Russia and the USA - whose fleet is stronger? “wolf packs” against the USA and NATO? the Russian Navy as assessed by Western experts.

The French Navy has the second largest and most combat-ready aircraft carrier in Europe, the Charles de Gaulle. The ship's total displacement is 42 thousand tons, up to 40 aircraft can be mounted on board, and the ship is equipped with a nuclear power plant. Triumphant-class nuclear submarines have great strike capabilities; the fleet has four such submarines in total.

Triumphants carry M4S ballistic missiles with a firing range of 6,000 km. In the near future, they will be replaced by M51 missiles with a firing range of more than 10,000 km. In addition, there are six multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the Ryubi class. In total, according to open sources, the French fleet has 98 warships and auxiliary vessels.

5. UK

Great Britain once bore the proud title of “Mistress of the Seas”; the fleet of this country was the largest and most powerful in the world. Now Her Majesty's Navy is just a pale shadow of its former power.

HMS Queen Elizabeth. Photo:

Today the Royal Navy does not have a single aircraft carrier. Two, the Queen Elizabeth class, are under construction and should enter the fleet in 2016 and 2018. The most interesting thing is that the British did not have enough funds for such important ships as aircraft carriers, so the designers had to abandon side armor and armored bulkheads. Today, according to open source data, the British Navy has 77 ships.

The most formidable units of the fleet are considered to be four Vanguard-class SSBNs armed with Trident-2 D5 ballistic missiles, each of which could be equipped with fourteen warheads of 100 kT each. Wanting to save money, the British military bought only 58 of these missiles, which was enough for only three boats - 16 each. Theoretically, each Vanguard can carry up to 64 missiles, but this is uneconomical.

In addition to them, Daring-class destroyers, Trafalgar-class submarines and the newest Estute-class represent an impressive force.

4. China

The Chinese fleet is one of the most numerous, with 495 ships of various classes. The largest ship is the aircraft carrier "Liaoning" with a displacement of 59,500 tons (the former Soviet aircraft-carrying cruiser "Varyag", which was sold to China by Ukraine at the price of scrap metal).

The fleet also includes strategic missile carriers - Project 094 Jin nuclear submarines. The submarines are capable of carrying 12 Julan-2 (JL-2) ballistic missiles with a range of 8-12 thousand km.

There are also many “fresh” ships, for example, destroyers of type 051C, type “Lanzhou”, type “Modern” and frigates of “Jiankai” type.

3. Japan

In the Japanese Navy, all capital ships are classified as destroyers, so true destroyers include aircraft carriers (two Hyuga-class ships and two Shirane-class ships), cruisers and frigates. For example, two Atago-class destroyers boast a cruising displacement of 10 thousand tons.

But these are not the largest ships - this year the fleet will include a 27,000-ton Izumo-class helicopter carrier, and another will be produced in 2017. In addition to helicopters, F-35B fighters can be based at Izumo.

The Japanese submarine fleet, despite the absence of nuclear submarines, is considered the strongest in the world. It has five Soryu-class submarines, eleven Oyashio-class submarines and one Harushio-class submarine.

The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force currently has approximately 124 ships. Experts note that the Japanese fleet has a balanced ship composition and is a combat system thought out to the smallest detail.

2. Russia

The Russian fleet has 280 ships. The most formidable are the Project 1144 Orlan heavy cruisers with a displacement of 25,860 tons; there are only three of them, but the firepower of these ships is simply amazing. It is not for nothing that NATO classifies these cruisers as battle cruisers.

Three other cruisers, Project 1164 Atlant, with a displacement of 11,380 tons, are not inferior to them in armament. But the largest is the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" with a displacement of 61,390 tons. This ship is not only well protected by air defense systems, but also armored. Rolled steel is used as armor, and the anti-torpedo three-layer protection with a width of 4.5 m can withstand a hit of 400 kg of TNT charge.

However, the fleet itself is being actively modernized: it is planned that by 2020 the Russian Navy will receive about 54 modern surface combat ships, 16 multipurpose submarines and 8 strategic missile submarines of the Borei class.

1. USA

The US Navy has the largest fleet in the world, with 275 ships, including 10 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers; no other country has such an impressive force. It is on the navy that the military power of the United States is mainly based.

Soon, the Nimitz should be complemented by even more advanced ships - aircraft carriers of the Gerald R. Ford type with a displacement of more than 100,000 tons.

The US submarine fleet is no less impressive: 14 Ohio-class nuclear submarines, each carrying 24 Trident 2 ballistic missiles. Three advanced submarines of the Sea Wolf type, the price of which was exorbitant for the United States, so it was decided to abandon the construction of a large series. Instead, cheaper Virginia-class submarines are being built, while there are only 10 of them in the fleet so far.

In addition, 41 Los Angeles-class submarines remain in the Navy. The US Navy has gigantic military power, which today hardly anyone can challenge.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the United States military leadership intensified several large-scale programs, the main goal of which was to improve the combat capabilities, combat effectiveness and organizational structure of the naval forces. At the moment, the reorganization plans of the US Navy are nearing completion. At the same time, programs are being actively implemented to build up and restructure the composition of the combat fleet, forming its future basis of 313 ships. The strategic principles of combat mission of the Navy together with the forces of the Coast Guard, Marine Corps and the fleets of friendly and allied partner countries of the United States have been significantly expanded and supplemented. These principles are enshrined in the recently developed American maritime strategy.

Organizational structure

The USA has a fairly conservative and practically unchanged structure for almost two centuries. Current changes have affected mainly the internal structure of individual commands (middle and senior levels) and main governing bodies. It includes the navy and infantry, which, in turn, consist of reserve formations and regular forces. In this case, infantry can formally be equated to a separate branch of the armed forces. There is also a maritime security division under the Department of Homeland Security. But this is only in peacetime. In conditions of emergency or war, it becomes subordinate to the naval forces.

The US Navy, which is constantly being replenished, included 332 thousand people by mid-2008. Of these, 51 thousand are officers. The number of Marines is 175 thousand people, of which 40 thousand are in reserve.

Two fleets

According to the administrative organization, everything is combined into two fleets: the Pacific and the Atlantic. They combine the forces of the Marine Corps, as well as air, surface and submarine forces. In addition, the Navy includes 10 coastal and 4 inter-naval commands of central subordination.

Atlantic Fleet

Created in 1906, the Atlantic Fleet changed its status several times. In 1923 it was reorganized into a patrol and reconnaissance unit. In 1941 it again became Atlantic with a change in rank of command. If earlier this fleet was headed by a rear admiral, now the rank has been raised to full (“four-star”) admiral. From 1947 to 1985, the fleet was headed by the Commander-in-Chief (GC). In addition to his main duties, he oversaw ships on the Atlantic. In 1986, he was transferred to the position of deputy. At the end of 2002, the title of commander in chief was abolished by the Secretary of Defense (it became applicable only to the President of the United States), and the admirals and generals who held the corresponding positions were again called commanders. In 2006, the Fleet Forces Command (FFC) was upgraded to the United States Fleet Forces Command (USFFC). And the commander of the Atlantic Fleet began to lead the forces of the United States fleet and received expanded powers.

Pacific Fleet

The head of the Pacific Fleet is directly subordinate to the commander of the US Navy, who provides advice on logistics, training, manning and deployment of the overall fleet forces. At the same time, he oversees the forces of both the Atlantic and Pacific. In addition, the head of the Pacific Fleet is entrusted with the responsibility of leading the naval formations that are part of the joint armed forces (USJFCOM) of the Strategic and Northern Commands. Administratively, the USFFC reports only to the Atlantic Fleet, as well as five coastal and two inter-fleet commands.

Operational fleets

These are the highest operational commands in the US Navy. Based on the unification of several structures of the Atlantic Fleet, the 2nd (North Atlantic), 4th (Caribbean) and 6th (Mediterranean Sea) fleets were formed. The homogeneous forces of the Pacific Fleet are represented by the 3rd, 5th and 7th fleets. Heterogeneous operational detachments, formations and groups that are part of the operational fleets are equipped with auxiliary vessels, ships and various units (marines, aviation, etc.).

Department of the Navy

This is the highest administrative body for the management of the Marine Corps and Navy forces. In accordance with the tenth article of the constitution, the Secretary of the Navy controls all daily activities of the ministry, including those related to demobilization, mobilization and organizational activities, the formation of personnel, equipment, equipment, supplies, training of units and formations of the US Navy, a photo of which is attached to this article. The Minister is also responsible for reviewing programs for the production (or construction), repair and modernization of ships, equipment and military equipment, as well as coastal structures and facilities. In addition, he formulates strategic concepts and programs related to the preservation of national security, in accordance with the orders of the Minister of Defense and the President of the country.

Naval Headquarters

It is the highest governing body of the country's Navy. It is headed by the chief military commander (essentially the commander) of the naval forces. The Secretary of the Navy gave him overall command of the fleet. He is responsible for the utilization of all government resources and the operational response of the active shore commands of the US Navy base. He also acts as an adviser to the Secretary of the Navy and the President on matters related to the conduct of military operations and is responsible to them for all decisions made. Subordinate to the Commander of the Navy are the first deputy, the administrative chief of staff and four deputies who head the main directorates (network systems and communications; development and planning of strategic concepts; education, personnel and training of personnel who will subsequently be selected for the US Navy uniform; integration of resources and capabilities ).

Fleet operational headquarters

They are combined with the headquarters of other operational fleets (4th, 5th and 6th) and have a clear organizational structure, verified by many years of military experience. Such a headquarters, headed by a deputy commander, includes staff departments (intelligence, operations, personnel, logistics, etc.) and departments (chaplain, medical, security, etc.).

US Navy combat personnel

Thanks to its potential (balanced structure and combat capabilities), it has always corresponded to the volume and scale of operational and strategic tasks posed throughout the twentieth century. After the end of the Cold War and a significant “warming” of the international military climate, combat strength was greatly reduced. But this is only a temporary measure. Although, when compared with other countries, the United States is not so bad. For example, the ratio of the Russian and US Navy is 1 to 10.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the country's leadership and members of the high command of the Navy began to think about increasing naval power. They justified this by the US entering the war on international terrorism. In fact, the reason for this war is not the terrorist threat, but the threat of an international energy crisis. This war is still going on in the Middle East, having transformed into an outright struggle for total control over international markets for raw materials.

Air Force

This includes the US Navy's multi-mission aircraft carriers, which are the main core of strike groups and formations and one of the most important components of the Navy's operational fleets. Currently, ten (out of 11) ships of this class have nuclear power plants.

When the operational deployment of air strike groups occurs, each aircraft carrier begins to take on board the air wing assigned to it. Since one ship out of 11 is constantly undergoing a planned overhaul, the leadership of the regular Navy has formed ten such air wings. Each of them includes up to 80 helicopters and airplanes. Moreover, the composition of the squadrons is made up of the Pacific and Atlantic fleets and partly from the Marine Corps. In total, the naval aviation has 4,000 air units at its disposal.

The pace of construction of airplanes, helicopters, submarines and surface ships is determined by the regulations for the formation of the necessary ship, expeditionary and aircraft carrier strike groups.

Surface forces

This includes surface ships of the US Navy of the main classes: 22 cruisers (Ticonderoga), 33 amphibious assault ships, 52 destroyers (Orly Burke), 30 frigates (Oliver H. Perry), 10 universal Tarav. In addition, there are 9 helicopter dock ships, 12 dock transports and 14 mine-sweeping Avengers. Thus, the total number of US Navy ships is 104 units. In the future it is planned to significantly increase this figure.

Surface warships provide all types of protection in combat missions and during fleet passages at sea. They also take part in special operations to carry out missile and artillery strikes against coastal and sea targets. In addition, landing ships were included in the updated composition of naval formations. There are also mine-sweeping vessels that independently participate in mine action operations. By the way, quite recently the Russian media mentioned two new ships of the US Navy in the Black Sea. The ships appeared there on the eve of the Olympic Games in Sochi to ensure security.

Contracts for the construction of the first 2 destroyers (DDG -1000 and -1001) were signed at the beginning of 2007 for seven- and eight-year terms. The Navy leadership also allocated funds for the construction of 5 similar ships (DDG-1002-1006). By 2018 they will be completely ready. In 2011 and 2013, construction began on 2 cruisers of the CG (X) project. Their transfer to the fleet will take place in 2019. These ships were designed on the basis of the DD(X) project and were planned as a replacement for the 22 Ticonderoga-class cruisers. However, continuing the construction of a series of ships of the CG(X) project is very problematic. Therefore, the Navy is considering various alternative options. One of them is the creation of 5 guided missile cruisers. But the final decision has not been made yet.

The importance of naval combat operations in coastal areas gave rise to the creation of a completely new class of ships under the LCS project - coastal combat ships. The first two ships (Independence and Freedom) have already been delivered to the fleet in 2008 and 2009. The construction of the next 2 ships (LCS-3 and -4) was suspended due to an exorbitant increase in the cost of work under previously signed contracts. These contracts were terminated. Of course, multi-purpose ships of this class are very important for the Navy, but funding for construction has been postponed indefinitely. In total, 55 ships were planned to be built under the LCS project. The final decision will be made only after a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the combat characteristics of already built models. The Navy will then select the best design. In any case, the completion date of this program will have to be postponed much further than indicated in the 2020 plan.

Submarine forces

Includes 4 SSGNs ("Ohio"), 52 multi-purpose SSNs (45 "Los Angeles", 4 "Virginia" and 3 "Sea Wolf") and 14 SSBNs ("Ohio").

The service life of nuclear submarines (SSNs) in the US Navy has been extended until 2040 in accordance with the overall development plan. By that time, it is planned to introduce a new generation of submarine missile carriers into service.

According to the current fleet development program until 2020, the navy will need 48 submarines. But this figure is not final and may change either up or down.

Every year, starting from 2009, one multi-purpose nuclear submarine (Virginia) was built. The last one will be completed in 2015. These submarines will replace some of the Los Angeles boats, which have practically exhausted their operational life. Since 2011, it was planned to allocate funds from the budget for the construction of two submarines annually, and by 2018, to provide the US Navy with the 30th submarine of this type. The likelihood of this plan being realized is very high.

Auxiliary fleet

Currently represented by 10 logistics vessels and 32 mobile vessels. In addition, the PLA mother ship is included in the category of specialized vessels, and the SSBN mother ship belongs to the nuclear missile forces of the MB. The fleet now also includes 5 ammunition transport units (the new Lewis & Clark type) and supplies. The total strength of the US Navy (namely ships) was indicated above.

Warships and their ancestors resting on the seabed are powerful symbols of past, present and future conflicts. We invite you to get acquainted with the largest navies of states that today feel the need for superiority in power on the water.

15. Royal Netherlands Navy: 116,308 tons

The most powerful fleet of the 17th century belonged to Holland. Today its fleet carries out peacekeeping missions on behalf of NATO and can be proud of 23 ships. Anti-aircraft frigates of the De Zeven Provinciën class, worth $800 million, and transport ships of the Karel Doorman class, worth $400 million, are part of the Dutch fleet.

14. Indonesian Navy: 142,094 tons

Unlike the Dutch fleet, the Indonesian Navy consists of 150 ships as of 2009. Today it is the largest fleet in Southeast Asia. The modern “Chang Bogo” class torpedo submarines, boats and corvettes are in service. In addition, Indonesia is proud of its frigates.

13. Turkish Navy: 148,448 tons

The Turkish Navy is proud of its glorious history, which began during the Ottoman Empire. The last time he showed himself was during the War of Independence in 1920. At that time, the fleet served battlecruisers and destroyers, which have now long been decommissioned. Frigates, patrol boats and minesweepers form the backbone of Turkey's modern fleet. In addition, Türkiye has 14 submarines.

12. Spanish Navy: 148,607 tons

The fleet that brought Columbus to the shores of America and made a trip around the world today consists of 42 ships, including transport ships, landing ships, and anti-submarine ships. Modern amphibious assault ships, such as the Juan Carlos I, named after the King of Spain, cost $600 billion and are considered the heaviest and most powerful ships in the world.

11. Republic of China Navy (Taiwan): 168,662 tons

Created in 1924, the Taiwanese navy was intended primarily to counter the Chinese invasion. Therefore, they are armed with Tian Dan class frigates with modern anti-submarine, anti-aircraft torpedo systems and radars. There are 50 ships in total.

10. Brazilian Navy: 172,190 tons

South America's most powerful navy took an active part in the Paraguayan War in the 19th century, submarines patrolled the oceans during two world wars, and the fleet also took part in Operation Lobster in 1962. The photo shows the frigate “Bosisio” opening fire on an unmanned ship during an exercise with the US Navy. But compared to the flagship and aircraft carrier NAe Sao Paulo, which displaces 32,800 tons, the frigate looks sleek.

9. Italian Navy: 184,744 tons

Reformed after the Second World War, the Italian Navy today has 63 warships as of August of this year, including the flagship aircraft carrier “Cavour” (550) with a displacement of 27,000 tons, torpedo frigates of the “Bergamini” and “Maestrale” class, modern anti-aircraft destroyers "Horizon" class, which are also in service with France.

8. Republic of Korea Navy: 195,910 tons

Like its northern neighbor, Korea claims 1/3 of all disputed islands in the South China Sea. Today, the Korean Navy has 80 ships, including Son Wonil-class submarines and 20 new Incheon-class frigates costing $230 million and built by Hyundai.

7. French Navy: 321 85 tons

The photo shows Rubis Amethyste class submarines in the roadstead. France can be proud of the Triomphant class strategic submarine cruiser, the flagship aircraft carrier R91 Charles de Gaulle with a displacement of 37,000 tons, and a number of modern frigates, destroyers, amphibians and other vessels.

6. Royal Navy: 345,400 tons

No state in the world has such a centuries-old fleet as Great Britain. Since World War II, it has been considered one of the most powerful in the world. During the Cold War, anti-submarine ships appeared in naval service to counter the Soviet Union. Today, the fleet is equipped with vessels of various types and classes, including the Albion-class amphibious vehicle, the Vanguard-class submarine cruiser, and Type 45-class destroyers costing $1.7 billion per unit.

5. Indian Navy: 381,375 tons

The Indian fleet and the Indonesian fleet have one common feature - ships with small displacement. The Indian Navy operates Kyiv-class aircraft carriers with a displacement of 45,400 tons. India's submarine fleet is still underdeveloped, although arsenal upgrades have been made in recent decades.

4. Japanese Navy: 405,800 tons

With around 100 vessels, Japan's navy is considered the second largest in terms of destroyers, including the 10,000-ton Atago-class and the 27,000-ton Izumo-class helicopter carrier. According to the requirement put forward to Japan, as an ally of Germany, immediately after World War II, the state has the right only to anti-submarine submarines and minesweepers.

3. People's Republic of China Navy: 896,445 tons

China decided to surpass everyone, if not in quality, then in quantity. Of the 377 ships, which is the largest fleet in the world, most were built during the existence of the USSR. The Chinese navy prides itself on its domestically manufactured ships, including aircraft carriers, destroyers and submarines. In addition, last year China built 15 corvettes, small, fast combat vessels.

2. Russian Navy: 927,120 tons

Although the official beginning of the Russian Navy is considered to be 1991, the state inherited the powerful fleet of the Soviet Union. The most modern Russian destroyer of the Sovremenny class is 20 years old, and the oldest representative is 50 years old. The Russian submarine fleet is represented by the Delta III boats, 1970s, and the Borei nuclear-powered icebreaker. In addition, 20 Kilo-class diesel-electric boats are in service and many are still being built to replace outdated models. The government has planned to update the fleet's arsenal.

1. US Navy: 3,378,758 tons

If you look at the catalogs of the US Navy, you will be amazed by the class and power of warships. The fleet has 270 vessels in service, the oldest being manufactured in 1970. The state is not deprived of financial resources and, naturally, modernization of the armed forces is one of the primary goals. Although in terms of numbers, the United States lags behind North Korea.

So let's look at what we have in fleets today. US Navy - 286 warships, Russian Navy - 196 ships. However, it is pointless to compare the fleets of the United States and Russia by quantitative factors, since on the Russian side there is no subject for comparison entirely and qualitatively, despite the beautiful quantitative factor.

The average age of Russian Navy ships exceeds 25 years , while they were operated under conditions of total underfunding, no serious modernizations were carried out, it was often not possible to carry out scheduled repairs and maintenance - the technical condition and combat effectiveness of the Russian fleet is not difficult to imagine. In this respect, comparison with the US Navy is impossible.

Complex exercises and campaigns over the past two decades can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The combat training parameter is also completely not in favor of the Russian Navy. The floating rear is absent as a category; the same thing happened to it as with all polymers.
The raison d'être of the US Navy is the projection of power anywhere in the world.. The organizational structure, basing system and weapons correspond to this task.
The meaning of existence, as it is now, is UNCLEAR.

Strategic Nuclear Component

In the US Navy, the entire fleet is a strategic component, including surface ships, aircraft carriers, and even civilian container ships, lighters and tankers potentially converted into missile platforms (arsenal ships), capable of carrying and using hundreds of Tomahawks.

USA - up to half of SSBNs are constantly in combat positions, the presence of American Navy forces in all regions, the basing system, and developed aerospace forces make it possible to ensure their supply with information and cover, and, consequently, their use anywhere in the world.

For the Russian fleet, SSBNs are too expensive and vulnerable launch platform, as a component of the nuclear deterrent force, on its own, without developed surface cover, did not make sense 10 years ago. In the current conditions, they are only capable of firing ICBMs from the quay wall, and only if they are well covered. "Groza AUG" submarine cruiser "Kursk" was sunk with impunity in its own waters, being under the cover of the entire Northern Fleet.

Surface component

The military-political leadership of the North Atlantic bloc in its militaristic plans assigns a special place to military preparations in Southern Europe. It considers this strategically important area as one of the main springboards for pursuing an aggressive policy against the USSR and other countries of the socialist community, as well as for implementing its expansionist goals in the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the organization of the command of the NATO Navy in the South European Theater of Operations

NATO strike naval forces in the South European theater of operations are formed on the basis of the 6th Fleet, which includes carrier strike, anti-submarine and amphibious landing forces, as well as service forces. In addition, it is planned to include individual missile ships of Great Britain in the strike naval forces.

The transfer of the US 6th Fleet, Italian and British ships to the operational subordination of the NATO Commander-in-Chief in the South European Theater of Operations is carried out, as reported in the foreign press, with a sharp aggravation of the international situation in the theater and with the outbreak of war, and also for the period of conducting exercises of the united armed forces of the bloc in this area.

The commander of the NATO strike naval forces becomes the commander of the US 6th Fleet, who leaves the subordination of the commander of the US Navy in the European zone and is resubordinated to the commander in chief of the NATO Allied Forces in the South European Theater - also an American admiral. The marching headquarters of the commander of the 6th Fleet is located on one of the missile cruisers of the US Navy, and in order to coordinate actions in the NATO system, there is a special (shore) headquarters in Naples, headed by the deputy commander. Its strength is about 70 people, of which 33 are officers. In addition to American officers, the headquarters includes representatives of the British, Italian and Turkish navies, as well as liaison officers from cooperating commands.

In peacetime, the coastal headquarters plans and organizes naval strike exercises within the framework of all-NATO exercises, clarifies and develops plans for their participation in operations of the initial period of limited and general nuclear war. Much attention is paid to the issues of reassignment of the 6th Fleet, during which it is transferred from an American organization to a NATO one (the numbering of its operational units is also changed), as well as interaction with other NATO Allied Forces commands in the theater, primarily with the command united NATO naval forces in the South European theater of operations.

According to foreign military experts, the US 6th Fleet usually has about 50 ships and auxiliary vessels, including two aircraft carriers (on board 160-180 aircraft, half of which are carriers of nuclear weapons), two or three missile cruisers , up to 20 destroyers and frigates (including guided missile ships), several nuclear submarines, landing ships and auxiliary vessels, as well as base patrol aircraft. The fleet personnel already in peacetime are staffed according to wartime standards and number approximately 25,000 people, including 1,800-2,000 marines. Fleet ships are at sea most of the time. When the international situation worsens, the 6th Fleet is usually strengthened by the transfer of ships, aircraft and marine units from the American Atlantic Fleet.

The main bases for ships of the 6th Fleet are naval bases and ports in Italy, Greece, Turkey and Spain. The flagship with a traveling staff (approximately 40 people) on board is assigned to the Italian naval base of Gaeta (near Naples).

According to foreign press reports, the NATO strike navy is expected to have an aircraft carrier strike force (one or two carrier strike groups) and amphibious assault forces, as well as service forces.

The carrier strike force could include two American aircraft carriers and more than 20 escort ships from the US, British and Italian navies. Italian and British ships are planned to be allocated during a period of aggravation of the international situation, and with the arrival of reinforcement forces from the US Navy in the Atlantic in the Mediterranean Sea, they become operationally subordinate to the command of the united NATO naval forces in the theater or act according to national plans.

The amphibious assault force of the Navy can include up to 10 landing ships and transports with a reinforced battalion of US Marines on board. In addition, depending on the specific situation, this connection is strengthened by landing ships and marine units of the Mediterranean countries participating in the bloc, Great Britain and the US Atlantic Fleet. The navies of the Mediterranean NATO countries alone have more than 80 landing ships and vessels, which can accommodate several battalions of marines.

According to the NATO organization, service forces are not formed into a separate formation. Supply transports, tankers and other auxiliary vessels, conditionally forming these forces, are temporarily (for the period of replenishment of supplies and food) included in the operational formations of the NATO strike naval forces. After the transfer of supplies, the auxiliary vessels leave the subordination of the NATO command, and their protection is organized with the help of national forces.

NATO's strike naval forces, as emphasized in the foreign press, are considered by the bloc's command as the most important means of conducting combat operations in a limited war using both conventional and nuclear weapons. They play a special role during periods of heightened international tension and the emergence of an emergency situation in certain areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Thus, during the period of aggravation of the internal political situation in Lebanon in May 1976 and relations between the countries of the Middle East, ships of the 6th Fleet of the United States and other NATO countries, under the guise of conducting the NATO Allied Forces exercise “Don Patrol-76”, were brought under the operational subordination of the leadership of the North Atlantic Alliance, put on high alert and concentrated in the Eastern Mediterranean in order to demonstrate a military presence and put pressure on the progressive and democratic forces of the Arab countries.

Plans for the use of strike naval forces in warriors are systematically worked out at major operational-strategic exercises of the NATO Allied Forces in the South European Theater of Operations, as well as at special exercises of the US 6th Fleet, conducted jointly with ships of the navies of Italy, Great Britain, France and other countries of the bloc. In 1976, to the fullest extent, most of the tasks assigned to the strike naval forces were worked out at the Don Patrol-76 and Display Determination exercises (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The exit of landing craft from the American transport dock during the exercise “Display Determination”

Created in 1967 after the abolition of the NATO High Command in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations, which had existed here since March 1953. Its task, according to the plan of the bloc’s leadership, includes ensuring and supporting the combat operations of the strike naval forces, fighting enemy submarines and surface ships, blockading the Black Sea and Gibraltar Straits, supporting ground forces in coastal areas, ensuring amphibious landings, and protecting sea communications.

The united Navy is headed by the concurrent commander of the Lower Tyrrhenian Naval District of Italy, who is directly subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the NATO Allied Forces in the South European Theater of Operations. In peacetime, the commander, through his headquarters, controls the combat training of the naval forces of the Mediterranean countries - members of the NATO bloc, organizes joint exercises of national fleets and develops operational plans for the use of the joint naval forces in the theater. In wartime, he is called upon to manage the operations of these forces, organize their interaction with others forces, primarily with the strike naval forces, to coordinate the combat operations of formations in certain areas of the Mediterranean Sea.

The commander's headquarters is located in Nisida (Naples area). It consists of six departments - planning, operational, combat training, reconnaissance, logistics and communications and has more than 120 representatives of the countries contributing forces to this command.

Command of the joint NATO naval forces in the South European Theater of Operations organizationally includes eight independent commands, including six naval commands in certain areas of the Mediterranean Sea (Gibraltar, Western, Central, South-Eastern, Eastern and North-Eastern), the NATO Joint Base Aviation Command in the Mediterranean Sea and the NATO Joint Submarine Command in the Mediterranean sea. In addition, the commander of the NATO naval unit for “on-call” operations in the Mediterranean is subordinate to the Commander of the Combined Naval Forces in the theater.

The combined naval forces in the regions are headed by the admiral of the country - a member of the bloc, whose shores are adjacent to the given sea area, and in the Gibraltar and South-Eastern regions - by representatives of Great Britain.

The commanders of the united NATO naval forces in the Mediterranean regions primarily manage their national fleets allocated to the bloc's allied forces, as well as the forces of the fleets of other NATO member countries in the “areas of responsibility” of the relevant areas.

Under the commanders of the unified naval forces in the areas there are headquarters, respectively represented by the national headquarters of the naval forces, which include liaison officers from neighboring areas of the Mediterranean, as well as representatives of the US naval forces.

The combat composition of the operational formations created directly in the Mediterranean Sea is not constant and depends on the specific task set by the commander of the combined NATO naval forces, or the developing situation.

To solve the tasks assigned to the command of the united NATO naval forces in the South European theater of operations, the bulk of the naval and aviation forces are allocated from the navies of Italy, Greece and Turkey, as well as some of the ships of Great Britain and the United States in the Mediterranean Sea. It is planned to leave under national control a certain number of anti-submarine and mine-sweeping ships necessary to ensure a favorable operational regime in the territorial waters of these countries or to solve problems according to national plans. In total, according to foreign press data, in the navies of these countries as of January 1977 there were about 500 warships of the main classes and boats, as well as more than 100 shore-based aircraft and helicopters.

The NATO Joint Base Air Command in the Mediterranean was created by decision of the NATO Military Planning Committee in November 1968 with the aim of coordinating the reconnaissance activities of the base patrol aircraft of the Mediterranean member countries of the bloc, as well as the United States and Great Britain, throughout the Mediterranean Sea.

This command is headed part-time by an American admiral, who is also the commander of US Navy aviation in the area.

In peacetime, the commander, through his headquarters, controls aviation, supervises combat training, organizes exercises, and develops operational plans for its use in theater operations. In wartime, he is called upon to lead combat activities and organize interaction with other types of united armed forces of the bloc.

The commander's headquarters is located in Naples. It includes representatives of countries whose aviation is allocated to the command. In addition, at the headquarters there are liaison officers from the NATO Allied Forces, as well as.

Unlike other commands, the Joint Basic Aviation Command already in peacetime receives aircraft and patrol aviation units from the US and Italian Navy, as well as the British Air Force in the Middle East. The number of airplanes and helicopters transferred to the command depends on the needs for them at the moment.

Patrolling is carried out mainly by US aircraft (up to 13 aircraft) from the air bases of Sigonella (Sicily) and Rota (Spain). In addition, the commander of US Navy aviation in the Mediterranean has at his disposal a detachment of aircraft at Souda Air Base (Crete), which can be transferred to the unified command.

British base patrol aircraft from airfields on the islands of Cyprus and Malta and the naval base of Gibraltar, as well as base patrol aircraft and anti-submarine helicopters from Italy, also take part in the patrols.

During the exercise, the number of allocated aircraft and helicopters increases. The foreign press noted that during the exercises, the main focus is on improving the tactics of searching and detecting “enemy” submarines and surface ships. In daily activities and in almost all exercises in the Mediterranean, the use of aircraft and helicopter search systems in interaction with anti-submarine weapons of surface ships is constantly being worked out.

In the event of a sharp escalation of the situation in the Mediterranean, this command is planned to include all base patrol aircraft and anti-submarine helicopters of these countries, as well as patrol aircraft of the Greek and Turkish navies.

NATO's Combined Submarine Force in the Mediterranean are formed in the event of an emergency situation in the South European theater of operations or with the outbreak of war, as well as during exercises of the united armed forces of the bloc.

The Joint Submarine Forces Command was created in 1967 and is headed by the concurrent commander of the US Navy's submarine forces in the Mediterranean. The commander's headquarters is located in Naples. In peacetime, the headquarters, under the leadership of the commander, develops plans for the use of submarines of the bloc countries in a limited and general nuclear war, coordinates them with the commands of the strike and joint naval forces and prepares proposals for their use for the commander in chief of the NATO Allied Forces in the theater. The submarines allocated to the command, judging by Western press reports, are intended to be used mainly on the created anti-submarine lines and in certain areas to combat enemy submarines and surface ships, as well as to provide anti-aircraft defense for aircraft carrier and landing formations, conduct convoys, conduct reconnaissance and disruption of enemy shipping in the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

It is planned to include up to 60 nuclear and diesel torpedo submarines from the US, British, Italian, Greek and Turkish navies into the NATO joint submarine force command.

American nuclear missile submarines based at the Rota naval base are not allocated to the NATO Allied Forces in the South European Theater of Operations, but are constantly under the direct subordination of the US Chiefs of Staff.

NATO naval force on call in the Mediterranean is a multinational formation of the bloc's naval forces in the South European theater of operations. Its tasks in peacetime are to conduct joint combat training of ships of different nationalities and participate in exercises of the joint NATO naval forces. Since 1970, it has been formed, as a rule, two to three times a year to conduct exercises (for up to one month) and includes one anti-submarine ship each from the US, British and Mediterranean NATO member states (see). However, having announced its withdrawal from the military organization of the bloc, from July 1974 it refused to allocate its ship to the formation. To support exercises and practice individual combat training tasks, submarines, carrier-based aircraft, tactical and base patrol aircraft, torpedo boats and auxiliary vessels are allocated from the navies of the participating countries.

An officer from each of the participating countries is alternately appointed as the commander of the unit. In operational terms, he is subordinate to the commander of the joint NATO naval forces in the South European Nuclear Forces. The overall command of the formation for “on-call” actions is carried out by the Commander-in-Chief of NATO Allied Forces in the theater of operations.

According to the foreign press, the formation includes the most combat-ready ships (destroyers and frigates, including guided missiles), whose personnel have a fairly high level of maritime training and are proficient in weapons and equipment. During combat training and exercises, unified tactics of anti-submarine operations are practiced, the organization of all types of defense during sea crossings is developed, and common views are developed (within NATO) on the conduct of combat operations at sea and the use of various types of weapons.

In 1976, the unit participated in the exercise of the joint NATO armed forces in the theater of operations under the code name “Don Patrol-76” and conducted two independent exercises - “Dynasty Form-76” and “Daylight Forty-76”.

The foreign press noted that the creation of such a formation was determined primarily by military-political goals: to demonstrate the readiness and determination of the Mediterranean member countries of the bloc, with the support of the United States and Great Britain, to “protect their collective interests” at sea by force of arms. In fact, this is one of NATO’s “fire brigades,” which, by decision of the bloc’s leadership, can be sent to areas of tense international situations to exert political pressure on individual states, including member countries of the North Atlantic bloc.

Judging by Western press reports, during periods of increased international tension, this formation may be strengthened or a larger multinational operational unit of the bloc's naval forces may be formed on its basis.

In the course of numerous exercises on the formation and use of the formation for "on-call" operations, NATO command is exploring the possibility of converting it into a standing force similar to the existing standing NATO naval force in the Atlantic. However, due to disagreements between the countries of the bloc, including between Greece and Turkey, this issue has not yet been resolved.

The far from complete data on the structure, purpose and composition of the NATO attack and joint naval forces in the South European theater of operations, taken from the foreign press, indicate that the leadership of the bloc assigns them a leading role in their military preparations in the theater. The organizational structure created in peacetime allows, in the opinion of foreign military experts, to form from them operational formations (formations) of the container and united naval forces and use them in various types of armed conflicts with the use of conventional and nuclear weapons.

Despite the presence of serious political and economic contradictions between the countries of the bloc in the Mediterranean, the NATO command seeks to demonstrate their unity and readiness to defend their “interests” at sea by force of arms. The headquarters of the strike and joint naval forces continue to develop new plans for the use of naval forces in the Mediterranean Sea, intensify operational and combat training. This once again confirms the fact that the military-political leadership of the North Atlantic bloc continues to intensively prepare its naval forces for a new war against the Soviet Union and other countries of the socialist commonwealth.

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