Happy World Poetry Day. Poems for Poetry Day, congratulations on Poetry Day

On a beautiful March day we celebrate a holiday, and it’s not Women’s Day, no, it’s Poetry Day! Congratulations to all talented, beginners, popular and simply pen lovers on this inspired day! Spring, sky, birdsong, freshness of blossoming buds, love and poetry! Beauty! When we are overwhelmed by feelings of beauty, poetry is the best way to convey our feelings! How consonant the phrases sound, how beautiful the words spoken with the soul! The depth of put together phrases is sometimes amazing and leaves an indelible mark on our soul! With the help of poetry, you can confess your feelings, show your mood, convey to a person what you cannot say in ordinary, banal phrases! Love invested in poetry helps us live! We congratulate all poets, great and small, on their professional triumph and wish the muse of inspiration to fly behind you day and night!

What is hidden under the word "poetry"? Words and phrases that touch the soul, that penetrate, deeply touching all corners of our nature! Poetry sees us from the inside and helps us see the soul of the one to whom the magic lines are dedicated! Yes, magical! Because the talent to write is real magic, a gift that is given only to a select few, and not everyone can master this miracle! A writer creates his masterpiece by putting a part of himself into it, no, he doesn’t even put a part, he gives himself completely! Phrases play with a variety of colors, excite the mind, penetrate the heart! Poetry makes our lives brighter, more sensitive, richer, more beautiful and more perfect! And on this wonderful, bright day of spring, we congratulate all writers and poets on Poetry Day! Let your creative world be visible to the whole world! Inspiration to you, light pen, extraordinary ideas, consonant phrases!

What can brighten up our dull everyday life? What can disperse the storm clouds overhead? What can make us feel that life is beautiful and amazing in all its manifestations? That's right, poetry! And today we congratulate all poets and writers on Poetry Day! Read poems to each other, dedicate phrases to each other, write letters to each other, express your feelings through poetry! Look at the world creatively and create yourself! Stand out from the crowd, comprehend life, dive into the depths of the universe in poetry! We wish all writers and poets that their talent does not fade, that their skill does not fade, that the muse does not leave your workplace! Let your calling bring you not only pleasure, but also a decent income! Let your creativity help people look at the world a little differently than it really is! Wishing you creative ups and no downs!

On this bright, sunny and spring day, we congratulate all the creative individuals who delight our souls with poetry! Happy Poetry Day, dear talents! We wish you to be inspired more often and create beautiful things, write heartfelt lines and make our world more beautiful! Reading you, one becomes less sad, and the daily routine dissipates like smoke! You make us think that beauty is in the little things that we sometimes don’t notice in our everyday bustle! But by choosing a minute to read your favorite author, we understand that with your creation you want to convey all the value, all the beauty and importance of life! And present it beautifully and subtly, because there are already enough banal words in our lives! Plunging into your masterpieces, we understand a lot, you convey a lot to us through poetry! Continue to amaze us with your talent! I wish you creative inspiration!

Poetry! Invaluable human wealth that decorates our lives and makes the world colorful and bright! A creation that helps you penetrate deep into the soul, look into the recesses of the soul and hear the heartbeat! With the help of magic phrases you can show yourself, express yourself and explain yourself! Poetry will never die! On the contrary, it blossoms, becomes deeper, more romantic, more modern! Today, there is an opportunity to congratulate all workers of the pen and word on Poetry Day! We wish you sensitivity, hard work, inspiration, patience, new ideas, fresh thoughts and easy progress! We really appreciate your talent and work, because what you do, you do for the good of the people! Let your poetry be bright like fire, interesting like a book, and airy like a muse! We wish your soul to sing and dance, and the rhyme in your heart to live forever!

Today we congratulate all poets and writers on Poetry Day! Read poems to each other, dedicate phrases to each other, write letters to each other, express your feelings through poetry! Look at the world creatively and create yourself! Stand out from the crowd, comprehend life, dive into the depths of the universe in poetry! Let your phrases play with a variety of colors, excite the mind, and penetrate the heart! Poetry makes our lives brighter, more sensitive, richer, more beautiful and more perfect! We wish you to be inspired more often and create beautiful things, write heartfelt lines and make our world more beautiful! We wish you and your favorite muse to fly across the sky on an airy cloud of inspiration and create masterpieces for the joy of people! Let your talent flow like an enchanting fountain! Let your possibilities know no bounds! Don't wait for a miracle, create miracles yourself! Wishing you creative flights and fantastic breakthroughs of consciousness!

Poetry! How many words were spoken with soul, how many touching feelings were put into phrases, how many exciting hearts were beating faster under the charm of rhyme! Talent! It touches all corners of our soul, even the most intimate, it flows with creativity through the veins of poets and gives us joy every day! Congratulations on your professional holiday to all writers and poets and wish you sensitivity and subtlety in your work! Let your thoughts flow like a deep river through everyday life and convey to the world the mystery of the beauty of ordinary words! May your talent burn clearly like a torch in the night, may your muse be faithful to you, may your poems be immortalized in the memory of grateful readers! We wish you to find inspiration in the simplest and most uncomplicated things and receive incredible pleasure from your own works! May you soar above the clouds!

Congratulations on Poetry Day: Poems | Short



Create, putting words into verse,
So that the prose becomes brighter than life!
Let the hearts live only with goodness:
Roses rise in them without thorns.

Let Beauty rule the world
And God's forces prevail...
Create, putting words into verse,
May the future be good!


Kudryavtseva Lyudmila Leonidovna with gratitude

The poet is like a reference book,
Where the word is teaching light,
Where every meeting is a page,
And wisdom has a new dawn.

Sad - cold lines
Happy – will add warmth;
But the sadness of real poets
It must always be light.

They have such a calling -
Instill the honey of life in all people.
And life's salty prose
Be able to sweeten with words.

Poets - reference books:
Every question has an answer
Where thoughts live between the lines,
Where is the word, like sunlight.


You are not just a person, you are a POET,
Therefore, say to despondency “No!”
Life, because a zebra - everything in it is STEP BY STAGE:
Either adversity or happiness - all suddenly.

Don’t bend your shoulders and don’t lower your arms
Those who are called POET...
With the flap of your wings cut through the curtains of clouds,
You are a POET, THEREFORE you are powerful!

And the POETICS of the soul will return to you,
It will ring back with happiness.


So that poets can create endlessly,
We must fall in love again and again!

There is not enough chemistry in the blood,
That's why it's spelled differently
What has sunk - under the mark, stranded...
But here’s a miracle, luck is in your hands AGAIN:

Wings have sprouted in my heart again,
The cardiogram danced at once -
New feelings saved the poet AGAIN...
Who is she poems born mother?

Chemistry filled the blood AGAIN
Young, new LOVE!


I'm not striving for fame, not at all,
I'm not vain - I'm a poet:
More important to the poet are the words “height”,
So that thoughts fly like birds,
So that the lines ring in rhymes
And warm the soul with a kind word,
Filling someone's day with meaning...
What about fame? Glory is a shadow.
A selfish poet is not a sage,
And a prisoner of greed, a fool.
...I’m not eager for fame, not at all:
Empty glory is sheer nonsense.
More important to the poet is the ringing of hearts -
Here it is - the laurel crown!


The rain scratches the windows like a cat
In the pre-dawn silence.
A whole basket of thoughts
I collected it by moonlight.

Insomnia kept circling
Like a fat bird above me,
Inspired, made friends -
I will be an owl during the day.

A ray on the floor like a mouse,
It's like it's calling to play...
I close the book of thoughts,
You still need to sleep.


Poems are unfading roses,
They contain a richness of colors for centuries:
And heat and eternal frost,
Souls are a murmuring river.

Poems, like in a forget-me-not field,
There is a thin stalk between the lines.
And the intervals of dots -
There is a hint of understatement.

Poems - chamomile sea,
The eternal beauties are a wondrous captivity,
Where youth is blown by the wind in the open air,
As a symbol of sweet change.

Poems are unfading poppies,
Silk of heartfelt kindness,
In them are thoughts of gold, a field of cereals,
They contain “The Genius of Pure Beauty”.

Poems are unfading roses!



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Official congratulations to the poet in prose

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to speak in poetic words and I always look with great admiration at people who are given the gift of creating beautiful works that give people joy, improve their mood and make the world a kinder place!
Let me congratulate you today with all my heart!
I wish that the gift that nature has endowed you with will bring you and those around you more and more new, wonderful poems! Let there always be a muse next to you, who will make your poems more beautiful!
I wish you never to know disappointments and sorrows, well, if only a little - for creating poetry!
Be always healthy, happy and loved!

Happy Birthday to the Poet

I apologize in advance about the feeling of condescension,
When you read the dedicatory verse.
Still, please accept congratulations:
Happy birthday to you, dear poet.
I wish you, of course, inspiration,
Seize the moment of inspiration
Write to the rhythm of your heartbeat,
Admiring everyone for many years to come.

Congratulations to the poet in verse

It’s not easy to come up with a congratulation for a poet,
You need to think broadly and deeply!
Choose a rhyme like this
Don't let your words go in vain!
Let there be only summer in your soul,
May the poet's friends respect him!
And it’s easy for you to create a lot,
May the poems be read well!
Maybe you'll write a poem
We'll definitely read it right away!
Or compose an ode to happiness,
Then you will instantly charm us!
We wish you earthly joys,
And in everything there are only big victories!

They soar, flow, lie on the sheet
Poetry, word and feeling and thought!
Giving birth to beauty, they delight hearts,
So that life is full of heavenly meaning!

I congratulate you on this holiday
And I just say: “Believe poetry!”
After all, this is the thrill of a distant soul,
Who always helps us live!

To the warriors of the pen, rhyme, rhythm, lines,
I am sending my congratulations now!
And the lines fall as if on a cord,
And the Muse comes every day and hour!

I wish you a lot of inspiration,
Many successful rhymes, many words,
Let there be a wonderful mood,
Warm and fair winds only for you!

You can only reveal all the secrets of poetry,
After all, you have the soul of a poet! Do you like to be friends with the muse?
You know what to do - iambic and trochee are under your control!
You skillfully compose poems for yourself and for us!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! Always compose
Glorifying the poet's gift for many years to come
Your descendants remembered you, enjoyed you from the heart,
So that poetry is always read, so that it is good!

Poetry opens the windows,
Where the new world is filled with inspiration,
Rhymed lines lie in it,
And the muse is like an eternal salvation!

I congratulate you, oh great master
Living poetry beautiful and beautiful!
Every verse of yours is filled with eternal happiness,
You can see your strength in the soul!

On Poetry Day I wish you,
Fresh ideas, magical new lines!
Let your talent be inexhaustible,
Let every masterpiece bring delight!

Happy Sweet Poetry Day,
Happy day of sonnets, ballads and poems.
Let it immerse you again and again
Into the world of wonderful fantasies and dreams!
Without poetry the world would become faded,
She gives us a taste of pleasure.
Poems are children of love and talent,
The fruits of passion and inspiration.

... It’s too early to write poetry today
I will begin in honor of such a day;
Believe me, neither carrot nor stick
You can't stop me!
Even if they inject me with magnesium
For the Muse to fall in a hurry,
But I congratulate you on Poetry Day
I, as expected, write in verse!

Poetry's undying flame,
Give us hundreds of hidden years,
And the lyricists' banner glows,
The incorruptible soul is a sacrament, a secret!

Rhyming the lines, falling into a holy trance,
The plot, drawing in thought on the wall,
I congratulate you on Poetry Day,
Appearing as a muse in a dream!

Yesenin, Pushkin, Blok and Fet,
Akhmatova, Barto, Tvardovsky...
In Russia, if you are a poet -
You must be bright and catchy.
To know, with a word I must ignite,
And heal the soul with words.
Don't you know this?
A poet living next to us?
Poetry is a great gift!
Who managed to ride Pegasus,
He will never be old
Rhyming thoughts hourly.

The sheet of paper is written up and down,
Yes, it’s not easy to write poems!
But still they composed a congratulation,
Congratulations to poets on Poetry Day!
Oh, the magic of alluring lines!
And if everyone could be a poet,
Then the world would become brighter and kinder,
Write poems, read them quickly!

Anyone who has ever tried to find
There are traces of an elusive melody in the words,
Today will be a holiday to celebrate -
A wonderful holiday - World Poetry Day.

I am very pleased that congratulations
It has something to do with poetry.
Accept, poets, my poem,
Congratulations to all poets!

Congratulations to everyone who speaks in poetry,
Congratulations to those who are in love with poetry,
Or maybe we’ll write some poetry ourselves,
After all, life is beautiful if it is accompanied by poetry!

Look at everyday life and add lines
For the glory of life, happiness and love,
Praise to the poets, who are in high verse
They decorated our whole life!

World Poetry Day Today
We celebrate brightly, carefree!
We send you a nice congratulations,
After all, you are a poet from God, our friend!

Poetry is great and important
She is as important to everyone as air!
And therefore we wish you,
So that all the lines were given from above!

To all the poets on earth
We wish you inspiration
And talent and love,
And great patience!

Let your heart beat with happiness,
And poems flow like a river,
Don't let the edges be visible
Human gratitude!

Let the muse visit you
On weekdays, holidays - always.
Let them read your books
Cities applaud!

I will send you my humble work,
Although you are a much better poet.
But appreciate it and don’t forget,
That he is from the soul, from the mighty.

I wish you many years to come.
So that you have time to write a lot.
So that you can live through them without troubles.
So that there is always a lot of light at home.

I wish you well
Great love and joy.
May there be a lot of happiness, may there be a river!
And the fee must be immodest.

A strict rhyme pours out,
Again the music flows through the lines.
We each go our own way,
Choosing your own paths.
Everyone knows what he will write about.
Everyone is looking for their own skill.
And now the muse breathes quietly,
Leaning onto your shoulder.
Let congratulations ring for talents
And for those who are simple rhymers.
We don’t mind congratulating people.
Congratulations, people!

Please accept our congratulations on Poetry Day,
Today everyone will write their own poem!
Create them, write rhymes in your notebooks,
For friends, loved ones, for your family!
Who wrote or listened to even a small poem,
He will receive congratulations from us on Poetry Day!

How many different peoples are there in the world?
How different you can live,
But there is only one holiday in the world,
Allowing us all to create!

Congratulations on Poetry Day,
May spring only bloom in your heart,
We wish you well today
To everyone who is friends with poetry, lives!

Today life, no matter what it is,
In poetry it serves as inspiration for me.
Well, poetry, believe me, friends,
Rhymes all sorts of worries in life.

And today this congratulations,
In honor of poetry day, I recite in verse
For those who could write the prose of their lives
Replace poetry with magic words.

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