Sun square Pluto in the natal chart. Aspects of the Sun and Pluto in the natal chart

The square of the Sun and Pluto is a powerful combination of celestial bodies, giving enormous energy, will, the ability to rule and gain popularity. The Sun here symbolizes a person’s ego, and Pluto symbolizes his ability to control the situation, influence the consciousness of others and inspire respect in them.

Since square is a tense aspect, then joint action The Sun and Pluto can be not so much creative as destructive. Such people may feel a desire to create a new order on the ruins of the old, but in times of crisis they show themselves to be true leaders, tireless fighters and winners.

The influence of the aspect on a person’s personality, behavior and worldview

You won’t be able to pass by the owner of the square of the Sun and Pluto just like that: there is something in his appearance that catches, fascinates and makes you stop. The native’s character includes extraordinary magnetism, excellent leadership qualities, the ability to gain attention, ignite people and lead them to their goals. The native knows how to subjugate people to his will. Everyone feels confident around him and therefore gives him the initiative in everything. Such people do not hesitate to speak in front of the public and give commands and instructions.

Negative character traits of such a person will be hot temper, authoritarianism, excessive ambition, and a desire to suppress others. Owners of this aspect can be impatient, impulsive and angry, but thanks to assertiveness, courage, and extraordinary strength (both moral and physical), these people most often achieve what they want.

If there is a square of the Sun and Pluto in the birth chart, then it is advisable for the native to choose for himself an activity that involves responsibility, risk or struggle and thereby gives an outlet to the powerful potential of the natal chart. Such people will be effective as entrepreneurs, politicians, workers law enforcement agencies, stuntmen, rescuers, investigators, criminologists, etc. A person with this configuration will reveal his abilities by involving himself in the fields of psychology, finance and show business. He is also suitable for the role of a leader at any level.

Square the Sun – Pluto in a woman’s natal chart

Since the aspects of planets to the Sun, the significator of marriage in a woman’s birth chart, characterize the type of men preferred by the owner of the horoscope, the square from Pluto will tell about a strong-willed, powerful and despotic partner. He may be a strong, financially secure, energetic, enterprising and popular person, but his dictatorial tone, excessive assertiveness, quarrelsomeness and desire to command can make relationships difficult.

In addition, it is quite difficult for the owner of this aspect to show flexibility in relationships. Compromises are not easy for her. In any controversial issues and when problems arise in relationships, she tends to be straightforward, cut from the shoulder and do it her own way, which can be the main cause of discord in the partnership.

Square the Sun and Pluto in some zodiac signs

Square is an aspect that carries destruction. However, if it unites luminaries that are strong in their cosmic status, then the energy received from the interaction of the planets benefits the native, making him especially fearless and capable of struggle, competition and defending his position.

For example, a quadrature connecting strong sun in Leo and Pluto in Scorpio, increases the penetrating abilities of the subject. A person gets the opportunity to maximize his talents in critical situations; through struggle and confrontation with opponents, he becomes successful, effective and popular.

Various sources for a child's horoscope

Such a child may be attracted to a superhero ( ordinary person, turning into a powerful being). He will strive to be like such a person, showing impudence and self-confidence. Family problems, for example, separation from or loss of a parent, can increase the feeling that one is being robbed of one's strength and will. The child must understand that there are right and wrong ways to use personal strength. Otherwise, he may exhibit the use of personal power in fights and quarrels in order to feel worthy of his own power. Parents and teachers should allow such children to acknowledge their eigenvalue, but at the same time do not do anything unceremonious or cruel towards yourself and other people.
A child may consider his father to be omniscient and omnipotent or unceremonious and ruthless (these qualities arise in the child’s imagination through observations of life situations).

No Monster. Aspects

The desire for power, imposing one's will on others. Show "favor" towards people. They think that the strong are always right. Aggressive towards the opposite sex.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Opposition, square: anxiety, self-destruction, guilt complex, often associated with abandoning the paternal model. In reality, this manifests itself in the form of external friendliness, designed to mislead others, to hide the wolf under sheep skin, then in the form of a tendency to overthrow other people's systems. As always with Pluto aspects, all this can be largely repressed into the unconscious.

Absalom the Underwater. Aspects

Square of the Sun: The mirror should not be blamed under any circumstances.
The square of the Sun puts the Planet under the attack of disharmonious impulses of human will and imperative external circumstances. At the same time, the person himself is not inclined, of course, to consider his expressions of will disharmonious, and at a low level he will not notice either his rudeness, rigidity, or incompetence, but he will very subtly sense the indicated qualities of the environment and other people when the principle of the Planet turns on. At the second or third levels of elaboration of the square, it will seem to a person that he has an external and internal enemies The planetary principle, the purpose of which is not to give, sometimes in the crudest form, the opportunity to manifest itself. For example, with the Sun square to the Moon, a person will from time to time, as if against his will, make gross mistakes and tactlessness in dealing with women and, perhaps, secretly fear and dislike them, at the same time experiencing a strong craving for them, because his inner his image of a woman-mother will be significantly distorted and active. If the Sun is in Aries, aggression and harshness are likely, if in Pisces - false positions and false initiatives with unpleasant consequences, etc. Here the karmic program is that a person is prescribed strict restrictions in freedom of expression and initiative in areas governed by the Planet , but are required highest manifestations solar principle, i.e. constant impersonal attention to what is happening in the spheres of the Planet; external initiative is allowed only when forced by external circumstances, and then in a minimal amount, since, as a rule, it leads to disharmonious consequences. From the point of view of internal development, this aspect is very promising in relation to acquisition (in the sphere of influence of the Planet) true power over oneself and transition to serving a higher egregor, which means a more creative and internally free life. With good energy, you can try to master the disharmonious external will and direct it past yourself to those around you - the aspect of black teachers, especially when the Sun’s square to the higher planets is emphasized. Elaboration gives the ability to work subtly, according to the barely audible instructions of a high egregor, to weave openwork threads of the finest karma, sometimes relating to the distant future.
Pluto Square: Angel wings grow on the places rubbed by the cross of fate.
The influence of Pluto's square is manifested in a certain inconvenience for a person of those sacrifices in the area of ​​the Planet that fate will require of him; at least that’s what it will seem like to the person himself. He should come to terms with the idea that these sacrifices will be required of him at the wrong moment and will entail unpleasant consequences that seem to be of a completely optional and unnecessary nature; but this, alas, is the characteristic of this karmic program. The square of Pluto is the aspect of Job, which, fortunately, does not always go as far.
Manifestations of the Planetary principle in the external world will greatly displease a person, and he will have a desire to establish order in this regard in the world, for which he will need the appropriate power. The intention of karma, however, is exactly the opposite in nature, namely, to bring cleanliness and order in the area of ​​the Planetary principle in the inner world of a person and his subconscious, for which a person must gain power over his instincts and lower inclinations related to the Planet. Until a person realizes this, he will more than once have to face heavy sacrifices and fate, which will haunt him exactly to the extent that a person causes it - indifferently, subconsciously or consciously, intentionally or unintentionally, with the best or worst intentions. The essential point is that in the area of ​​the Planet a person has, as it were, a magnifying glass that clearly reveals his (and others’) minimal imperfections and errors. This aspect provides great opportunities for internal development and self-purification, and at the same time gives the world black teachers of the dictatorial type, exterminating in the external world the low and average manifestations of the Planetary principle with power, fire and sword, leaving room only for the subtlest (which are not seen), and sometimes just ashes . The average level is characterized by harsh behavior with elements of rude command and nihilism towards others, which is combined with the desire to master the Planetary principle oneself. Internally, a person really wants to show his example to the world, but this absolutely does not work out, or (in the person’s opinion) the world is simply not mature enough and therefore is not able to see the perfection shown to him.

A. Ryzhov. Health, ASC, Sun, Moon

And this is a very difficult case. Essence and sexual energy do not fit together, and the person is deprived of the opportunity to develop. Or it is hypersexuality, used at a completely animal level, at the level of sympathy or even parasympathetic. Or it's hyposexuality. Quadratura is a rapist, a maniac. Whether they have been realized or not depends on other aspects. Mafia leader, boss, KGB officer.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects

The desire for power, imposing one's will on others. They are domineering, commanding, frantic, they usually show people their good attitude towards them, but it would be better if they did not do this. It seems to them that the strong are always right, which causes protest among others. Aggressive towards the opposite sex.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

These are aspects of self-affirmation, the struggle for popularity, power, success; this is dictatorship, the desire to command, authoritarianism, conflicts with others, quarrelsomeness, carelessness, rashness, impatience; prone to accidents, danger of surgical operations, inflammatory diseases.
The good side is that the struggle for popularity can be an incentive for self-improvement; these aspects can give the ability to achieve goals, the ability to win.

>Squaring the Sun

Let us analyze in detail the interpretation of the aspect squaring the Sun.

This aspect was created by the polar houses, which makes it partly very contradictory - such a square gives the desire to achieve even greater success in professional activities with a general dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in the present time. Naturally, the duality of such a state leads to emotional weakening, creating additional tension.

Often this square signifies the presence of some serious incident that occurred due to a coincidence of fatal circumstances.

The purpose of this arrangement of planets is interpreted as the imposition of previously unused forms of behavior and you can only accept all changes in life in an appropriate manner.

Sun square Pluto

This aspect is characterized by tyrannical behavior towards the people around you. Your character is most clearly characterized by rigidity, authority, impatience and intolerance. You try your best to show people your good attitude, convey to them that all the actions you take will only benefit them, while completely disregarding their needs and desires.

Your position is “the strong are always right”, regarding which you make all decisions.

In relationships with the opposite sex, you often also show causeless aggression, which in most cases is the cause of a breakup. This behavior is due to the desire to remove permanent emotional stress, caused by the desire to assert yourself and prove to society that your merits have significant weight.

Sun square Neptune

IN early age did you have difficult relationships with parents (often with father). On a subconscious level, you had to lie to them, since a response from them appeared only if you met their expectations and hopes. Such opportunistic behavior set the direction for personality development towards some deceit and intrigue. Just like defensive reaction, there is a departure from reality into the fictional world of illusions. All these factors in combination can form a person who is weak-willed, apathetic and unwilling to bear responsibility.

Staying for a long time in your fantasy world not only alienates you from reality, but also gives you a tendency to inappropriate romantic dreams and secret love affairs. Rich imagination, which is a surefire means of protecting oneself from an unsatisfactory world, can turn out to be the cause of self-destructive behavior. For example, you should avoid participating in dubious get-rich-quick adventures, since disappointment and losses from failed plans will be very great.

To relieve psychological stress caused by the discrepancy between the real world and the fantasy world, two paths are often chosen, which, unfortunately, are both false.

Uncertainty and incomprehensibility in society is compensated by an illusory inflated self-esteem, which manifests itself in the feeling of being “special” in comparison with other people. Accordingly, this manifests itself in behavior, which further alienates you from society.

In the case of love for mysticism, another, but no less imaginary idea develops. A person may feel like a “messiah” whose goal in life is to convey some idea to people. As a result, some psychological problems in the development of religion.

Sun Square - Uranus

This square characterizes a tough and strong-willed personality.

You have such character traits as willfulness and some carelessness. You move in the direction that you like, crushing everything that comes in your way, not caring at all about the interests and feelings of the people around you. Despite this insensitivity, it is easy for you to make new acquaintances and there is always a whole army of friends and comrades around you, whom you choose from those who show more signs of attention. But it should be noted that it is worth approaching the choice of those close to you more carefully, paying attention not only to their words, but also, mainly, to their actions.

In your work, you do not tolerate half measures and strive to occupy the very top rung of the career ladder, as always, advancing not delicately, but ahead. Naturally, with this approach, you also find some ill-wishers with whom you are waging a fierce struggle, especially if you believe that the case is based on some kind of injustice.

Despite, or rather even thanks to, your capriciousness and eccentric behavior, you not only attract people, but ignite them with your ideas, which, unfortunately, often turn out to be difficult to implement, because you simply do not have enough patience and experience to implement them.

You try to realize the desire to be understood by imposing your thoughts and views on other people, which sometimes is met with hostility by them and in the end you choose the path of the “loner”.

At an early age, due to love of freedom, marriages turn out to be mostly unsuccessful - often you begin obviously doomed love relationship, plunging into them without a trace. When a romantic relationship ends, you experience acute disappointment, but quickly recover from it and find a new partner. Personal life and a successful marriage are generally possible only after overcoming the milestone of middle age.

It is worth showing some restraint in making decisions and not being too critical of other people, learning to take their personal interests into account.

Square the Sun - Saturn

This aspect imposes on the character a certain chronic pessimism, which is most likely caused by the tense relations of the parents in the family. And now, as an adult, you involuntarily adopt this view of life.

Accordingly, with the constant expectation of defeats and problems, you constantly encounter difficult obstacles on your way.

At work, it is often difficult for you to take full advantage of your professional skills and discover your talents, which gives you the feeling that your superiors and staff do not value you, and career advancement is difficult.

Problems cannot be ruled out in building relationships with the opposite sex, since very often you see a new acquaintance not as an opportunity, but as a necessary burden.

You accept opinions different from yours, as well as strict rules, very painfully and do not want to make concessions.

To overcome these difficulties, you should consciously cultivate in your personality such a character trait as optimism.

Must be given special attention health, since a pessimistic train of thought also affects the state of the body - fractures, dental problems, fatigue, as well as chronic diseases may be your companions.

Sun square - Jupiter

With such a quadrature of personality, unusual behavior, extravagant actions, as well as a tendency to unreasonably expensive habits are inherent. Added to this is inflated self-esteem, resulting in a constant feeling of permissiveness and omnipotence. However, in reality, achieving the desired goals turns out to be much more difficult, resulting in disappointment, dissatisfaction and pronounced selfishness.

These contradictions can only be overcome with the help of strict self-discipline and a sober view of the world around us - this can bring tangible results and smooth out the great discord between expectations and the presented reality.

People around you clearly feel this discrepancy in life and cannot always understand you fully, therefore any act of self-expression on your part must be thought out so as not to be the reason for the detachment of some people. Often the best solution will remain on the sidelines rather than be rejected by new acquaintances. You should also restrain your desire to embellish reality with fictitious facts.

Sun square - Mars

With this arrangement, the person is usually characterized as extraordinary and outstanding.

You are characterized by choleric-intemperate behavior, manifested in extreme emotionality, impatience and even, at times, unjustified rudeness caused by characteristic assertiveness. Because of the above qualities, many people consider you not the best nice person, highlighting excessive egoism and selfishness. In order not to be your own enemy, you should show at least some restraint and make all sorts of decisions, including those that are very significant for you, after careful consideration.

However, you should pay attention to best sides your personality, which you need to develop to achieve success in life. Assertiveness, sociability and quick reactions can be useful not only in playing amateur and professional sports, for which you undoubtedly have the ability, but also in career growth.

Important documents may pose a potential danger to you, since with your lightning-fast reactions and insufficient study of details, you may take on certain obligations that will be difficult to fulfill.

Also, the huge need for constant movement carries the risk of accidental injury and damage, especially be careful with sharp objects.

Square the Sun - Moon

The duality of mind and feelings prevents the full development of potential, and such instability often causes a loss of faith in oneself.

In childhood, a violation of spiritual ties with parents (usually with the mother) is not excluded, which subsequently has an impact on the creation of relationships with the opposite sex. However, the reaction to all difficulties, both at work and in personal life is adaptation to unfavorable conditions, readiness to exist in them without making special attempts to improve the situation. At the same time, emphasis is placed on other personality qualities in order to ignore the contradictions that appear.

To solve such problems, often the most the best way out is the beginning of an independent life, away from parents' house. As a result of this decision, some family contradictions are smoothed out, significantly improving relationships. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that complete isolation will still not do any good and over time will give the same depressing feeling.

If your birth is marked by the second quarter of the Moon, then some crisis state with the advent of middle age, which may be due for various reasons. One of which is specific event, which changed their views, or forced them to evaluate the world around them more prudently and soberly. It is possible that the reason for the changes may be the destruction of some romantic relationships.

If birth is indicated by the fourth quarter, then this most likely means that a measured life will only be like this until the age of thirty. Later you will face trials in all areas of life. There may be job loss, career disruption and serious disagreements in the family.

There are usually two different ways out of this series of failures - either a person acquires new values ​​within himself, in religion or esotericism, or, unable to withstand the tests, he becomes an alcoholic and withdraws into himself. This period usually ends at about forty years of age.

Sun square - Rahu

In the square of the Sun and Rahu, the need for personal self-expression by any means is formed, and the path to achieving the goal does not matter to you. You are ready to move in the chosen direction, even if it contradicts social foundations and values.

In your personal and family life, you will also often face difficulties associated with the inability to adapt and take into account generally accepted rules. Where you need to wait - you want to forcefully accelerate the development of events, where, on the contrary, it is worth “increasing the momentum” - you remain on the sidelines and take the position of an observer.

Have difficulty making contact with people and forming new relationships, be they friendships or romance.

Such disharmony in most cases is explained by the presence of selfishness and excessive selfishness in your past incarnations. Therefore, difficulties and obstacles on the path of spiritual development cannot be ruled out. To overcome them you will have to learn own experience and regularly do a review analysis of the time lived - to note the ups and downs at different turns of incarnations, so as not to repeat past mistakes in the future.

Sun Square - Lilith

Characterized by increased attention to one's own person.

This square is marked by creativity, egocentrism and high self-esteem.

Often, everything active actions in this aspect occur with negative force, which also affects the development negative qualities. Quadrature indicates the ability to attract attention to oneself and interest others. There is also a love for everything new and unusual.

Sun Square - Chiron

This aspect is characterized by dissatisfaction with the world around you in which you have to exist. The desire for change turns out to be simply irresistible, and you take any action just to change the situation. Often they do not always turn out to be not only unsuccessful, but even destructive for you.

It also happens that the intention to improve something remains an intention, because you do not have the strength to take decisive action. Your dissatisfaction is often limited to only verbal comments and recommendations.

When approaching the choice of professional activity, it is worth focusing on working with people - psychologist, teacher, doctor, social worker. It is in these activities, helping people improve, that you will not so keenly feel your “imperfection” and the inconsistency of the world around you in relation to yours. ideal ideas about him.

If you choose an effective path for your development, that is, turn to self-knowledge and work on yourself and stop making unreasonable claims to the world, then mature age achieve certain successes that will allow you to truly change the world around you for the better.

When choosing the role of a “passive” observer, you should not expect a miracle, since it only leads to personality degradation. This position will not change the world at all, it will only allow you to form an intolerable character that will cause inconvenience not only to the people around you, but also to yourself.

It is worth noting that among famous people with such a square there are a large number of people with psychopathic personality traits.

Sun Square - ASC

In this aspect, there is a possibility of strained relations with one of your relatives - your father or grandfather, the reason for which may be that one of them does not want you to be born.

As a result, a discrepancy develops in you between your inner world and the possibility of its manifestation. Therefore, it is often difficult for you to communicate with people, be it colleagues or a partner for a romantic relationship - you behave unnaturally, are prone to unfounded discussions and groundless objections.

The main reason for the discrepancy between the external and internal is your inflated self-esteem and attachment to your own “unusuality”.

To cope with these problems, you need to pay more attention to other people and try to adapt to their behavior style.

In a compartment, this aspect can create problems with health and in sexual life.

Sun square - MS

When choosing a professional activity, you find yourself in some difficulty because you cannot choose the main preference among a large number of hobbies.

In your work and personal life, you find yourself a conflicted person, since the process of self-affirmation occupies a special place for you, and you want to achieve your goal, no matter what. This may be the reason for the formation antisocial behavior, which you need to get rid of so as not to put another obstacle in front of you.

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Various sources for a child's horoscope

Such a child may be attracted to a superhero (an ordinary person who turns into a powerful being). He will strive to be like such a person, showing impudence and self-confidence. Family problems, such as separation from or loss of a parent, can increase the feeling of being robbed of one's strength and will. The child must understand that there are right and wrong ways to use personal power. Otherwise, he may exhibit the use of personal power in fights and quarrels in order to feel worthy of his own power. Parents and teachers should allow such children to recognize their own importance, but not do anything unceremonious or cruel to themselves or others.
A child may consider his father to be omniscient and omnipotent or unceremonious and ruthless (these qualities arise in the child’s imagination through observations of life situations).

No Monster. Aspects

The desire for power, imposing one's will on others. Show “favor” towards people. They think that the strong are always right. Aggressive towards the opposite sex.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Opposition, square: anxiety, self-destruction, guilt complex, often associated with abandoning the paternal model. In reality, this manifests itself either in the form of external friendliness, designed to mislead others, to hide the wolf under sheep's clothing, or in the form of a tendency to overthrow other people's systems. As always with Pluto aspects, all this can be largely repressed into the unconscious.

Absalom the Underwater. Aspects

Square of the Sun: The mirror should not be blamed under any circumstances.
The square of the Sun puts the Planet under the attack of disharmonious impulses of human will and imperative external circumstances. At the same time, the person himself is not inclined, of course, to consider his expressions of will disharmonious, and at a low level he will not notice either his rudeness, rigidity, or incompetence, but he will very subtly sense the indicated qualities of the environment and other people when the principle of the Planet turns on. At the second or third levels of elaboration of the square, it will seem to a person that he has external and internal enemies of the Planetary principle, whose goal is to prevent, sometimes in the crudest form, the opportunity for it to manifest itself. For example, with the Sun square to the Moon, a person will from time to time, as if against his will, make gross mistakes and tactlessness in dealing with women and, perhaps, secretly fear and dislike them, at the same time experiencing a strong craving for them, because his inner his image of a woman-mother will be significantly distorted and active. If the Sun is in Aries, aggression and harshness are likely, if in Pisces - false positions and false initiatives with unpleasant consequences, etc. Here the karmic program is that a person is prescribed strict restrictions in freedom of expression and initiative in areas governed by the Planet , but the highest manifestations of the solar principle are required, i.e. constant impersonal attention to what is happening in the spheres of the Planet; external initiative is allowed only when forced by external circumstances, and then in a minimal amount, since, as a rule, it leads to disharmonious consequences. From the point of view of internal development, this aspect is very promising in relation to the acquisition (in the sphere of influence of the Planet) of true power over oneself and the transition to serving a higher egregor, which means a more creative and internally free life. With good energy, you can try to master the disharmonious external will and direct it past yourself to those around you - the aspect of black teachers, especially when the Sun’s square to the higher planets is emphasized. Elaboration gives the ability to work subtly, according to the barely audible instructions of a high egregor, to weave openwork threads of the finest karma, sometimes relating to the distant future.
Pluto Square: Angel wings grow on the places rubbed by the cross of fate.
The influence of Pluto's square is manifested in a certain inconvenience for a person of those sacrifices in the area of ​​the Planet that fate will require of him; at least that’s what it will seem like to the person himself. He should come to terms with the idea that these sacrifices will be required of him at the wrong moment and will entail unpleasant consequences that seem to be of a completely optional and unnecessary nature; but this, alas, is the characteristic of this karmic program. The square of Pluto is the aspect of Job, which, fortunately, does not always go as far.
Manifestations of the Planetary principle in the external world will greatly displease a person, and he will have a desire to establish order in this regard in the world, for which he will need the appropriate power. The intention of karma, however, is exactly the opposite in nature, namely, to bring cleanliness and order in the area of ​​the Planetary principle in the inner world of a person and his subconscious, for which a person must gain power over his instincts and lower inclinations related to the Planet. Until a person realizes this, he will more than once have to face heavy sacrifices and fate, which will haunt him exactly to the extent that a person causes it - indifferently, subconsciously or consciously, intentionally or unintentionally, with the best or worst intentions. The essential point is that in the area of ​​the Planet a person has, as it were, a magnifying glass that clearly reveals his (and others’) minimal imperfections and errors. This aspect provides great opportunities for internal development and self-purification, and at the same time gives the world black teachers of the dictatorial type, exterminating in the external world the low and average manifestations of the Planetary principle with power, fire and sword, leaving room only for the subtlest (which are not seen), and sometimes just ashes . The average level is characterized by harsh behavior with elements of rude command and nihilism towards others, which is combined with the desire to master the Planetary principle oneself. Internally, a person really wants to show his example to the world, but this absolutely does not work out, or (in the person’s opinion) the world is simply not mature enough and therefore is not able to see the perfection shown to him.

A. Ryzhov. Health, ASC, Sun, Moon

And this is a very difficult case. Essence and sexual energy do not fit together, and a person is deprived of the opportunity to develop. Or it is hypersexuality, used at a completely animal level, at the level of sympathy or even parasympathetic. Or it's hyposexuality. Quadrature is a rapist, a maniac. Whether they have been realized or not depends on other aspects. Mafia leader, boss, KGB officer.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects

The desire for power, imposing one's will on others. They are domineering, commanding, frantic, they usually show people their good attitude towards them, but it would be better if they did not do this. It seems to them that the strong are always right, which causes protest among others. Aggressive towards the opposite sex.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

These are aspects of self-affirmation, the struggle for popularity, power, success; this is dictatorship, the desire to command, authoritarianism, conflicts with others, quarrelsomeness, carelessness, rashness, impatience; prone to accidents, danger of surgical operations, inflammatory diseases.
The good side is that the struggle for popularity can be an incentive for self-improvement; these aspects can give the ability to achieve goals, the ability to win.

Aspects of the Sun

Each aspect of the Sun emphasizes the inner self, personality and ego. All aspects have something to do with the properties and use of the will, with the “self” of man. The sun is the principle of the potential of forces and the development of power. (c)

Sun and Moon

The Sun sign represents the factors that are the essence of an individual - the gift that makes a person unique. Through moon sign a person learns to adapt to a changing world. The moon is a storehouse of habits acquired for survival. A person measures his strength with the world in which he lives, and tries to maintain a balance between the needs that his sun sign will cherish and those that society allows him to satisfy in at the moment. Through the sign of the Moon, a person considers the needs and opinions of other people, and through significant reaction they support both themselves and others. The balance and integration between the emotions felt by the Moon and the needs of the Sun forms a new sense of being that allows a person to experience a single purpose in life. The sense of being opens a person to awareness of the ideals that constitute the essence, structuring direction and purpose.

Even at its worst, the Moon represents growth, change, developing new habits and initiating new emotional positions that ultimately help raise karma.

Martin Shulman

Sun and Moon. They represent the foundation of the human psyche and at the same time the basis of all the circumstances of his external life. In inner life The Sun symbolizes the principle of will or intention, and the Moon symbolizes the principles of desire and reflexive reaction of the subconscious. In external life, the Sun symbolizes the principle of the dictate of external circumstances, imperatively including the will of a person, and the Moon - the general social conditions in which he finds himself, along with all the unwritten laws of the corresponding groups (social subconscious).

Absalom Underwater

The sextile of the Sun facilitates the way of expressing the ego and speaks of opportunities for self-expression in spiritual development, about the prospects for the development of creative forces in the areas of the House and Sign that have received the Sun, and subordinate to the Planet forming the sextile, or determined by the House and Sign in which these Planets stand or by which manage.(c)

Harmonious aspects of the Sun and Moon provide popularity, peace of life and happiness. They symbolize moderate vanity and a thirst for fame, and a person achieves success without much effort. There is a harmonious balance between will and emotions, help from friends comes on time, home life is well established, everyday existence does not cause much trouble. The vitality of such a person is noticeably increased, he has an enviable tendency to gain wealth in everything and a well-developed sense of unity and integrity. In life, such people often find considerable success and wide recognition. They are usually constant, the flow of their life is balanced and calm, and even when their usual well-being is disrupted, the restoration of strength and order occurs quite quickly. The family life of such people and their relationships are prosperous, and their marriage is most often successful. Aspects promote mental balance and stability in health. Their life development proceeds without special conflicts and perturbations. They enjoy the recognition of their environment. There is a harmony of consciousness and the potential of forces with heredity and habits. Immunity is high, resistance to life’s difficulties is extraordinary, and recuperation of strength is great. In their being, male and female energies are harmonious and balanced. Such people are usually optimists, courageous figures, confident in their own abilities. (c)

Sextile Sun-Moon

This aspect opens up favorable opportunities in areas indicated by the position of the luminaries. These possibilities, however, do not materialize on their own: conscious action in this direction is necessary.

Friendship with the opposite sex. A good marriage. They are loved and respected everywhere. If there are no contradictory aspects, they are good parents. good health, supply of vitality, fullness of life. Well-being. Equilibrium. Peace of mind. Harmony of feelings and will, consistency of will and emotions in human actions. Harmony of soul and body. Harmony of masculine and feminine .

Negative influence of the aspect in the horoscope: The flip side of this aspect is that easy success with the opposite sex can lead to instability in marriage, infidelity, adultery, inconstancy in feelings; easy success in life can lead to a lack of desire for improvement, spiritual growth, and spiritual hibernation. (c)

Sun sextile

The sextile of the Sun gives a person in the areas ruled by the Planet opportunities, the implementation of which will require him to volitional efforts and initiatives; it is also likely that in the course of working out these possibilities, he will have to face quite tough, imperative circumstances, which, however, will not be hostile to him, rather, on the contrary, potentially friendly, but will still require a certain approach and mutual adaptation.

The sextile of the Sun seems to pose a masculine challenge to a person (in the areas corresponding to the Planet), offering to check whether he has a will capable of overcoming obstacles and establishing cooperation; in this case, the obstacles are meant to be non-antagonistic, and cooperation is assumed to be beneficial and effective. If a person does not feel ready to accept this challenge, he can reject it: once, twice, three... after a while, such a consistent reluctance to accept any constructive proposals from fate begins to work against the person, he degrades and falls into strict karmic programs, of which his choice is minimal or absent altogether.

On the other hand, the sextile of the Sun provides a very valuable opportunity to work out its principle, that is, one’s will, in the course of constructive activities related to the Planet. Deciding internal problems, arising in connection with such activity, a person learns to correctly direct his will, gets the opportunity to determine which egregor it is induced by, and to coordinate it with external circumstances and various programs of the subconscious.

For example, The Sun-Moon sextile is a very promising aspect; in particular, it provides great opportunities for both physical and spiritual development; at a high level, this is the aspect of spiritual teachers who are well versed in the relationship between the higher and lower principles in specific person and those who know how to put him on a constructive path evolutionary development, peculiar to him.

Sextile Moon

By overcoming his laziness, a person gives impetus to social development.

This aspect gives prospects for subconscious development in areas ruled by the Planet.

Moon sextile gives great prospects spiritual development, since it offers the opportunity to constructively work out purely egoistic programs of the subconscious by transferring them to more high vibrations , and the person himself to a broader way of seeing the world (and his participation in the evolutionary process). Gives real opportunities move from a passive consumer attitude to an actively creative one.

Inattention and persistent ignoring of the opportunities offered by the sextile of the Moon, over time, give rise to deep dissatisfaction with life and oneself (which is often projected onto others) and the triumph of superficial egoism in areas ruled by the Planet. Elaboration gives not only subtle creative development principle of the Planet, but also the general spiritual growth person associated with constructive transformation of lower subconscious programs.

Conjunction Sun - Saturn

Conjunction is one of the most powerful aspects in astrology, as two planets located close to each other form coinciding systems of their houses. Connections are very strongly manifested both at the psychological and event levels; they describe the brightest, dominant qualities of a personality. (c)

Conjunction of the Sun with the planets. This aspect directly indicates the potential of a person’s ego, gives freedom, creativity and initiative in matters subordinate to the Planet, forming a connection and indicated by the Sign and Home. Whether such a position is destructive or creative - it depends on the aspects to it and on the type of Planets connecting with the Sun. (c)

Conjunction Sun - Saturn

You are self-sufficient and tend to rely only on yourself. Thanks to determination, prudence and hard work, you can achieve stability. They are prone to introspection and systematization, to reasoning and formulating definitions.

You avoid competition and competition. All this, combined with a nervous character and great emotional sensitivity, leads to the fact that you strive for independence and try to withdraw from society.

Health complications are very likely.
You matured early and tend to learn only from your own experience. Overcoming difficulties can only be achieved through extremely hard work and the most severe self-discipline.
Your father may have left the family at an early age.
An inferiority complex is formed, fueled by constant persecution from the powerful. In your life you need to do something in which others can completely rely on you.

“Burnt” Saturn indicates that you have too much serious look on the world, excessive self-control. You should cleanse your body and observe fasts.

Saturn is ahead of the Sun - all unfavorable predictions are softened. With other favorable aspects and a good X house - a sharp mind, scientific activity. (c)

This aspect gives a person prudence and hard work, thanks to the mutual complementation of which he puts a lot of work into any endeavor and confidently achieves material success. This is a very integral and organized nature. Such a person matures early and tends to learn only from his own experience. Or his father left the family at an early age. This aspect is responsible for the ability to highly concentrate energy and attention, it contributes to the development of diligence and perseverance, pride and ambition. Such a person is self-sufficient and inclined to rely only on himself. Inclined to self-analysis and systematization, to reasoning and formulating definitions. This individualistic nature. When the aspect is negatively manifested, it contributes to the formation of a feeling of doom and melancholy, and is responsible for emotional depression and the development of unsociability. The vitality of such a person is often weakened, which is why the emotional tone may be lower than usual. There is a tendency to catch colds and acute discomfort in unfavorable conditions. Such people are usually cold-blooded and persistent. They persevere and patiently overcome obstacles using a combination of diligence and prudence. But despite the presence of organizational gifts and success in achieving strategic goals, the lives of such people are clouded by jealousy, disappointments, various forms mental disharmony and general dissatisfaction with one’s fate. Such people easily limit themselves, often isolating themselves from their environment and blocking external self-expression. The formation of deep-seated inferiority complexes associated with overly critical self-esteem is possible. Often the self-discipline of such people is too strict, and self-restraints hinder creative development. Such a person perceives any obstacle as a challenge that interferes with his free development. Overcome restrictions on life path comes at the cost of hard work. The balance of luck and failure is more often upset in favor of the latter, which can lead to self-doubt and a pessimistic perception of life. In life, such people often achieve significant external successes, which, however, are very, very difficult for them - such people make themselves. It is typical for them developed sense self-esteem, as well as cold prudence in planning a program to achieve a goal. They are responsible pragmatists and resourceful realists. They are capable of extremely concentrated efforts, have a highly developed sense of purpose, and are able to completely subordinate all their interests to the achievement of a specific goal. practical result. They are cautious and restrained, self-loving and patient, acutely feel any limitation of their sphere of influence, prone to introspection, anxiety and depression. People around them perceive them as courageous and persistent people capable of active constructive activity. The character of such people can be defined as nervous and highly sensitive - they are intense, egocentric natures. They are characterized by high professionalism, a developed sense of duty and a clear understanding of their official responsibilities. Such people love their profession and do not shy away from assignments. True, they are characterized by increased fatigue and a tendency to work to the point of exhaustion. They do not like to compete and work in a group. They often shy away from open competition and act on the sly. Such people tend to be isolated from society and independent in their actions - primarily due to carefully hidden self-doubt. They always have to overcome increased emotional sensitivity and redirect attention and energy from the inner sphere to external life. These people take solving any life problems very seriously and often turn out to be long-livers. They love elegant clothes and often have regular, classic features. They are not prone to exaggeration and make judgments using only objectively perceived facts. In everything they love the final polishing and finishing of details and little things, and often strive for the perfect execution of the work. They are constantly looking for ways to improve their own work. They are inclined to drawing, writing, and architecture. Their mind is precise and logical, constructive and orderly, their caution is not associated with timidity, but with the ability to accurately weigh the chances of success. Their seriousness often generates sympathy from older people. Such people have difficulty handling both their own and other people's money. They are not characterized by luck in solving financial issues, but they are irreplaceable in resolving management problems and carrying out specific assignments. (c) Konstantin Selchenok

Saturn in astrology is a planet of restrictions, compression, a demanding planet. The sun in astrology is a manifestation of one’s essence, one’s Ego. Saturn will always be demanding, will instill seriousness, responsibility, or will suppress the Sun and its activity. The most tangible aspects between the Sun and Saturn are the Sun-Saturn conjunction and tense aspects between the Sun and Saturn.

Saturn is called to teach the Sun seriousness through some restrictions or requirements.

If the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn in synastry is in a sign that is weak for the Sun and in a sign that is strong enough for Saturn, then Saturn will suppress the Sun, subjugate it to its will (Saturn in Cancer in exile). Although with such a conjunction, the Sun also feels care from Saturn. A strong Saturn can give the Sun a sense of security; the Sun will need the support of Saturn. Saturn becomes a support for the Sun, but also makes many demands. Although the Sun may get used to the rigidity of Saturn over time, and he will even like that he is somehow directed or controlled. When connected in synastry, the weak Sun will always feel the strength of Saturn, sometimes the coldness emanating from it, but also support (with a strong Saturn).

If the Sun and Saturn are both weak in sign, for example in Cancer, then Saturn will drive the Sun even more into its shell with its demands. It will be very difficult for the sun to open up. A weak Sun may sometimes rely on Saturn, but Saturn will most likely not live up to the Sun's expectations of care and support.

If during a conjunction the Sun is Saturn, the Sun is strong and Saturn is weak, for example, the Sun-Saturn conjunction in Aries or Leo. In this case, the Sun will not want to obey Saturn. But a weak Saturn will still be demanding, will call for responsibility, and use the power of the Sun for its reliability and for its own purposes (depending on natal house Sun and Saturn).

Only a strong planet can give help, and a weak one tries to survive due to the strength of the planets. A weak Saturn, when connected to the Sun, is more likely to impart coldness and imaginary rigidity, a bunch of demands on your partner, rather than real care and support. Calls for responsibility will hide the pessimism of a weak Saturn or uncertainty.

But the conjunction of the Sun Saturn in any zodiac sign and with a fairly accurate orb (up to 2-3 degrees) cements relationships for a long time. This aspect is a plus for marriage and love compatibility, when we talk about the duration of the relationship in time. (c)

Inferiority complex. Overcoming difficulties can only be achieved through extremely hard work and the most severe self-discipline. (c)

Connection: The combination of conscientiousness and firmness produces a type of person with ambition, who, however, likes to keep a low profile and is more likely to choose a role eminence grise than royal regalia. He will spare no effort to achieve his goal. Serious, thinks soberly, sets goals and, as a rule, achieves them. (c)

Limitation inhibits personal self-expression. A person must cope with the area of ​​limitations in order to develop freely, which is achieved through extremely hard work; often suffer from an inferiority complex. Self-discipline will help. (c)

These aspects are characterized by poor, weak health in a person; vitality is reduced; soreness. Passivity, slowness, selfishness, coldness, joylessness, stinginess, greed, disappointment. Depression, depression, a tendency to see the bad, a tendency to whine, hostility, isolation, unsociability, unfriendliness, disagreement, disagreement, pickiness, grumpiness, irritability; for women - an unhappy marriage or no marriage. Pride, arrogance, contempt, thirst for power. This is also hard life; a lot of work. The vicissitudes of fate, obstacles, crises every 7 years.
Tense aspects of Saturn are overcome with great difficulty and great perseverance and give diligence, diligence, thriftiness and frugality, economy, severity, severity, but justice, great tact and attention, caution, methodicalness, gradualness, the ability to perform titanic work, heroic work, the ability to go through hardships for the sake of a great goal; depth of soul and intellect, self-esteem and pride; a sense of duty and responsibility, part and justice; exceptional decency. (c)

Sun Conjunction

The conjunction of a planet with the Sun gives its manifestations a tinge of imperativeness - at a high level of elaboration of the aspect. At a low level, imperativeness relates more to the need to work out the Planet. The Sun illuminates the lower manifestations of its principle and actualizes them mainly through the method of direct pressure. At a low level of elaboration of the Sun, it acts through harsh imperatives that it imposes on the Planet, suppressing it creativity and forcing its principle to manifest itself within a very narrowly defined framework, into which it in principle cannot fit; excessive internal tension and an explosion, and the creativity of the Absolute is manifested both in the moment and nature of the explosion (unpredictable in advance), and in the shape and trajectories of the debris.

Working through the connection (and the Sun) gives a switch to a higher egregor, when the solar initiative does not come as a strict order, but as an indication of the desired direction of activity, and most importantly, attention. Then the interaction of the Sun with the Planet is significantly facilitated, and the Planet receives from the Sun a kind of weak magnetization, which serves for orientation in difficult (for the Planet) conditions, when the optimal choice is not obvious.

Conjunction of Saturn

The conjunction of the Planet with Saturn clamps and freezes its principle; here the karmic requirement lies in deep elaboration, in particular, the liberation of the principle of the Planet from superficial egoistic programs that require specific payment for any minor effort.

At the beginning of processing, the conjunction of Saturn requires withdrawal into oneself and comprehension of the principle of the Planet within the framework of one’s life and life philosophy, which is often motivated by long-term external restrictions; further elaboration no longer takes place under such harsh conditions as the primary one, but here voluntary humility and voluntary submission to the principle of the Planet are required from a person in situations when it becomes active, which gives a very good results and a breakthrough to great creativity in the spheres ruled by the Planet, although it is initially difficult to believe in this, since the conjunction of Saturn gives, on the contrary, the impression of not just a lack of abilities, but actually their negative value, often an inferiority complex - and at the same time an extremely strong and deep inner desire to master the principle of the Planet.

(c)Absalom the Underwater

Sun and Pluto

The Sun and Pluto are male planets in astrology. The Sun, although active, is a personal planet, so the Sun cannot influence Pluto. Pluto, as the Supreme planet in astrology, will influence the Sun in all aspects. With intense Sun-Pluto aspects the influence will be negative and overwhelming, with harmonious aspects the influence of Pluto will help and inspire confidence.(With)

Pluto square. Transformation goals are achieved with great losses. Despotism, rudeness interferes, egocentrism, and often a feeling of one’s own extraordinary importance. You don’t want to fight with such a person; you feel that he has a strong, often destructive will that suppresses him, and either he uses it to put pressure on his opponent, or, if he feels stronger, he will seem hopeless to you. Only he himself can cope with his problems(which does not exclude, of course, contacts in general); but in general, in the spheres of action of the aspect, this is a difficult person. (c)

Pluto square

Angel wings grow in places rubbed with the cross of fate.

Pluto square is an aspect of Job, which, fortunately, does not always go as far.

The manifestation of the Planetary principle in the external world will greatly displease a person, and he will have a desire to establish order in this regard in the world, for which he will need the appropriate power. The intention of karma, however, is exactly the opposite in nature, namely, to bring cleanliness and order in the area of ​​the Planetary principle in the inner world of a person and his subconscious, for which a person must gain power over his instincts and lower inclinations related to the Planet.

The essential point is that in the area of ​​the Planet a person has, as it were, a magnifying glass that clearly reveals his (and others’) minimal imperfections and errors. This aspect provides great opportunities for internal development and self-purification, and at the same time gives the world black teachers of the dictatorial type, exterminating in the external world the low and average manifestations of the Planetary principle with power, fire and sword, leaving room only for the subtlest (which are not seen), and sometimes just ashes . The average level is characterized by harsh behavior with elements of rude command and nihilism towards others, which is combined with the desire to master the Planetary principle oneself. Internally, a person really wants to show his example to the world, but this absolutely does not work out, or (in the person’s opinion) the world is simply not mature enough and therefore is not able to see the perfection shown to him.

Sun Square

The Sun square presents a challenge to the personality and creates tension at the ego level. Difficulties in using strength and will in matters subordinate to the square Planet, as well as to the House and Sign that are occupied by it or under its control. Difficulties in implementing plans and disappointment due to sudden obstacles and refusals. For some, this square is an incentive to do everything great achievements, for others - a reason for the manifestation of cowardice, despondency and despair. (c)

Tense aspects of the Sun and Pluto

These aspects impart to a person’s character such traits as stubbornness and willfulness, boastfulness and arrogance, and hot temper. They love and know how to manage, but do not know how to compromise and stop in time. Usually these are power-hungry and irritable people who do not know how to spend money wisely. vital energy, and therefore often find themselves exhausted to the limit. Sometimes they openly strive for power and want to impose their decision and desire on others at any cost. These people are sometimes very commanding and demanding of others to the point of frenzy. In sexual relationships, they are very aggressive and persistent, which often causes rejection and leads to the partner’s escape. The energy of will is both great and uncontrollable, it splashes and overflows. There is a tendency towards violence over circumstances and a desire to force others to act in a certain way, prescribing for them norms of behavior and rules of the game. Such people become very impulsive and tough when they want to talk some sense into the whole world at that very moment.. They willingly enter into heated arguments with those who disagree, unless they challenge them to a duel. They perceive success as an opportunity for continuous self-renewal, the directness and strength of their self-expression, as well as the uncontrollability of emotions and will often frighten and irritate others, which is why people sometimes refuse to cooperate with them and even maintaining all contacts. Presence itself similar people in society instills in the souls of those around them a feeling of danger and threat. If they find themselves in a situation of military confrontation or a revolutionary transformation of life, they tend to go to the end, which is why they often “go wild.” The specificity of the relationship between the consciousness and the unconscious of these people is such that dark, suppressive, gloomy forces are constantly operating from the depths of the psyche. Lack of relaxation and inability to relax under the oppression of these internal influences sometimes leads to desperate, violent, furious and violent reactions to the slightest external irritation. The powers of such a person are very great, but the results of their actions are most often destructive. (c) Konstantin Selchenok

The mirror should not be blamed under any circumstances.

The square of the Sun puts the Planet under the attack of disharmonious impulses of human will and imperative external circumstances. At the same time, the person himself is not inclined, of course, to consider his expressions of will disharmonious, and at a low level he will not notice either his rudeness, rigidity, or incompetence, but he will very subtly sense the indicated qualities of the environment and other people when the principle of the Planet turns on.

At the second or third levels of elaboration of the square, it will seem to a person that he has external and internal enemies of the Planetary principle, the purpose of which is to prevent, sometimes in the crudest form, the opportunity for it to manifest itself.

Here the karmic program is that a person is prescribed strict restrictions on freedom of will and initiative in areas governed by the Planet, and the highest manifestations of the solar principle are required, that is, constant impersonal attention to what is happening in the spheres of the Planet; external initiative is allowed only when forced by external circumstances, and then in a minimal amount, since, as a rule, it leads to disharmonious consequences.

From the point of view of internal development, this aspect is very promising in relation to the acquisition (in the sphere of influence of the Planet) of true power over oneself and transition to serving a higher egregor, which means a more creative and internally free life. With good energy, you can try to master the disharmonious external will and direct it past yourself to those around you - the aspect of black teachers, especially when the Sun’s square to the higher planets is emphasized. Elaboration gives the ability to work subtly, according to the barely audible instructions of a high egregor, to weave openwork threads of the finest karma, sometimes relating to the distant future.

Absalom Underwater

Sun-Pluto Square

The desire for power, imposing one's will on others. You are powerful, commanding, frantic. (c)

Pluto is a very deep planet, thirsty for feelings “to rupture the aorta.” (c)

Power and dictatorship in astrology correlate with the farthest planet of the solar system - Pluto. So any tense aspects of Pluto to personal planets accentuate the theme of power in a person’s life, struggle for power. Owner of the aspect or he himself may be a despotic person, especially for men. Or, if the owner of the aspect is a woman, she attracts men of an imperious type, with dictatorial habits with a tendency to suppress and manipulate. Do not forget that the Sun is also the image of the father, so most of the girls with whom I spoke regarding this aspect admitted that in childhood and adolescence they had to endure pressure from their father. (c)

Situations from the category of “life teaches”, but rather, it puts you in your place and does not allow you to bury yourself.
Activity is only appropriate in response to an external request.
Life clearly, and in some cases violently, demonstrates that what it needs is not initiative, but sacrifice and humility

Trine Pluto-Lilith

Trigon of Pluto. Gives naturally the power of cosmic forces manifested through man in the sphere of action of the Planet, and this power is perceived by people positively, as if it should be so. The trine gives a feeling highest protection , it is also possible to develop healing abilities, clairvoyance, prophecy, as well as a talent for harmonious influence on people and circumstances. (c)

Trine Pluto

The Pluto trine gives the Planetary principle protection of fate, that is, exactly those troubles that are planned will happen to a person in the relevant areas, and no others will threaten him. Moreover, Pluto prepares him for them in advance, and if a person understands this quickly enough and develops humility from those minor, albeit irrevocable, losses that fate will send him, then there will be no big losses and he won’t have to make sacrifices ( we're talking about, of course, about this aspect). The Pluto trine thus symbolizes harmonious and painless cleansing.

Here, for a person, lies the potential for hackwork: instead of meekly accepting the deprivations of fate, subduing the murmur of the ego, he may complain. ... such a substitution will leave him unprepared for the strong plutonic influence, which will inevitably and quickly force him to make all the sacrifices that he managed to avoid in his previous life, and may not be limited to them.

The Pluto trine requires minor but constant sacrifices from the Planetary principle, the meaning of which is the transition from the lowest octave of the Planet to the higher, and the harmony of this transition to some extent depends on the person, but the very fact of Pluto’s influence on the Planet and the need to cleanse it from it does not depend. Here, elaboration in its spheres gives access to fundamentally new level, human participation in large, strong and harmonious programs related to the purification and raising of its principle; in the absence of elaboration, a person loses individual freedom in areas controlled by the Planet, and can become an obedient puppet of lower (destructive) Plutonic programs.

Absalom Underwater

Trine Pluto-Lilith

Enhances feelings of power and leadership. You have strong spirit courage and will, which is capable of causing a real revolution in the relevant areas of life. This is the spirit of rebirth and new possibilities, the spirit of pioneers and trailblazers. Such a person can be an idol or a “star” and achieve honors and fame. (c)

Indicates a love of change leading to social reforms, management social movements, gaining popular recognition or searching for spiritual teachings, seeking God. (c)

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