Why is February 8th the Day of Russian Science? Russian Science Day

February 8 is an annual holiday for the Russian scientific community. On this day, it is customary to congratulate not only outstanding scientists and academicians, but also university teachers, researchers and ordinary students who decided to devote their lives to experiments and research. Despite all its importance, the holiday is not an official day off.

History of the holiday

In 1724, Emperor Peter I issued an order according to which a body similar to Western European academies should be established. His task would be the development of science in the state. On February 8, the Senate issued a corresponding decree. This is how the Academy of Sciences and Arts appeared, which was destined to become the progenitor of the modern Russian Academy of Sciences. The peculiarity of the institution was that the financial situation of the students was not of interest to its management.

Knowledge could be obtained not by those who had a lot of money, but by those who sought to connect their careers with scientific activity. The Academy changed names, but its goal remained the same over the centuries. In 1925 it was named the USSR Academy of Sciences. It is with this period in its existence that the most notable discoveries are associated: the emergence of a nuclear power plant, the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, and the development of astronautics.

That's when Science Day first appeared, but it was celebrated on the first Sunday in April. After the collapse of the USSR, the institution became known as the Russian Academy of Sciences. The holiday continued to be celebrated, but at an unofficial level. And only in 1999, 275 years after the emergence of the Academy, a decree was issued introducing the official Day of Russian Science.

And discoveries. Scientists such as Mikhail Lomonosov, Ivan Pavlov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Eduard Tsiolkovsky, Pyotr Kapitsa, Lev Landau, Igor Kurchatov, Anatoly Alexandrov, Sergei Korolev, Nikolai Dollezhal and many others are known all over the world. Thanks to their efforts, the country became the birthplace of outstanding discoveries and inventions of human civilization. Russia became the first state where the doctrine of the biosphere was developed, for the first time in the world an artificial Earth satellite was launched into space, and the first nuclear power plant was put into operation.

In recent years in Russia, one of which has been the Russian vaccine against Ebola, which shows higher effectiveness compared to other drugs designed to combat this disease.

In 2016, 14 Russian scientists from the creators of the Web of Science database, which is one of the leading catalogs of scientific publications and patents in the world and on the global network. Its developer is Thomson Reuters.

The winner in the “Highly Cited Scientific Journal” category was the journal “Advances in Chemistry” of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At the same time, the most highly cited Russian universities in 2016 were the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Siberian Federal University, and the most highly cited research institutes were the Institute of High Energy Physics, the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Theoretical Physics. Landau RAS.

In December 2016, the “Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of Russia until 2035” was adopted. According to the document, the country’s scientific potential in the coming decades will focus on solving a number of problems, including the main risks associated with anthropogenic pressure on nature; exhaustion of economic development opportunities due to extensive exploitation of resources; needs for increasing energy capacity.

Among the priority areas for the development of domestic science are digital production technologies, the creation of new materials, the development of systems capable of processing large volumes of data, artificial intelligence and machine learning, the transition to environmentally friendly and resource-saving energy sources, and personalized medicine.

The strategy will be implemented with financial support from the federal budget and through various extra-budgetary sources. Expenditures on research and development will gradually increase to 2% of the country's GDP, including a proportional increase in private investment. By 2035, the volume of private investment in science should be no lower than public investment.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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Russian Science Day is a holiday that dates back to the time of Peter I and is celebrated by a large number of people who are associated with science.

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On January 28, 1724, according to the old style, the Academy of Sciences was founded by decree of Peter the Great. The creation of the Academy of Sciences is directly related to the reform activities of Peter I, aimed at strengthening the state, its economic and political independence.Peter understood the importance of scientific thought, education and culture of the people for the prosperity of the country.

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History of Russian science


According to the project of Peter I, the Academy was significantly different from all related foreign organizations. She was a government agency; its members, receiving a salary, were supposed to provide scientific and technical services to the state. The Academy combined the functions of scientific research and teaching , incorporating a university and a gymnasium. On December 27, 1725, the Academy celebrated its creation with a large public meeting. It was a solemn act of the emergence of a new attribute of Russian state life.

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Peter I, loving his Motherland and putting every effort into its development and prosperity, allowed the offspring of not only noble families, but also commoners, could enter the Academy. Moreover, for successful activities in mastering knowledge and arts, the king rewarded with his favor.


The Academy of Sciences and Arts studied the laws of the surrounding world and society, the essence of man and social consciousness, and also carried out publishing activities. All this has had a beneficial effect and continues to influence the country’s social development and economic growth, progress in technology, and international relations.


In 1925, the institution of Peter I changed its name to the USSR Academy of Sciences, and since 1991 it has been called the Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS.

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Science Day in the Soviet Union


In Soviet Russia there was a tradition of celebrating the country's successes in the scientific field. The 3rd Sunday of April was dedicated to honoring scientists. since in April 1918, in the interval from the 18th to the 25th, the leader of the revolution V.I. Lenin wrote a work on planning scientific and technical work.
Science Day was celebrated in all institutions whose activities were associated with scientific progress.



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Changes in the country


The long-standing tradition of celebrating domestic scientific achievements in Russia was interrupted, unfortunately, in the early 90s. The country was going through a difficult time: higher echelons shared power, ordinary people tried to adapt to a kaleidoscopically changing reality. There was no one to finance scientific research, much less remember about Science Day. Some research institutes have closed, others have reorganized. It took more than one year for life to return to a more or less straight direction.


Created by Peter I The Russian Academy of Sciences was recreated by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 21, 1991, as the highest scientific institution in Russia. The Academy is recognized as a self-governing non-profit organization with state status. It operates on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation and its own Charter.

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A June 7, 1999 The head of the Russian state signed a decree establishing a day dedicated to the achievements of scientists of the Fatherland. According to the Decree issued in 2000, the Day of Russian Science is February 8

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The names of scientific figures, graduates of the Academy, are world famous:


Mikhail Lomonosov, known for his many talents, Ivan Pavlov, who studied reflexes, Dmitry Mendeleev, creator of the periodic table of chemical elements, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, passionate about spaceship development, Lev Landau, from whose textbook physicists around the world study, Igor Kurchatov, the “father” of the Soviet atomic bomb , we can continue endlessly...


Truly gifted people, who have the freedom to conduct the necessary research and the support of the government, have been leading Russian science at the forefront of world science for almost three centuries.


Russian scientists were the first on the planet to produce:
- development of the theory of the biosphere,
- launching an artificial space satellite into orbit,
- construction and commissioning of a power plant with a nuclear reactor.



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Academy of Sciences today


At the beginning of the 21st century, the RAS includes a large number of research institutes, laboratories and museums. The activities of the Academy extend to almost all areas of science, these are: mathematics, astrophysics, physics of quantum liquids and crystals, physics of elementary particles, mechanics, chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, history, philosophy, literary criticism, folklorism, and this list is far from complete... . If you look at all the inventions of recent centuries, the lion's share of inventions belongs to Russian scientists, who have repeatedly proven their worth in many issues of scientific activity.


In recent years, Russian academics:
- created ultra-strong steel and ductile cast iron,
- injection lasers and transistors have been developed that will become the basis of new generation electronic devices,
- a connection between a chemical reaction and magnetic radiation was discovered,
- production technologies are developed that do not harm the environment,
- a deep-sea neutrino telescope has been created, existing in a single copy in the world,
- the human genome is comprehensively studied,
- the tasks of human psychodiagnostics in rapidly changing conditions have been identified and studied,
- diamonds with specified characteristics and weight up to 6 carats were grown,
- the basis for more than 2000 monographs and textbooks was created.

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This is only a small part of the results of the work of more than 100,000 people. Scientific personnel are trained at the institute of research trainees, graduate school, and doctoral studies. Among the active members of the Academy are 40 laureates of the prestigious Nobel Prize. The first of those awarded, in 1904, was Academician I.P. Pavlov for his work on the physiology of digestion, then, in 1908, I.I. Mechnikov for his work on immunity. The latest Russian laureate was physicist K. S. Novoselov, who in 2010 received the Nobel Prize for innovative experiments on the study of the two-dimensional material graphene.

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Events held on Russian Science Day


On the eve of this significant date, research institutes hold open days, organize lectures and conversations with scientists. Employees of institutes and museums conduct excursions, during which they provide a unique opportunity to see with their own eyes supercomputers that simulate and calculate economic processes. In the laboratories of physicists, you can witness interesting experiments and learn about the production technology of modern ultra-strong and high-quality materials. In addition, exhibitions and screenings of scientific films are organized.
Scientists also do not forget about schoolchildren. Special events are held for them, at which representatives of various scientific branches talk about their work in a simple and accessible form. This gives the children the opportunity to better understand the changes taking place around them and think about choosing a career as a scientist.


Of course, all the events dedicated to the Day of Russian Science simply cannot fit into one day. That's why Every year a whole week in the first half of February is dedicated to the celebration.

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Russian Science Day among scientists


On February 8, the Government of the Russian Federation congratulates the entire scientific community on this significant date and notes the successes of the past year.


Rewards scientists who have particularly distinguished themselves in a particular field, conferring honorary titles and presenting diplomas.
Financial support and grants for research are also dedicated to this date.
Fellow scientists congratulate each other and wish them fruitful work and new achievements.



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Science and man


All the familiar things that we see around us every day were born thanks to the hard work of scientists. Now, it’s even difficult to imagine how one could live without paper, a telephone, an electric kettle, vehicles, or the Internet. But any thing owes its birth to a person who, at one fine moment, was illuminated by an idea, believed in it and achieved its implementation.


Certainly, research on protein-coding genes , are incomprehensible to a person far from the biology of the gene. But it is a possible future breakthrough in the search for a cure for cancer. Just like the phrase "geochemical activity of microorganisms" few people can repeat it without hesitation. But successful research in this area will significantly increase oil production. A striking example of a breakthrough in Russian science is best weapons, thanks to which, Russians can sleep peacefully and count on a peaceful, good future. Long years of human activity for its own benefit have not been without victims, and they are counted by environmental scientists every year. Currently, 414 species of endangered animals and measures are being developed to preserve their numbers.



Thus, science covers all spheres of life on Earth , and the significance of its development is invaluable. Russian Science Day, February 8, makes it possible to attract the attention of a wide range of the public to scientific progress, which invisibly accompanies man throughout his entire existence.


The modern generation of Russian scientists multiplies the wonderful traditions of their predecessors and, despite all the difficulties, is distinguished by boundless dedication to their work, breadth of interests, and active citizenship. Thanks to those who now continue to engage in science, young people once again have a desire to go into science, which means there is hope that new discoveries await us ahead, designed to improve human life.

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February 8 is Russian Science Day, on this day tens of thousands of people associated with science will celebrate this important holiday for Russia. If you know someone who is involved in scientific activities, be sure to congratulate this person on his professional holiday. On the Day of Russian Science on February 8, you can wish health and new discoveries that can make the lives of ordinary people a little better

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Russian Science Day is a professional holiday for scientific workers. In 2020, it is celebrated on February 8th. Professors, academicians, researchers, teachers, graduate students, candidates and doctors of sciences, and officials of the Ministry of Education and Science take part in the celebrations. In 2020, Russian Science Day takes place for the 21st time.

The purpose of the holiday is to attract public attention to scientific progress.

History of the holiday

Russian Science Day was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin dated June 7, 1999 No. 717. The date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. It was dedicated to the formation of the Russian Academy of Sciences by Emperor Peter I on February 8 (January 28 - old style) 1724.

In the Soviet Union, Science Day was celebrated on the third Sunday in April. Some scientific teams continue to celebrate their professional holiday on this day.

Holiday traditions

On February 8, the government of the Russian Federation congratulates scientific workers on their professional holiday, presents diplomas, and awards titles. The ceremony of presenting state awards to scientists for outstanding achievements is taking place at the Kremlin Palace. The Ministry of Education and Science provides grants for research work.

On this day, scientific conferences and seminars are held. Quizzes are held in educational institutions. Research institutes hold open days and organize conversations with scientists. There are exhibitions and screenings of scientific films. Television and radio stations broadcast interviews with scientists, programs about new inventions and discoveries.

Russian scientist Sofya Kovalevskaya (1850-1891) became the world's first female professor of mathematics.

In 2016, scientists discovered a new organ in the human body - the mesentery. It is found in the digestive system.

American physicist D. Nelson from Arizona State University noted that the number of varieties of snowflakes is determined by a number with 768 zeros. There are no identical snowflakes in nature.

British scientists named the main problem of world science - the lack of translation of all research into English.

In Soviet Russia there was a tradition of celebrating the country's successes in the scientific field. The 3rd Sunday of April was dedicated to honoring scientists, since in April 1918, in the interval from the 18th to the 25th, the leader of the revolution, V.I. Lenin wrote a work on planning scientific and technical work.
Science Day was celebrated in all institutions whose activities were associated with scientific progress.

Changes in the country

In the early 1990s, many traditions were lost and forgotten. The country was going through a difficult time: higher echelons shared power, ordinary people tried to adapt to a kaleidoscopically changing reality. There was no one to finance scientific research, much less remember about Science Day. Some research institutes have closed, others have reorganized. It took more than one year for life to return to a more or less straight direction.
Only on June 7, 1999, the Head of the Russian State signed a Decree establishing a day dedicated to the achievements of scientists of the Fatherland. According to the Decree issued in 2000, February 8 is the Day of Russian Science. Why exactly this number?

History of Russian science

In 1724, on January 24, Peter I established the Academy of Sciences and Arts. The new style introduced in Russia in 1918 by the Time Decree moved this date to 8 February. Thus, the Decree of June 7, 1999 immortalized the anniversary of the creation of the country's main scientific institution.
Peter I, loving his Motherland and putting every effort into its development and prosperity, allowed the offspring of not only noble families, but also commoners to enter the Academy. Moreover, for successful activities in mastering knowledge and arts, the king rewarded with his favor.

The Academy of Sciences and Arts studied the laws of the surrounding world and society, the essence of man and social consciousness, and also carried out publishing activities. All this has had a beneficial effect and continues to influence the country’s social development and economic growth, progress in technology, and international relations.

In 1925, the institution of Peter I changed its name to the USSR Academy of Sciences, and since 1991 it has been called the Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS.
The names of scientific figures, graduates of the Academy, are world famous: Mikhail Lomonosov, known for his many talents, Ivan Pavlov, who studied reflexes, Dmitry Mendeleev, creator of the periodic table of chemical elements, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, passionate about the development of a spaceship, Lev Landau, from whose textbook physicists of all things study world, Igor Kurchatov, the “father” of the Soviet atomic bomb, we can continue endlessly. Truly gifted people, who have the freedom to conduct the necessary research and the support of the government, have been leading Russian science at the forefront of world science for almost three centuries.
Russian scientists were the first on the planet to produce:
- development of the theory of the biosphere,
- launching an artificial space satellite into orbit,
- construction and commissioning of a power plant with a nuclear reactor.

Academy of Sciences today

At the beginning of the 21st century, the RAS includes a large number of research institutes, laboratories and museums. The activities of the Academy extend to almost all areas of science, these are: mathematics, astrophysics, physics of quantum liquids and crystals, physics of elementary particles, mechanics, chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, history, philosophy, literary criticism, folklorism, the list is far from complete.
In recent years, Russian academics:
- created ultra-strong steel and ductile cast iron,
- injection lasers and transistors have been developed that will become the basis of new generation electronic devices,
- a connection between a chemical reaction and magnetic radiation was discovered,
- production technologies are developed that do not harm the environment,
- a deep-sea neutrino telescope has been created, existing in a single copy in the world,
- the human genome is comprehensively studied,
- the tasks of human psychodiagnostics in rapidly changing conditions have been identified and studied,
- diamonds with specified characteristics and weight up to 6 carats were grown,
- the basis for more than 2000 monographs and textbooks was created.
This is only a small part of the results of the work of more than 100,000 people.
Scientific personnel are trained at the institute of research trainees, graduate school, and doctoral studies. Among the active members of the Academy are 40 laureates of the prestigious Nobel Prize.

Events held on Russian Science Day

On the eve of this significant date, research institutes hold open days, organize lectures and conversations with scientists. Employees of institutes and museums conduct excursions, during which they provide a unique opportunity to see with their own eyes supercomputers that simulate and calculate economic processes. In the laboratories of physicists, you can witness interesting experiments and learn about the production technology of modern ultra-strong and high-quality materials. In addition, exhibitions and screenings of scientific films are organized.
Scientists also do not forget about schoolchildren. Special events are held for them, at which representatives of various scientific branches talk about their work in a simple and accessible form. This gives the children the opportunity to better understand the changes taking place around them and think about choosing a career as a scientist.

Of course, all the events dedicated to the Day of Russian Science simply cannot fit into one day. Therefore, every year a whole week in the first half of February is dedicated to the celebration.

Russian Science Day among scientists

On February 8, the Government of the Russian Federation congratulates the entire scientific community on this significant date, notes the successes of the past year, rewards scientists who have particularly distinguished themselves in a particular field, confers honorary titles and presents diplomas.
Financial support and grants for research are also dedicated to this date.
Fellow scientists congratulate each other and wish them fruitful work and new achievements.

Science and man

All the familiar things that we see around us every day were born thanks to the hard work of scientists. Now, it’s even difficult to imagine how one could live without paper, a telephone, an electric kettle, vehicles, or the Internet. But any thing owes its birth to a person who, at one fine moment, was illuminated by an idea, believed in it and achieved its implementation.
Of course, studies of genes encoding proteins are incomprehensible to a person far from the biology of the gene. But it is a possible future breakthrough in the search for a cure for cancer. Just like the phrase “geochemical activity of microorganisms,” few people can repeat it without hesitation. But successful research in this area will significantly increase oil production.
Long years of human activity for its own benefit have not been without victims, and they are counted by environmental scientists every year. Currently, 414 species of endangered animals are listed in the Red Book and measures are being developed to preserve their numbers.

Thus, science covers all spheres of life on Earth, and the significance of its development is invaluable. Russian Science Day, February 8, makes it possible to attract the attention of a wide range of the public to scientific progress, which invisibly accompanies man throughout his entire existence.

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