Report on teaching practice. Report on teaching (pre-diploma) practice: writing rules

Report on teaching practice

Trial lessons in elementary school”

The most important phenomenon in

school, the most instructive

the most living thing

an example for a student is

the teacher himself.

A. Diesterweg

I, Ivanchik Olga Gennadievna, gave trial lessons at school No. 11 in Lida in class 3 “B” with teacher Olga Olegovna Novikova.

Throughout the practice I:

Developed the ability to manage students’ independent activities.

Armed myself with the ability to reasonedly analyze the lessons taught.

I learned to correctly form and define goals and objectives, building the most important stages of the lesson.

Mastered the skills of planning a lesson topic.

I learned to choose the right methods and techniques at each stage of the lesson, contributing to the development of independent and creative thinking.

From the first day, we began giving lessons at school, and also observed the lessons taught by the other trainees. Olga Olegovna received us warmly and throughout the practice she showed us how to treat children, gave useful advice on conducting lessons, and we, in turn, learned how to give lessons correctly. We listened, observed all this and wrote analyzes of the lessons, and at the end of each analysis we made a conclusion about the lesson conducted, its structure, the behavior of the children and their activity.

In the first days of practice it was difficult for us, since we did not yet know the children and their level of development. Giving the first lessons in this class, we were afraid that the children would not understand the way we presented the material, we behaved insecurely, and were afraid of not meeting the deadline. Although not everyone was able to give a good lesson right away, we tried and improved. The teacher was a great help to us. She gave us advice, directions, and pointed out our mistakes. During the lesson, she sometimes corrected some of the trainees.

Each of the trainees in their lessons tried to give the children as much knowledge as possible and presented the material in a form that was interesting for children. Every lesson taught by the trainees was somehow interesting to the children. The trainees tried to conduct their lessons in an accessible, interesting way.

The lessons were well organized, important points in the lesson were clearly emphasized, and visual aids were used in each lesson.

The effectiveness of using visual aids in the classroom is evidenced by the results of students’ knowledge, which in most cases we were satisfied with.

We are convinced that the teacher must be in control of the situation that occurs in the lesson, and the attitude towards children must be respectful. Good nature and optimism on the part of the teacher play an important role. In turn, we tried to find and develop creativity in children, this mainly manifested itself in drawing and Russian language lessons.

Physical exercises played an important role in the lessons. They contributed to the preservation and strengthening of students’ health and the formation of

healthy lifestyle. We also taught healthy lifestyles in physical education classes.

All lessons were individual in their own way. The lessons were structured methodically correctly, we achieved our goals during the lesson, skillfully handled the children, and mastered the necessary material. They did everything to interest the children, and to ensure that not a single child sat idle.

Maria Dubeiko gave an interesting lesson on the Belarusian language. The lesson was conducted in the form of a trip.

High-quality visual material was used. Masha felt confident in the lessons and had a good command of the material

Olga Zakharevich always felt confident and clearly presented the necessary material, so everything was clear to the children. There was always discipline, the children did not make noise. I really liked the lesson on literary reading that Olya Zakharevich gave. At the beginning there was a crossword puzzle, the answers to which were fragments from read fairy tales. The lesson presented interesting material about the biography of the writer. Olya held an exhibition of the author’s books and a conversation with the class about the works they had read. Each child read a lot of fairy tales and worked actively in the lesson. They shared their impressions and spoke very emotionally. It was clear that the children enjoyed reading the stories.

Ivan Ambrazhuk was always confident in his lessons. The children worked actively, as interesting tasks were selected that were accessible and understandable to the children. Ivan had a particularly bright and memorable lesson in fine arts. In this lesson, Ivan tried to show all the beauty of the nature around us. The topic was: “Drawing flowers from life.” Therefore, during the lesson, the children talked about the appearance of flowers, their varieties and their role in human life. Vanya tried to give examples from his own life, that is, he connected the lesson with an environment close to each child, namely with the world that surrounds each child in everyday life. The lesson was conducted in an interesting way, various types of work were used: composing proverbs and explaining their meaning, listening to riddles and answering questions about them, children remembering songs that contain lines about flowers. At the end of the lesson there was an exhibition of works.

Each of us tried hard during the lessons. But it should also be noted that the children also tried. The children behaved well, treated us with respect and perceived us as teachers. At each lesson, physical education sessions were held, the children were monitored for proper seating, and their health was monitored.

With every day spent at school, we began to feel more confident, communicated more freely with children, and they got used to us.

On the last day of practice, when we said goodbye to the students, they did not want to let us go, they told us to come again.

The lessons conducted organized the educational activities of students in the classroom, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical patterns, individual and age characteristics of each student. Methods and techniques corresponded to the content of the material, goals, and objectives of each lesson.

Appropriate use of visual aids. Using ways in the classroom that help increase the creative and cognitive activity of students. Development of observation, accuracy, discipline, logical thinking. The sequence of using tasks and exercises to develop skills and abilities.

As for me, before practice I set myself some goals and objectives, namely:

The fact that the main goal of practice is the formation of professional traits. During the practice, the following tasks are solved:

Consolidation, deepening and enrichment of methodological and special knowledge, their application in solving specific problems;

Formation and development of professional skills;

Development of professional personal properties and qualities (ability to show restraint; tact; humane attitude; culture of communication, etc.);

Fostering sustainable interest, love for the profession and the need for self-education;

Development of a creative and research approach to professional activities;

Familiarization with modern professional experience.

For all the lessons I taught, I received good grades (9 and 10).

I really like teaching fine arts lessons, because it is in this lesson that children can create, come up with something new, fantasize, children have the opportunity to reveal their abilities and express themselves.

But I especially liked giving lessons in mathematics. The children worked so actively that they even managed to solve additional tasks. The whole class raised their hands, everyone wanted to be at the blackboard.

As for Russian language lessons, the children’s favorite task was finding and correcting errors in poetry.

All my lessons included visual material, and the lessons were conducted in the form of travel or research - the teacher praised me for this, she liked the visuals (drawings, diagrams) that I used in the lesson.

This practice has given me a lot. I realized that how we teach children is how they will behave in the future. After all, a child is a mirror that reflects both family and education received at school.

There is no need to scold children, you need to select tasks to interest them.

I think that the internship role is an indispensable experience for further professional growth. It shows the student a clear example and allows him to develop skills for further development in the profession of TEACHER. I want to end my report with the words of L.N. Tolstoy:

“Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, must be and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his calling.”




Faculty of Physics

Department of Electronics

about scientific and pedagogical practice at the university

5th year master's student, Faculty of Physics

Alekseev Mikhail Yurievich

at VSU from October 20, 2010 until November 30, 2010

Voronezh 2010

1. Analysis of academic and extracurricular work on the subject

The number of university training classes attended and analyzed (classes with a teacher-methodologist and fellow trainees) is 5, the number of independent classes conducted is 2 (academic discipline: “Expert Systems”, class topics: “Declarative Programming”, “Logic and Set Theory” ). During the practice period, such forms of conducting classes as an informational lecture, a practical lesson and a lecture together were mastered. The main problem in preparing and conducting classes was the lack of experience in organizing such events: when preparing for the first lesson, it was difficult to understand where to start the lecture, how to attract the attention of the audience and whether they would be at all interested in the material proposed for study.

2. Analysis of the trainee’s own teaching style

During the classes, a democratic style of communication was mainly used - students took an active part in the discussion of the material presented. In my opinion, this style has a positive effect on the assimilation of the material, since an increase in students’ initiative leads to their maintaining interest in the subject, and, consequently, to greater concentration of attention on it. In addition, with a democratic style of communication, students not only show interest in work, revealing positive internal motivation, but also become closer to each other on a personal level. In addition to the democratic style, communication was used based on passion for joint creative activity. It seems to me that this style of communication can be considered as a prerequisite for successful joint educational and developmental activities, since passion for a common cause is a source of friendliness and, at the same time, friendliness, multiplied by interest in work, gives rise to a joint enthusiastic search.

3. General conclusions about practice

It seems to me that during teaching practice, the very foundation is laid that in the future allows each student to become a teacher (if only they have the desire). Despite the short period of practice, during it the student becomes familiar with the art of pedagogy and acquires basic skills in communicating with an audience.

Through practice, I was able to better understand myself and the group in which I study. I also learned to use various gestures to explain the material, present the material in a logically coherent manner, answer questions competently, plan a lesson based on a certain time, work competently with the board and adapt the material to the abilities of the audience. To improve your teaching activities, you need to fight complexes, develop the volume of your voice, and pay more attention to the audience.

Thus, studying at Voronezh State University provides a good foundation for teaching, and practice helps to develop an individual style.

4. Analysis and self-analysis of a university lecture

4.1 Focus

During the lecture “Declarative Programming”, students were read material from the course “Expert Systems”. This lecture allows you to become familiar with the main types of declarative programming and their use for solving various problems in the design of expert systems. Since this course is specialized for our group, the lecture material should help students improve their professional skills in the field of information technology and become more highly qualified specialists.

The information lecture “Declarative Programming” consistently outlines the use of various programming languages ​​(PROLOG, LISP, Haskell, Refal, etc.) to solve various scientific problems (such as creating various artificial intelligence models, image recognition systems, etc.) . As the history of the development of the IT industry shows, some popular technologies quickly replace others, which dictates certain requirements for concepts and subjects of teaching, because there are no guarantees that in a few years JAVA and C# will not be close in popularity to Turbo Prolog "y and PL/1. As a result, a specialist “trained” in technologies that are relevant and in demand today may turn out to be useless tomorrow. Such education, in my opinion, will be ineffective. On the other hand, it is impossible to accurately predict when and what directions will be relevant, say, in 5-10 years, it is not possible. Therefore, it seems to me that it is necessary to allocate equal priorities to several paradigms at once, thus allowing future specialists to take a “bird's eye view” of all the methodologies that the concept of programming includes. and see the illusory nature of the limitations of any particular one.

4.3 Technology

The technical equipment of the audience made it possible to present part of the presented material in the form of a presentation, which allowed not only to save time when explaining basic concepts and recording examples of program texts, but also to improve the clarity of the information provided. A whiteboard was also used to explain some of the principles and techniques of declarative programming and provide guidance when answering questions.

Since this lecture was of an introductory nature, and the material presented was quite voluminous, the topic of the speech was chosen to be quite high.


The difficulties that arose in preparing the material were mainly related to the abundance of a large amount of material on the topic of the lecture, from which it was necessary to choose the most important and, if possible, interesting. Despite the fact that all the material was not presented, I think that the lesson was conducted successfully. Discussions arose several times during the lecture, indicating that at least some students were listening and perhaps even interested. The main difficulty in conducting classes was the lack of experience in long-term speaking in front of an audience, which sometimes led to hesitations and pauses. There was also some excitement at the beginning of the lecture, which led to a slight change in the lecture plan (some facts from the history of the development of declarative programming were missed), but this did not violate the integrity of the material presented. In the future, I think it is necessary to select the material more carefully and better prepare the introductory part of the lecture.

Psychological portrait of a student

General information about the student

This psychological portrait was compiled for student Sergei Aleksandrovich Loginov, a 5th year student at VSU, Faculty of Physics, group “information systems and technologies”. Sergey has been studying at the university for 5 years; before entering VSU, he studied at school No. 86 in the physics and mathematics class. At the moment, his physical development is good and he has no bad habits.

Characteristics of psychological characteristics of a student

In communication - open, trusting, attentive, devoid of envy; in actions – focused on single goals, does not seek to complicate them (rather tends to simplify problems); in studies - reasonable, confident, loves to work in a group.

Has good visual memory (both short-term and long-term). The dominant type of thinking is logical.

Has good diction. Oral speech is emotional and expressive (depending on the mood and feelings experienced, different colors predominate). Written speech is distinguished by its conciseness and clarity of the material presented.

Able to concentrate attention on an object of study for a long time, and, if necessary, can switch attention to other objects. The predominant type of attention is voluntary attention (makes a significant effort of will, concentrates one’s attention, understands the content necessary for oneself, and then, without volitional effort, carefully follows the material being studied).

The predominant mood is good (he is more an optimist than a pessimist), although sometimes he is inclined to fall into depression (which most often ends quickly). When communicating, he does not hide his feelings, but this does not prevent him from being a good interlocutor.

Has high moral and volitional qualities. In a difficult situation, he is not prone to panic; he always tries to act calmly and judiciously.

By type of temperament, he is more likely to be sanguine (he is very productive at work when he is interested, becoming very excited about it; if the work is not interesting, he treats it indifferently, he becomes bored), although he is not devoid of melancholy (easily vulnerable, prone to to constant experience of various events).

Student participation in various activities

In general, academic performance is satisfactory. Favorite subjects are thermodynamics and quantum statistics, mathematical analysis and theoretical mechanics (despite the complexity and incomprehensibility of these subjects, almost all of them were successfully passed at the time of writing the psychological portrait).

Was not noticed in social and organizational activities, the level of social activity is low.

At the moment, in addition to studying at VSU, he is studying at the Siemens center (studying foreign languages ​​(English and German), programming (Java, C++, Abab), control and design systems (SAP)).

Student position in the group

Is an integral part of the group. He does not strive to be a leader, but his opinion is listened to.

Teachers: when teaching a student, you should take into account that he usually has his own view on the material being presented, but is careful in his statements.

To parents: loves obvious manifestations of care in any form (moral and material).

To the student: do not strive to oversimplify problems; do not hide your opinion if it differs from the majority opinion.

When studying at a pedagogical university comes to its logical conclusion, all students have to put into practice the knowledge acquired over the years of study. As in any university, in order to receive the coveted diploma, students have to write and defend, but in order to receive admission to defend, first of all, they need to submit a report on teaching practice.

The place of pre-diploma can be either high schools, technical schools, colleges or other universities. At this time, students have to apply all their theoretical knowledge so as not to lose face and show their best sides. A report on teaching practice is the last step that needs to be overcome on the path to independent work as a teacher. The experience gained is very important for the student to become a real specialist.

It is important to understand that teaching practice is not only about conducting lessons and communicating with schoolchildren or students, but also about keeping records in special diaries, drawing up reports, and consulting with teaching methodologists. A report on teaching practice at school has its own nuances, since, among other things, it also requires drawing up a calendar of extracurricular activities, etc. Teaching at a university has its own characteristics.

In order to compile a complete report on teaching practice, which will comply with all accepted standards, you should prepare a workbook, a pedagogical diary, a description of the class, the student and one student. First of all, you need to get to work. On it you need to indicate your data, the name of the teacher with whom you completed your internship, and the name of the internship supervisor.

It is also necessary to give a brief but meaningful analysis of the entire practice. Here it is worth mentioning what new knowledge and skills were acquired, how difficult it was to establish contact with students. Don’t forget about the moments that caused the most difficulties in your work, as well as the actions taken to get out of the current situation. It is important to indicate whether assistance was provided by the teacher.

A report on teaching practice at a university is compiled in almost the same way as at school. Here, too, it is necessary to keep a pedagogical diary, note in it the results of work with the experimental class, and analyze the activities of students. Also, one should not lose sight of such an important part of the work as collecting information and data necessary for writing

A report on teaching practice cannot be complete without compiling a profile for the selected student and the entire class. You must include a workbook with a summary of all lessons taught. The main text of the report is written based on these records. Also attached is a testimonial for the intern, written by the teacher with whom the internship is taking place. It is certified by the seal of the school director. The internship report is submitted to the university immediately after completion and no later than on the 10th day.

____groups ___ course
Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship

undergoing teaching practice in
during the period from ___________ to ___________

From _______— ___ years to _______— ____years I did an internship in ____________________________.

1. Report on teaching practice - implementation of the plan

During teaching practice, I became acquainted with the directions of educational work of the school and the organization of the pedagogical process in modern conditions.

How the teacher consolidated and deepened the theoretical knowledge acquired in the course of psychological, pedagogical and special disciplines. Mastered the content, forms and methods of educational work in the subject and in the team, class, skills and abilities to analyze the organization of the content and results of the pedagogical process.

Learned methods and techniques for planning teacher activities.

During the practice, I improved such professional skills as: studying the student’s personality, his age and individual characteristics, studying the class team, studying the characteristics of the class teacher, team and educational work, taking into account the individual and group characteristics of the class students.

I also learned to plan the content and methods for managing the educational and extracurricular educational activities of schoolchildren; organization, course and result of the activities of the class teacher and teacher in the specialty of their pedagogical activity.

During the period of teaching practice, I believe that I fulfilled the plan. There were some deviations from the plan in visiting lessons, but I spent this time preparing for lessons and class hours.

I also spent time helping the technology teacher prepare material for lessons, assisted in conducting class hours, and assisted in conducting other school-wide events on the instructions of the teacher organizer and deputy. director of educational work.

2. Number of classes attended and their discussions

3. Report on teaching practice - main results of visits

While attending lessons, I observed the students, their behavior and relationships in the classroom. I observed how children prepare for lessons, do homework, work in class, their relationships with teachers, how teachers treat students.

Observe what methods teachers use to teach students in the classroom. All this allowed me to draw conclusions about the relationships in the class between students, in general, and the attitude of each student to study and class.

While attending extracurricular activities, I also observed students and their behavior. This allowed me to draw conclusions about the behavior of students outside of class hours. At the parent meeting, I met the students’ parents, talked with some, and got an idea of ​​their marital status and family relationships.

While visiting the “Skillful Hands” club, I looked at what products the children were making in the circle. He talked with the children about their work and suggested the correct execution of operations.

Having carried out extracurricular activities, I was able to get an overall picture of the work of the school and my students.

4. Report on teaching practice - main didactic tasks

Problems solved during the period of teaching practice, results obtained

During my internship, I set myself the following tasks:

  1. Get acquainted with the structure and content of the educational process at school.
  2. Get to know the specifics of teachers' work.
  3. Master pedagogical forms of interaction with students.
  4. Apply acquired knowledge in practice.
  5. Learn to plan and analyze your activities.
  6. Master the skills of competently, clearly and logically presenting new material.
  7. Get acquainted with the experience of teachers and adopt the most effective teaching techniques and methods.
  8. Gain skills in individual work with students.
  9. Learn to plan the work of the class teacher and perform all his functions.

I believe that during the period of my pedagogical internship I completed all the tasks assigned to me.

5. Which lessons were more successful and why?

What were the difficulties in class work and their reasons?

During the lessons, I encountered difficulties in the first lessons due to the fact that I did not know the students by name, their individual personality traits, their individual capabilities and knowledge.

There were also difficulties due to my slight anxiety; I sometimes got confused during the story. At the beginning of all the first lessons, there were difficulties with the discipline of the students, but as the lesson progressed, these difficulties were resolved, since as we got to know each other better, the students and I found a common language.

Subsequent lessons went well. I already knew the violators of discipline and stopped their violations. I knew the names of the students and their attitude to the subject, knowledge of the subject, the abilities of the students, which made it easier for me to communicate with them and distribute individual tasks.

6. What kind of visual aids are made?

Technological maps, posters, signal cards, independent work, tests, tests were produced.

7. Report on teaching practice - extracurricular work - analysis

During my internship, I organized and conducted one extracurricular event using technology: “My own game.” Class hours were held on the topics: “Language passport of a speaker”, “World of professions”, “Mother’s Day”. Competition "Dear Snow Maiden".

Class hour on the topic: “The world of professions”

  • Assisting high school students in choosing a future profession.
  • Nurturing the professional and legal culture of a high school student’s personality.
  • Education of civic position of schoolchildren.

Analysis of the event

The topic, it seems to me, is relevant at all times, since eighth-graders are already thinking about where to go to study and who to be.

In my opinion, the event helped the children more accurately decide on their choice of future profession. They actively participated, selected material, and willingly expressed their opinions about this work.

Therefore, this topic is relevant and educationally valuable for senior students. This event does not contain much material for the moral development of students, for a better understanding of moral issues, which, undoubtedly, is the dominant direction of their development at this age stage.

But the historical facts covered by this event are very useful for broadening the general horizons of students, because This issue is almost never discussed in school history courses. The preparation process contains many opportunities for the creative expression of the personality of each student, for uniting the team and developing its independence and activity, which is very important for this team.

Discipline throughout the entire event was good.

In the process of preparing and holding the event, the children were seized by the spirit of competition: who could better represent their profession.

The goal of the event was achieved. Its real ideological, educational and cognitive value lies in the fact that the guys really united even more during the holding and, especially, preparation of the event, learned a lot of new things, and learned a lot from working together.

During the preparation and conduct of the event, the low activity of some students somewhat reduced the educational effect compared to the expected one.

I think that in the future such events will also arouse interest and initiative among the children of this class, so I would advise the class teacher to hold such events in the future.

I also assisted the class teacher in an extracurricular event dedicated to Mother's Day. The unusual thing about it was that all the children took part in it, those who wanted to took the role of presenters, the rest, along with their parents, willingly took part in the game. All the children were awarded with memorable gifts.

I held an extracurricular event on the subject “My own game”

Purpose of the work: activation of cognitive activity of students, increasing motivation for learning activities.

  1. Activation and development of students’ cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, observation, intelligence, etc.).
  2. Repetition and consolidation of knowledge acquired in lessons.
  3. Expanding your horizons.
  4. Creating an active, creative environment during the event, which has a beneficial effect on the emotionality and psyche of students.
  5. Improving the combination of individual and collective forms of work with students.

In my opinion, everything turned out well, it’s not for nothing that the guys and I prepared for it so carefully and decorated the hall. Everyone participated with great desire.

The goal has been achieved, the tasks have been solved. A report on teaching practice has been compiled

8. What kind of scientific research work was carried out?

During my teaching practice, I conducted a study of health-saving features of organizing and conducting classes on the design and manufacture of devices for the prevention of diseases in schoolchildren in a school workshop.

9. Participation in other types of work

During evenings at school, I helped to be on duty at the evenings.

10. Report on teaching practice - general conclusions

During my internship, I tried myself as a technology teacher. I tried to teach lessons, which, according to the teacher and my own self-analysis, turned out not bad, although I still need to gain experience and a little courage.

I also need to work on using effective methods to teach students. This is because the school does not have enough funds to purchase materials and decorate classrooms. Extracurricular activities with the class went well. All extra-curricular activities took place as if “in one breath.” I managed to find an approach to the class, and the children obeyed and carried out all my instructions.

I noticed one drawback in them: after classes everyone rushes home. But when you start holding an event, this problem disappears by itself and you can no longer hear the cries of “I want to go home.”

Proposal to the university for teaching practice: make the practice longer and reduce the amount of reporting on the practice. Filling out a large number of diaries interferes and distracts from the educational process and extracurricular activities.

But in general, I would like to wish creative success to everyone!

Specialty "030100 - Computer Science" of the Institute of Education and Social Sciences of the North Caucasus Federal University

Andreeva Svetlana Nikolaevna.

Report on the teaching practice of a 6th year student in the 7th grade of a municipal government educational institution of secondary school No. 6, village. Serafimovsky Arzgirsky district of the Stavropol Territory (from 09/27/2013 to 01/19/2014)

In the period from 09/27/2013 to 01/17/2013, I, Svetlana Nikolaevna Andreeva (photo 1), underwent teaching practice at the municipal educational institution, secondary school No. 6, village. Serafimovsky Arzgirsky district of the Stavropol Territory in 7th grade. The staff of this educational institution turned out to be very kind, responsive, sincere, creative and positive (photo 2).

In the process of teaching practice, having attended lessons according to plan, I was able to get acquainted with the teaching experience of school teachers, which helped me develop a creative, research approach to my future professional activity.

With the help of a methodologist, thanks to educational practice, I learned to plan training sessions in accordance with the curriculum and thematic plan, mastered the skills of methodological processing of material and its written presentation (in the form of thematic, lesson planning, lesson notes).

In the course of teaching practice, I learned to set specific goals for each lesson and formulate educational objectives, reasonably design and implement the selected volume, logical structure, select different types of lessons that are most effective in studying the relevant topics and sections of the program, distinguishing between their particular and general goals, organize student activities in the classroom, manage them and evaluate their results.

The technical equipment of the school is at an average level, in the computer science classroom (photo 3) there are eleven computers, nine of which are in working order, schoolchildren are fully provided with literature, and workspaces are in good condition.

The main goals of the internship were:

  • consolidation of theoretical knowledge in pedagogy in practice;
  • obtaining a holistic understanding of teaching activities within an educational institution;
  • development of one’s own teaching abilities;
  • mastering modern technologies of training and education;
  • learn to monitor the results of students’ activities.

Practical work at school opened up the opportunity for me to learn all aspects of teaching and significantly expand my ideas about the organization of the educational process, the basics of teaching various academic disciplines, and get acquainted with various teaching techniques and methods.

A great contribution to the formation of an idea of ​​the teacher’s personality and, in fact, the teaching process, was my presence in the lessons of subject teachers in the 7th grade (photo 4). The purpose of my presence was to analyze the activities of teachers; I paid special attention to methods of presenting material and constructing a lesson. It should be noted that only thanks to such targeted observation, I was able to realize that the work of a teacher is a huge amount of work, art and pedagogical knowledge.

During my internship, I carried out my activities as a subject teacher, as well as a class teacher in grade 7 “a” (photo 5). Despite the fact that I had to do a lot of work when preparing lessons for schoolchildren, this activity brought me great moral satisfaction, and, of course, the impressions of conducting lessons on my own were the most vivid during the entire practice.

During my internship, I was very interested in the life of the school in general. I had to deviate a little from the practice plan. This allowed me to see a lot of interesting things. I attended with interest the classes of the “Cossack Yard” club, which is attended by children of grade 7 “a”, where the “Matchmaking Rite” was shown (photo 6). I was very interested in the elective course in the 3rd grade “Educational Robotics”, where the guys listen with interest about the creation of robotics, the types of robots, sound reproduction and sound control, the movement of a robot with an ultrasonic sensor and a touch sensor, and much more. With the greatest interest, the guys During the elective course, students become interested in programming and functioning of the robot. I was so fascinated by robotics that I simply couldn’t resist and decided to assemble another robot model together with the guys (photos 7, 8, 9, 10).

I carried out:

  • 24 computer science lessons in 7th grade: 2 of them are credit lessons;
  • Quiz “The best computer scientist”.
  • Game “KVN in computer science”
  • New Year's performance “Eastern Country”
  • Parent meeting on the topic: “Age characteristics of adolescents.”
  • Class hour on the topic “How to avoid conflict in the family.”

I have prepared:

1. Report on teaching practice;

2. 12 lesson plans;

3. written pedagogical analysis of one lesson attended;

4. 2 scenarios for an informatics event;

5. class script;

6. diary of teaching practice;

7. an individual plan with a note from the methodologist about its implementation;

8. psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class;

In the process of conducting these events, teaching skills, competent presentation of material, finding contact with students were improved, ideas emerged about ways to organize a team, hold the attention of the class, generate interest in the material being taught, and create positive learning motivation.

On December 7, 2013, a quiz “The Best Computer Scientist” was organized with 7th grade students (photo 11). The main goals of the event are to test students' knowledge in mathematics and computer science, popularize entertaining tasks among students, develop cognitive interest, intelligence, develop students' team spirit, communication skills and joint activities, instill interest in computer science as an element of universal culture.

I was faced with the following tasks: to create conditions for increasing cognitive interest in the subject, to create a culture of communication “teacher” - “student”, “student” - “student”. All goals and objectives were achieved during the quiz, the use of ICT was a great help in this. The entire event was held at a high emotional level, all students of the teams actively took part in the quiz. Irina Zasyadko was interested in the 1st round of the “Mathematical Warm-up” quiz, Ivan Sakhno and Vyacheslav Bednov liked the 2nd round of the captain competition “fun questions” quiz, Sabrinea Isadzhieva and Indira Avtorkhanova liked the 3rd round of the “Entertaining Problems” quiz, especially interesting for all the guys taking part in quiz, it turned out to be the 4th round of the “Infomarathon” quiz. At the end of the quiz, each participant received a sweet prize, since friendship won.

On December 24, 2013, the game “KVN in Informatics” was organized with 7th grade students (photo 12). The main goals are generalization and systematization of students' knowledge in the computer science course.

Objectives: development of memory, erudition, creativity, logical thinking of students; instilling in students mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team, and responsibility in achieving goals.

For the game, team members were offered cards for warming up, a task for captains (Andrey Kamyshanov and Konstantin Lukyantsov), questions for the “Who wins” competition (Andrey Nikolaychuk and Ivan Gnezdilov), a drawing for a creative competition (Sabrina Isadzhieva and Anastasia Logvinova, questions for fans .

In a creative drawing competition, Pain, drawn using a graphic editor, was recognized as the best drawing by Sabrina Isadzhieva (photo 13).

The most friendly team was the 7th grade, which became the winner of the “KVN in Informatics” game.

On January 14, 2014, during one of the credit lessons (photos 14, 15, 16) in the computer class, a knowledge lesson was held in the 7th grade “Document as an information object.” The main goal of this knowledge lesson was to introduce students to new terms, develop skills in using computer technology, develop creativity, attention, memory, logical thinking, interest in modern information technologies, and cultivate a creative perception of the world through technical means of processing documentary information. During the lesson, a presentation was used on this lesson topic.

Students from the entire class took an active part in the learning lesson. During the lesson, the students remembered a wonderful time - this is the time of childhood, when a baby was born so small, defenseless and helpless. He can neither speak nor walk. During the lesson, the guys and I found out what is the very first and very important document in life that a newly born baby receives? (CERTIFICATE)

Then the guys and I realized that there are other quite important documents that prove identity upon reaching the age of 14 (PASSPORT), and there are also other documents that contain the necessary information (DOCTOR’S CERTIFICATES, TRAVEL TICKET, DIPLOMA, CERTIFICATE and others ). Thanks to this knowledge lesson, the children remembered that documents are usually protected from water and fire, from damage and theft, since they are sources of information and store historical, technical, medical and other data. Documents contain text, numeric and graphic data.

During the knowledge lesson, students in the class became acquainted with such new terms as document and electronic document.

In order for the children to feel like real programmers during the knowledge lesson, I invited them to work on interesting electronic tasks on the computer. After all, many of them understand that in order to learn how to use a computer, it is necessary to master all its devices.

A very important, if not the determining factor contributing to my success, was the friendly, involved attitude of the teachers. No one refused to help me; some teachers gave valuable advice and helped in developing lessons.

Of great importance in the formation of both psychological and pedagogical qualities was the study and compilation of class characteristics. This assignment prompted me to look at the students in the group, determine the prevailing patterns of behavior, analyze, give explanations to various facts, events, and various manifestations of personality within a closed group.

Overall, I rate my practice as successful. The teaching practice plan has been fully implemented. I managed to realize all the intended goals and objectives, acquire invaluable practical experience and skills in working with a class team, taking into account its psychological structure and level of development; deepen your knowledge in pedagogy; to develop skills in organizing productive interaction with the class in and outside of class (establishing personal contacts, cooperation skills, dialogue communication, etc.); the ability to competently distribute lesson time and workload, in accordance with the level of knowledge both in the class and individual students; the ability to notice and analyze situations that arise in the classroom that require pedagogical intervention; the ability to competently analyze (from psychological, pedagogical and methodological points of view) lessons and educational activities conducted by teachers.

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