Opening the water column. The monument to Major Vyacheslav Malyarov was solemnly opened

The ability to enjoy little things

Bench, column and parking lot: the strangest opening ceremonies of 2017

press service of the administration of Ust-Labinsk

Every year, thousands of opening ceremonies take place in Russia, attended by millions of federal, regional and local officials and politicians. These include relatively large events, such as the opening of new schools and hospitals or significant monuments. But every year, officials manage to make the news for strange ceremonies. For example, in 2016, a garbage can was inaugurated in one of the cities, and in 2015, a bus stop consisting of a concrete slab was inaugurated. the site remembered what strange or funny opening ceremonies took place in 2017.

Children opened a parking lot

To one of latest stories Journalist Oleg Kashin drew attention to strange discoveries. In the city of Sovetsk, Kaliningrad region, the grand opening of a car parking lot took place at Lyceum No. 5. The parking lot was opened with a children's flash mob - schoolchildren lined up right at the opening site and danced under the guidance of an animator. The head of the city, Nikolai Voishchev, wrote on Facebook about the “warm and friendly atmosphere of the holiday”, who did not notice any catch in the ceremony.

German machine gun on the Kalashnikov monument

One of the most scandalous discoveries of the year was the installation in Moscow of a monument to weapons designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, which was placed in the park at the intersection of Sadovaya, Karetnaya and Dolgorukovskaya streets. After the ceremony, historian Yuri Pasholok discovered that the bas-relief of the monument depicts a drawing of a German StG 44 assault rifle.

Press service of RVIO

The monument was prepared folk artist Russia Salavat Shcherbakov. The composition was installed by the Russian Military Historical Society with the support of the Moscow City Duma and the Rostec Corporation. At the opening of the monument, Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky called the Kalashnikov assault rifle “a cultural brand of Russia.” After discovering the error, he stated that one of the apprentices was “let down by the Internet”, where the scheme was taken from.

The Russian Military Historical Society is churning out identical monuments

By the way, in November, designer Artemy Lebedev drew attention to the fact that the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO) had erected absolutely identical monuments in a number of cities across the country. The replicated monument represents a severe Soviet warrior with a machine gun on the belt.

Destroyed playgrounds

A separate genre is the opening of children's playgrounds. According to improvement programs, they appear quite often and photographs from events, especially in small towns, become the subject of discussion among urbanists. For example, blogger Ilya Varlamov often writes about the fact that city administrations like to solemnly open dilapidated playgrounds.

Indicative in 2017 was the case of a site in the city of Tsivilsk, Chuvash region. Three days after the opening, a student was literally sucked into the mud that covered the new playground. They were able to get it out only with the help of a shovel; the child’s boots remained inside the playground.

Valuev and the bench

State Duma deputy, boxer Nikolai Valuev took part in the opening ceremony of the bench in May 2017. Its peculiarity is that it offers a view of the construction Crimean bridge.

official information website for the construction of the Crimean Bridge

At the ceremony, which was attended by representatives of the Tamansky administration rural settlement and the bridge builders, Valuev said that the bench is very bright and original and many photographs from this bench will appear on social networks. the site was able to find 4 photos over the last three months on Instagram using the tag “#Crimeanbridge”

Column in Tomsk

In Tomsk in August, the grand opening of water supply networks took place on Shpalnaya and Stroevaya streets - essentially, an ordinary water standpipe. The ceremony was attended by the mayor of the city, Ivan Klein, and the speaker of the city duma, Sergei Panov, who cut a symbolic red ribbon over the column.

Tomsk.Ru /

Users of social networks mocked the event, recalling that the world is already in the 21st century. However, local media clarified that for residents of 80 private houses, the opening of a water pump is a really big deal, because previously they received water from Tomskvodokanal on a schedule - twice a week.

“If necessary, I’ll involve my mother too”

Opening of St. Petersburg cadet corps RF Investigative Committee September 1 could have been quite ordinary, if not for the poems that were read at the ceremony by children who expressed a desire to become investigators in the future. In particular, preschooler Diana promised to involve even my own mother(“For work, if necessary, I’ll involve my mother”). The head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, together with other participants in the ceremony, applauded and kissed Diana on the cheek, and then accepted all the children as honorary cadets.

Grand opening of the sidewalk

Despite the fact that pedestrian paths are, according to regulations, an obligatory part of the urban environment, which local administrations must monitor according to their powers, in Russia almost no year goes by without the grand opening of a sidewalk in one of the cities. This year, the red ribbon over the new tile was cut in Ust-Labinsk, including by the head of the urban settlement, Sergei Vysokubov. The ceremony took place to the applause of the townspeople. Even cloudy and rainy weather could not interfere with the holiday.

Girl behind the fence

This year in Sverdlovsk region Installed two sculptures of a plaster girl “Daddy, where are you?” The figure of a girl running towards her dad stood in Berezovsky for less than a day - the night after its installation it was destroyed by vandals. Therefore, in Yekaterinburg, it was decided to fence the sculpture in the Central Park of Culture and Culture with a meter-long anti-vandal fence.

Group “Interesting Ekaterinburg” on the social network “VKontakte”

Collapsed Christmas tree

In the village of Bald Mountains Saratov region right during the opening ceremony, the New Year tree collapsed to the ground. Local residents and children were at the event at that time. Local public pages on VKontakte wrote that the tree fell due to a strong gust of wind and was soon put back in place.

Group "Saratov Online" on VKontakte

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There is such a bearded joke - “Mongolian scientists opened the door.” Russian officials systematically do something similar.

Despite the modest reason - there are no other elements of the playground in this vacant lot - officials decided. As Ksenia Yutkevich, chief specialist of the department of organizational and information work of the administration of the Saki district, wrote, “... no one left the holiday without a smile.”

In the village of Mirny, Oleninsky district, a garbage dump was solemnly opened. The event was personally attended by the head of the district, Oleg Dubov. He also cut the red ribbon.

6. In Syktyvkar, on October 26, 2016, PAZik, the “health bus,” was inaugurated.

At the event, the red ribbon was solemnly cut, although this is an ordinary route PAZ, only with new inscriptions like “ Healthy eating- active longevity" and "I am what I eat! (Hippocrates)." Inside the “health bus” there are materials telling about a healthy lifestyle.

7. On May 22, 2017, former boxer and State Duma deputy Nikolai Valuev inaugurated a bench in Taman.

The bench is installed so that it is convenient to observe the construction of the Kerch (Crimean) bridge connecting the Krasnodar region and the Crimean peninsula. Interesting: how much did this whole event cost?

8. “Do you want to go on TV?!”: The mayor of Sochi, during the opening of a shop, drove away a volunteer who was trying to help cut the red ribbon.

And this is yesterday's news. More precisely, the video was published on May 31, but caused a stir in the federal media today.

A special bench was made in Sochi for the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the Year of Ecology in Russia. This is certainly not a concrete slab, because it looks like a football goal and there is a phone charger there! The head of Sochi, Anatoly Pakhomov, as the video shows, did not want to share the glory of this technological breakthrough with anyone. Even with a volunteer!

By the way, this is the same mayor who threw gifts for the children on the ground - a net with balls.

At the opening of an invisible stop in Komi

In Russia they love to cut red ribbons and solemnly open everything that comes to hand. I made a selection of such anecdotal events"Jellyfish" . Asphalt in the yard In Kansk Krasnoyarsk Territory The chairman of the HOA solemnly opened the asphalt in the local area. First, she said that there had been no asphalt in the courtyard of the five-story building for 44 years, and then she tried to cut the ribbon from the wrong side - standing with her back to the residents. But it worked out. Flashlight Head of the Oleninsky district of the Tver region Oleg Dubov the lantern was solemnly opened in the village of Kholmets. True, the lantern was shining in the wrong direction. Residents began to be indignant, in response Dubov swore at them and called them “a mini-Maidan of drunken summer residents.” School fence In the village of Pushkinskie Gory in the Pskov region, the grand opening of a fence around a boarding school took place without the participation of local authorities - the ceremony was hosted by the school director and the chairman of the regional trade union. The fence was built from slabs by volunteers because the authorities did not provide money for it for seven years. Grand opening took place in February 2018, and already in March an auction was held for the construction of a normal metal fence - judging by the procurement documents, it was supposed to be erected by the beginning of summer. Benches In 2017 in Krasnodar region Two benches were solemnly opened at once. One, with USB ports for charging phones and tablets, was opened by the mayor of Sochi Anatoly Pakhomov(he also shooed away a volunteer who was trying to help with cutting the tape: “Do you want everything on TV? Move away, don’t do this”) Another bench, in Taman, was opened by a State Duma deputy Nikolay Valuev. Its peculiarity is that it looks at the bridge to Crimea that was being built at that time. PAZik In Syktyvkar in October 2016, the “health bus” was solemnly launched. It differs from ordinary regular buses in its design - outside and inside, PAZik encourages people to drive healthy image life. The Minister of Health of Komi participated in the opening ceremony of the bus Dmitry Berezin A year and a half later, the “health bus” crushed a car parked at the side of the road. No one was hurt. Invisible stop Another story from Komi. In the village of Kortkeros, a bus stop was inaugurated in September 2015, which is very difficult to notice.

A few days later it was dismantled, and almost a year later they announced that the stop would be rebuilt (this time with trash cans and benches). It is unknown whether there was a stop in the end.

Column with water In Tomsk in August 2017, a red ribbon was cut in front of a pump. Mayor of the city Ivan Klein, who participated in the ceremony, defiantly drank water from the water pump. And I smelled iron. As the local Vesti reported, local residents This doesn’t bother me, the main thing is that there is water. stairs In St. Petersburg, in October 2015, a staircase was solemnly opened in the building of the Center for Extracurricular Activities. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Young Guard, who emphasized that their leader actively helped with the repair of railings and steps. Garbage cans In August 2017, two days apart, garbage containers were solemnly opened in Novokuznetsk and the village of Mirny (Tver Region). In Mirny, the head of the Oleninsky district cut the ribbon Oleg Dubov- the same one who a year later swore at people outraged by the lantern. Empty space In September 2014, director Nikita Mikhalkov arrived in Nizhny Novgorod open the sculpture of Uncle Styopa. But they didn’t have time to finish the sculpture itself by this time, so Mikhalkov solemnly opened the empty space.

On September 3, in the park of the 9th microdistrict, the grand opening of the monument to the senior detective of the Alpha Directorate of the Center took place special purpose Federal service security Russian Federation Major Vyacheslav Malyarov and a flower-laying ceremony in memory of the children and adults who died during terrorist attack in the city of Beslan.

According to the press service of the Balakovo district administration, combat veterans of the Balakovo branch took part in the event public organization « Combat brotherhood" and "Combat Commonwealth", representatives of the International Association of Veterans of the Anti-Terrorism Unit "Alpha", security forces, school students, youth members, cadets of the automobile and transport technical school, residents and guests of the city and region.

WITH greetings The head of Balakovsky addressed the audience municipal district Alexander Solovyov: " In fact, the 3rd is a tragic day not only for Beslan, but for the entire Russian Federation, for the whole world. It's a shame that terrible tragedy Balakov was also affected - our fellow countryman Vyacheslav Malyarov died. Today we are all proud that a simple Balakovo guy gave his life without hesitation, protecting the school and children. We must remember the heroes whose patriotism is a symbol of courage, valor and heroism, the strength of the Russian people, a necessary condition unity, greatness and power of the Russian state."

The speech of the head of the Vice-President of the International Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terror unit, Vladimir Eliseev, continued: " For 44 years, our unit has been at the forefront of the fight against terrorism. During this time, 32 employees died - Vyacheslav Malyarov also left his story on this list. Today, being on Balakovo land, we see that as long as there is a generation that honors and remembers its heroes, nothing threatens our country. I want to say something special Thanks a lot residents of the city of Balakovo, who helped perpetuate the memory of our friend Slava".

Worried and barely holding back tears, the mother of the deceased, Anna Petrovna Malyarova, said a few words about her beloved son: " I am very grateful to all of you for remembering my son Slava. He was an ordinary child- studied, played sports, like all boys, he was a bit of a hooligan, but he always got a bad grade for his behavior. I joined the army - I always dreamed of serving in more difficult places. He said, “Don’t cry, mom, but who, if not me, will defend our Motherland? I won’t go, someone else won’t go – this can’t be done.” This is how I had it. Thank you, Balakovo residents, low bow".

In a solemn atmosphere, the material was removed from the monument to Vyacheslav Malyarov. White doves soared into the air and bright red carnations lay on the granite.

Photo: press service of the Balakovo district administration

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