After the end of May where to work. Moscow Aviation Institute

He told the Slovo portal about where and how graduates of the Moscow Aviation Institute work. Mikhail Yurievich Kuprikov, Vice-Rector of the Moscow Aviation Institute for Academic Affairs, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

- Please tell us how in demand MAI graduates are?

There are no MAI graduates on the labor exchange. MAI graduates are consumed by six corporations. Those who work on targeted orders, on targeted techniques, who teach basic departments. Tactical missile weapons, OAP, Russian Technologies, Roscosmos, everything that flies is MAI graduates. We are also preparing for the social sphere - we are preparing economists who will go into municipal administration. Medicov - engineering in biomedical problems. Therefore, in general, we are adapted to the needs of the regions.

- Are your graduates in demand abroad?

There are quite a lot of our employees abroad. We actually don’t cook “abroad”. But they are happy to go there. The trouble is that our enterprises are not able to compete with Western companies. We have quite striking examples of career advancements that took place in Western companies. For example, about a thousand of our graduates now work at Boeing, and there are many of our graduates at Airbus. Alexander Yarmonsky was the chief designer of the central section of the A350, working in the USA. There are some instances where you can show a successful career in Western scientific schools.

- Is it easy for graduates to find a job immediately after graduating from university?

The fact is that they start looking for work while they are still studying, during practice. They end up at their workplace somewhere else in their third year. Design, technological, pre-diploma practice. As a rule, career guidance work begins at this stage. Those who are suitable for this trajectory sign contracts for targeted training and go to these jobs. The practice was implemented very well with the Sukhoi Design Bureau. Most of the employees of the Sukhoi Design Bureau are graduates of the Moscow Aviation Institute. KB Mikoyan, across the street, they graduate from the diploma, and classes are held at the enterprise. We have about two dozen basic departments. Basic departments are an educational process carried out on the territory of the enterprise. Basic departments in TsAG and LII, TNDK Beriev, GosNias.

- By working at these enterprises, can you provide your family with a decent living?

Everything in the world is relative. There will always be enough for a piece of bread. It is very difficult to live in Moscow. The salary level specifically for a MAI graduate is from 20 to 100 thousand. There are those who get a job with a hundred thousand. It depends on the competencies that the person has. A person who speaks computer-aided design systems and English is in demand. If an engineer has a first higher education, a parallel education in linguistics, and a third some kind of management or economic education, then he is in high demand on the market, and is attractive to Western companies. And if a person simply received an engineering education, he goes to a design bureau for forty thousand and then decides for himself whether forty thousand is enough for him to live with his family or not. So there is an incentive. And most importantly, we provide the opportunity for such growth, we provide the opportunity for these competencies. We have an institute of foreign languages. We have purchased English language teaching licenses from Melbourne Technical University AirMid and teach pilots and controllers English at the required level. This is a specific area of ​​knowledge, no one teaches this. And it turned out that Australia is closer than any other European scientific school. We train pilots and dispatchers of Transaero, Siberia, Aeroflot, and Russia Airlines. Therefore, there is an opportunity for growth and self-realization. And then everyone decides for themselves what level they reach. The university must provide these opportunities and so far we have succeeded.

Our employers do not have enough graduate engineers. There are many more engineering programs than we produce engineers. We are given specific admission numbers - they are given by the Ministry, they are given by the employer, and these control numbers at graduation are sorted out by the same corporations - UAC, Russian Technologies, Tactical Missile Armaments, etc. But there are not enough graduates for the rest of the labor market. Therefore hunger arises.

- Are there any graduates who do not work in their specialty?

What does specialty mean? This name is very arbitrary. If he studied to design airplanes, and works as the owner of an airline, is this his specialty? This is about airplanes, but not design. I decided not to sit at the drawing board, but to operate airplanes. For example, Transaero is headed by our graduates. From a formal point of view, this is not a specialty. And from the point of view of human logic, they rose above their qualifications. Airline owners are not specially trained.

According to some teachers, there is such a problem - students do not want to study. Does your university have such a problem and how do you solve it?

There are different problems. If training courses are offered that are engaging and captivating, then students learn with pleasure. Let me give you an example. I am the head of the Department of Engineering Graphics. If you let them draw by hand, who will like it? It's hard, routine. And if you give computer graphics, animation, they sit and tinker with pleasure. When you look at the screenshots, it’s 4 am, 5 am. It is necessary to give those forms that are in demand today by the market, in demand by society and are in the trend of modern information technologies.

Do you agree that the level of knowledge of applicants does not meet the requirements of the university?

The problem of fathers and sons has always existed. They will always say that earlier the preparation was better, deeper, further, smarter, etc. A new generation, new requirements, new tasks force us to develop. Nothing can be done about it. One of the forms is the Unified State Exam.

I would focus on something else. It is much more important that those admitted be able to survive their first year. In the first semester we are already expelling dozens of students. About 30% over five years is a deduction. In the first year, 10-15% goes toward expulsion. Then in senior courses there is another 2-3%. It's not so critical anymore. And the first and second semesters are the main task to retain. And how they were recruited - through the Unified State Exam or not - is completely unimportant. It is important whether a person can learn or not. Sometimes primary knowledge is not even so important, but rather learning skills. Tutors can teach you a lot about answer standards. It’s no secret that if you teach how to answer, you can get a completely acceptable result, even if the person does not understand anything about what he is answering. It is important to have the ability to learn.

It is important for MAI that the Unified State Exam in physics is not on the mandatory list. Because without physics it is impossible to teach an engineer. For us, this is critical, fundamental, and when students without physics come to engine or aircraft engineering, it’s a disaster. And there are fewer applicants with physics backgrounds than our admission benchmarks for engineering universities as a whole. Therefore, there is a fairly large deficit in this area. And when we put an exam in natural science instead of an exam in physics in order to make an extra choice, unfortunately, the level of competence of these applicants drops sharply.

Interviewed by Anna Volkova

Rector Mikhail Aslanovich Poghosyan Students more than 22000 International students 1500 Teachers more than 1800 Location Russia Russia: Moscow Legal address Moscow, Volokolamskoye Shosse, 4 Website Awards Media files on Wikimedia Commons

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ BUDGET PAYMENT - MOSCOW AVIATION INSTITUTE MAI How to Apply, How Much Training Costs

    ✪ Areas of training at MAI: video guide for applicants

    ✪ Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) 04/24/2013

    ✪ SPbSUGA - Forward to the highest! Issue 7

    ✪ 5 questions about admission to MAI: admission to a university is not a lottery, but a dialogue with the applicant



The birth and development of the Moscow Aviation Institute is closely connected with the needs of developing aviation, with the activities of Professor N. E. Zhukovsky, on whose initiative in 1909 a course on the theoretical foundations of aeronautics began at the Imperial Moscow Technical School (now MSTU named after N. E. Bauman) .

On September 17, 1929, by order of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR (No. 124), the aviation department of the mechanical faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical University was transformed into the aeromechanical faculty.

On March 20, 1930, on the basis of the Aeromechanical Faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical University, by order of the Supreme Council of National Economy of the USSR, the Higher Aeromechanical School (VAMU) was created.

On August 20, 1930, the Moscow Aviation Institute was created on the basis of VAMU. At first, classes were held on Olkhovskaya Street, then the university was given a building on 5th Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street. By the beginning of the academic year (1930-1931), students from the aviation department of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute - 120 people - and the Tomsk Technological Institute - 19 people were transferred to VAMU. MAI, like VAMU, had three departments: aircraft manufacturing, engine building and aeronautics.

In 1930-1931, the structure of the institute was formed. The Aeronautical Faculty was renamed the Airship Building Faculty.

On September 22, 1932, by the decision of the Central Control Commission-RKI, on the basis of the Airship Construction Faculty of the Moscow Aviation Institute, the Moscow Airship Construction Institute was formed, which, by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on April 8, 1939, was reorganized into the Moscow Institute of Civil Air Fleet Engineers named after. K. E. Tsiolkovsky (Later Russian State Technological University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky).

By 1933, the first own building of the institute was built (currently building No. 3 of the Faculty of Control Systems) at the fork of the Volokolamsk and Leningrad highways, where the main territory of the university is located to this day.

On March 10, 1933, the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of MAI was organized on the basis of the Moscow Aviation Engineering and Economics Institute (MAIEI) and the departments of production organization and concrete economics.

On December 16, 1935, by decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the name was given to the People's Commissar of Heavy Industry Sergo Ordzhonikidze.

By the fall of 1941, the government decided to evacuate the institute to Alma-Ata. After the defeat of the Germans near Moscow, the question was raised about resuming the activities of the institute in Moscow, and already on February 2, 1942, the educational process began in the Moscow premises of the institute.

In 1945, the merits of the MAI team during the war were awarded a high government award - the Order of Lenin. In addition, 119 teachers, staff and students of the institute were awarded orders and medals.

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MAI Laboratory

In 1945, a department of special (jet) engines was created at the Moscow Aviation Institute (head of the department is Professor N.V. Inozemtsev). With this, MAI began training specialists in air-jet and liquid-jet engines, and then in other rocket specialties.

In 1956, a group of MAI teachers went to Beijing to provide organizational and methodological assistance in the creation of the Beijing Aviation Institute (PAI), now renamed Beihang University (Beijing Aerospace University). MAI teachers have been conducting all types of training sessions at PAI for a number of years.

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In 1956-1975, the second stage of construction of the MAI was carried out. The number of classroom buildings, educational and scientific laboratories, and production facilities was increased to 35. With the growth of the institute, its structure also changed, new faculties and departments were added. The result of this stage was the transformation of the aviation institute, previously focused mainly on aircraft and partially helicopter technology, into an aerospace polytechnic university, providing training for a wide range of scientific and design organizations in the aviation and rocket and space industries.

In 1959, the Department of Aircraft Design and Construction was created to train specialists in the field of rocket and space technology. From the moment of its organization until 1990, the department was headed by the first deputy chief designer S.P. Korolev, academician V.P. Mishin (MAI graduate in 1941). The department laid the foundation for extensive training of personnel for the rocket and space industry and served as the basis for the subsequent organization (1968) of the Aerospace Faculty.

In 1967, the first student design bureau for space technology in the USSR, Iskra, was created at the Department of Aircraft Design and Construction.

In 1970, in accordance with the intergovernmental agreement between the USSR and India (1966), MAI took part in the creation of the Faculty of Aviation Engineering at the Bombay Institute of Technology. More than 20 professors and teachers of MAI worked at BTI from 1970 to 1974.

On October 26, 1978, the first successful launch of the student artificial Earth satellite “Radio-2”, created by the SKB MAI “Iskra”, was carried out in the Soviet Union.

In 1980, for its great contribution to the training of specialists, in the year of its fiftieth anniversary, the institute was awarded the Order of the October Revolution.

In 1998, the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​was created, which trains public relations specialists and linguists for the aviation industry.

Your university has made a significant contribution to the development of domestic science, aviation and rocket and space industries. Over the past years, it has trained more than 140 thousand graduates, including famous scientists, cosmonauts, managers and leading engineers of aerospace and defense industry enterprises. Today, within the walls of the Moscow Aviation Institute, fundamental and applied research is conducted in a number of areas, including nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. The Institute has a modern technical base and unique infrastructure and is rightfully included in the number of national research universities.

On March 31, 2015, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science, MAI was reorganized by merging MATI with it.

University today

MAI's mission is to train the world's elite engineering personnel through advanced research at all stages of the life cycle of aviation, rocket and space technology.

MAI has extensive connections with industry and is one of the most popular universities in the country in the field of training personnel for the Russian military-industrial complex.

A distinctive way of preparing students at MAI is to send them to specialized enterprises, where, under the guidance of industry specialists, they carry out specialized coursework and diploma projects, undergo all types of internships, for which the enterprises pay for their work and award additional scholarships. This helps students see their prospects in enterprises, and employers see the abilities of their future specialists. MAI has entered into agreements with more than 100 organizations for this type of training. University teachers also undergo internships at the enterprises.

MAI implements targeted recruitment in accordance with the state plan for training personnel with secondary vocational and higher education for organizations of the military-industrial complex (DIC) for 2016-2020 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2015 No. 192).

In 2015, MAI took first place among the most popular defense industry organizations subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade and educational institutions in the country.

Students are trained at the MAI based on the principle of end-to-end design of all systems of aviation, rocket and space technology. For this purpose, the university has created a unique laboratory base that corresponds to the modern level of industrial development. These are full-scale samples of equipment, including airplanes, helicopters, missiles, weapons systems, robotics, avionics and radar, wind tunnels, flight simulators, an industrial computed tomograph, an installation for fusing metal powder materials, a powder X-ray diffractometer, an experimental vacuum stand, a set of equipment for studying micro- and nanoparticles, the measuring complex of the laboratory for the creation of high-precision ultra-wideband radio systems and others.

On the basis of research laboratories, resource centers, design bureaus, students undergo training within the framework of UIRS, NIRS, and some of them participate in R&D. Defenses of diploma projects on the creation of aircraft were also organized.

Special profile subjects at MAI are taught by heads of industrial enterprises: M. A. Pogosyan, B. V. Obnosov, B. S. Aleshin, E. N. Kablov, V. A. Sorokin, S. Yu. Zheltov and others.

The Moscow Aviation Institute trains specialists for all Russian cosmodromes:

  • "Baikonur" (Baikonur);
  • "Plesetsk" (Mirny);
  • “Eastern” (Tsiolkovsky).

In 2009, MAI entered into a tripartite agreement with Amur State University (AmSU) and the government of the Amur region on the training of specialists for the new Russian Vostochny cosmodrome in the specialty “Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes.” In January 2015, the first graduation of 23 students took place. Currently, 88 students from AmSU are studying at MAI under a tripartite agreement.

MAI implements additional educational programs of varying duration and focus (technical English, business foreign language). In addition, at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Moscow Aviation Institute, within the framework of ongoing educational programs, in recent years, more than 3,000 pilots and air traffic controllers of civil aviation in the Russian Federation and CIS countries have been trained in aviation English according to ICAO standards, and flight attendants are also being trained, and qualification testing is being carried out to determine the level of proficiency. English in accordance with the ICAO scale. Faculty specialists provide translation services.

International cooperation

MAI trains foreign students from 57 countries, including 10 CIS countries. The largest training contracts have been concluded with the countries of Southeast Asia (Malaysia, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the Republic of Korea, etc.), as well as with India, China, Algeria, Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, and Angola. Many foreign MAI graduates occupy leadership positions in their countries. Currently, more than 1,500 foreign citizens are studying at MAI and its branches.

In September 2015, MAI opened a bachelor’s degree program in “Aircraft Engineering” in five fields, within which foreign students study in English for four years. In addition, an agreement was signed with Nanjing University of Astronautics and Aeronautics, the largest university in China, on double degree programs.

The Moscow Aviation Institute takes an active part in international associations, such as:

  • Engineering Education Initiative Worldwide (CDIO);
  • Association of Technical Universities of Russia and China;
  • European Association of Aerospace Universities PEGASUS;
  • International Council for Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS);
  • International Astronautical Federation (IAF).

MAI program “Scientific and pedagogical youth”

The university has developed and is implementing its own MAI personnel program “Scientific and Pedagogical Youth”, the goal of which is to saturate the university teaching staff with young scientists. The program includes sections: “Targeted postgraduate and doctoral studies” - organization and financing of the preparation of dissertations by graduate students and doctoral students who have entered into a civil agreement with the institute on additional funding for their postgraduate studies and work for 3-5 years after graduation as teachers ; “Qualification growth” - organization and financing of the preparation of dissertations by young employees of the institute; “Rejuvenation of teaching staff” - organization of systematic replacement of teaching staff with young scientists.

Career guidance work

MAI conducts career guidance work with schoolchildren in grades 5-11, which covers many schools and specialized technical schools in Moscow. According to the approved MAI curriculum, in 38 basic schools, university teachers conduct additional classes in mathematics, physics and the Russian language.

The Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) was one of 13 metropolitan universities participating in the educational project “Engineering class in a Moscow school.” MAI implements additional professional programs for teaching staff in engineering classes, conducts seminars for teachers and career guidance events for schoolchildren, including: master classes for students, excursions to engineering enterprises, and implementation of elective courses.

MAI Employment Center

In order to facilitate the employment of graduates and the adaptation of students to the labor market, the MAI Employment Center has been operating at the university since 1996.

The center is part of the Association of Employment Centers of Moscow Universities and is the coordinating structure of the Association. The center's employees take an active part in the work of the Interuniversity Career Development Center, as well as in the work of the Employment Commission of the Council of University Rectors of Moscow and the Moscow Region. The MAI employment center database contains more than 200 employer companies interested in university graduates.

According to a survey conducted in 2015, over 70% of MAI graduates work at specialized enterprises in the aviation, rocket and space industries.

Officer training

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Presentation of titles to graduates of the UVC MAI

MAI was one of the first universities to receive the right to conduct an experiment in training officers for contract service. An experiment in training career officers in civilian universities made it possible to introduce changes to regulations in the field of education, military service and defense. Based on the results obtained, military training centers were created at 37 civilian universities, including the Moscow Aviation Institute. Currently, the Military Training Center at the Moscow Aviation Institute trains officers for contract service in the interests of various types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In parallel with the main educational process at MAI, reserve officers are trained at the military department. Since 2013, MAI graduates have the opportunity to perform military service upon conscription in scientific companies of the RF Armed Forces.

Educational activities of MAI

Currently, about 22,000 people are studying at MAI in various forms of education in 12 faculties, 9 institutes (as faculties) and 5 branches.


  • "Aviation technology"
  • "Aircraft engines"
  • "Control systems, computer science and electrical power engineering"
  • "Radio electronics of aircraft"
  • "Aerospace"
  • "Robotic and intelligent systems"
  • "Applied mathematics and physics"
  • "Applied Mechanics"
  • "Social Engineering"
  • "Foreign languages"
  • "Radiovtuz MAI"
  • "Faculty of Pre-University Training"


  • Engineering and Economic Institute MAI (ENZHEKIN MAI)
  • Institute of Materials Science and Technology
  • Institute of Aerospace Designs, Technologies and Control Systems
  • Institute of Information Systems and Technologies
  • Institute of Management, Economics and Social Technologies
  • Military Institute MAI
  • Institute of Military Training
  • Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining MAI
  • Institute of Correspondence Studies


  • "Voskhod" (Baikonur cosmodrome)
  • “Takeoff” (Akhtubinsk)
  • "Arrow" (Zhukovsky)
  • Stupino branch (Stupino)

Scientific activities of MAI

Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) is a large scientific and educational center with developed infrastructure.

As a result of the implementation of the activities of the MAI Development Program as a national research university, knowledge generation centers with powerful material and technical support for scientific experiments and developments have been created at the university on the basis of which research and development work is carried out, which is a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the country and industries.

The priority areas of development of the university are:

  • aviation systems;
  • rocket and space systems;
  • energy systems;
  • information and telecommunication systems;
  • new materials and production technologies;
  • diversification of the use of aerospace technologies.

For the period 2011-2015. The university has carried out R&D in the amount of over 6.01 billion rubles (including 1.48 billion rubles in 2015). The volume of funds received into MAI accounts from scientific and technical activities within the framework of international scientific programs and projects amounted to 2011-2015. over 100 million rubles.

The level of scientific achievements of MAI in recent years is confirmed by the implementation of large research and innovation projects within the framework of federal and industry target programs, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/09/2010 No. 218-220, grants from development institutions and international organizations, etc.

The Moscow Aviation Institute also takes an active part in the formation of the innovative economy of Russia, including in the activities of companies implementing innovative development programs (IDP).

Thus, MAI is included as a flagship university in 11 of 60 innovative development programs approved by the Government Commission on High Technologies and Innovations, and for the period 2012-2015. performed R&D for companies implementing design and development projects in the amount of RUB 1,672.3 million. (including for 2015 - more than 380 million rubles). The work was carried out for such leading enterprises in the aerospace and defense industries as PJSC UAC, JSC Concern VKO Almaz-Antey, JSC Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation, JSC Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after . S.P. Korolev", FSUE "GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev”, JSC “Radio Engineering Concern “Vega””, JSC “Information Satellite Systems” named after. Academician M. F. Reshetnev "", JSC "NPO Energomash named after. Academician V.P. Glushko”, JSC “United Industrial Corporation “Oboronprom””.

In general, the Moscow Aviation Institute has concluded more than 120 agreements on cooperation in the field of scientific and innovative activities. In addition, the university is developing plans for joint activities with specialized Russian and foreign corporations and organizations, such as the Roscosmos and Rostec State Corporations, COMAC, Safran, etc. Currently, a cooperation program in the field of personnel training and in the field of R&D at 2016 and further prospects with PJSC UAC.

The latest and unique equipment allows MAI to increase the volume of scientific research carried out in the interests of the largest aerospace industry enterprises, including international ones. Since 2009, the volume of investments in re-equipping the university has amounted to 1.7 billion rubles. The university operates collective use centers, resource centers, scientific and educational centers, design bureaus, an airfield and other departments. Also, a youth innovation zone is being created on the basis of MAI, combining the Center for Start-up Entrepreneurship and a business incubator.

MAI is the only university in the world that has a certificate for the development of light aircraft and a license for the development of aviation equipment. The university provides educational and scientific support for the serial production of aircraft.

The MAI operates a training Flight Control Center (MCC), which is involved in conducting the MAI-75, RadioSkaf and Ten-Mayak experiments, which are part of a long-term program of scientific and applied research and experiments on board the Russian segment of the ISS. The equipment of the MAI Center allows for control and reception of data from various types of educational satellites.

The scientific journals “Bulletin of the Moscow Aviation Institute” and “Proceedings of the MAI”, published by the Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university), are included by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the new List of peer-reviewed scientific publications.

The university's innovative developments are awarded a large number of awards at major international and all-Russian exhibitions, such as the International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS), Vuzpromexpo, the Army forum, Open Innovations, the Archimedes Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies, HeliRussia and many other events. As part of the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS, the Golden Wings competition is held annually. The competition is held among air show exhibitors - universities, enterprises, financial and public organizations - in four categories: “MAKS Premiere”, “Science”, “Exposition” and “Business Program”. In 2015, MAI won in the “Science” category. Project". The university was awarded a statuette and a winner’s certificate signed by the Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia D. Manturov. This victory is not the first in the history of MAI’s participation in “Golden Wings”: before this, MAI became the best twice: in the “Event” and “Best Exhibition” nominations.

The university is the base for holding major international scientific and technical conferences and events that reflect the development of the university as an important educational organization in the aerospace complex. This is the International Week of Aerospace Technologies “Aerospace Science Week”, within the framework of which the International Conference “Aviation and Cosmonautics” and the Interindustry Youth Competition of Scientific and Technical Works and Projects “Youth and the Future of Aviation and Cosmonautics”, the International Forum of Leading Universities in the Aerospace Industry, Scientific practical conference of young scientists and students “Innovations in aviation and astronautics” and others.

Alferyevo Aviation Training Base

A unique type of educational process is the flight operational practice of students, carried out since 1973 at the Aviation Center (near the village of Alferyevo, Volokolamsk region), which has an airfield, aircraft, qualified flight and technical personnel.

During a month of practice, students, first at the institute’s flight stands and then at the Aviation Center, learn the art of piloting aircraft. This allows future designers to become more familiar with the flight characteristics of aircraft.

This practice is not carried out in any other university in Russia or abroad. Over a 35-year period, it reached more than 3,500 students.

A lot of work on creating its methodology, organizing and conducting it was awarded a prize from the Government of the Russian Federation.


In 2015, it was among 10 Russian universities in the top 200 of the international ranking for the quality of teaching Round University Ranking (RUR).

Of our entire large and friendly group of AP-4s from 1957, only 7 people are alive today. The group organized meetings first every year. Then - less often. And so on March 12, 2017, 6 people gathered for the meeting (one classmate could not come). We agreed that this meeting would be the last. It is already difficult for many to move actively, since almost everyone has already exceeded 80 years of age. And the oldest of us, Garik Belik, turned 91 years old.

Garik managed to fight, from 1943 until the Victory, flying as a flight mechanic on the La-5. He returned home with military awards. Now our friend’s health has let us down. Garik and his wife were given a place in a boarding house for veterans in Konkovo, where they moved on March 28. This last meeting of ours was organized at Garik’s request.

From meeting to meeting, the appearance of each of us who came changed. Wrinkles appeared on faces, and men had gray hair or bald spots. The gait changed. We didn’t notice that the time had come when many people began to use sticks when walking...

So the time came for Garik when his health began to require outside help in everything. He can hardly write a few lines. He doesn't hear well... The rest is not worth talking about.

But his faithful wife, Praskovya, who had recently been his hands, eyes, ears, had also grown old. She now needs support and help from others. And then the moment came when Garik and Praskovya decided to leave their home and move to a boarding house for the elderly for the last years of their lives.

But for some reason Garik convinced himself that when he moved to the boarding house, he would never see anyone again. Relatives, naturally, will visit him. But how do you say goodbye to your classmates? After all, his former life always included an “eternal” wait - waiting to meet us, friends from the AP-4 group.

How to gather graduates - old people who are over 80

And so Garik took the initiative. I called everyone personally and asked to organize an urgent collection. He said he wanted to say goodbye to all of us. Hug, kiss everyone, say goodbye to everyone...

For this meeting, everyone gathered at the apartment of our younger classmate, who lives in Ramenskoye near Moscow. Male cast: Garik Belik, Borya Filin and me, Viktor Dudko. Women: Larisa Platonova, Regina Ivankova and Valya Pochivalina (hostess of the meeting).

Borya Filin, Larisa and Regina agreed to travel by train from the Kazan station. I myself, with my operational stories, have already been banned from traveling abroad. They decided that my daughter Stella and son-in-law Sasha would take me in a car.

They asked Garik: how will he go, alone? Will he meet the others? Where?

He replied:

I haven’t been to a train station for a long time, I’m afraid I’ll get lost. I was told that it was convenient to go to “Vykhino”, then change to the train, drive 40 minutes to the “47th km” stop and then walk 15-20 minutes to her house.

When they hung up the phone, Stella asked: how old is he and where does he live? And he lives in Belyaevo. And he is 91 years old...

Stella gasped, then she and Sasha began to find out something again using the maps and navigator. And finally they reached a verdict, which was announced to Garik.

From "Belyaevo" there is a direct metro line to "Medvedkovo". Our company will travel by car along the ring road, stop in Moscow, Medvedkovo is nearby, pick up Garik in the metro, and we will all go together to Ramenskoye.

How happy Garik was when he was offered this option:

My dears! I'm so happy! I know where it is - Medvedkovo. I was in the hospital there about 15 years ago. They brought me back from the other world and gave me a second life. And now you are giving me the third one. Of course, I would have gotten there anyway! I'm so glad. I won't be late. I'll arrive early.

When Stella went down the escalator, she saw an old man marking time at the opposite end of the hall. So that he would guess that they had come for him, Stella walked in his direction, spreading her arms wide, as if inviting her into an embrace...

He saw... He understood... and - he ran, mincing with his feet, towards her. He rushed to hug her and hung in her arms. So she, practically on herself, dragged him to the car.

Meeting of MAI graduates - after 60 years

And here we are visiting, all together again. One forgets that 60 years have passed since graduation from the institute. Touching hands, unexpected tears in the eyes. They also say that it is impossible to go back to the past. At that moment we were there. And before sitting down at the table, we took a photo as a souvenir.

On this day, men were given age discounts - they toasted while sitting. Having said a toast to my native institute, I began to remember how we passed the entrance exams.

I remember the math exam. Everyone did not want to end up with one teacher who gave many bad marks. I had to go to him.

I had just started to answer the ticket when he stopped me and asked:

Where did you get so tanned, young man?

Yes, I ran, I say, at the stadium in Frunze. And there the sun is hot...

Move on to the second question...

As soon as I started speaking, he looked at my notes on a piece of paper and again interrupted me and asked:

What is this badge on your chest?

I said that this is the badge of the champion of the republic among youth athletics.

We quickly went over all the other questions (and there were 7 of them on the ticket), he gave me five. And no one believed me that he didn’t ask me any additional questions about mathematics...

After a few drinks, the conversation at the table became livelier. So Borya Filin started talking...

All the guys from our group worked until retirement in closed institutes and enterprises. But Bori Filin received the most awards. He worked all his life at the Energia rocket and space corporation. And Boris Nikolayevich ended up at Baikonur long before Yuri Gagarin was launched into space and was a witness and participant in all our space victories and defeats.

Borya also began to remember his entry into college. Here is his story.

“When the admissions committee saw my certificate with a gold medal, they told me:

You will not take exams, but undergo an interview.

I must say, I got worried and asked:

What is this?

“You’ll find out,” they answered and smiled...

I became even more nervous, not understanding why and for what? I thought that they would chase me through the entire course and all subjects at once without tickets.

They sent me to the dean. The conversation was long. We talked about everything, but not about studying. As a result, he told me that I had been accepted into the institute and did not need to take exams.

In addition, I was appointed headman. They didn’t choose, but rather appointed. This also came as a surprise to me."

Igor Belik - veteran and inventor

And a few words about the fate of the one who gathered us for this meeting - Garik.

Igor Grigorievich Belik is the only one of us all who is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. The war began when he was 15 years old. He was eager to volunteer for the front, but they didn’t take him. But during the first two years of the war he managed to obtain a specialty as a mechanic. And at the age of 17 he is already a full-fledged warrior - a flight mechanic of the La-5 aircraft.

After the end of the war, he studied at an aviation school for two years. In 1951 he retired due to his entry into the Moscow Aviation Institute. Studying was difficult, but we all helped him, and he was a reliable senior comrade for us.

After graduating from the institute, he worked in distribution at NPO IT - Research and Production Association of Measuring Equipment. He devoted himself to his favorite work with all his soul, all his strength and restless mind. I started with rationalization proposals. And in 1977 he received his first copyright certificate - for the invention of a capacitive sensor.

For the design of a gear with metal plates inserted into the teeth, he received a patent and a fairly large prize. As he said, with this transmission the productivity and durability of the device increased by about 30%. At the enterprise to which he devoted so much strength and health, he is still remembered.

Over all these years, he did not miss a single meeting with fellow students. Studying at the Moscow Aviation Institute left an indelible mark on his soul. And every phone call from one of us was the best gift for Garik.

And all his life he tried to save abandoned, sick and dying animals - cats and dogs. He picked them up, caught them, found them and placed them in shelters for homeless animals.

He visited all the companies that produced animal food and got them to give a small amount of food to homeless animal shelters for free. Then he himself went to companies to buy this food and delivered heavy bags to shelters in his car.

In essence, Garik was and remains a big child who believes in goodness, in God and people.

We think that the boarding house to which Garik and Praskovya moved will become their second home. Surely, there he will find those who need help more than himself, and will provide them with all possible support and care. And not only relatives, but also friends, of whom Garik has many, will come to visit them...

Well, I’m from there, so is my husband and many, many friends!

Many work in their specialty, those who went by conviction, those work. Those who are behind the base also work, but not in their specialty.

There are a lot of old people about work and design bureaus, but there are also a lot of advantages here, since career growth in the long term is good and... Personnel decide everything, but you will have to work a lot, participate in scientific competitions every year and start with a maximum of 30,000, but.. if you work, then...

Well, this is true everywhere. Well, you can go to Boeing, etc. the salaries are different there, but!! if as a student I went to the Boeing design bureau and closed my ilk with them.

Conclusion: The education is good, there is and will be a growing demand for specialists, getting a job in your specialty is not a problem, there is career growth, but... in a design bureau you have to work and be a slave to the system (secrecy)...

To Baumanka.

An acquaintance graduated from the second MAI tower now (a year ago) in aircraft construction. Sitting his pants on Khrunichev. He does all the work for the elderly team (writes some thick reports). There are options to get a job at Airbus or Boeing. But they mainly need draftsmen (Autocad).

So definitely Baumanka. Even if it's mechanical engineering IMHO. Baumanka is incomparably stronger than MAI in terms of teaching staff and students. There is something to strive for, there is someone to look up to and there are no freebies like in MAI, you will work hard and study! In general, I regret a little that I went to Moscow State University, and not to Baumanka to the department where my brother (IU) graduated. My parents graduated from rocket science, but due to the fact that there was a total decline in rocket science, in the 90s they retrained and do not work in their specialty.

Well..they don’t judge one by one... Draftsmen, by the way, are needed less than those aerodynamics specialists. As for freebies at MAI... very debatable. My husband doesn’t write reports and doesn’t sit his pants, maybe that’s the “secret”. And he has young guys under his command, so he often complains that they don’t need anything... they came... they served time and don’t strive anywhere... and not from the youth... he has Seryozha there, 40 years old, not married, lives with his mother and “whether it’s will or not... it’s all the same”

Everything depends on the person!

I called my husband...Here is his layout.

Monetary: applied mathematics 8th faculty

In general demand: aviation technology 1st faculty.

But everyone is in demand.

According to Boeing, they need hardeners.

If he goes to aerodynamics, joins my husband in the brigade for practice or work, they will always be happy))) there are not enough personnel! But it’s better to go to the 8th faculty!

About “the industry has withered away”... it has not withered away, on the contrary, it is developing and will not wither away... now according to the design bureau, work on the 6th generation is beginning.

It’s a pity, they don’t pay the same as in commerce, but “work with the soul.”

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