Open lesson my city in the preparatory group. Summary of the educational ring on the topic “My favorite city!” in the preparatory school group

Natalia Uvarova
Abstract open class V preparatory group"My city"

Abstract GCD using development and research technologies

"My city»

Developed: teacher Uvarova Natalia Sergeevna

Target: broaden children’s horizons with information about the history and sights of their native cities.

Integration of educational regions: « Cognitive development» , « Speech development» , "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".


Develop creative imagination;

Expand and deepen knowledge about the history of your native cities.

Improve skills verbal communication, ability to express one’s opinion;

- vocabulary enrichment: "guide", "guide".

To consolidate knowledge about the rules of conduct in transport and on the road;

Foster patriotic feelings;

Strengthen skills design.

Preliminary work :

Joint visit with parents urban Local history museum, attractions cities.

Guessing everyday riddles.

Reading fiction literature: M. M. Prishvin “My Motherland” (from childhood memories)", poems about the Motherland, city ​​of Lipetsk.

Consideration story pictures and compiling a story based on them.

Conversation about home, home city, native land.

Materials and equipment: video and photographic materials about attractions city ​​of Lipetsk, constructor and diagrams for constructing houses.

Progress of the lesson:


Guys, in our kindergarten I received an unusual video letter. Let's see.

Good morning! Good morning Guys! My name is Katie Smith. I am a journalist, I write various interesting articles.

IN at the moment I'm traveling around Russia. I came from America. In America we have the main Washington city. It's very beautiful city.

Guys, I would like to write an article about your city. Therefore, I have a request to you, please give me a tour. Tell me why your the city is called Lipetsk? Who built it? Collect information about the sights and tell me everything. Good luck to you.

See you soon! Good bay!


Guys, who has been to another country?

What do you remember there?

Do you want to talk about your city also spoke well?

What needs to be done for this? (answers from children).

How can we collect necessary information O city? (children's answers).

What do we need to go on an excursion? (Children's answers)

What is the name of the person who conducts the tour? (Tour guide, guide)

I suggest going on a tour to learn as much as possible about our city. What do you think is the best way to take a tour of city? (Children offer various types transport, and the teacher leads them to the decision that a large number of children will only fit on a bus)

I bought us tickets, get on the bus and take your seats according to the number on the ticket.

And don’t forget to follow the rules of behavior in transport. What are these rules? (Children's answers)


Guys, what places of ours cities do you think are the most beautiful? (Children's answers) Let's take a look at them. Showing photographs of fountains and parks where children of our groups.

Our first stop... (Showing a photograph of Peter the Great Square)

What is this square famous for, who can tell? (Children's answers)

Who is this square named after? Why? (Children's answers)

Conversation about the history of origin city ​​of Lipetsk

- City Lipetsk arose a long time ago and it looked like this.

(Showing an illustration of old Lipetsk).

Our city was a small settlement. Pay attention to the houses.

What are they? (All the houses were small).

Look at the houses in the illustration and guess what they were built from? (Made of stone and logs, thatched).

How did residents move around in the past? city? (The roads were narrow, people moved along them either on foot or on horseback. There were no cars then. (Show illustration).

But one day, near the city of Lipetsk, a most valuable mineral was found - iron ore. (Ore display).

Teacher's story: During the reign of Peter I, large deposits were found on the banks of the Lipovka River iron ore. 1703 is considered to be the year of the founding of Lipetsk (Day cities celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of July). It was then, on the orders of Peter I, on the Lipovka River, at its confluence with the Voronezh River, that the construction of iron factories for the needs of Russian fleet and the army. For short term On the banks of the river, ore processing plants were built, and the village of Lipovka was renamed Lipetsk Iron Works. And in 1779 he was given the status The city was named Lipetsk, the name under which this city has been living and developing for several hundred years.

Currently Lipetsk is the main region city. Everything related to

past native land, revered by the residents city ​​of Lipetsk. Children, why is he famous?

our modern city? (Children's answers).

- Educator: That's right, our pride cities metallurgical plants are known far beyond the borders of our country.

(Showing NLMK illustration).

Who will tell you what this plant is famous for? (Children's answers).

Which of your relatives worked there and what did they tell you? (children's answers)

Novolipetsk plant

Gives metal to the whole country!

To build ships -

Steel, cast iron, rolled products are needed!

Airplanes and cars

And giant harvesters

Must be made of metal

They are important for the Motherland!

And wind-up toys

The springs are made of steel.

That's why it's not for nothing

Honor and glory to the steelworkers)

Now let's cross the street and find ourselves in one of the favorite vacation spots of Lipetsk residents. But first, let's remember the rules on how to cross the road. (Children's answers)

What kind of place do you think this is? (Children's answers) Showing photographs of the Lower Park)

Children, can any of you guess whether this park is old or young?

Why do you think so? (Look how thick the trunks are


What kind of building is this? (Display of guns in the Lower Park)

What are they famous for?

What source is there in Nizhny Park? (Photo show)

(There is a source of mineral water in the Lower Park. Lipetsk water is healing).

Children, what else is remarkable in the Lower Park that is not found in any

another park? (Zoo).

How many of you have been to the zoo? (Children talk about the inhabitants of the zoo).

Now let’s stretch our legs a little and move on.


We get up early in the morning,

We see the city outside the window. (point with hands to the window)

He woke up, he lives

He's calling us to the street. (walking in place)

Houses are different:

High and low (raise your hands up and down)

Far and near (extend your arms and bring them closer to you)

Wooden, panel, brick, (move with one hand as if counting)

They seem to be ordinary. (spread hands)

We live, we grow

In our hometown. (gradually rise on your toes with your arms raised and take the i.p.)

For some - small, - (show a small object with your hands)

And for us it’s huge. (raise your arms up and down to your sides)

Let it grow

Let it bloom (hands on the belt, springs in both directions)

Our nice town(spread your arms straight to the sides)


Look, we have reached some kind of monument. (Showing the monument to Peter on Petrovsky Spusk) In honor of whom was it installed? (One merchant, relaxing in Lipetsk mineral waters, recovered from his illness. And as a token of gratitude to Peter I, for the mineral springs, the merchant built a monument to Peter I many, many years ago.)


And also the residents of our cities Monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War were erected in gratitude. Tell me, what date did our country celebrate last year? (70th anniversary of the Victory)

And now I invite you to become guides and tell our guests about the most famous of them.

Children talk along the way about Heroes Square, Aviators Square, Victory Square (stele for the 70th anniversary of the Victory, a monument to tank crews.

- Educator: Take a close look at the illustration depicting our cities

(Showing an illustration of a modern cities) .

We can say that our the city is beautiful? (Children's statements).

Why do you think so?

What do Lipsk residents do to keep it so beautiful (By city Watering trucks are driving around. They sweep and clean the streets. Janitors sweep the streets. Builders are building new beautiful houses.

What can we do? (We will not scatter garbage, break branches of trees, bushes, pick flowers, etc.)

This concludes our excursion. We get on the bus and return to the kindergarten.


– What places of our cities did you like the most?

I suggest you write stories and make photo albums about your favorite places in city. And the best ones, in your opinion, we will send to the journalist in America.

Educator: We returned to kindergarten. Do you remember what street our kindergarten is on? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, do you know why “street” is called “street”? Let's say the word - "u-li-tsa". Didn't you guess? Let's stand in two lines opposite each other, show each other your faces, smile. This is how the houses stand, facing each other. And I will walk between you. This is the street! Educator: Tell me, why are streets given names and houses given numbers? (Children's answers)

Remember what kind of houses were built before in our city? From what? (Children's answers)

What houses do you live in now? What material are they made of? (Children's answers) (They come to the conclusion that houses can be different and made of different materials.)

Educator: Would you like to become architects and decorate your city ​​with new houses? I suggest you build for our cities new houses and give the new street a name?

Where do you start building houses? (From projects, drawings, architects do this)

The architect sent us these drawings of houses and offers to build them from cubes.

Who builds houses? Today you will be builders. Take each one of the drawings and create a new street.

Children take technological map, they themselves collect the number of cubes for their home. After construction is completed, we give the new street a name. (For example, Friendship Street)

The teacher evaluates the buildings made by the children.

Prepared by: Belousova T.Yu.

Subject:"My city Kalininsk."

Program content: To form children's knowledge about their hometown. Foster a sense of pride, respect and love for the place where they live. Show children the location of the city of Kalininsk on the map Saratov region. Expand children's knowledge about the coat of arms, the symbol of our city. Clarify and expand children's ideas about the sights of our city.

Preliminary work: Excursions around hometown, visiting the cinema, library, local history museum. Memorizing poems on this topic with children.

Material:Map of the Saratov region, photographs of the sights of the city of Kalininsk.

Progress of the lesson:Children enter, greet the guests, walk through and sit on chairs.

Guys, the topic of our lesson is “My hometown”. And today we will talk to you about our city and its attractions.

A child reads a poem :

Father's land! Native land

Expensive and lovely

Smells like fresh pine

Solar log houses.

Kvass fermented in a barrel,

The currants have bloomed

Each of us has

Little homeland.

What is the poem talking about? (about the Motherland).

Every person on earth has a homeland.

Guys, what do you think the Motherland is? Children's answers.

(where a person was born, lives, goes to kindergarten, to work; where his family and friends live; where his home, street).

That’s right, our native land is near and dear to each of us. Knowing the history of your native land means loving the present, every day making your contribution to building a new life.

What is the name of our native land? (Saratov region).

What is the name of our city? (Kalininsk).

Guys, Kalininsk is a part of the Saratov region and our great Motherland– Russia.

Guys, look at the map of the Saratov region (show map):

Please note that our city of Kalininsk is indicated by just a small dot on the map.

Tell me guys, has our city always been called Kalininsky? (children's answers)

What was it called before? (Balanda)

Cities, like people, have their own history and biography. Every city has its own past. The village of Balanda was formed by settlers from Kharkov and Chernigov province. In 1962 it received city status and the name Kalininsk.

Guys, why was the city called Kalininsky? (children's answers). Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin visited the village on July 20, 1919, spoke here at rallies in the railway depot and on the square.

Each city has its own symbol, coat of arms.

What is the coat of arms of the city of Kalininsk? What does it depict? (children's answers).

Three centuries ago, the area surrounding Balanda was completely different. The forest and lakes have still retained the names of the animals and birds that once lived: “Beaver Lake”, “Dudnikov Ravine”, “Lebedka”, the village “Lebyazhye”. The river was deeper and richer in water.

Guys, what is the name of the river on which our city stands? (children's answers).

The Balanda River provided good nesting conditions for birds such as swans and cranes. It is no coincidence that the city's coat of arms depicts swans. Throughout Russia and beyond its borders, the Kalinin coat of arms will now carry the message that this is the region pure nature, in which wild swans are not translated.

Children read a poem.

Somehow in previous years

An old song sounded:

Oh, Balanda, you are Balanda,

What does fish river mean?

Residents, like everywhere else in Rus',

They glorified their river,

Bream, carp, crucian carp

They walked in the river in flocks.

In all houses in the evenings

They ate bread with an ear.

And they poured it to all the guests

Wonderful tea with oregano,

And after tea, as always

An old song sounded:

Oh, Balanda, you are Balanda,

What does fish river mean?

You and I went on a tour of our city Kalininsk. And now I invite you to go on an unusual journey through photographs and remember all the sights of our city.

But before you go, I suggest you relax a little and remember the rules of the road. Game: “Traffic light” Green - children walk, red - children stand, yellow - children clap their hands.

Where will we start our journey? (Children's answers: - Kindergarten Bell).

What street is it located on? (Children's answers).

Did you cross the bridge over the river? (Balanda). Show photo

Guys, look at the photo and tell me who the monument was erected to? (Children's answers) M.I. Kalinin.

Tell the guys where in our city children and adults can watch movies, cartoons (children’s answers), show photos.

Our city also has a central square (show photo). What building is located on the square? (children's answers). Administration.

There is also a monument to V.I. Lenin and a regional stand of honor.

Guys, think and tell me, where do the children study? (children's answers) show photo.

Well done!

Guys, I want to draw your attention to this photo (show photo). What is shown here? (children's answers). At the entrance to the park we walk along the Alley of Heroes. Here you can read the names of our fellow countrymen who performed heroic deeds during the Great Patriotic War.

Guys, do you know where in our city you can get acquainted with rare books or take books to read home? (children's answers) show photo.

Well done, you know - this is the central children's library named after. M.N. Alekseeva.

There is also a school in our city where children learn to draw. What is it called? (children's answers). But this building contains not only art school. What else? (children's answers). What do children learn here? (children's answers).

Pay your attention to the following photo. What is this? (children's answers). What new and interesting things did you learn by visiting the museum? (children's answers).

Guys, tell me where amateur art shows and other performances by children's groups take place? (children's answers) show photo. What else often happens there? (children's answers). Circus performers come to perform.

We have a monument in our city (show photo). What is it called? (children's answers). Oath. In whose honor was this monument erected? (children's answers).

An eternal flame burns at the monument in memory of the soldiers killed in the war. Every year on May 9, “Victory Day,” people bring flowers to the monument and thank the heroes for the liberation of our Motherland.

Now let's go to our places.

Tell me guys, what is the name of the central street of our city? (children's answers).

Well you know that. Let's check how you know your home address (I throw a ball to the child, and in response he gives his home address). Children sit on chairs to remind about posture.

Guys, today we talked about the past of our city and the present, and now I invite you to dream and imagine the future of our city of Kalininsk. How would you like to see it (children's answers).

Children read poems:

May my Fatherland be great

And there are many paths in it - roads,

But I love my native Kalininsk,

Russia is a quiet corner.

Kalininsk, our Kalininsk

Blooming grain land,

Kalininsk, our Kalininsk,

Live and prosper.

Dear guys! Let's try to make our hometown clean and beautiful and wish it prosperity and prosperity. Together with him we will meet sunrises and sunsets, be sad and rejoice. He is our small but beloved Motherland.

Guys, tell me, what did we talk about in class today? (children's answers).

What sights do you remember?

Well done, you worked well today, answered questions, I really enjoyed it.

Did you like our lesson? (children's answers).

Teacher Mizger I.N.
- learn to answer questions; develop skills of correct grammatical structure speeches;
- expand and clarify knowledge about the native land;
- develop speech communication skills, continue to work on the development of finger motor skills;
- consolidate skills through application to create houses different sizes and architecture; independently select the color and size of paper strips to create general composition;
- cultivate love for your hometown, a sense of affection, pride and responsibility.
Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", " Artistic creativity».
Equipment and materials:
Demonstration: computer, multimedia presentation, photographs of children's family
Handout: strips of paper different colors, glue, brushes, napkins, whatman paper
Preliminary work with children:
- conversations about the native land, about the family: “A day off with my parents”, “The city where I live”;
- viewing family albums and illustrations about Tolyatti;
- learning poems: “There is no better native land” (P. Voronko), “Let’s sit in silence” (E. Blaginina). Learning sayings: “Where you were born, you are useful there,” “On your native side, even a pebble is familiar.”

Content organized activities children

1. Introductory word teacher
-Guys, today we will talk about the most important thing in every person’s life - family.
2. Conversation on the topic “My family.”
How do you understand the word “family”? (This is mom, dad, grandma, grandpa and children. Everyone lives in the same house).
If you have a family album at home? Which photos are the most interesting? Tell us about your family. (Several children use photographs to talk about their families, family traditions and holidays).
What is your family like? (Large, cheerful, friendly) You have different families, different houses, but everyone is united by the fact that we love our family, our home. This is a place where we are loved and welcome. And as long as our family is with us, we can do anything. Now let’s play the game “I can do this too.”
Who, tell me, maybe children,
Repeat these movements?
I raise my hands up.
I can do this too.
I'll look to the right, to the left.
I can do this too.
I'll turn my head.
I can do this too.
And then I’ll sit down and stand up.
I can do this too.
And I won’t get tired at all.
I can do this too.
I can do everything in the world.
I can do this too.
Everyone has a home, a family. What unites us all? (We live in the same city - Tolyatti). 3. Conversation on the topic “The city where I live.”

What are the people of our city called? (Tolyatti residents). The city of Tolyatti is located in Samara region, on the left bank of the Volga, next to the Samarskaya Luka nature reserve. Now we will go for a walk around the city.
Look at the photo, do you recognize this place? (AvtoVAZ plant). This is one of the largest factories in Russia for the production of cars. Next to the automobile plant we see the Sakharov Museum of Technology under open air.
Guys, where in the city do people like to spend free time? (Rest Park). Several years ago, young spruce and birch tree seedlings were planted in the park, flower beds were arranged in a new way, and bright, exciting carousels and attractions were installed for children. During the warmer months, a brass band plays. Therefore, not only every Togliatti resident relaxes with pleasure in the city park, but also invites his guests.
The park is a place for city residents to walk and meet for young people.
There is another unusual park in Tolyatti. Call it (Victory Park). Victory Park is a landmark of our city, where newlyweds and simply guests of the city often come. There is a monument in the park in honor of fallen soldiers. It was built on the 40th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War. In the very middle of the monument there is a connector for Eternal Flame. People regularly come here and lay wreaths and flowers in memory of all those who died in the war.

Not far from the monument there is a monument to those who died in Afghan war. You can also see an obelisk and tanks here. There are comfortable benches for park guests where they can rest a little and continue their journey through Victory Park. This place is great for a walk after registering a marriage, so you can often meet newlyweds here. Another interesting monument is the “Devotion” Monument - a monument to a dog patiently waiting for its owners. According to the resolution of the Togliatti City District Duma, this monument belongs to the category of “symbolic monuments” and is subject to protection.
Although our city is young, it has its own history. We can learn about the past of our city in the city history museum (shows a photo of the museum).
Our city is amazing in that its streets bear the names not only of people famous throughout the country, but also prominent residents Tolyatti. Name the streets where you live.
There are many in our city interesting places. Hardworking people live here wonderful people. Our city is decorated with flowering flower beds and well-groomed trees. Close your eyes and imagine our spring tulips, charming lush summer flower beds. Open your eyes, we're going for a walk. (A physical education session is held.) Now we return to the group.
Now we will build our city. We will do this from strips of paper. What can you build from strips of paper? (At home, school, kindergarten, cars). The children do the work.
Our city is ready. What will we call our work? What did we talk about today? (About our families, about the city).
Let our city breathe with prosperity,
Let there be peace and work in him,
Let children's laughter be heard in it,
May peace and happiness live in it!
Guys, you did a good job and worked hard, and now let's put our workplaces in order.

Project “My Favorite City” (preparatory group)

View project: cognitive-research, creative.

Participants project: Teachers, children preparatory group, musical director, instructor physical education, parents.

Age of participants project: children 6-7 years old.

Type project: short-term, group, practice-oriented.

Form of organization: educational situations and activities, excursions, holidays, entertainment, conversations.

Hypothesis project:

As a result of targeted and systematic work to expand children's knowledge about their native city, preschoolers are introduced to the history and culture of their native land, local attractions, love and respect are brought up, as well as affection for their small homeland. Thanks to this, it is possible integrated approach to raising children in the spirit of patriotism.

Target project:

Expanding children's knowledge about their native city;

Introduction to the history and culture of one’s native cities, local attractions;

Fostering love, respect and affection for your small homeland.


1. Form children’s ideas about their native city.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about familiar streets, where the house and kindergarten are located.

3. Cultivate the ability to see the beauty of one’s native cities, enjoy it and take care of it.

4. Expand children’s knowledge about our flora and fauna cities.

5. Develop coherent speech in children, enrich and activate their vocabulary.

Relevance project:

Each person has his own small homeland. Most often, where a person was born and raised. To form the foundations of civil culture in children, socially - moral development personality, it is necessary for children to gain knowledge about their native city.

Without having sufficient quantity knowledge is difficult to develop in a child respectful attitude to the small Motherland. Childhood memories are the most vivid and exciting. How bigger baby from childhood he will know about his native places, native city, the closer and dearer his homeland, Russia, will become to him.

Expected result:

To foster patriotic feelings in children.

Update knowledge about your native language city.

To interest children and adults in the history of their native land, to unite parents and children in educating future citizens of their cities and countries.

Use developmental differentiated approach to every child. Find interesting information on topic "The streets of our cities» , pick up photos of your loved one cities to accompany the story.

Stages of work:

Collecting information about city.

Selection of illustrative material.

Selection fiction, artistic material.

Stage 2 - Planning prospects.

1. The teacher’s story about the history of development cities.

2. Looking at photographs and talking about the topic « favorite city Zavolzhsk» .

3. View slides and videos.

4. Conversation on the topic "We are proud of you, our hometown» .

5. Compilation creative stories “How I love to relax”, "My street", , « City where I live".

Lesson cycle

History of the origin of the native cities.

Target: Arouse interest and desire to learn about the history of your cities. Shape cognitive interests, curiosity, activity. Cultivate love for family city.

Our favorite city.

Target: Reinforce the concept - small Motherland. Develop the ability to notice beauty city ​​streets, expand children’s ideas about their native city ​​in poetry, music, works fine arts. Cultivate emotional responsiveness and love for one’s native land.

Joint and independent activities

Drawing "The street where I live", "My favorite kindergarten» . Cognitive activities "My Parents' Profession", “How do I relax?”.

Play activity


Let's build a street cities

Construction of a new house

Supermarket "Magnet"

Didactic games :

Lotto "Our city»

“Put out a coat of arms from fragments”

“Where is the monument?”

"Journey through city» .

Creating a corner "My hometown» .

Album "Our favorite kindergarten» .

Map - diagram "The Road to Kindergarten".


1) (communicative) "Do you know your city(using illustrations "Species cities» ).

Target: identify the level of children’s knowledge on the topic. Approximate questions:

What is it called city where do you live?

Why is it called that?

What is the center of our cities?

What is the name of this square?

How is it different? city ​​from village?

Where in people are being treated in the city?

Where do they buy food and medicine?

Where are parcels sent and received?

Give your address.

2) GCD Speech development. Teaching storytelling « The city where I live» . Goals: activate speech material on topic « City»

Teach children to select antonyms, use suffixes in speech - ik, - isch;

Learn to form nouns plural in nominative and genitive cases

Teach children to write a story about their city, develop attention and memory.

3) Educational activities in critical moments. Tradition "Morning of joyful meetings". The children are greeted by a toy - Leopold the Cat. Asks children what country and city ​​they live, what is their address, what interesting things do they have city.

Target: identifying children’s knowledge about their place of residence, forming primary value ideas about themselves and the social world around them.

4) Independent cognitive – research activities children.

Board games

Looking at photographs of your loved one city, its attractions.


1). Group/subgroup activities:

1. Communicative. D/i “Tell me about your native city: what is he like? Zavolzhsk city

Target: - learn to select definitions and form adjectives according to the model

2) Educational activities in restricted areas moments:

DI "We are builders cities» (working with a contour map). Target: - familiarization with the contour map cities;

Development of creative potential.

Progress of the game: - offer children on the map "build" city ​​and stadium, locate the beach, wastewater treatment plants, - learn to place everything on the map using certain icons.

3) Working with parents: Consultation "Streets of my native cities» .


1) Group/subgroup activities:

1. Communicative. Story-conversation about the history of the origin of the native cities.

Target: - consolidate children’s knowledge about Zavolzhsk, - introduce them to the history of the origin of their native city ​​and its founder.

2. Cognitive - research. Educational game "Journey".

Target: - using pictures to fix the names of the main attractions of our cities.

2) Educational activities in special moments

1. D/I “Fold the picture and name it”.

2. Cognitive and research (working with a contour map).

Target: - introduce children to color scheme contour map, tell that the colors on the map are plains (green, mountains (brown), rivers and reservoirs (blue).

3) GCD. Drawing « City, in which I live. My home".

Target: - evoke in children’s memory pictures of their yard, home, immediate environment;

Encourage them to be conveyed using accessible means of expression (color - shape).


1). Educational activities in special moments. Conversation "Interesting corners of Rodny Cities» . Target:

Remember familiar places in your home cities why they are created;

Tell about those people who made the greatest contribution to the development of the native cities;

Talk about the parks that are located near the kindergarten, after whom they are named.

2) Working with parents: Invite parents to visit the museum with their children.


1) Group/subgroup activities.

1. Problem situation "If you're lost in city, what to do?"

Target: - encourage children to speak out; - test children’s knowledge of districts cities, your home address.

2. Cognitive - research. Drawing up a map of the street where our kindergarten is located.

2) Independent activity children. Examination of the map - diagram cities(check the boxes for the most interesting places cities, places where children have already been).

3) GCD. Construction .

Goals: - expand and clarify children’s ideas about the area in which their kindergarten is located; – learn to work collectively, discuss details of work; - develop imagination.


1) Role-playing game "Streets of my native cities» . Target: - help children share group to the proposed streets with various gaming centers organized on them ;

Develop free communication with adults and children during the game

2) D/i "Lay down the monument".


1) Group/subgroup activities:

1. Children’s stories about interesting places cities, where they have already visited.

2. CHHL. Reading poems about native city.

2) Independent activity of children. Looking at books and photographs.

3) GCD. Cognition: "The history of the origin of the native cities» .

Goals: - consolidate children’s knowledge about their native city; - introduce the history of origin city ​​and its founder; - cultivate interest in the history of their native land.


1) Cognitive - research .

Target: - storytelling, showing illustrations of animals living in our area.

2) Conversation: “What interesting things did you see and remember when visiting the museum?

3) Drawing on a theme "Animals of the Native Land".

4) Working with parents: offer to find information about the number of streets cities and whose names the streets are named after.


1) Group/subgroup activities:

Compiling and guessing riddles on the topic "My favorite places in my city» .

2) Independent activity of children.

Cognitive - research. Looking at illustrations of our industrial facilities cities.


1) Educational fairy tale. Target: - listening to fairy tales and memorizing small oral genres – folk art from the collection "In some kingdom".

2) Productive. Album making "My city» .

3) D/i "Guess where I am".

Result project:

Knowledge gained during project, helped increase the importance patriotic education children, the formation of patriotic feelings in preschoolers. Parents and educators were convinced of how relevant the topic of studying native language is. cities. Project interested children and adults, rallied parents and children in educating future citizens of their cities and countries.

All stages project went through different types activities, a developmental, differentiated approach to each child was used. Parents and children presented very interesting information on the topic "The streets of our cities» , accompanied their stories by showing photographs about their native city.



Project “My Favorite City” (preparatory group)

Project type : cognitive-research, creative.

Project participants : Teachers, childrenpreparatory group, music director, physical education instructor, parents.

Age of participants project: children 6-7 years old.

Project type: short-term, group , practice-oriented.

Form of organization: educational situations and activities, excursions, holidays, entertainment, conversations.

Project hypothesis:

As a result of targeted and systematic work to expand children’s knowledge about their native city , preschoolers are introduced to the history and culture of their native land, local attractions, love and respect are brought up, as well as affection for their small homeland. Thanks to this, an integrated approach to raising children in the spirit of patriotism is implemented.

Project goal:

Expanding children's knowledge about their native city;

Introduction to the history and culture of one’s native cities , local attractions;

Fostering love, respect and affection for your small homeland.


1. Form children’s ideas about their native city.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about familiar streets, where the house and kindergarten are located.

3. Cultivate the ability to see the beauty of one’s native cities , enjoy it and take care of it.

4. Expand children’s knowledge about our flora and fauna cities.

5. Develop coherent speech in children, enrich and activate their vocabulary.

Relevance of the project:

Each person has his own small homeland. More oftenfavorite city is that placewhere a person was born and raised. To form in children the foundations of civil culture, social and moral development of the individual, it is necessary for children to obtain knowledge about their native city.

Without sufficient knowledge, it is difficult to form in a child a respectful attitude towards his small Motherland. Childhood memories are the most vivid and exciting. The more a child knows from childhood about his native places, native city , the closer and dearer his homeland, Russia, will become to him.

Expected result:

To foster patriotic feelings in children.

Update knowledge about your native language city.

To interest children and adults in the history of their native land, to unite parents and children in educating future citizens of their cities and countries.

Use a developmental, differentiated approach to each child. Find interesting information on a topic"Streets of our city" , pick up photos of your loved one cities to accompany the story.

Stages of work:

Stage 1

Collecting information about city.

Selection of illustrative material.

Selection of fiction, artistic material.

Stage 2 - Planning prospects.

1. The teacher’s story about the history of development cities.

2. Looking at photographs and talking about the topic« favorite city Zavolzhsk» .

3. View slides and videos.

4. Conversation on the topic "We are proud of you, our native city."

5. Writing creative stories“How I love to relax”, "My street" , "Animals and plants of my region", " City where I live".

Lesson cycle

History of the origin of the native cities.

Target : Arouse interest and desire to learn about the history of your cities . Form cognitive interests, curiosity, activity. Cultivate love for family city.

Our favorite city.

Target : To consolidate the concept - small Motherland. Develop the ability to notice beauty city ​​streets , expand children’s ideas about their native city ​​in poetry , music, works of fine art. Cultivate emotional responsiveness and love for one’s native land.

Joint and independent activities

Drawing "The street where I live", "My favorite kindergarten» . Cognitive activities"My Parents' Profession", “How do I relax?” .

Play activity


Let's build a city street

Construction of a new house

Supermarket "Magnit"

Didactic games:

Lotto “Our City”

“Put out a coat of arms from fragments”

“Where is the monument?”

"Trip around the city".

Creation of a corner “My hometown”.

Album "Our favorite kindergarten» .

Map - diagram "The Road to Kindergarten".

1 Day


1) Group/subgroup activities(communicative)"Do you know your city ​​?" (using illustrations"Views of the city").

Target : identify the level of children’s knowledge on the topic. Approximate questions :

What is the name of the city where do you live?

Why is it called that?

What is the center of our cities?

What is the name of this square?

How is it different? city ​​from village?

Where in people are being treated in the city?

Where do they buy food and medicine?

Where are parcels sent and received?

Give your address.

2) GCD Speech development. Teaching storytelling« The city where I live". Goals : activate speech material on the topic" City "

Teach children to select antonyms, use suffixes in speech - ik, - isch;

Learn to form plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases

Teach children to write a story about their city , develop attention and memory.

3) Educational activities in special moments. Tradition"Morning of joyful meetings". The children are greeted by a toy - Leopold the Cat. Asks children what country andcity ​​they live, what is their address, what interesting things do they have city.

Target : identifying children’s knowledge about their place of residence, forming primary value ideas about themselves and the social world around them.

4) Independent cognitive and research activities of children.

Board games

Looking at photographs of your loved one city , its attractions.


1). Group/subgroup activities:

1. Communicative. D/i “Tell me about your native city: what is it like, the city of Zavolzhsk?”

Target : - learn to select definitions and form adjectives according to the model

2) Educational activities in restricted areas moments:

D/I “We are city builders” (working with a contour map). Target : - familiarization with the contour map cities;

Development of creative potential.

Progress of the game : - offer children on the map“build” a city and a stadium , locate the beach, wastewater treatment plants, - learn to place everything on the map using certain icons.

3) Working with parents: Consultation “Streets of the native city”.

Day 2


1) Group/subgroup activities:

1. Communicative. A story-conversation about the history of the origin of the native cities.

Target : - consolidate children’s knowledge about Zavolzhsk, - introduce them to the history of the origin of their nativecity ​​and its founder.

2. Cognitive - research. Educational game"Journey" .

Target : - using pictures to fix the names of the main attractions of our cities.

2) Educational activities in special moments

1. D/I “Fold the picture and name it”.

2. Cognitive and research(working with a contour map).

Target : - introduce children to the color scheme of the contour map, tell them that the colors on the map are plains (green, mountains (brown), rivers and reservoirs(blue).

3) GCD. Drawing "City" , in which I live. My home".

Target : - evoke in children’s memory pictures of their yard, home, immediate environment;

Encourage them to be conveyed using accessible means of expression(color - shape).


1). Educational activities in special moments. Conversation"Interesting corners of Rodny Cities". Target :

Remember familiar places in your home cities why they are created;

Tell about those people who made the greatest contribution to the development of the native cities;

Talk about the parks that are located near the kindergarten, after whom they are named.

2) Working with parents: Invite parents to visit the museum with their children.

Day 3


1) Group/subgroup activities.

1. Problem situation"If you're lost in city, what should I do?

Target : - encourage children to speak out; - test children’s knowledge of districts cities , your home address.

2. Cognitive - research. Drawing up a map of the street where our kindergarten is located.

2) Independent activity of children. Examination of the map - diagram cities (check the boxes for the most interesting places cities , places where children have already been).

3) GCD. Construction“The area where our kindergarten is located”.

Goals : - expand and clarify children’s ideas about the area in which their kindergarten is located; – learn to work collectively, discuss details of work; - develop imagination.


1) Role-playing game"Streets of my hometown". Target : - help children share group to the proposed streets with various gaming centers organized on them(hospital, store, pharmacy, police, post office, kindergarten);

Develop free communication with adults and children during the game

2) D/i "Lay down the monument".


1) Group/subgroup activities:

1. Children’s stories about interesting places cities , where they have already visited.

2. CHHL. Reading poems about native city.

2) Independent activity of children. Looking at books and photographs.

3) GCD. Cognition: "The history of the origin of the native cities".

Goals : - consolidate children’s knowledge about their native city ; - introduce the history of origincity ​​and its founder; - cultivate interest in the history of their native land.


1) Cognitive - research“Compiling the Red Book of the Native Land”.

Target : - storytelling, showing illustrations of animals living in our area.

2) Conversation : “What interesting things did you see and remember when visiting the museum?

3) Drawing on a theme"Animals of the Native Land".

4) Working with parents: offer to find information about the number of streets cities and whose names the streets are named after.

Day 5


1) Group/subgroup activities:

Compiling and guessing riddles on the topic"My favorite places in my city» .

2) Independent activity of children.

Cognitive - research. Looking at illustrations of our industrial facilities cities.


1) Educational fairy tale. Target : - listening to fairy tales and memorizing small genres of oral - folk art from the collection"In some kingdom".

2) Productive. Album making"My city".

3) D/i "Guess where I am".

Project result:

Knowledge gained during project , helped to increase the importance of patriotic education of children and the formation of patriotic feelings among preschoolers. Parents and educators were convinced of how relevant the topic of studying native language is. cities. Project interested children and adults, rallied parents and children in educating future citizens of their cities and countries.

All stages of the project went through different types of activities, a developmental, differentiated approach was used to each child. Parents and children presented very interesting information on the topic"Streets of our city" , accompanied their stories by showing photographs about their native city.

Target: Summarize and systematize knowledge about your hometown, develop interest in the modernity of the city.

Integration into educational areas:


Clarify children’s ideas about their hometown;

- maintain interest in social facilities in your hometown.


— Remind children that if they handle fire or electrical appliances carelessly, a fire may occur;

- consolidate knowledge of warning and prohibition signs against fire safety;

— To consolidate knowledge of first aid for frostbite and sunburn.

Cognition. FCCM.

— Continue to orient children in the areas of human activity.

Communication. Preparing for literacy.

Strengthen children’s ability to identify the first sound in a word;

Strengthen the ability to compose a sentence according to a given scheme.

Develop long-term memory, analysis and synthesis of thinking, attention.

Cultivate a love for your hometown, cultivate a desire to work together, together.

Preliminary result : children systematize knowledge about some social facilities city, there will be a desire to visit other objects of interest to them together with their parents.

Materials and equipment: ball, 3 metallophones, fire hazardous and safe objects, 2 hoops, cards with fire safety signs, cards for making words, cards with sentence diagrams, 2 easels, cards with an algorithm of actions for frostbite and burns, glasses, book ,2 boxes, cards with images of products.

Preliminary work: Excursions to the City local history museum", "Pizzeria", cafe "Gourmand", "Mail", "Fire Station", visit to the gym in LG No. 27, meeting with a nurse, didactic game "Streets of my city", Didactic games "Add a word", "Invent proposal for the scheme."

1.Organizational point:

Ball game "Tell me about your city."

2. Introductory part:

Vosp.: Guys, this year we made a whole trip around our city. We visited many interesting places and learned a lot of new things. Do you want to now play in the educational ring” to remember the places we visited? To do this, we will divide into two teams: “Bears” and “Bunnies”, and the captains of your teams will be the mothers of our children. In such a game you cannot do without a jury; they will also be your parents. After completing the task, commands will be given beep using a metallophone. For a correct and quick answer you are awarded two chips, for a correct answer - one chip.

So, let's start the “cognitive ring”. (Children sit at tables)

Main part:

In the fall, we visited the Fire Station.

"If suddenly something bad happens,

Somewhere, something will light up

There's a fireman needed urgently

It will pay off, that’s for sure!”

Guys, tell me, who is a fireman?

Who in Rus' was called a fireman?

Now I will ask one member from each team to come to me to complete a special task that can bring your teams an extra chip.

Assignment to these participants: “From large quantity put flammable objects into the hoop.”

Assignment to the teams: Look at the fire safety signs and say what they mean.”

(Children completing the task individually evaluate each other, and the teams are evaluated by the jury.)

Play: the next task awaits us.

Guess the riddle:

“It contains amazing pictures,

Objects rare and delightful,

But they won't allow you to buy them.

Not because they cost a lot, because this is the treasure of my country,

This is not a store here, but... (a museum).

— Is there a museum in our city?

- what is it called?

And we visited it on an excursion. What did you see in the museum?

Task: From the first letters of the pictures, create a word denoting the name of the animal, fish, plant you saw on an excursion to the museum. Don’t forget to give a sound signal after all team members complete the task.

(Children complete the task, the jury evaluates the results).

Now it’s time for the teams to take a musical break.

Guys, where did the children of our group prepare for the relay? (In the gym LG No. 27). Yes, our children are friends with sports, and I suggest

"Musical physical education minute."

Physical education lesson “Exercise” V. Onshin.

(Children stand at their easels)

The mother of one girl came to visit us and talked about her profession. What is her profession you will remember after guessing my riddle.

(Riddle about the nurse).

Assignment: On the easel you need to lay out the order of actions:

Command "Bears" for frostbite;

Team "Bunnies" for sunburn.

Don't forget about the sound signal when completing a task.

(Children complete the task, the jury evaluates the result).

(Children sit at tables)

"Pig in a poke" task.

Now I will give the team captains riddles, the answers are in closed boxes. Try to guess what is in the boxes. You can't open them. The jury is waiting for your signal.

(children guess riddles, together with the presenter they find answers: “Glasses” and

"book", the jury evaluates the answers).

Playback: What is the name of the building where they sell glasses?

What is the name for storing and reading books?

The following riddle awaits us:

You can leave a letter here,

Send a telegram

Call your mom on the phone while on a business trip.

You can buy an envelope here

Send a parcel urgently,

Say hello to everyone,

After all, this building... (mail).

Task: Compose a telegram according to the diagram.

(children complete the task, the jury evaluates the results).

We also made sweet excursions to the Pizzeria and cafe


Tell me, what is the name of the profession of a person who bakes cakes and pastries?

What is the name of the profession of a person who makes pizza?

To complete the next task, I invite you to the easels.

Assignment: The Mishki team will become culinary specialists and from all the products they will choose those that are necessary to prepare the cake.

The Bunnies team will become pizza makers and select ingredients for making pizza. Don't forget about the signal.

(Children complete the task, the jury evaluates the results).

Our “Educational ring is coming to an end.” While the jury is summing up the results, the children will read poems about their hometown.

I love my city early morning I,

When all its streets are deserted.

And my soul is filled

The tranquility of a charming picture.

And in the evening, when the lights are burning,

The streets and bright shop windows are shining,

The city and I will be left alone,

So that the two of us can love his paintings.

I love my city and on a bright day,

And in cold, and in heat, and in bad weather,

I love every corner and house in it,

I love unique nature.

I love my city with all my soul since childhood,

Without demanding mutual love in return.

For what? But this city is mine

And for me he is the most wonderful thing in my life!

And now the jury will announce the winners of our game and award prizes.


Did you enjoy playing Cognitive Ring? What task was the easiest for you? The most difficult? Would you like to play this game again, but on a different topic? Which task from today's game will you ask your parents to complete?

MBDOU No. 85 "Malinovka", the city of Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, Russia.

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