General physics courses for students and schoolchildren.

The main content of the proposed course is an extended presentation of lectures on physics, which the author read for many years (since 1956) at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology(MIPT). General plan The lecture course, as well as the basic approach to presenting fundamental issues in physics, changed little over the years. However, every year the course was updated to include new private questions and examples. Many previously considered issues were excluded.

IN real course included almost all the questions presented at the lectures in different years. Questions that were not discussed in the lectures were also included. They occupy about 10-15% of the text. In addition, many problems are included with answers or detailed solutions.

IN Volume 1 a systematic presentation is given physical foundations classical non-relativistic mechanics. Here we give some idea of ​​the ideas of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. ABOUT relativistic mechanics or the mechanics of the theory of relativity is discussed in more detail. The presentation is based on the dependence of mass on velocity, considered as an experimental fact.

IN Tome 2 The main topics concerning the principles of thermodynamics and the simplest questions of the molecular kinetic theory of matter are considered. Several chapters are devoted statistical distributions, transport phenomena and phase transformations. Some questions molecular physics, especially those related to solid state physics, are not included in the book, since first-year students are not yet prepared to study them. These questions are presented in subsequent volumes of the course.

The study of electricity includes three groups of questions. The first group includes basic concepts and general principles, controlling electrical and magnetic phenomena; to the second - electrical and magnetic properties substances; to the third - technical and practical applications electricity. IN Tome 3 The main attention is paid to the questions of the first group, which are presented with the greatest completeness. Accepted inductive method presentation. The electrical and magnetic properties of matter in a general physics course, naturally, cannot be considered with the same degree of detail. Their complete understanding is possible only on the basis of quantum mechanics, and a detailed presentation should be made in special courses. As for the technical and other applications of the doctrine of electricity, these issues have received less attention than they deserve. The Gaussian system of units is adopted as the main one in the course.

Volume 4 general physics course is dedicated to physical optics and is a natural continuation of the previous volume. Physical optics is considered primarily from a wave point of view. Issues of quantum optics are only partially addressed. An idea is given of photons and the process of radiation as a quantum transition of atomic systems from one energy state to another. This is necessary to introduce the concept of stimulated radiation and explain the principles of operation of lasers. Questions geometric optics collected in the first two chapters of the course, so that in the future you can refer to them when presenting interference, diffraction and other sections of physical optics. The main content of the course is physical optics, the presentation of which begins in the third chapter. It also includes special theory relativity, summary operating principles of optical quantum generators(lasers) and nonlinear optics elements.

Understanding the phenomena of atomic physics, as well as all phenomena of the microworld, is impossible without quantum concepts. Therefore in Volume 5 The basic concepts and principles of quantum mechanics are touched upon. The first part examines not only phenomena occurring in the electronic shells of atoms and molecules. First, the concept of photons is introduced and optical phenomena associated with such a representation. Then comes the main material related to atomic physics V in the narrow sense- physics electronic shells atoms. Briefly talks about macroscopic quantum phenomena - superfluidity, superconductivity, etc. Questionsnuclear physics are also covered in this book. It also touches on some issues of astrophysics and provides basic information about elementary particles.

All this material can be of benefit to students in in-depth study of physics and to teachers when conducting seminars. It, as the author hopes, will contribute to the development of students’ physical thinking skills and the ability to independently pose and solve fundamental questions and specific physical tasks, which is main goal proposed guidance.

General physics course. In 5 volumes. Vol. I. Mechanics. Sivukhin D.V.

4th ed., stereot. - M.: FIZMATLIT; Publishing house MIPT, 2005. - 560 p.

The first volume of a physics course, widely known in our country and abroad. The book is written on the basis of lectures that were given by the author to students at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology for a number of years. The main attention is paid to clarifying the physical meaning and content of the basic laws and concepts of mechanics, establishing the limits of applicability of these laws, developing students' physical thinking skills and the ability to pose and solve specific problems.

The third edition of the first volume was published in 1989.

For students of physics and mathematics faculties of universities, physics-technical and engineering-physics institutes, as well as universities where physics is the main discipline.

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The fourth edition of the first volume comes out after the death of the creator of the fundamental “ General course physicists", outstanding teacher and the ascetic scientist D.V. Sivukhin. Over the many years that have passed since the publication of the first edition, the book has become an integral part educational process in universities that train engineers in specialties that require in-depth training in physics. Over the years, the book has not become outdated at all and has not lost its attractiveness, since the author focuses the reader’s attention not on the descriptive side of physical demonstrations, but on physical sense the phenomena and concepts of physics under consideration.

Given training manual favorably distinguished by the harmony and clarity of logical constructions. The wide coverage of the issues under consideration with their in-depth study makes the book comparable to a physical encyclopedia.

The fourth edition is no different from the third, published by the Nauka publishing house in 1989. The text only contains the necessary minor clarifications in order to correct typographical errors.
MIPT Publishing House


PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION.................................................... .. 7

PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION.................................................... ......... 8

PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION.................................................... ............... 9

INTRODUCTION........................................................ ........................................................ ............ 12



§ 1. Space and time.................................................... .................................... 19

§ 2. Kinematic description of motion. Material point....................... 32

§ 3. Velocity and acceleration at straight motion. Angular speed
Growth and angular acceleration................................................................. ........................... 34

§ 4. Velocity and acceleration at curvilinear movement........................... 38

§ 5. Limits of applicability classic way descriptions of the movement
nia........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 47

§ 6.0 the sense of derivative and integral in applications to physical

questions........................................................ ........................................................ 49

§ 7. On vectors and addition of motions.................................................... .................... 53

§ 8. Degrees of freedom and generalized coordinates.................................................... .. 65



§ 9. Law of inertia. Inertial system countdown........................................ 69

§ 10. Mass. Law of conservation of momentum................................................... ............ 73

§11. Newton's second law. Strength........................................................ ....................... 76

§12. Newton's third law and the law of conservation of momentum.................................. 84

§13. Interaction of bodies at a distance and field interaction... 89

§ 14. The role of initial conditions................................................. ................................... 94

§ 15. Galileo’s principle of relativity.................................................. ............... 97

§16. Additivity and the law of conservation of mass.................................................. ......... 103

§17. About the laws of friction........................................................ ........................................... 105



§18. Force impulse and change in impulse.................................................... .............. 112

§ 19. Theorem on the motion of the center of mass.................................................... ........................ 115

§ 20. Reduced mass.................................................. ....................................... 117

§21. Movement of bodies with variable mass. Jet propulsion.......................... 119



§ 22. Work and kinetic energy.................................................... ...................... 129

§ 23. Communication between kinetic energies V various systems from
accounts. König's theorem................................................... ........................... 137

§ 24. Conservative and non-conservative forces.................................................... .. 138

§ 25. Potential energy. Law of conservation of energy in mechanics. 143

§ 26. Absolutely inelastic impact.................................................... ........................... 151

§ 27. Internal energy. General physical law of conservation of energy 155

§ 28. Absolutely elastic impact.................................................... ................................... 157

§ 29. Forces and potential energy................................................................ 168



§ 30. Moment of force and angular momentum relative to something stationary on
chala................................................... ........................................................ ............ 176

§31. Relationship between the angular momentum of a material point and the sectorial speed
height. Area theorem................................................... ...................... 181

§ 32. Moment of impulse and moment of force relative fixed axis. 182
§ 33. Equation of angular momentum for rotation around a stationary

axes. Moment of inertia................................................... ................................... 184

§ 34. Examples on the law of conservation of rotational momentum.................................... 186

§ 35. Huygens-Steiner theorem.................................................... ........................... 192

§ 36. Calculation of moments of inertia.................................................. .................... 193

§ 37. Equation of moments relative to a moving origin and motion
axis................................................................ ........................................................ .... 200

§38. Conservation laws and symmetry of space and time.................................... 210



§ 39. Kinematics of harmonic oscillatory motion......................... 215

§ 40. Harmonic vibrations of a load on a spring.................................................... . 216

§41. Physical pendulum..................................................................................... 220

§ 42. Bifilar and trifilar suspensions.................................................... ......... 224

§ 43. Adiabatic invariants.................................................. ............................ 234



§ 44. Solid in mechanics. Equations of motion and equilibrium of solids
long body................................................... ........................................................ ...... 242

§ 45. Instantaneous axis of rotation................................................. ................................ 245

§ 46. Angular velocity like a vector. Addition of rotations................................... 248

§ 47. Euler's theorem. General movement solid body................................................... 258

§ 48. Rolling of bodies from an inclined plane.................................................... ............. 262

§ 49. Gyroscopes. Movement of the free gyroscope................................................... 278

§50. Gyroscope under the influence of forces. Approximate theory............................................. 284

§51. Applications of gyroscopes................................................... ............................ 298

§52. Fundamentals of the exact theory of a symmetrical gyroscope.................................................... 305

§ 53. Tensor and ellipsoid of inertia.................................................... ........................... 311

§ 54. Rotation of a rigid body by inertia around a fixed point. 315



^55. Kepler's laws and the law of universal gravitation.................................................... 321

§ 56. Acceleration of planets and comets when moving along conical sections
niyam................................................... ........................................................ ......... 331

§ 57. Conditions for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic motion
marriages........................................................ ........................................................ ....... 334

§ 58. Calculation of orbital parameters.................................................. ...................... 337

§ 59. Accounting for the movement of the Sun................................................... .................................... 342

§ 60. Application of the law universal gravity to the problem of earthly cha
tin........................................................ ........................................................ ......... 345

§61. Cosmic speeds................................................... ........................................ 347

§ 62. Derivation of the laws of planetary motion from the law of universal gravitation

Newton........................................................ ........................................................ ..... 353



§ 63. Inertia forces under accelerated forward movement system
we are counting........................................ ........................................................ 356

§ 64. Inertial forces during accelerated arbitrary motion of the system

Countdown........................................................ ........................................................ ........ 360

§ 65. Equation relative motion material point in gravity
tation field of the Earth taking into account its rotation.................................................... 371

§ 66. Weight and weighing of bodies.................................................... .................................... 373

§ 67. Deviation of falling bodies from the direction of suspension.................................... 377

§ 68. Foucault pendulum.................................................. ........................................................ . 380

§ 69. Tides.................................................... ........................................................ ......... 385

§ 70. Gravitational mass and generalized Galileo’s law.................................... 391

§71. Equivalence principle gravitational forces and inertial forces. . 397

§ 72. Gravitational displacement of spectral lines.................................................... 401



§ 73. Ideally elastic bodies.................................................. ........................................ 404

§ 74. Elastic stresses.................................................. .................................... 405

§ 75. Tension and compression of rods.................................................... ....................... 409

§ 76. Deformations rectangular parallelepiped under the influence of three

mutually perpendicular forces................................................... ............... 415

§ 77. All-round and one-sided tension and compression.................................... 417

§ 78. Shift.................................................... ........................................................ .............. 420

§ 79. Torsion.................................................... ........................................................ ...... 422

§ 80. Bend.................................................... ........................................................ .............. 426

§ 81. Velocity of propagation of longitudinal elastic disturbances in

rods........................................................ ........................................................ . 435

§ 82. Applications of the principle of superposition.................................................... .............. 441

§ 83. Velocities of propagation of longitudinal and transverse disturbances
tions in an unrestricted environment............................................................. ...................... 447

§ 84. The speed of propagation of transverse disturbances in a tensioned

cord........................................................ ........................................................ ..... 450

§ 85. Speed ​​of sound propagation in liquids and gases.................................... 452



§ 86. Dimension and systems of units.................................................... ....................... 456

§ 87. Dimension formula.................................................. .................................... 458

§ 88. Rule of dimension.................................................... .................................... 463



§ 89. General properties liquids and gases......................................................... ......... 468

§ 90. Basic equations of equilibrium and motion of liquids...... 472

§ 91. Hydrostatics of incompressible fluid.................................................... ............ 475

§ 92. Barometric formula.................................................. ........................... 484

§ 93. Kinematic description of fluid motion.................................................. 487

§ 94. Stationary motion of an ideal fluid. Ber- equation

nulli................................................... ........................................................ ........ 489

§ 95. Examples of the application of the Bernoulli equation. Torrey formula-

chelli........................................................ ........................................................ ...... 496

§ 96. Viscosity.................................................... ........................................................ ...... 499

§ 97. Stationary flow of liquid through a straight pipe. For
Poiseuille's mule................................................... ............................................ 506

§ 98. Laws of hydrodynamic similarity.................................................... .......... 511

§ 99. Turbulence and hydrodynamic instability.................................. 516

§ 100. D'Alembert's paradox. Rip currents........................................................ 520

§101. Application of dimensional theory......................................................... ............. 525

§102. Potential and vortex movements.................................................... ....... 527

§103. Boundary layer and the phenomenon of separation......................................................... .......... 530

§ 104. Lifting force of an aircraft wing.................................................... ...................... 536

§ 105. Magnus effect................................................. ......................................... 541

APPLICATION .................................................................................................. 468

NAME INDEX ................................................................................ 554

SUBJECT INDEX.............................................................................. 555

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The main content of the proposed course is an extended presentation of lectures on physics, which the author read for many years (since 1956) at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The general plan of the lecture course, as well as the basic approach to presenting fundamental issues in physics, changed little over the years. However, every year the course was updated to include new private questions and examples. Many previously considered issues were excluded. This was done not for reasons of principle, but due to lack of time.

This course includes almost all the issues presented in lectures over the years. Questions that were not discussed in the lectures were also included. They occupy about 10-15% of the text. In addition, many problems with answers or detailed solutions are included. All this material can be of benefit to students in in-depth study of physics and to teachers when conducting seminar classes. It, the author hopes, will contribute to the development of students' physical thinking skills and the ability to independently pose and solve fundamental questions and specific physical problems, which is the main goal of the proposed manual. Of course, not all of this material is required. For the convenience of the reader, the main questions are printed in large print, all the rest are petite.




§ 1. Space and time

§ 2. Kinematic description of motion. Material point

§ 3. Velocity and acceleration during linear motion. Corner

speed and angular acceleration

§ 4. Velocity and acceleration during curvilinear motion

§ 5. Limits of applicability of the classical method of describing motion

On the meaning of the derivative and integral in applications to physics


About vectors and addition of movements

Degrees of freedom and generalized coordinates


Law of inertia. Inertial reference frame

§ 10. Mass. Law of conservation of momentum

§ 11. Newton's second law. Strength

§ 12. Newton's third law and the law of conservation of momentum

§ 13. Interaction at a distance and field interaction

§ 14. The role of initial conditions

§ 15. Galileo's principle of relativity

§ 16. Additivity and the law of conservation of mass

§ 17. About the laws of friction


§ 18. Force impulse and change in momentum

§ 19. Theorem on the motion of the center of mass

§ 20. Reduced mass

§ 21. Motion of bodies with variable mass. Jet propulsion


§ 22. Work and kinetic energy

§ 23. Relationship between kinetic energies in various systems

countdown. Koenig's theorem

§ 24. Conservative and non-conservative forces

§ 25. Potential energy. Law of conservation of energy in mechanics

§ 26. Absolutely inelastic impact

§ 27. Internal energy. General physical law of conservation of energy

§ 28. Absolutely elastic impact

§ 29. Forces and potential energy


§ 30. Moment of force and angular momentum relative to a stationary

§ 31. Relationship between the angular momentum of a material point and the sectorial

speed. Area theorem

§ 32. Moment of impulse and moment of force relative to a fixed axis.

§ 33. Equation of angular momentum for rotation around a stationary

axes. Moment of inertia

§ 34. Examples on the law of conservation of rotational momentum

§ 35. Huygens - Steiner theorem

§ 36. Calculation of moments of inertia

§ 37. Equation of moments relative to a moving origin and

moving axis

§ 38. Conservation laws and symmetry of space and time


§ 39. Kinematics of harmonic oscillatory motion

§ 40. Harmonic vibrations of a load on a spring

§ 41. Physical pendulum

§ 42. Bifilar and trifilar suspensions

§ 43. Adiabatic invariants


§ 44. Rigid body in mechanics. Equations of motion and equilibrium


§ 45. Instantaneous axis of rotation

§ 46. Angular velocity as a vector. Addition of rotations

§ 47. Euler's theorem. General motion of a rigid body

§ 48. Rolling of bodies from inclined plane

§ 49. Gyroscopes. Free gyro movement

§ 50. Gyroscope under the influence of forces. Approximate theory

§ 51. Applications of gyroscopes.

§ 52. Fundamentals of the exact theory of a symmetrical gyroscope

§ 53. Tensor and ellipsoid of inertia

§ 54. Rotation of a rigid body by inertia around fixed point


§ 55. Kepler's laws and the law of universal gravitation

§ 56. Acceleration of planets and comets when moving along conic sections

§ 57. Conditions for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic


§ 58. Calculation of orbital parameters

§ 59. Taking into account the movement of the Sun

§ 60. Application of the law of universal gravitation to the problem of earthly

§ 61. Space speeds

§ 62. Derivation of the laws of planetary motion from the law of universal gravitation


§ 63. Inertial forces during accelerated translational motion of the system

§ 64. Inertial forces during arbitrary accelerated motion of the system

§ 65. Equation of relative motion of a material point in

gravitational field of the Earth taking into account its rotation

§ 66. Weight and weighing of bodies

§ 67. Deviation of falling bodies from the direction of the plumb line

§ 69. Tides

§ 70. Gravitational mass and generalized Galileo’s law

§ 71. The principle of equivalence of gravitational forces and inertial forces

§ 72. Gravitational displacement spectral lines


§ 73. Ideally elastic bodies

§ 74. Elastic stresses

§ 75. Tension and compression of rods

§ 76. Deformations of a rectangular parallelepiped under the action of three

mutually perpendicular forces

§ 77. All-round and one-sided tension and compression

§ 78. Shift

§ 79. Torsion

§ 80. Bend

§ 81. Velocity of propagation of longitudinal elastic disturbances in


§ 82. Applications of the principle of superposition

§ 83. Velocities of propagation of longitudinal and transverse disturbances in

unlimited environment

§ 84. The speed of propagation of transverse disturbances in a tensioned

§ 85. Speed ​​of sound propagation in liquids and gases


§ 86. Dimension and systems of units.

§ 87. Dimension formula

§ 88. Rule of dimension


§ 89. General properties of liquids and gases

§ 90. Basic equations of equilibrium and motion of liquids

§ 91. Hydrostatics of incompressible fluid

§ 92. Barometric formula

§ 93. Kinematic description of fluid motion

§ 94. Stationary movement ideal liquid. Bernoulli's equation

§ 95. Examples of the application of the Bernoulli equation. Torricelli formula

§ 96. Viscosity

§ 97. Stationary flow of liquid through a straight pipe. Formula


§ 98. Laws of hydrodynamic similarity

§ 99. Turbulence and hydrodynamic instability

§ 100. D'Alembert's paradox. Rip Currents

§ 101. Application of dimension theory


Aristotle 64

Copernicus 66, 67, 321, 347, 357

Archimedes 12, 44?, 449, 453

Coriolis 339, 345, 353, 35a, 375

Bernoulli Daniel 462, 464, 467, 468,

Pendant 77, 102

470, 479, 491, 493, 494, 496, 501,

Kutta 509, 511

Lavoisier 98

Bessel 368

Laplace 392, 428

Boyle 427, 428, 442

Lebedev 87

Brahe Quiet 495

Leibniz 44

Braginsky 372

Le Chatelier 276

Venturi 464

Lomonosov 98

Bern Jules 280

Lorenz 93, 97, 135

Magnus 512, 513

Heisenberg 43

Maxwell 256

Galileo 12, 91-97, 216, 348, 368

Marriott 427, 428, 442

Hamilton 161, 227

Meshchersky 115

Helmholtz 310

Mössbauer 378

Gong 73, 205, 380, 385-387, 395, 397

Newton 11-15, 44, 63, 64, 71, 73, 75,

Huygens 12, 183, 185, 187, 211-213,

78 - 85, 90, 98, 107, 114, 127,

162, 163, 174, 199, 202, 208, 304,

d'Alembert 491, 492

305, 307. 313, 324, 330 333, 334,

Dezorm 465

346, 361, 364, 367, 368, 427, 428,

Dicke 370, 371

Euclid 19, 20

Oberbeck 191

Zhukovsky 175-177, 180-182, 279,

Pascal 440

Cavendish 305

Pitot 466, 467

Pocket 504

Pythagoras 319

Koenig 129, 130, 195

Kepler 12, 302, 303, 305, 312, 322,

Prandtl 467, 501, 503

Poiseuille 477-480

Kirchhoff 491

Poinsot 295, 299

Clausius 141

Poisson 388, 397, 421

Clement 465

Rutherford 321

Reynolds 483-485, 487, 489, 490,

Flettner 513

Froud 483-486

Southerns 370

Foucault 282, 284 - 287, 357, 359, 360

Sperry 287

Tsiolkovsky 116, 117, 129

Stoke 496, 497

Steiner 183, 185, 187, 250, 260

Strelkov 177

Euler 246, 247, 447, 452

Strouhal 483

Einstein 11, 13, 25-27, 97, 307,

Taylor 439

Tietjens 503

Eotvos 368, 370

Thomson William 310

Jung 385, 386, 388, 397, 426-428,

Torricelli 468


Autopilot 283

Chinese 279

Mass additivity 98

Rollover 279

Adiabatic invariant 223

Coefficient 389

United 25

Module 389

Local 25

Process 222

Straightening torque 451

Accelerometer 78

Height of homogeneous atmosphere 457

Oscillation amplitude 72

Viscosity 472

Tide 360

Dynamic 479

Barometric formula 457

Kinematic 479

Dimensionless combinations 435

Harmonic oscillator 223

Binormal 38

Harmonic oscillation 204

Herpolody 299

Vector 48, 50

Giant Steps 197

Axial 57

Hydrodynamics 441

Square 56

Hydrodynamic similarity 483

Polar 57

Hydrostatics 445

Vector artwork 57

Hydrostatic paradox 453

Basic (primary) quantities 429

Gyrogorizont 283

Derivatives (secondary) 430

Gyroscope 263

Body weight 349

Top 266, 288

Mutual vectors 60

Geometric axis 263

Interaction by touch 86

Rollover 284

Virial forces 141

Figure axis 263

Vortex street Karman 504

Gyroscope, approximate theory 270

Free 266

Displacement 451

Symmetrical 2nd

Water meter 464

Fulcrum 263

Air cushion 104

Exact theory 288

Possible movements 185

Balanced (astatic)

Top 263

Gyroscopic phenomena 263

Zhukovsky bench 175

Gyroscopic compass 263, 283,

Archimedes' Law 448

Universal gravity 304

Home normal 37

Guna 73, 380, 386

Main axles 295

Kepler's second 302, 321

Star year 40

First 302, 321

Tropical 23, 40

Third 302, 321

Hodograph 34

Pascal's Law 440

Gravitational constant 304, 307

Area 171

Gravitational displacement

Current similarities 483


Reynolds 489

Speed ​​addition

Gravity charge 366

non-relativistic 93

Gradient 160, 161, 446

Relativistic 129

Movement 11

Weight maintenance 98

Absolute 334

Substances 98

Quick 12

Pulse 70, 80

Screw 240

Mass 98

Vortex 497

Mass - energy 99

Return fluid 503

Momentum 168

Infinite 140, 314

Energies 137, 148

Slow 12

Newton's second 63, 72

Relative 334

First 63, 64

Portable 334

Third 63, 78

But inertia 64

Equivalence of inert and

Uniform 32

gravitational mass 367

Uniformly accelerated 32

Laws of friction 100

Free 64

Neutron moderation 156

Ultrarelativistic 128

Closed system 68

Finite 140, 314

Action 78

Ideal liquid 444

At a distance of 84, 308

Ideally rigid body 61, 230

Small deformations 380

Elastic body 380

Heterogeneous 397

Homogeneous 397

Image point 289

Plastic (residual) 379

Isolated system 68

Elastic 379

Isothermal atmosphere 457

Joule (unit of work) 124

Isothermal coefficient 389

Module 389

Dynamics 63

Isotropy of space 200

Dynamic (velocity) pressure

Oscillation isochronism 206

Impulse 42, 54, 70

Length of moving rod 27

Rotational 174

Point 466

Strengths 107, 109

Torsion 397

Material point systems 107

Breakaway line 494

Invariant 57

Centers 150

Invariance of equations 51

Drag 491, 495

Inversion 17

Macroscopic bodies 12

Inertia 68

Low water 361

Artificial vertical 283

Small disturbances 411

Gravity 351

Weight 63, 68

Artificial horizon 283

Gravity 366

Droplet-liquid media 441

Inert 68, 366

Cardan gimbal 263

Variable 114

Tangential forces of internal

friction 472

Given 112

Quasi-static process, 387

Joined 492

Kepler's laws 302, 321

Relativistic 70

Kilogram 69

Heavy 366

Kinematics 28

Material point 29

Classic approach 14

Atwood Machine 191

Covariance of Equations 51

Ballistic pendulum 146

Number of motion 63

Gyroscopic 272

Matter 63

Given length 273

Vector components 50

Conical 292

Cone herpolodpi 299

Math 210

Polodia 299

Physical 209

escape velocity second 117,

Mutual points 211

Given length 210

First 117, 326

Conjugate points 211

Third 117, 326, 327, 329

Physical, suspension point 209

Internal friction coefficient

Swing center 211

Hardness 73

Cycloidal 211

Poisson 388

Instantaneous rotation axis 234

Compressibility 441 points 29

Mechanical similarity 482 World ether 85 Compression module 393

Torsion 215, 397

- unilateral stretching 394

Shift 395

Younga 385

Mole 428 Angular momentum about the axis

Points 167

- inertia about the axis 174

Points 184

- - cross section 401

Ship 451

- forces about the axis 172

Points 166, 167

- tangential 381 Tension 384 Initial speed 32

- phase 204 Initial conditions 89 Zero Gravity 351

Independence of the action of forces 77 Constant plane 298 Neutral line 400 Neutral section 401 Neutrino 149 Incompressible fluid 443 Newton (unit of force) 75 Newton's laws 63, 64 Stagnation region 103, 494 Generalized coordinates 61

Speeds 61

Generalized Galileo's law 348 Inverse problem mechanics 345 Bulk Density strength 446

Elastic energy 388, 391, 393, 396, 397

Simultaneity 26 Single-rail railway 287 Time uniformity 200

- space 200 Simply connected region 497 One-way stretching 393

Compression 393

Hamilton operator 160, 161 Basic equation of hydrodynamics

ideal liquid 447

- - hydrostatics 447 Bending axis 400 Plumb direction 349

Deviation of falling bodies from direction

plumb 353 Deflection force 290 Ebb 360

Relative lateral compression

Compression 385

Extension 385

Reflection at the origin 17 D'Alembert's paradox 492 Parametric oscillations 226 Perimetric motion

gyroscope 280 Oscillation period 205

Permanent axes of rotation 296 Arm of force 173 Plane movement 240

- flow 498 True density 46

Linear 424

- medium 46 Level surface 161 Boundary layer 501 Bifilar suspension 213

Trifilarny 214

Relativity 96

Lifting force 491, 495

Galilee 94

Einsteina 97

Gravity 375

Superpositions of gravitational

Speeds 459

Field interaction 86

Small disturbances 415

Full water 360

Deformations 387

Total pressure 466

Speeds 415

Full head 466

Offsets 415

Polodia 299

Elastic stresses 415

Equivalence of gravitational

Kepler's constant 303


inertia forces 374

Sighting distance 321

Speed ​​potential 498

Simple swing 204

Potential curve 140

Counteraction 78

Direct problem of mechanics 345

Potential movement 497

Pseudovector 57

Flow with circulation 498

Pseudoscalar 57

Potential barrier 140

Spray gun 465

Gimlet Rule 17

Pulsars 198

Parallelogram 48

Work 123

Dimensions 437

At final travel 123

Elementary 123 Radius of inertia

Elastic limit 379

Rolling 251 Dimension 430

Galilean transformation 92

Rip currents 490, 494

Lorenza 93

Fluid flow 464 Reactions

Precession fast 291

connections 74 Vector rotor 499

Forced 270

Slow 291

Free rotation axes 296

Pseudo-regular 275

Regular 275

Perfect 165 Shift 395 Second

Free 267

24 Strength 63, 64, 71

Applied hour 361

Inertia 335

Tide 360

Coriolis 341

Tidal potential 363

Portable 341

Large tides (syzygy) 365

Progressive 336

Quadrature 365

Centrifugal 342

Small 365

Lorentz force 135

Le Chatelier's Principle 276

Tidal 363

Resultant 76

Uncertainties 43

Jet 115

Name: General course of physics - in 5 volumes - volume 1 - Mechanics. 2005.

The first volume of a physics course, widely known in our country and abroad. The book is written on the basis of lectures that were given by the author to students at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology for a number of years. The main attention is paid to clarifying the physical meaning and content of the basic laws and concepts of mechanics, establishing the limits of applicability of these laws, developing students' physical thinking skills and the ability to pose and solve specific problems.
The third edition of the first volume was published in 1989.
For students of physical and mathematics faculties universities, physical-technical and engineering-physical institutes, as well as universities where physics is the main discipline.

The fourth edition of the first volume comes out after the death of the creator of the fundamental “General Course of Physics,” the outstanding teacher and dedicated scientist D. V. Sivukhin. Over the many years that have passed since the publication of the first edition, the book has become an integral part of the educational process in universities that train engineers in specialties that require in-depth training in physics. Over the years, the book has not become outdated at all and has not lost its attractiveness, since the author focuses the reader’s attention not on the descriptive side of physical demonstrations, but on the physical meaning of the phenomena and concepts of physics under consideration.
This textbook is distinguished by its harmony and clarity of logical constructions. The wide coverage of the issues under consideration with their in-depth study makes the book comparable to a physical encyclopedia.
The fourth edition is no different from the third, published by the Nauka publishing house in 1989. The text only contains the necessary minor clarifications in order to correct typographical errors.
MIPT Publishing House
When studying any range of phenomena, it is very important to establish the basic laws or principles with the help of which everything can be explained. known phenomena from the circle in question, as well as predict new ones. This approach to the study of natural phenomena is called the method of principles. Its founder in physics is great Isaac Newton (1643-1727). An unsurpassed master method of principles was and great physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955).


§ 1. Space and time
§ 2. Kinematic description of motion. Material point
§ 3. Velocity and acceleration during linear motion. Angular velocity and angular acceleration
§ 4. Velocity and acceleration during curvilinear motion
§ 5. Limits of applicability of the classical method of describing motion
§ 6. On the meaning of the derivative and integral in applications to physical issues
§ 7. On vectors and addition of motions
§ 8. Degrees of freedom and generalized coordinates


§ 9. Law of inertia. Inertial reference frame
§ 10. Mass. Law of conservation of momentum
§ 11. Newton's second law. Strength.
§ 12. Newton's third law and the law of conservation of momentum
§ 13. Interaction of bodies at a distance and field interaction
§ 14. The role of initial conditions
§ 15. Galileo's principle of relativity
§ 16. Additivity and the law of conservation of mass
§ 17. About the laws of friction


§ 18. Force impulse and change in momentum
§ 19. Theorem on the motion of the center of mass
§ 20. Reduced mass
§ 21. Motion of bodies with variable mass. Jet propulsion


§ 22. Work and kinetic energy
§ 23. Relationship between kinetic energies in different reference systems. Koenig's theorem
§ 24. Conservative and non-conservative forces
§ 25. Potential energy. Law of conservation of energy in mechanics
§ 26. Absolutely inelastic impact
§ 27. Internal energy. General physical law of conservation of energy
§ 28. Absolutely elastic impact
§ 29. Forces and potential energy


§ 30. Moment of force and angular momentum relative to a fixed origin
§31. Relationship between the angular momentum of a material point and sectorial velocity. Area theorem
§ 32. Moment of impulse and moment of force relative to a fixed axis
§ 33. Equation of angular momentum for rotation around a fixed axis. Moment of inertia
§ 34. Examples on the law of conservation of rotational momentum
§ 35. Huygens-Steiner theorem
§ 36. Calculation of moments of inertia
§ 37. Equation of moments about a moving origin and a moving axis
§ 38. Conservation laws and symmetry of space and time


§ 39. Kinematics of harmonic oscillatory motion
§ 40. Harmonic vibrations of a load on a spring
§ 41. Physical pendulum
§ 42. Bifilar and trifilar suspensions
§ 43. Adiabatic invariants


§ 44. Rigid body in mechanics. Equations of motion and equilibrium of a rigid body
§ 45. Instantaneous axis of rotation
§ 46. Angular velocity as a vector. Addition of rotations
§ 47. Euler's theorem. General motion of a rigid body
§ 48. Rolling bodies down an inclined plane
§ 49. Gyroscopes. Free gyro movement
§ 50. Gyroscope under the influence of forces. Approximate theory
§ 51. Applications of gyroscopes
§ 52. Fundamentals of the exact theory of a symmetrical gyroscope
§ 53. Tensor and ellipsoid of inertia
§ 54. Rotation of a rigid body by inertia around a fixed point


§ 55. Kepler's laws and the law of universal gravitation
§ 56. Acceleration of planets and comets when moving along conic sections
§ 57. Conditions for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic motions
§ 58. Calculation of orbital parameters
§ 59. Taking into account the movement of the Sun
§ 60. Application of the law of universal gravitation to the problem of gravity
§ 61. Space speeds
§ 62. Derivation of the laws of planetary motion from Newton’s law of universal gravitation


§ 63. Inertial forces during accelerated translational motion of the reference system
§ 64. Inertial forces during accelerated arbitrary motion of the reference system
§ 65. Equation of the relative motion of a material point in the gravitational field of the Earth, taking into account its rotation
§ 66. Weight and weighing of bodies
§ 67. Deviation of falling bodies from the direction of suspension
§ 68. Foucault pendulum
§ 69. Tides
§ 70. Gravitational mass and generalized Galileo’s law
§ 71. The principle of equivalence of gravitational forces and inertial forces
§ 72. Gravitational displacement of spectral lines


§ 73. Ideally elastic bodies
§ 74. Elastic stresses
§ 75. Tension and compression of rods
§ 76. Deformations of a rectangular parallelepiped under the action of three mutually perpendicular forces
§ 77. All-round and one-sided tension and compression
§ 78. Shift
§ 79. Torsion
§ 80. Bend
§ 81. Velocity of propagation of longitudinal elastic disturbances in rods
§ 82. Applications of the principle of superposition
§ 83. Velocities of propagation of longitudinal and transverse disturbances in an unbounded medium
§ 84. Velocity of propagation of transverse disturbances in a stretched cord
§ 85. Speed ​​of sound propagation in liquids and gases


§ 86. Dimension and systems of units
§ 87. Dimension formula
§ 88. Rule of dimension


§ 89. General properties of liquids and gases
§ 90. Basic equations of equilibrium and motion of liquids
§ 91. Hydrostatics of incompressible fluid
§ 92. Barometric formula
§ 93. Kinematic description of fluid motion
§ 94. Stationary motion of an ideal fluid. Bernoulli's equation
§ 95. Examples of the application of the Bernoulli equation. Torricelli formula
§ 96. Viscosity
§ 97. Stationary flow of liquid through a straight pipe. Poiseuille's formula
§ 98. Laws of hydrodynamic similarity
§ 99. Turbulence and hydrodynamic instability
§ 100. D'Alembert's paradox. Rip Currents
§ 101. Application of dimension theory
§ 102. Potential and vortex motions
§ 103. Boundary layer and separation phenomenon
§ 104. Lifting force of an aircraft wing
§ 105. Magnus effect


The main content of the proposed course is an extended presentation of lectures on physics, which the author read for many years (since 1956) at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The general plan of the lecture course, as well as the basic approach to presenting fundamental issues in physics, changed little over the years. However, every year the course was updated to include new private questions and examples.
Many previously considered issues were excluded. This was done not for reasons of principle, but due to lack of time.
This course includes almost all the issues presented in lectures over the years. Questions that were not discussed in the lectures were also included.
They occupy about 10-15% of the text. In addition, many problems with answers or detailed solutions are included. All this material can be of benefit to students in in-depth study of physics and to teachers when conducting seminar classes. It, the author hopes, will contribute to the development of students' physical thinking skills and the ability to independently pose and solve fundamental questions and specific physical problems, which is the main goal of the proposed manual. Of course, not all of this material is required. For the convenience of the reader, the main questions are printed in large font, all the rest are printed in small font.
§ 1. Space and time
§ 2. Kinematic description of motion. Material point
§ 3. Velocity and acceleration during linear motion. Angular velocity and angular acceleration
§ 4. Velocity and acceleration during curvilinear motion
§ 5. Limits of applicability of the classical method of describing motion
§ 6. On the meaning of the derivative and integral in applications to physical questions
§ 7. On vectors and addition of motions
§ 8. Degrees of freedom and generalized coordinates
§ 9. Law of inertia. Inertial reference frame 64
§ 10. Mass. Law of conservation of momentum
§ 11. Newton's second law. Strength 71

§ 12. Newton's third law and the law of conservation of momentum
§ 13. Interaction at a distance and field interaction
§ 14. The role of initial conditions
§ 15. Galileo's principle of relativity
§ 16. Additivity and the law of conservation of mass 97
§ 17. About the laws of friction
§ 18. Force impulse and change in momentum
§ 19. Theorem on the motion of the center of mass 110
§ 20. Reduced mass 112
§ 21. Motion of bodies with variable mass. Jet propulsion
§ 22. Work and kinetic energy
§ 23. Relationship between kinetic energies in different reference systems. Koenig's theorem
§ 24. Conservative and non-conservative forces
§ 25. Potential energy. Law of conservation of energy in mechanics 135
§ 26. Absolutely inelastic impact 143
§ 27. Internal energy. General physical law of conservation of energy 147
§ 28. Absolutely elastic impact
§ 29. Forces and potential energy
§ 30. Moment of force and angular momentum relative to a fixed origin
§ 31. Relationship between the angular momentum of a material point and sectorial velocity. Area theorem
§ 32. Moment of impulse and moment of force relative to a fixed axis.
§ 33. Equation of angular momentum for rotation around a fixed axis. Moment of inertia
§ 34. Examples on the law of conservation of rotational momentum
§ 35. Huygens - Steiner theorem
§ 36. Calculation of moments of inertia
§ 37. Equation of moments about a moving origin and a moving axis
§ 38. Conservation laws and symmetry of space and time
§ 39. Kinematics of harmonic oscillatory motion 204
§ 40. Harmonic vibrations of a load on a spring 205

§ 41. Physical pendulum
§ 42. Bifilar and trifilar suspensions 213
§ 43. Adiabatic invariants
§ 44. Rigid body in mechanics. Equations of motion and equilibrium of a rigid body
§ 45. Instantaneous axis of rotation 233
§ 46. Angular velocity as a vector. Addition of rotations 236
§ 47. Euler's theorem. General motion of a rigid body 245
§ 48. Rolling bodies down an inclined plane
§ 49. Gyroscopes. Free Gyro Movement 263
§ 50. Gyroscope under the influence of forces. Approximate theory
§ 51. Applications of gyroscopes.
§ 52. Fundamentals of the exact theory of a symmetrical gyroscope 288
§ 53. Tensor and ellipsoid of inertia
§ 54. Rotation of a rigid body by inertia around a fixed point 297
§ 55. Kepler's laws and the law of universal gravitation
§ 56. Acceleration of planets and comets when moving along conic sections
§ 57. Conditions for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic motions
§ 58. Calculation of orbital parameters
§ 59. Taking into account the movement of the Sun
§ 60. Application of the law of universal gravitation to the problem of gravity
§ 61. Space speeds
§ 62. Derivation of the laws of planetary motion from the law of universal gravitation
§ 63. Inertial forces during accelerated translational motion of the reference system
§ 64. Inertial forces during arbitrary accelerated motion of the reference system
§ 65. Equation of the relative motion of a material point in the gravitational field of the Earth, taking into account its rotation
§ 66. Weight and weighing of bodies
§ 67. Deviation of falling bodies from the direction of the plumb line
§ 68. Foucault pendulum
§ 69. Tides

§ 70. Gravitational mass and generalized Galileo’s law
§ 71. The principle of equivalence of gravitational forces and inertial forces
§ 72. Gravitational displacement of spectral lines
§ 73. Ideally elastic bodies
§ 74. Elastic stresses
§ 75. Tension and compression of rods
§ 76. Deformations of a rectangular parallelepiped under the action of three mutually perpendicular forces
§ 77. All-round and one-sided tension and compression 392
§ 78. Shift
§ 79. Torsion
§ 80. Bend
§ 81. Velocity of propagation of longitudinal elastic disturbances in rods
§ 82. Applications of the principle of superposition
§ 83. Velocities of propagation of longitudinal and transverse disturbances in an unbounded medium
§ 84. Velocity of propagation of transverse disturbances in a stretched cord
§ 85. Speed ​​of sound propagation in liquids and gases
§ 86. Dimension and systems of units. 429
§ 87. Dimension formula
§ 88. Rule of dimension
§ 89. General properties of liquids and gases 440
§ 90. Basic equations of equilibrium and motion of liquids
§ 91. Hydrostatics of incompressible fluid
§ 92. Barometric formula 456
§ 93. Kinematic description of fluid motion 459
§ 94. Stationary motion of an ideal fluid. Bernoulli's equation 460
§ 95. Examples of the application of the Bernoulli equation. Torricelli Formula 467
§ 96. Viscosity
§ 97. Stationary flow of liquid through a straight pipe. Formula
§ 98. Laws of hydrodynamic similarity 482
§ 99. Turbulence and hydrodynamic instability 487
§ 100. D'Alembert's paradox. Rip Currents
§ 101. Application of dimension theory 495

§ 102. Potential and vortex motions
§ 103. Boundary layer and separation phenomenon
§ 104. Lifting force of the wing of an aircraft 506
§ 105. Magnus effect
Name index 514
Subject index
Aristotle 64
Archimedes 12, 44?, 449, 453
Atwood 191
Bernoulli Daniel 462, 464, 467, 468,
470, 479, 491, 493, 494, 496, 501,
Bessel 368
Boyle 427, 428, 442
Brahe Quiet 495
Braginsky 372
Venturi 464
Bern Jules 280
Hagen 478
Heisenberg 43
Galileo 12, 91-97, 216, 348, 368
Hamilton 161, 227
Gauss 19
Helmholtz 310
Gong 73, 205, 380, 385-387, 395, 397
Huygens 12, 183, 185, 187, 211-213,
219, 250, 260
d'Alembert 491, 492
Dezorm 465
Dicke 370, 371
Euclid 19, 20
Jolly 306
Zhukovsky 175-177, 180-182, 279,
Cavendish 305
Pocket 504
Koenig 129, 130, 195
Kepler 12, 302, 303, 305, 312, 322,
330, 332, 439
Kirchhoff 491
Clausius 141
Clement 465
Copernicus 66, 67, 321, 347, 357
Coriolis 339, 345, 353, 35a, 375
Krylov 63
Pendant 77, 102
Kutta 509, 511
Lavoisier 98
Laplace 392, 428
Lebedev 87
Leibniz 44
Le Chatelier 276
Lomonosov 98
Lorenz 93, 97, 135
Magnus 512, 513
Maxwell 256
Marriott 427, 428, 442
Max 376, 483
Meshchersky 115
Mössbauer 378
Newton 11-15, 44, 63, 64, 71, 73, 75,
78 - 85, 90, 98, 107, 114, 127,
162, 163, 174, 199, 202, 208, 304,
305, 307. 313, 324, 330 333, 334,
346, 361, 364, 367, 368, 427, 428,
430, 434, 463
Oberbeck 191
Panov 372
Pascal 440
Pauli 149
Pitot 466, 467
Pythagoras 319
Planck 43
Prandtl 467, 501, 503
Poiseuille 477-480
Poinsot 295, 299
Poisson 388, 397, 421
Rutherford 321

Reynolds 483-485, 487, 489, 490,
495- 497
Southerns 370
Sperry 287
Stoke 496, 497
Strelkov 177
Strouhal 483
Taylor 439
Tietjens 503
Thomson William 310
Torricelli 468
Flettner 513
Froud 483-486
Foucault 282, 284 - 287, 357, 359, 360
Tsiolkovsky 116, 117, 129
Steiner 183, 185, 187, 250, 260
Euler 246, 247, 447, 452
Einstein 11, 13, 25-27, 97, 307,
Eotvos 368, 370
Jung 385, 386, 388, 397, 426-428,
438, 439
Autopilot 283
Mass additivity 98
Adiabatic invariant 223
-, coefficient 389
-, module 389
-, process 222
Accelerometer 78
Oscillation amplitude 72
- tide 360
Barometric formula 457
Dimensionless combinations 435
Binormal 38
Watt 124
Vector 48, 50
- axial 57
- area 56
- polar 57
Vector product 57
Basic (primary) quantities 429
- derivatives (secondary) 430
Body weight 349
Mutual vectors 60
Interaction by touch 86
Virial forces 141
Vortex street Karman 504
Vortex 490
Displacement 451
Water meter 464
Air cushion 104
Possible movements 185
Top 263
- Chinese 279
-, capsizing 279
Time 22
- single 25
- local 25
Straightening torque 451
Height of homogeneous atmosphere 457
Viscosity 472
- dynamic 479
- kinematic 479
Harmonic Oscillator 223
Harmonic Oscillation 204
Herpolody 299
Giant steps 197
Hydrodynamics 441
Hydrodynamic similarity 483
Hydrostatics 445
Hydrostatic paradox 453
Gyrogorizont 283
Gyroscope 263
-, top 266, 288
-, geometric axis 263
-, capsizing 284
-, figure axis 263
Gyroscope, approximate theory 270
- free 266
- symmetrical 2nd
-, fulcrum 263
-, exact theory 288
- balanced (astatic)
264, 282

Gyroscopic phenomena 263
Gyroscopic compass 263, 283,
285 - 287
Home normal 37
Main axles 295
Star year 40
- tropical 23, 40
Hodograph 34
Gravitational constant 304, 307
Gravitational shift of spectral lines 377
Gravity charge 366
Gradient 160, 161, 446
Movement 11
- absolute 334
- quick 12
- screw 240
- vortex 497
- return fluid 503
- infinite 140, 314
- slow 12
- relative 334
- portable 334
- but inertia 64
- uniform 32
- uniformly accelerated 32
- free 64
- ultrarelativistic 128
- finite 140, 314
Action 78
- at a distance of 84, 308
Small deformations 380
- heterogeneous 397
- homogeneous 397
- plastic (residual) 379
- elastic 379
Joule (unit of work) 124
Dina 75
Dynamics 63
Dynamic (velocity) pressure
Length of moving rod 27
Zhukovsky bench 175
Archimedes' Law 448
- universal gravity 304
- Guna 73, 380, 386
- Kepler's second 302, 321
- - first 302, 321
- - third 302, 321
Pascal's Law 440
- areas 171
- similarity of currents 483
- Reynolds 489
- velocity addition non-relativistic 93
- - - relativistic 129
- weight preservation 98
- - substances 98
- - pulse 70, 80
- - mass 98
- - mass - energy 99
- - moment of impulse 168
- - energies 137, 148
- Newton's second 63, 72
- - first 63, 64
- - third 63, 78
- equivalence of inertial and gravitational masses 367
Laws of friction 100
Neutron moderation 156
Closed system 68
Probe 466
Ideal liquid 444
Ideally rigid body 61, 230
- elastic body 380
Bend 400
Image point 289
Isolated system 68
Isothermal atmosphere 457
Isothermal coefficient 389
- module 389
Isotropy of space 200
Oscillation isochronism 206
Impulse 42, 54, 70
- rotational 174

Fields 87
- strengths 107, 109
- systems of material points 107
- bodies 107
Invariant 57
Invariance of equations 51
Inversion 17
Inertia 68
Artificial vertical 283
- severity 351
Artificial horizon 283
Droplet-liquid media 441
Cardan gimbal 263
Tangential forces of internal friction 472
Quasi-static process, 387
Kepler's laws 302, 321
Kilogram 69
Kinematics 28
Classic approach 14
Covariance of Equations 51
Number of motion 63
- matter 63
Vector components 50
Cone herpolodpi 299
- half 299
Space velocity second 117,
- - first 117, 326
- - third 117, 326, 327, 329
Internal friction coefficient
- hardness 73
- Poisson 388
- compressibility 441
- pipe resistance 490
- friction 102, 104
- elasticity 73
Resistance Crisis 506
Reynolds similarity criterion 485
- - Frouda 485
Critical length 406
- speed 489
- point 466
Torsion 397
Breakaway line 494
- current 459
- 150 centers
Drag 491, 495
Macroscopic bodies 12
Low water 361
Small disturbances 411
Weight 63, 68
- gravity 366
- inert 68, 366
- variable 114
- rest 70
- given 112
- attached 492
- relativistic 70
- heavy 366
Material point 29
Atwood Machine 191
Ballistic pendulum 146
- gyroscopic 272
- -, reduced length 273
- conical 292
- mathematical 210
- physical 209
- -, mutual points 211
- -, given length 210
- -, conjugate points 211
- physical, suspension point 209
- -, swing center 211
- Foucault 357
- cycloidal 211
Instantaneous rotation axis 234
Instant rotation 234
Metagalaxy 19, 118
Metacenter 450
Metacentric height 450
Method of successive approximations 354
- principles 11
Meter 24
Mechanics 11

Quantum 14
- Newton 14
- relativistic 13
- systems 30
- points 29
Mechanical similarity 482
World broadcast 85
Compression modulus 393
- torsion 215, 397
- one-sided stretching 394
- shift 395
- Young 385
Mole 428
Momentum about the axis
- - - points 167
- inertia relative to the axis 174
- - - points 184
- - cross section 401
- - - - ship 451
- forces relative to axis 172
- - - points 166, 167
Nabla operator 160, 161
Plumb direction 349
Voltage 381
Normal voltage 381
- tangential 381
Tension 384
Initial speed 32
- phase 204
Initial conditions 89
Zero Gravity 351
Independence of forces 77
Constant plane 298
Neutral line 400
Neutral section 401
Neutrino 149
Incompressible fluid 443
Newton (unit of force) 75
Newton's laws 63, 64
Stagnation area 103, 494
Generalized coordinates 61
- speed 61
Generalized Galileo's law 348
Inverse problem of mechanics 345
Volumetric force density 446
- - elastic energy 388, 391, 393,
396, 397
Simultaneity 26
Monorail railway 287
Time uniformity 200
- space 200
Simply connected region 497
One-way stretch 393
- compression 393
Hamilton operator 160, 161
Basic equation of hydrodynamics of an ideal fluid 447
- - hydrostatics 447
Bend axis 400
Plumb direction 349
Deviation of falling bodies from the plumb direction 353
Deflection force 290
Low tide 360
Relative lateral compression
- compression 385
- extension 385
Reflection at origin 17
D'Alembert's Paradox 492
Parametric vibrations 226
Perimetric motion of the gyroscope 280
Oscillation period 205
Permanent rotation axes 296
Leverage strength 173
Flat motion 240
- current 498
True density 46
- linear 424
- average 46
Surface level 161
Boundary Layer 501
Bifilar suspension 213

Trifilarny 214
Lifting force 491, 495
Field 86
- gravitational 375
- speeds 459
Field interaction 86
Full water 360
Total pressure 466
Full head 466
Polodia 299
Pole 298
Kepler's constant 303
Plank 43
Speed ​​potential 498
Potential curve 140
- pit 140
Potential movement 497
- flow with circulation 498
Potential barrier 140
Gimlet Rule 17
- parallelogram 48
- dimensions 437
- Foucault 284
Elastic limit 379
Load limit 406
Galilean transformation 92
- Lorenza 93
Precession fast 291
- forced 270
- slow 291
- pseudo-regular 275
- regular 275
- free 267
Applied hour 361
Tide 360
Tidal potential 363
Large tides (syzygy) 365
- quadrature 365
- small 365
Le Chatelier's Principle 276
- Mach 376
- uncertainties 43
- relativity 96
- - Galilee 94
- - Einstein 97
- superpositions of gravitational fields 304
- - small disturbances 415
- - - deformations 387
- - speeds 415
- - offsets 415
- - elastic stresses 415
- equivalence of gravitational forces and inertial forces 374
Sighting distance 321
Simple swing 204
Counteraction 78
Direct problem of mechanics 345
Pseudovector 57
Pseudoscalar 57
Spray gun 465
Pulsars 198
Work 123
- at final movement 123
- elementary 123 Radius of inertia
- rolling 251 Dimension 430
Rip currents 490, 494
Fluid flow 464 Connection reactions 74 Vector rotor 499
Somersault 60
Free rotation axes 296
Connections 60
- ideal 165 Shift 395 Second
24 Strength 63, 64, 71
- inertia 335
- - Coriolis 341
- - portable 341
- - progressive 336
- - centrifugal 342
Lorentz force 135
- tidal 363
- resultant 76
- jet 115

Resulting 76
- medium resistance 104
- central 131
Power Center 131
Active forces 79
- short range 84
- external 79
- internal 79
- universal gravity 304
- viscosity 472
- gyroscopic 135, 279
- gravity 304
- dissipative 135
- conservative 133
- mass 382, ​​445
- non-conservative 134
- volumetric 382, ​​445
- Passive 79
- superficial 445
- friction 100
- electromagnetic 65
- nuclear 66
Unit systems LMT 431
- - LMTI 431
- - International (SI) 75
- - MKSA 431
- - SGS 75, 431
- heliocentric reference 66
- - earthly 66
- - inertial 66, 376
- - Copernicus 66
- - laboratory 151
- - stationary 333
- - spatial 16
- - space-time 24
- - center of mass 151
Scalar 48, 52
- true 57
Dot product 52, 58
Speed ​​point 34
Velocity (dynamic) pressure
Absolute speed 335
- gas jet 115
- sound 427
- true 31
- -, vector 34
- circular 316
- instant 31
- -, vector 34
- initial 32
- relative 335
- parabolic 316
- portable 335
- propagation of torsional vibrations 423
- - transverse disturbances 422,
- - - - in a stretched cord 424
- - longitudinal disturbances 421,
- sectorial 170
- average 34
- corner 33
- -, vector 236
Weak interactions 65
Trace 505
Mathematical addition of vectors
- - physical 53
- spins 237
- strength 76
Mixed piece 58
Oblateness of the Earth 455
Static theory of tides 364
Statically indeterminate systems
Degrees of freedom 60
Degrees of freedom of a rigid body 61
Sidereal day 22
- solar 23
Tangential discontinuities 490
Solid body 230 Amorphous body 444
- anisotropic 380
- isotropic 380 Tensor 294

Inertia 294
- elastic stresses 383 Virial theorem 141
- Huygens 211
- Huygens--Steiner 183
- Koenig 130
- Coriolis 339
- about the movement of the center of mass 110, 111
- Euler 247
Similarity theory 432
- dimensions 432
Thermal equilibrium 456
Laminar flow 478, 487
- turbulent 478, 487
Turning point 140
External friction 100
- internal 100, 471
- liquid 101
- rolling 101
- peace 101
- slip 101
- dry 101
- clutch 101
Triangulation 18
Venturi 464
- Pitot 466
- Prandtl 467
- current 460
Angle turn 241
Angle of attack 495
- shift 395
The impact is absolutely inelastic 143
- - elastic 149
- high 258
- off-central 153
- low 258
- normal 258
- coasting 258
- with guy 258
Shock waves 411
Universal gas constant
Elastic constants 379
Bernoulli's equation 462
- movements 72, 334
- Clapeyron 456
- Meshchersky 115
- moments 167
- - relative to the moving origin 190
- states 443
- Euler 447
Acceleration 31
-, vector 34
- absolute 335
- tangent 39
- Coriolis 339
- normal 39
- relative 335
- portable 335
- free fall 349
- corner 33
- -, vector 236
Centripetal acceleration 36,
Colliding beam accelerators
145, 158
Equilibrium stability 164
Phase 204
Physically infinitesimal quantities 47
Zhukovsky formula - Kutta 511
- Newton for the speed of sound 427
- Poiseuille 478
- dimensions 431, 433
- Stokes 496
- Torricelli 468
- Tsiolkovsky non-relativistic
- - relativistic 116, 129
Photon rocket 119
Center of inertia 110
- cardan suspension 264
- swing 211
- mass 110, 111
- buoyancy 449

Strength 131
- severity of OI
- impact 257
Cyclic frequency 204
Circulation speed 497
Clock 22
Mach number 483
- Reynolds 483
- -, critical 489
- Strouhalya 483
- Frouda 483
Ellipsoid of inertia 295
Internal energy 148
- gravity 310
- kinetic 125, 127
- rest 127
- full 127, 137
- threshold 157
- potential 136
- relativistic 126
- elastic 387
Erg 124
Doppler effect 376
- Magnus 512
Skidding phenomenon 105
- stagnation 103

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