The theme of spring in the poem by A.A. Feta "I came to you with greetings"

Poem " Spring rain"was written in 1857. Afanasy Fet created it, being already an accomplished master of landscape poetry.

This work belongs to the genre of landscape sketches. However, it is not as simple as it might seem at first. Besides artistic description nature here there is A. Fet’s reflection on the beauty of the nature he describes, barely perceptible behind the beauty of metaphors and epithets.

The author’s main task is to convey the charm of the spring landscape with the help of bright techniques. verbal description. The title of the poem fully reveals its theme. Each stanza follows one after the other and complements the previous one. The theme develops measuredly, slowly, forming a bright living picture spring day, conveying its dynamics - from sunlight to sudden rain.

The author’s talented work perfectly demonstrates the poet’s ability to see beauty in the simplest everyday things. He was able to very accurately isolate this episode from the entire range of ongoing events, to notice and grasp this subtle phenomenon of our everyday life, thereby creating a colorful and expressive picture of a spring shower.

And it’s not surprising, but Fet managed to depict rain without using a single time in his work of this word. The artist was able to show this natural phenomenon using literary devices– comparisons, metaphors, etc., for example, “veil”, “something is drumming”, “two drops”.

The picture of the day is changing, and Fet strives to capture and convey to the reader every new moment, every detail; he wants to show the value of one life moment, its fullness and uniqueness. And it doesn’t matter what this moment will be - let it be a little sparrow bathing in dust, or a curtain that moves “from heaven to earth.”

The poem is filled with colors, sounds and even smells.

Each stanza conveys own mood and creates own picture day. The first stanza shows light. In the second, it already begins to rain, nature seems to come to life, it rejoices in the rain. And the last stanza draws our attention to the smell of fragrant honey, thereby creating a pleasant, attractive image.

Spring is a time when nature is renewed, and with it the human soul is renewed. The sensations intensify, the beating of the heart becomes faster - the time of light and love is approaching. The author very accurately managed to convey all shades of feelings - from mysterious expectation to anticipation of love.

Brief Analysis

Fet was a great poet and writer. He died in full bloom, at his age Fet could have written a lot more wonderful works which in our time delighted the reader. During his years there were a lot of different incidents, which he poured out in lines. There was also love, you can’t live without it. He tried to write for anyone age category, his poems were read not only by adults, but also by children. He loved children very much; their smiles made his soul bloom and his heart sing. Children's laughter always brings joy and vivid impressions What could be better than a child.

In the poem "Spring Rain", Fet describes a beautiful rainy day. This weather brings back different memories for every person. Everyone has their own story and their own dreams. When it will soon begin to rain outside, the air begins to feel cool, the sky begins to thicken with clouds, and thunder trembles in the distance. The first drops of rain appear on the asphalt, and this weather makes your heart partly happy and sad. People say that raindrops are someone's tears. This poem also smacks of sadness, the first drops hit the glass, water quietly flows down the glass, and the air smells of freshness.

"Linden trees smell like fragrant honey."

Everything seems to be fine in these lines, but my heart becomes sad. Sadness is conveyed very subtly. Not every person is given the ability to understand this line.

"And as if in gold dust
Behind it stands the edge of the forest."

The author is trying to convey the whole picture of a heavy downpour, as if almost nothing is visible through it. big wall rain can pass over the entire land, leaving wet streets in its wake. Fet didn’t like this kind of weather, so he treated it as something that would quickly go away. The rain never stays for long, but what a wonderful feeling it is when you stand under it. And the drops don’t drum on the leaves, they descend onto your face and envelop you in cool streams. This weather causes a storm of emotions not only in the author, but also in the reader. You cannot live without rain and the earth needs it like air, so Fet touched on this topic and many readers really liked it. It was quickly published and within a few years this work became one of this writer’s favorite masterpieces.

Analysis of the verse Spring rain Feta

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is characterized by sensuality, sensitivity, and musicality. Nature also takes important place in his work. He depicted landscapes incredibly brightly and colorfully, showing vivacity and life in them. The poem “Spring Rain” is an example of landscape lyricism.

The author's heart is filled with wonderful, sincere feelings for nature. He sees beauty in her. Many literary critics and other poets of that time condemned and did not understand Fet for his indifference to acute social problems, for not participating in political life countries. But Afanasy Afanasyevich, in spite of everything, was devoted to his favorite themes: the theme of love, nature, the beauty of the world, in general, everything good that surrounds us.

In the poem “Spring Rain,” the author’s soul rejoices, the poet is filled with wonderful emotions from the sight of this wonderful picture of nature. She inspires and “inspires” Fet with her light and beauty. The title of the work reflects the theme. Nature not only inspired Fet, but also taught him to pay attention and see the smallest elements and details. It is precisely this skill that is displayed in the poem “Spring Rain.” The author was able to show the transience of every moment in nature.

The poem begins with a description of the weather: the sun is shining, nothing foreshadows the appearance of a thunderstorm. But suddenly the “curtain” begins to move and the first drops of rain appear. Even the upcoming storm and gray one, inclement weather Fet describes it from the side of joy and warmth. He sees positive side happening, while other people may feel sad. The poem is written in cross rhyme and the meter is iambic tetrameter. The product is different a large number verbs used, this technique helps to add liveliness and dynamism. The poem “Spring Rain,” like many other works, is filled with sincerity, light and love, makes us pay attention to something beautiful and kind.

5, 10th grade, 4th grade briefly according to the plan, according to literature means of expression

Picture for the poem Spring Rain

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In this lesson you will get acquainted with the features of A. A Fet’s work and analyze his poem “Spring Rain”.

You see an old man with a bald head and a beard. We are accustomed to seeing classics depicted in this way - at a respectable age and when their merits have already been recognized. Therefore, the idea arises that the person depicted has always been the same as in the portrait, like the Lord God, as he is portrayed in church.

Fet was not always such a venerable old man. He was both a boy and a young man. Earlier portraits of him show an officer with a mustache, much like a young Leo Tolstoy (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Afanasy Fet ()

Afanasy Fet, like many Russian nobles, paid tribute military service. He was a guards cavalryman and retired with the rank of headquarters captain. This is a decent title.

Fet retired, got married and became a landowner. This is perhaps his most interesting feature as a person. He was not a simple landowner, but an active one. This trait of his amazed and still amazes. It was generally accepted that farming and landowner affairs are something not poetic, this is something that a poet should not be interested in and do seriously. In the traditional view, the poet is a child of the ether, a person who is not attached to material world, does not care about its structure. Of course, this idea is somewhat far-fetched and exaggerated, but there is something fair in it.

If we consider the biographies of the most famous, largest poets of the 19th century century (Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev, etc.), then there are no economic predilections and interests there. As a rule, these people really didn't care much about practical life, about its arrangement and similar unpoetic needs. And Fet cared.

He was a very successful, active landowner, very experienced. I devoted a lot of time and effort to this business.

In addition to the fact that Fet wrote poetry and was a landowner, he translated a lot from Latin language(from the classics of ancient Roman poetry) and from German language, which was native to him, like Russian. Fet was German by birth, but a Russian landowner and Russian poet.

He translated Goethe's tragedy "Faust" - the largest work of the German classic (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Johann Goethe ()

And he even set his sights on translating the largest work of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Immanuel Kant ()

Fet was great educated person, knew philosophy well, and his scope was epic. But, despite the fact that he undertook translations of such large, serious works, we remember him primarily as the author of small lyric poems. He did not write major works, unlike, for example, Pushkin (Fig. 5), Nekrasov and his other older contemporaries.

Rice. 5. A.S. Pushkin ()

Fet - landowner and poet

IN school course Literature often contains such lesson titles as "The beauty of native nature", "Native Nature". This is not always justified, because many beautiful poems about nature are written in such a way that it does not matter whether it is Russian or not. For example, Fyodor Tyutchev (Fig. 6) - a contemporary and colleague of Fet - lived a lot in Germany, Italy and Russia. He wrote about nature. As a rule, it is impossible to say what kind of nature Tyutchev has - this is nature in general.

Rice. 6. Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev ()

As for Afanasy Fet, this is completely justified. The nature in his works is Russian. This German expressed the peculiarities of the Russian landscape like few others. This probably happened because he was a landowner - a man who had a specific relationship with the land - labor, like a peasant. He, of course, did not sow or plow, but he personally took care of the farm (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Afanasy Fet in his estate ()

Nature for him was not the nature of a garden in which you can simply stroll, not the nature of fields along which you can ride a horse for fun, for the sake of physical strength, as Pushkin loved to do. For Fet, nature is the source of life, the source of bread. Spring rain also has a double meaning for the author. For Fet, on the one hand, the heavens are a watering can for his fields, and on the other hand, this is a certain beauty, this is something that can be contemplated. This duality of perception of a person who simultaneously acts in nature and contemplates it is very characteristic. Maybe that’s why Fet’s natural landscapes are always so specific, definite, recognizably Russian, Russian.

The poem “Spring Rain” is very characteristic of Fet because he himself stands in one place, like a man rooted to the ground, this is the center of his world. From this center he looks. He is not a traveler, not a tourist in this nature, in this landscape, in this landscape. Therefore, the landscape is specific. He wears national, local, characteristic features. Fet is a singer of native nature.

“The sun shines through the gaps in the clouds...”

Part of the sky is already darkened by clouds, but somewhere the sun is sparkling. This is how old artists liked to depict it: gold and azure - everything is nearby (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. F. Vasiliev. "Wet meadow" ()

"And the sparrow with its wing,

Swimming in the sand, it trembles.”

Everyone has seen many times in a children's sandbox or on the river bank how sparrows bathe in the river. That is, a person who stands at the window sees everything at once: from sky to earth, from small to large. This creates a picture of movement, scope, scale, air, light and anticipation of something.

Pay attention to the rhyme glitters - trembles:

“It’s still light in front of the window,

The sun shines through the gaps in the clouds,

And the sparrow with its wing,

Swimming in the sand, it trembles.”

At first glance, this simple rhyme, but it is not accidental. Both are in motion: both the sparrow and the sky. Maybe something in common makes them move, sparkle and tremble. We have the right to make such an assumption.

“And from heaven to earth,

The curtain moves, swaying..."(Fig. 11)

Rice. 11. A. Gorbov. "It will rain" ()

There's a wall of rain coming down. In the city this is not often visible, but outside the city, while traveling from the window of a car or train, while walking through a field, when rain or a thunderstorm is approaching, you can often see how the sun is still shining and there really is a wall. The rain can be seen as if from the outside: it is all illuminated, it shimmers. A gray curtain is visible from sky to earth. The author stands at the window and through it sees the panorama, the whole world appears entirely. This is a world captured in one glance, one stroke.

The veil has interesting property. She exists to hide something. Let us assume that we have before us a theater of landscape, a theater of nature. A curtain is coming towards us, swaying, behind which there is probably something. The curtain is transparent, and the author immediately informs that behind it is a forest. This forest, which is hidden behind a golden moving curtain, becomes something mysterious and alluring. The reader, like the author, stands at the window (in place), but the perspective deepens: everything is seen further and further: a sparrow - the sky - the curtain - the forest. It becomes interesting what is in the forest, you want to see what’s next, because the edge of the forest is the next curtain, the next veil.

Fet in these few lines presents us with a whole chain of visual riddles. We see the plans as if it were a theater stage. The author invites us to think about what else could be mysterious and interesting in this world? And all this in two quatrains. All this is unusually laconic.

At the moment when the reader, together with the author’s gaze, reaches the distant forest, Fet makes an unexpected cavalry maneuver. He steps back sharply:

“Two drops splashed onto the glass...”(Fig. 12)

We again see glass and two drops. Everything is presented very specifically (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. M. Gorban. "Still Life" ()

Two specific drops are the first messengers. This means that the curtain has come close, it is already in front of us. Space folds again, contracts.

“Linden trees smell like fragrant honey...”

We are talking about garden linden trees that landowner Fet planted and then transferred to poetry (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. A. Gerasimov. "After the Rain" ()

“...And something approached the garden,

Drumming on fresh leaves.”

The last two lines of the work have unique feature, which makes Fet big lyric poet. Graphomaniac (a person who has a tendency to various kinds writing) would have written more simply. For example, like this: "the rain has come...". Fet says: "something came up". He hints to readers a certain idea. We know it's rain. But the author does not want to call it by his own name, because, probably, this rain is not just rain. That is, on the one hand, it is rain, and, on the other hand, it is all nature, the soul of this nature, someone mysterious who stands behind it. He came up and knocked.

This is where it all ends. Fet doesn't explain anything to us. This vast nature that he was looking into moved closer to him, it was already on the verge of something happening. The wait will be fulfilled. But what exactly is happening remains unclear. In fact, it is clear that the usual spring rain is falling, but the way Fet prepares us for its arrival, what he invites us to experience is something more than waiting for the usual spring rain. Apparently, the author wants to convey that nature has some kind of secret, that there is something in it that cannot be reduced to its individual phenomena. Fet conveys to readers not some list of events, not some story, but his perception of the world and nature as a whole. This is quite an interesting perception.

There is a concept of male and female poetry or prose. If you re-read the poem and ask yourself who the narrator is, it will be difficult to answer. If you read this poem for the first time as unknown, without a signature, it is impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman, old man or young. This is no coincidence. Fet's point of view on the world in this poem extremely generalized, freed from personal experience person, from his biography. This is the view of a person in general. Sight human soul, cleared of some random events.

The main thing in this poem is the mood and experience of the world, which is similar to a state of calm happiness. It seems that this landowner's garden, which is before our eyes, is some kind of serene world. This is such an ideal country of harmony. Such a country once upon a time, back in the days Ancient Greece, was invented by poets and called it Arcadia.

Arcadia - a place where one lives carefree and happily.

This is a world in which nothing happens, in which there are no storms, clashes, where no one argues with anyone, there are no shocks and wars, but a calm, unhurried flow flows. peaceful life against the backdrop of rural nature. There are forests, shepherds and sheep. But there is no state, no politics, no strife, no dispute over property. There is Her Majesty Nature and a person who can enjoy this nature, freeing himself from his bad moods, mental turmoil, and all kinds of adversity.

Afanasy Fet shows such a conventional, ideal, poetic world in his a little poem"Spring Rain" There are only 12 lines, in which there are many different meanings.


1. Textbook-nik-khre-sto-ma-tiya for 5th grade / edited. Ko-ro-vi-noy V.Ya. - M. “Pro-lighting”, 2013.

2. Akhmetzyanov M.G. Textbook-reader “Literature in 5th grade in 2 parts” - Magarif, 2005.

3. E.A. Samoilova, Zh.I. Kritarova. Literature. 5th grade. Textbook in 2 parts. - M. Association XXI century, 2013.

1. Internet portal “Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet” ()

2. Internet portal “Poems of Great Russian Poets” ()


1. Learn by heart the poem by A.A. Feta “Spring Rain”.

2. How is the world presented to readers in the poem “Spring Rain”?

3. Draw an illustration for the poem “Spring Rain.”

Great ones about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: some works will captivate you more if you look at them closely, and others if you move further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creaking of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most susceptible to the temptation to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen splendors.

Humboldt V.

Poems are successful if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is usually believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion on a fence, like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. The poet makes our thoughts sing within us, not our own. By telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful poetry flows, there is no room for vanity.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in the Russian language. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. It is through feeling that art certainly emerges. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-...Are your poems good, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! – Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
– Don’t write anymore! – the newcomer asked pleadingly.
- I promise and swear! - Ivan said solemnly...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write in their words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, and because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Ancient poets, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind each poetic work of those times, a whole Universe was certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who carelessly awaken the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

I gave one of my clumsy hippopotamuses this heavenly tail:...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive away the critics. They are just pathetic sippers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let poetry seem to him like an absurd moo, a chaotic pile-up of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from a boring mind, a glorious song sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry, who rejected the word.

He was called the singer of Russian nature, a musician of endless fields, dense forests and flower meadows. He spoke of nature with effortless precision and amazing skill. His nonsense was able to see the slightest changes in the world around him, not noticeable to many people. This man, capable of discerning the simple and majestic in our mortal world, was the Russian poet Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet.

Light lyricism and the ability to capture the fragility of every moment are most clearly reflected in the poet’s poems about nature. Such, for example, was the work “Spring Rain”, written in 1857. It is usually referred to as the “Spring” cycle.

The author creates a picture of rain on a spring day, warm and festive. Rain occurs unnoticed. It’s light all around, the sun is shining, sparrows are frolicking - nothing predicts bad weather. And suddenly quiet picture A bright, joyful spring day is interrupted - it starts to rain. But despite the unexpected change, a feeling of warmth and joy and enjoyment of life continues to reign around.

Rain transforms nature, makes everything around cleaner and brighter: the aroma of linden and the freshness of leaves and grass were felt, the edge of the forest sparkled with different colors. There is a feeling of translucency of tones and a special refraction of light, a feeling of tenderness.

The perception of the poem undergoes changes from the first to last stanza, of which there are only three. The first of them is a drawing of a day filled with bright rays of the sun. But already initial word“still” hints at changeability this state nature. Indeed, everything changes headlong in the second stanza: it begins to rain. And the third stanza gives a quick description of the current reality.

It is interesting that in the poem about rain this very word “rain” is not used. Fet selects a wide variety of metaphors for it, calling it “golden rain” or “veil”. The sounding verbs “splashed” and “drummed” help to recreate the sound picture of what is happening: the reader clearly hears the loud impacts of drops.

It is also worth noting that in the poem about the change in the picture of nature, color epithets are not used. Fet masterfully replaced them all with the verb “shines.” This obsolete form The verb perfectly endows each line with light and tints of color.

The sparrow “trembles” when it bathes in the sand, and streams of light pour down on it from the sky. Why did Fet use such a sublime verb? Perhaps he wanted to say that this was a fluttering of the author’s own feelings? IN this work nature and the soul of man are united into one whole...

Everything around is waiting for some miracle; faith and hope arose in the souls of people. “Something” is approaching the garden. Surely this “something” is waiting lyrical hero poems, and this guest is spring, bringing with it change.

The poem is quite simple in its structure. It is written in iambic tetrameter, which allows you to convey movement, create rhythm and a sense of sudden change.
The sound side of the work allows us to convey the gusts of the weather: alliteration literally allows you to hear the falling drops knocking on the glass.

“Spring Rain” Afanasy Fet

It's still light in front of the window,
The sun shines through the gaps in the clouds,
And the sparrow with its wing,
Swimming in the sand, it trembles.

And from heaven to earth,
The curtain moves, swinging,
And as if in gold dust
Behind it stands the edge of the forest.

Two drops splashed onto the glass,
The linden trees smell of fragrant honey,
And something came to the garden,
Drumming on fresh leaves.

Analysis of Fet's poem "Spring Rain"

The poet Afanasy Fet paid a lot of attention in his works natural phenomena, describing them with amazing skill and accuracy. The beauty of his native nature not only inspired the author to create magnificent poems, but also developed in Afanasy Fet the habit of observing the slightest changes that occur in the world around him, so majestic and simple at the same time.

Subtle lyricism and the ability to capture the fleetingness of every moment are also characteristic of the poem “Spring Rain”, created in 1842. It begins with a description of an everyday and everyday picture, when “the sun shines through the gaps in the clouds” and nothing reminds of the upcoming thunderstorm. Perhaps a sparrow bathing in sand heated by the spring sun during the day is the first harbinger of rain. However, the world is gradually changing, and now “a curtain is moving from heaven to earth, swaying.” Apparently, the rain is falling like a wall, and this creates an unusual effect, as if the edge of a forest standing in the distance is fenced off with a golden screen woven from water and sun rays.

“Two drops splashed onto the glass, the fragrant linden trees smell like honey” - the author manages to fill this prosaic and unremarkable landscape, painted in the gray tones of bad weather, with spring freshness and warmth. Therefore, when an uninvited Dodge guest comes into the garden and “drums on the fresh leaves,” it causes a feeling of joy and peace, not disappointment.

Afanasy Fet's amazing ability to attach importance to minor events and focus the attention of readers on this is truly admirable. Therefore, the poem “Spring Rain” is one of the few artistic and poetic sketches that fully conveys the mood of a warm May day, washed by a thunderstorm. It is noteworthy that in the poem itself there is not a single word about rain, and, at the same time, it leaves no doubt about what exactly the author sees outside his window, and why the picture presented evokes genuine happiness in him.

The instant transformation of nature has always occupied the imagination of Afanasy Fet. That is why the poet in his work identified her with a living being, which is much more intelligent and prudent than man. Therefore, the author experiences pleasure when he sees how drops of rain irrigate the spring garden, since he understands that for plants that are gaining strength, moisture is simply necessary in the heat. Using this poem as an example, the author teaches readers to love the world around us and perceive him as he is. After all, it is stupid to be upset because of bad weather or to reproach the heavenly office for the fact that, as if by magic, magic wand The bright and bright spring day has lost its colors. The poet emphasizes that even rain has its own charm, since it is before a thunderstorm that the flowers smell especially strongly. And these little things should not only be seen, but also appreciated as highest manifestation wisdom of the surrounding world.

It is worth noting, however, that Afanasy Fet was an incorrigible romantic and philosopher, believing that man must comprehend the harmony of nature and learn to live in harmony with it. It is this knowledge that can make a person truly happy, help him become whole personality. And it was in nature that the poet drew inspiration all his life, since he was convinced that she was both a friend and an excellent interlocutor who reveals her secrets to those who know how to listen, and a healer who can relieve not only ailments, but also mental suffering. Therefore, in every line of the poem “Spring Rain” one can feel the poet’s very reverent and caring attitude towards the world around him, who considers him his main teacher, infinitely patient and strict at the same time.

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