, fear of risk, poor imagination, isolation, stinginess, pettiness, tendency towards bureaucracy.

Suitable professions : Accountant, analyst, deputy director for general or economic issues, local police inspector, leader in a bureaucratic organization, “tough” secretary.

How to communicate with a square. Listen to the square to the end, under no circumstances interrupt if you are not his boss. To be in the eyes of the square more competent, more status than him. Know all instructions, laws, precedents. It is best to justify your position with facts and figures; It's very good to use tables. Give compliments - frank enough for the square to understand them (he is a little slow-witted), but neat, without familiarity and risky passages. Introduce innovations in small portions. Refrain from emotional displays.


This shape symbolizes leadership, and many Triangles feel their purpose in this. The most characteristic feature true Triangle - the ability to concentrate on main goal. Triangles – energetic, unstoppable, strong personalities who put clear goals and, as a rule, achieve them!

They, like their relatives, Squares, belong to linear forms and tend to also be “left-brain” thinkers, capable of deeply and quickly analyzing a situation. However, in contrast to Squares, who are detail-oriented, Triangles focus on the essentials, the essence of the problem. Their strong pragmatic orientation guides mental analysis and limits it to the search for an effective (and often spectacular) solution to a problem under given conditions.

Triangle is very confident man who wants to be right about everything! Strong need being right and managing the state of affairs, deciding not only for oneself, but also, if possible, for others, makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing, competing with others. The dominant attitude in any business is the attitude towards winning, winning, success! He often takes risks, is impatient and intolerant of those who hesitate in making decisions.

Triangles really don’t like to be wrong and with great difficulty admit their mistakes, we can say that they see what they want to see, therefore they do not like to change their decisions, they are often categorical, do not recognize objections and in most cases they will act in their own way. However, they are very successful in learning what corresponds to their pragmatic orientation, contributes to the achievement of main goals, and absorbs, like a sponge, useful information.

Triangles are ambitious. If it is a matter of honor for Square to achieve highest quality work being performed, then the Triangle strives to achieve high position, acquire a high status, in other words, make a career. Before getting down to business or making a decision, the Triangle consciously or unconsciously asks itself the question: “What will I get from this?” Triangles make excellent managers at the “highest” level of management. They are excellent at presenting the importance to senior management. own work and the work of their subordinates, they sense a profitable business a mile away and in the fight for it they can “push heads” against their opponents.

The main negative quality of the “triangular” shape: strong egocentrism, focus on oneself. Triangles on the way to the heights of power do not show particular scrupulousness regarding moral standards and can go over the heads of others to their goal. This is typical for “lying” Triangles that no one stopped in time. Triangles make everything and everyone revolve around them; without them, life would lose its edge.

Life values: power, leadership, career, status, victory, future.

Roles: Leader. Punchy. Warrior. Prophet. Hero.

"Strong" qualities: rationality, efficiency, leadership skills, energy, charisma, high performance, initiative, courage, determination, independence of judgment.

"Weak" qualities: authority, self-confidence, selfishness, categoricalness, harshness, causticity, intolerance of dissent, peremptory (“either my way or not at all”), inhumanity (“will walk over corpses”).

Suitable professions. Managers in hierarchical organizations, including senior ones, project leaders, surgeons, “star” psychotherapists, especially hypnotists.

How to communicate with a triangle. Speak only to the point, clearly, confidently, but without “assaults.” Agree, write down the agreement, remember that the triangle interprets all controversial issues in its favor. Motivate with benefits. You can show your power, but you should be prepared for a “strength test.” Be prepared from the side of the triangle for blackmail, for deception “for the sake of the interests of the case,” for appropriation overall results.


Symbolizes a state of transition and change. This is a temporary form of personality that the other four relatively stable figures can “wear” at certain periods of life. These are people who are not satisfied with the lifestyle they lead now, and therefore are busy looking for a better position.

The reasons for the rectangular state can be very different, but they have one thing in common - the significance of the changes for a certain person. Main mental state The rectangle is a more or less conscious state of confusion, confusion in problems and uncertainty about oneself on this moment time. Most character traits Rectangles - inconsistency and unpredictability of actions during transition period. Rectangles can vary greatly from day to day and even within a single day! They usually have low self-esteem, strive to become better at something, are looking for new methods of work and lifestyle. If you look closely at the behavior of the Rectangle, you will notice that throughout the entire period he uses clothes of other shapes: “triangular”, “round”, etc.

Lightning-fast, abrupt and unpredictable changes in behavior. Rectangles usually confuse and alarm other people, and they may deliberately avoid contact with the “person without a core.” For rectangles, communication with other people is simply necessary, and this is another difficulty of the transition period.

However, like all people, Rectangles exhibit positive qualities, attracting others to them. This, first of all, is curiosity, inquisitiveness, keen interest in everything that happens and... courage! Rectangles are trying to do something that has never been done before; asking questions they never had the courage to ask before. During this period they are open to new ideas. Values, ways of thinking and living, easily assimilate everything new. Is it true, reverse side this is excessive gullibility, suggestibility, naivety. Therefore, Rectangles are easy to manipulate. "Rectangularity" is just a stage. She will pass!

Life values: depending on external circumstances.

Roles: Slut. Indecisive. Scapegoat. Jonah. Bungler.

"Strong" qualities: gullibility, openness, sensitivity, curiosity, readiness for change, high learning ability, “childishness,” unambitiousness.

"Weak" qualities: naivety, spinelessness, uncertainty, indecisiveness, unreliability, mental instability, “problematic”.

Suitable professions. Since a rectangle is a transitional, often “crisis” figure, it is best to send it on vacation or study for a while. The ideal activity for a rectangle is to study or relax. A rectangle can be good expert or a consultant, but only in those matters where he is a recognized authority.

How to communicate with a rectangle. Understand what role he is currently performing in. Switch it to a state convenient for you. Constantly support and guide with your attention and influence.


This mythological symbol harmony. Anyone who confidently chooses it is sincerely interested in good interpersonal relationships. Highest value for the Circle – people, their well-being. The circle is the most benevolent of the five shapes. It most often serves as the “glue” that holds both the work team and the family together, that is, it stabilizes the group.

Circles are the best communicators among the five shapes, primarily because they best listeners, they have high sensitivity, developed empathy - the ability to empathize, sympathize, and respond emotionally to the experiences of another person. The circle feels other people's joy and feels other people's pain as its own. The circles “cheer” for their team and are highly popular among work colleagues. However, they tend to be weak managers and business leaders.

Firstly, Circles, due to their focus on people rather than business, try too hard to please everyone. They try to maintain peace and for this reason they sometimes avoid taking a “firm” position and making unpopular decisions. For the Circle there is nothing more difficult than joining interpersonal conflict. A circle is happy when everyone gets along with each other. Therefore, when the Circle has a conflict with someone, it is most likely that the Circle will be the first to give in.

Secondly, the Circles are not distinguished by their determination, they are weak in " political games"and often cannot present themselves and their “team” properly. All this leads to the fact that Circles often get the upper hand! Stronger personalities, for example, Triangles. However, in one thing Circles show enviable firmness. When it comes to issues of morality or violations of justice.

The Circle is a non-linear shape, and those who confidently identify with the Circle are more likely to be “right-brain” thinkers. Right-hemisphere thinking is more imaginative, intuitive, more integrative than analytical. Therefore, the processing of information in the Circles is not carried out in a sequential format, but rather in a mosaic manner, in breakthroughs, with the skipping of individual links. This does not mean that the Circles are at odds with logic, they just do not give priority to formalisms in decisions life problems. The main features of their thinking style are their focus on subjective factors problems (values, assessments, feelings, etc.) and the desire to find commonality even in opposing points of view. We can say that Krug is a born psychologist. However, in order to become the head of a serious, large business, the Circle lacks the “left-hemisphere” organizational skills of its “linear brothers” - Triangle and Square.

Life values: communication, comfort, general well-being, helping people.

Roles: Peacemaker. Darling. Keeper of comfort. Homebody.

"Strong" qualities: goodwill, gentleness, delicacy, non-conflict, tolerance, sociability, kindness.

"Weak" qualities: passivity, conformism, susceptibility to influence, tendency to compromise, sloppiness, disorganization, unpunctuality, indecisiveness, dependence on the opinions of others.

Suitable professions. “Soft” secretary, HR manager, teacher, therapist, family psychologist, priest.

How to communicate with a circle. Gently but persistently return to the essence of the matter, while under no circumstances shouting or swearing. Be prepared for the fact that the circle will promise but not deliver (it’s easier for them to agree with you, and then “somehow everything will work out”).


This figure symbolizes creativity, creativity, if only because it is the most unique of the five figures and the only open figure. If you have firmly chosen Zigzag as the main form, then you are most likely a true “right-brain” thinker, a dissenter, because linear forms outnumber you.

So, like your closest relative - Krug, only still in to a greater extent, You are characterized by education, intuitiveness, integrativeness, and mosaicism. Strict sequential deduction is not your style. Zigzag's thought makes desperate leaps: from a... to... z! Therefore, it is difficult for many linear, “left-hemisphere” people to understand Zigzags. “Right-brain” thinking is not fixated on details, therefore, by simplifying the picture of the world in some ways, it allows you to build holistic, harmonious concepts and images, and see beauty.

Zigzags usually have a developed aesthetic sense. The dominant style of Zigzag thinking is most often the synthetic style. Combining completely different, dissimilar ideas and creating something new and original on this basis is what Zigzags like. Unlike Circles, Zigzags are not at all interested in consensus and achieve synthesis not through concessions, but, on the contrary, by sharpening the conflict of ideas and construction new concept, in which this conflict receives its resolution, is “removed.” Moreover, using their natural wit, they can be very sarcastic, “opening the eyes of others” to the possibility of a new solution.

Zigzags tend to see the world as constantly changing. For this reason, there is nothing more boring to them than things that never change, a routine, a pattern, rules and regulations, the status quo, or people always agreeing or pretending to agree. Zigzags simply cannot work productively in well-structured situations. They are irritated by clear vertical and horizontal connections, strictly fixed responsibilities and permanent ways work. They need to have a lot of variety and high level stimulation in the workplace.

They also want to be independent from others in their work. Then the Zigzag comes to life and begins to fulfill its main purpose - to generate new ideas and methods of work. Zigzags are never satisfied with the way things are currently being done or have been done in the past. Zigzags are focused on the future and are more interested in possibility than reality. The world of ideas is as real for them as the world of things is for the basic ones.

They spend a considerable part of their lives in this ideal world, which is where such traits as impracticality, unrealism and naivety originate. Zigzag is the most enthusiastic, most excitable of all five figures. When he has a new and interesting idea, he is ready to tell it to the whole world! Zigzags are tireless preachers of their ideas and are able to motivate everyone around them. However, they lack politics: they are unrestrained, very expressive ("cut the truth in the face"), which, along with their eccentricity, often prevents them from putting their ideas into practice. In addition, they are strong in working out specific details (without which the materialization of an idea is impossible) and are not too persistent in seeing things through to the end (since with the loss of novelty, interest in the idea is also lost).

Life values: creativity, novelty, risk, speed, self-expression.

Roles: A lover of shocking things. Artist. Extreme. Extremist. Windy type. Heartbreaker.

"Strong" qualities: spontaneity, creativity, pressure, wit, easy-going.

"Weak" qualities: uncontrollability, fickleness, unpredictability, lack of restraint, eccentricity, excitability, individualism, unreliability, recklessness and recklessness.

Suitable professions. Creative, artist, freelancer, an insurance agent or a “percentage” salesperson.

How to communicate with a zigzag. Motto: “Firmness, goodwill, endless patience.” It is almost impossible to influence the zigzag. Sometimes the trick “by contradiction” works - offer something to the zigzag so that he wants to do the opposite. The main thing in this case is to quickly agree with him. You can attract the zigzag to your side by admiring his ideas, but this will still not last long. You should always be prepared for sudden changes decisions and topics of conversation.

Exercise 6. “Palm”

Goal: increasing self-esteem, teaching students the ability to find positive qualities in other people.

On a piece of paper, each participant circles their palm and inside the outline writes a quality that they like about themselves. The leaves are passed around the circle, and the rest of the participants add the qualities that they like in the owner of the palm. The forms must be signed. When the palms return to their owner, all the guys thank each other. At the end, you can discuss the results obtained and impressions of the exercise.

Final part.

Exercise 7. “Sculpt yourself”

Calm music sounds. The task is given - take a piece of plasticine of the color you like most, sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes. Today you have learned a lot about yourself, discovered something new, touched your Self. Feel yourself now, feel your body, what it feels, listen to your emotions and feelings, give freedom to your hands, try to mold the image of your Self. Let your your hands will begin to sculpt themselves, let it take as long as you need. You will feel it yourself when you get what you need.

After you blind, examine your creation. What do you feel? How is this figurine connected to you? What is this about in your life?

Now we move on to the next stage, if the figure causes negative feelings or emotions. It is necessary to transform negativity into positive feelings. We begin to transform our creation so that it evokes positive emotions. Give free rein to your imagination, if you want, add a different color, stick something to it, the main thing is that the figurine gives joy and a feeling of satisfaction, so that you like it.

Remember, the main thing in your figurine is not its aesthetic and artistic significance, but its value is that you should like it and evoke positive emotions, it will be just great if you laugh! So do not evaluate it from the position of an art critic, and in no case compare it with others - this figure is yours, it is unique, and that’s what makes it true beauty!

Hold these figures, this is you, this is your inner self, feel it, dream, think about good things, put your positive emotions into it. Put your work in a prominent place and in moments of sadness, just come and admire it, recharge it positive energy.


What did you learn? What did you like? What would you like to change in the lesson?

What flower can you compare yourself to?

What piece of furniture can you imagine yourself using?

What kind of fairy-tale hero can you imagine yourself to be?

What animal do you associate with?

What time of year can you compare yourself to?

What musical instrument can you imagine yourself to be?

What kind of toy could you be?

What natural phenomenon could you compare yourself to?

If you were a movie character, what kind would you be?

If you were a tree, what kind of tree would it be?

If you were a drink, what would it be?

If there was a means of transport, what kind would it be?

If there were a color, what color would it be?

What clothes do you identify with?

If you were food, what kind would you be?

Software tasks.

  • To give students knowledge about the components of a person’s inner world; about the concept of “Self-education” and ways to form positive personal qualities. Consolidating knowledge about the concepts: hard work, self-confidence, discipline.
  • Formation of memory, attention, thinking through different types activities. Development of students' speech through inclusion in educational dialogue.
  • Cultivating the desire for self-education, the formation of the best human qualities in oneself.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Didactic game"Remember". Look carefully for 5 seconds and try to remember.

What material is the house made of?

How many windows are there in the house?

What time of year is shown in the picture?

Is the entrance to the house on the right or left?

Indicate the names of the trees that are depicted in the picture.

How is the furniture arranged in the house?

Do people live together in the house?

So it is with humans. Carefully take a mirror and look into it.

Why neat?

What can you see?

That is, your reflection, or in other words, your outside, your appearance.

Outer Self

(eye color, hair color, appearance)

You see your outer self.

Can a mirror reflect your inner world? (No). So we cannot say whether people live in harmony in the house.

What is the inner world, the inner state of a person? By the inner world we understand feelings, mood, thoughts, human qualities.

External – I – internal

This inner world is invisible to others, so it is very difficult to understand yourself, your thoughts, realize your feelings, and evaluate your behavior. And in order to know and understand ourselves better, we must study ourselves, our feelings, behavior, qualities.

Try to name the topic of our lesson. Place the “Know Yourself” sign on the board. So, the topic of our lesson is “Know yourself.”

Today we will look into our inner world and study our inner self.

Why is this needed? (to become better)

Why do you need to become better? To be successful, that is, a person who has the best qualities can achieve a lot in life. To become the best, you must constantly work on yourself, in other words, engage in self-education.


Educating yourself is not easy, but it is possible.

3. We will start exploring our inner self with a visit to the store. What do we buy in regular stores?

Equipment, products, things. Our store is unusual. It sells human qualities. The assortment in the store is small. Product stock is limited. So, on sale:

1. Self confidence. What kind of quality is this, how do you understand it?

2. Hard work. Please choose a word that has the opposite meaning.

3.Discipline. Choose words or phrases that are similar in meaning (good manners, obedience).

Think about what you're missing most, but remember that stock is limited and we only sell by quality.

Come and buy it!

We bought the qualities, now raise the orange stripes, those who bought self confidence. Stripes of blue color those who bought hard work. Green color those who bought discipline.

Most of all, the children in the class need such quality as...

Each of you, like me, has those qualities that you would like to get rid of that prevent you from becoming a better person. There are pieces of paper on the desks with the names of qualities. Read them one by one.

The meaning of which quality is unclear to you? Write them down on a separate piece of paper, and now crumple it even more tightly and throw it in the trash. From this moment, believe me, you will get rid of these shortcomings forever.

Conclusion: We started studying our Self 1) by visiting a store and purchasing the missing quality. 2) you got rid of bad qualities.

Now let’s continue working on changing our inner self in better side.

How should we feel about a new purchased item? (take care of, look after her). So it is with internal qualities, you need to work on them, train them, support them so that they become your companions for life, because they are so easy to lose.

So that confidence in your strengths and skills accompanies you on life path and brought you good luck, you need to do the “Believe in yourself” exercise. Take a mirror, look at yourself and repeat after me: “I want to become different. I will be like this/like this. I’m already changing, I’m already what I want to be!”

Why are we doing this exercise?

The support of your team, friends, and classmates is of great importance to each of you. Let's play the game “Stream”. Stand facing each other, forming a stream. Each of you will take turns walking along the stream, you must support the person passing along the stream, encourage him with a kind word, a compliment, a handshake, a pat on the shoulder.

How does the game help?

Raise the color bar for those who bought Diligence. How can this quality be developed and preserved? I propose the test “Ladder of Diligence”. There will be 3 answer options: a) always;

b) sometimes;

c) never.

Prepared sheets of paper and pens.

1. At home after eating, do you clean up the dishes after yourself?

2. Do you change into home clothes after school?

3. Do you put your clothes away?

4. Do you keep your clothes clean?

5. Are you always willing to carry out work assignments?

6. Do you wash your own small items?

7. Do you iron your own school uniform?

8. Do you help parents?

  • Always – 5 points;
  • Sometimes – 3 points;
  • Never - 0 points.

Calculate the total points. Lena helps Maxim. A ladder of hard work is hanging out. Take a felt-tip pen and sign your name on the step where you are based on your total points.

Conclusion. Those at the top level of hard work need to maintain this quality. For those who are in the middle, continue to work on themselves. For those at the bottom level, it is necessary to begin work on self-education of hard work.

Now let’s test your hard work in practice. The game is a competition “We can do this” - who can lace up the sneakers faster. 4 people participate. Prize - certificate “Master – golden hands.”

Now, those who have acquired Discipline, raise the colored stripe.

I somehow forgot what this quality is (your behavior in certain conditions).

Now I’ll check how you know the rules of behavior. You, each in your group, must draw up rules of conduct at school, at home, and in public places.

What do we mean by public place? Work in groups. Voicing the rules by each group.

Well done! These rules will be posted in the classroom corner. You made them yourself, I hope you will abide by them.

Bottom line. What did we do in class?

1. Learned about the components of the inner world.

2. Acquired positive qualities.

3. Got rid of negative qualities.

4. We were looking for ways to develop such qualities as hard work, self-confidence, and discipline.

But the most important thing is that in order to become better, you have to really want and believe in it. After all, only a person with such qualities can achieve success in life, fulfilling his most cherished dreams.

Listening to Yu. Antonov’s song “Believe in a dream.”

Each group member is invited to say his name, come up with another (affectionate) one, and express a feeling of self-love on a non-verbal level (gestures, intonation, timbre of voice).

“Self-criticism.” Each person has his own own performance about what makes him unique, inimitable, and distinguishes him from others. At the same time, the question involuntarily arises whether those around him share their opinion about himself, whether others see him the way he sees himself. This exercise explores this issue. Participants take sheets of paper, sign them, and divide them into three vertical stripes.

1st column. “Who am I?” 10 words-epithets. Answers are written down quickly, exactly in the wording in which they come to mind.

2nd column. “How would your parents and acquaintances answer this question?” (you can choose one of them).

3rd column. Someone from the group answers the same question. Who exactly, the participant determines himself.

Then everyone takes their piece of paper and compares the answers. Highlights the similarities between characteristics. A dominant line of behavior can be identified - it is repeated in all three characteristics. The number of matches is counted. Based on the number of matches, one can assume the degree of openness of a person.

When discussing, you should pay attention to the fact that a person’s openness in communication does not always indicate his personal openness. Discuss when it is easier to communicate with a person: when is he “open” or “closed”?

3. Write down in order 10 words and phrases that characterize the participant. Rank these characteristics from the most important (1 point) to the least important (10 points). Analyze what is relevant positive qualities, what are negative, how many are neutral (role-playing).

Identify 2 qualities that your friend would consider most characteristic of you, and 2 that he considers least characteristic. Does his opinion coincide with yours? You can invite a friend to fill out 10 points using the same sample. Compare the results.

Select negative self-characteristics and reformulate them so as to make them positive (I have few friends - I am friends with a few, but loyal and reliable people).

4. „Projective drawing"Everyone is asked to complete 2 drawings: “I am who I am” and “I am who I want to be.” 5 minutes are given to complete. Drawings are not signed. Technical side the drawing is not important.

All drawings are laid out together in the center of the room. Randomly select one. Put it up so everyone can see it. Now everyone takes turns telling what they see in the picture - not formal description, and his feelings from the drawing: how, in his opinion, the person who drew himself sees himself, what he would like to change in himself. Everyone speaks out in turn. In this case, the author of the drawing does not announce himself. After everyone has spoken, you can try to determine who the author of the drawing is. Then the author introduces himself, tells what he wanted to express with his drawing, and notes the lines he liked most. All drawings are discussed in this way.

When discussing, note those whose interpretations the authors of the drawings liked.

5. “Inventory.” We are accustomed to thinking that working on ourselves or self-improvement involves analyzing mistakes and struggling with our own. weaknesses. However, there is one equally (if not more) important aspect of working on yourself. It lies in discovering a friend and helper within yourself. Each of us has strengths, but discovering them in ourselves is sometimes quite difficult. Some people even believe that they do not have any qualities that could serve them well. internal support. Oddly enough, most people do not know how to think about themselves in a positive way. Let's try. Each group member will talk about himself very briefly - about his strengths, about what he loves, values, accepts in himself, about what gives him self-confidence and trust in himself in different situations.

You don't have to talk only about positive traits ah character. It is important to note what is or can be a fulcrum in various moments life. Do not belittle your merits, speak directly, without beating around the bush, without any “buts”, “ifs”, etc.

The exercise is performed by everyone in turn.

6. “The best and the worst.” On a piece of paper, in a column, write down 5 of the most pleasant events in your life; after each point, note who made this event happen. Write down 5 unpleasant events from your life; after each point, note why for whom or because of what this event happened.

When discussing the results obtained, pay attention to the following:

Which events were remembered more easily;

Who caused it large quantity events (pleasant, unpleasant) from the total number.

Do the calculation. Total number events - A. Events that happened “thanks to me” - X. Find the ratio: (X:A) x 100%.

The resulting number is the degree to which your life depends on your desires, on yourself. During the discussion, you can discuss phrases such as “I can’t” and “I don’t want.” “I can’t” - “what’s stopping you?” It’s better to sort this out on some specific example, proposed by the participants. The problem is discussed: the extent of a person’s responsibility for his life, the effectiveness of communication with other people.

7. “Conflict in transport.” Two chairs are placed side by side in the classroom, simulating paired seats on a bus, one chair is placed in front. Two participants go out the door and there they receive instructions from the leader: “Now you will get on the bus, you need to talk. Try to sit down.” together.” The third participant in the exercise takes one of the two paired places, having received instructions from the leader: “You will vacate this place when you feel like you want to do it. Focus on your own. internal state" The remaining participants are given the task of being observers of what will happen on the “bus” and making an analysis of what is happening.

The incident is analyzed by the participants in the “road transport” conflict, and then by the spectators. Sample questions for analysis.

Why did he (she) still give up his place?

Were there times when you wanted to make space?

Describe the feelings you experienced.

Whose method of solving the problem was most successful?

What exactly was the reason for the success?

Work in groups. Students are divided into groups of 3-5 people randomly. To do this, you can use multi-colored squares and various symbols.

Each group receives a task: for 3-4 minutes to show the skit “Conflict in Transport.” Preparation time is 3-5 minutes.

Sample questions for analysis.

What did all the scenes have in common (how were they similar)? What words (intonations) are most often found in similar situations? What, in your opinion, caused this conflict?

Training objectives:

Communicate correctly with each other;

Establish feedback;

Develop a sense of openness and trust;

Show respect for the individuality of others;

Do not disclose confidential facts and information of an intimate nature.

Training plan

  1. Introduction of the training leader.
  2. Organizational matters.
  3. Main rules.
  4. Involving participants in the work.
  5. Main part.
  6. Reflection.

Each participant writes on his badge the name by which he would like to be called by the group members. At the first lesson, after the presenter has introduced himself and the rules of work have been adopted, you should be sure to monitor their implementation. If necessary, the rules are commented on and explained. The rules are distributed to each group member.

Memo to the training participant

  • Don't put yourself above or below others.
  • Look for and maintain only the good in yourself.
  • Do not invite others to volunteer for exercises.
  • Listen to the assignments very carefully.
  • Don't talk too long or too often. Don't interrupt others.
  • Actively participate in all exercises, situations, games.
  • Do not correct or judge the speaker.
  • Be creative and creative.
  • Learn to trust your inner feeling when you need to act.
  • Be patient and persistent.
  • Admit your mistakes and try to correct them.
  • Do not ridicule or humiliate others or yourself.

Exercise “Adjectives”

Each participant chooses an adjective name that characterizes him positively. The adjective must begin with the same letter as the participant's name. The first participant says his name in combination with an adjective (for example, cheerful Valentina, affectionate Larisa). The second one first names the first participant, then his name in combination with an adjective.

The third names the first two, then names himself, and so on until the last participant, who names everyone sitting in the circle and only then himself. By doing this exercise, participants immediately remember each other. In addition, each participant, calling himself positively, characterizing his positive qualities, gets into the atmosphere positive emotions and will create it himself.

Exercise “What qualities attract me in friends?” (brain attack)

The point of the exercise is to name the qualities on first impulse. Each participant names the qualities that attract him in friends (naturally, positive qualities). On a poster or board, the presenter's assistants write down all the qualities in the order they are named. Example: smart, sincere, reliable, generous, attentive, friendly. decent, patient, responsive, natural, admits his mistakes, willing to forgive, self-respecting, responsible, trusting, wise, patient, resourceful, well-educated, broad-minded, healthy, intelligent, playful -y, charming, etc. When the list is compiled, all participants choose the three most significant options from their point of view, marking their choice on the board. Thus, the result will be a picture of group preferences. The quality that has received the largest number of preferences is considered more respected and preferred by the group, the rest are ranked in descending order. Each group member can compare his choice with the general group preferences and, having comprehended the situation, correct his own behavior in the group. Completing this exercise contributes to the further formation of a warm emotional climate in the group, identifying group preferences for personality traits.

Exercise “Positive Presentation”

This exercise is logically related to the previous ones, since it uses their material. Participants are divided into pairs. You can use the following technique to make the choice as arbitrary as possible: participants in random order cards are distributed on which one of the words is written: thunder, lightning, Moscow, Kremlin, Volga, Russia, Desdemona, Othello, love, Cupid, Pinocchio, Malvina, spring, drops, duel, Pushkin, etc. After this, holders of cards associated common theme, make up pairs. Within 5 minutes, each participant can tell his partner about how wonderful he is, what wonderful qualities he has, and boast about his successes in different areas life. This is not so much a conversation as it is active listening. After listening very carefully to the partner’s story, the second participant must retell what he heard as accurately and in detail as possible, thereby proving his respect and concentration. If he misses something or is not precise enough, he can be corrected. After this, it is the second participant’s turn.

Next, two options are possible: uniting two neighboring pairs to further introduce their partners to other participants in turn, or present partners in a circle to all training participants. A person often avoids speaking well about himself (shame and modesty get in the way). In real life, he often hears and says something negative about himself. A kind of emotional imbalance arises.

The “Positive Presentation” exercise helps to at least partially eliminate it. A person, having said something good about himself for the first time, can feel new feelings arising in him. These positive feelings will help him change his life for the better, believe in himself, support himself and those around him.

Information for discussion (demonstration material)

Praise is the most effective tool you have.

He who praises others achieves success more easily himself.

Every person needs recognition, love, support and constantly new incentives.

Every person, regardless of level mental abilities grows into own eyes when he is praised.

Praise is the most effective remedy for people.

Praise is a positive force that multiplies on its own.

The thirst for recognition and respect can only be satisfied with praise.

Praise should always be appropriate and appropriate to the situation.

Praise must be sincere, since there is nothing more nasty than hypocrisy.

Exercise “Work in subgroups”

First subgroup performs the exercise “Tale of Three”, the training participants are divided into groups of three, each of which works on the site for an average of 3-4 minutes. Total time exercise depends on the number of triplets. One member of the trio plays the role of storyteller. He has to present one of the famous fairy tales, determined by the training leader. The second participant sits on a chair facing the audience. By silently opening his mouth and using facial expressions, he imitates the role of a storyteller. His hands are behind his back, so they are not involved in the game. The role of the “hands of the second participant” is played by the hands of the third. To do this, he kneels directly behind the other’s back and puts his hands under his armpits. The illusion is created for the viewer that these hands gesturing during the tale are the hands of the narrator sitting on the chair. The illusion that a fairy tale is being told by someone sitting on a chair in the voice of the first participant and the hands of the third participant is proof of the success of the exercise. This can be achieved with the ability to work synchronously with partners and use non-verbal means of expressiveness (gesture, facial expressions, intonation) with theatrical brightness.

Second subgroup performs the exercise of coming up with a rhyme for an unfinished sentence.

A cow walked on the moon...

Ax soup is made...

The dog's tail was torn off...

The sprat swam in the tomato...

A dragonfly landed on my hat...

We asked the parrot...

Reflection on the completed task: type of imagination, methods of interaction, techniques for creating images, possible use of a similar task in working with children.

Third subgroup performs the “Revival” exercise. Participants are invited to non-stop “revive” famous reproductions of Russian artists through facial expressions and pantomime. Attention is focused on the fact that the means of expression used must be so convincing that others recognize these works.

Reflection: discussion of the means used and methods of creating images.

Fourth subgroup performs the exercise “Abbreviation”

The facilitator invites the subgroup participants to read a series of abbreviations in full: RF, UN, MDOU, UO, USSR, South Africa, FSB. After common abbreviations have been deciphered, participants are asked to compose (and decipher) their own abbreviations, the topics of which should relate to education.

Fifth subgroup. Task “Making a film” (4-5 min).

The team is invited to “shoot and show” a short film (no more than 3 minutes long) from life kindergarten. Teachers themselves choose the plot (for example: preparing for a matinee, conducting hardening, preparing for an open lesson).

Reflection: in addition to developing attention, memory, and the ability to work in a team, this game also develops illustrative speech, speed of reaction, and accuracy of visual assessments. In the future it can be used in working with children of older preschool age.

Charging positive thinking “Today”(according to V.V. Tkacheva)

Say this text every morning. Stimulate to action. Speak encouraging words to yourself. Think about courage and happiness, strength and peace. I wish you success!

  1. Exactly today I will have a calm day and I will be happy. Happiness is the internal state of every person. Happiness does not depend on external circumstances. My happiness lies within me. Every person is as happy as he wants to be.
  2. Exactly today I will join the life that surrounds me and will not try to adapt it to my desires. I will accept my child, my family, my work and the circumstances of my life as they are, and I will try to fully comply with them.
  3. Exactly today I will take care of my health. I will do exercises, take care of my body, and avoid unhealthy habits and thoughts.
  4. Exactly today I will pay attention to my overall development. I'll take care of it useful thing. I will not be lazy and will make my mind work.
  5. Exactly today I will continue my moral self-improvement. I will be useful and necessary to my child, family, and myself.
  6. Exactly today I will be friendly to everyone. I will look my best, be gracious and generous with praise. I will not find fault with people and try to correct them.
  7. Exactly today I will live with the problems of today. I won't strive

solve all problems at once.

8.Exactly today I will outline a program of my affairs that I want to implement. This program will save me from haste and indecision, even if I cannot follow it exactly.

  1. Exactly today I will spend half an hour in peace and solitude, completely relaxing.
  2. Exactly today I will not be afraid of life and my own happiness. I will love and believe that those I love love and believe me.

If you want to develop a mindset that will bring you peace and happiness, follow these rules:

  • think and behave cheerfully and you will feel cheerful;
  • never think about those people who are unpleasant to you. Do not remember events that are unpleasant to you;
  • the only way to find happiness is not to wait for gratitude, but to do good for the sake of your own joy;
  • don't imitate others. Find yourself and be yourself.

Exercise. “Reflection on the results of the lesson”

The group discusses next questions: “What did you remember most or like about the lesson?”, “What new did each training participant “take away” from the lesson?”, “During the training, was it possible that someone opened up to you with new side?”, “Did your creative potential reveal itself during the classes, and to what extent? If not, then what prevented this?”, “What from the training can be transferred to work with children?”

Goal: Development of students' potential in the communication process, improvement of communication skills necessary for joint intellectual activity. Formation of key competencies (value and semantic orientation in the world, citizenship, self-improvement,

self-development, communication, social interaction; cognitive activity, activity competence; information technologies.)

Exploring your personal qualities, your .

Improving interpersonal skills.

Developing students' reflective capabilities and skills in giving and receiving feedback.



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Municipal educational institution

« Average educational school Znamensky village, Ivanteevsky district, Saratov region"

Workshop with training elements


social pedagogue-psychologist

Ternovenko V.N.

Topic: “Know yourself”

Goal: Development of students' potential in the communication process, improvement of communication skills necessary for joint intellectual activity. Formation of key competencies (value and semantic orientation in the world, citizenship, self-improvement,

self-development, communication, social interaction; cognitive activity, activity competence; information technologies.)


Exploring your personal qualities, yourintellectual capabilities.

Improving interpersonal skills.

Developing students' reflective capabilities and skills in giving and receiving feedback.

Form of delivery: workshop, with training elements.

Preparatory work: use of TCO (presentation), forms, tape recorder, paints, poster, schedule, forms with names, gifts.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Hello! I'm glad to see you in our lesson. You see that our activity is a little unusual. And it will take place in the form of games, psycho-gymnastic exercises, testing and discussions.

Our lesson is aimed at knowing yourself, at researching and developing a person’s personal qualities, at developing your reflexive capabilities.

For a person, there is nothing more interesting than people. /V.Humbolt/

And he feels about his personality increased interest. Who am I? What am I? - we ask ourselves the question. Why, for whom and for what am I in this world, what can I do, what am I capable of, how to change myself? Such questions arise more and more often in our heads.

1. Exercise “Color painting”(2 min) (Development of competence in self-development, self-improvement, personal reflection)

And we will begin today's self-knowledge with an exercise

"Colour painting". You need to use color to determine your emotional state at the moment.

Using this color matrix you fill out the table. Place a corresponding colored circle next to your name.

Stimulus material.


Mood symbol


Enthusiastic, active


Joyful, warm

Yellow (w)

Light. pleasant.

Green (h)

Calm, balanced


Sad, sad


Anxious, dissatisfied

Black (h)

Dull, decadent

White (b)

Hard to say.

Two experts will process the results.

  1. - What is it personal qualities?(2 minutes)(Development of communication competence)

These are views, beliefs, and character traits that reflect a person’s attitude towards life and influence his behavior in society.

For example, if you are a person strong will, this is your character trait. If you have own opinion, and you always act honestly and ethically - this is your lifestyle.

What are personal qualities?

3. Expert results.

Let's hear from our experts what the emotional state is in our group at the moment.

4 . You know, in order to start communicating with a person, you need to get to know him.

2 Exercise “Getting to know each other”(5 min). (Development of competence in cognitive activity, self-improvement, activity competence)

In front of you are the introduction forms.

Discussion of answer forms.

Read your friends' business cards. Now you understand perfectly what personal qualities you want to develop in yourself./ Discussion. /

3.Experiment “My self-esteem”"(Competencies of regulation, value-semantic orientation in the world)

No one knows as much bad things about us as we do ourselves,

And no one thinks as well of us as we do ourselves.

Do you know about your strengths and weaknesses.

Do you think you have more positive or negative qualities?

Read the words in the boxes carefully,

Characterizing certain character traits.

Fill out the table by placing in the first column the qualities that characterize an ideal person: in the second, those qualities that an ideal person should not have.

Processing the results.

Processing of results and conclusions:

K "1" - underestimated,

K "0.5" - normal

Discussion of testing.

Let's draw conclusions: What did the testing show?

/Testing showed that in our group there are people with both high self-esteem and low self-esteem/.

People with low self-esteem tend to doubt themselves, take comments personally, worry and worry about unimportant reasons. Such people are most often unsure of themselves and find it difficult to make decisions. When comparing themselves with others, they see more shortcomings in themselves than advantages.

If you answered sincerely and your ideal “I” is not much different from your “I”, then you have high self-esteem, that is, such people are confident in their infallibility, and it is very difficult to interact with them. the way they are not ready to “hear others.”

Life is not like that. what happens to us is this. what can we do with it? Instead of accepting life as it is, why not start living the way you want. Start with something small, but the main thing is to change your attitude towards yourself.

And we will start the change with our physical condition.

4.Exercise “Conserving strength.”(Health care competencies)

Exhaling calmly, slowly, clench your fingers into a fist with your fingers bent inward. thumb. Then, releasing your fist, inhale. Repeat this 5 times, with eyes closed, stand up and exhale, shake your arms slightly, release all tension.

How did you feel?

5. Exercise “Be able to answer NO”(Competencies: health saving, social interaction, activity, citizenship, cognitive activity)

You need to break into groups. And to play out these situations, some must convince others to agree. And others must refuse.




There is a discussion going on.

Who found it difficult to do this and why?

Which of the guys was more confident in himself, why do you think so?

Who wasn't sure? How did this manifest itself?

Who was aggressive? How it manifested itself.

How do these three qualities make you feel?/ Confidence - causes a feeling of reliability. Aggression-rejection; uncertainty - pity / . In psychology, there is an algorithm of two “OO”, Optimal Refusal. (I-message, + refusal + argument + counter-offer) For example: I am pleased that you invited me to the party, but I cannot go, because I need to fulfill my mother’s request , let me come next time.

6 Exercise “Compliment”(Competence of social interaction, communication)

The ability to see and develop in oneself strong point is possible only through friendly relationships. And now we will try to check how much you can see the good in each other.

Look carefully at the friend sitting next to you and say what character trait or habit you like in this person, at the same time give a gift with a wish, if there is one, and the person sitting should thank you and so on in a circle.

7.Design drawing(Competencies of value-semantic orientation in the world, self-knowledge. self improvement)

There is a poster in front of you, you need to silently use paint and a brush to pour out your emotional state by drawing a picture. After which you come up and mark your condition with the experts with colored chips.

7. Reflection.

That's the end of our lesson.

Tell us about your impressions (did you like the lesson?)

What work did you like the most? Why, exactly this moment?

What was the difficulty?

What new things have you discovered?

How do you feel now? What feelings are you filled with?

(If you are tired, then you have not opened up, if you feel good, then one lesson is enough for you, it all depends on your desire to know yourself)

Thanks for the work! To know the world, you must first know yourself, go ahead and be happy!

Application to the training.

  1. Work for experts.

Exercise "Color Painting"

Processing the results. Each color indicator has its own digital designation:

Red – +3; orange-+2; yellow-+1; green-0; blue - minus 1; purple -minus2; black – minus 3, white is not accepted in calculations. A schedule is being built emotional state. At the beginning of the lesson and the end of the lesson.

Appendix No. 2

Fill out the table by placing in the first column the qualities that characterize an ideal person: in the second, those qualities that an ideal person should not have

From the first and second columns, select and highlight those character traits that you think you possess.

Processing the results.

From the first and second columns, select and highlight those character traits that you think you possess.

Divide the number of positive traits that you have given yourself by the number of words placed in column No. 1.

If the result is close to “one”, most likely you are overestimating yourself.

If the result is close to “zero”, this is evidence of underestimation and increased self-criticism.

If the result is close to “0.5”, you can conclude that you have normal self-esteem.

Compare similarly negative qualities with column number 2.

A result close to “0” is inflated self-esteem,

K "1" - underestimated, -k "0.5" - normal

Exercise “Be able to answer “No”

1.situation .They suggest you run away from class and go out with friends, but you have other plans.

2.situation Your friends ask you to drink beer and support them.

3.Situation . People you don't know ask you to help show them the way, inviting you to get into the car, you don't want to seem impolite, but you're afraid.

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