Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the teaching staff. Sample psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a class

It’s no secret that the job of a class teacher also means filling out all kinds of reports, drawing up memos, writing other documentation. What stands out against this background is the psychological pedagogical characteristics cool team. None of the teachers interacts as closely with a group of children as its class teacher. In this document, the latter must act not only as a teacher, but also as a psychologist, observer, and statistician. We will look at what sections the characteristics include and how to format them correctly in the article.

Front sheet

There are no strict unified rules for the design of the first page of class characteristics. However, it is important to display the following (in order) information on it:

  • Complete official name educational institution.
  • The inscription "Characteristics", then - class, school, locality. For example: “Characteristics of the class team of class 6-D of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 500 in Moscow.”
  • Completed by: subject teacher, full name, cool tutorial. Example: “Teacher of Russian language and literature Ivanova D.V., class teacher of grade 6-D.”
  • At the bottom of the page is your city, the year the document was compiled.

Contents of the characteristics of the class team

Again, there is no unified list of topics that the class teacher should display in the report. However, we recommend constructing a pedagogical characteristic of the classroom team based on the following plan:

  1. General information about the group.
  2. Structure children's group. The main processes that occur within the group.
  3. Specifics of communication between students.
  4. Children’s cognitive potential, their academic success.
  5. Creative activity of students.
  6. The question of education, assimilation social experience.
  7. Physical development of children.
  8. Availability bad habits, tendency to immoral behavior.
  9. parents of students.
  10. General conclusions and suggestions.

Now let’s look at each of the presented points in detail.

General information

So, what should the teacher note in this section of the characteristics of the class team:

  1. Specifics of the group: general education, with a mathematical, humanitarian and other focus.
  2. Number of children, number of boys and girls.
  3. Years of birth of students. For example: "2007 - 18 people, 2008 - 6 people."
  4. A brief history of the formation of the team: how many guys were in the class initially, who came to the group later.
  5. If this is a characteristic of a primary school classroom team, then it is important to indicate from which preschool institutions the students came.
  6. Where do the guys mostly live? Is someone coming from another area or town?
  7. Overall assessment of academic performance, number of excellent and good students. Conclusion about the quality of knowledge.
  8. Assessment of omissions, their main reasons.
  9. General conclusion about the attitude towards each other, teachers, and the educational process.
  10. In percentage terms, imagine which of the children is engaged in creativity, attends intellectual clubs, and sports clubs.

Team structure

In this part (of the class group), the teacher must show himself as an educational psychologist, and also show how aware he is of the state of affairs in the children's group. Reflection on the following questions will help to reveal the essence here:

  1. How do you generally assess the relationships in the class: is the team friendly, disunited, with the presence of hostile groups?
  2. A few words about self-government bodies: how do the guys approach their responsibilities? Are they proactive? Are self-governing functions beneficial?
  3. What groups are there in the class (list the names of the students)? On what basis were they formed?
  4. Are there any closed, uncommunicative guys? Who is this? Why did this problem arise?
  5. Who behaves independently, apart? How would you characterize these children?
  6. Who is formal in the team and how do other guys treat these children? Are there positive and negative leaders, who are they?

Specifics of communication

A small but important section. Of course, it is difficult to write something special here in the characteristics of the 1st grade class team, but you still need to pay attention to the topic.

So what is worth reflecting here:

  1. General assessment of communication between the guys.
  2. What kind of comradely feelings do they have: mutual assistance, a sense of community, trust in each other?
  3. Relationships between boys and girls.
  4. How would you generally describe your students? Friendly, good-natured, sociable?
  5. What are the deviations from exemplary behavior most common?
  6. How do they spend their extracurricular time? Are they getting together?

Cognitive potential

In this part, the characteristics of the class team (classes 2, 3, 1 can already be described here quite fully) you evaluate the children not as a psychologist, but as a teacher. Follow this plan:

  1. Assessment of attention (stable, distracted), performance (from low to medium, high).
  2. What type of memory is most developed in children?
  3. What are their successes in cognitively? Do the guys know how to analyze, draw general conclusions, and structure information?
  4. What is the result of their independent work?
  5. What is cognitive activity(high to low)?
  6. How do they feel about the educational process, about school in general?
  7. Are there any students with problems in this regard? Which ones?

Creative activity

The point is no less important than all the others - it speaks of comprehensive development Guys. What is important to note here:

  1. Do children participate in class and school extracurricular activities? Are they interested in this, are they proactive?
  2. How do you feel about losses and victories? How do you perform in team training?
  3. Can they come up with a number, skit, or other performance on their own? Do they need your help with this or is an idea or a “push” enough?
  4. Which of the guys would you highlight creatively? Why?

Educational issues

Here the class teacher acts as an observer. Quite a tricky point - you have to express not only a professional, but also an everyday personal opinion. The easiest way to expand on the topic is by answering the following questions:

  1. How do you generally assess the level of education and the culture of behavior of the children? Are their families prosperous, or do parents not pay enough attention to their children?
  2. Do the guys already have any formed life principles, moral ideas, rules of communication? Briefly mention them.
  3. What is the discipline in and outside of class? What do they mostly do during breaks?
  4. Do children allow slander, physical violence, and bullying?
  5. How do they behave in public places during school trips?

Physical health class

Here is what is quite important to reflect in this section:

  1. In general, how do you rate physical condition guys (absolutely, relatively healthy, have serious problems with health).
  2. List, as a percentage, how many students are in the main, preparatory, and special physical education groups.
  3. What are the most common problems with health (including on the basis of absences due to illness)?
  4. Special attention to children from a special physical education group. Who is this? What problems do they have?

Tendency to immoral behavior

A very serious part of the characterization. Here's what teachers are trying to point out here:

  1. Are there any “difficult” children in the class? Who is this? Why did you give this description?
  2. Who is registered with the PDN, KDN? What are the reasons for this?
  3. Note which of the students has a tendency to vagrancy, theft, drinking alcohol, smoking or other habits that are harmful and dangerous for children.

Characteristics of parents and families of students

The class teacher draws information for this section from the practice of conducting parent meetings, personal communication with the families of their students. Here's what's important to display here:

  1. Describe families - complete, incomplete. Identify which students are orphans, are being raised by guardians, and which ones are from a large family.
  2. What do you think is the atmosphere in the students’ families? Who has problems? What plan are they?
  3. How do your parents feel about school, class life, and you personally? Are they interested in their children’s grades, their relationships with other children, the successes and failures of their son or daughter?
  4. Which parent is the most active? Who is in parent committee schools?
  5. How do parents behave at meetings? Who is the most active and who prefers to be a spectator?
  6. What are the meeting attendance statistics? Are there parents who systematically skip them?

General conclusions and suggestions

Such a large amount of work requires summing up, general conclusions that would “squeeze out” all the most valuable things from what has been written. We suggest that the teacher go this way:

  1. Write down how much the class team is formed (from low to high level). Briefly justify this conclusion. Make a few suggestions for a more satisfactory result: organizing common leisure time, games to build a sense of community, psychological assistance especially reserved guys, etc.
  2. Your general conclusions about academic performance and performance. Characteristics of the positive and negative traits of the guys as members of the team. Assessing their behavioral culture and communication skills. How can we help them with more successful socialization?
  3. Spiritual and moral development. What do parents and schools need to do so that each and every child in the future becomes a person worthy of emulation?

The work ends with the entry “Class teacher: painting, full name.”

That's all we wanted to tell you about the most detailed and comprehensive description of a class team. By answering the questions within each section, the teacher will be able to describe the life of his class as fully as possible.

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Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region

State educational institution

higher education in the Moscow region

"State Humanitarian and Technological University"

team school feature psychological

Compiled by:

4th year student

Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

Balakina Daria Dmitrievna


Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the classroom team

During my internship at the Municipal Educational Institution Lyceum, I was assigned to the 6th “G” class, from February 27 to April 23, 2017. The year the institution was founded was 1987. The Lyceum has 1,196 students, divided into 45 classes.

In the 6th "G" class there are 28 students (of which 12 are boys, 16 are girls). Students born in 2003-2005, all Russian by nationality. The team was formed in the 2011 school year, almost all children studied together from 1st grade. Mostly students from complete families However, 6 students are brought up in a single-parent family. Malorosyan Sergei and Frolov Sergei are under guardianship.

The class leader is Maria Belova. Maria is a very responsible student, so it was not in vain that she was entrusted with this position. Maria tries to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team and discipline. In addition, she monitors attendance and helps the class teacher with organizational matters. She is respected in the team, and there is no contempt from her classmates. There is also a deputy headman - Ilyina Alena, who helps Maria in any situation when necessary. The headman's assistant is Polina Vyatkina, who carries out the instructions of the headman Maria and her deputy Alena.

Students know how to organize themselves to accomplish collective tasks and distribute work among themselves. The relationship and mutual assistance of the class is at a very high level. Children help and support each other in any situation, without pursuing any selfish goals. If there are conflicts, they are resolved quite quickly, diplomatically, without fights, quarrels and swearing. The team approaches any event seriously and thoroughly; during the discussion everyone contributes specific proposals, and then also think about them together, coming to general conclusion. One of the mandatory assignments of the class is duty in the classroom according to the established schedule, which is performed daily by all students. Behind this lies the merit of the class teacher Irina Ivanovna Valieva, a teacher of Russian language and literature with 30 years of experience, who has been working with this class for the second year. Children treat their class teacher with respect and love. Each of her opinions is respected and authoritative. If there are any controversial issues, then the class definitely goes to her to solve them.

The boys actively take part in school events, but there was also irresponsibility in preparing for the “March 8” holiday: they did not prepare for the event, forgetting to draw a wall newspaper during the holidays.

The class regularly organizes joint trips and excursions around the Moscow and Vladimir regions.

At this stage of development of relations in the class, there is a division into groupings, but there are no groupings, negative character, there is a division into groups of boys and girls. The relationship and mutual assistance of the class is at a very high level. Emotional background class, in principle, positive. Most children love to study and gain new knowledge in subjects, which indicates positive attitude to studies in general. There are no problems with attitude towards work either. Children without unnecessary words carry out the tasks of teachers and class teacher. Children help and support each other in any situation, without pursuing any selfish goals. During breaks, the friendly attitude of classmates towards each other is clearly visible; they are divided into groups based on interests and friendships. However, Sergei Malorosyan has a small number of friends in the class. The boy was brought up in Children's home. It is clear that Sergei has a complex due to the discrepancy between the material capabilities of his family and the families of his classmates. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the issue of cohesion between Sergei and the class team, and to involve him in participation in class events.

As such, “sociometric” stars and students with a certain status are not observed. However, high-status students are Alexandra Kozlova and Arina Kirova. The girls are active, persistent, have authority among the students in the class, are able to organize students for any extracurricular activity, are diligent students and respond adequately to criticism.

You can’t call anyone specific the leader of the class. During the class event, it was noticeable that the teams' decisions were made jointly. Therefore, basically the relationship between the guys is friendly, they feel like one group, one team.

There are 4 excellent students in the class: Alena Ilyina, Olga Geraskina, Alexander Belyanin, Zakhar Evsyukhin. The rest of the kids are doing well. There are no underachieving students, because the excellent students provide mutual assistance in solving educational problems for the rest of the students. During the lesson, discipline in the class is at the highest level, occasionally the class makes noise, but only because of work issues. Increased interest in academic subjects such as mathematics, Russian language, foreign language observed in most students. The guys approach fine arts assignments very responsibly and consult with each other on work issues. Despite the heavy workload of studies, the children conscientiously attend extracurricular classes, and extracurricular activities demonstrate themselves as responsible students for work. Students submit homework and complete it on time; everyone, without exception, treats it as a mandatory reinforcement of knowledge at home. Therefore, teachers do not have problems when checking homework.

Students always approach the fulfillment of work assignments from teachers with great responsibility. Without any negative impacts, all requests to clean the classroom, erase the board, or take notebooks to another office were fulfilled. Not a single school-wide event takes place without the participation of 6 “G”. They are participants in the Patriotic Review (03/1/17), winners of the competition “ Fun starts"and winners of the pioneer ball competition among sixth grades.

The guys are friends not only at school, but also outside of it, for example, they walk on the street, go to the cinema together and communicate in social networks. Alekseev Alexander, Doseikin Arseny and Evsyukhin Zahar go to the football sports section together, Rizina Anna and Seregina Anastasia go to the drawing club. The rest of the guys are absolutely all busy in free time from school: dancing, music, judo, shooting, hobbies of photography, tutors. In any situation, the guys try to support and empathize with each other in difficult times. The attitude toward the arrival of new teachers, parents, principals, and new classmates is also positive. Children are very demanding of each other. Everyone wants work from the other, and not empty sitting in place. All this speaks of concern when performing some kind of collective creative work, for end result in some competitions and events. The attitude towards moral actions is favorable, children approve of them, and, conversely, they despise and disapprove of immoral ones. A great team, in general, is efficient - they love to work and do socially useful things. If you need help, they will always help without further ado. The class is sociable. Each of the children loves to communicate and learn something new - both about each other and in general.

The influence of the social environment on the class is positive. Children do not have bad habits. No one is inclined to commit offenses or other condemnable actions. All this suggests that parents raise their children correctly. A generally favorable atmosphere in the classroom is evidence not only of the correct influence of others and parents, but also of teachers, as well as the interaction between them. Since the age limit of the class is 12-14 years old, children do not have a clear position, a clear opinion about the events taking place in the country and abroad. Parents provide great assistance in organizing work in the classroom, as well as in raising children. Show great interest in doing their children's homework. Since the class studies in the 2nd shift, along with three more sixth grades, it is difficult to say about the relationship with other classes, but relations with the teams of other sixth grades are good, the students feel comfortable among them and have found friends.

Denisova Ksenia - kind, diligent student. Has good contact with classmates, responsive, not good at exact sciences, but is interested in literature and is professionally involved in rhythmic gymnastics, in which she has achieved quite a few achievements - she received the first adult category and at the moment acts as a candidate for master of sports.

Alekseev Alexander is an outstanding, responsible student with a very good knowledge in many academic subjects. In mathematics lessons he showed himself as a student performing mandatory level loads and capable of studying more complex material. After completing assignments, he often gets bored in class and gets distracted by conversations with his neighbor at his desk. Because of this, I concluded that this child needs to be constantly occupied with responsibilities and tasks, because he has the ability to overtake his classmates in terms of the pace of completion.

Irina Ivanovna Valieva. Education: higher (graduated from Kyrgyz state university city ​​of Frunze, 1987). Specialty: Russian language and literature. Work experience: 30 years. This is the second year she has been working with the class. Interests: travel, books. Irina Petrovna has established herself not only as an experienced specialist, but also as a leader. Any of her opinions is authoritative for her students. She is a calm, friendly woman. Tries to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the classroom, organizes various events, monitors attendance and actively cooperates with students’ parents. When organizing events, pays attention to the interests of each student individually and distributes roles in accordance with them. Knows each student very well, names his strengths and weaknesses how to interact with it correctly. The students, in turn, love the class teacher, try not to upset her, and assist her in every possible way. When asking children from other classes, they talk about Irina Petrovna as a professional in her field who knows how to beautifully explain, present material, and also maintain discipline in her lessons. The teaching team highly appreciates their colleague. The head teacher and director of the lyceum also spoke kindly about her.

During the practice, the class was given the following types psychological techniques: a technique for determining the level of group cohesion, the “Communicative and Organizational Abilities” test. Based on their results, you can make the following conclusions: first - the level of group cohesion is high, this indicates that there is a close-knit team, where the personality of each student is valued and respected among everyone, students not only carry out active meaningful activity inside the class, but also have positive impact on others. Thus, it is possible to classify a group of students as a class team, since the conditions for achieving a high level of development of a group, which is characterized by high cohesion, unity of holistic normative orientation, responsibility for the results of joint group activities, are completed. The second conclusion: communication and organizational skills of most guys are at a high level. This means that they quickly navigate difficult situations, proactive. They prefer independence in choice and decision-making, defend their opinion and ensure that it is accepted. From observations of the class, we can say that the test results are true, since most of the guys are, indeed, very self-confident and persistent, for example, Arina Kirova and Ksenia Silkina are one of the “ringleaders” of the class. Materials and research protocols are attached (see at the end).

General conclusions. As a result of my observations, conversations with class teacher, as well as subject teachers and work with the class, I draw my conclusion about the 6th “G” class - a very calm, capable team with whom you can work. The children are very kind, cheerful, active, proactive, and responsive. The guys good culture communication and education. Despite good group cohesion, it is necessary to carry out activities in the classroom to further unite and harmonize the relations between students and the class team. It is also necessary to give the opportunity to children with sufficient high rate organizational abilities to demonstrate their skills. Attention should be paid age characteristics students. Due to the difference in age of some students, respectively early maturation, it is necessary to conduct conversations on moral issues, discuss pressing problems. It is necessary to use all opportunities to create comfortable conditions for each student for the purpose of his development and education.


No. 1 Methodology for determining the group cohesion index " Psychometric test K.E. Sishora." (Source: Akhverdova O.A., Gyulushanyan K.S., Kolenkina V.V. Workshop on social psychology, 2006)

Purpose of testing: to assess the level of group cohesion of the class team.

Group cohesion is extremely important parameter, showing the degree of integration of the group, its cohesion into a single whole, can be determined not only by calculating the corresponding sociometric indices. It is much easier to do this using a technique consisting of 7 questions with multiple answer options for each. Answers are coded in points according to the values ​​​​given in brackets (25 maximum, 7 minimum).

Questionnaire text

Read each question carefully and choose one of the answers that most closely matches your opinion.

I. How would you rate yourself in your class?

1. I feel like a member, part of a team (5).

2. I participate in most activities (4).

3. I participate in some types of activities and do not participate in others (3).

4. I don’t feel like I’m a member of a team (2).

5. “I exist” separately from other members of the team (1).

6. I don’t know, I find it difficult to answer (1).

II. Would you switch to another class if the opportunity presented itself?

1. Yes, I would really like to go (1).

2. I would rather move than stay (2).

3. I don’t see any difference (3).

4. Most likely, I would stay in my class (4).

5. I would really like to stay in my class (5).

6. I don’t know, it’s difficult to answer (1).

III. a) What are the relationships between students in your class during lessons?

1.Better than most classes (3).

2. About the same as in most classes (2).

4. Don't know (1)

b) At various events ("lights", cultural walks, excursions, etc.)

1. About the same as in most classes (2).

2. Better than most classes (3).

3. Worse than most classes (1).

4. I don’t know (1).

c) Outside of school:

2. approximately the same as in other classes (2)

3.Worse than in other classes (1).

4. I don't know (1).

IV. What is the relationship with the class teacher?

1. Better than most classes (3).

4. I don't know (1).

V. What is the attitude in lessons and various events?

1. Better than most classes (3).

2. About the same as in other classes (2).

3. Worse than in other classes (1).

4. I don't know (1).

The index is calculated as the arithmetic average for the group:

· 21-25 points - high,

· 12-20 points - average,

· 7-11 points - low.

· Results table

Points earned

Alekseev Alexander Pavlovich

Belova Maria Alekseevna

Belyanin Alexander Nikolaevich

Vyatkina Polina Sergeevna

Gerasimova Angelina Sergeevna

Doseykin Arseniy Antonovich

Evsyukhin Zakhar Denisovich

Ivanova Anastasia Yurievna

Ilyina Alena Alekseevna

Kalimulina Angelina Rinatovna

Kirova Arina Pavlovna

Kozlova Alexandra Yurievna

Matveev Nikita Vladimirovich

Mironov Alexander Sergeevich

Morozov Daniil Alexandrovich

Seregina Anastasia Vladimirovna

Silkina Ksenia Alexandrovna

Smirnov Vitaly Dmitrievich

Spiridonov Nikolay


Susanova Elena Dmitrievna

Frolov Sergey


Processing and interpretation of test results in 6th grade.

23 respondents were covered.

Final group cohesion index: 21.

The level of group cohesion in this group is high.

No. 2 Testing “Communicative and organizational aptitudes” V.V. Sinyavsky, V.A. Fedoroshin (KOS)

Instructions: Each question must be answered “yes” or “no”. If you find it difficult to choose an answer, you still need to lean towards the appropriate alternative (+) or (-).

Questionnaire text:

1. Do you have many friends with whom you constantly communicate?

2. Do you often manage to persuade the majority of your comrades to accept your opinion?

3. How long have you been bothered by the feeling of insult caused to you by one of your comrades?

4. Is it always difficult for you to navigate a critical situation?

5. Do you have a desire to establish new acquaintances with different people?

6. Do you like to do social work?

7. Is it true that it is more pleasant and easier for you to spend time with books or some other activity than with people?

8. If any obstacles arise in the implementation of your intentions, do you easily give up on them?

9. Do you easily establish contacts with people who are much older than you?

10. Do you like to invent and organize with your friends? various games and entertainment?

11. Is it difficult for you to join a company that is new to you?

12. Do you often put off until other days those things that should be done today?

13. Is it easy for you to establish contacts with strangers?

14. Do you strive to ensure that your comrades act in accordance with your opinion?

15. Is it difficult for you to get used to a new team?

16. Is it true that you do not have conflicts with your comrades because they fail to fulfill their duties and obligations?

17. Do you strive to meet and talk with a new person whenever the opportunity arises?

18. Do you often take the initiative in solving important matters?

19. Do the people around you irritate you and do you want to be alone?

20. Is it true that you are usually poorly oriented in an unfamiliar environment?

21. Do you like to be around people all the time?

22. Do you get irritated if you fail to finish the task you started?

23. Do you experience a feeling of difficulty, inconvenience or embarrassment if you have to take the initiative to meet a new person?

24. Is it true that you get tired of frequent communication with friends?

25. Do you like to participate in group games?

26. Do you often take the initiative when resolving issues that affect the interests of your comrades?

27. Is it true that you feel insecure among people you don’t know well?

28. Is it true that you rarely strive to prove that you are right?

29. Do you think that it is not difficult for you to bring some life into a company you are unfamiliar with?

30. Do you take part in social work at school?

31. Do you try to limit the circle of your acquaintances? a small amount people?

32. Is it true that you do not seek to defend your opinion or decision if it was not immediately accepted by your comrades?

33. Do you feel at ease when you find yourself in a company you are unfamiliar with?

34. Are you willing to start organizing various events for your friends?

35. Is it true that you don’t feel confident and calm enough when you have to say something to a large group of people?

36. Are you often late for business meetings, dates?

37. Is it true that you have many friends?

38. Do you often feel embarrassed or awkward when communicating with unfamiliar people?

39. Is it true that you are scared by the prospect of being in a new team?

40. Is it true that you don’t feel very confident in your surroundings? large group your comrades?

Processing of results and interpretation

Communication skills - yes answers to the following questions: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37; and “no” to questions: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39.

Organizational skills - answers “yes” to the following questions: 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38; and “no” to questions: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40.

The number of answers that match the key for each section of the methodology is counted, then the evaluation coefficients are calculated separately for communication and organizational skills using the formula: K = 0.05. C, where K is the value of the evaluation coefficient; C is the number of answers matching the key.

Estimated coefficients can vary from 0 to 1. Indicators close to 1 indicate a high level of communication and organizational skills, close to 0 - a low level. Primary indicators of communication and organizational abilities can be presented in the form of assessments indicating different levels abilities being studied.

Last name First name Patronymic

Communication skills

Organizational skills

Communication skills

Organizational skills

Alekseev Alexander Pavlovich

Afrikanova Valeria Petrovna

Belova Maria Alekseevna

Belyanin Alexander Nikolaevich

Vyatkina Polina Sergeevna

Gerasimova Angelina Sergeevna

Geraskina Olga Alekseevna

Denisova Ksenia Vladimirovna

Doseykin Arseniy Antonovich

Evsyukhin Zakhar Denisovich

Ivanova Anastasia Yurievna

Ilyina Alena Alekseevna

Kalimulina Angelina Rinatovna

Kirova Arina Pavlovna

Kozlova Alexandra Yurievna

Konkova Elizaveta Gennadievna

Malorosyan Sergey Alexandrovich

Matveev Nikita Vladimirovich

Mironov Alexander Sergeevich

Morozov Daniil Alexandrovich

Risina Anna Sergeevna

Seregina Anasasia Vladimirovna

Silkina Ksenia Alexandrovna

Smirnov Vitaly Dmitrievich

Smolyakov Dmitry Alexandrovich

Susanova Elena Dmitrievna

Frolov Sergey Viktorovich

The test was conducted to determine children's communication or organizational abilities. During the test, 40 questions were asked: 20 on communication and 20 on organizational skills. The results are calculated in points (maximum 20 for each category). If one of the columns has significantly more (slightly more) points than the other, then we can assume that the student has a predominance of one or another ability. Results indicated exclamation mark(!) can be considered invalid due to lack of interest among students in taking the test.

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    Creation of a multimedia educational manual

“Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the classroom team” and “ Psychological analysis lesson."

(psychology assignments for 5th year students)

You have to complete 2 tasks:

  1. Drawing up psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class.
Target of this task - based on observations, conversations with children, the class teacher, as well as psychodiagnostic procedures, learn to form a holistic view of the socio-psychological climate and relationships in the classroom, barriers and opportunities in development team. You can analyze the socio-psychological climate in the class without missing anything, based on the diagram from Appendix 1.

As the main research method, you can choose a sociometric technique (see Appendix 2) or specially organized observation in psychological games(see Appendix 3). Such games will help not only in diagnosing existing interpersonal relationships, but can also contribute to greater team unity. Methods for studying values ​​and attitudes in the classroom from Appendix 4 will also help you.

  1. Psychological analysis of the lesson.
Target this task - learn to use formal observation to analyze the psychological side of the educational process in connection with the teaching, educational and developmental tasks of a separate lesson. When analyzing the lesson, you can rely on the observation diagram from Appendix 5 or the observation diagram from Appendix 6.

Choose a lesson from another teacher, preferably a trainee, to analyze, but not your own lesson. Your task is to objectively observe, analyze, make recommendations for the lesson, taking into account age and individual characteristics students.

Appendix 1.

Study outline psychological climate and relationships in the classroom

Describe the main characteristics of the class as small group. Refer to these methods. Place the research results in the appendices.

1. Describe the history of the group's development , class reorganization, change of class teachers. continuity when changing leaders, relationships between teachers and parents, teachers and brooms.

2. Give overall assessment psychological climate (this is the qualitative side of interpersonal relationships, manifested in the form psychological conditions joint activities and influencing the development of personality in the group), signs favorable climate: goodwill and trust, focus on learning, free expression of opinions, absence of authoritarian pressure from teachers and leaders on class students and recognition of their right to make decisions (within the limits of competence), awareness of group members about common problems, group satisfaction with relationships, interest in each other, class and learning, ability to accept newcomers.

3. Explore horizontal relationships - a system of relationships between students (these are personal, selective relationships from sympathy, friendship, to hostility and hostility). The structure of relationships is revealed either by sociometry (Moreno) or by long-term observations of the relationships between children in and outside the classroom. The stratification by status (leaders, preferred, isolated, rejected), existing groupings and relationships between groups (friendly, indifferent, hostile) are analyzed. It is optimal if each group member is a member of some microgroup, the microgroups cooperate with each other, there is no obvious rejection individual students. Study class leaders and types of leadership: positive (corresponds to the goals of the group - study, cooperation) - negative (truants, discipline violators): business - emotional: global - partial. Describe the relationship between the leader and the teacher, find out whether the leader’s capabilities are used to organize the activities of the class. Find out who and how the formal class activists were nominated, whether they are at the same time informal leaders? Study the reasons for the rejection of individual students: those that depend on the student (for example, negative personality types - arrogance, morality, conflict), those that do not depend on the student (for example, defects in health and appearance, living conditions).

Are the tasks facing the class teacher being fulfilled: are they established? good relationship with the leader, has some of the authority been transferred to him? Does the teacher influence either the student or the class to enhance the status of the rejected?

4 . Explore vertical relationships- (system of relations between teachers and students). The influence of leadership style on the development of relationships in the classroom, the correspondence of the leadership style to the level of development of the group, the influence of the teacher’s attitudes towards students on the development of relationships in the classroom.

Teacher leadership style:




Oriented “

on oneself” personal influence

Focused on

joint activities

Focused on


Unity of command

Delegation of power

Power is little centralized

Personal control

Mutual demands

Case-by-case control

Business, formal, or paternalistic relationships

Solve problems


psychological plan

Informal relationships

Main function –


Control over


Free circulation of information

Not always informed

Methods: order, command

Methods: instruction, persuasion, motivation

Methods - persuasion, advice

Doesn't like criticism

Criticism is allowed

taken into account

Listens to criticism, but reacts little

Is the leadership style appropriate for the level of development of the group? In groups:

(1) skilled and willing to work (with developed self-organization and motivated) - democratic and liberal:

(2) inept (with undeveloped self-organization, but willing to learn and improve their competence) and willing to work - democratic;

(3) inept and unmotivated - democratic and elements of authoritarian. Find out during communication whether the teacher has fear for his authority in the class, caused by:

  • false position (the teacher’s qualifications are insufficient);

  • objective failures (difficulties, unexpected obstacles in the work of the class and school);

  • excessive complexity of the situation (the level of problems facing the teacher is beyond his strength);

  • psychological “fragility” of the teacher’s personality (lack of self-confidence, including in one’s competence, which is often not realized). Does the teacher understand his role in the classroom and his leadership style?
Determine the teacher’s attitudes towards students based on the following characteristics:

1) Active-positive. Friendly with everyone, has positive expectations towards everyone. Especially for difficult students, shows distress when failures and problems arise in communication, and openly reports this. Students strive to maintain a good reputation in the eyes of the teacher, are cooperative, and sincerely report problems.

2) Neutral, indifferent. Formally, he correctly performs all the functions of a teacher, but is internally indifferent to students, not interested in their needs and the characteristics of their personality. Students show reciprocal indifference or hidden hostility. An atmosphere of indifference can spread to the subject, relationships with each other, attitude towards educational institution generally.

3) Hidden negative. Distrust of students, an unconscious (often) belief that educating means pointing out shortcomings, punishing and forcing. Due to hidden hostility and fear of rejection, he does not understand students well, therefore he tends to lead without motivating students, often not at all interested in whether they want to complete tasks, and is prone to manipulation. Causes reciprocal hostility, sometimes manifested openly, and sometimes (out of fear) hidden with external adaptation.

4) Functional. Divides students mentally into three categories: good, average and bad. Attitude towards everyone depending on the category: good - positive attitude, average - indifferent, bad - negative. In addition to the corresponding response attitudes of students, there is a deterioration in the relationships between children in the class and the emergence of conflicting groups.

5) Situational. The attitude changes depending on the mood, regardless of the behavior and success of the children’s activities. Undeserved sanctions cause the emergence of defensive tendencies, unpredictable outbreaks of conflicts, and in some children, opportunism to the teacher’s mood.

Possible relationship options:

5. Explore class group norms. Group norms - general ideas about the desirable and undesirable behavior of fellow students, manifestations of both behaviors are sanctioned by the class (ridiculed or encouraged). Describe the content of group norms. According to the content of the norm concern all aspects of the life of the class: norms of attitude towards learning, extracurricular activities, norms of attitude towards teachers, norms of discipline, etc.; relationships between group members - norms of relationships, requests, support, cooperation, intensity of communication, common values, etc. Classes can have diffuse, uniform or contradictory norms, which will cause disagreements and conflicts.

Give examples of reactions of conformists, independents and deviants.(Conformity is a person’s compliance to group pressure, manifested in changing his behavior and attitudes in accordance with the position of the majority that he did not initially share; independent people act depending on the situation; deviants always resist.) Describe class norms and their acceptance various students, try to influence the development of group norms in a positive way during the discussion for business direction.

Depending on the identified characteristics of the team, make proposals to the teacher and other specialists aimed at improving interpersonal relationships in the class. Conduct one of the activities, for example a discussion on a relationship problem, and describe the results.

Important! The results of the sociometric study are confidential information. Only data on cohesion, the number of microgroups, relations between the sexes, that is, generalized information, can be brought up for discussion.
Appendix 2.

The test is designed to determine the structure of emotional relationships in a group. This form of test is carried out with children starting from the 4th grade.

With children in grades 1-3, the structure of emotional relationships in the classroom is revealed through game exercises.

Stage I. Procedure

Students are asked to answer the questions below:

1. If you had to move to another school, which of your current classmates would you take to new class?

(another option: “if in next year You yourself compiled a list of your class, which of your current classmates would you write down first?”).

Please write down 5 surnames (5 selections are proposed if there are 22-25 people in the class; if the class size is smaller, you can take fewer selections - 3 or 4, if more - 6 - 7 surnames).
2. Which of your current classmates would you not take into your new class? Write down 5 names (it is better not to ask this question if there are tense relationships in the class and there is a possibility that you will harm them even more with your question).

Make sure that all students write their first and last names, as well as the first and last names of their chosen classmates.


Note If a student chooses all classmates, this data is not taken into account in the calculation, since in essence no preference is given to anyone. Qualitative analysis relationships between this student is carried out according to observational data.

II. Filling out the sociometric matrix.


Instead of the last name, the number of the student on the list is given.

Let's say we have a group of 10 people. Then the sociometric matrix will look like this:

Who is chosen







Who chooses



















How long has this team existed, whether there are newcomers, repeaters, overage students in the class, the general characteristics of the class in terms of academic performance and discipline, its place among other classes in the school.

Leadership, management, the presence of isolated, withdrawn and uncommunicative students, ways and methods of involving them in the life of the team. Norms, values ​​of the group, presence of traditions. Criticism and self-criticism in a team.

The nature of communication in the classroom.


Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of 8th grade

General characteristics class.

The class team has existed since 20____. In the 5th grade they came_______________, in the 6th grade -____________________, in the 8th grade -__________________. For the 20___-20____ academic year, there are _____ students in the class, of which ___ boys, ___ girls.

Based on the results of 20___-20____ academic year:

excellent students: __________________________________________________________;

with one “4” - __________________________________________________________;

good people -__________________________________________________________;

with one “3” - ____________________________________________________________;

_______% - study at “4” and “3”.

The degree of cognitive activity of the class________________, motivation for successful learning of ___________________ students. The main problem cool team ___________________. Over the years, the situation has changed in the _____________ direction: (for example, the children have matured, there are fewer complaints from teachers, although disciplinary problems still arise in some lessons).

The structure of the classroom team and intragroup processes.

In the classroom Leadership, management, the presence of isolated, withdrawn and uncommunicative students, ways and methods of involving them in the life of the team. Norms, values ​​of the group, presence of traditions. Criticism and self-criticism in a team.

The nature of communication in the classroom.

The degree of cohesion and organization of the class team. Interactions between boys and girls.

Cognitive potential and cognitive activity of students.

Attention in class and when doing homework, the presence of students with unstable, distracted attention. Memory of students, the presence of students with a pronounced type of memory (visual, auditory, motor, mixed), bad memory who do not know how to memorize educational material. Development of thinking. Slow paced students mental activity, individual approach to them. The performance of the team, whether they have the skills of independent mental work.

5. Creativity And creative activity students.

Availability of students with high level general and special abilities, prone to the manifestation of imagination and out-of-the-box thinking. The ability and need of the team to creative activity.

6. Level of education of team members, their assimilation of social experience.

General characteristics of discipline in the classroom. The nature of discipline in and outside of class. Extremely undisciplined students, forms of manifestation and reasons for their indiscipline. Demonstration of sensitivity, attentiveness, honor, duty, etc. Conclusions, forecast.

There are 28 students in the class. Of these, 17 are girls and 11 are boys. Mainly dominates the class good mood, active attitude towards learning. A trusting and friendly relationship has developed with the class teacher.

The team looks united, the process of developing collectivist aspirations, organization, and independence is underway. They value cognitive activity and friendliness in groups.

Interests in the class are very diverse. Among them are interests in football, drawing, rhythmic gymnastics, hockey, wrestling, etc. Boys are also interested in computer games and technology.

Children are active, active in lessons, and have high performance and intelligence. Most children strive to gain new knowledge. Students' attention in class and when doing homework is stable.

Children have a creative approach to solving any issues, trying to bring in something of their own, individual. Basically, everyone is prone to the manifestation of fantasy and invention.

Children feel comfortable in the classroom, have found friends, and are eager to help. Discipline in lessons and during recess is quite good. This is facilitated by the system of self-government in the classroom and the system of working with parents.

Almost all parents try to create the best conditions for the comprehensive development of their children. They actively participate in parent-teacher meetings and help children during extracurricular activities.

Results of observing a student over several days

During the observation, I especially noted Anastasia P., since she was always in the center of attention of her peers. Anastasia studies well, with interest, and reads a lot. Main motive educational activities– gaining knowledge and communicating with others.

Takes an active part in the social life of the class and school, takes full responsibility for carrying out public assignments, strives to complete any task as best as possible.

Anastasia.P. Quite an active girl. She is distinguished by initiative and responsibility in carrying out assignments, and hard work.

He takes criticism quite calmly, listening to all comments, but expresses his opinion in case of disagreement in a calm manner. Success causes high spirits and confidence in solving more complex problems. The girl is motivated to succeed and treats failures with understanding, analyzing the reasons and drawing up plans for new actions. Failures have virtually no effect on mood.

Character traits: perseverance, sociability, hard work, determination, sense of duty and developed responsibility for one’s actions and decisions.

Family relationships are stable and favorable. Parents adhere to a democratic parenting style based on trust, responsibility and mutual understanding.

Summary of an extracurricular event on the topic: “Components of health.”

Goals : update students’ knowledge about the components healthy image life, about their meaning; provide information about dangerous food additives; to form an active position of a person leading a healthy lifestyle; develop students’ horizons, observation, memory, intelligence, curiosity, communication skills; cultivate the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, goodwill, and the ability to work in a group.

Equipment : image of a “healthy lifestyle tree”, “fruits of the tree” - health components, leaf tokens, cut sheets with daily routine items, table of harmful food additives general and for each child, products for testing for the presence of food additives (chips, crackers, waffles), leaflets with hardening rules, multimedia equipment, presentation for the lesson.

Organizational. moment : Creating an emotional mood. Progress of the event :

Teacher. - Guys, today we have to spend a lot of time as practical scientists. So, groups of scientists have been assembled and they are ready to work. Let's greet each other with good wishes. (The children were divided into three groups in advance). Communicating the purpose of the event.

Teacher: To determine the object of practical work, you have to explain the meaning of the proverb: “If you lost money, you lost nothing, you lost time, you lost a lot, you lost your health, you lost everything.” - What is the most important thing in a person’s life? - This will be the object of our practical research - what are the components of health. Here is a “healthy lifestyle tree” – powerful and beautiful. (There is a picture of a “healthy lifestyle tree” hanging on the board.) Remembering the components that make up health, we will decorate our tree with them. (Children give explanations). Statements from students.

III. Identifying the components of health.

When working on the project “Take care of your health from a young age!” We have determined what affects health and how it can be strengthened. These are the components of health. Remember them. Children name the first term - adherence to the daily routine. 1. Maintaining a daily routine.

On the tree of a healthy lifestyle we have placed the first component of health – adherence to a daily routine. What is a daily routine?

You are students, and studying is hard work. And in order not to overwork, you need to properly organize your day. Now you have to create your daily routine from the proposed components: paste on a piece of paper your actions depending on the time of day.

So, let's check the work of our scientific groups.

When junior schoolboy should I go to bed?

But if it’s still difficult to wake up, then you can perform a special exercise “Waking up.”

How is this exercise useful? Statements from students. Children paste routine moments into their daily routine on pieces of paper. The daily routines are checked, and teams that fill out the sheet correctly are given a token - a sheet.

The student should sleep from 8 to 10 hours a day, and go to bed no later than 21 o'clock, since replenishing sleep lasts from 9 pm to 12 am. At the board, the student shows, and the rest repeat. Exercise “Waking up” includes the following movements: 1. Pull top part ear up (3 times). 2. Pull the earlobes down (3 times). 3. Grab the ears from behind and clap them, covering ears like elephants flapping their ears (3 times). 4.Massage the ear tragus clockwise (3 times). 5. “Making dumplings” (massage the edge of the ear from the earlobe to the top edge).

When we perform this exercise, we massage biologically active points on our ear, improve our mood and the functioning of our internal organs.

2. Balanced nutrition.

What else affects health?

A new component of health appears on our tree - rational nutrition. How do you understand the meaning of the expression “rational nutrition”?

Food should provide the body with nutrients and energy. You can’t overeat, eat unhealthy foods that lead to organ diseases. Many diseases are a consequence of excess and improper nutrition. They bring a lot of trouble and not healthy products. Do you know which foods can be called healthy and which are unhealthy?

We'll check this now. A new task for your scientific groups: make a collage “Healthy and unhealthy foods.”

So, let's check the work of the scientific groups.

Why might such products be unhealthy and even dangerous?

Listen to the answer to this question.

Do you understand why a product may be unhealthy?

Let's examine some products for dangerous additives. Each scientific group has its own product for research. Find the composition on the package and determine whether it contains dangerous additives. I will provide each scientist with a table of harmful food additives; check the labels against it.

What did our researchers find? Children call the second term – rational nutrition. Statements from students. Children make collages from various images of products cut out in advance from magazines: on one half of the sheet all the healthy products are located, on the other - the unhealthy ones. Correctly assembled collages are scored with leaf tokens. Statements from students. A trained student talks about food additives: When buying food, first of all, carefully consider the symbols written in the composition of the product. You can find a special marking - this is the letter E and three-digit figure. This letter and numbers indicate various additives. So, the letter E and a number from 100 to 199 denote dyes; the letter E and a number from 200 to 299 indicate preservatives; numbers from 300 to 399 indicate antioxidants, and numbers from 400 to 499 indicate thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers. These additives make products more attractive in appearance, taste, and shelf life. But not all supplements are beneficial. It would be more accurate to say that not a single additive is beneficial to health, and many, on the contrary, cause enormous harm. There is a table of harmful and dangerous additives. If you find a label in a product listed in this table, then without hesitation you should immediately discard this product. Children work in groups, examining products for the presence of harmful additives: chips, crackers, waffles. Children name harmful additives included in the products offered. 3. Physical activity. Physical exercise.

What else is needed to improve health?

The third component of health appears on our tree – physical activity. What is it and where can we manifest it? physical activity?

How do sports warm-ups help?

You are absolutely right. Let's take a physical moment now and support physical activity. Children name the third term.

Lessons physical culture, physical education minutes during lessons, morning exercises, classes in sports clubs and sections, active walks, hikes, participation in sports days and competitions.

They relieve tension and fatigue, help change the type of activity, lift your mood, and strengthen physical health. The guys spend a physical education minute. 4. No bad habits.

What can cause great harm to health?

This is another component of health – the absence of bad habits. There is an opinion among children that only smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs are considered bad habits. But these are not all bad habits. Try to reflect in groups and find more habits that have a detrimental effect on our health. Write down your thoughts on pieces of paper.

How many bad habits and which ones have you identified? - Bad habits. Children, discussing in groups, write down their list of bad habits. Children read out the lists and receive leaf tokens 5. Hardening.

What procedures can help improve health?

An important component of health is hardening. What types of hardening do you know?

Do you know the rules of hardening?

In this case, you will have to work as editors. Read the proposed hardening rules and cross out the incorrect ones.

What rules did you consider incorrect?


Hardening with air, sun and water. - Yes. Children work in groups - cross out incorrect rules of hardening. HARDENING RULES

* Start hardening immediately by dousing it with cold water.

* The very first means of hardening are air and sun baths.

* Before you start hardening, you need to get rid of the microbial nest in the form of sore teeth, runny nose, cough, etc.

* Hardening can be started after consultation with your doctor.

* Rubbing with water, baths for hands and feet are the very first of the hardening water procedures.

* You need to harden yourself systematically, without missing a single day.

* Hardening should be gradual: you need to reduce the water temperature by 1 degree every 2 days.

* The water temperature can be reduced sharply, for example from 27 to 20 degrees. Children read

6. Positive emotions. Statements from students.

III. Result of the event. Reflection.

Our event has come to an end. What was our goal?

What components of health have we identified?

What conclusions have you drawn for yourself today?

I hope you have room for all the components of health in your life. This means a happy smile will shine on your faces. healthy person. Here's some good advice with a hidden secret. How to maintain your health: Learn to value health!

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