Tips on how to become popular at school.

When a teenage girl enters adulthood, her personality is shaped by the influence of society. And of course she wants to keep up with her friends, to be better and more beautiful. What advice can you give her so she knows how to be a cool girl? In this article we will look at different indicators of a girl's coolness.

How can a teenage girl find herself?

An impossible task for any teenager is to find himself in this life: in a company, at work, on the street. They are extremely susceptible to other people's influence and imitation, since their own point of view has not yet been formed.

And the indicators of coolness for a girl during a period of special growth will most likely be copied from currently fashionable movie stars, heroes of a TV series or show business. The main thing here don't lose yourself.

Having an idol, you need to pay attention to the necessary positive qualities of the role model. Perhaps it is charity work, helping the sick, or participating in programs that teach good things. Don't try to keep up with them.

Girls who understand early what is what grow up quickly, considering this one of the indicators of coolness. Bad habits and unnecessary meetings appear. The main friend and adviser here can be mom and dad, or maybe the school psychologist. They will tell you how to behave in order to keep up with your girlfriends and not lose yourself among them.

How to become the coolest in the class?

In order not to become a “black sheep” among your classmates, you will have to try. Being a princess is never easy.

  • Don't miss school events, help in them. Participate everywhere; active people often become leaders.
  • Nowadays, girls chewing gum and wearing bright makeup are not fashionable. Educated and well-mannered people attract the attention of their peers more. Creative individuals, girls reading books and visiting museums are an indicator of coolness in modern society.
  • This doesn’t mean that you have to become a “nerd” and not be interested in anything related to fashion. Be interested in the latest music, cinema and clothing.
  • It's a common belief that the cool girl should date the cutest guy in school. Any young man himself will become cool, next to an intelligent, educated and interesting girl.
  • Play sports, this will help you maintain your figure. If your hobby becomes serious, you will be able to defend the honor of your school at competitions and olympiads. And what could be cooler than bringing victory to your class.

How to get rid of complexes for a girl?

Complexes prevent you from achieving your goals. They need to be gotten rid of once and for all. How to do this?

  1. Don't fall for stereotypes. You are an individual, if your parameters are not ideal, give up the idea of ​​​​considering yourself ugly. You need to skillfully take care of yourself, know the shortcomings that can always be turned into advantages.
  2. Your clothes are not from boutiques, but from a basement store with low prices. And this is not a reason to have a complex in front of your fashionable friends. The main thing here is to have taste and moderation. Learn to choose clothes by style, size, color. And no one will distinguish it from one bought in an expensive store.
  3. You consider yourself insufficiently erudite in sports, contemporary art or fashion brands. This is not an indicator, but in physics, chemistry or history lessons everyone copies homework from your notebooks.
  4. Don’t waste time worrying about your shortcomings, work on them, develop your horizons. Nowadays you can find and find out everything on the Internet. And most importantly, do not lose your sense of humor, be able to treat yourself with self-criticism, but with a dose of irony.

Complexes are the difference between reality and what is desired. Learn to appreciate your strengths and work on your weaknesses. By overcoming self-doubt, you can become a leader among those who did not want to work on themselves.

Communication with peers

You need to be able to communicate in a company. It’s not cool to be an upstart, it’s cool to become a person whom friends listen to and come to for advice. For this engage in self-development, For example:

  • We surprise our friends not with new VKontakte statuses we read, but with interesting contemporary and other works.
  • You can talk to a school psychologist about your problems communicating with classmates and friends. If there are difficulties, of course.
  • Be an open person. Don't only hang out with your privileged peers. Be friends with everyone. Each person is interesting in their own way. Don't push anyone away, otherwise only a certain circle of people will gather around you and no more.
  • Don't be tight. If you don’t know how to do this yet, practice at home or with close friends. Act out different scenes from life, moments that are especially frightening. For example, a date with the most popular guy in school.
  • Sociability does not exclude modesty and shyness. Your friends laugh loudly on the street, swear and wear short skirts. Nowadays modesty is fashionable, but also in moderation. Don't become a blue stocking.
  • If you are in a bad mood, you should not show it to others. Strong personalities must have self-control. Let's leave all the troubles for close friends who you can trust.

How should a girl take care of herself?

A girl is, of course, beauty and well-groomed appearance. Teenage girls have many problems associated with changes occurring in the body.

What to pay attention to:

  1. Problem skin - don't worry, it's temporary. If this really bothers you, contact the pharmacy, they will help you choose the right remedy.
  2. Hair requires special care as it grows. Wash your hair more often, using various masks and balms.
  3. Use deodorant. Choose according to your skin type.
  4. Your clothes should be clean and ironed. As a leader, everything should be brand new.

Yes, being a cool girl isn't easy. You need to look after yourself from all sides to always be on top. But having learned this now, in the future it will be easier to achieve favor and influence among others. And this is a direct path to success.

Now you can think about how to become a cool girl, what this coolness is and whether this is what you need.

Powerpuff Girls Video

In this video, young psychologist Svetlana Markova will give some important tips that will help you become a cool girl in a short time, gain popularity and respect:

How to become popular at school? This question worries millions of girls! Popularity allows you to feel on top, constantly be surrounded by friends and fans, and also increases self-esteem. The World of the Girl website for girls will tell you how to become popular in school or class without much expense or effort.

1. Be yourself

Perhaps the main piece of advice from the Girls’ World website is that you need to remain yourself in any situation. There is no need to break yourself, transform yourself into some kind of glamor doll, in order to become popular at school. Believe me, this will not make you happier. For a moment you may think that you like being “in this way,” but as time passes, you will get tired of hiding your true self from your friends, fans, etc. Therefore, if you have already decided to become popular, start doing it sincerely, be real.

2. A friend is your support

Before you attract crowds of people at school, you need to stop being a hermit; your friend should become your reliable support, support and “start” to popularity. Start small: talk to the girls in your class, organize a bachelorette party. Rumors about how cool it was at your house will go beyond the class, and girls from other classes will also want to chat with you.

3. Active participation in school life

Do you want to be popular at school? Don't refuse to participate in all events! Activists are always noticed and people are drawn to them. Concert dedicated to Teacher's Day? Yes with pleasure! Preparing whatman paper for a class competition? Yes please! Raise your hand yourself, your activity will be noticed in the class, and then by the whole school.

4. Create a page for your school on a social network

Do you want everyone to recognize you at school? Create a page for your school on a social network! You will be its administrator, invite your classmates, then high school students, and everyone, everyone, everyone. If the school is large, there will be a lot of people. Organize active communication in this group, hold competitions, etc.

5. Organize a flash mob

Propose the idea of ​​organizing a flash mob to your friend, she will definitely support you. Then enlist the support of your classmates, organize a meeting through social networks (so everyone will know what you are going to do). And during one of the breaks, for example, during the lunch break, suddenly organize a flash mob. Be the ringleader, you will definitely be noticed!

As you can see, there is nothing difficult or impossible to become popular in school or class. We also recommend reading the article on our website.

Being popular in high school isn't quite what most people imagine. Many films convey the idea that a popular person is someone who constantly gossips and has impeccable appearance. However, this is a deep misconception. If you want to become a popular girl, meet new people, have fun studying, and be open to interacting with your classmates. Be a kind and friendly girl, but don't compromise on your principles. Your classmates will love you for who you are.


Part 1

Improve your social skills

    Expand your social circle. Greet the person sitting next to you at school. Complain about how long it took you to do your homework, for example, say, “I thought I would never finish this exercise!” As you get closer to the person, start asking more personal questions. For example, ask how he is doing. Be prepared for it to be difficult at first. However, over time you will feel more confident and relaxed. The ability to communicate naturally comes with experience.

    • Try sitting with new people when you dine. You can say: “Your sandwich looks delicious!” or “How does the pizza taste?”
    • Relax and act normal when talking to new people. They shouldn't feel like you're trying to look better than you really are. Let your friendship develop slowly and naturally. Don't force others to be your friends if they don't want to.
  1. Chat with friends not only at school. Call or text friends several times a week. You can start the conversation like this: “I’m bored. How are you doing?" Invite your boyfriend or girlfriend to spend time together. You can say: “Let’s go to the mall this weekend. My mom can give us a ride."

    • Use a cell phone if you have one. However, you can communicate with friends via landline phone. If your parents are worried about you spending too much time talking on the phone, promise them to limit the time to half an hour.
  2. Create your own page on a social network. This will make you more popular. This will give you the opportunity to socialize with new people outside of school. You will be able to send each other photographs, funny pictures, funny videos and links to interesting Internet resources. Your social network page should highlight your individuality. Your friends should see you for who you are. There's no need to appear better. Be who you are.

    Don't forget about your old friends. When communicating with new friends, do not forget about old ones. Invite them to the company of new friends or communicate with them separately. Remember that true friendship and loyalty are much more important than popularity. Old friends have been with you from the very beginning. So show them that they are very important to you.

    • If your new popular friends don't want to hang out with your old friends, remember that popularity is nothing compared to hanging out with loyal friends. You shouldn't lose friendships for the sake of popularity.
    • If your old friends are upset because you are trying to be popular and your relationship has gone by the wayside, talk openly with them about it. Say: “I want to make new friends. But believe me, no one can ever replace you. You mean a lot to me." Show through your actions that they are important to you. For example, have lunch together several times a week or make plans together.
  3. Don't change radically for the sake of popularity. You attract people to you with your uniqueness. So be yourself! Love yourself for who you are. You should not be ashamed of your words and actions. If you are a confident person, others will want to be your friend.

    • Listen to music you like, even if it's not in the top ten. Wear clothes that suit you, even if they are not branded. Maybe you like to knit or read! Do what you like.
    • If your friends expect you to change, then they are probably not the right people to hang out with.

Part 2

Get involved in school life
  1. Become a representative of your class on the School Student Council. Ask your classmates what they want to improve in school. Prepare your program. Think over its main provisions. Choose three main areas that you would like to implement within the walls of your school. You will become popular not only because others will know you, but also because they will respect you for your ideas and courage.

    • Offer worthwhile ideas. For example, you can organize interesting events or make improvements to existing ones.
    • If you're not ready to take part in Student Council, try something else! Join a school club or team to meet new people.
  2. Share your talents. Show your classmates your strengths! Even if you think your abilities are nothing special, still share your talent. This will show that you are a confident person. You may be truly surprised when others react positively to your hobby! They might like what you do. Below you will find a few ideas to get you started:

    • If you love singing, dancing, or acting, take part in school plays or talent competitions.
    • If you like to play sports, join a sports team. Play a sport that you like or try yourself in something new. You will be able to meet new people.
    • If you enjoy writing or photography, get involved in creating a school newspaper or yearbook.
    • If you love a particular school subject, start a club and help kids who don't fully understand that subject.
  3. Have fun attending school events. By participating in such events, you will have the opportunity to communicate with new friends in a relaxed atmosphere. Don't miss such events and have fun attending them.

    • Attend costumed events in accordance with their dress code. Support your friends when they take part in sports competitions, talent competitions or concerts.

Part 3

Monitor your reputation
  1. Keep track of your progress. Your classmates will admire your diligence and high performance! They may even ask you for help with their homework.

    • Although you may think that sloppy homework or poor grades on tests don't matter, the reality is that your friends and classmates will eventually stop respecting you if you don't keep track of your progress.
  2. Dress smartly, but adhere to the school dress code. Wear clothes that make you look and feel good, while respecting the dress code. Instead of wearing short skirts and shorts, as well as blouses with a large neckline, opt for long, flowing skirts and comfortable sweaters. Don't forget jewelry and appropriate shoes.

    • You can look stylish in a school uniform. Choose the right accessories, shoes and tights. Wear bright and voluminous headbands or shiny barrettes to attract the attention of others.
    • Follow your style. If you feel more comfortable in sports or casual clothes, you shouldn't radically change your look by wearing a dress. Change your image gradually. Pick a nice pair of jeans and a nice t-shirt. Add skirts and beautiful T-shirts and blouses to your wardrobe.
  3. Stand up for your opinion. If you don't agree with something, don't pretend to agree just to fit in with the crowd. Stand up for your point of view, thanks to this others will respect you.

    • For example, if you see that children who are popular do not make an effort to study well, you should not imitate their example. Strive to study well and get high grades.
    • If girls wear a certain style of clothing that you don't like, don't become like everyone else and wear those clothes. Wear things that make you feel comfortable.
  4. You should not tolerate ridicule and bullying. Take one of your friends to feel more confident. Make eye contact with the person and say, “You shouldn’t act like that. Stop it, please." Be calm and don't let the offender make you angry. If the situation becomes dangerous, seek help from a teacher. , you can say: “No, thank you. I don't do drugs."

  5. You can also justify yourself by joking: “If my parents find out that I drink, they will forbid me to communicate with you!” They always find out what I'm doing, so I don't want to take any chances."
  • Focus on your personality and your talents. You probably can't wear makeup or dress provocatively in high school. But this is why your classmates will value your personality rather than your appearance.


  • Don't get involved in fights. You don't have to be friends with everyone, but you should try to be as polite and kind as possible.
  • Be careful with envious classmates. People may start giving you dirty looks and may also spread rumors and gossip about you. Just be friendly and treat these people like everyone else. If this doesn't help, explain the situation to your teacher or parents.

Popularity does not come immediately. To find it, you need to act systematically. Let's figure out how to become popular at school.

Integrated approach

  • Activity. First of all, you must become socially active. Without this, popularity is unlikely to shine for you. Communicate a lot and productively. Make friends with people throughout the school. More interesting acquaintances is a plus to the level of popularity. Expand your circle of friends constantly. Be attentive to your acquaintances - do not forget to congratulate them on the holidays, regularly invite them to meetings, throw parties. But don’t be too intrusive - otherwise, on the contrary, they will start to shun you.
  • Find a company. It's easier to be popular in a popular company. If you have one in mind, get to know its participants and start a conversation. You can choose one person from the company who is most pleasant to you - and make friends with him. This way you will make a new friend - and get closer to popularity.
  • A popular personality is bold and bright. She stands out - and not necessarily in appearance. Find something about yourself that makes you stand out. Maybe it's a sharp mind or the ability to make anyone laugh? Or strength of character? Delve into yourself - such a trait, a “zest”, can be found in every person. Don't be afraid to show it.
  • Have your own opinion and express it often. The main thing is to be able to convey it not sharply, offending someone, but tactfully. It is important to be able to justify why you think this way and not otherwise. Then people will start listening to you, and this is the key to popularity.
  • This leads to the next skill - oratory. Have you noticed that celebrities tend to have great public presence? This is useful to learn: what kind of popular person is who can’t put two words together? Therefore, speak in front of people more often, participate in discussions, and just communicate.
  • Appearance. This point is not in first place, but not in last place either. To be popular, you must have a good appearance. At the same time, don’t get lost in the crowd - find your style. Try to skillfully combine clothes, accessories and hairstyle, do not wear makeup too provocatively, play with images. This will attract attention to you.
  • Be interesting. Start a hobby, learn languages, take courses, read books and listen to different types of music. The circle of acquaintances will expand, and people have always been attracted to enthusiastic individuals.
  • Studies. Being smart is important, it earns respect. Therefore, do not be shy to be an excellent student.
  • Get involved in your community. This way you can make yourself known to the whole school and, perhaps, show off your hidden abilities and talents.
  • Don't be afraid to take on bold challenges - this will increase your self-confidence and earn the respect of others.

Most importantly, learn to respect and love yourself. Then lasting popularity is guaranteed to you!

A large number of schoolchildren often wonder “how to become cool.” It is rare to “win” this status without any effort. It depends on a large number of factors: self-confidence, luck, strength, intelligence, and so on. Some people are naturally gifted to become the coolest, while others must look for something big and follow certain tips to stand out from the crowd.

How to become cool

Sooner or later, almost all teenagers (both boys and girls) have a question. In the class, most likely, there is already a certain leader, whom everyone considers the coolest, but how to get around him?

There is a misconception that a tough guy should be daring, aggressive, commit negative, defiant actions, and contradict adults. In fact, you can increase your coolness scale in opposite ways. For example, to prove yourself in any sport, you just have to think about what works best, what your heart lies in - and go ahead! As you know, to achieve success in any business, you need to put in a lot of effort, so this is not the fastest and easiest way, but it will bring great benefits. If the question arises “how to be cool in the classroom,” you need to approach it with all seriousness. Maybe you need to become the opposite of the most cocky bully in the class and help the weak, and also easily fight off the attacks of your classmates.

Cool has its own definition for each person. It can contain completely different concepts, principles and actions. But if you really asked yourself a question in class and in the yard, you must adhere to specific covenants:

Basic rules of "cool"

Oddly enough, girls also wonder “how to become cooler.” There's probably a "flock" of girlfriends in your class, or you've taken a fancy to a boy in front of whom you want to show off your coolness. There are certain rules that apply to both girls and boys:

Deadly "coolness"

A considerable part of the “tough” guys and girls believe that coolness means dissolute behavior, aggression, and disrespect for others, but this is not at all true. I would like to give the main erroneous positions for schoolchildren who are wondering “how to become cooler.”

  1. You shouldn't try to bribe everyone in the class. especially if they are not earned through their own labor.
  2. Disdainful attitude towards both classmates and elders (teachers, parents). Such behavior will only repel and turn against you.
  3. Unnatural, excessive praise of one's skills, strength or knowledge. A strong and intelligent person is recognized by those around him as cool, without the help of any low methods.

Summing up

Taking into account all of the above, a guy or girl (if she still has the question “how to be cool in class”) should have at least the slightest understanding of what efforts should be made to become cool/cool.

A “cool” status obliges you to do a lot of work on yourself. Constant self-improvement, knowledge of the world and people around us is a lot of work that requires daily self-development and limiting oneself in many things. The main rule to follow is to be yourself. No cool behavior can replace naturalness, kindness and the desire to help people, and this is valued in people both at school and just in life.

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