Speech material on sound automation w. Production and automation of the sound Ш: speech material, a complex of articulatory gymnastics

Words with the sound Sh.

The sound Ш is at the beginning of a word.


Sha, template, step, mongrel, mischief, naughty, sage, shawl, crazy, play, shaman, mumble, champignon, skewer, chance, chanson, chansonnier, blackmail, shantrapa, hat, step, step, pedometer, washer, gang, shaitan, jackal, scow, hut, naughty, hatmaker, ball, charaban, charade, sharah, sharashka, hinge, bloomers, ball, scarf, shast, wobbly, brown-haired, cartoon, sharia, ball, fumble, shuffle, charlatan, charlotte, charm, barrel organ, miner, checker, checker player, checker, checkers, kebab, shaky, tent, check, saffron, chess, chess player, mine, connecting rod, shaky, Scots, driver, tent, chocolate.


Show, showman, silk, silk, whisper, seam, shock, ramrod, saddler, saddlery, rustle, driver, chocolate, Scots, chauvinism, shorts.


Noise, noisy, skimmer, noise, brother-in-law, screw, pit, joker, riff-raff, whisper, whisper, joke, joke, joke, fur coat, fur coat, sludge, joke, sharpie, make noise, noise.


Chic, awl, shibat, shivky, shia, chic, chic, chic, shilling, topsy-turvy, awl, chimpanzee, tire, overcoat, shred, shinnik, chinchilla, chignon, thorn, fizz, spikes, rosehip, effervescent, fizz, width, fly, screen, wide, sewing, slate, chiffon, wardrobe, cipher, encryption, shish, shishak, cone, width, latitude, sewn, sewn.


Move, wiggle, masterpiece, chaise longue, neck, sheik, cervical, sheikh, silkworm, silkworm, rustle, husk, shelf, whisper, line, sheriff, chief, patronage, neck, rough, hornet.

The sound Ш in a combination of consonants(at the beginning of the word).

Sword, twine, lard, spier, stiletto, spinach, spy, spy, spy, spur, syringe, bobbin, rabbet, spool, sparger, putty, putty, spar, sleeper, crib, spar, lard.

Shlyah, slap, harness, slot, slap, flip-flops, slap, slap, grind, grinder, boat, hit, hat, hatter, barrier, slag, hose, harness, harness, helmet, headset.

Shmak, bumblebee, sniff, shmak.

Cord, lacing, lace, snoop.

Scar, shrapnel, font.

Headquarters, stack, stamp, calm, pin, adit, darn, darn, corkscrew, curtain, storm, storm, shtof, fine, penal battalion, penalty, stroke, piece, plasterer, bar, pants, staple, staff, tripod, thing, helm, assault, navigator, piece, bayonet, pin.

Mop, Swede, Swedish, sewing, doorman, seamstress.

Shkoda, shkodnik, school, schoolboy, skin, skin, scale, scale, box, cabinet, squall, cracklings, net, pulley, skipper, skin.

The sound Ш is in the middle of a word.


Porridge, sperm whale, ours, yours, Masha, Dasha, Glasha, Arisha, Marisha, Alyosha, Ilyusha, Pasha, Andryusha, poster, breathe, walk, Katyusha, cat lover, eat, sash, key, whore, mother, stirrer, mishmash, interfere, interfere, carcass, soul, breathe, deprive, horse, little mice, little frogs, roof, curdled milk, horse,


Hood, wallet, spine, scallop, naked, good, cuckoo, bag, stew, stew, stewed, petiole, fluff, cockerel, strap, powder, mouse, frog,


I write, bite, ear, wear, cat, kite, tinsel, breathe, wave, ask, scales, brochure,


Kids, pebbles, mice, strangle, evil, keys, buckthorn, destroy, machine, driver, sin, on foot, extinguish, amuse, silence, good, bruise, sewn, decided,


Target, collar, decision, petition, consolation, deprivation, spiritual, tiny, mad, higher, quieter, cook, cough, cashmere, wallet, peg, cliche, crash, swarm, stew, writes, waves, plows, pedestrian, peas,

The sound Ш at the end of a word.

Yours, ours, pencil, goulash, lily of the valley, cub, sew, make noise, blackmail, reed, mouse, cartoon, crumb, finish, give, fall, divide, saw, baby, ladle, shower, pellet, whooping cough, ladle, march, baby, loss, huckster, touch, be quiet, give, pour, drink, sing, rub, take, shout, be silent.

The sound Ш in a combination of consonants in the middle of a word

Chestnut, flowerpot, cinderella, reel, smelt, nightmare, cat, cat and mouse, egg cup, gossip, cannon, bear, mouse, pawn, pine cone, brooch, pickler, claw, stick, gut, kishlak, kishmya, sultana, stick, leg, crown, baby, baby, shirt-front, monkey, route, scale, midge, goosebumps, mouthpiece, front sight, musket, musketeer, drill, thinking, cutie, donut, boy, rattle, armpit, dummy, tags, pawn, toes, sick, carcass, jerboa, carcass, skinny, top, pig, cherry, Cheburashka, chamomile, arable land, cup, porridge, shirt, bug, baby, window, peas, basket, palm, okroshka, potatoes, ears, stuffy, edge, frog, pillow, reel, cuckoo, croak, cheesecake, welcoming, shell, tower, donut, lid, baby, tire, Yashka, plaque, Alyoshka, flatbread, fish, matryoshka, ladle, nuts, spring, external, eat, cherry, extra, boy, tower, shoe, bashlyk, muffler, gone, cockerels, grandmother, grandfather, Alyonushka, Buryonushka, fur, bottom, feather, speck, log, belly, pole,

manicurist, marshal, jug, water lily, lousy, worst, wheat, millet, floor lamp, trench, buffet table, before, lace, darn, curtain,

Word combinations and phrases with the sound Ш.

Grandfather's chess, the naughty man is walking, eating stew, sewing pants, wide trousers, pants for Yasha, mushrooms on skewers, Yasha has a bag, a bag of chestnuts, the driver of the Skoda, Shawka's collar, a good cheat sheet, neck and ears, brother-in-law's scarf, sewing on typewriter, peas on the palm, the baby has a pencil, the hut is good, a cartoon of a chess player, eat porridge, found a lily of the valley, a connecting rod bear, grandparents, the driver has checkers, a shaky wardrobe, a seamstress is sewing, sewing an overcoat, found in a bag, a chimpanzee is whispering, a bump on the top of the head, a fizzy snake, a coil in a box, a wide screw, a mug under the lid, the baby is wearing a shirt, a bag of sage, a book about a little mouse, a wide-brimmed hat, the rustling of car tires, the hissing of a cat, Pasha's shirt, a choking cough, a cat in a basket , a lattice on the tower, champignons in a basket, I don’t break the silence, a seam on a fur coat, galoshes and gaiters, good shoes, the width of a parachute, crumbs in a hole, a chocolate charlotte, I found a pebble, there’s an awl in the tire, it’s getting in the way of sewing, there’s a sash on my shirt, I’m walking in boots, a child's prank, a boy and a girl, a fish in a ladle, left our school, a school charade, found in the closet, the bear has a bump, a brooch decorated, I write with a pencil, on my grandmother's neck, the marshal is marching, you can't hide the sewing, a school student, I write jokes, eat cherries, checkers and chess, a chinchilla fur coat, a walking path, a gang of sharpers, the reeds are swaying, please don’t make noise, a good fur coat, chiffon ruffles, staggering on hinges, eating stew, a bug on a daisy, embroidering a shawl, polka dots on the palm , frog on the pillow, grandmother's fur coat, jester behind the screen, swindler's mistake, wide slate, noisy birds, donkey staggered, millet porridge, chopping a pear, silk muffler, Alyonushka's brooch, chinchilla fur coat, baby monkey, slate on the roof, noise of footsteps, charlatan with a barrel organ, an abandoned wallet, stewed champignons, a chic chignon, a connecting rod bear, millet porridge, feeling good, a wide scarf, a good-natured horse, walking at a pace, being naughty at school, a rustle in silence, a bumblebee and a hornet, walking widely, pies with cottage cheese, flags and balls, a nut flopped, sniffling and coughing, a spot on a shirt, insects rustling, a chestnut rustling, a silk curtain, a noisy hedgehog, Alyosha's shirt, Natasha's fur coat, higher than the tower, a horse plowing, daisies in the arable land, a hat in the closet, a fur coat on a hanger , Grandfather's spoon, The ball has been mischievous, the darned shawl, the frog-frog, there's a cheesecake under the pillow, give me a basket, there's silence in the hut,

The mouse rustles under the overcoat.

Arisha has champignons in her basket.

Our hut is good.

Do you want a kebab?

Grandfather and grandmother nearby.

A seamstress sews on a sewing machine.

Masha, eat some porridge.

Kids play tag.

Misha eat chocolate.

Masha found twine in the bag.

Boy, why are you silent?

Dasha is embroidering a pillow for her grandmother.

A cat and a mouse are embroidered on the pillow.

Grandmother sewed a hat from chinchilla.

The cat has a neck and ears.

Grandfather shuffled towards Katyusha.

Grandma is embroidering a cockerel.

Masha eats stew.

The baby has a rustling rattle.

Yasha has millet porridge.

Grandma sews pants for Yasha.

I sew shorts on a sewing machine.

Yasha has a bag of chestnuts

I wear a fur coat and a hat with earflaps.

I embroider a shawl with silk.

Pasha was wandering around the school.

Baby Masha has a warm hat and scarf.

The navigator walked to the helm.

I give the box to the young lady.

You can't hide an awl in a bag.

They put on Pasha's galoshes and gaiters.

I moor the boat well.

The little bug darted into the basket.

I am writing a petition about the miners.

Naked babies spank in flip flops.

I hurt my neck.

The marshal left noisily.

I went to the garage[w].

Natasha writes in ink.

I have a big closet.

I have good shoes.

Chiffon ruffles and wide embroidery were sewn onto the dress.

The shuffling of feet did not disturb the silence.

I write jokes for Dashutka and Mishutka.

The jackal's steps are silent.

Please don't make any noise.

The wind rustles over the roof and the reeds sway.

Natasha came in, rustling her silk shawl.

How quiet - only the wind moves the reeds.

You're being naughty again, my baby.

Sprouted potatoes in a bag.

Grandma's box was found in the closet.

A storm squall threw the boat onto the skerries.

Car tires rustled next to the footpath.

In the hut only the bumblebee made noise.

The little mouse has crumbs in his hole.

Pies with potatoes are good for the road.

The horse walked at a walk.

A boy and a girl from our school emerged winners of the checkers and chess tournament.

The cracklings hissed on the stove.

The work wasn't going well.

The silence of the sweltering afternoon was broken by the steps of Brother-in-law's grandfather.

A good team has a horse in its body.

They gave Dashutka a nice fur coat.

If you lose it, you won't find it.

The cat is only good for mice.

A mind is good, but two is better.

The sooner you start, the sooner you get there.

Know more - talk less.

An inept seamstress and a needle and thread get in the way of sewing.

We’ll eat and dance, but we won’t invade the arable land.

If you lose something, you will gain it again; if you lose a friend, you will never get it back.

With a good friend you will move mountains, with a bad friend you will experience grief.

You'll walk away from a drop, but you'll end up in the rain.

At the feast the beaters are dancing.

Masha is good, but not ours.

You can't clap with one hand.

When you speak, think carefully.

When you eat, chew well.

Talk less, do more.

In the cold the cat does not catch mice.

You can't heat the sea with an awl.

According to Ivashka and the shirt.

You are welcome to our hut.

Misha and Pasha are playing checkers.

Misha lost two pawns.

A tractor driver plows the arable land.

Aunt Dasha is sewing a shirt for me.

Alyosha and grandfather went to collect pine cones.

Masha went out to the edge of the forest and saw a cuckoo.

I walked along the bank and found a white pebble.

A mouse rustles in a hole, and a cat is guarding it.

The kids in our house love to read books.

Grandma and Alyonushka went for a walk to pick up some nuts.

It’s good to walk along the edge of the forest in the morning.

Two jumping frogs made noise at the edge of the forest.

Grisha has a book under his arm.

Misha writes well.

I found a bug on a large daisy.

A naughty cat rolls a ball.

Natasha found a lily of the valley, and I found three lilies of the valley.

As soon as you approach the shore, you will see a small hut.

There is a small house at the edge of the forest.

Poems with the sound Sh.

Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi

The reeds are whispering something.

She-she-she, she-she-she

This is a duck in the reeds.

Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha

Come out of the reeds.

She-she-she, she-she-she

There's no duck in the reeds.

Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi

What are the reeds whispering?

sho-sho-sho, sho-sho-sho

I write really well

shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu

I'll write whatever you want,

shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi

“Eat porridge,” write,

shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu

I'll write this

sho-sho-sho, sho-sho-sho

I see you write well.

They gave Masha semolina porridge.

Masha is tired of porridge.

Masha didn’t finish her porridge.

Masha, finish your porridge,

don't bother mom!

The cockerel whispers to the cat:

Do you see that lush scallop?

The cat whispers to the cockerel:

Take a step and I'll take a bite!

Schoolboy, schoolboy, you are a strong man:

you carry the globe like a ball.

Mouse and Mouse

The mouse whispers to the little mouse:

Why are you rustling, you're not sleeping!

The little mouse whispers to the mouse:

I will rustle more quietly.

A. Kapralova.


By the river, along the edge,

past the plowed fields

lazy frogs walked

to visit his grandmother.

I. Demyanov.

Mishka has bumps

Mishka threw the stick up.

Fall into the hat from the tree, little bump!

A bump is a slap on the head.

There were two cones at once.

E. Petrischeva.


I was walking through the forest and was afraid...

I came across someone's scarf.

Immediately the forest became less scary.

Hey, who lost the scarf?!

G. Vieru.

Cat car

Cat, cat and six kittens

they want to go to Koshkino.

The cats sat at the windows.

Eight windows - eight cats.

Ask the conductor

eight cups of milk.

The guide Woof-woof is embarrassed.

No dogs allowed!

A. Built.

Mouse like mouse

A mouse is like a mouse

About an inch herself!

The mouse climbed onto the bag.

She called the mice to her place.

Let them rustle with grains!

Let's rustle!

Only the cats got in the way...

G. Lagzdyn.

Rustle, whispering,

noise under the window,

light spanking...

Who is this dwarf?

Shhh! There behind the curtains, near the window

Silence rustles like a nimble mouse.

V. Lunin.

Well, Natasha!

Natasha, how does a mouse rustle paper?


How does it hiss?


How do people whisper?


And how do you, Natasha, know all this?


Elegant dresses, yellow brooches,

There is not a spot on the beautiful clothes.

These daisies are so funny -

They're about to start playing tag like children!

E. Serova.

Dropped a squirrel

The squirrel dropped a cone.

The cone hit the bunny.

He took off running

I almost knocked the bear off his feet...

Under the roots of an old spruce

the bear thought for half a day:

“Somehow the hares have become bolder...

They're attacking me."

V. Shulzhik.

Bag of laughter


A bear walked, shaggy fur,

carried a cheerful laugh in the bag,

hooked the bag on a branch -

laughed and suddenly got enough sleep.

Rolled along the path

thirty-three little smiles,

and behind them from the bag

thirty-three giggles.

M. Vainilaitis.

Mouse or cat?

Once upon a time there lived a cat-cat

nicknamed Sly Tishka.

And there lived a mouse in the world

nicknamed simply Mouse.

Hush, hush, hush, hush.

A Mouse sneaks in the dark.

And behind her it’s very quiet,

and Tikhon sneaks behind her.

What happened then

with this mouse and cat?

I don't know - it's dark.

You can't see the cat in it.

And it’s so quiet all around,

that you can't even hear a mouse...

I only know: in the morning in the hole

The mouse was gnawing dry crusts.

Gnawing on the crusts? Very strange!

Well, where is the sour cream then?

Who has tried cottage cheese?

Cheese and savory pie?

A mouse was gnawing on the crust...

Who is the thief then?

S. Ivanov.

I'm redundant.

They dug up the cherries.

Sergei said: “I’m superfluous.”

Five trees, five guys.

I went out into the garden in vain.

And how did the cherries ripen?

Seryozha runs into the garden.

Well, no, now you're redundant! -

The guys are talking.

A. Barto.

In our apartment.

There are countless children on our stairs:

Katya, Misha and Sasha, and Mashenka are there.

Two Petyas live on the second floor.

Another third lived there, but he had already grown up.

And the kids are growing up in our apartment.

There are four beds - there are four of them here.

Four coats and eight galoshes...

You won't find friendlier kids anywhere!

Z. Alexandrova.

About the big baby.

The reeds do not make noise in the river,

No mouse rustling under the floor.

It's so quiet at this hour!

You can only hear:

Sleep, baby.

At the big hut

The elephant rocks the baby

And mom is in no hurry

She sews a fur coat for the baby.

On a wide mossy stump

sews and flogs under the moon...

The fur coat will be nice

big baby!

I'll write about the fur coat,

but first I’ll ask the elephants:

“How much fur did you buy?

for a baby’s fur coat?!”

I. Demyanov.


Our grandmother has enough worries:

she knits and sews for Tanya and Natasha.

Reads books to them, sings to them before bed,

He takes the kids for a walk in the evening.

3. Alexandrova.


I'm stirring sand

with clay like flour.

On a hot stone

I bake for dinner:

pretzel for matryoshka,

the clown - flatbreads,

gingerbread for a bear,

bunny - gingerbread.

G. Ladonshchikov.

Shy reeds

I sit and listen without breathing,

the rustle of rustling reeds.

The reeds whisper:

Shi, shi, shi!

What are you whispering quietly, reeds?

Is it good to whisper like that?

And in response there was a rustling sound:

Sho, sho, sho!

I walk along the shore and shout:

I don’t want to whisper with you!

I will sing and dance over the river!

I won't even ask permission!

I'll dance right next to the reeds!

The reeds whisper:

Sha, sha, sha!

As if they are asking in a whisper:

Don't dance!

How shy are the reeds!

V. Orlov.

Sparrow, what are you waiting for?

Don't you eat bread crumbs?

I noticed the crumbs a long time ago

Yes, I'm afraid of an angry cat.

A. Taraskin.

My new dress has pockets.

These pockets have daisies embroidered on them.

Daisies, daisies - like meadow ones.

Daisies, daisies - just like alive.

M. Plyatskovsky.

Misha writes.

Here are the kids Masha, Misha.

Masha is smaller, Misha is taller.

Misha is writing something to Masha.

Guess what Misha writes.


I walked along the path,

I found a white mushroom.

I walked along the edge of the forest -

I found three waves.

I went along the fishing line -

moss under a leaf.

And she stepped straight -

I saw a boletus.

A horse is carrying us

The horse is carrying us

horse, horse -

neither shaky nor shaky,

neither shaky nor shaky.

I'd like to whip

a whip


yes - it's a pity...

A. Shibaev.

Our grandmother

Our grandmother is very kind.

Our grandmother has become old...

If a lump appears on your forehead,

there is no button, the coat will tear

or some other misfortune -

Grandma always helps us.

Grandma will knit warm mittens,

grandma will tell you a fairy tale in the evening.

We are ready to listen to it for hours!

If she forgets, we’ll tell her ourselves.

E. Trutneva.


Mom, wait a little

Don't wake me up! - Alyoshka shouts.

Blanket - closer to the nose:

I see fives in my dreams.

L. Korchagina.

In the menagerie

When the little mouse saw the tiger, he laughed:

Who is this? Who got caught in the mousetrap?

Mommy! Mother! Hurry up and take a look -

The cat is sitting in a mousetrap inside!

The mouse sighed: “Don’t be happy, baby!”

The tiger is sitting in this cage, not the cat...

L. Rashkovsky.

Porridge is ripe in the meadow.

The cow Mashka eats porridge.

Masha likes lunch:

there is nothing tastier!

A. Shibaev.

Lambs! Lambs!

Lambs on the river!

What kind of lambs? -

said the sheep.

What kind of lambs?

Well, where are they, where?

Lambs can't

Walk on water...

A. Shibaev.

When you play by yourself

When you play alone

dance and sing

then you don't bother mom

and you stop whining.

Then you draw, write,

you sit in the corner like a mouse.

And you don't hear the noise

even though you make noise all day.


There are three Katyushas in the village

picked up three reels,

They sewed a sundress for Shura,

sewed a caftan for grandfather,

sewed a jacket for grandma,

sewed a vest for my uncle.

And for girls and boys,

to all the Andryushkas and Natashkas,

sewed bright pants,

sewed colorful shirts.

A. Stroilo.


Midges stuck around the lamp,

warm thin legs.

Be careful, midges!

You'll burn your feet!

V. Lunin.

Jumping frogs,

Eyes on the top of the head.

Hide from the frog

Mosquitoes and flies!


Once upon a time along the path

I was going to my home.

I look and see: cats

they sit with their backs to me.

I shouted: - Hey, you cats!

Come with me.

Let's go along the path

let's go home.

Let's go quickly, cats,

I'll bring you lunch

from onions and potatoes

I'll make a vinaigrette.

Oh no! - said the cats.-

We'll stay here! -

Sit down on the path

D. Harms.


Nice pants

Our baby has -

What kind of pockets?

Straps and buckles!

I. Lopukhina.


At the hat with earflaps

Laces on the ears,

To tie it up

Shapka's ears.

I. Lopukhina.


For Baby Mishutka

Masha knits a warm scarf,

He will tie a scarf around his neck

And he will say “thank you” to Masha.

I. Lopukhina.


Misha's grandmother knits

Warm mittens,

To warm your palms

Little Teddy Bear.

I. Lopukhina.


Warm fur coat

Let's put it on Mishutka.

Baby in a fur coat

Like a bear cub Mishka! I. Lopukhina.


On Misha's shirt

Embroidered daisies

Embroidered daisies

Lilies of the valley and “porridge”.

I. Lopukhina.

Masha to our baby

I sewed new pants,

I sewed a fur coat, I sewed a scarf,

For Mishutka - baby.

On Baby's shirt

I embroidered the pockets with silk.

Our Mishutka is so good -

You won't find a more beautiful Misha!

He walks along the path

In clothes sewn by Masha.

I. Lopukhina.

Our playful Pavlushka!

The baby will gut the pillow!

And the shirt and pants -

The baby is all covered in fluff!

I. Lopukhina.

Natasha feeds the baby

From a wide bowl of porridge:

Eat, baby, chew, Antoshka!

Here's a big spoon for you!

I. Lopukhina.

Hat, mittens and fur coat,

Buckle, strap, pants...

So wrapped up - even the lips

Can't be seen from under the scarf!

I. Lopukhina.

Mouse and Mouse (whisper)

The mouse's mother is a mouse

She whispered: - Naughty girl!

You make noise, rustle, chatter!

You're disturbing mom's sewing!

And I,” whispered the mouse, “

I'm sewing a pillow, baby!

There are no fluffs in the pillow,

And jokes and laughs.

Eat a little millet

And go to bed, my baby.

Just lay your head down -

You can see it in your dreams

What whispers in your ear

Magic pillow. I. Lopukhina.

* * *

Masha has a midge in her porridge.

What should our Masha do?

I put the porridge in a bowl

And she fed the cat.

What do we have in the forest that starts with the letter Sh?

This cone flopped, rustling.

A bumblebee and a hornet are noisily rummaging through the porridge.

Insects rustle in the rose hips.

What else in the forest begins with the letter Sh?

Noise and rustling near the hut.

M. Yasnov.

* * *

Bumblebee sells balloons.

The balls are so naughty!

The balls rustle and burst into the sky,

And the silk threads are torn.

G. Sapgir.

* * *

The bumblebee darted and rustled in the sage,

The bumblebee made a terrible noise,

He did so many things -

Even woke up the hornet.

A. Pudval.

Autumn bushes rustle,

The leaves rustle on the tree.

The reeds rustle

And the rain rustles.

And the mouse, rustling,

He hurries to the hole.

And there they rustle quietly

Six smart little mice.

But everyone around is outraged:

How noisy the naughty ones were!

A. Usachev.

The bumblebee and the hornet lived noisily,

Sewing on a sewing machine

Fur coats, hats, pants

Unprecedented width.

V. Kozhevnikov.

Dear bear, nice bear,

Clumsy and funny.

The bear is all made of plush,

Stuffed with lush cotton wool.

Stories, texts with the sound Sh.

Stories with pictures.

(The adult reads the sentence, showing a picture so that the child can add a word where it is required. The second time, the adult reads the entire sentence, highlighting the sound being practiced with his voice, the child repeats after him. In the first case, the child practices the sound in a word, in the second - in sentences .Then the child composes the story himself.)


Misha has a new (car).

This (car) has wide tires.

Misha rolls (the car) around the room.

Suddenly (the car) drove under the closet.

There will be a garage there for (the car), thought Misha.

Lilies of the valley.

In the clearing Masha Natasha saw a lot of (lilies of the valley).

Delicate, fragrant (lilies of the valley) greatly decorated the clearing.

“We won’t pick (the lilies of the valley),” Masha and Natasha decided.

These (lilies of the valley) are not only ours.


Dasha had a fluffy (cat).

The nickname of this (cat) is Pushinka.

(The cat) loved to roll spools around the room.

“You’re not my (cat), but a fluffy ball,” Dasha said.

Stories with questions.

1. Dasha, Antosha and Alyosha are going home.


Dasha and Antosha walk in step, but Alyosha does not.

Who...? What are they doing...?

Alyosha, don’t jump in puddles, walk at a walk,” says Dasha.

Who…? What does he say...?

2. Masha, Natasha and Misha eat millet porridge.

Who...? What are they doing...? What...?

Misha and Natasha eat well, but Misha is naughty.

Who...? How...? What are they doing...?

“We’ll give Misha’s porridge to our cat,” Masha and Natasha joke.

Who...? What are they doing...? How are they joking...?

3. The mouse rustles in the bag.

Who...? What does...? Where...?

The cat thinks: “If only I could catch the mouse!”

Who...? About what...?

But the mouse found a hole in the bag and ran away from the cat.

Who...? What did you do...? Where...? From whom...?

4. There is a rooster in the chicken coop.


“Cockerel, cockerel, look out the window - I’ll give you some peas!” - Masha sings.

Who...? What is he singing...?

And then the cockerel pecks at Masha’s peas.

Who...? What...? Whose...?

5. Misha’s mother is a seamstress.

Whose...? Who is...?

She sews on a sewing machine.

What does...? On what...?

“What are you sewing, mom?” - asks Misha.

Who...? What is he asking...?

“I sew children’s clothes,” the mother answers.

What is the answer...?

6. Natasha has a new fur coat and hat.

Who...? What...?

Every day Natasha walks in a new fur coat and hat, and at home she hangs them in her closet.

Who...? What...? What does...? Where...?

7. Dasha is embroidering a pillow for her grandmother.

Who...? To whom...? What does...? What...?

A cat will be embroidered on this pillow.

Where...? What...?

Dasha has already embroidered the cat's ears.

Who...? What already...?

8. There is a tall cherry tree growing in our garden.

Where...? What…? Which...?

Misha and Masha water it.


That's why our cherries have a lot of berries.


9. Misha, Dasha, Pasha and Natasha are playing cat and mouse.

Who...? What...?

Misha is a cat, and Pasha is a mouse.

Who... and who...?

Mouse, run away from the cat! - Dasha commands.

Who...? How does he command...?

Then Pasha runs away from Misha.

What does...? Who from whom...?

The cat is about to catch the mouse.

Who...? Whom...?

10. Grandma bought Alyosha pencils.

Who..? To whom..?

Alyosha decided to draw his toys.

What..? Who..? What..?

Grandma, look: here are my toys: a big car, a smaller car. What did he say..?

Put it back in its place.

Misha has very good toys. These include various pyramids, cannons, bears, horses, shells and many, many cars. Misha loves his toys very much, but scatters them and never puts them in his closet. His old grandmother cleans up his toys after him.

But then one day he opened his closet - and there wasn’t a single toy there. Misha began to look for his toys. I looked behind the couch, under the table, under the bag, under the hanger.

Misha went to the kitchen and asked his grandmother: “Grandma, do you know where my toys are?”

“Of course, I know,” answered the grandmother, “here they are.” If you don’t clean it up, next time I’ll hide it in such a way that you won’t find it.”

Misha was delighted and began to put the bear, cannon, parachute, pyramid, and cars into his closet.

Who deserves what?

Misha, who will help me peel the potatoes?

Of course, Natasha.

Who will write a letter to dad?

Also Natasha.

OK then. When dad comes, will dad bring toys for Natasha too?

No, the toys are for me, of course.

And it seems to me that dad will buy toys for Natasha.

Why not me?

Because... No, it’s better to guess why yourself.

How Mouse played pranks.

Mouse Mouse was a terrible naughty boy. For example, dad rummages through all the closets: looking for his slippers, pants, scarf and hat, but they are nowhere to be found.

Mouse! Where are my things?! - Dad asks menacingly.

I ate them... Accidentally...

How did you eat it? What a joke!

Well, what are you making noise about? - Mom stands up. “He was joking.”

Did you also eat your hat last year as a joke?

Or the Mouse will climb behind the closet and rustle there: shur-shur-shur...

Cat! Cat!! - Mom squeals. - I'm scared!

Or he'll tie twine to daddy's pants and pull them across the room.

This is not life, but a nightmare! - Dad is indignant. - We didn’t play around like that in our time.

Blue leaves.

Katya had two green pencils. Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:

Give me a green pencil!

Katya says:

I'll ask my mom.

The next day both girls come to school. Lena asks:

Did your mom allow it?

And Katya sighed and said:

Mom allowed it, but I didn’t ask my brother.

Well, did your brother allow it? - Lena asks the next day.

My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you'll break your pencil.

“I’m careful,” says Lena.

Look, says Katya, don’t fix it, don’t press hard...

Lena looked at her and walked away. I didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her.

Well what are you doing? Take it!

No need,” Lena answers. During the lesson the teacher asks:

Why, Lenochka, are the leaves on your trees blue?

There is no green pencil.

Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend?

Lena is silent. And Katya blushed and said:

I gave it to her, but she doesn’t take it.

The teacher looked at both:

You have to give so that you can take.

(According to V. Oseeva)

Hedgehog gloves.

Somehow the guys argued: which animal has a warmer skin? Some shout:

At the bear's! As soon as the bear lays down in its den, puts its paw in its mouth, winter seems to fly by as if the night were flying by.

Others shout:

At the wolf's! The wolf is on his feet all day: either from the cold or from the dogs; if it weren’t for the fur coat, he would have frozen long ago!

Still others shout:

The fox! Everyone knows what kind of fur she has: soft, fluffy and warm!

But Syomka was silent, silent, and said:

A hedgehog has the warmest fur coat.

How so? - the guys made a noise - Since when are needles warmer than fur?

And so,” Syomka stands his ground. “My mother often says to me: “Wait, Syomka! I'll take you in stride - it's going to get hot! »

(E. Kuznets)

Shmel and Misha.

Misha was walking in the garden. Here, in the shade, in a round flowerbed, lilies grew, yellow and red with dark specks. Misha reached out to a tall yellow lily flower and stuck his nose into its very cup. Misha didn’t notice how his nose turned yellow from pollen. Then he smelled the red lily, so diligently that even his forehead and cheeks became red.

Misha smelled the flowers and ran to tell his mother how good the lilies smell.

Mom was sitting on a bench under an apple tree and sewing up Misha’s hat. Suddenly a large, furry bumblebee began to circle above Misha. Misha got scared and quickly covered his nose with his hands.

Go away, bumblebee, go away! It's my nose, not a flower.

The bumblebee buzzed angrily and flew away. Mom laughed and said:

I guessed it, it’s clear that although your nose is beautiful, it’s not a real flower, it’s just some kind of red-yellow bump.

How hard it is to beat your head!

Stop beating yourself up! - Mishka’s mother said. “Get ready!” You will go to the village.

What does it mean to “knuckle down”? - asked Mishka.

To beat your thumbs means to be idle,” my mother explained. “That’s the expression.”

Misha’s grandfather and grandmother lived in the village. Grandmother did housework, and grandfather made wooden spoons. These spoons were visible and invisible in the house last summer, but now there are even more of them. “Grandfather didn’t waste his time,” thought Mishka. “He didn’t waste his time.”

In the morning Mishka looked around the corner and saw: grandfather sitting near the barn and knock-knock, knock-knock, knock-knock on the log...

Grandpa, what are you doing? - asked Mishka.

Me? - Grandfather swung his ax. - I hit the bullshit!

So, chopping wood means idleness!” Mishka was surprised, “And you’re chopping wood.”

Little fools! - Grandfather repeated. “These chicks are called bastards.” How was it before? Iron spoons were expensive. And that’s why in every village there was a master - a spoon maker. And the master has an assistant - an apprentice. The master made spoons from chocks, the apprentice prepared these chocks. Baklushi beat, in other words. This is a simple matter; you don’t need much skill to do the trick.

Grandfather,” Mishka asked, “can I become your apprentice?” I'll be kicking ass.

“Let’s try,” grandfather agreed.

Mishka took the ax, swung it and... missed the log. The second time he hit the log, but in such a way that it jumped up and flew into the garden.

It turns out that it’s not easy to beat your thumbs! - Mishka said to grandfather.

Of course, skill is needed,” grandfather agreed...

(According to M. Bartenev)

Bumblebee and flower

Answer me, flower, who are you - he or she?

And I, brother Bumblebee, don’t even know!

How it is - you don’t know! Here, for example, is the lily of the valley.

That's lily of the valley.

But, for example, chamomile is it.

So it's chamomile...

Who are you?

Me? Yes, I, Shmel, Ivan-da-Marya!

(Ya. Sweet)

When I was little...

When I was little, a turtle, a pygmy cockerel and a white mouse lived in my house. I got ready to go to school and thought: “How will they survive without me? They will be bored." I take a briefcase and put Zhuzhu the turtle, Tarzan the cockerel and Grisha the mouse in there. We go to school together. Turtle Zhuzha was the most well-mannered. He closes his eyes and sleeps among his textbooks. Tarzan may be small, but he is a real rooster. Fidget. Either he needs to eat, then he needs to clean his outfit, or he needs to crow. Our teacher thought that I was deliberately disturbing her in class. How to shout:

Gorkovenko, when will you stop the “circus”?!

The white mouse Grisha was my favorite. Affectionate. It will climb onto your shoulder and tickle your ear. But one day he let me down. Grisha loved adventures very much. He especially liked walking around our classroom. Somehow he jumped out from under the desk. And then the teacher saw him and froze in place. And the pointer from her hands - bang! She fell to the floor.

The mouse Grisha was not at all afraid. He was a brave and very curious kid. And he decided to walk along the “log”, but almost fell off it.

I wanted to raise the pointer, but Grisha didn’t even think about getting off it. You had to raise the wand with the mouse. For Grisha, being so high is like climbing a tower crane. But as soon as I raised the pointer, the mouse slid down and went into the sleeve of my jacket. And I was very ticklish. Soon Grisha appeared at the collar of his jacket and went to eat breakfast in my pocket. There were always bread crumbs there.

And then I laughed:

Hee hee hee!

And the whole class is behind me:

Ha ha ha!

Only the teacher was silent.

Don’t come to school without your parents,” that’s all she said.

I didn't go. My parents were away. The next day the teacher herself comes:

Why don't you go to school?

Then we sat with her and talked about different things. She saw how friendly my cockerel, turtle and mouse lived. I just forbade them from going to school.

(Yu. Kuklachev, N. Vladimirova)

Compose a story on a topic.

1. Yasha’s grandfather had a fluffy squirrel living in a cage. Yasha called her Pushinka. Once Yasha opened the cage to give Fluffy a nut. But the nimble Fluffy jumped out of the cage and started running around the room. So she jumped to the window. And the window was open.

What do you think happened next? And how did this story end?

2. In order for Dasha to learn to pronounce the sound SH correctly, her grandmother promised to buy her toys and games with this sound in their names. This is a bear, cars, a turret, checkers, a cockerel, a parachute.

Tell us about how grandma and Dasha bought these toys in the store.

3. Mishutka is already six years old. One day his grandmother told him: “I need to go to the bakery. I ask you: don’t go crazy without me. You're already big. Now many children go to school from the age of six.” When the grandmother left, Mishutka did not play pranks. He put on a fur coat, a hat, a scarf, put books and pencils in his father's briefcase and went to school...

Tell me what happened then and how the story ended.

After the stage of sound production, they move on to consolidating it in coherent speech. This is one of the most difficult stages, because you need to teach the child the skills of self-control of speech. The longer the incorrect pronunciation persists, the more difficult it will be to form the correct articulatory pattern. Automation of the sounds Ш and Ж and other phonemes that have similar characteristics is carried out separately. This is done to prevent their mixing.

It is worth moving on to the automation stage only after the child has managed to pronounce the desired sound correctly in isolation. After pronunciation is established, they move on to practicing it in syllables. All work on fixing sound in coherent speech is based on the principle of gradual complication of speech material.

Working with sound in syllables

Automation Ш, Ж in syllables is carried out in the following order:

  • straight lines (SHA, ZHA, etc.);
  • reverse (ASh, etc.), the sound Ж in these syllables is not practiced, because it is “stunned”;
  • between vowels (ASHA, AZHA, etc.);
  • with a combination of consonants (SHKA, ZhDA, etc.).

Tasks for children to reinforce sounds must be accompanied by visual material. Be sure to do articulation gymnastics at the beginning of the lesson to prepare the speech apparatus.

Isolated pronunciation is added to the practice of phonemes in straight syllables. Speech material is also gradually increased in volume: when they move on to a new type of syllables, first add 1-2 tasks with already worked out combinations.

Examples of tasks

To consolidate the correct pronunciation of syllables, the speech therapist uses special paths, “walking” along which the child pronounces the desired combination of sounds. At the beginning of the work, the adult gives a sample of correct pronunciation, then pronounces the material together with the child. Then the baby repeats on his own.

Examples of syllabic tracks:

  • AZHA-OZHO-ZHU, etc.

At this stage, pure tongues are used. They are aimed not only at practicing correct pronunciation of syllables, but also at gradually introducing sound into words.

Examples of pure talk:

  • SHA-SHA-SHA - we bathe the baby;
  • SHO-SHO-SHO - rest well;
  • ZHA-ZHA-ZHA - we saw the Snake;
  • ZHU-ZHU-ZHU - I look at the sun.

When automating a certain phoneme, especially at this stage, try not to use words that have a sound with similar characteristics. After the child correctly pronounces Ш and Ж in syllables, the speech material becomes more complex and the stage of consolidation in words begins.

Working in words

You need to choose only those words that contain a practiced syllable. The work is carried out in the following order:

  • the sound is at the beginning;
  • in the middle;
  • at the end.

Automation begins with words with forward and backward syllables. It is advisable to illustrate each name, invite toys to “visit” - all this will make the lesson not only more interesting, but also more effective.

Examples of exercises

Similar to the previous stage, in the first lessons the speech material is spoken by an adult, then together with the student, and then the child repeats it independently. Gradually, when there are more practiced words, the baby names them without prompting from the speech therapist.

At the stage of automation of phonemes in words, work is carried out in parallel on the development of phonetic-phonemic processes. The child is explained where the word has a beginning, middle and end. During the classes, word charts are drawn up and tasks for the development of auditory self-control are offered.

At the same stage of automation, the gradual introduction of the automated phoneme into coherent speech begins. They do this using the example of phrases, Ш or Ж can be either in one or in each word:

  • Repetition of words:

SHA: ball, cap, puck.

SHU: noise, fur coat, joke.

JA: toad, heat, sting.

And in this way they select words for each practiced syllable.

  • The child is asked to listen carefully to the words and correct the adult. An adult deliberately makes mistakes in the pronunciation of the automated sound in some words. This task is aimed at developing auditory control of speech.
  • Add the desired syllable to make a word. Pictures are used with children of primary and middle preschool age to make it easier for them to complete this task. For example, given an image of a cap and the second syllable – PKA. The child needs to add a syllable from the proposed options (SHA).
  • Repetition of words with two sounds Ш or Ж. For example: bump, panties, kidding, etc.
  • Repetition of phrases:
    • On W: grandfather's checkers, a new hat, a funny joke, a sewing machine.
    • On F: a beetle is buzzing, an orange jacket, liquid jelly.
  • Make up a phrase. Cards are laid out in front of the child and they are asked to make up a word combination on their own.
  • Call me kindly. For example: pants - pants. This exercise not only reinforces the correct pronunciation of sibilants, but also develops the skill of word formation using a suffix.
  • Game “Who can name more words with the sound Ш or Ж.”
  • “Count how many objects there are here.” This exercise helps to further develop counting skills.

When the child manages to pronounce the sound in words correctly, they move on to a more complex stage of correctional work - automating sounds in sentences. This block is longer in terms of the proposed material, because it is a preparation for the introduction of an automated phoneme into coherent speech.

Working with sentences and text

In the first lessons, speech material should be as saturated as possible with Ш or Ж, so that the organs of articulation work out the correct position, and the child remembers their correct sound. At this stage, the student is given more independence - he needs to consolidate the skill of not repeating after an adult, but of consciously using the correct version of the phoneme in speech.

The task of an adult in the later stages of automation is not just to point out errors in pronunciation, but to create such conditions so that the child can hear them himself and be able to correct himself. You should not offer long sentences at once - their volume is increased gradually. At this stage, the automation of Ш, Ж begins in verses, which the child is asked to learn.

Examples of tasks

  • Repetition of sentences.
    • To the sound Sh: Sasha has a hat. Yasha has a fur coat. Masha eats millet porridge. Grandma sews pants. Chess and checkers are in Dasha's closet.
    • To the sound Z: A beetle is buzzing on the street. Zhenya caught a toad. Zhanna lives on the second floor. After the rain there are puddles on the lawn.
  • Confusion. The child is given a set of words and needs to make a sentence out of them. This task is also aimed at developing grammatical structure, namely the skills of coordination and subordination in a sentence.
  • Repeating tongue twisters. The tempo is gradually accelerated, but all words must be pronounced clearly and emphasis should be placed on hissing ones:
    • On Sh: Cuckoo bought a hood. Put on the cuckoo's hood. How funny he is in the hood.
    • The cat on the window is sewing a shirt for Ermoshka.
    • On F: A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a grass snake has a squeeze.
    • The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes and spins.

Gradually, speech material less saturated with sibilants should be offered. A sentence may contain one or two words containing Ш or Ж. Then you should move on to working on short texts and poems.

Assignments with poems

Children can not only memorize them, but also add rhymes themselves. The adult says the beginning of the sentence - the children are asked to come up with the ending:

“A mouse was playing in the pantry,

Under the pine tree lay...(bump)";

“Onions grew in the garden,

There was a May beetle crawling in the garden bed.”

To make it easier to choose a rhyme, the speech therapist shows a picture of a rhymed word. This task not only automates sound, but also develops creative thinking.

Memorizing poetry not only trains memory, but also develops the skill of self-control of speech and auditory attention. Usually the speech therapist gives such tasks at home. It would be more effective to learn it in advance, and then ask the child to tell it a few days before the speech therapy session. Then he will not have a mechanically practiced pronunciation, but will have a conscious use of it in coherent speech.

Start with short poems:

“Two insects at the edge of the forest

Resting on a pillow."

“The beetle fell and couldn’t get up,

He is waiting for someone to help him.".

Gradually, more voluminous poems are included in the work:

“The mouse whispers to the little mouse:

- You keep making noise, you’re not sleeping.

The little mouse whispers to the mouse:

“I’ll be quieter.”

“The beetle buzzes: Zhu-zhu-zhu!

I live and don’t worry

I'm sitting on a branch

And I buzz, buzz, buzz!”

While repeating the poem, the speech therapist pays attention to the correct pronunciation of Ш and Ж. As well as the intonation component and the use of facial expressions and gestures during the performance.

Tasks for working with text

They begin to automate sound with short texts containing a large number of words with hissing words. Gradually, speech material is brought closer to ordinary speech. It is better to accompany all stories with illustrations, because it is easier for preschool children to understand the content of the text.

  • Repeat after the adult story. First, the speech therapist or parent reads the text, then he pronounces the sentence, and the child repeats after him.
  • Which word was read incorrectly? This is an auditory attention training task. While reading words with sibilants, the adult distorts the pronunciation of some of them. The child must not only hear the error, but also say the correct option.
  • Retelling is a difficult option. First, the speech therapist reads the text several times, and the student then retells it. Be sure to use plot pictures; If you have any difficulties, you can help with guiding questions.

It is better to choose stories that are familiar to children. You can come up with them yourself, the heroes of which would be the characters your kids love. When the baby confidently pronounces sibilants in the text and distinguishes the correct sound pattern among a large number of words, the speech therapist moves on to the most difficult stage - working with coherent speech.

Consolidation in coherent speech

The main task of a speech therapist is to consolidate the child’s skill of self-control of speech, that is, pronouncing a sound without repeating after an adult or making corrections. At this stage, the material should not be saturated with sibilants - it should be made as close as possible to ordinary speech.

An adult, reading a fairy tale or story, asks questions about what he read. He pays attention not only to the pronunciation side of speech. If a mistake is made during the answer, the speech therapist talks about it, but does not correct it. The child corrects himself independently and becomes more attentive to his speech.

The speech therapist begins to tell the story and asks them to figure out what happened to the characters next. It is better to use visual material (pictures, toys) to not only increase interest, but also simplify the task a little.

An effective exercise is to independently compose a story based on a plot picture. So that the child does not have major difficulties, they make a plan or ask leading questions. During this task, the speech therapist pays attention to compliance with grammatical norms when constructing sentences.

During subgroup and group lessons, it is useful to act out theatrical performances or role-playing scenes (“In the store”, “Good morning”, etc.) to consolidate the sound; use “finger” theater. In such classes, it is most effective to consolidate correct pronunciation in coherent speech.

At the beginning of work on sound automation, they are always asked to “hiss” or “buzz”, because the correct image of the phoneme is still being fixed in children’s speech. In addition to articulation gymnastics, the speech therapist pronounces what position the lips and tongue occupy. This stage is the most difficult and lengthy; the specialist must explain to parents the importance of following all recommendations and monitoring the child’s speech at the beginning.

If only a speech therapist corrects the baby, he will not pronounce the correct sound for a long time (for some, this can last a year or more). Especially if he has a complex speech disorder. Automation of the sounds Ш, Ж is considered completed when the child freely, without prompting, uses them in words of any complexity and does not confuse them with phonemes that have similar characteristics.

How are the sounds Ш, Ж pronounced normally?

When pronouncing a sound w Normally, the speech organs take the following position:
  • lips somewhat advanced;
  • tip of tongue raised to the sky (to the alveoli), but does not touch it, forming a gap;
  • lateral edges of tongue pressed from the inside to the upper molars or hard palate, without letting a stream of exhaled air pass through the sides. Thus, the tongue takes the shape of a ladle or cup.
  • vocal cords open, the stream of exhaled air passes freely between them;
  • air jet it is exhaled evenly in the middle of the tongue, it is strong, wide, warm, and can be easily felt with the back of the hand raised to the mouth.

Any deviation from the correct articulation pattern leads to distortion of the sound. When producing a sound, our main task is to create in the child the correct articulation of this sound.

Articulation of sound and different from articulation of sound w presence of voice.

Name the pictures, make sure the organs of articulation are in the correct position

Automation of the sound Ш in words.

Words with stressed syllables:

Shawl, mine, step, ball, puck, earflaps, big, breathe, horse, chess, noodles.

Silk, whisper, rustle, walked, cockerel, powder, fluff, bag, big, comb, left, found, came.

Sew, awl, wider, write, reeds, jug, ruffs, kids, mistake, machine, sewed, decided.

Joke, Shura, jokes, noise, bear, fur coat, writing, breathing, asking, wearing, neck, neck, solution, collar.

Words with unstressed syllables:

Naughty, jackal, naughty, yours, ours, Dasha, Misha, Natasha, Alyosha, roof, joker, screw, tinsel, rosehip, wide, hiss, mice, ears, lilies of the valley, palms, reeds, pea, good, silence, junior.

Words with consonant clusters :

Stamp, headquarters, darning, curtains, joke, bayonet, seams, seamstress, wardrobe, school, skin, hose, slag, helmet, hat, bumblebee, schnitzel, lace, sleepers, twine, spatula, hairpin, spy.

In reverse syllables:

Our, yours, arable land, tower, porridge, shirt, daisy, bug, pencil, cup, crumb, midge, window, basket, palm, peas, potato, okroshka, cat, shower, ears, cannon, front sight, edge, frog, pillow, reel, cuckoo, wah, cheesecake, shell, lid, baby, donut, tower, monkey, tire, baby, reed, goulash, Yasha, Alyosha, flatbread, matryoshka, pour, eat, take, nuts, pawns, eat, cherry, bear, extra, boy, screaming, silent, finish, lily of the valley, speck, cub.

Automation of the sound Ж in words and sentences.

Words with syllable stress:

Toad, sorry, sorry, heat, gills, harvest, hot, complaint, pajamas, harvest, run, tremble, lie, leader, hedgehogs, fire, fireman.

Acorn, yellow, gutter, Zhora, flag, pie, friend, meadow, gooseberry, bank.

Beetle, creepy, creepy, walk, look, wander, befriend, show, lampshade, Zhenya, respect, already, fat, live, vein, liquid, lie, tremble, knives, walruses, show, bait, spring, be friends, circle.

Words without syllable stress:

Sorry, heat, jacket, puddle, leather, lying, magazine, I see, knitting, cutting, smearing, peel, alive, belly, giraffe, vest, lodger, skis, hedgehog, ears, fawn, saffron milk cap, passer-by, similar.

Words with consonant clusters:

Rust, blind man's buff wait, jam, trunk, important, friendly, paper, installer, rain, false, skin, scissors, cake, artist, need, friendly, friendship, skier, cobblestone, southern, lower, book, between, before, clothes , hope, gentle, polite, diligent.

Automation of the sound Ж in sentences:

A hedgehog was running along the road. The beetle flies and buzzes. A toad sits in a puddle. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the grass snake has a snake. Zhenya subscribes to a children's magazine. Friendship must be valued. Suddenly it started to rain. Put your clothes in the closet. Zhora's dad is an artist. Guys, let's live together! A skier is running along the road.

Automation of the sound Ш in sentences.

Here is Masha. Masha has a hat. Masha was eating porridge. Natasha writes. Lilies of the valley are good. Misha and Pasha are riding a horse. There are reeds by the river. The river is wide. The kids are walking to school. The school is big. Misha found a pebble. A car is making noise on the road. Rose hips have thorns. There are five children in the hut. Pasha and Natasha please do not make noise. Grisha and Misha are chasing the puck. Pasha has a car. Natasha has a silk scarf.

Our Antoshka looks out the window. Put a shirt on the baby. The kids are playing cat and mouse. Little children are running: Mishki, Natashka and Pashka. Our book is about a little mouse and a frog. It’s bad for the mouse alone in the hole. The cockerels peck grains and crumbs from my palm. The cat has ears on the top of its head.

Misha and Pasha are playing checkers. Misha lost two pawns. Aunt Dasha is sewing a shirt for me. Alyosha and grandfather went to collect pine cones. Masha went out to the edge of the forest and saw a cuckoo. Pies with peas are good for the path. I walked along the bank and found a white pebble. A mouse rustles in a hole, and a cat is guarding it. The kids in our house love to read books. It’s good to walk along the edge of the forest in the morning. Two jumping frogs made noise at the edge of the forest. I found a bug on a large daisy. A naughty cat rolls a ball. Masha rested at the edge of the forest and moved on. Natasha found a lily of the valley, and I found three lilies of the valley.

Automation of the sound Ж in sentences.

The beetle buzzes: w-w-w. It’s hot in the summer. Zhora is wearing pajamas. Zhenya has a knife. The hedgehog has a hedgehog. Show me your knife, Zhenya. Zhora ran out onto the meadow. My friend runs to the shore. Yellow-skinned acorns lie under the oak tree. Hedgehogs were running next to the hedgehog. In the morning Zhenya took his skis and ran along the road. Zhora lives on the fifth floor. Walruses live in the north, and giraffes in the south. Snowball lay there, lay there, then ran, murmuring.

Zhenya shakes out her clothes. Zhora has a paper dove. You can find the book you need in a bookstore. The kids live together. Zhora's dad is an installer, and Zhenya's is an artist. My friend lives on the ground floor. There are magazines on the bottom shelf. Zhora takes care of clothes. It rains twice. A beetle buzzes between the windows. Acorns fall together.

Speech material for reinforcing the sounds Ш, Ж.

Quiet the mouse, quiet the mouse, Quiet the mouse, quieter the mouse,

Don't wake our cat. The cat is sitting on our roof.

We feed our Masha: She puffs like a donut,

“Masha, Masha, eat the porridge.” Our lush Mishka.

Masha didn’t eat enough porridge, Cuckoo sewed a hood for the cuckoo,

reluctantly, tired of it. How funny he is in the hood.

Sha-sha-sha - our Masha is good The mouse whispers to the little mouse:

Sho-sho-sho - we say well, “You keep making noise, making noise.”

Shi-shi-shi - there are kids in the clearing. The mouse whispers to the mouse:

Shu-shu-shu - help the baby “I’ll make less noise.”

The cuckoo dropped its coneSixty-six little mice

The bear got a bump in the reeds rustling

And now the mouse is hiding from the nimble cats.

There will be two bumps.

Six mice walked, Shurik walked along the highway

found sixteen groschen. Dressed in a fur coat,

A hat on the ears

The teddy bear has a sea scarf around his neck.

Masha is darning her pants.

I sewed a shirt for Mishka, the cat is sewing pants in the window,

I'll sew him some pants. A mouse in boots sweeps the hut

I need to sew a pocket on them

And put some candy in. Hush, hush, Masha writes.

Our Masha writes letters.

Mishka threw the stick in the air, and who will bother Masha?

Fall into the hat from the fir tree! - Masha is catching up with him.

Cone slap on the head -

Immediately there were two cones. Oshka-Oshka is our cat.

Oshku-oshku-oshku - we love our cat

Oshke-oshke - they poured milk for the cat

Oshka-oshka - the cat laps up the milk.

Shock-shock is Petya the Cockerel.

Shock-shock - Petya has a comb.

Shkom-shkom - Petya is proud of his comb.

Children love pencils and books.

Zha-zha-zha - we caught a hedgehog Hedgehog for dinner

Zhu-zhu-zhu let's give the hedgehog some milk. We need a buzzing beetle.

Rain, rain, don't rain, Rain, rain, don't rain,

Rain, rain, wait, rain, rain, wait,

To my wife, Zhanna, all the guys, come out, come out, honey,

Let me run home. Golden bottom.

Beetle, beetle, buzz, the beetle fell and couldn’t get up,

Where are you hiding, tell me: He is waiting, who will help him?

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,

I'm sitting on a tree!

The hedgehog carried it to his hedgehogs. Legs, legs.

Ten leather boots. They ran along the path.

On everyone's feet in the meadow and forest

Hedgehog boots. Jumped over the bumps,

They ran to the meadow,

The beetle buzzes: “Zhu-zhu-zhu! Lost your boot.

I live, I don’t worry.

I'm sitting on a branch. The snake is squeezing, the hedgehog is squeezing.

And I buzz, I buzz, I buzz!”

Zhok-zhok-zhok is a pie. Zhi-zhi-zhi – these are walruses.

Shki-shki-shki - we love pies. Zhi-zhi-zhi live in the ocean walruses

Zhok-zhok-zhok - eat the pie, Zhenya! Chew-zhok-zhey - we saw walruses

The beetle is buzzing: Zhok-zhok-zhok - a hot iron.

I walked and walked, Jock-jock-zhok - the iron became hot.

Found a yellow pebble. Zhok-zhok-zhok - the laundry is ironed

It's an acorn! You're wrong! –

The giraffe says to the beetle.

Zhi-zhi-zhi - the siskins sing in the forest.

Zhey-zhey-zhey - we heard siskins

Zhey-zhey-zhey – we love to listen to siskins.

Zhok-zhok-zhok – they gave me a flag.

Zhok-zhok-zhok – I’m holding a flag in my hand.

Shkom-shkom-shkom - I wave the flag.

Speech material for automating the sounds Ш, Ж
(words, phrases, sentences, phrases, poems, texts)

Task 1. Pronounce words clearly.
Step, step, shawl, ball, scarf, washer, hat, mine, check, little mice, big, earflaps, interfere, rustle, bag, fluff, top, pot, cockerel, expanse, chic, awl, tire, spike, sew, screen, breathe, ruffs, write, reeds, kids, wear, write, carcass, please, parachute, neck, neck, neck, chief, target, collar, solution, vermicelli.

Task 2. Pronounce words clearly.
Decide, breathe, horse, chess, noodles, soul, mongrel, strap, comb, big, mouse, seam, shock, shorts, powder, good, walked, silk, whisper, left, found, came, entered, bruise, mistake, machine, jug, sewed, decided, ladles, screen, slate, noise, noisy, jester, fur coat, Shura, Shurik, joke, bear, breathing.

Task 3. Pronounce words clearly (without stress on the syllable).
Steps, walk, play naughty, yours, ours, burden, niche, porridge, roof, pear, Dasha, Masha, Lusha, chocolate, overcoat, hiss, wide, rosehip, thorns, ears, mice, ours, yours, galoshes, lilies of the valley, pebble, husk, quieter, higher, turret, cherry, whisper.

Task 4. Pronounce words clearly (without stress on the syllable).
Pasha, Misha, Yasha, Alyosha, Natasha, Andryusha, Katyusha, jackal, scow, sage, naughty, shampoo, horse, hanger, tent, poster, screw, joke, joker, slotted spoon, good, pea, junior, silence, chimpanzee, keys, sewing, bucks, tails, polka dots, plush, whispering.

Task 5. Pronounce words clearly.
Sole, mop, seamstress, seams, swedes.
Wardrobe, casket, school, schoolboy, on foot, Skoda, skin.
She walked, slag, hose, barrier, train, helmet, spank, slippers, walked, boat, sluice, hat.
Bumblebee, scurry.

Task 6. Pronounce words clearly.
Schnitzel, muffler, lace, laces.
Sleepers, twine, epee, spatula, putty, spurs, spy, pin, pin, spinach, bobbin.
Headquarters, stamp, rod, trousers, darn, darning, curtain, corkscrew, storm, thing, plasterer, steering wheel, navigator, assault, bayonet, calm.

Task 7. Pronounce words clearly (with emphasis on the syllable).
Yours, ours, tower, arable land, porridge, shirt, daisy, bug, pencil, shower, mascara, ears, front sight, gun, stuffy, edge, frog, pillow, reel, cuckoo, Yashka, jasper, goulash, pawn, nuts, hazel, spring, eat, bun, stick, stable, flatbread, fish, matryoshka, ladle, Bishka, cherry, bear, extra, boy, quiet, little house.

Task 8. Pronounce words clearly (with emphasis on the syllable).
Cat, midge, crumb, window, peas, basket, palm, okroshka, potato, Antoshka, brooch, croak, cheesecake, welcoming, shell, top, wave, chatterbox, hut, toy, parsley, tower, mouse, crumpet, lid, baby, monkey, tire, reed, baby, give, pour, drink, sing, take, Alyoshka.

Task 9. Pronounce words clearly (with emphasis on the syllable).
Heat, pity, toad, sting, pity, gills, harvest, reaper, hot, complaint, hedgehogs, leader, counselor, Zhora, horn, meadow, friend, flag, jump, circle, pie, bank, gooseberry, fat, live, lively, liquid, knives, walruses, hedgehogs, snakes, lie, floors, show, bait, spring, Zhenya, already, respect, whatnot, dragees.

Task 10. Pronounce words clearly (with emphasis on the syllable).
Pajamas, harvest, run, lie, tremble, fire, fireman, greedy, greedy, lark, iron, acorn, yellow, bear cub, hedgehog, beetle, lying, wandering, walking, looking, making friends, showing, lampshade, jacket, duty officer, make friends, circle, resident, animals, vest, weapons, housing.

Task 11. Pronounce words clearly (without stress on the syllable).
Heat, regret, jacket, leather, puddle, lying, luggage, loss, skis, knives, puddles, hedgehog, dinner, fawn, live, belly, giraffe, dozen, passerby, I see, cut, knit, lick, smear, peel, blackberry, yolk, jelly, wife, marriage, stomach, desire, token, worse, foal, ice cream.

Task 12. Clearly pronounce words with a combination of consonants.
Wait, cake, jam, blind man's buff, debtor, rust, jug, reaper, jungle, loggia, important, everyone, paper, luggage, installer, can it rain, false, skin, scissors, cake, artist, sheath, necessary, friendly, friendship , skier, cobblestone, southern, lower, near, bookish, between, before, clothes, hope, ignorant, once, twice, I'll wait, gentle, polite, emery, reward, foot, need, ski track, money, win.


Task 13. Pronounce phrases clearly.
our school noisy naughty girls fragrant shampoo rosehip husks rustling reeds stewed spinach fluffy bun our grandmother
big bumblebee fluffy hat large closet hissing cat chinchilla fur coat
sewing machineTask 14. Pronounce phrases clearly.
silk shawlDasha's hatkashutnik mishutkaspiel towerssewing greatcoatsfragrant lilies of the valleyrosehip thorns
reel of silksilk darncheap bookswide-brimmed hatsilk mufflerbig cat

Task 15. Pronounce phrases clearly.
yellow leathera dozen blackberry jellyleather vestliquid jelly live togetherheavy clothesyou can have dinnerbeige toadsouthern heat
leather reinswife pajamaslower floorsliving hedgehognecessary clothesneed a reaperacorn rainneed to runbuzzing beetlebrave Zhenya
Task 16. Pronounce sentences clearly.
Natasha writes. Here is Masha. Masha has a hat. Lyosha has lilies of the valley. The lilies of the valley are good. Misha and Pasha are riding a horse. The kids are walking to school. The school is big. Misha found a pebble. A car is making noise on the road. The rosehip has thorns. Pasha and Natasha, please don’t make noise. Lesha was eating millet porridge. Yasha went to the reeds. Misha is playing chess. Pasha has a car. The car has wide tires. Natasha has a silk scarf. The mouse fell into a jug.

Task 17. Pronounce sentences clearly.
The reeds rustle.
The mouse has little mice.
Ilyusha kicks the puck.
They bought Lesha a large earflap hat.
Our Mishutka loves jokes. Natasha is preparing millet porridge. Our car has spikes on the tires. A mouse with a bag is walking on foot. Masha and Dasha are sewing a fur coat for Natasha. Masha is embroidering a pillow. Misha waves to grandfather. In the yard, Bishka. The bird is jumping at the window. Put it on the baby shirt. Our Antoshka looks out the window. Here are some potatoes for okroshka. The mouse feels bad alone in the hole. The cat has ears on the top of its head. The cat catches the mouse. Task 18. Pronounce sentences clearly.
It went in one ear, out the other. The frog jumped into the tub. There were cherries in the basket, potatoes in the bag. The baby was eating the porridge with a spoon. Misha had a hat with ear flaps. Masha puts on a hat. Misha and Natasha walk in step. Alyosha buys a ball. Katyusha saw jackal in a cage. Yasha hangs a scarf on a hanger. Yasha rides a horse. Our Dasha never plays pranks. They sew a new fur coat for Mashutka. The seam is visible on the fur coat. I wear a new fur coat and hat. The cockerel has a comb.
Cockerel, cockerel, look out the window!
Misha washes his neck and ears.
Mashenka, give me the turret.
Shawka has a new collar.

Task 19. Pronounce sentences clearly.
In the kitchen, the cat is preparing cakes.
Kitten Timoshka loves cakes.
Misha and Pasha are playing checkers.
Misha lost two pawns.
Aunt Dasha is sewing a shirt for me.
Masha, eat your porridge.
Alyosha has a new book.
That luggage is yours, and this one is ours.
The kid dropped his pencil.
Misha will go to the shower.
Our hut is good.
The kid found a lily of the valley.
My books are in the closet.
Misha has a bump on the top of his head.
There is a pawn missing in chess.
The cat rolls a reel.
Grandma has a lot of spools in her box.
Verushka loves flatbreads and cheesecakes.
Grandfather and grandmother want silence.
A seamstress sews on a sewing machine.

Task 20. Pronounce sentences clearly.
Natasha sews a hat on a machine for a doll.
Katyusha has a cuckoo embroidered on her pillow.
I found the reel under Masha’s pillow.
The cockerels peck grains and crumbs from my palm. Midges and insects bother Gosha and Pashka.
We saw a cat under our window.
Misha has a helmet.
Misha's pants need to be darned. There are cherries at the house.
There is a wide curtain on the window.
Misha and Masha went to school.
Masha found twine in the bag.
There is a horse in our stable.
Mom has a wide-brimmed hat.
Alyosha and grandfather went to collect pine cones.
Masha went out to the edge of the forest and saw a cuckoo.
Pies with peas are good for the road trip.
Two jumping frogs made noise at the edge of the forest.
I found a bug on a large daisy.
There is a small house at the edge of the forest.

Task 21. Pronounce sentences clearly.
A skier is running along the road.
Zhenya won cross-country skiing twice.
Clothes were wet from the rain.
You need to walk every day.
One day we found a snake.
Pajamas and a jacket are clothes.
The artist draws skiers.
Winter is blizzard and snowy.
Yellow-skinned acorns lie under the oak tree. The bear is a taiga resident.
Zhanna goes to the baggage car.
After the rain you can run through puddles.
Hedgehogs were running next to the hedgehog. Zhora lives on the fifth floor.
Walruses live in the north, and giraffes live in the south.
The living corner is home to toads, snakes, hedgehogs and beetles.
Children do not harm animals, and animals love them
The little bear runs and trembles from the cold.
Task 22. Pronounce sentences clearly.
Zhora has a flag, Tanya has an iron. The clumsy little bear lives and does not bother.
The hedgehogs wanted to live under the tree, but snakes already live there. The hedgehog has a stomach ache. Aibolit will help the hedgehog. Two beetles are flying, buzzing: “We need rain for the squeeze.” The installers are doing important work.
You can buy the book you need at the bookstore.
The cobblestones were wet from the rain.
Zhora's father is an installer, and Zhenya's is an artist.
One day Zhenya saw a large orange beetle.
Every day we walk in the nearby forest.
Important documents are in the wallet.
Zhenya cuts out paper lace with scissors.

Pure talk
Task 23. Pronounce clear phrases clearly.
Shi-shi-shi - tire, awl, reeds. Sha-sha-sha - bathe the pebble. Sha-sha-sha - our Masha is good. Sha-sha-sha - come out of the reeds. Sho-sho-sho - Pasha writes well ..Shu-shu-shu - I’m writing a letter. Shu-shu-shu - help the baby. Shu-shu-shu - Masha is eating noodles. Shu-shu-shu - I’m wearing a new fur coat.
She-she-she - a cat in a hut. She-she-she - whispers Shura in a hut. Shi-shi-shi - come on, dance. Shi-shi-shi - kids in the clearing. Shi-shi-shi - porridge Eat, kids. Shi-shi-shi, the reeds are whispering something.
Task 24. Pronounce clear phrases clearly.
Ash-ash-ash - a ball, a car, a pencil. Ash-ash-ash - I am sharpening a pencil. Ash-ash-ash - there is a hut in the forest. Ash-ash-ash - give me a pencil. Osh-osh-osh - Pinocchio was given a penny. Osh-osh-osh - I have a knife. Ush-ush-ush - take a shower. Ush-ush-ush - a warm shower. Ush-ush-ush - there are a lot of pears in the garden. Ysh-ish-ish - Katya has reeds Ysh-ish-ish - the baby is fast asleep. Ysh-ish-ish - I have a baby. Ashka-ashka-ashka - a bug is flying. Oshka-oshka-oshka - there is a cat on the window. Yshka-yshka-yshka is a small mouse.

Task 25. Pronounce clear sayings clearly. Zhu-zhu-zhu - I’m starting the car. Zhu-zhu-zhu - I’m holding a beetle in my hand. Zha-zha-zha - there are two walruses on the ice floe. Zha-zha-zha - we saw a hedgehog. Zha -zha-zhu - there are hedgehogs here. Zha-zha-zha - there are two floors below me. Zhu-zhu-zhu - I go to kindergarten. Zhu-zhu-zhu - I wander through the forest. Zhu-zhu-zhu - how- then I’ve already come to the hedgehog. Zhu-zhu-zhu - I’m not friends with snakes. Zhu-zhu-zhu - we’ll give milk to the hedgehog. Zhu-zhu-zhu - what floor am I on? Zhu-zhu-zhu - we’ve grown up already. Zhe -zhe-zhe - the rain has already passed. Zhi-zhi-zhi - the hedgehogs are running. Zhi-zhi-zhi - hedgehogs live here. Zhi-zhi-zhi - show me the hedgehogs. Zhi-zhi-zhi - there are floors in our house.

Task 26. Come up with sentences based on the pictures.

Task 27. Find in the picture as many objects as possible with the sound Ш.

Task 24. Color the picture, find as many objects as possible that have the sound Z in their names.


Poems for memorization

Teddy bear is making noise at the edge of the forest. There is a bump on the top of the poor bear's head.
Masha has a kitten Timoshka, Misha has a mouse Totoshka. Totoshka and Timoshka cannot help but make at least a little noise.
- Sparrow, what are you waiting for? Don’t you peck at the bread crumbs?
- I noticed the crumbs a long time ago, but I’m afraid of an angry cat.

There are pockets on my new dress. On these pockets there are daisies embroidered. Daisies, daisies - Like meadows. Daisies, daisies - Just like real ones.

By the river, along the edge, lazy frogs walked past the plowed fields to visit their grandmother.

Playful mice are dancing, Some on the cup, some on the lid. Hush, hush, hush, mice, Don’t disturb your little brother’s sleep.

In the hut
In our hut the rooster crows, the little mouse sweeps the hut, the cat sews pants on the window, the chicken scrapes the pots on the stove.
The bully cockerel was cocking, cocking. The bully's comb was torn off somewhere in a fight. He walks around without a comb. He doesn't look like a cockerel.

They were digging up cherries. Sergei said:
- I'm redundant.
Five trees, five children. I went out into the garden in vain. And when the cherries ripened, Seryozha ran into the garden.
“Well, no, now you’re superfluous,” the guys say.

Our grandmother is very kind, Our grandmother has become old. Our grandmother has many wrinkles, With them she is even better and more beautiful. Grandmother will knit warm mittens, Grandma will tell a fairy tale in the evening. We are ready to listen to her for hours, We will tell her what she forgets ourselves.

I'm stirring sand
With clay, like flour.
On a hot stone
I'm baking for dinner
Pretzel - for matryoshka,
Flatbread for the clown,
Gingerbread cookies for Mishka, gingerbread for Zainka.

Cars are rushing madly, Their tires are rustling along the highway. And in the rushing avalanche You can hear a whisper - shu-shu-shu. It is the tire whispering to the tire: “I’m in a hurry, I’m in a hurry, I’m in a hurry!”

A rustling song The autumn bushes rustle. The leaves rustle on the tree. The reeds rustle. And the rain rustles. And the mouse, rustling, hurries into the hole. And there six nimble little mice rustle quietly. But everyone around is indignant: - How the naughty ones rustled!

The clumsy bear cub waits for dinner every day, After all, the bear cub willingly drinks liquid honey for dinner.
Bear cubs
The bear cubs didn’t know that hedgehogs were pricking themselves, and let’s play with the hedgehogs like with bear cubs. Suddenly the bear cubs burst into tears: “Hedgehogs are splinters!” The hedgehogs got scared, carrying tongs and knives, and let’s take out the thorns one by one.

We didn't notice the bug
We didn't notice the bug
And the winter frames were closed.
And he's alive
He's still alive
Buzzing in the window
Spreading my wings.
And I call my mother for help.
- There's a living beetle there. Let's open the frame.

Texts for retelling

In one swamp there lived a toad. She found a tin ring and hid it in the blackberry bushes. On the same day, the crane saw the toad, came closer and said to it plaintively: “Dear toad! I beg you to be my wife!” "Fine! answers the toad. Come back later to the blackberry bushes.”
The crane approached the blackberry with its beak already open. He wanted to quickly swallow the toad. But then a toad ran out and deftly put a tin mug into the crane’s beak. At the same time, the toad slyly said: “Here’s a wedding ring for you, little crane!”
For a long time the surprised crane could not close its beak.

One morning on a forest path* a beetle saw a centipede*. The centipede* wore a yellow hat. “How good she is!” thought the beetle.
Approaching the centipede*, the polite beetle raised his hat. The centipede* was also polite. She gave him her paws for a squeeze and whispered, “Good morning, sweet bug!”
There were so many legs that the beetle shook the last leg closer to dinner.

Natasha lived in a new house and had not yet met the children. Natasha had a grandmother, Lusha.
Once grandma baked a lot of donuts. The donuts came out big and fluffy.
Natasha treated the schoolchildren living on her floor to donuts. These were Lyosha, Dasha and Masha.
So the donuts helped Natasha meet the children!

13 SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT 1415Listen and then retell the story about the girl Natasha and her grandmother. Draw a few donuts on the tray that helped Natasha find friends. Explain in detail how this happened.

Dasha had a cat, Fluffy. Dasha went to school, and Fluffy was waiting for her at home.
During the day Dasha entered the house and gasped! Grandma’s shawl and dad’s hat with earflaps were lying on the floor. And my mother’s slippers were in her hat, on the closet! The naughty cat sat under the coat rack and wiggled his ears.

The driver was driving along the highway. He was carrying sacks of potatoes in his car.
Suddenly the driver sees a horse trudging along the edge of the road. A horse is pulling a cart*, and on it, on top of the same bags, a man is sitting. Overtaking a cart*, the driver shouted to the man: “You can’t go far on a horse!”
Suddenly the car engine stopped. The car stopped in the middle of the highway. Overtaking a car, a man on a horse shouted to the driver: “More slowly as you go!”

13 SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT 1415Listen and then retell the story of a bad trip. Draw the load that the driver was carrying in the back of the car. Explain the meaning of the proverb.

In the spring, when the ice in the swamp melts, you can hear the cries of cranes.
The crane is a large gray bird with long thin legs. In the fall, cranes fly to hot countries and return to us in the spring.
The cranes are flying like a wedge. The leader is flying ahead. The leader is the largest, hardiest, most “respected” crane.

It was a hot summer day. Misha found a fishing rod, caught some beetles for bait and went fishing. Misha sat on the bank, waiting for a bite.
Finally, Misha hooked a small prickly fish called a brush. Misha took the brush into his hands, and it trembled, beat, and moved its gills. Misha took pity on the brush and released him into the water: “Swim, baby, live!”

Lyosha was five years old. Lyosha had a mother, father, grandfather and grandmother.
For the New Year, my grandmother bought Lyosha a book* about horses. Grandfather bought chess for his grandson. Mom bought Lyosha a wind-up car. And dad put skates, a stick and a puck under the tree. So on New Year’s Day, all of Lyosha’s wishes came true!

13 SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT 1415Listen and retell the story about the boy Alyosha. Draw the missing gift in the frame. Come up with 2-3 more gifts, the name of which will have the sound Ш (shirt, pencils, hat).

On the way to school, Natasha and Angela found a hedgehog. The hedgehog* lay under the rosehip branches and did not move. Natasha picked up the hedgehog, put it in a scarf and ran home.
The hedgehog lived with Natasha for two days. Then her mother explained to her: “The hedgehog is good only in the wild. A hedgehog* won’t survive in the house!”
The girlfriends* thought and carried the hedgehog into the forest. Angela and Natasha put the hedgehog on the path* and walked away. The hedgehog sniffed the grass, hissed, and then ran off into the distance with small steps.

Recently there was a fire on our street. A one-story dilapidated house was on fire. A fire truck arrived at the house. The firefighters pulled up their hoses, and water fell on the fire in a wide stream.
The heat became quieter, and there was less and less fire. Firefighters deftly extinguished the fire. Passers-by and street residents did not worry about the house: after all, its time had already passed!

Pasha was a great joker, but his jokes were not always kind... Once Pasha saw little Masha near the house. Right there on the bench lay Mashin the bear.
Pasha ran home to get a large balloon. The joker ran up to the bear and tied it with a string from the ball. When Pasha released the ball, the little bear flew up.
Who benefits from such a joke?

Dasha has a cat, Masha. Masha is a big minx. Either he will climb into the jug, then he will crush his hat, or he will scratch his fur coat.
And recently this is what happened. Dasha’s school friends Pasha and Natasha were sitting on the sofa. They were playing lotto. Suddenly they see a hat moving across the floor. Natasha shouts: “Oh, the hat is alive!..”
Only Dasha knew that these were cat tricks.

13 SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT 1415Listen to the beginning of the story about a living hat and think of its ending. Retell the whole story. Next to the hat, draw what made it move.

Parrot Parrot
Lyosha had a parrot, Petrusha. He sat in a cage and said the same thing all day: “Petrusha is good! Petrusha is good!”
One day Lyosha came into the room and saw that the cat Masha was sitting by the cage, and her paw was already behind bars! The cat is about to reach Petrusha! Lyosha shouted: “Masha, shoot, you’re bad!”
The cat immediately ran away. And Petrusha says: “Mashka is not good! Masha is not good!” That's it Petrusha!


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