Vocabulary dictation of the letter o e after sibilants. Dictations - Vowels o-e after sibilants and ts

(module Adaptive Adsense block at the beginning of the article)




(with graphic task)

Vocabulary dictations

1. Scientist, layout, dash, liver, rustle, acorns, bees, highway, counting, silk, seam, chocolate, study, silk, canvas, comb, millet, heavy, hard, cheeks.

2. Gooseberry, clear, bangs, score, devil, walked, brush, honor, driver, hood, calculation, stale, millstone, alkali, slap, bee, shock, alkali, lattice.

Selective dictation

Arrange the words in two columns:

a) with the letter e after the hissing words at the root of the word;

b) with the letter o after the sibilants at the root of the word.

Scientist, boat, wool, gooseberry, bees, acorns, heap, bill, lattice, whisper, chocolate, slums, shorts, hood, party, brush, jockey, driver, Scottish.

Explanatory dictation

Graphically explain the choice of the vowel o - ё after sibilants at the root.

1. Turned on the light, a loud whisper, a cautious rustle, ripe gooseberries, a yellow tulip, a circus juggler, dark chocolate, clear handwriting, millet porridge.

2. Dawn is born in silence. The sky in the east is turning green. Everything is still asleep. Not a sound or rustle is heard.

The pot is angry and mutters on the fire. We speak in a whisper - we are afraid to scare away the dawn. Heavy ducks whiz by. Fog swirls over the water. We pile mountains of branches into the fire and watch the huge white sun rise.

(According to K. Paustovsky)

Test dictation

Hardworking bees, ripe gooseberries, yellow dandelions, a lonely boat, the clicking of a nightingale, soft fur, a guard of honor, paper set on fire, hay set on fire, a hard sofa, cheap goods, stale bread, black silk, a seam came apart.

Control dictations

The silk thread is spun by a butterfly caterpillar called the silkworm. Why silkworms is understandable, but why mulberries? It turns out that the silkworm caterpillar eats only the leaves of the mulberry tree and does not recognize any others. Before becoming a pupa, the caterpillar releases two tiny webs. They stick together into a thread with which the caterpillar entangles itself “from head to toe.” The result is a silk cocoon. And people unwind a cocoon - not just one, but millions, and each one contains a kilometer, or even more, of silk thread. It is rewound onto spools and taken to a weaving factory.

Another silkworm, the oak silkworm, spins silk thread for people. Or rather, his caterpillar. A coarser, but very durable fabric is woven from its silk thread. It's called chesucha.

(M. Konstantinovsky)

And then one day I meet a mother bear with three cubs. Bears dig in the ground. I quickly click the camera shutter.

The cubs were the first to stare at me. But to their inexperienced eyes, I apparently just passed for a stump. Then my mother looked at me. But I didn’t arouse her interest either. After digging in the ground for another twenty minutes, the furry family wandered off into the forest.

I whistled and clapped my hands. The bears scattered into a chain and rolled into the bushes in black balls.

(According to N. Sladkov)

We came to the circus

The music started playing and everyone sat down. Suddenly, people in red suits with yellow stripes came out from behind a red curtain. Their boss in a black suit walked between them. He shouted something and the music started playing. And a juggler ran into the arena and the fun began! He threw balls and caught them. Then he grabbed the striped ball. He knocked him with his head, the back of his head, his forehead, rolled him on his back and kicked him with his heel. The ball rolled over his body as if magnetized. It was very beautiful. And suddenly the juggler threw the ball into the audience. A real commotion began, because I caught the ball and threw it at Valerka, and Valerka threw it at Mishka, and Mishka aimed straight at the conductor, but missed. The ball hit the drum, the drummer got angry and threw it back to the juggler. But the ball didn't reach. He hit one auntie in her hair. She didn’t end up with a hairstyle, but rather a hoodie. And we all laughed so hard that we almost died.

(According to V. Dragunsky)

One day I was skiing on virgin snow. Black bushes sticking out of the snow and last year's hogweed umbrellas marked the stream, which was now covered with snow. There was such silence around that only happens on a winter day.

Suddenly a slight rustling attracted my attention. I turned and saw a white animal with round ears emerge from the snow. Ermine! We looked at each other with interest for about two minutes, then the ermine darted into the snow.

In winter, the ermine is very beautiful. He is all white, only his nose, eyes and the tip of his tail are black. In Rus', the royal robe was made from ermine. The tails were left to create a dotted line of black tips.

The ermine is an agile and fast predator. In summer it lives in thick grass along streams. There is no escape from it for voles, shrews, mice and evil rats. Swift as lightning, the ermine will catch up with everyone.

(According to A. Tambiev)

Graphic tasks:

1. Write down the words with the spelling “Letters o, e after the sibilants at the root of the word.” Explain the choice of spelling.

2. Underline the grammatical basics of the sentences in the 2nd paragraph. Determine the type of sentences by the number of grammatical stems.

3. Parse the 1st sentence of the last paragraph.

(module Adaptive Adsense block at the end of the article)

Chewed, lattice, gutter, acorn, dandy, whisper, heavy, yellow, cheap, hard, callous, hairstyle, dash, black, silk, shuttle, devil, study, test, brush, bee, liver, score, slap, slit, bangs, purse, gooseberry, glutton, slum, Borjomi, jockey, bile, hard, comb, hood, major, latch, newlyweds, whisper, worthless, chew, millet, bees, gluttonous, comb, calculation, seam, prim, study, chauvinism, accounting, shock, chocolate, blinkers, rustle, shock, combed, tap dance, shorts, Scotsman, chauvinism, clear, poncho, kharcho, Scotsman, alkali, heartburn, liver, stew, grille, ratchet, highway, clink glasses, walked, basement, clatter, duke, palazzo, scherzo, mezzo-soprano.

Hard sofa, artificial silk, millstone, fragile boat, forest slum, cast iron grate, strong twine, buy cheap, prim man, ripe gooseberries, strong twine, severe burn, burnt hand, cheap goods, yellow paint, difficult test, unpleasant heartburn, fried liver, black slums, pork stew, stale bread, short shorts.

(162 words)


I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon (P.). The pig eats acorns, but does not notice the oak (last). A good millstone will sweep away everything (last). He who has bile in his mouth, everything is bitter (last). The whisper turned into coherent speech (T.). A cautious rustling was heard in the entryway (M.G.). Biryuk silently took the horse by the bangs with his left hand (T.). And, it seems, I wandered in these groves for another evening (P.). Two perches are placed across the stream (P.). In deep places, voracious cormorants retrieve fish from the seabed (S.-Shch.). These paintings are popular prints and are cheap (Kupr.). You slam the door tighter, the lock will click itself (Hyde.). Arkhip opened the lantern, Dubrovsky lit a torch (P.). A bald dandy, an enemy of labor... reigned over us then (P.). How stiff and pale your style is! (P.). The girl carefully carried a bag of eggs on her lap (Lesk.). And he pulled the trigger for the first time (P.). He came to the doctor and bandaged my burn (M.G.).

1 Indiscriminately, to no avail, unrestrained, without restraint, incessantly, in vain, in the distance, in addition, to smithereens, in oblivion, in addition, on the run, locked up, in a draw, in an embrace, to the edge, to tight, in general, forever, in ...

1 Circus, quote, civilization, cyanide, cycle, chicory, cigar, cigar, cyclops, cylinder, dulcimer, scurvy, tank, circulate, barber, cytology, citrus, dial, gypsy, chicken...

Algorithm for placing punctuation marks for introductory and inserted words, phrases, sentences: 1. Does an element that is not grammatically related to the members of the sentence express an attitude towards the content...

Algorithm for placing a dash between the subject and the predicate: 1. Is the predicate expressed by the nominative case of the noun (without a connective) or by the indefinite form of the verb (with the subject - nominative case...

The story of Zhora.

Waking up in the morning, Major Zhora went to brush his teeth with his favorite brush. He combed his thin bangs, put on a black jacket with a yellow hood and went for a walk with his little dog, named Koshelka. I ran into the Bee store and bought acorn coffee and cheap chocolate. He returned to his slum. I drank coffee, turned on the iron to iron my clothes, but got burned and started tap dancing in severe pain.

Late for the institute, Zhora put on unironed clothes, grabbed his record book from the table and ran to study. Since Zhora was a big glutton, sensing the smell of donuts, he could not resist, bought a whole kilogram and ate a mountain, immediately feeling heartburn.

Having decided not to go to school, our major Zhora walked home with a dandy gait, juggling the remaining donuts.

Walking along the highway, he saw a beautiful girl with a strange hairstyle and thin hands, whose name was Shoshana. But then our major was again attacked by gluttony, and, despite the recent heartburn, he and the girl went to a cafe, where they ordered cookies with millet, gooseberry and cherry plum jam, washing everything down, clinking glasses, with Scottish coffee and Borjomi. Zhora asked to bring the bill, from which he was a little shocked, he even felt a burning sensation in his throat, but, without showing it, he paid and volunteered to accompany the lady home.

The next day, our lovers sat in the conservatory, listened to Chopin and watched the conductor lead the orchestra. Suddenly the girl heard some rustling, turned around and saw Zhora with a ring in her hand. In a whisper, the boy proposed to her, and she agreed.

A month later they got married and went on a trip to the Black Sea as newlyweds.

Kornetskaya Anastasia. 10 B class. 2011

Overnight in the forest.

The first day of the hike was coming to an end. We had to spend the night somewhere. We began to prepare for the night and settled down on the bank of a small river, the banks of which were very beautiful. The reed thickets rustled nearby.

Everyone began to collect brushwood for the fire. The commander of the campaign lit a match and started a fire. The fire illuminated the thicket around us. The rustling and whispering of the forest, reflected by the forest, could be heard from everywhere. We stood by the lit fire and looked at the fire. It was getting hot, we prepared the tea leaves and poured boiled water over it, the baked potatoes were already ready. We cut smoked sausage and black bread, opened cans of stew and condensed milk. I took chocolate out of a canvas bag and served it to everyone.

Soon a small boy in a red shirt and a black jacket with a hood approached us. With him were a motley cat and a dog. The boy put his canvas rug near the fire, sat on it and began to warm his feet. We offered him dinner, he agreed and began to eat like a voracious bear cub. Having eaten and warmed up, he began to dance like a dandy, expressively moving his shoulder. Lush bangs fell into his eyes. He carried himself well and received thunderous applause. Soon everyone went to bed.

It was fresh in the morning. Our guest went into the forest and picked a lot of mushrooms and acorns. After having a liver breakfast with him and drinking Borjomi, we moved on.

Menshikova Louise. 10 B class. 2011


A crazy Scottish glutton in cheap silk shorts, sitting on a hard grill, ate kharcho and millet porridge with liver, biting off stale black bread and washing it all down with gooseberry compote.
And the prim dandy, sitting in his slum, humming in a whisper, snapping a string, made a clear seam on his black hood, also thinking about dinner and indignant at his voracious stomach.
And suddenly a rustling was heard... Juggling a long ramrod, an unkempt jockey with chubby cheeks, a brush mustache and a short bang approached.
The sight of this “honored” guest, his chocolate-colored, bilious face, similar to a shriveled acorn, and the hilarious yellow lines on his heavy boots caused unstoppable laughter among the slum dwellers.

To begin with, I inform the students that there are only 4 hissing words in the Russian language - w, w, h, sch.
I offer warm-up exercises to develop phonemic perception and attention. (The number and necessity of such exercises is determined by the teacher.)

· These special exercises, perceived as games, are simultaneously aimed at developing attention, developing the skills of analysis, synthesis, classification and generalization, and phonemic analysis. 3-5 minutes of the lesson are allotted for this work.

After children have learned to easily perform these exercises, that is, phonemic perception and attention are activated, they can begin to work on spelling patterns.

Task 1 . Dictate sentences at the pace of a school dictation. Write out all the hissing ones.

1. Above the rye field, rustling with hard rye ears, the air is hot and still (w w w w w w w).
2. The hot rays of the sun and the whisper of the sea surf call vacationers to the beaches (w h h w w w).
3. In the forest thicket there is silence, only the bees are buzzing over the rosehip flowers and the restless birds are chirping in the heights of the trees (ch w w w w w w w w w w w).
4. Miracles happen:
The snake was stung by a wasp,
She stung me in the stomach
It hurts terribly.
Here. (w w w w w w w w)

5. And Doctor Hedgehog said to Snake:
“I don't find anything.
But still I think
What's better than crawling on your back?
Until my stomach heals.
Here". (w w w w w h h w w w)

6. There are miracles in life:
The snake was stung by a wasp,
She stung me in the stomach
It hurts terribly.
Here. (w h w w w w w w)

7. And Doctor Hedgehog said to Snake:
“I don't find anything.
But still I think
What's better than crawling on your back?
Until my stomach heals.
Here". (w w w w w h h w w w)

Task 2. Specify part of the word ( To oren – To or h A To ornemzk ), which contains the spelling "Oeeafter the hissing andts" Please indicate the exception:excl, and verbs and verbal forms –G.

Sample: Yellow fluff – k, zk.

Black, seam, baked, overnight, yellow, walked, chocolate, twine, flows, purse, liver, bunny, comb, river, girl, gooseberry, highway, crack, cut, bear.

Answer:k, exc, g, g, k, g, exc, k, g, k, k, zk, k, zk, zk, exc, ex, k, g, zk.

Let's get acquainted with the spelling "o-e-e" after the hissing and ts".

a) in the root under the stress write e, if the word can be changed so that it is written e (and e yellow - w e fly); other words that are written with O at the root, let's call them exceptions;
b) behind the root (in the suffix and ending) under stress – O, without accent – e;
V) e– in verbs and verbal forms, i.e. words that are formed from verbs: baked - bake, overnight - overnight, stew - stew, condensed milk - thicken;
d) words with suffix -yor conductor, trainer, But dancer.

Task 3. There are several dozen roots in the Russian language, in which after the sibilants there is e. Write the words using the roots below. Make up phrases with them.

Task 4 . To better remember exception words, at the root of which after hissing words it is written O, read a humorous story that contains 24 such words. Draw an illustration for this story.

By highway the car was speeding. Sat in the cockpit chauffeur, and in the back they were shaking prim Scotsman, former majordomo, Zhora-glutton, jockey, juggler And saddler. Everyone was busy with their own business. Zhora ate chocolate and drank cruchon, juggler juggled gooseberries, stringing it on ramrod. The jockey and the saddler agreed on new blinkers for a horse. Scotsman primly was silent, closing his eyes hood. Everyone was in a mood major. As if they were going on a fun trip show. Suddenly I heard rustle. It's burst seam on shorts Gluttons are gluttons. Everyone was shocked what happened.

You should add words like this to your story: slum And thicket.(With them, the children will willingly come up with the last sentence themselves.)

· Previous tasks prepare students to practice this spelling. The drawing is done by the students on the board while the teacher reads the story. The story is not read in advance. After the drawing is completed, the teacher reads the story again, the drawing is erased from the board, and the students write exception words from memory. Then we determine who remembered more words and which words were not remembered. All this makes it possible to repeat them again. The drawing technique also allows you to “turn on” the student’s emotional memory. This is generally a very good technique, I also use it when working on mistakes.

Now let's get started with writing o-e-e after the hissing ones. We repeat this spelling. We draw students' attention to the fact that for this rule they need to be able to see the composition of a word and distinguish verbal forms and verbs from other parts of speech.
(The term “verbal forms” refers to words that are formed from a verb. These are participles, verbal nouns, and adjectives. The need to determine the part of speech is eliminated, which simplifies the execution of actions.)

Task 5. Complete the table using the words listed below. What words did you not include in the table? Why?

Test yourself:

1st column: 6, 9, 10, 19, 26, 27, 31, 32, 37.
2nd column: 13, 23, 29, 38.
3rd column: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 34, 35, 36, 42, 44.
4th column: 7, 40, 41, 43, 45.
5th column: 4, 24, 30.
Words with spellings are not included anywhere e(not e) after sibilants, words with an unstressed suffix and adverb more(excl.).

This exercise helps to form a conscious approach to working with the spelling rule (orth. No. 14), identifies the stages of students’ mental activity when choosing a vowel.

If a student has made a lot of mistakes, he can be asked to complete any exercise from a textbook or manual, and then fill out the same table with words from the exercise. The table will clearly show the typical mistakes of each student: if there are more errors in one column than in another, this means that the student did not learn this stage of the rule for some reason. For example, many words are incorrectly entered in the first column or verbs are not in the first column - this means that the student forgets or does not know how to highlight suffixes, or does not see the verbs.

Task 6 (for self-test). Insert the missing letters, indicate the number and letter of the spelling.

Sh_gol, twine, chewy, lattice, zh_lob, seamless, girdle, stew, camel, came, baked, count, gluttonous, black, girl, nash, writhe, s_kovy, black, liver, pebble, chew, condensed, shortened, hard, hot_, conductor, hut_m, knife_m, frog_knok, zh_lkler, zash_lka, study, rust_rokh, gooseberry, count, f_rdochka, river, night_stay, burn_t, comb, ch_loch, ch_tky, sh_se, cat_lka, slap_china, slum_by, smoky, black.

Calculate the absorption rate of this spelling: each correctly written word = 2%.


Sufficient level.Fill in the missing letters.

Bull_k, barrel_k, night_vka, paper_nka, ivy_m, smoked_nosti, knife_knife, intense, grandson, garage_m, liberated, stove_nka, condensed milk, girl_nka, extended, candle_y, zh_ngler, zh_ludy, crossed, zh_rdochka.

Intermediate level. Write the text from dictation. Indicate spelling number 14.

On an early spring morning, when the sun was not yet hot and the air was fresh, the guys, led by an intern, fought the leaf beetle on pear and cherry plum trees in the old garden. A watchman is waiting for the children in the reed hut. Kuzmich's head is covered with a cap, a canvas shirt peeks out from under his jacket, and a red scarf is around his neck. Kuzmich shows the children homemade brushes and ratchets, then treats everyone to ripe gooseberries. And the guys offer him chocolates.

(From the book: D. Rosenthal, I. Golub. Russian language. M.: Iris, 1999.)

High level. Find and fix errors. Explain the spelling of words with spelling. No. 14, indicating the letter next to it (14a, 14b...). See the table at the beginning of the section.

The grandfather tells how he caught a bear cub in the thicket and taught him to dance. Imitating a bear cub, he acts either as a dancer or as a conductor. Then we put a barrel instead of a table and sit down to dinner. From the bags we take out stewed meat, condensed milk, pies with liver, smoked meats. The girls are making tea. From behind the nearby bushes a rustling sound is heard and a hare appears. Captivated by lunch, we do not pay any attention to it.


1. Write down the words in which errors were made based on this rule.
2. Figure out why the word had to be written that way.
3. Work through the table again, filling it out using words from any exercise on this topic.
4. Create a similar task for a classmate yourself.
5. Write out words from a literary work with spelling. No. 14, explain graphically their spelling (highlight part of the word, put emphasis or indicate: excl.).

At the control stage, you can use other tasks that involve complex work with spelling and punctuation.

P.S. I subscribe to your newspaper with pleasure, although I can hardly afford it. In addition to the fact that she is a good assistant in my work, she is also a thread connecting me with Russia. Yes, the Russian language is not in honor in Ukraine now, like everything Russian.

Vocabulary dictations

I. Clicked in the thickets of bushes; ripe gooseberries; get out of the thicket; stale bread; black pencil; heavy backpack; thin perch; uneven seam; clear drawing; narrow gutter; yellow sand; loud whisper; tight shorts.

II. Delicious chocolate; wooden ratchet; remote slum; mysterious rustling; a skilled driver; wide highway; severe burn; burned my hand.

III. Chicken fluff; city ​​streets; yellow acacia; pale-faced boy; distant station; black currant; curly gypsy; brown acorn; gypsy song; clock dial; warm tsigeyka; new brush; studying at school; clear step; soft fur; new situation; quote from the book; fox trace; short bangs; long compass; good diction; sister's scarf; interesting tradition.

Selective dictations

Write down the words in two columns And And s after c. Indicate the conditions for choosing a spelling.

I. Circus, compass, shell, cygeyka, figure, zinc, citrus, demonstration, acacia, station, discipline, medicine, cylinder, collection, rehearsal, circus performer, circus, circular, cyclops, operation, gypsy, chicks, tut, chicken, chicken, gypsy, products, police, expedition, editorial, alarm, reproduction, specialty, illustration; fathers, cucumbers, streets, well done, fighters, daredevils, girls, beauties, students, dancing, sisters, stairs, capitals, caterpillars, martens, birds, tits, sheep, scissors, mittens, tongs, ends, pale-faced, chubby, sisters, Lisitsyn, Ptitsyn, Kunitsyn, Pshenitsyn, on tiptoe, Tsaritsyno, diction, starlings, dark-skinned, knitting needles, grace, police, windows, fingers, villages, craftsmen, mills.

II. Circus miracle

There were many attractions in the circus show. All the birds: starlings, titmice, and even clumsy hens - were well done and incredibly smart. They stood on tiptoes, cheerfully pecked cucumbers and flew from knitting needle to knitting needle. The largest chicken sat on the shell of a huge turtle. Then she started pecking at citrus fruits.
The starlings, these tireless fighters, pushed each other as if a real revolution was taking place in the circus arena.
Suddenly, completely unexpectedly, an amazingly handsome gypsy in a top hat appeared with a chicken in his hands. Following the gypsy on tiptoe was his charming assistant. The little yellow chicken received thunderous applause from the audience when he correctly squeaked into the microphone as many times as the numbers shown to him indicated.
At the end of the performance, the gypsy, to everyone’s amazement, took flowers from a small cylinder: daffodils, nasturtiums - and presented them to the audience to stormy applause.

(From the newspaper "Russian language")

Explanatory, warning dictation

1) A rustle behind him made him look back. 2) The hedgehog came out with a shoe brush and started cleaning. (N. Kozlovsky) 3) The sleepy birch trees smiled and disheveled their silk braids. (S. Yesenin) 4) The wind whispers something to the birch trees. 5) Frost bites your nose and cheeks. 6) A heavy truck is crawling along the highway. 7) A light wind rustled grains of snow across the ice. (A. Kazantsev) 8) Just the thought of this thicket fills me with fear. 9) Suddenly, without a rustle or sound, a shadow flashed across the ice. (A. Kazantsev) 10) A round flowerbed with fuzzy yellow flowers looks like a basket with chickens. 11) Nightingales and starlings are already singing in the cozy foliage. 12) The chicks soon grew up, and one day the cheerful family flew away to the wide river shallows. (N. Sladkov) 13) Bees are buzzing over the yellow golden puffs of a flowering willow. And in the bushes on the river bank the first nightingale began to click and sing loudly. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov) 14) The round-faced sunflower in the window starts a conversation with me. ( Yu. Mogutin) 15) Evil martens are running through the trees, chasing squirrels. 16) Birds fly over wide rivers and blue lakes. 17) The circus was born in Ancient Rome. 18) The Christmas tree began to grow, and the birch tree covered it from the burns of the sun and frost. (M. Prishvin)

Schematic dictations

I. Without writing down the words, make their structural diagrams.

1) Hillocks; mushroom picker; she-wolf; giggle; straw.
2) Lesnaya; silver; rain; goose; swampy
3) It will light up; I'll fly; run across; threw; will creak.
4) Mosquito; ponytail; will crack; spreading; save it.

II. Without writing down texts, choose by drawing up structural diagrams,

(O. Konstantinova)

III. Write the words in columns according to their structure:

1) ; 2) ; 3) .
They rustle, clarify, lay, to the right, clean, offer, thin out, connect, left, grows, alley, I look, tremble.

IV. "Make a word."
1) Compose words according to these patterns, indicate whether these words belong to parts of speech.

2) Compose three words with these morphemes. Identify the parts of speech of the written words.

3) Make up word combinations using these patterns.

4) Compose a word by taking the indicated morphemes from different words.

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