The thick tear trembles. Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy

"A tear trembles in your jealous gaze"

A tear trembles in your jealous gaze -
Oh, don’t be sad, you are all dear to me!
But I can love only in the open -
My love, wide as the sea,
The shores cannot contain life.

When Verbs are creative power
Crowds of worlds called out from the night,
Love illuminated them all like the sun,
And only on the ground to us did it shine
Rare rays descend separately.

And, looking for them separately greedily,
We catch a glimpse of eternal beauty;
The forest makes a joyful noise about her with news to us,
About her the stream thunders like a cold stream
And they say, swaying, flowers.

And we love with a fragmented love
And the quiet whisper of the willow over the stream,
And the sweet maiden’s gaze, inclined towards us,
And the starry shine, and all the beauties of the universe,
And we won’t merge anything together.

But don’t be sad, earthly grief will blow,
Wait a little longer - bondage won’t last long, -
We will all merge into one love soon,
In one love, wide as the sea,
What the earth's shores cannot accommodate!

Alexey Tolstoy

Analysis of Tolstoy’s poem “A tear trembles in your jealous gaze”

The family life of Alexei Tolstoy was overshadowed from the very beginning by a loud scandal, as he fell in love with a married woman and destroyed her marriage. The romance between the poet and Sophia Miller lasted more than 13 years, and all these years Tolstoy could not marry the woman he loved. At first, she sought a divorce for a long time, and when she became free, her marriage to her lover was prevented by the poet’s mother, who considered this relationship vicious due to the lower social status of her intended daughter-in-law.

Civil marriage in the 19th century was perceived as something shameful and unworthy. Therefore, lovers felt very uncomfortable at social functions. Moreover, Alexei Tolstoy, being a count by birth, was considered a very enviable groom and was not deprived of female attention. Naturally, Sophia Miller was jealous of him, although she tried to hide her feelings, repeatedly telling the poet that he was free to do as he saw fit and not to bind himself to any obligations.

In 1858, Alexey Tolstoy, after another social reception, wrote the poem “A tear trembles in your jealous gaze,” in which he tried to convey all the feelings that overwhelmed him. The poet was aware of his powerlessness, realizing that as long as his mother was alive, there could be no question of marriage with the woman he loved. That is why he wrote that “I can love only in the open,” hinting at the difficulties that stand in the way of his happy family life. He could not go against his mother's will, as he risked losing his inheritance. And, at the same time, he admitted that his “love, wide as the sea, cannot be contained by the shores of life.”

In this work, the poet not only evaluates his own feelings, but also tries to understand what love is. In his opinion, this is a gift from above, the “rare rays” of which reach the earth. It takes a lot of effort to put them together. However, everything around is imbued with this delightful feeling, “willows over the stream”, meadow flowers and “the stream thunders like a cold stream” whisper about it. But love is not given to anyone just like that; it not only brings joy, but also implies trials. Anyone who can overcome them and not lose the fullness of their feelings will be able to find true happiness.

At the end of the poem, Alexei Tolstoy expresses the hope that, together with his beloved, he will be able to overcome all difficulties and obstacles. Addressing Sophia Miller, sweat expresses confidence that “earthly grief will end” and “bondage will not last long.” He is convinced that sooner or later he will be able to call his wife the one he chose not with his mind, but with his heart, since he believes “in one love.”

The poem "A tear trembles in your jealous gaze..." was written in 1858 - during the creative heyday of A.K. Tolstoy. The work refers to love lyrics of the 1850s. The poet tries to reveal to the reader the philosophy of love, to show the strength and noble sublimity of this feeling, compared to the sea: “My love, wide as the sea, // The shores cannot contain the lives of…”

The lyrical hero speaks of “fragmented” love, drawing attention to the individuality of feeling.

He makes it clear that the attentive gaze of a loving person will reveal the secret of “eternal beauty” that people want to know: “And, separately looking for them greedily, // We catch a glimpse of eternal beauty...” The lyrical hero calls on his beloved to understand this broad, all-encompassing feeling consoles her: “Oh, don’t be sad, you are all dear to me...”, “But don’t be sad, earthly grief will blow...”

The poet uses various means of expression. Sublime vocabulary gives the speeches of the lyrical hero a touch of nobility: “at a glance”, “called out”, “luminaries”, “separately”. Epithets emphasize his mood (“broad”, “pleasant”, “cold”), and personification revives the image of “eternal beauty” (“the forest is rustling with news”, “the stream is thundering”, “the flowers are speaking”). The inversion gives the hero’s speech a poetic charm and thoughtfulness: “My love, wide as the sea, // The shores cannot contain life.”

Each stanza of the poem has five lines. Thus, the hero’s speech acquires melody and leisureliness.

Thus, in the poem “A tear trembles in your jealous gaze...” the poet reveals the concept of love, its philosophy, and shows the versatility of this great feeling.

A tear trembles in your jealous gaze -
Oh, don’t be sad, you are all dear to me!
But I can love only in the open -
My love, wide as the sea,
The shores cannot contain life.

When Verbs are creative power
Crowds of worlds called out from the night,
Love illuminated them all like the sun,
And only on the ground to us did it shine
Rare rays descend separately.

And, looking for them separately greedily,
We catch a glimpse of eternal beauty;
The forest makes a joyful noise about her with news to us,
About her the stream thunders like a cold stream
And they say, swaying, flowers.

And we love with a fragmented love
And the quiet whisper of the willow over the stream,
And the sweet maiden’s gaze, inclined towards us,
And the starry shine, and all the beauties of the universe,
And we won’t merge anything together.

But don’t be sad, earthly grief will blow,
Wait a little longer - bondage won’t last long, -
We will all merge into one love soon,
In one love, wide as the sea,
What the earth's shores cannot accommodate!

Sophia Miller

The family life of Alexei Tolstoy was overshadowed from the very beginning by a loud scandal, as he fell in love with a married woman and destroyed her marriage. The romance between the poet and Sophia Miller lasted more than 13 years, and all these years Tolstoy could not marry the woman he loved. At first, she sought a divorce for a long time, and when she became free, her marriage to her lover was prevented by the poet’s mother, who considered this relationship vicious due to the lower social status of her intended daughter-in-law.

Civil marriage in the 19th century was perceived as something shameful and unworthy. Therefore, lovers felt very uncomfortable at social functions. Moreover, Alexei Tolstoy, being a count by birth, was considered a very enviable groom and was not deprived of female attention. Naturally, Sophia Miller was jealous of him, although she tried to hide her feelings, repeatedly telling the poet that he was free to do as he saw fit and not to bind himself to any obligations.

In 1858, Alexey Tolstoy, after another social reception, wrote the poem “A tear trembles in your jealous gaze,” in which he tried to convey all the feelings that overwhelmed him. The poet was aware of his powerlessness, realizing that as long as his mother was alive, there could be no question of marriage with the woman he loved. That is why he wrote that “I can love only in the open,” hinting at the difficulties that stand in the way of his happy family life. He could not go against his mother's will, as he risked losing his inheritance. And, at the same time, he admitted that his “love, wide as the sea, cannot be contained by the shores of life.”

In this work, the poet not only evaluates his own feelings, but also tries to understand what love is. In his opinion, this is a gift from above, the “rare rays” of which reach the earth. It takes a lot of effort to put them together. However, everything around is imbued with this delightful feeling, “willows over the stream”, meadow flowers and “the stream thunders like a cold stream” whisper about it. But love is not given to anyone just like that; it not only brings joy, but also implies trials. Anyone who can overcome them and not lose the fullness of their feelings will be able to find true happiness.

At the end of the poem, Alexei Tolstoy expresses the hope that, together with his beloved, he will be able to overcome all difficulties and obstacles. Addressing Sophia Miller, sweat expresses confidence that “earthly grief will end” and “bondage will not last long.” He is convinced that sooner or later he will be able to call his wife the one he chose not with his mind, but with his heart, since he believes “in one love.”

“A tear trembles in your jealous gaze” Alexey Tolstoy

A tear trembles in your jealous gaze -
Oh, don’t be sad, you are all dear to me!
But I can love only in the open -
My love, wide as the sea,
The shores cannot contain life.

When Verbs are creative power
Crowds of worlds called out from the night,
Love illuminated them all like the sun,
And only on the ground to us did it shine
Rare rays descend separately.

And, looking for them separately greedily,
We catch a glimpse of eternal beauty;
The forest makes a joyful noise about her with news to us,
About her the stream thunders like a cold stream
And they say, swaying, flowers.

And we love with a fragmented love
And the quiet whisper of the willow over the stream,
And the sweet maiden’s gaze, inclined towards us,
And the starry shine, and all the beauties of the universe,
And we won’t merge anything together.

But don’t be sad, earthly grief will blow,
Wait a little longer - bondage won’t last long, -
We will all merge into one love soon,
In one love, wide as the sea,
What the earth's shores cannot accommodate!

Analysis of Tolstoy’s poem “A tear trembles in your jealous gaze”

The family life of Alexei Tolstoy was overshadowed from the very beginning by a loud scandal, as he fell in love with a married woman and destroyed her marriage. The romance between the poet and Sophia Miller lasted more than 13 years, and all these years Tolstoy could not marry the woman he loved. At first, she sought a divorce for a long time, and when she became free, her marriage to her lover was prevented by the poet’s mother, who considered this relationship vicious due to the lower social status of her intended daughter-in-law.

Civil marriage in the 19th century was perceived as something shameful and unworthy. Therefore, lovers felt very uncomfortable at social functions. Moreover, Alexei Tolstoy, being a count by birth, was considered a very enviable groom and was not deprived of female attention. Naturally, Sophia Miller was jealous of him, although she tried to hide her feelings, repeatedly telling the poet that he was free to do as he saw fit and not to bind himself to any obligations.

In 1858, Alexey Tolstoy, after another social reception, wrote the poem “A tear trembles in your jealous gaze,” in which he tried to convey all the feelings that overwhelmed him. The poet was aware of his powerlessness, realizing that as long as his mother was alive, there could be no question of marriage with the woman he loved. That is why he wrote that “I can love only in the open,” hinting at the difficulties that stand in the way of his happy family life. He could not go against his mother's will, as he risked losing his inheritance. And, at the same time, he admitted that his “love, wide as the sea, cannot be contained by the shores of life.”

In this work, the poet not only evaluates his own feelings, but also tries to understand what love is. In his opinion, this is a gift from above, the “rare rays” of which reach the earth. It takes a lot of effort to put them together. However, everything around is imbued with this delightful feeling, “willows over the stream”, meadow flowers and “the stream thunders like a cold stream” whisper about it. But love is not given to anyone just like that; it not only brings joy, but also implies trials. Anyone who can overcome them and not lose the fullness of their feelings will be able to find true happiness.

At the end of the poem, Alexei Tolstoy expresses the hope that, together with his beloved, he will be able to overcome all difficulties and obstacles. Addressing Sophia Miller, sweat expresses confidence that “earthly grief will end” and “bondage will not last long.” He is convinced that sooner or later he will be able to call his wife the one he chose not with his mind, but with his heart, since he believes “in one love.”

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