With the song of every bird in man. Essay my dear homeland

Municipal educational institution

average secondary school № 42

Extracurricular activity“Where did the sparrow have lunch?”

(Methodological development as part of the promotion

"Help wintering birds")



Type of lesson: combined with the use of ICT

Methods and forms of work:

    front form of work;

    search, explanatory-illustrative, practical method.





Purpose of the lesson:

1) identify ideological, semantic and artistic content works used;

2) to educate standards of morality and morality through understanding the problem under consideration;

3) teach the ability to interpret work of art

Lesson objectives:


    develop the ability to formulate definitions of concepts;

    develop the ability to express your thoughts, perceive and assimilate information;

    enrich vocabulary students;


    implementation of a systemic activity approach;

    development of critical thinking;

    development of attention;

    formation of UUD (personal, regulatory, cognitive):

    developing the ability to formulate and prove one’s point of view;

    development of skills to analyze, compare, generalize;

    develop the ability to apply new knowledge;

    development of creative and speech abilities of students;

    formation of logical skills;

    developing the ability to rely on what is already known, on one’s subjective experience;

    development of the ability to formulate a problem.


    fostering interest and respect for literature;

    education of a value attitude towards words;

    creating conditions for the education of moral standards through understanding the meaning of the problem under consideration

Main activities : expressive reading, oral answers to teacher questions, work with text, vocabulary work.


General education : Learning to analyze a text based on teacher questions: the author’s position

Information : find information, be able to convey it.

Equipment : PC, set of illustrations for the lesson, videos

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational stage, introduction to the problem

Good afternoon, guys. Take your seats. I hope that you and I will work very friendly and actively today.

1) Emotional charging:

How nice it is to wake up at dawn,
Look at the world, watch the birds
And to know that living in the world is higher than happiness
Nothing in the world can happen


Beautiful is everything that is simple, everything that is complex,
And how can we not admire you and me?
Any earthly creature- even if insignificant,
Earthly unique beauty!


Everything is beautiful: the falcon and the grasshopper,
Green and yellowing leaf,
And rain, and snowfall, and even and odd,
Everything that arrives on time or not on time.

(Vitaly Gorgol)

What is it about beautiful poem? What paintings was it inspired by the author?

2) Work on the inclusion of associative thinking.

Look at the proposed image (author M.D. Lisitsa) and tell me whether it corresponds to the main idea of ​​the poem you listened to? (Presentation slide )

Of course, there are no birds in this image, and without birds nature would be empty.

2. Formulation

Could it happen that there will be no birds on planet Earth? (Unlikely on the entire planet).

Why do birds make us people happy? (Unusual amazing world nature is the world of birds. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing and varied plumage. Without birdsong the world would be boring)

Where might bird numbers be declining and why? (Where it is cold and frosty, when it is difficult for birds to obtain food on their own)

( Presentation slide )

2. Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson for students. Correction by teacher.

Try to formulate a broad topic for our lesson: what are we going to talk about today? (“Wintering Birds”) and goals.

3. A word about a sparrow

Today we will not talk about all wintering birds, but only about one. Guess what bird this is?

In a gray feather coat
And in the cold he is a hero,

Jumps, frolics on the fly,

Not an eagle, but still a bird.

And why today we will talk specifically about the sparrow, you will try to determine for yourself by listening to the next song. (V. Com “Song of the Sparrow”, Appendix 1 )

Of course, a patriotic sparrow does not abandon his homeland difficult times. Sparrows decorate human life on harsh winter days: they jump along paths, sit in clusters on trees, cheerfully chirp in a harmonious chorus in warm weather. And they will perform a solo song for the audience with pleasure! (Video recording “Sparrow Concert”, Appendix 2 )

Come, Andreyka, graysparrow- Learn music, sing like a nightingale.Will you sing scales with us?And then you can even become a soloist.Andreyka's sparrow jump-jump outside the window"I'm just a bird, I'm not a studentChick-chick-chick-chick-chickChick-chirp-chick-chickI’m somehow not used to singing according to your notes.”

I. Fink

4. Where did the sparrow have lunch?

Let's listen to poems about sparrows by different authors, which the children independently found and memorized for class.

Reading poems by students

I. Fink

Watching the video series “Everybody Needs Friends” (author M.D. Lisitsa, Appendix 3)

    I'm an ordinary sparrowAccustomed to the Russian winter.Even though the cold is fierce,I don't mind snowstorms.If you put it in the feederA delicious edge of bread.Don’t be sorry for the birds’ crumbs,Will become a friend sparrow.

N. Kukolev

I. Belyakov

V. Zvyagina

    Bird's nests empty,The birds flew away to the south.Turned out to be braver than everyone elseOur yard sparrow.Kholodov was not afraid, He stayed with us for the winter.Snow covers the entire earth -Sparrows do not lose heart:They scurry around merrily in a flock,Everything they come across will bite.Don't spare the bread crumbs:The sparrow deserves them.You set up a feeding trough for him -He will call his girlfriend,And my friends are all right there,The little ones are pecking happily.And there was a cheerful knock -Knock-knock-knockHere, here, here.Here, here, here.

- How can you help sparrows in winter? What's that knock-knock sound? What do sparrows do?

So where can a sparrow dine in winter?

Watch the video “Where did the sparrow have lunch?” (Appendix 4)

If a sparrow does not have food in the cold, it will freeze and die. In what weather do you think it is most difficult for a sparrow to find food? (In snowy weather, when all the grains are covered with snow, or in ice, in such weather a lot of sparrows die in winter from hunger)

5. Reading and analyzing the story " Winter debts" N. Sladkova

The Sparrow chirped on the dung heap and just jumped up and down! And the Crow Hag croaks in her nasty voice:
- Why, Sparrow, were you happy, why were you tweeting?
“The wings itch, Crow, the nose itches,” Sparrow answers. − The passion to fight is the hunt! Don’t croak here, don’t spoil me spring mood!
- But I’ll ruin it! - Crow is not far behind. - How can I ask a question!
- I scared you!
- And I’ll scare you. Did you peck crumbs in the trash bin in winter?
- Pecked.

- Did you pick up grains from the barnyard?
- I picked it up.
- Did you have lunch in the bird cafeteria near the school?
- Thank you guys for feeding me.
- That's it! - Crow bursts into tears. - How do you think you will pay for all this? With your chirping?
- Am I the only one who used it? - Sparrow was confused. - And the Tit was there, and the Woodpecker, and the Magpie, and the Jackdaw. And you, Vorona, were...
- Don’t confuse others! - Crow wheezes. - You answer for yourself. Borrowed - give back! As all decent birds do.

“The decent ones, maybe they do,” Sparrow got angry. - Are you doing this, Vorona?
- I’ll cry before anyone else! Do you hear a tractor plowing in the field? And behind him, I pick out all sorts of root beetles and root rodents from the furrow. And Magpie and Galka help me. And looking at us, other birds are also trying.
- Don’t vouch for others either! - Sparrow resists. - Others may have forgotten to think.
But Crow doesn’t let up:
- Fly over and check it out!
Sparrow flew to check. He flew into the garden, where the Tit lives in a new nest.
− Congratulations on your housewarming! - Sparrow says. - In my joy, I suppose I forgot about my debts!

- I haven’t forgotten, Sparrow, that you are! - Titmouse answers. - The guys treated me to delicious salsa in the winter, and in the fall I will treat them to sweet apples. I protect the garden from codling moths and leaf-eaters.
There is nothing to do, the Sparrow flew on. I flew into the forest, there was a Woodpecker knocking. I saw Sparrow and was surprised:
- For what need, Sparrow, did he fly to my forest?
“Yes, they demand payment from me,” Sparrow tweets. - And you, Woodpecker, how do you pay? How do you pay?
“That’s how I try,” answers the Woodpecker. − I protect the forest from wood borers and bark beetles. I fight them tooth and nail! I even got fat...
“Look,” thought Sparrow. “And I thought...”
The sparrow returned to the dung heap and said to the Crow:
- Yours, hag, the truth! Everyone is paying off winter debts. Am I worse than others? How can I start feeding my chicks mosquitoes, horseflies and flies! So that the bloodsuckers don't bite these guys! I'll pay back my debts in no time!
He said so and let’s jump up and chirp on the dung heap again. Bye free time There is. Until the sparrows in the nest hatched.
( Reading the story is accompanied by a presentation of slides )

How does Crow help people? Tit? Woodpecker?

How do sparrows help? What benefits do they bring? (They destroy enemies of plants - bugs, caterpillars and thereby save the harvest).

Interesting fact: Once upon a time in China, many village sparrows were destroyed. And... the next year the entire harvest was completely eaten by pests! People were left without a harvest!

Sparrows help people. Let's say it again, how can we help them? When do sparrows really need our help? (In winter there is little food. Therefore, we feed the birds with grain and crumbs)

6. Listening to an excerpt from the story of the writer V. Lidin “Lark”

Poems about the sparrow:

My small homeland

Small Motherland, small Motherland,

Our spring and love,

The bitterness of rowan and the sweetness of currants,

Autumn's frowning brow...

No matter how much you read, you pass.

Years, kilometers and lines,

Our little Motherland is always with us -

Our blessed source.

They say that you will never forget the place where you were born. Small Motherland forever occupies a place of honor in my heart, a favorite corner in which I spent my childhood and youth. This is probably what every person will say when describing their native land, and there will probably not be anyone indifferent here.
Each of us has our own, special appearance of the nature of our native land. But everyone has the same love for him - immeasurable, tender and immense. Every corner of our native land takes us away with the beauty of its nature to that moment where we were happy

I was born and live in the village of Tsentralny, Volodarsky district.

A simple forest, an ordinary green lawn, familiar birds, simple familiar flowers. To those who live here, such nature will seem too simple. And for those who have never seen this before, on the contrary, it is very romantic and extraordinary.

The nature of my region changes its outfits in different times year. How beautiful she is in the fall, dressed in a golden-purple outfit and spinning the leaves in a slow waltz. Severe in winter, covering forests and fields with a blanket of snow and hanging icicles from the roofs of houses. How mischievous the nature of my region is in the warm spring, decorating the trees with green foliage, awakening animals that have fallen asleep for the winter and decorating the entire region with a variety of bright flowers that delight the eye and soul. We haven’t had time to enjoy her spring attire, but she is already beginning to treat us with her fruits and cherishes sun rays hot summer.

Volodarsky district is famous for its Natural Monuments Regional significance.

A monument is something immovable that reminds those who care about the departed and the departed. But there is a particle of heat hidden in this concept human - kind Eternal memory is one of the few qualities that we use poorly, unfortunately.

Many people call my region “swampy places”. However, this does not detract from their discreet charm.

I never thought before that a swamp is wonderful natural phenomenon. For centuries, they accumulated reserves of peat, which is fuel. This means that swamps are our national wealth. Another thing connected with swamps unique phenomenon in our region: where there are swamps, there are lakes.

Swamp and lake Vareh, swamp and lake Utrikh, which are more than 1000 years old... A unique natural phenomenon.

Only here grows a completely uncharacteristic Central Russia northern berry - cranberry. It is our lakes that are called cranberry lakes. Even in calm weather, real islands float here from shore to shore, overgrown with grass, bushes and trees.

Our places are famous for the Svetlye, Elovy, Inzhenerny lakes, the Lyulikh River, which in Turkic means “Lilac River”, and... springs.

The Svetlye Lakes system includes 8 small lakes of karst origin. These are very interesting and beautiful places.

There are many geological monuments on the surface of the earth that stun the imagination, in comparison with which those in Nizhny Novgorod look quite modest. However, it is worth going through the entire Svetlye Lakes system to get indelible impression from karst landscapes, centuries-old pine forests. . All lakes fully justify their name “Light”, because... The water in them is highly transparent. On the shores of the lakes grow pine trees that are 100,180 years old, up to 28 meters high and up to 70 cm thick. Krasa coniferous forests– this is what people call common pine. Tall and slender, like columns, they involuntarily evoke admiration. Powerful trunks, covered at the bottom with thick cracked scales of brown bark, at a height of 5 - 6 meters are painted in a delicate yellow-orange color. That is why, apparently, the pine forest is called a red forest.

The forest path leads us to a clearing of lilies of the valley. Amazing sight! You will involuntarily stop and hold your breath. The May lily of the valley is a touching flower that we admire in spring forests from north to south. Latin name Lily of the valley in translation sounds like “lily of the valleys,” but local Russian names are extremely extensive.
Yaroslavl and Voronezh residents call it lily of the valley, Kostroma residents call it mytnaya grass, Kaluga residents call it hare salt, Tambov residents call it the culprit.

The wet voice of a cuckoo awakens the idea of ​​something lost in youth, of a spring somewhere in a low place under a wooden bridge. And if a nightingale sings in the shady chill of some mysterious bushes, a person will stop in his tracks, feeling his heart suddenly beating .
The lark sings simply, but his song always has the freshness of a summer morning, and upon hearing the lark’s song, he becomes unaccountably happy. The lark is simple-minded. He simply sings because the rye is ripening below, and above him there is a high, clear sky. And he also sings because he feels his purpose is to make the world around him brighter and more sonorous.

The singing of birds is not only melodious and beautiful sound, it is the state of their soul that they try to convey to everyone, and they do it well.

After walking 100 meters, we find ourselves at the “Nameless” spring.
Spring water is a priceless gift of nature. For centuries, people's deep respect for springs has been established. “Source”, “key”, “spring” - these words are inextricably linked with such concepts as “nature”, “homeland”. They contain deep meaning our unity with nature. Suffice it to recall the description of our epic heroes and heroes who, going on feat of arms, they applied their lips to the source, from the life-giving moisture of which they acquired heroic strength, strengthened their determination to win, to protect their native land from the enemy. Here the words “spring”, “homeland”, “ native land“find their close affinity with the manifestation of high patriotic deeds of our people.

Native land always dear to our hearts, this is a place where you feel protected, and if you want to relax, then you go to your favorite corner of nature, which you have loved since childhood. It’s also good if a cool river gurgles nearby, rolling small pebbles, the trees rustle with their crowns, and in the summer, busy bees buzz above the flowers. The heart instantly softens from such sincerity and beauty, and all problems fade into the background.

My favorite vacation spot is very close, about two hundred meters from the house.

Near the forest edge, which is often flooded with warm sunlight, there is a fallen old tree. The pine tree fell on a tall stump left from a cut down tree and broke in half. Thanks to the spreading branches covered with needles, a corner was formed that looked like a small hut. Everything on top is covered with branches, but on one edge there is an uncovered place, similar to an entrance. You can climb there and sit there, enjoying nature.

Here are titmice sitting on a tree and talking. Two squirrels are frolicking nearby. Their tails are so fluffy that they seem to be larger than the squirrels themselves. On a nearby tree, not paying attention to the play of the squirrels, a woodpecker knocks. He comes here often, so it seems that he is the most hardworking resident of this forest. Somewhere in the distance a cuckoo crows, telling someone how many years he has left to live.

I come here often. Every person should have a place that no one knows about, where you can just sit and breathe fresh air. It is impossible to get tired while being in nature. You really enjoy it and are surprised at how beautiful it is in our country. I have loved this place since childhood, so this is where I relax and forget about troubles.

Yes, nature makes the world beautiful. And we see her miracles every day. The sun and stars give us light, and water quenches our thirst. All poets and artists admire the beauty of nature and praise it in their works. And I think that all people should appreciate and take care of what she gives them.

It takes months for spring to pass across the Russian land from the southern to the northern edge. Even more indistinct is this land along, from the up..descent to the west..down. At sundown time a man went out to the sea. Pine trees on the yellow slopes cast long shadows. (W,C)here, near the sandy ridge that separates the Vistula Lagoon from Baltic Sea, extreme west Russian land. A man at the sand dunes will say goodbye to the sun for the last time today. The day is growing dim...the sails on the fishing boats are turning black. And now the lighthouse takes the night watch and points the way to Kaliningrad. And at the same minutes the beam... of the lighthouse at Cape Dezhnev on the Chukotka Peninsula goes out. There, at the eastern edge of the Russian land, the rocky shores of the peninsula are already greeting the morning. More than ten thousand kilometers separate the lighthouse on the sandy land from the lighthouse on the rocky leafy peninsula, and throughout this vast expanse - Russia. Title the text. Subject of the text.

1.Write a text style!
2.Write the text type!

buy her some gift. What should I give her?

Mom started giving advice, but then I intervened in the conversation:

And when I was a child, my friends had an unwritten law: on birthdays, give only what you made with your own hands.

Well, you know, grandpa! “In our class they will say that I’m greedy and that I’m a bad friend,” said the granddaughter.

Title the text and write a continuation: who is right, grandfather or granddaughter? and how it all ended. Thanks in advance!!!

Expositions / About L. Landau from the book. "L. Landau. Pages of Life" (Bessarab) Expositions
About L. Landau from the book. "L. Landau. Pages of life" (Bessarab)
In 1922, Lev Landau successfully passed the exams at Baku University. He was enrolled in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, in two departments at once - mathematics and science. He was very interested in chemistry, but after the first semester he left the natural sciences department, realizing that he liked physics and mathematics better.
Freshman Landau was the youngest at the university. At first this depressed him extremely. Walking through the corridors, he raised his shoulders and bowed his head: it seemed to him that this made him look much older.
Leo was immediately captured student life. Students took their studies seriously; sloppiness was not in fashion. If you come to study, study; if you don’t want to, leave. Many worked and studied. Persons of non-proletarian origin were not paid stipends.
In the year Leo entered the university, eighteen students were admitted to the first year of the physics and mathematics department, in next year- six more people. Mathematics students sported pre-revolutionary uniform caps. The exception was Landau, who had an embroidered oriental skullcap. He was distracted and forgot to take pictures of it in the audience, for which he received criticism. For own peace of mind he decided not to wear a skullcap and more often wore it not on his head, but in his pocket.
Landau behaved very modestly, he was always ready to help out a friend: solve a test, give advice on an exam. But still he stood out among the students; although he did not strive for this. It started shortly after entering university. Landau's classmates especially remembered Professor Lukin's lecture, during which Lev asked the lecturer a question.
Pyotr Petrovich Lukin was the most prominent figure in the mathematics department. Five years before the events described, he was a professor at the Artillery Academy General Staff. He knew mathematics brilliantly and was an excellent lecturer. However, there were rumors that during the exams former general distinguished by its ferocity. The students were afraid of the session in advance and treated Lukin with respectful and polite caution.
Lukin thought for a long time before answering Landau’s question. The audience became very quiet, everyone sat, afraid to move. Lukin asked Lev to come to the board. Instantly the board was covered with mathematical symbols.
“Chinese writing,” someone whispered.
Lukin and Landau began to argue. And suddenly the students guessed: Landau was right! Lev's face was serious and concentrated, Pyotr Petrovich's was excited and a little discouraged. Landau wrote the conclusion and put down the chalk. Lukin smiled and, bowing his head, said loudly:
- Congratulations, young man. You have found an original solution.
Leo was embarrassed. Out of awkwardness, he didn’t know where to go.
From that day on, the thunder of the department - Professor Pyotr Petrovich Lukin, when meeting student Lev Landau, always shook his hand.
Lev passed all the disciplines that Lukin taught at the Baku University, included in the curriculum of the first, second, third and fourth years - from analytical geometry to theoretical mechanics and elasticity theory.
Lukin somewhat advertised his affection for the capable student. Perhaps this is one of the reasons respectful attitude to Landau of his classmates. They always called him Lev Davidovich.
(408 words) (A. Bessarab)

Title the text and retell it in detail. Answer the question: “How does L. Landau appear in this text?”
Title the text and retell it concisely. Write about your impression of the story about L. Landau.

do it I give 15 points urgently

15. Final test on the topic “Noun”
Test Option

Test 15. Final test on the topic “Noun”.

Option 1

A1. In which row is the same letter missing in both words?

1) in the tribes.., among the villages..

2) for dress.., at the academy..

3) Easter cake..m, stone..k

4) shovel..k, boot..k

A2. Which proper name ends with the letter E?

1) the capital of Bulgaria..

2) Marie's face..

3) Dar called..

4) talked about Vasily..

A3. Which noun is NOT written separately?

1) (not) freestyler

2) (not) epithet

3) (un)fame

4) (in)indifference

A4. From what word is a noun formed with the meaning of profession, type of activity with the suffix -SHCHIK-?

1) cut

2) distribute

3) machine gun

A5. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a hard consonant sound?

2) chimpanzee

3) academician
4) Session

A6. Give an example without speech error.

1) distant Limpopo

2) Captain Sinitsyn called

3) signature of Leonid Schmidt

4) fair jury

Read the text and complete tasks B1-VZ and C1.

(1) Service in many lighthouses is reminiscent of the life of Robinson Crusoe. (2) The lighthouse keeper spends most of his time in complete solitude. (3) Both in everyday life and in work you have to rely only on your own strength.

B1. Extract from the text ambivalent name noun.

B2. Write down the way to form the word “service” from sentence (1).

VZ. Extract from the text inflexible name noun.

SL. Write a continuation of the text (3-4 sentences).

What do you think had to happen to Lenya in the world of fairy tales for him to learn to dream? Write a continuation of the text

Here is the text itself: Once upon a time there lived a boy named Lenya. He didn't like to read books and never dreamed of doing so. He was always indignant when they told him that there was magical world creative imagination. And then it happened to him incredible story. Once Lyonya was walking along the seashore. Suddenly a large white-winged seagull flew up to him and spoke in a human voice: “Lyonya, Lenya! If you want, I’ll take you to an amazing world into a fairy tale, There you will learn what it means to dream." Lenya didn’t believe the seagull, but still risked going with her on an unusual journey. The seagull picked up Lenya with a wide flap of its wings and carried her away. ..thanks in advance! Please at least 5 sentences

These mysterious feelings

Bird song

Birds can produce complex and varied sounds due to the presence of a sound-producing apparatus - the lower larynx (unlike the upper larynx in mammals). Its structure reaches particular perfection in songbirds.

No matter how fascinated we may be by the iridescent song of a lark, the majestic chords of a song thrush or the flute-like strumming of an oriole, we must not forget that the song of a bird has nothing in common with what a person understands by the word “song”. This is primarily a complex signal specific to each species, designed to ensure reproductive success. Thanks to the song, the meeting of a male and a female in nature is facilitated; neighboring birds are notified that this territory is already occupied, and a possible opponent receives the most unequivocal warning. Thanks to the unique pattern, the songs of each bird species are close, but different types don't confuse each other. Thus, warblers and warblers are very similar in appearance, but their songs cannot be confused. Anyone who has at least once heard the ringing “drops” of a chiffchaff and the iridescent call of a willow warbler will forever remember their differences.

Representatives of other orders of birds cannot produce such varied sounds as those characteristic of passerines with their true song. Storks and vultures are completely voiceless. They have adapted to make sounds without using their voice. The current stork throws its head on its back and loudly clicks its beak, like castanets. The woodpecker chooses a drier tree in the forest, and the blows of its beak carry a ringing “drum roll” far away. A nightjar, circling over the night clearings, strikes wing against wing forcefully, as if clapping its hands. The bittern, lowering its head into the water, blows air through its beak and emits a low “moo.” All these “instrumental” sounds serve the same function as a real song, taking their place in the general orchestra of spring forests, meadows and ponds.

Finishing the conversation about the sounds made by birds, one cannot fail to mention their ability to imitate. Everyone probably has something to remember about talking birds - parrots, starlings, crows. The ability to perform onomatopoeia is widespread in birds and in nature. Mynah starlings perfectly imitate the alarm calls of gibbon monkeys and langurs, spreading the alarming message around. In the starling's song we often hear not only the barking of a dog, the creaking of a door, the clink of a bucket, but also snatches of other people's songs and calls. Borrowed notes can also often be heard in the nasal cries of a mockingbird, in the choking patter of a marsh warbler, in the simple roulades of a bluethroat and in the endless improvisations of a song thrush. In every forest community there is a “specialist” who reproduces the voices of his neighbors in a song. Ornithologists call these mimic birds "organizer species" because they can communicate with other birds living nearby in a language that is more understandable to them than own language imitator. The significance of imitation in the bird community is still far from fully understood.

In addition to the passive location of sounds coming from external environment, some birds like bats, can locate their own sound signals- frequent clicks, emitted 5-10 times per second. Such active echolocation has so far been reliably discovered only in swiftlets living in deep caves Southeast Asia, and Guajaro nightjars from South America. The reflected sound perceived by the bird helps it avoid collisions with obstacles when flying in the complete darkness of the cave.

The method of scaring them away from economic activities is based on the extraordinary ability of birds to produce and distinguish various sounds. important objects- gardeners, buildings, airfields, where their concentration is undesirable. The use of sound repellents - tape recordings of bird alarm calls - allows one to avoid direct destruction of birds, which in many cases is undesirable: in another environment the same species may have positive value. For example, in fish farms, gulls select fry from nursery ponds, and in the fields they successfully exterminate crop pests - meadow moths and black grass beetles. In the American city of Salt Lake City there is the world's only monument to seagulls. During the years of European settlement of the American continent, settlers suffered one of the greatest misfortunes that threatened grain growers at all times - locusts attacked their fields. Man was powerless before this all-consuming army. The harvest seemed doomed to destruction, but then, following the locusts, hordes of seagulls appeared. In a matter of hours, they completely destroyed the pests. As a sign of gratitude, people saved from starvation erected a monument to the birds, which has survived to this day.

A messenger is traveling with the letter and has finally arrived.
King David does not encounter any massacre, no camp, no burial mound.

D-306 P-244. The wind is blowing across the sea and urging the boat on.
[The door opened quietly], and [the princess found herself in a bright
upper room]. [- =], [- =].
[transparent forest one turns black], and [spruce through. frost turns green], and [river prdr.ido.m. shines]. [- =], and [- =], and [- =].
Now [the sun shines dimly], now [a black cloud hangs]. Then [- =], then [- =].
A. S. Pushkin.
3. Messenger - a person sent somewhere with urgent news.
Stan - camp, parking place.
Upper room - room; pure half of the peasant hut.
D-307 (P-245). And, then, that, that, not only, but also, yes, but the waves are playing - the wind is whistling, (And) the mast bends and creaks. (M.Yu. Lermontov). Kurshud-bek was feasting with his family (and) friends, (and) Magul-Megeri was holding a cup of poison in her hand. [- =], and [- =]. D-308 (P-246).
? . .
, but | | . I stayed at home, but the guys came to see me themselves.
A coordinating conjunction is used that connects the parts
compound sentence.

or that I knew that he]

We should all love our fatherland, because here we got life.
A subordinating conjunction is used, connecting parts of a complex sentence.
5) SI__ and SC__. I went into the house (and_ didn’t see anyone.
A coordinating conjunction between homogeneous members is used.
I made 1 complex sentence and 2 complex sentences.
3. By the union you can distinguish the BSC from the SPP.
D-310 (P-247).
And, or, yes (=and) are connecting conjunctions.
He laughs and cries. The jacket is expensive, but ugly. He is handsome and smart. He is handsome, but not smart. He is smart and cunning. He is stupid but cunning. The river is wide but shallow. The river is shallow but wide. The river is not deep, but shallow.
D-311 (P-249). 2. 1) The forest stands motionless and calm in the darkness of the night.
He sat thoughtfully and thought in the living room.
The day was sunny and clear.
Birch trees grew and turned green all around.
Heavy clouds lay on the tops of the mountains and hills.
Motionless - adverb

Adverb of manner
Standing (how?) motionless
Around - adverb
Morph. signs: immutability
Adverb of place
There were 112 D-312 (P-250) turning green (where?) all around. 1) The darkness of the stormy night is thinning, and the pale day is already coming. 2) The Magi are not afraid of powerful rulers, and they do not need a princely gift. 3) The maples are already blushing in autumn, and the spruce forest is green and shady. 4) The forest freezes, fades in the heat, but the jasmine blooms all the more magnificently. 5) Young leaves babbled, and finches sang here and there, and turtle doves cooed, all on the same tree.
Connecting conjunctions: and, yes (=and). Connect parts of a complex sentence.
Opposite conjunctions: a, but. Connect parts of a complex sentence.
Thin out - become rare, decrease in number.
Magus - (verbal) among the ancient Slavs: sorcerer, sorcerer.
To fly - to freeze, to be in a languid state.
The turtle dove is a small bird of the pigeon family.
D-313 (P-251).
The fire burned brightly, (and) the faces of those sitting were visible.
[- =], and [=].
The air was clean and fresh, and you could already feel the autumn coolness. [- = and =], but [= -].
The nightingales will soon whistle, (and) your soul will become calm.
[= -], and [=].
After lunch everyone left and I decided to sit in the library.
[- =], and [- =].
After sunrise, a cloud suddenly rolled in, and a little later thunder struck. [= -], and [= -].
We liked Natasha's serious face,) sometimes it was too thoughtful.
[= -], but [- =].

D-314 P-252. Vladimir saw with horror that he had driven into an unfamiliar forest (SPP).
[- =] (what - =). -
Ґ clarification.L
There are rumors about him, Chbudtron took up the grain trade and became very rich (SPP).
[= -], (as if - 113
obst. time
The sun was already high,)^!^^ opened his eyes (SPP).
[- =] (when- =). obst. prib.
Tell me why are you so afraid of silence? (SPP)
[- =], (Why - =). obst. concessions
I persuaded Charcot to go along the shore, (although) it was the longest way(SPP). [- =], although (= -).
I thought (that) Konovalov had changed from his wandering life (SPP). [-=L (which - =).
The father demanded (that ^ go with him (SPP). [- =], so that (- =).
Krainev raised his head and saw a convoy of cars (SPP) drive through the open windows.
[- ], (as = -).
Stopped by - verb N.f. - stop by
Fast. signs: non-return, owl. view, intransitive, 1 reference. Non-post signs: express., past., units. number, m.r. He (what did he do?) stopped by.
Unfamiliar - adjective
N.f. - unfamiliar
Post signs: quality
Non-post signs: full, singular, gender, wine. pad Forest (what?) unfamiliar.
Strongly is an adverb. Morph features - immutability Adverb of manner of action Got rich (how?) a lot
Longest - adj. N.f. - longest Post signs: quality
Non-fasting signs: complete, superlative, units number, m gender, im fallen.
Path (what?),
114 D-315 (P-253). A joyful feeling came over us,
because we won (SPP).
and we ran towards (SSP).
when we saw him (SPP).
however, we decided to wait (SSP).
despite the fact that we were still alone (SPP).
as if we were ten years younger (NGN).
D-316 (P-254). 1) When I entered, he was sitting on the sofa, covered with a blanket.
(When - =), [- =].
We saw her happy face when she left the doctor's.
[- =], (when - =).
As soon as we entered the field, the wind intensified and began its destructive work.
(Barely - =), [- and ].
As soon as the snowdrops appeared, spring came into its own as a sovereign mistress. As soon as (As soon as = -), [- =].
A whole week passed before she called.
[= -], (before - =).
While we were getting ready, night fell.
(For now - =), [= -].
All these sentences are complex with clauses of time.
D-317 (P-255). 1) Every day our parents expected us to decide on an institute. 2) The fairy tale said that good conquers evil. 3) Through a small hole in the fence I saw her washing clothes. 4) I still didn’t understand anything, although it was explained to me many times. 5) Friends often ask why I quit sports.
1) [- =], (that - =); 2) [- =], (that - =);
3) [- =], (as - =); 4) [- =], (although =);
5) [- =], (why - =).
D-318 (P-256). [Prince Andrei stood up and went to the window] (to open it). As soon as he opened the shutters, the moonlight seemed
then (remember) he was on guard (adv.) at the window, waiting for this for a long time, burst into the room. He opened the window. The night was fresh and still-fresh ( coordinating connection). Just in front of the window there was a row of trimmed trees, black on one side and silver-lit (compositional connection) on the side. Under the trees there was some kind of lush, wet, curly vegetation with silvery leaves and stems here and there. Further behind the black trees there was some kind of glistening with dew roof, to the right - a large curly tree with a bright white (shades of flowers) trunk and branches, and almost taller than it full moon in a bright, almost starless spring sky. [Prince Andrei leaned his elbows on the window], and [his eyes stopped at this sky].
2. Subordinating conjunctions: so that (expository), as if (explanatory).
4. [ - = and =], (to =). [ - =], and [ - =].
D-319 (P-257). Simple conjunctions- these are conjunctions that consist of one word: what, so that, when, as if ( subordinating conjunctions) etc.; and, yes, but ( coordinating conjunctions), etc.
Compound conjunctions are conjunctions consisting of two or more words: not only... but also (coordinating conjunctions), while, since (subordinating conjunctions), etc.
D-320 (P-258). I didn't go to the theater because there were no tickets at the box office.
[- =], (because =).
The guests began to leave, as it was already late.
[- =], (since =).
He confidently walked into the house, as if he had already been here more than once.
[- =], (as if =).
D-321 (P-259). With the help of conjunctions not only... but also, or... or, either... or, not that... not that, either... either, neither... nor, etc.
D-322 (P-260).
1. Title: "Dawn".
Turquoise is a blue, greenish-blue color of something.
Crake is a bird of the rail family with brownish-red plumage and a strongly laterally compressed body, distinguished by a sharp creaking cry; jerk.
116 Bittern - night wading bird a family of herons, the males of which in the spring make calls similar to the roar of a bull.
2. Not only.. but also - union
I - union
When - union
A - union
D-323 (-). Bird songs.
[A person has so much connected with the song of each bird] (that (explanatory conjunction) memories awaken in him every time).
The wet voice of the cuckoo awakens the idea of ​​something lost in youth, of a spring somewhere in a low place under a wooden bridge. (And if a nightingale sings in the shady chill of some mysterious bushes), [the man will stop as he walks, feeling], (how (subordinating explanatory conjunction) his heart suddenly began to beat, beat with the youthful strength of hope), (although ( adverbial conjunction) much has already been left behind forever).
[The lark sings simply] but ( adversarial union) [his song always has the freshness of a summer morning], and ( connective conjunction) [a person, hearing the song of a lark, becomes unconscious. happy]. The lark is simple-minded. [He simply sings because] (because (expository conjunction) the rye is ripening below), and (adverse conjunction) (above him there is a high, clear sky). [And he also sings because (explanatory conjunction) he feels his purpose - to make the world around brighter and more sonorous). Already - a particle Reinforcing particle. something is a particle. Reinforcing particle.
D-324 (P-261). The similarity between conjunctions and prepositions lies in the fact that both of these parts of speech are functional. And the difference is that the union binds homogeneous members And simple sentences as part of a complex, and the preposition expresses the dependence of the noun, numeral and pronoun on other words in the sentence.

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