Tver State University official name. Tver State University (TvSU): Faculty of Pedagogy

Choosing a university and area of ​​study is an important step in the life of any applicant. In the Tver region, many graduates of schools and secondary specialized educational institutions focus their attention on Tverskoy, which offers a wide choice of specialties. One of the faculties in this educational organization is pedagogical. It is part of the university. Future teachers, teachers, educational psychologists are graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy at Tver State University. The employment of graduates is fast, because the listed specialties are in great demand on the labor market.

Pedagogical education: bachelor's degree

Training in this area at the institute, which is part of Tver State University, is implemented according to two programs. The first of them is “Primary Education”. There are both full-time and correspondence departments. The duration of training can be either four or five years. At the end of their studies, students receive diplomas that open the way to a new life. Thanks to the document, graduates have the opportunity to get a job as a tutor for schoolchildren, a primary school teacher, the head of a children's creativity group, and so on.

The next program is “Music Education”. Applicants are offered a correspondence department at Tver State University (Faculty of Pedagogy). There is no other form of training in 2017. Graduates with a diploma from Tver State University indicating this profile are in demand in the field of art and culture. They work as music directors in kindergartens, school teachers, and music teachers in secondary schools.

Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training): bachelor's degree

When entering Tver State University, applicants are interested in what the undergraduate specialty “Pedagogical Education” is (with 2 training profiles). This is a direction in which students are prepared to work in educational institutions in 2 programs:

  • computer science and primary education;
  • English language and primary education.

In this case, training is conducted on a full-time basis. The duration of the educational program at Tver State University is 5 years. After completing their studies, graduates are employed in schools, orphanages, health camps, social rehabilitation and cultural and leisure centers.

Psychological and pedagogical education: bachelor's degree

Every year, Tver State University (Faculty of Pedagogy) invites applicants to one of the areas of training called “Psychological and pedagogical education.” There is only 1 program on it - “Pedagogy and psychology of preschool education”. Training can be either full-time or part-time.

Graduates of the state university occupy various positions: educators, educational psychologists, primary school teachers. They work in kindergartens, schools, orphanages, child and family assistance centers, family and psychological consultations.

Special (defectological) education: bachelor's degree

At Tver State University (Faculty of Pedagogy), education can still be obtained in this area, which is currently considered in demand. Defectologists are needed in kindergartens, schools, and private educational institutions. They diagnose the level of development and abilities of children, participate in the training, education and socialization of those individuals who have any disabilities.

Graduates of Tver State University with a diploma indicating the presence of a special (defectological) education are employed in:

  • to secondary schools;
  • preschool institutions for children with speech disorders;
  • speech centers;
  • state boarding schools;
  • special correctional schools;
  • rehabilitation centers.

Theology: Bachelor's Degree

An interesting area of ​​training at the Institute of Teacher Education is “Theology”. During their studies, students are immersed in philosophy, religious culture, conduct research, solve scientific issues, interpret teachings and dogmas associated with any religions, and study methods of teaching theological subjects.

Theologians often hold secular positions that do not require clerical office. Possible places of work for graduates of Tver State University:

  • scientific centers;
  • general educational institutions of various levels (schools, kindergartens, gymnasiums, colleges, lyceums);
  • Sunday schools;
  • cultural institutions;
  • libraries;
  • archives.

Master's training

Opens the way to obtaining deeper professional practical skills and knowledge in a master's degree program. This is the next level of education, which is offered at TvSU by the Faculty of Pedagogy. Studying in a master's program develops the best competencies in the chosen profile, allows you to begin research activities and achieve professional and personal success in the future.

At Tver State University (Faculty of Pedagogy) there are two areas of master’s training and several programs:

  • “Pedagogical education” (programs - management in education, musical art in education, pedagogical support for the religious safety of young people in a multi-confessional society);
  • “Psychological and pedagogical education” (program - pedagogy and psychology of inclusive education).

How to enter the Faculty of Education

To become a student at the institute, you must successfully pass the Unified State Exam or entrance tests in specific disciplines:

  • in the direction of “Pedagogical Education” (program - “Primary Education”), the results in social studies, Russian are taken into account. language and mathematics;
  • in the direction of “Pedagogical Education” (a program related to music) they take Russian. language, social studies, musical skills and music theory;
  • To enroll in “Pedagogical Education”, which simultaneously implements 2 training programs, applicants take the Russian test. language, social studies, as well as foreign languages;
  • in the areas of “Psychological and pedagogical education” and “Special (defectological) education” at Tver State University, exams in Russian have been established. language, social studies and biology;
  • “Theology” has entrance tests in Russian. language, social studies and history;
  • For master's degrees, applicants take a written exam (the questions included in it are determined by the chosen profile).

TvSU, Faculty of Pedagogy: class schedule

A list of classes for each school day for students of all forms of study is posted on the information stand. At Tver State University (Faculty of Pedagogy), the correspondence department also publishes the schedule on the official website of the university (like the full-time department). Regarding the duration of classes, the following can be noted:

  • The first pair lasts from 8 hours 30 minutes to 10 hours 5 minutes;
  • The second pair runs from 10:20 to 11:55;
  • III pair lasts from 12 hours 10 minutes to 13 hours 45 minutes;
  • IV pair - from 14:00 to 15:35;
  • V pair - from 15:50 to 17:25;
  • VI pair - from 17:40 to 19:15.

Particularly noteworthy is the schedule for the master's program at Tver State University by the Faculty of Education. There is no correspondence department. Despite this, the full-time educational process is structured in such a way that students can combine work and study. Classes for undergraduates are held mainly twice or three times a week, in the evenings.

Employment of graduates

People who graduate from Tver State University (Faculty of Pedagogy) mostly find jobs on their own. For people who have difficulty finding and selecting vacancies, the university operates a regional employment assistance center. This department of higher education institution is beneficial for students and graduates. It provides assistance in finding employment and helps to increase the competitiveness of young specialists in the labor market.

At the regional employment assistance center you can find one-time or temporary work, part-time work with a flexible schedule, a place for an internship or internship, or a full-time job. Graduates and students are offered:

  • career counseling on emerging and interesting issues;
  • individual selection of jobs and positions, selection of companies and organizations for graduates;
  • notification of new vacancies and vacant positions.

TvSU, faculty of pedagogy, is a place for training highly qualified specialists in Tver. The university offers various directions, among which each applicant finds something most suitable for himself. The university has modern equipment that makes the educational process interesting and effective, a scientific library with various latest books and periodicals necessary for students to expand their horizons and gain professional knowledge.


Russia, Tver

Legal address

170100, Russia, Tver, st. Zhelyabova, 33


Tver State University- one of the largest higher educational institutions in the Tver region. Has a license for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of vocational education dated April 1, 1999 No. 24G - 0233 and is considered to have state accreditation in accordance with the resolution of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated November 28, 1998 No. 25 - 0319.

It has a large scientific library - its collection includes more than 1 million copies. Active scientific work is carried out, conferences and seminars are held.


  • teaching staff - 721 people
  • 90 doctors of science, professors
  • three forms of education: full-time, evening and correspondence
  • training is provided in 42 specialties
  • more than 12 thousand students


  • Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and International Communication
  • Faculty of Advanced Training for Education Workers


  • On December 1, 1870, a private pedagogical school of P. P. Maksimovich was opened in Tver
  • In 1917, it was renamed the Tver Teachers' Institute, and later - into Kalinin Pedagogical Institute
  • On September 1, 1970 it was reorganized into Kalinin State University
  • On February 18, 1972, the grand opening of Kalinin State University took place at the Kalinin Drama Theater
  • In 1991, Kalinin State University was renamed Tver

KSPI became KSU in 1971.

Famous scientists, figures of science, culture and education

  • The head of the Tver Psycholinguistic School, Alexandra Aleksandrovna Zalevskaya, an Honored Worker of Sciences of the Russian Federation, a major theorist of Soviet and Russian linguistics in the field of psycholinguistics and cognitive theory, still works at TvGU.
  • From 1966, A. Ya. Gurevich (-2006) taught the history of the Middle Ages at the Kalinin Pedagogical Institute.
  • In -2001, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation G. I. Bogin taught at the Department of English, Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology (-2001)
  • Tikhomirov Vladimir Pavlovich - a prominent scientific figure, Doctor of Economics, professor.
  • Romanov Alexey Arkadyevich - Russian linguist; specialist in the field of general and Germanic linguistics, communication theory, psycholinguistics and linguistic psychology, Doctor of Philology, professor. Since 1998, he has been the head of the Department of General and Classical Linguistics, Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology.
  • Fefilov Alexander Ivanovich - Russian lexicologist, Doctor of Philology, professor. On June 25, 1979, he defended his PhD thesis in the specialty “Germanic languages”.
  • Fedorov Konstantin Viktorovich is a Russian scientist, candidate of historical sciences, teacher with more than thirty years of experience, author of teaching aids, textbooks, lectures on courses covering the most interesting problems of history. Graduated from Tver State University with honors. Head of the Department of History of the Fatherland at MSTU. N. E. Bauman from 1993 to 2004. Currently an associate professor of the department.
  • Taitslin Mikhail Abramovich is one of the largest mathematicians of modern Russia, a specialist in the field of algebra, mathematical logic and mathematical foundations of computer science. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics.
  • Yazenin Alexander Vasilievich - specialist in the field of fuzzy sets and possibilistic optimization, president of the Russian Association of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Information Technologies, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics.
  • Fomenko Igor Vladimirovich - Doctor of Philology, professor, from 1994 to 2006. Head of the Department of Literary Theory, Faculty of Philology.
  • Tsirulev Alexander Nikolaevich - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematical Methods of Modern Natural Sciences of the Faculty of Mathematics. Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics.
  • Andreeva Elena Arkadyevna - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Computer Security and Mathematical Control Methods (KBiMMU) of the Faculty of Mathematics.
  • In 1994, the orientalist Pavel Vyacheslavovich Gusterin graduated from the Faculty of History of Tver State University.

Awards of Tver State University 2008-2009


1. Memorial prize for a diploma winner of the All-Russian competition of the Ministry of Education and Science and Rosobrnadzor “Quality systems for training graduates of educational institutions of vocational education” (Moscow, 2008).

2. Certificate of certification of the educational institution of Tver State University by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Registration number No. 83, Moscow, December 22, 2008

3. Certificate of participation in the educational and methodological innovation project “Mechanisms for ensuring quality guarantees of vocational education” (Moscow, 2008).


1. Diploma of participation in the presentation at the exhibition of the IV International Forum “Guarantees of the Quality of Vocational Education” forum “Mechanisms for Ensuring the Quality of Vocational Education” (Moscow, 2009).

2. Diploma of the Laureate of the All-Russian competition of the Ministry of Education and Science and Rosobrnadzor “Quality systems for training graduates of educational institutions of vocational education” (Moscow, 2009).

3. Memorial prize for the laureate of the All-Russian competition of the Ministry of Education and Science and Rosobrnadzor “Quality systems for training graduates of educational institutions of vocational education” (Moscow, 2009).

4. Honorary diploma from the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation to a participant in the Vladimir Potanin scholarship program in 2008-2009.

5. Diploma of the 30th Moscow International Exhibition “Education and Career” for work with youth and great contribution to the promotion of education (November 12-14, 2009).

6. Diploma of the 11th All-Russian Forum “Educational Environment-2009” for the development and demonstration of projects aimed at modernizing Russian education (Moscow, All-Russian Exhibition Center, September 29-October 20, 2009).


1. Honorary prize of the IV All-Russian professional competition “Innovation in Education-2010” “Pearl of Russian Education” (Moscow, 2010).

2. Diploma for active participation in the exhibition of the XIV Russian Educational Forum Russian Educational Forum.

3. Honorary prize “Grand Prix Cup” and diploma of the International Congress-Exhibition “Global Education - Education Without Borders” for the project “Interregional complex of continuous professional education “School - University - Research and Production Center” and “Automated system for admitting applicants based on Open source software" (April 13-15, 2010, Moscow, Expocentre Fairgrounds).

4. Diploma for active participation in the 4th International Congress and Exhibition “Global Education - Education Without Borders” (April 13-15, 2010, Moscow, Expocentre Fairgrounds).

5. Diploma of the International Congress-Exhibition “Global Education - Education without Borders” for the project “Formation and improvement of the quality management system of Tver State University” (April 13-15, 2010, Moscow, Expocentre Fairgrounds).

6. Letter of gratitude to the rector of Tver State University Belotserkovsky A.V. for the high level of training, creative initiative, and will to win shown by the university team under the leadership of the deputy. Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Work Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Bessonova at the Second Olympiad for students and cadets in penitentiary social work (Ryazan, April 28-30, 2010).

7. Diploma of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia to the team of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tver State University" for third place in the Second Olympiad of students and cadets in penitentiary social work (Ryazan, April 28-30, 2010).

8. Certificate of honor from the Student Scientific Society of the State University of Management of Moscow to the delegation of students of Tver State University for active participation in the work of the section “State and Municipal Management” of the 18th All-Russian Student Seminar “Problems of Management” (Moscow, April 28-29, 2010).

9. Gold medal and diploma of the X International Salon of Innovation and Investment of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education for the development of “Creation of highly efficient magnetic refrigerators” (September 7-10, Moscow, VK Gostiny Dvor).

10. Silver medal and diploma of the X International Salon of Innovations and Investments of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education for the development of “Highly effective hydrogels for medical purposes based on silver complexes and bioligands” (September 7-10, Moscow, VK Gostiny Dvor).

11. Diploma of the laureate of the IV All-Russian professional competition “Innovation in Education - 2010” for the innovative development “Automated system for admitting applicants based on open source software” (Moscow, 2010).

12. Diploma of the laureate of the IV All-Russian professional competition “Innovation in Education - 2010” for the innovative development “Practice-oriented methods of teaching planning and building a professional career for university students” (Moscow, 2010).

13. Diploma of participant in the IV All-Russian professional competition “Innovation in Education - 2010” for the innovative development of “Educational electronic manual for students of humanitarian universities “Human Anatomy and Physiology” (Moscow, 2010).

14. Diploma for active participation in the IV All-Russian professional competition “Innovation in Education - 2010” (Moscow, 2010).


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Tver State University" is in other dictionaries:

    Tver State University- Tver, st. Zhelyabova, 33. Psychology, social work, preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education, speech therapy. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 474) See also... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

About the university

Tver State University has a license for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of vocational education dated April 1, 1999 No. 24G - 0233 and is considered to have state accreditation in accordance with the resolution of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated November 28, 1998 No. 25 - 0319.

The university has a charter adopted at the conference of Tver State University, approved by the Ministry of General and Special Education of the Russian Federation, and registered with the Tver City Registration Chamber.
A little history

Tver State University has a long and difficult path of development behind it. The university traces its history back to December 1, 1870, when the private pedagogical school of P.P. Maksimovich was opened in Tver, reorganized in 1917 into the Tver Teachers' Institute, and, somewhat later, into the Kalinin Pedagogical Institute. On September 1, 1970, a significant event occurred in the history of the Pedagogical Institute: it was reorganized into Kalinin State University - 20th in the list of universities in the RSFSR and 52nd in the USSR. The grand opening of the university took place later - on February 18, 1972 at the Kalinin Drama Theater. The opening of the university was attended by the Minister of Higher and Secondary Education V.N. Stoletov and his deputy A.N. Popov, the head of the head of the university department of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the RSFSR I.S. Dubinin, representatives of the Moscow, Leningrad, Belorussian, Mari, Yaroslavl and Petrozavodsk universities.

In 1991, Kalinin State University was renamed Tverskoy.
Present day

The university must carry out fundamental, exploratory, applied and methodological research, which is an indispensable part of the training of specialists. The main scientific directions within which the university’s research and innovation activities are carried out correspond to the profile of specialist training. Of these, the main ones are:

* mathematics
* applied mathematics
* physics
* radiophysics and electronics
* physical and organic chemistry
* biology
* physiology of humans and animals
* ecology, geoecology and geoinformatics
* Russian language and literature
* constitutional law, environmental law
* domestic history
* historical Slavic studies
* general linguistics
* psychology

Planning of the university's scientific activities occurs in accordance with approved scientific and scientific-technical programs or agreements, and planning of proactive exploratory research occurs in accordance with thematic plans approved by the Academic Council. Scientific research is funded by:

* budget allocations, including for scientific programs
* funds received from the execution of business contracts
* various funds
* bank loans
* own funds
* donations
* other legitimate sources

State-issued higher education documents issued by the university are valid throughout the Russian Federation. Persons who have completed their studies at the university are issued documents with the official symbols of the Russian Federation:

* bachelor's degree
* specialist diploma with higher education
* master's degree
* diploma of incomplete higher education
* standard certificate of incomplete higher professional education

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