He was the first to define sociology as the study of society. Sociology as the science of society

The two-way nature of learning lies in the fact that learning necessarily includes two interrelated processes: teaching and learning. Therefore, the basis of training is Team work, purposeful interaction between teacher and student. They both must be active in educational process, i.e. act as subjects of learning. If the teacher is not active enough in teaching activities(does not strive for a variety of forms and methods in the lessons, poorly organizes learning control, irregularly consolidates what has been learned, etc.), he will not achieve good result in teaching. If a student is passive in learning (for example: does not follow the teacher’s thoughts when explaining new material, does not try to complete the exercise on his own, does not complete homework), he does not master the educational material well. Thus, the learning outcome (student’s level of training) depends on the degree of activity of both subjects of the educational process.

The personal nature of learning is that...

1) during the learning process, personality formation occurs;

2) learning as an interaction between subjects of education always has personal plan, the specifics of this process in each specific case are influenced individual characteristics both student and teacher.

Educational and cognitive activity is an activity specially organized from the outside or by the student himself for the purpose of knowledge: mastering the riches of culture accumulated by humanity.

The process of cognition can also occur outside of educational activities: information comes to the student, for example, when visiting various cultural and educational institutions (theater, library, cultural center, etc.), when communicating in the family, in a friendly company, through books and media mass communication. In other words, students’ cognitive activity is carried out not only at school. However, cognition in this case proceeds spontaneously, new information Most often, it is learned incompletely and fragmentarily; much of what is learned is of a random nature, and therefore is quickly forgotten. The difference is educational cognitive activity lies precisely in its special organization, promoting the best assimilation cultural heritage, optimizing the process of cognition.

The educational and cognitive activity of the student, which constitutes the learning process, is a system of cognitive actions (a certain sequence of interrelated operations carried out for the purpose of cognition):

Perception of new material;

Understanding what is perceived;


Application of acquired knowledge in practice;

Subsequent repetition;

Generalization and systematization of what has been studied; - self-monitoring of learning results;

Identification and elimination of errors and shortcomings, ambiguities in the learned material.

Education is a purposeful process of two-way activity between the teacher and students to transfer and assimilate knowledge. Learning is always a two-way process and consists of teaching and learning. The activity of the teacher is called teaching, and the activity of students is called learning. These activities describe the activity of each participant in the pedagogical process. Therefore, learning can be defined as follows: learning is teaching and learning taken as a unity. Thus, learning can be defined as a joint activity of a student and a teacher aimed at achieving educational goals, mastering knowledge, skills and abilities given curriculum and programs.

Education is the process and result of mastering a certain system of knowledge and ensuring, on this basis, an appropriate level of personal development. Education is obtained mainly through the process of training and education in educational institutions under the guidance of teachers. However, self-education also plays an increasingly important role, i.e. acquiring a knowledge system independently.

The term education is somewhat broader in meaning than the term training. Education refers to the process and result of a person’s assimilation social experience, systems of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for life in society. Education can be organized both in the form of training and in the form of self-education, i.e. without the presence of a teacher literally this word. In the term education in more explicit form there is an indication of the connection between the knowledge and skills acquired during training and the level of personal development. Educated person- It is not simple knowledgeable person, but also possesses highly valued personality qualities in society.

Personally-oriented technologies are placed at the center of all school educational system the child’s personality, ensuring comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, its implementation natural potentials. The child’s personality in this technology is not only a subject, but also a priority subject; it is the goal of the educational system, and not a means of achieving any abstract goal (which is the case in authoritarian and didactocentric technologies). Such technologies are also called anthropocentric.

Unity of teaching and learning

In the structure of a unified learning process in itself in general terms Two interrelated elements can be distinguished:

* teaching.

Learning is impossible without the simultaneous implementation of teaching and learning, without interaction between the student and the teacher. Teaching is impossible without learning, and learning without teaching becomes an element of the process of self-education.

Efficient Process training involves establishing subject-subject relations teacher and students. A schoolchild (preschooler, student) acts as an object of teaching and a subject of learning. The object of his activity is the content of education. The teacher acts as the subject of teaching. Its activities are also aimed at the content of education.

The basis of co-creation between teacher and student in the educational process is cooperation in various activities (work, knowledge, communication). It constitutes a promising tactic for teaching creativity through creativity in the modern educational process.

Co-creation, on the one hand, appears as fruitful communication between teacher and student through language activities (non-verbal and verbal, speech and communication strategies). On the other hand, co-creation acts as a joint transformation of reality, moreover, the creation of a new pedagogical reality.

Unity of education and self-education

Self-education is considered as a purposeful activity of a person to expand and deepen his knowledge, improve existing and develop new skills and abilities, as well as personal properties and qualities necessary to perform a certain type of professional and any other activity. In modern pedagogical science it is considered in two aspects:

1. As purposeful cognitive activity, controlled by the individual himself;

2. As a person’s independent acquisition of systematic knowledge in any field of science, technology, culture, political life, etc.

In any of these approaches, the basis of self-education is the direct personal interest of the student in organic combination with the independence of studying the material. It is also considered one of the important means self-education.

The main types of self-education include general, special (professional) and other self-education. Its main form is the study of scientific, popular science, educational, fiction and other literature. Sources of new knowledge are also listening to lectures, reports and audio recordings, using electronic resources, consultations with specialists, watching performances and films, visiting museums and exhibitions, various types practical activities- experiments, experiments, modeling, etc. At the same time, self-education always has the goal of obtaining the necessary qualifications or increasing the educational, including professional, level.

Domestic historical experience shows that already in the 19th century many major figures in science, literature, art, public organizations helped others in solving this problem - they created people's libraries, reading rooms, people's houses, etc. For example, in 1863-1866. The educational and literary magazine “Self-Education” was published in St. Petersburg. In 1893, a commission was created in Moscow to organize home reading at the scientific department of the Society for the Diffusion of Technical Knowledge, which developed special programs On many subjects studied at universities, she published a “Library for self-education” and conducted written consultations. Lightweight programs for self-education were produced by the Department for Promoting Self-Education, created in St. Petersburg (1891) at the Pedagogical Museum of Military Educational Institutions. At the beginning of the 20th century. widespread received books by N. A. Rubakin - “Letters to Readers on Self-Education” (1913), “The Practice of Self-Education” (1914), etc. Various societies, courses and public universities played a significant role in the development.

Since the 20s Over the past century, organized and systematic work has been carried out mainly in the field of political self-education. In the field of general self-education, guided by the political education of the People's Commissariat for Education and trade unions, it was implemented broad program education of workers to the level of requirements of junior high school.

In the mid-30s, due to the significant development of the network secondary schools, technical schools and universities, self-education has become the main way to independently deepen and expand the knowledge acquired in educational institutions.

Under the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution (since the 50s of the 20th century), systems of adult education and advanced training received widespread development. This need is reinforced by the development of means mass media, which, on the one hand, enriched the process of self-education in those years, and on the other hand, made a person involved in the events taking place in the world, causing the need to understand them.

Beginning of the 21st century characterized by a humanistic correction of self-education, Now it is aimed at harmonious development personality, disclosure of human abilities, his creative potential, self-expression, realization of spiritual interests.

Important role School plays a role in developing self-education skills different levels, which considers it as an obligatory component of modern education. It can also develop as an accompaniment to learning, expanding, complementing, deepening what is being studied. educational institution material, and maybe autonomously in relation to learning, including in the study of new courses not presented in the educational institution. In this case, self-education, enriching the teaching, finds support in it, testing independently acquired knowledge, systematizing it.

At the same time, training makes it possible to enrich self-education with collective search and remove some of the difficulties of independent knowledge. Developing in the educational system, self-education receives new incentives for its approval. At the same time, self-education skills are developed primarily in the process of conducting various types independent work students provided for training programs(selecting the necessary literature, taking notes, summarizing what you read, drawing up abstracts, preparing reports, etc.). In this case, students use reference books and dictionaries, in the process, for example, excursion, laboratory and experimental work acquire the skills necessary for self-education to observe, compare, and generalize life phenomena.

Self-education skills acquired at school are deepened and improved in the process academic work in educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher levels. An important role in this, in addition to independent work with educational and scientific literature, play classes in seminars, scientific student societies and design bureaus, participation in individual and group research work and etc.

Self-education in last years development of the domestic educational system is considered as component continuous education, acting as a link between basic education (general and vocational) and periodic advanced training or retraining of specialists.

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Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region

State educational institution higher professional education

Moscow State Regional Institute for the Humanities


Subject: "Two-way and personal nature of learning»

Completed by: 1st year student

correspondence department

Doronina Marina Georgievna.


Orekhovo-Zuevo 2014


1. The essence of learning

2. Two-way and personal nature of learning

3. Unity of teaching and learning

4. Training functions

5. Unity of educational, educational and developmental functions of training


List of used literature


The concept of “learning process” refers to the initial ones in pedagogical science; its definition is complex and contradictory. For many years in pedagogy it has been defined as two-way process- the process of teaching and learning.

In the writings of ancient and medieval thinkers, the concepts of “learning” and “learning process” are understood mainly as teaching. At the beginning of our century, the concept of learning began to include two components that make up this process - teaching and learning.

Teaching is understood as the activity of teachers in organizing the assimilation of educational material, and teaching is understood as the activity of students in assimilating the knowledge offered to them.

Somewhat later, the concept of teaching reflected both the managerial activity of the teacher in developing ways of cognitive activity in students, and the joint activity of the teacher and students.

1 . The essence of learning

Training how social phenomenon there is a purposeful, organized, systematic transmission to elders and assimilation younger generation experience public relations, social consciousness, culture of productive work, knowledge about active transformation and protection environment. It ensures the continuity of generations, the full functioning of society and the appropriate level of personal development. This is his objective purpose in society.

Learning is a socially conditioned process, caused by the need for the reproduction of a person as a subject of social relations. Therefore, the most important social function learning is to form a personality that corresponds social requirements. The building material, the source of “creation” of personality is World culture- spiritual and material, reflecting all the wealth of experience accumulated by humanity. What is the composition of human culture, those sources that fill the content of personality, and therefore determine the content of learning, which leads to an understanding of its essence? In domestic didactics, the most recognized concept is I.Ya. Lerner, who identified the elements of this content:

1. Knowledge.

2. Established and experimentally derived methods of activity.

3. Creative experience.

4. Emotional and value-based attitude towards the objects being studied and reality, including attitudes towards other people and oneself, needs and motives for social, scientific, and professional activities.

Based on this, it can be determined that the learning process in its essence is a purposeful, socially conditioned and pedagogically organized process of development ("creation") of the personality of students, occurring on the basis of mastering systematized scientific knowledge and ways of activity that reflect the composition of the spiritual and material culture of humanity.

2 . Two-way and personal nature of learning

Training is a type human activity who wears bilateral character. It necessarily involves interaction between the teacher and students (one or a group), taking place under certain conditions. The learning process consists of two interrelated processes - teaching and learning (the activity of the teacher and the activity of the student or group of students). Learning is impossible without the simultaneous activity of the teacher and students, without their didactic interaction. No matter how actively the teacher strives to impart knowledge, if at the same time there is no active work students themselves to acquire knowledge, if the teacher has not created motivation and provided the organization of such activities, then the learning process does not actually take place.

The interaction between teacher and student can occur both indirectly and directly. In direct interaction, the teacher and students jointly implement learning objectives. In indirect interaction, students complete tasks and instructions given by the teacher earlier. The learning process can proceed without a teacher in this moment time when students independently master new ways of learning activities, decide creative tasks without assignments and teacher instructions.

The main characteristic personally oriented learning is an activity. Activities in a pedagogical sense are more broad concept than knowledge, skills and abilities, since it includes motivation, assessment and other learning parameters that reflect its subjective and personal nature.

Another essential characteristic of student-oriented learning is its productivity, i.e. creation by the student of a specific educational product - a natural science version, mathematical problem, essays, crafts, paintings, etc.

For description educational activities The following concepts are usually used by students:

Study that involves comprehension by learning, assimilation in the learning process;

Assimilation, interpreted as the main way an individual acquires socio-historical experience;

Cognition, i.e. process creative activity people, shaping their knowledge.

ABOUT productive learning it is better to speak in terms of “cognition”, “research”, “creation”, “composition”, “composition”, “development”, etc.

The productive focus of learning does not mean that it is devoid of non-creative activities.

While studying reality, the student simultaneously with the creation of an educational product also performs reproductive activity, for example: learns specific ways of knowing, gets acquainted with existing cultural achievements, i.e. studies them.

The simultaneous creation of one’s own educational product and the assimilation of achievements already created by mankind can be expressed in one capacious concept - assimilation.

The term “mastery” in education has the meaning of the student’s active creative penetration into an educational field or subject.

Both reality itself and knowledge about it must be mastered. Therefore, this term most fully reflects the process of personality-oriented learning and corresponding educational activities.

3 . Unity of teaching and learning

Training consists of two inextricably related phenomena: adult teaching and educational labor activity, called the teaching of children. Teaching is special activity adults, aimed at transferring to children a sum of knowledge, skills and abilities and educating them in the learning process. Teaching is a specially organized, active independent cognitive, labor and aesthetic activity children, aimed at mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, development mental processes and abilities.

In learning as a system, there are three structure-forming elements: knowledge, activity, subjects entering into relationships, procedural features of the system, including driving forces learning process, main line of movement, process logic, etc.

Follows that:

Pedagogical activity correlates with teaching;

Cognitive activity correlates with learning;

Learning activities relate to teaching and learning.

Therefore, in the unity of teaching and learning there is learning.

The basis of the learning process is a special educational activity - the dual activity of the teacher and students.

The relationship between the activities of teaching and learning is central to didactic research, and the fusion of these activities occurs precisely in the process of this interaction. An element of educational activity, its smallest, more indecomposable particle, is the educational action. Revealing structures educational action, Blinov V.M. introduced the concepts of “educational information” and “educational impact”.

Educational information is a property of educational activity that stimulates its implementation with established didactic relationships, determining their usefulness for completing the educational task (goal). personality teacher teaching student

Educational impact is a generalized name for the impacts of teaching and the impacts of learning.

The activities of teaching and learning come into contact through corresponding learning influences.

These influences, through the exchange of educational information, are correlated with each other until, according to some criterion, it is established that a given degree of learning has been achieved, therefore, a transition to a new educational action is needed.

As a result of the collision of educational influences, a redistribution occurs educational information, expressed in an increase or decrease in the degree of activity of teaching activities or learning activities. Learning as a two-way process: a study of interaction in the “teacher-learner” dyad

This study is based on the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky about the transition from external to internal regulation when performing tasks located in the zone of proximal development.

It explored how children teach other children board game, in the creation of which they themselves participated, move from the role of teachers to the role of students and back.

Research has shown that the quality of the teacher-learner relationship extends from guidance to collaboration.

The model of teaching and learning as collaboration differs from the traditional model of education, in which an active subject - an adult teacher - transfers knowledge to a relatively passive student - a child.

Instead, it is argued that it is optimal to view learning as a two-way interaction, resulting in the cognitive development of both teacher and student.

4 . Training functions

The educational function is that the learning process is aimed primarily at developing in schoolchildren knowledge, skills, and experience in reproductive cognitive activity.

Knowledge in pedagogy is defined as understanding, storing in memory and reproducing scientific facts, concepts, rules, laws, theories. Assimilated, internalized knowledge, according to the conclusions of scientists, is characterized by completeness, consistency, awareness and effectiveness. This means that in the learning process, students receive the necessary fundamental information on the basics of science and activities, presented in a certain system, ordered, provided that students are aware of the volume and structure of their knowledge and know how to operate with it in educational and practical situations. This means that, according to the educational function, knowledge in the learning process becomes the property of the student’s personality, enters into the structure of his cognitive experience, into the ability to mobilize previous knowledge to solve original problems, search additional information and acquiring new knowledge.

In accordance with the educational function in teaching, knowledge is found in the student’s skills and that, therefore, education consists not so much in the formation of “abstract” knowledge, but in the development of the skills to use it as a means, an instrument of cognitive activity. That's why educational function training assumes that training is aimed, along with knowledge, at the formation of skills and abilities, both general and special. By skill we must understand mastery of a method of activity, the ability to apply knowledge. It is like knowledge in action, skillful action guided by a clearly realized goal. Special skills refer to methods of activity in certain branches of science or academic subject (for example, working with a map, laboratory scientific work). General skills include proficiency in oral and in writing, information materials, reading, working with a book, summarizing, organizing independent work, etc.

Analysis of the educational function of teaching naturally leads to the identification and description of the developmental function closely related to it.

The developmental function of teaching means that in the process of learning, assimilation of knowledge, the student develops. This development occurs in all directions: the development of speech, thinking, sensory and motor spheres of the personality, emotional-volitional and need-motivational areas, as well as the formation of experience in creative activity.

Patriotic psychological school And pedagogical research It has been established that education acts as a source and means of personal development. One of most important laws psychology, formulated by L.S. Vygotsky argues that learning leads to development. We can say that all learning develops due, first of all, to the content of education and, secondly, due to the fact that learning is an activity. And personality, as is known from psychology, develops in the process of activity.

The developmental function of education is implemented more successfully if the education has a special focus, is designed and organized in such a way as to include the student in an active and conscious variety of activities that would develop his sensory perceptions, motor, intellectual, volitional, emotional, motivational spheres. The developmental function of teaching is most successfully implemented in a number of special technologies or methodological systems, pursuing precisely the goals of personal development. In Russian didactics there is a special term for this “developmental education”.

In the 60s, one of the Russian didactics L.V. Zankov created a system of developmental education junior schoolchildren. Its principles, selection of educational content and teaching methods are aimed at developing perception, speech, thinking of schoolchildren and contributed to theoretical and applied development development problems during training along with the research of other domestic scientists: D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova, N.A. Menchinskaya and others. Thanks to these studies, domestic didactics received valuable results: theory gradual formation mental actions (P.A. Galperin), methods problem-based learning(M.N. Skatkin, I.Ya. Lerner, M.I. Makhmutov), ​​ways to enhance students’ cognitive activity, etc.

The modern organization of education is aimed not so much at the formation of knowledge, but at the diversified development of the student, first of all mental training methods of mental activity, analysis, comparison, classification, etc.; learning the ability to observe, draw conclusions, highlight essential features objects; learning the ability to identify goals and methods of activity, and check its results.

It should be noted that the development of sensory, motor, and emotional spheres of personality in education lags behind intellectual development. Meanwhile, it is very important that in the learning process one develops the ability to subtly and accurately perceive the properties and phenomena of the surrounding world: space, light, color, sound, movement, i.e. so that the student masters the depth and range of perception of his senses.

The development of the child’s motor sphere consists of, on the one hand, the formation of voluntary complex movements in learning, work, play. On the other hand, active and comprehensive physical development schoolchildren, since it is important both for health and for the intellectual, emotional, and creative activity of the individual.

Development emotional sphere, the subtleties and richness of feelings, experiences from the perception of nature, art, surrounding people, and all the phenomena of life in general is also one of the tasks of learning. In didactics there are examples of such methodological systems that are aimed at this (D. Kabalevsky, B. Nemensky, I. Volkov).

Thus, it should be recalled once again: every learning leads to development, but learning is developmental in nature if it is specifically aimed at the goals of personal development, which should be realized both in the selection of educational content and in the didactic organization of the educational process.

Educational function of teaching

The learning process is also educational in nature. Pedagogical science believes that the connection between education and training is an objective law, as well as the connection between training and development. However, education in the learning process is complicated by the influence external factors(family, microenvironment, etc.), which makes education more complex process. The educational function of education consists in the fact that in the process of learning moral and aesthetic ideas, a system of views on the world, the ability to follow the norms of behavior in society, and to comply with the laws adopted in it are formed. During the learning process, the individual’s needs and motives are also formed. social behavior, activities, values ​​and value orientation, worldview.

The educational factor of learning is primarily the content of education, although not all academic subjects have equal educational potential. In humanitarian and aesthetic disciplines it is higher: teaching music, literature, history, psychology, artistic culture due to the subject content of these areas, it provides more opportunities for personality formation. However, one cannot assert the automaticity of education in these subjects. The content of educational material can cause unexpected reactions from students that are contrary to intent. This depends on the existing level of education, the socio-psychological, pedagogical situation of learning, on the characteristics of the class, place and time of study, etc. The content of natural science disciplines along with humanitarian subjects in to a greater extent contributes to the formation of a worldview, a unified picture of the world in the minds of students, and the development on this basis of views on life and activity.

The second factor of education in the learning process, not counting the system of teaching methods, which also to a certain extent influences the formation of students, is the nature of communication between the teacher and students, psychological climate in the classroom, the interaction of participants in the learning process, the teacher’s style of guiding the cognitive activity of students.

Modern pedagogy believes that the optimal communication style of a teacher is a democratic style, which combines humane, respectful attitude to students, provides them with a certain independence, and involves them in organizing the learning process. On the other hand, the democratic style obliges the teacher to exercise a leadership role and activity in the learning process.

Therefore, to implement educational function It is not enough for a teacher to know about objective nature connections between training and education.

In order to have a formative influence on students in learning, the teacher must, firstly, analyze and select educational material from the point of view of its educational potential, secondly, to structure the learning process in such a way as to stimulate the personal perception of educational information by students, evoke their active evaluative attitude towards what is being studied, and shape their interests, needs, and humanistic orientation. To implement the educational function, the learning process must be specially analyzed and developed by the teacher in all its components.

We must, however, remember that the education of students is carried out not only at school and does not end there. Therefore, it is not recommended to completely subordinate the learning process to educational goals. It is necessary to create conditions for the favorable formation of schoolchildren, leaving them the right, freedom and independence in analyzing reality and choosing a system of views.

It is no coincidence that some schools of thought in pedagogy (for example, existentialism) believe that school should not shape the views of students, but only provide information for their free choice. It seems that this is a utopia: as has already been said, any educational system directly or indirectly shapes the student’s personality.

It should also be borne in mind that not only upbringing depends on learning, but also vice versa: without a certain level of upbringing, the student’s desire to learn, the presence of basic behavioral and communication skills, and students’ acceptance of the ethical standards of society, learning is impossible. This is confirmed by the elimination of pedagogically neglected students from school.

5 . The unity of educational, educational and developmental functions of trainingenia

So, pedagogical science Three functions of learning are identified. They are in complexly intertwined connections, interdependence: one precedes the other, is its cause, the other is its consequence, but at the same time a condition for the activation of the root cause. This expresses the dialectical nature of their unity.

The functions of teaching are implemented in practice, firstly, by a set of lesson tasks, including the tasks of education, upbringing and development of schoolchildren; secondly, such a content of activity for the teacher and students that would ensure the implementation of all three types of tasks, taking into account the fact that at each stage of the lesson some of them will be solved to a greater or lesser extent; thirdly, the unity of these functions is achieved by a combination various methods, forms and means of teaching; fourthly, in the process of monitoring and self-control over the progress of training and in analyzing its results, the progress of all three functions, and not just one of them, is simultaneously assessed. This determines a number of requirements for training, the fulfillment of which, according to modern didactics, makes it more successful and qualitatively new.


One of the two main processes that make up the holistic pedagogical process is the learning process (educational process). Modern didactics emphasizes that the objectives of the educational process cannot be reduced only to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities. Learning has a complex impact on personality, despite the fact that the educational function is most specific to this process. Note that the boundaries between education, upbringing and development in their in the narrow sense are very relative and some aspects of them overlap each other.

All functions of learning cannot be imagined as parallel, non-crossing lines in the flow of influences of the educational process. All of them are in complexly intertwined connections: one precedes the other, is its cause, the other is its consequence, but at the same time a condition for the activation of the root cause.

The main functions of teaching are implemented in practice, firstly, by a set of lesson objectives, including the objectives of education, upbringing and development of schoolchildren; secondly, the content of the activities of the teacher and schoolchildren, which would ensure the implementation of all three types of tasks, taking into account the fact that at each stage of the lesson some of them will be solved to a greater or lesser extent; thirdly, the unity of these functions is achieved by a combination of various methods, forms and means of teaching; fourthly, in the process of monitoring and self-control over the progress of training and when analyzing its results, the progress of all functions, and not just one of them, is simultaneously assessed.

Similar to functions, the elements of the educational process must be considered in a natural relationship.

The purpose of training determines its content. The purpose and content of training require certain methods, means and forms of stimulation and organization of training.

During the course of training it is necessary current control and process regulation. Finally, all components of the learning process in their totality provide a certain result.

Depending on the specifics of the learning objectives, the capabilities of the students, and the level of their attitude towards learning, certain components of the process will be used to a greater or lesser extent, and sometimes even absent altogether. Thus, it is necessary to take a creative approach to designing the learning process and avoid templates, regardless of specific situation, their applications.

List of used literature

1. Baranov S.P. The essence of the learning process: - M.: Prometheus, 1981.

2. Likhachev B. T. Pedagogy. Lecture course: Tutorial for pedagogical students textbook institutions and students of IPK and FPK. - M.: Prometheus, Yurayt, 1998.

3. Pedagogy: Textbook. A manual for pedagogical students. Institute / Yu. K. Babansky, V. A. Slastenin, N. A. Sorokin, etc.; Ed. Yu. K. Babansky. - 2nd ed., add. and processed - M., Education, 1988.

4. Pedagogy: Textbook for pedagogical students. textbook institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, A. N. Mishchenko, E. N. Shiyanov. - M.: Shkola-Press, 1997.

5. Podlasy I. P. Pedagogy. New course: Textbook: Book1: General Basics. Learning process. - M.: VLADOS, 2000.

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