Sobyanin opened the Volokolamsk overpass.

Repair of the overpass caused huge traffic jams

“Inconvenience is temporary, benefit is forever!” - says the light green poster that has been hanging on the fence at the intersection for months now Volokolamsk highway and the Small Ring of Moscow railway. However, to the “temporary” inconvenience of thousands of passengers public transport and motorists are already used to it. But they did not expect that their torment would worsen. On April 18, the exit from the highway to Konstantin Tsarev Street (when traveling to the region) was closed for reconstruction. Now, at least until mid-summer, it will be impossible to turn onto the neighboring Leningradskoe Highway.

Due to the narrowing of the road, one and a half kilometers from home to the Tushinskaya metro station have to be covered in an hour, or even longer,” he complained to a MK correspondent. local resident Michael. - And the most annoying thing is that you can’t get there on foot - there are no pedestrian paths.

Instead of an exit at the intersection of Volokolamka and Konstantin Tsarev Street, construction is now in full swing. Three heavy excavators dig into the ground, moving tons of earth per shift, and trucks remove knocked down concrete curbs and pieces of removed asphalt.

To the local grocery store, located in an extension to the ground floor of a residential building, people walk along the wall past migrant workers cutting into the asphalt crust.

It’s noisy, of course, you won’t be able to sleep during the day,” complains a pensioner as she leaves the store. Her words are almost inaudible due to the roar of construction equipment. - What will happen here?

Some of the workers are scurrying around in dug holes, hastily installing underground communications. A backhoe loader on four wheels is delicately digging a trench 30 cm from an oriental restaurant. The cafe administrator stands nearby and phlegmatically watches the action.

What else remains? - he says under his breath and lights a cigarette. - There are still almost no visitors.

It's the same story with the bar in the next house. “As luck would have it, the reconstruction started at the height of the season,” the manager complains. “We no longer know how to attract guests.” The first floor of the house in which the bar is located is covered with huge advertising leaflets, which are clearly visible from the roadway of Volokolamsk Highway. True, this is of little use - you still won’t be able to turn to the establishment.

According to the city Construction Department, “work is being carried out as part of the third stage of reconstruction of Volokolamsk Highway in the section from Pekhotnaya Street to Leningradskoe Highway.” At the intersection of Volokolamka and Tsarev Street, builders are erecting an overpass over the railway tracks and reconstructing the 172-meter-long ramp itself. Workers are also reconstructing road and tram overpasses and two underground pedestrian crossings. After all the work is completed, which is scheduled for the end of this year, the number of transport lanes on the site will increase from six to ten, including one dedicated lane in each direction for public transport.

Large-scale construction work are being carried out to launch passenger traffic on the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway. To do this, it is necessary to reconstruct six road bridges across the railway in the capital. “The Volokolamsk overpass is the fourth and most complex,” said First Deputy Head of the Moscow Construction Department Pyotr Aksenov. - He pulls behind him huge amount communications: and relocation of the heating network, and water supply, and sewerage. The overpass itself rises almost a meter in order to hang the contact network. If our average project costs 1.8 billion, then this one costs almost 5 billion rubles.”


What awaits Volokolamka in Krasnogorsk July 7th, 2016

This year, based on proposals from, Mosavtodor will optimize traffic on the Volokolamsk Highway in Krasnogorsk. As a result, the number of lanes at seven problematic intersections will increase, and traffic will become faster, safer and more convenient.

Why is this necessary? Many people call Krasnogorsk Krasnoprobsk. This offensive name, unfortunately, is justified for now: Volokolamskoye and Ilinskoye highways have long been unable to cope with the flow of traffic. In addition, there is no way to get around the Volokolamskoye Highway: it has no normal “chord” transport connections either with Pyatnitskoye or with Novorizhskoe highway from the “small concrete road” to Ilyinsky and Penyaginsky.

We already helped solve the problem of the busiest junction - the intersection of Ilinskoye, Volokolamskoye and Penyaginskoye highways - in 2013-2015. By markings and signs, by adjusting traffic lights, everything possible was squeezed out of Volokolamsk (read -,). Even more has been done on Ilyinskoe Highway, with markings (/) and, and another one is being implemented now.

Now the problem is being solved radically - by the construction of the long-awaited interchange, which will take place in 3 stages (launch complex)

Construction of the 1st interchange launch complex began in 2016 and should be completed in 2018. As part of this project, the first half of the overpass across the Riga Railway with ramps to it will be erected, and the bed of the Banka River will be straightened.

In the 2nd launch complex, a second overpass of the main passage through the railway will be built Riga direction on Volokolamskoye Highway, an overpass from the main road to Ilinskoye Highway, a bridge over the Banka River.

In the 3rd launch complex, a turning overpass will be built over the Volokolamsk highway opposite the Pavshinskaya floodplain and approaches to it.


It would seem that this is the main solution to the problem of traffic jams! But it's not that simple. If you look closely at the daily traffic jam map, you will clearly see that an equally problematic junction of the Volokolamsk Highway is the intersection with Rechnaya Street. And in the evening, the flow is “held” by all the intersections further in the city - with Mayakovsky Street, People's Militia, Karbysheva, Gorozhankin Brothers. Since Volokolamka in the Rechnaya alignment does not release normal flow towards Ilyinsky in the morning and does not accept it in the evening even now, is it ready to fill the overpass towards Moscow with traffic in the morning and receive flow from the overpass in the evening? The answer is obvious: of course not. Moreover, during the construction of the overpass the problem will not be solved: the reconstruction boundary ends at railway crossing before reaching River Street.

How to solve the problem? Surely many will propose to expand the Volokolamsk Highway along its entire length by a couple of lanes or even build an overpass. Such a pleasure would cost another billions of rubles, would take several years... and would probably encounter protests from residents dissatisfied with the approach of the road to their houses.

Fortunately, all this is not required. At almost all intersections (except for the intersection with Vilora Trifonova Street), the width of the roadway allows us to add re-marking of the Volokolamsk Highway from 4 lanes to 5, as was the case last year! This allows all left turns to be placed in their own pockets, some existing pockets to be extended, and the trajectory to be made as convenient as possible. Due to this, those traveling straight will not only have 2 rows at their complete disposal, but will also be able to avoid changing lanes.

This is what this method looks like in the diagram...

And so it is in life. By the way, this is an intersection on the neighboring Ilinskoye Highway, on my instructions, prepared projects for changing road markings and signs at 6 intersections of the Volokolamsk highway - with the streets of Zhukovsky, Mayakovsky, Narodnogo Opolcheniya, Kirov and Brothers Gorozhankin, Karbysheva and Svetlaya.

Volokolamsk - Zhukovsky


Volokolamsk - Mayakovsky


Volokolamsk - People's Militia


Volokolamsk - Kirov and the Gorozhankin Brothers


Volokolamsk - Karbysheva


Volokolamskoe - Svetlaya


When will everything be implemented? All these measures are approved by Mosavtodor and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, and should be completed in 2016! At some intersections, the markings will be applied on new asphalt, which has just been changed; at others, they will be demarked and re-painted.

What will change at the main, most problematic intersection with Rechnaya Street? Here you won’t be able to get by with markings alone. To extend this unit, you need to organize a passage of 3 lanes in each direction, and for this you will have to “cut” all the traffic islands and move a couple of traffic light consoles. In addition, for a normal accumulation zone, the roadway in front of the intersection will need to be slightly widened on each side.



The scale of changes and the cost are greater here, and the implementation time is correspondingly longer. But we will ask GUDH and Mosavtodor to sort out this issue in 2016, because only when the bottleneck It will be possible to obtain a comprehensive effect from all other activities.

That's not all! When all this is implemented, we will check the operation of the traffic lights and try to synchronize their programs for better performance.

Expected effect: after the implementation of these 7 measures, the capacity of the Volokolamsk Highway will increase by approximately 30-40% in each direction. This will not only solve the current problems, but will also prepare the highway for traffic from the interchange. The effect in the direction of the region will be felt already this year, in the direction of Ilyinsky - after the expansion of the Volokolamsk highway to 3 lanes according to the project.

We have several more such complex projects on roads in the Moscow region; State Road Administration and Mosavtodor have taken them into priority implementation. I’ll try to please you with great news in 2016, stay tuned!

In the north-west of Moscow, after reconstruction, the Volokolamsk overpass opened. Now it's ten-lane. It passes over the railway tracks of the small capital ring. For free movement All train structures have been completely replaced. And an interchange appeared on the Leningradskoye Highway.

Rain on the road is a good sign. It’s doubly nice if the road is new. Drivers waited a year and a half for the opening of the Volokolamsk overpass; all this time it was being reconstructed. Although, in fact, they built a new overpass, TV Center reports.

With a loud horn, heavy equipment opens the movement. This is not just a tradition, but a real test of strength.

After extensive repairs, the overpass will last at least half a century. Traffic was not stopped here during the work. A so-called temporary overpass was built for cars, which is now part of the main one.

The Volokolamsk overpass is not only technically outdated. The electric supports of the Moscow Central Circle simply would not fit under it. The new one was made higher, almost seven meters. Exactly the same work has already been completed on five more overpasses: Leningradsky, Mozhaisk, Zvenigorodsky, Koptevsky and Bogorodsky. Nothing interferes with the swift flight of red swallows. Cars rush along the overpass to the beat. According to the project, the roadway will be widened, side passages will be built, and dedicated lanes will be created. The highway's capacity will increase by a third. Getting to the new stadium “ Spartak" or TPU “Volokolamskoe” it will become easier. The mayor of Moscow first of all thanks the builders.

"Today we are handing over two important objects. The first object is the overpass on Volokolamka. Even two overpasses - a tram overpass and automobile overpass, which increased the number of lanes from six to ten. Of course this will improve difficult situation, which is on Volokolamka. And the second object is the 41 kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway, an interchange. There were always serious traffic jams there. Crossing Leningradka. Departure from Zelenograd took place at the usual intersection in one plane. Now a tunnel has been made, an interchange", said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

But this is the main entrance to Zelenograd. Construction of a tunnel is a strategic decision. Near the famous “ Bayonets”. The overpass would have closed the entire memorial complex. The tunnel passes under the Leningradskoye Shosse and connects Panfilovsky Prospekt with Lyalovskoye Shosse.

There are additional exits here that will significantly relieve traffic. Now they are working on it new scheme. To get to Zelenograd from Leningradskoye Shosse you need to drive through a tunnel, and then along Panfilovsky Prospekt. Exactly the same road from Zelenograd to Leningradskoye Highway towards Solnechnogorsk.

/ Thursday, September 8, 2016 /

topics: Reconstructions Road reconstruction Sobyanin Zelenograd

In the capital, the reconstruction of the Volokolamsk tunnel has been completed - traffic through the structure is open, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said, adding that today the city is also ready for a transport interchange on the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway.

. . . . . And the second object is 41 kilometers of the Leningradskoye Highway, an interchange is being launched there,” the mayor said, adding that with the commissioning of this tunnel in Moscow, the program for reconstructing the overpasses necessary to launch traffic along Moskovskoe central ring.

According to the first deputy head of the Moscow Metropolitan Construction Department, Pyotr Aksenov, the opening of a 434-meter overpass on Volokolamka will improve the tunnel's throughput by 30%.

“Now we have done along the entire length, both on the reconstructed sections of the Volokolamskoye Highway towards the region, and the reconstruction of the Volokolamskoye Highway towards Moscow. We have made dedicated lanes for public transport here on the overpass.”, - explained Pyotr Aksenov.

According to Sergei Sobyanin, the opening of an interchange on the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway will also significantly improve the situation on the roads, in particular transport accessibility Zelenograd. . . . . . So traffic there will also improve. I congratulate the residents of Zelenograd on the upcoming City Day and on the facility that we handed over. Thanks to the builders!”, the mayor emphasized.

The interchange at the 41st kilometer of Leningradskoye Shosse made it possible to remove the traffic light and speed up traffic at the intersection of Leningradskoye Shosse and Panfilovsky Prospekt. As part of the project, an 80-meter underground pedestrian crossing with two lanes in each direction was built under the Leningradskoe Highway, and the crossing over Panfilovsky Prospekt was reconstructed. The main roadway of Leningradskoe Highway was expanded to four lanes in each direction.

In Moscow, intensive construction of transport interchanges and overpasses, overpasses and tunnels continues. They allow the city to solve difficult transport problems, and for motorists and pedestrians to make movement more comfortable, faster and safer.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin today, September 8, solemnly opened traffic along the Volokolamsk overpass. The reconstruction of Volokolamka will improve its capacity, as well as simplify access to the stadium.” Spartak" and transport hub “Volokolamsky”. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin stated this while inspecting the results of construction work.

Today we are handing over an important facility - an overpass on the Volokolamsk highway. Two overpasses were built here - a tram and a car, which made it possible to increase the number of traffic lanes from six to ten. . . . . .

Sobyanin noted that in fact, in Moscow, the program for the reconstruction of overpasses, which was necessary for organizing passenger traffic along the Moscow Central Railway Ring, has been completed. In just 3 years, 6 outdated narrow overpasses were replaced with modern overpasses.

As Deputy Head of the Moscow Construction Department Pyotr Aksenov said, new road facilities will significantly increase the capacity on this section of the road - up to 30%. “We made this analytical assessment taking into account the expansions and contractions of the turn”, - commented Pyotr Aksenov.

In addition to the creation of overpasses, a comprehensive reconstruction of the road section took place on the Volokolamsk Highway. Repair work affected both the lanes towards Moscow and the lanes towards the region. As a result of the reconstruction, the number of vehicle lanes along the overpass increased from six to 10 - five lanes in each direction.

In addition, on September 8, Sergei Sobyanin inaugurated a new transport interchange in Zelenograd at the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway near the Monument of Glory. Bayonets”.

Sergei Sobyanin opened traffic on the Volokolamsk highway overpass, passing over the tracks of the Moscow Central Circle. Thus, the program for reconstruction of overpasses, necessary for organizing passenger traffic along the MCC, has actually been completed.
. . . . . In particular, two new overpasses were built on the Volokolamsk highway - for cars and separately for trams.
The construction of a road overpass is part of the comprehensive reconstruction project of the Volokolamskoye Highway from Pekhotnaya Street to Leningradskoye Shosse, which includes the reconstruction of a tram overpass, as well as two underground pedestrian crossings in the area of ​​houses 14 and 26 on Volokolamskoye Highway.
Work on the improvement of the Volokolamsk highway itself continues as much as possible at a fast pace. Completion of construction is scheduled for December of this year. The overpass structures have already been completely replaced there, increasing the dimensions to 6.9 meters for train traffic along the MCC. . . . . .
In total, 2.6 kilometers of roads will be built as part of the project. Dedicated lanes will be organized for public transport. Reconstruction of the highway will improve its capacity by 20-25 percent and provide convenient access to the stadium.” Spartak" and TPU “Volokolamsky”. Transport accessibility of the Moscow districts Sokol, Shchukino and Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo will improve.

On September 8, 2016, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin inspected the results of work on the reconstruction of the Volokolamsk overpass. WITH today traffic is open on the Volokolamsk overpass and transport interchange at 41 km

. . . . .

According to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, the program for reconstruction of overpasses necessary for organizing passenger traffic along the MCC has actually been completed in Moscow. From 2013 to 2016 6 outdated overpasses were replaced with modern overpasses.

In addition, the Mayor of Moscow congratulated Zelenograd residents on the upcoming City Day and on the commissioning of the new facility. According to him, the opening of the interchange will improve the transport situation near Zelenograd.

First Deputy Head of the Moscow Construction Department Pyotr Aksenov reported to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin that thanks to the opening of the Volokolamsk overpass, the capacity of the Volokolamsk Highway will increase by 30%, and dedicated lanes for public transport will increase traffic speed.

“According to our estimates, it is 25%, even up to 30%. . . . . .

Work on the reconstruction of the 434 m long Volokolamsk highway overpass began in January 2015. . . . . .

Work on the construction of an interchange at 41 km of Leningradskoe Highway began in October 2014. The project included widening the main part of Leningradskoe Highway from 2 to 4 lanes in each direction; expansion of Panfilovsky Avenue to 3 lanes in each direction and the roadway of Lyalovskoye Highway in front of the tunnel to 2 lanes; organizing conventions with transport interchange; construction of side passages along Leningradskoye Highway and construction of a U-turn on Panfilovsky Prospekt to ensure exit from Lyalovskoye to Leningradskoye Highway towards Moscow. For the convenience of pedestrians, an underground passage across the Leningradskoe Highway was built and the passage across Panfilovsky Prospekt was reconstructed. In total, about 7 km of roads were built.

The capital’s authorities note that the reconstruction of the Volokolamsk Highway will provide convenient access to the stadium.” Spartak" and TPU “Volokolamsky”, will improve transport accessibility of the Moscow districts Sokol, Shchukino and Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo. Thanks to the construction of an interchange at 41 km of Leningradskoye Highway, traffic has become traffic-light-free.

In Moscow, after the completion of reconstruction, the ten-lane Volokolamsk overpass and the transport interchange at the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoe Highway opened to traffic, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said during an inspection of the results of work carried out on these road facilities.

Sergei Sobyanin said that two facilities are being commissioned. One of them was the Volokolamsk overpass, which is divided into tram and automobile overpasses. Expanding the number of lanes of this transport facility from six to ten will reduce the load on the Volokolamsk Highway and improve the traffic situation in the area of ​​the new overpass.

The second object was a two-level interchange of the “cloverleaf” type, which was built at 41 kilometers of Leningradskoe Highway. She will decide traffic problems and reduce congestion at the main entrance from Moscow to Zelenograd from Leningradskoye Shosse. Previously, it was organized as a single-level intersection, which by the start of construction had completely exhausted its capacity.

. . . . .

One of the main construction projects was a transport tunnel that runs under the Leningradskoe Highway and connects Panfilovsky Prospekt with Lyalovskoe Highway. Also, as part of the construction of the interchange, work was carried out aimed at updating the road infrastructure in the area and improving transport situation. . . . . . Side exits from the traffic intersection were also organized, side passages were built along the Leningradskoe Highway, and a U-turn was created on Panfilovsky Prospekt. It is necessary to exit from Lyalovskoye to Leningradskoye Shosse towards Moscow.

The Volokolamsk overpass and the transport interchange at the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway opened to traffic , said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

On September 8, Sobyanin opened the ten-lane Volokolamsk overpass after reconstruction. . . . . . There are even two overpasses - a tram overpass and a car overpass on Volokolamka."

Today, an interchange was also opened in the area of ​​41 kilometers of Leningradskoye Highway. . . . . . Thanks to the builders!” said the mayor.

The capacity of the Volokolamsk highway will increase by 30% with the opening of the Volokolamsk overpass, and the interchange at the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye highway will remove traffic light object and speed up traffic at the intersection of the highway and Panfilovsky Prospekt.

. . . . .

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Traffic was also launched at the interchange at the entrance to Zelenograd on the 41st km of Leningradskoye Highway.

. . . . . He clarified that now the number of traffic lanes on the Volokolamsk overpass has been increased from 6 to 10.

A key interchange facility was opened in Zelenograd, which was a transport tunnel built under the Leningradskoye Highway and connecting Panfilovsky Prospekt with Lyalovskoye Highway. Traffic in this tunnel is organized in two lanes in each direction.

. . . . . During the work, the structures were completely replaced. At the same time, the height of the overpass was increased so that MCC trains could freely pass under it. In addition, as part of the work on the MCC, the overpass next to Volokolamsk Highway, along which trams run, was raised.

In total, in preparation for passenger traffic on the MCC, five more overpasses in addition to Volokolamsk were reconstructed: Leningradsky, Mozhaisky, Zvenigorodsky, Koptevsky and Bogorodsky.

Reconstruction of the intersection at the 41st km of Leningradskoye Highway began in October 2014 and included the construction of a two-level interchange with the organization of traffic without traffic lights.

The updated roadway now includes 10 lanes instead of six.
As of today, the updated overpass on Volokolamsk Highway has been fully put into operation. The work began two years ago, when the level of deterioration of the structure was about 50%. As a result, the roadway was raised higher so that MCC trains could pass under it without restrictions, and expanded from six to 10 lanes.
In addition, today the interchange at the entrance to Zelenograd from the Leningradskoye Highway was also opened.
“I am sure that it will be an excellent gift for the residents of Zelenograd on City Day,” Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin quotes Russian newspaper . - Previously, leaving Zelenograd was significantly difficult, because the intersection of Panfilovsky Prospekt and Leningradskoye Highway was at the same level. Now a tunnel has been built that allows you to pass under Leningradka.
Thus, Zelenograd motorists will be able to enter the district without traffic lights.
Photo from the website of the mayor and government of Moscow.

. . . . . And of course, it will improve the difficult situation that exists on the Volokolamsk highway. And the second object is an interchange at the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway,” Sobyanin said, noting that the opening of the interchange will improve the transport accessibility of Zelenograd.

According to the authorities' calculations, in general, the capacity of the Volokolamsk Highway will increase by 25-30%.

Reconstruction of the Volokolamsk highway overpass began in January 2015. Its length is 434 m. The number of lanes for cars on the overpass has increased from six to 10 - five in each direction.

Today the Mayor of Moscow attended the opening of traffic along the Volokolamsk overpass and the transport interchange at 41 km. Leningradskoe highway. . . . . . Thus, the Leningradsky, Mozhaisky, Zvenigorodsky, Koptevsky, Bogorodsky (done in the MCC right-of-way area), and now the Volokolamsk, road and tram overpasses have undergone reconstruction.

After reconstruction, the Volokolamsk overpass ceased to be " bottleneck"The opening of the Volokolamsk overpass will increase traffic capacity on the highway up to 30%.

. . . . .

Also opened today at 41 km. Leningradskoye Highway will improve transport accessibility near Zelenograd. Previously, the main entrance to Zelenograd at 41 km of Leningradskoe Highway was organized in the form of a controlled single-level intersection. Now the traffic light has been removed, and traffic has accelerated at the intersection of Leningradskoye Shosse and Panfilovsky Prospekt. The departure from Zelenograd to the Leningradskoye Highway towards Solnechnogorsk is organized in a similar way.

. . . . .

On September 8, traffic opened on the Volokolamsk overpass over the Moscow Central Circle tracks and on the interchange at the entrance to Zelenograd at the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway. The number of lanes on the overpass increased from six to ten, the height of the object also increased so that trains could pass under it freely, reports “ Interfax".
In addition, during the reconstruction, the tram overpass next to Volokolamsk Highway was raised. It is expected that the highway's capacity will increase by 30% with the opening of the Volokolamsk overpass. New interchange in Zelenograd will allow removing the traffic light and speeding up traffic at the intersection of Leningradskoye Shosse and Panfilovsky Prospekt.
. . . . .

Today, September 8, in Moscow, after reconstruction, traffic was opened along the Volokolamsk overpass and the transport interchange at the 41st kilometer of Leningradskoe Highway.

The opening ceremony was attended by the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin. The mayor expressed hope that the new facilities will increase the capacity of these areas.

According to Sergei Sobyanin, on the Volokolamsk Highway the number of traffic lanes has increased from six to ten. Thus, the throughput of the site will be increased by 20-25%. Reconstruction of the Volokolamsk highway started at the beginning of last year. At that time, the object was more than 50% worn out.

. . . . . Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced this when receiving the facilities.

Taking Men at work, Sergei Sobyanin noted that the city is receiving two important facilities - tram and automobile overpasses on Volokolamskoye and an interchange at the 41st kilometer of Leningradskoye Highway.

- Of course, this will improve the difficult situation that exists on Volokolamka, - noted Sergei Sobyanin, also mentioning that the number of traffic lanes on the overpass was increased from six to ten - five in each direction.

. . . . . Thus, over the past three years, six outdated narrow overpasses (Leningradsky, Mozhaisky; Zvenigorodsky; Volokolamsk, Koptevsky and Bogorodsky) have been replaced with modern overpasses.

The mayor of Moscow believes that the opening of the interchange will improve transport accessibility near Zelenograd. He congratulated the residents of Zelenograd on City Day and the commissioning of the new facility.

. . . . . The speed of movement will also be increased by dedicated lanes for public transport created on the highway.

Reconstruction of the Volokolamsk highway overpass began a year and a half ago. As part of the reconstruction, the overpass structures were replaced with an increase in their dimensions for the passage of trains along the MCC.

. . . . . Earlier, at the exit from Zelenograd on the Leningradskoye Highway towards Solnechnogorsk, another tunnel appeared - bypassing the mass grave Soviet soldiers times of the Great Patriotic War.

On September 8, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened traffic on the Leningradskoe Highway at the interchange at the entrance to Zelenograd and the Volokolamsk overpass, the agency reported. Moscow ".

. . . . .

The mayor noted that the opening of the interchange will improve transport accessibility near Zelenograd.

First Deputy Head of the Moscow Construction Department Pyotr Aksenov said that with the opening of the overpass, the capacity of the Volokolamsk Highway will increase by 30%. According to him, special lanes have been made for public transport.

It was previously reported that the reconstruction of the overpass included a complete replacement of the structures with an increase in size to accommodate MCC trains up to 6.9 meters. The length of the road overpass was 174 meters.

On September 8, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin took part in the launch of traffic after reconstruction along the Volokolamsk overpass. On the same day, the capital’s mayor visited the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoe Highway, where the construction of a new road junction was completed.

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The head of the city noted that the completion of work on the Volokolamsk Highway was the finale of the overpass reconstruction program, which was necessary to organize passenger traffic along the Moscow Central Circle. It's about on the expansion of Bogorodsky, Volokolamsky, Zvenigorodsky, Koptevsky, Leningradsky and Mozhaisk overpasses.

Reconstruction of the Volokolamsk overpass began in January last year. During this time, its structures were completely replaced with an increase in dimensions to 6.9 meters for train traffic on the MCC.

. . . . . A year ago the newspaper “ Kakhovka” reported on Sergei Sobyanin’s visit to the overpass construction site.

. . . . .

Another road facility that the capital's mayor visited today is the interchange at the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway or the main entrance to Zelenograd. Previously, the head of the city promised that the transformation of a controlled single-level intersection into a traffic-lightless two-level “cloverleaf” interchange would be completed by City Day.

. . . . . Thanks to the builders!” Sergei Sobyanin addressed the Zelenograd residents.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin inspected the results of work on the reconstruction of the Volokolamsk overpass and the transport interchange at 41 km of Leningradskoe Highway.

. . . . .

The reconstruction of the road overpass is also part of the comprehensive reconstruction project of the Volokolamsk Highway from Pekhotnaya Street to Leningradskoe Highway.

. . . . . In just three years, six outdated narrow overpasses were replaced with modern overpasses: Leningradsky; Mozhaisky; Zvenigorodsky; Volokolamsk (road and tram); Koptevsky; Bogorodsky (performed in the MCC right-of-way area).

. . . . .

On September 8, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin took part in the launch ceremony of working traffic along the Volokolamsk automobile overpass, passing over the tracks of the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway, on which regular passenger transportation is planned to open in a few days. The reconstruction of the overpass, which began in January 2015, included a complete replacement of structures and raising the span height to 6.9 m. The commissioning of this facility was also completed important stage implementation of the project for the comprehensive reconstruction of Volokolamsk Highway from Pekhotnaya Street to Leningradskoe Highway.

Giving a comment to media representatives, Sergei Sobyanin said that the Volokolamsk overpass is not single object transport infrastructure, which is being handed over by builders today.

. . . . . He also recalled that the interchange on Leningradskoye Highway after the launch of the new tunnel should fundamentally improve the traffic situation in the Zelenograd area.

Sergei Sobyanin also clarified that with the commissioning of the Volokolamsk overpass, the overpass reconstruction program, which is important, has been fully completed integral part project to launch passenger traffic along the city railway ring (MCR). At the same time, the mayor especially emphasized that in 3 years, 6 outdated overpasses were replaced with modern wide overpasses.

The information provided by the mayor about the new overpass was supplemented by First Deputy Head of the Construction Department Petr Aksenov. He, in particular, said that expanding the overpass will increase its capacity by at least a quarter.

The project for the reconstruction of the intersection at the 41st km of Leningradskoe Highway, the implementation of which began in October 2014, provided for the construction of a 2-level “cloverleaf” type traffic interchange with the organization of traffic lightless traffic. . . . . .

Two large objects of the capital's road transport infrastructure opened today, September 9, for Moscow motorists. This is the Volokolamsk overpass passing through railway tracks MCC, and interchange on Leningradskoye Shosse. The results of their reconstruction were assessed by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

According to the mayor, the Volokolamsk overpass will greatly alleviate the situation on the highway of the same name. It was once considered one of the most traffic-congested places in Moscow. In addition, as Sobyanin noted, average speed Traffic flow will increase due to the opening of the overpass.

As for the interchange on Leningradka, its length is now more than 40 kilometers. Sobyanin also said that the roadway of the highway section was expanded to 4 lanes in each direction.

“Today we are handing over two important objects. The first object is the overpass on Volokolamka. Even two overpasses - a tram overpass and a car overpass on Volokolamka, which increased the number of traffic lanes from six to ten. Of course, this will improve the difficult situation that exists on Volokolamka. And the second facility is 41 km of the Leningradskoye Highway, where an interchange is being launched,” Sobyanin said.

He noted that in fact, in Moscow, the program for reconstructing overpasses, which was necessary for organizing passenger traffic along the MCC, has been completed. In just 3 years, 6 outdated narrow overpasses were replaced with modern overpasses.

According to the mayor, the opening of the interchange will improve transport accessibility near Zelenograd.

“Now a tunnel has been made, an interchange. So traffic there will also improve. I congratulate the residents of Zelenograd on the upcoming City Day and on the facility that we handed over. Thanks to the builders!” Sobyanin added.

As First Deputy Head of the Moscow Construction Department Pyotr Aksenov told reporters, the capacity of the Volokolamsk Highway will increase by 30% with the opening of the Volokolamsk overpass.

“According to our estimates, it is 25%, even up to 30%. We made such an analytical assessment taking into account the expansions and contractions of the turn,” Aksenov said.

“Now we have completed the entire length, both on the reconstructed sections of the Volokolamsk highway towards the region, and the reconstruction of the Volokolamsk highway towards Moscow. We have made dedicated lanes for public transport here on the overpass,” Aksenov clarified.

Work on the reconstruction of the Volokolamsk highway overpass began in January 2015. The length of the overpass is 434 m, of which 260.4 m are in retaining walls, the span is 173.6 m. As part of the project, a complete replacement of the overpass structures was carried out with an increase in dimensions to 6, 9 m for train movement on the MCC. As a result of the reconstruction, the number of vehicle lanes along the overpass increased from six to 10 - five lanes in each direction.

The interchange at 41 km of Leningradskoye Shosse will make it possible to remove the traffic light and speed up traffic at the intersection of Leningradskoye Shosse and Panfilovsky Prospekt. As part of the project, a tunnel under the Leningradskoye Highway, about 80 m long, with two lanes in each direction, an underground pedestrian crossing, and a reconstruction of the crossing across Panfilovsky Prospekt were built. The main roadway of Leningradskoe Highway was expanded to four lanes in each direction.

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