The best technical specialty in VLGU. The highest competition in VLGU was for PR, economics and jurisprudence

Vladimir State University

Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletov
International name

Vladimir State University

Former names

Vladimir Polytechnic Institute (VPI), Vladimir State Technical University (VlSTU)

Year founded
Legal address

600000, Vladimir, st. Gorky, 87


Vladimir State University named after. A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs (VlSU ) is the largest higher educational institution in the Vladimir region, one of the centers of its science and culture.

  • Bachelor's degree – confirmed by the assignment of a bachelor's qualification (degree) to a person who has successfully passed the final certification;
  • specialist training – confirmed by the assignment to a person who has successfully passed the final certification of the qualification (degree) “specialist”;
  • Master's degree – confirmed by the assignment of a master's qualification (degree) to a person who has successfully passed the final certification.

Training for higher professional education programs is carried out in the following forms of training:

  • full-time budget (free);
  • full-time contract (paid);
  • correspondence budget (free);
  • correspondence contract (paid);
  • additional education.

Vladimir State University conducts educational activities in the main educational programs of secondary vocational education in the following forms of education:

  • full-time budget (free);
  • full-time contract (paid);
  • correspondence contract (paid).

University branches


Institutes, faculties and structural divisions

Operating institutes and faculties of the university

  • Law Institute
  • Institute of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Bio- and Nanotechnologies:
    • Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Physics (FPMP)
  • Institute of Innovative Technologies:
    • (FREMT)
  • Pedagogical Institute:
    • Faculty of Philology
    • Faculty of Natural Geography
    • Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education
    • Faculty of Technology and Economics
    • Faculty of History
    • Faculty of Foreign Languages
  • Humanitarian Institute:
    • Faculty of History (IF)
    • Faculty of Philosophical and Social Sciences (FFSN)
    • Faculty of Psychology
  • Institute of Economics and Management:
    • Faculty of Economics (EF)
    • Institute (Faculty) of Small and Medium Business (IMiSB)
  • Institute of Arts and Art Education
  • Institute of Physical Culture and Sports
  • Murom branch
  • Branch in Gus-Khrustalny
  • Faculty of distance learning using distance learning technologies (FZO DT)
  • Faculty of Pre-University Training
  • Corporate Institute
  • Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel of VlSU (IPKiPK)

Reformed (renamed) faculties

  • Radio Instrument Engineering Faculty (1964-1971) - divided into radio engineering and instrument engineering faculties.
  • Faculty of Radio Engineering (1971-2000) - merged with the Faculty of Instrument Engineering into the Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Medical Technology.
  • Instrument Engineering Faculty (PSF, 1971-2000) - merged with the Radio Engineering Faculty into the Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Medical Technology.
  • Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics (FIPM) - in January 2006, it was divided into the faculties of information technology and applied mathematics and physics.
  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FGSN) - in 2008, divided into the Faculty of Philosophical and Social Sciences and the Faculty of History.
  • Faculty of Law and Psychology (FPP) - in 2011, transformed into the Law Institute of VlSU as a result of merger with the Faculty of Law of the reorganized VSGU. The Department of Psychology of FPP became part of the Faculty of Psychology of the Humanitarian Institute of VlSU.

Structural divisions

  • Admissions Committee
  • Educational and methodological management
  • Directorate of Research Activities
  • Financial and economic management
  • Regional center for promotion of employment of graduates
  • Scientific and Educational Competence Center
  • VlSU Library
  • VlSU Publishing House
  • Information Center of VlSU named after. A.G. and N.G. Stoletov together with the publishing house "Finance and Credit"
  • Distance Learning Center
  • Mobilization department
  • Trade union committee of VlSU
  • International Cooperation Department
  • Regional Center for New Information Technologies (RCNIT)
  • Information and Computing Center (ICC)
  • Educational Information Center (EIC)
  • Center for International Education
  • Department of Occupational Health and Fire Safety
  • Procurement Organization Department
  • Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel
  • Scientific and educational center "Security systems and anti-terrorism technologies"
  • VlSU campus
  • VlSU Student Council
  • Center for Vocational Education of Disabled People
  • VlSU Cultural Center

International cooperation

The international activities of VlSU are aimed at developing and strengthening international cooperation in the field of educational and research activities in order to improve the quality of education and the level of scientific research, as well as integration into the global scientific and educational system.

  • Technical University of Graz (Austria)
  • Russian-Armenian (Slavic) State University
  • Brest State Technical University (Belarus)
  • Technical University (Varna, Bulgaria)
  • University of Kent (Cantebury, UK)
  • University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Friedrich-Alexander (Germany)
  • Bavarian Laser Center (Erlangen, Germany)
  • Higher Technical School (Jena, Germany)
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany)
  • University named after Ben-Gurion (Israel)
  • University of English and Foreign Languages ​​(Hyderabad, India)
  • Institute of Russian Language and Culture (Rome, Italy)
  • West Kazakhstan Agricultural Technical University
  • Aktobe branch of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after. M. Tynyshpayeva
  • Dalian Polytechnic University (PRC)
  • Tianjin University of Foreign Studies (PRC)
  • Yantai Normal University (PRC)
  • Wuhan Polytechnic University (PRC)
  • Changchun University (PRC)
  • Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
  • Kyrgyz-Uzbek University (Osh)
  • Higher School of Psychology (Riga, Latvia)
  • Kansas State Higher Education Committee (USA)
  • Illion State University (USA)
  • University of Florida (USA)
  • Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
  • Central Michigan University (USA)
  • Tajik Technical University named after. M.O. Osimi (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)
  • Tashkent State Agrarian University (Uzbekistan)
  • National University of Uzbekistan named after. Mirzo Ulugbek
  • Tashkent State Technical University named after. Abu Rayhan Beruni
  • Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture (Ukraine)
  • Academy of Municipal Administration (Ukraine)
  • Donetsk National Technical University (Ukraine)
  • Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after. Bohdan Khmelnitsky (Ukraine)
  • Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (Dnepropetrovsk)
  • Kharkov National Economic University (Ukraine)
  • Higher Mining School "Groupe des Ecoles des Mines" (Alès, France)
  • Ostrava Technical University (Czech Republic)
  • Halmstad University (Sweden)
  • Folk University (Uppsala, Sweden)


Vladimir State University consists of several buildings (buildings). All buildings, with the exception of the fifth academic building of the Institute (Faculty) of Small and Medium Business (IMiSB), are located in the microdistrict bounded by Belokonskaya, Gorky, Mira streets, as well as Stroiteley Avenue. The buildings in which classes are held are located near the intersection of Stroiteley Avenue, Belokonskaya and Gorky streets.

In the 1970s, it was planned to build 5 more educational buildings, a 16-story administrative building, and an athletics arena, but only one new educational building was built - the second. Despite the significant increase in the number of students since that time, no new educational premises have appeared, therefore, at the moment, up to 6 are housed in buildings originally intended for 1-2 faculties, and classes are held even in basements (for example, in the first academic building and sports complex).

Academic buildings

Sports complexes

Other buildings and dormitories

Previously used buildings

  • Sports building No. 2. Greco-Roman Wrestling Corps. One-story building. It hosted classes for the Greco-Roman wrestling section, as well as general sports groups. Next to this building there was an asphalt football ground. It was demolished in 2007.
    Address: st. Studencheskaya, 4b.

Notable staff and alumni

  • Victor Maznik- chief specialist, head of the youth work group, Vladimir; senior commissioner of the Vladimir regional pedagogical detachment "Spring".
  • Kolesov, Leonard Nikolaevich(-) - Russian radio engineer, designer, teacher. One of the creators of the first Soviet

Those entering VlSU this year were majoring in “Advertising and Public Relations”, “Jurisprudence” and “Economics”.

For the first two directions, the competition turned out to be 28 people per place, for the third - 37 people per place, the press service of the university reports.

In total, 1,501 people were enrolled in full-time undergraduate and specialist programs at VlSU (including the Muromosk branch).

Summing up the interim results of the university admissions campaign, the commission noted that the average Unified State Examination score of future bachelors and specialists enrolled in the budget was 62.24.

Thus, the highest score for admission to the Humanitarian Institute, where 117 people were admitted, was 77.5. The largest competition (28 people per place) is in the “Advertising and Public Relations” direction. The average score for admission to the institute was 66.55.

The largest competition at the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Energy (8 people per place) among applicants for the field of “Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering”. In total, 165 people were enrolled in the institute, the average passing score was 63.01. best The future architects had the highest passing score - 69.63.

79 people were enrolled in the Institute of Biology and Ecology, the average passing score was 57.91. The best average score for the Unified State Exam among future chemists is 60.84. The most popular direction is “Biology” (5 people per place).

The Institute of Applied Mathematics, Physics and Informatics enrolled 113 people, with an average score of 60.38. The highest average score was shown by applicants who chose the direction “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science” - 70.8. A popular direction of the institute (almost 7 people per place) is “Laser technology and laser technologies”.

The Institute of Information Technologies and Radioelectronics enrolled 204 people, with an average score of 61.96. The best average scores are in the areas of “Information Security” (71.38) and “Software Engineering” (71.36). The largest competition (within 7-8 people per place) was in the areas of “Information Systems and Technologies”, “Applied Informatics” (applied bachelor’s degree), “Software Engineering”.

The Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Automotive Transport enrolled 243 people, with an average score of 53.69. The best knowledge among those enrolled in the direction of “Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering (Electrical equipment of cars and tractors)” is 62.11. The most popular direction (8 people per place) is “Nanoengineering”.

At the Center for Vocational Education of Persons with Disabilities, training is conducted in the direction of “Automation of Technological Processes and Production.” 9 people were enrolled here, the average score in 2016 was 64.

36 people were enrolled in art education, the average score was 66.74. The biggest competition (4 people per place) was among future designers.

For those admitted to the field of “Pedagogical education. Additional education (in the field of pop music) (applied bachelor's degree)" best average score - 67.79.

At the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, they accepted only one direction on the budget, “Pedagogical education.” Physical culture". 18 people were enrolled here, the average score on the Unified State Exam was 66.56, and the competition was more than 6 people per place.

47 people were enrolled in the Institute of Economics and Management (IEiM), the average score was 73.35. The “Economics” direction was ahead of the rest in the competition (37 people per place) and in the average score (79.14). In 2016, the Institute of Small and Medium Business, which is part of the IEiM, has two areas with budget places: “Trading” and “Hospitality” (applied bachelor’s degree), with a total of 17 people enrolled. The average score of applicants is quite high: 72.81 and 72.77, respectively. The biggest competition was among future bachelors of commerce (22 people per place).

15 people were enrolled in the only direction of the Law Institute “Jurisprudence” on the budget. The competition was 28 people per place. The average score of applicants is 79.52.

262 people were enrolled in the Pedagogical Institute, the average score was 65.21. The best knowledge of the Unified State Exam was demonstrated by applicants enrolled in the teacher education program “German Language. English language" (applied bachelor's degree). We note the generally high results on the Unified State Exam (average score within 72) of future foreign language teachers.

The most popular areas were “Pedagogical education (with two profiles). English language. German language" and "Pedagogical education (with two profiles). English language. French" - 14 people per place.

As the admissions committee emphasized, there was a lot of competition for all training programs in pedagogical fields and a fairly high average score on the Unified State Exam. In addition, it was the Pedagogical Institute that received the most applicants under targeted contracts (72 people): schools are extremely interested in teachers and are guaranteed to provide jobs upon graduation.

The largest university in the city of Vladimir is VlSU. Faculties, specialties and departments are focused on producing specialists in demand in various fields of activity. Active research work of leading university scientists helps to introduce innovative technologies in production, develop new products and educate worthy young people.


VlSU was founded in 1958 and began as a branch of the Moscow Mechanical Engineering Institute with evening courses. Applicants were invited to two faculties - mechanical-technological and instrument-making, where it was possible to obtain an engineer's education without interrupting production activities. The specialties were popular - mechanical engineering technology, machines and foundry technology, mechanical engineering, etc. The first set of students consisted of 200 people, most of them had 10-15 years of work experience in production, only a third of the freshmen were young people aged 20 years.

In 1963, the opportunity opened up to receive full-time education in several new specialties - metal-cutting machines and tools, radio equipment production technology, mechanical engineering technology, etc. New areas of study opened in response to the needs of local industrial enterprises. The region was developing at a rapid pace, which required highly qualified personnel and educational institutions that trained specialists in several areas.

Creation of the Institute

A practical solution to the problem of the shortage of engineering personnel was the founding of a polytechnic institute, which later became the largest Vladimir university - Vladimir State University. The faculties, specialties and history of the establishment of the educational institution corresponded to the spirit of the times. In 1964, the branch was transformed into an independent institution, the first specialists also graduated and a new academic building was opened.

The separation into a separate institute allowed the departments to engage in research activities, for which orders were immediately found from local enterprises such as Tochmash, Electric Motor and Tractor Plants. The number of requests for research activities grew and led to the creation of a separate sector (NIS), which began to receive orders from the Council of Ministers of the country, industry enterprises and departments.


The educational institution has constantly demonstrated an increase in popularity among students, this was facilitated by the scientific work and staff of VlSU teachers. Faculties, specialties, photos and descriptions of areas of practical application of research created the image of a progressive university. Along with scientific work, the number of departments also grew.

In 1968, the second educational and laboratory building was put into operation, housing the Faculty of Radio Instrumentation. By 1970, thirty departments and five faculties participated in the educational process, and there was a branch in the city of Kovrov. In 1978, the specialty “Electronic Computers” became available to applicants.

Many practical activities appeared on the initiative of VlSU students. Faculties, specialties and practice complemented each other. For the first time in 1976, an all-institute design bureau arose, where students were employees. By 1980, the bureau included 8 sections of different faculties, two of them were located in branches, which united over 500 students. In 1994, the polytechnic institute was transferred to the status of (VlSTU). The university received its modern name in 1997 and became known as Vladimir State University (VlSU).


Vladimir Stoletov University is a wide-ranging university offering several levels of education - bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees. Training programs are closely related to research activities, the main goal of which is to fulfill state and regional orders, as well as applications from leading enterprises in the region. At the present stage, more than 25 thousand students study at the university every year.

The university infrastructure includes:

  • 11 educational buildings.
  • 3 sports complexes.
  • A library with extensive collections (including an electronic collection of information).
  • 13 dormitories.
  • 10 institutes.
  • Two branches (in the cities of Murmansk and Gus-Khrustalny).
  • Cultural and leisure center.
  • Specialized laboratories.
  • Health camp "Polytechnic", sanatorium.
  • Food plant.
  • TV studio.

The university is the leading educational institution of higher education in Vladimir, most of the applicants strive to enroll in Vladimir State University. Faculties and specialties are in demand both upon admission and during the period of employment after receiving education.

Faculties, specialties, institutes

VlSU is a classical university where you can get education in ten institutes:

  • Legal. The structure of the institute includes 8 departments. Specialties: “Customs” (specialist), “Jurisprudence” (bachelor’s, master’s).
  • Mechanical engineering and motor transport. The institute includes eight departments. The bachelor's level is mastered in 16 areas of education, the master's degree is issued in 9 specialties.
  • Information technology and radio electronics. The educational process is implemented in five departments, the bachelor's level is mastered in 12 areas of study, and the master's degree in 10 specialties.
  • Architecture, construction and energy provides training in eight departments. The bachelor's degree is mastered in eight specialties, the master's degree in 3 areas.
  • Applied mathematics, physics and computer science. The structure of the institution consists of four departments, where bachelor's degrees are obtained in 6 specialties, and master's degrees in 4 specialties.
  • Biologists and ecologists, the institute consists of four departments. Levels of education - bachelor's degree in four areas, master's degree in three areas of study.
  • Pedagogical Institute. It is one of the largest, which includes 15 teaching departments, a center for correspondence pedagogical education and innovative pedagogical technologies. The bachelor's level of training is obtained in four areas (17 specialties), the master's level of training is mastered in 2 areas (8 specialties).
  • The Humanitarian Institute offers training in eight departments, where a bachelor's degree is obtained upon completion of one of 12 areas of study, and a master's degree is acquired in 15 areas of specialization.
  • Economics and Management consists of five departments. The bachelor's level is taught in 8 areas, and the master's degree in 7 areas of specialization.
  • Arts and art education. The structure of the institute is based on three departments. Levels of education - bachelor's degree (3 directions, 5 specialties) and master's degree (2 directions, 4 specialties).
  • Physical education and sports are taught in five departments (bachelor's degree - 5 directions, 8 specialties).
  • Tourism and entrepreneurship are taught at the same department. Directions - "Trading", "Hospitality" (bachelor's degree) and "Commercial activity" (master's degree).


You can get a university education at the Murom and Gus-Khrustalny branches of VlSU. Faculties and specialties:

  • The Murom Institute contains six faculties, where bachelor's level education is provided in 23 areas of education, and master's degrees are mastered in 7 areas.
  • The branch in Gus-Khrustalny provides pre-university training, correspondence and distance learning. Levels of education - bachelor's, specialist's, master's degrees. Students are accepted on a commercial basis.

Graduates of VlSU branches (in Vladimir), faculties and specialties of any form of education are issued state diplomas, which indicate the level of education received (bachelor, master, specialist).

Pre-university preparation

Pre-university training is carried out at a separate department of VlSU. Faculties and specialties are open to high school students, college students, vocational schools, technical schools and other secondary vocational educational institutions.

Training is carried out in the following areas:

  • In-depth mastery of general education subjects in preparation for the Unified State Exam and entrance tests at VlSU.
  • The faculties and specialties of the Youth School are physics and mathematics, jurisprudence and law, economics and entrepreneurship, engineering, journalism, psychology, academic drawing, etc.
  • College.
  • A preparatory department for military personnel, which admits military personnel serving on contract terms and who have expressed a desire to receive higher education.

VlSU College

Faculties and specialties are open to graduates of grades 9 and 11. Students receive secondary vocational education in the qualifications "technician", "specialist", "technologist". Training lasts from 1 year 10 months to 3 years 10 months, depending on basic education.

The educational base of the college is based on the resources of VlSU. Faculties and specialties after 9th grade:

  • Specialties of the budgetary form of education of the full-time faculty: “Mechanical Engineering Technologies”, “Radio Equipment Engineering”, “Technical Operation and Maintenance of Equipment”, “Programming”.
  • Specialties of full-time contract education: “Tourism”, “Fire safety”, “Design”, “Architecture”, “Construction of buildings and structures”, “Construction of roads and airfields”, “Physical education”, programming”, “Metalworking technologies” and Ave.

On the basis of 11 classes, education is provided on a full-time basis on a contact basis in the following specialties:

  • "Metal science and metal processing."
  • "Economics and Accounting".
  • "Automation of technological production processes."


It is believed that a student who wants to gain knowledge is able to concentrate in any conditions. And this is a true statement, but how much effort with such an attitude towards oneself and learning will be spent on overcoming obstacles and creating an optimal environment for full learning. At Volgograd University, the VlSU campus has long existed and is constantly being improved. Faculties, specialties and a description of the university as a whole will be incomplete without talking about living conditions.

Vladimirsky provides 11 dormitories at the disposal of students, where in total more than 5 thousand people live simultaneously. Each building has created conditions for comfortable living. The floors are equipped with two kitchens, showers and laundries. Six dormitories have allocated space for sports with appropriate equipment. Sports buildings are designed for regular physical education. In sports building No. 1, swimming sports are practiced in a pool with an area of ​​more than 4 thousand m2; people are invited to practice shooting in building No. 3, where a shooting range is equipped. The rest of the premises also have their own features - treadmills, areas for active games, exercise equipment, etc.

Students and teachers are invited to improve their health at the out-of-town sports and recreation complex "Polytechnic", where visits are organized in several shifts of 250 people at a time. The food system is provided by our own plant, which includes several canteens, cafes, buffets, and a banquet hall. In total, more than 1 thousand seats are intended for catering.

Open Day

Cultural events are held in the assembly hall, with an area of ​​more than 500 m2, or in the cultural center of the campus. Students have the opportunity to attend hobby groups and lead an active social and cultural life, which VlSU is rich in. Faculties and specialties on Open Day invite high school students, students of secondary vocational educational institutions and colleges to meet.

Such events are held regularly, both as part of a university-wide event, and by each institute individually. In 2017, more than 1,500 people attended the Open Day held in March. Guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the educational programs of VlSU (faculties, specialties, institutes). Photos from the scene of the event retained the holiday atmosphere in my memory for a long time. Departments and institutes have prepared their own presentations, programs and printed materials with comprehensive information for applicants and interested parties.

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