Uranus in the 12th house of the natal chart. Bill Herbst

Uranus in harmonious manifestations gives unexpected situations, revolutions, the need for freedom, instant turns for the better, in a negative manifestation catastrophe, turns for the worse, unexpectedly drastic actions that transform a person, desynchronization of rhythms.

Uranus in the 1st house.

Uranus in the 1st house. This situation inevitably causes a strong deviation from the usual, normal fate of the average person. A person will be distinguished by his character and disposition, sometimes elusive and incomprehensible, and by his spiritual strength, ability to foresight, speed of thinking, originality of ideas and plans, as well as their execution and implementation. At a low level, everything can be limited to inexplicable whims, stubbornness, outbursts unmotivated aggression, obsessions, quirks, oddities and even split personality.

On high level The development of the character and fate of such a person, as a rule, goes beyond mediocrity. His actions and actions are often sudden and original, unexpected and unpredictable, and the rhythm of fate is extremely unstable - changes and changes, unforeseen turns in life, either in the form of a happy accident or a tangible blow of fate. Here he must obey the inexorable cosmic law: give all your talent, talent, abilities, all your strength and energy to serving society, your people or even humanity. Nothing should be used for personal and selfish purposes, and then it will remain in the memory of future generations for a long time.

Uranus in the 2nd house (in debilitation).

Uranus in the 2nd house (in debilitation). Higher planets in the 2nd house bring external life human danger of fatal changes. Regardless of the aspects of the situation highest planet in the house means his defeat. IN in this case outside world always poses a certain threat to a person, the likelihood of sudden and unexpected influences and changes melts. Uranus warns this person against the deceptive tendency of wishful thinking. Here, the financial situation greatly depends on the sign of the Zodiac and other planets in this house. Any fluctuations in the “financial soil” immediately affect a person’s fate. At good aspects- unusual entrepreneurial abilities and methods of making money. Success is possible in social activities, in pedagogy, profit - through lectures, speeches, publications.

Uranus in the 3rd house.

Uranus in the 3rd house. This position of Uranus enhances intuition, fantasy and imagination, idealism in a person, directs him to original activity, and endows him with unorthodox intuitive thinking. In evaluating ideas, this person is objective and unbiased, his opinion does not depend on the opinions of others. Here Uranus brings sudden and unexpected news, changes through travel, increases a person’s interest in unusual areas of knowledge, in various kinds of reforms, gives a penchant for occult and secret knowledge, metaphysics. Success is possible in research and scientific activity, as a teacher, writer, journalist, publicist, astrologer, working on radio, TV and in other areas mass media. If damaged - a restless, superficial mind, divorced from reality; chaotic, troubled relationships with relatives, neighbors, various misfortunes - thefts, kidnappings, etc.

Uranus in the 4th house.

Uranus in the 4th house. This position of Uranus signifies unusual home conditions and family relationships. Here, Uranus often indicates a restless or even dangerous profession of one of the parents, and if damaged, its premature death, or one of the parents is a special, distinguished personality. There are frequent changes in the family and home situation. Home furnishings tense, sometimes happen unexpected events, as if with a hidden, difficult to understand meaning. Uranus gives moments of brilliant insight and, in this case, a person can suddenly see the essence and method of solving long-term family problems. Home and family life will at times experience blows of fate, and in most cases all changes will be in the nature of moves or trips associated with separation from home or even loss of it. IN later years- unusual circumstances. At negative aspects- quarrels with family members, anxiety in household; lack of sense of duty towards parents and family.

Uranus in the 5th house (exiled).

Uranus in the 5th house (exiled). This position of Uranus greatly influences love affairs and children, on creative work and business. The person will have unexpected and extraordinary love adventures. A person can literally go crazy or drive a partner crazy, but the development of events cannot be predicted: love can end suddenly and without any warning. The children of such a person are often gifted (with harmonious aspects Uranus), and if damaged, these are difficult or sick children. A person has an interest in new methods of teaching and raising children: he provides them with complete freedom, even to the point of abandonment and lack of supervision. For women, this position of Uranus is an indication of the danger of pregnancy before or outside of marriage, the possibility of abortion or miscarriage or childlessness, and raising other people's children - adopted children. Business and stock exchange transactions often lead to changes in fate, good or bad. Unusual hobbies, hobby of various nature. When Uranus is damaged - disorderly personal life, accidents associated with accidental contacts, loss of property, children.

Uranus in the 6th house.

Uranus in the 6th house. This person has a peculiar attitude to work: there are brilliant ideas and bouts of exceptional performance (especially with harmonious Uranus); however, there are possible negative consequences in the form of depression due to severe overexertion during work, a tendency to affect, the possibility of defeat nervous system, sudden changes in views regarding duty and responsibilities.

With harmonious aspects - friendly relations with superiors, subordinates, and employees. If Uranus is damaged, relationships are tense, inharmonious, and at the same time there is great exactingness towards employees and regarding working conditions; if these employees or working conditions are not liked, then the person changes his place of work. This position of the planet ensures clear success in free professions, when a person’s creative spirit is free from any external pressure, from any violence or coercion. There should be only one control here - from your own conscience. Health is subject to unexpected, but, as a rule, minor misfortunes that go away as suddenly as they come. The sign of the location of Uranus will indicate these diseases.

Uranus in the 7th house.

Uranus in the 7th house. Here Uranus brings many changes to a person’s life, crisis situations in marital relationships and cooperation with business partners. A certain role in this is played by a person’s impulsiveness, haste, and rashness, as well as the suddenness and unexpectedness of the development of situations. This person is characterized by a need for freedom in marriage and partnership; his extraordinary thirst for independence makes long-term relationships with partners impossible. A person is attracted to a free union, to a relationship with an unfree, divorced or widowed person, during which there are moments and even long periods deep and powerful feelings.

Many reasons, both internal and external, make a person hesitate in his feelings and actions. Marriage occurs unexpectedly and often occurs under unusual circumstances. The partner, as a rule, is a brilliant, eccentric, extraordinary person. Experiences in marriage, partnerships, and public relations may be unusual. With disharmonious aspects with Venus, scandals, gossip, intrigues are possible, with Mars - conflict situations, accidents with injuries, with Saturn - an unhappy partnership.

Uranus in the 8th house (exalted).

Uranus in the 8th house (exalted). This position of Uranus gives great interest in the occult, astrology, and life after death; the desire to unravel the mysteries of life, and also provides the opportunity for very deep penetration into the subconscious and power over oneself and one’s psyche, but this must be confirmed by the entire horoscope and is achieved with great difficulty. With harmonious aspects - deep understanding internal processes nature and the universe. The property status of such a person may change unexpectedly due to marriage, business partners, inheritance, insurance, taxes, or the management of public money. Depending on the aspects, these changes may or may not be beneficial. Here, unexpected death from an accident or disaster is possible; often this person knows the time and type of his death.

Uranus in the 9th house.

Uranus in the 9th house. This position of Uranus promotes long trips and long journeys, education and self-education; provides strong influence, as on intellectual abilities human and phenomenal; defines advanced positions in the field of philosophy and religion and a departure from orthodoxy religious views; promotes studies in astrology and occult sciences. This person is captivated by the secrets of the long past, distant worlds and the utopian future, so he is interested in history, archeology, and astronomy. He has a new understanding of traditional worldview systems and an interest in new teaching methods. This position of Uranus is often used by philosophers and authors of books on astrology and occultism.

Afflicted Uranus produces fanatics of esoteric cults and political-social views. Harmonious Uranus can give a person the gift of foreseeing future inevitable progressive changes in society. With intense aspects with the Sun, Mars, Saturn, misunderstandings, difficulties arise, or accidents occur during trips abroad.

Uranus in the 10th house (second ruler).

Uranus in the 10th house (second ruler). This position of Uranus increases a person’s internal and external anxiety and portends instability social status and material well-being, contributes to bright and drastic changes and changes in the life and destiny of a person. He strives to go his own way, not particularly taking into account the world around him and not really observing existing rules behavior in a given society. His life path always distinguished by unusualness and originality. He needs to gradually learn to catch the rhythm of his public life, read the signs of fate and prepare for its next turn so that it does not take him by surprise. Spiritual level such a person is undoubtedly above the level of the people around him. His interests and thinking are always aimed at something new, still unknown. Here Uranus creates favorable conditions for creativity and creation, enhances the inventive spirit, invention. Working through this position of Uranus makes this person a leader with a very interesting ideas, which are willingly developed by subordinates, and sometimes borrowed by his own superiors.

Harmonious aspects to Uranus indicate successful social and political activity, for success in quality statesman, responsible leader, scientist, researcher, reformer, astrologer. When Uranus is damaged by disharmonious aspects, a person is characterized by mental imbalance, instability in the service, in the profession, he will face changes and loss of work, place of residence, discord in relationships, scandals with parents and superiors.

Uranus in the 11th house (ruler).

Uranus in the 11th house (ruler). For this person, freedom of spirit and personality, independence and independence are most significant; it is characterized by originality and eccentricity, suddenness and unexpectedness of manifestations. This position of the planet is difficult both for the person himself and for the team in which he finds himself. He will have too original ideas regarding group work and relationships in the team, as well as the ability to read the signs of fate and translate these signs into the work of the team, but without proper elaboration of this position a person may simply be uncontrollable.

For such a person, friendship is stronger than all other types of partnership, and partners in marriage and business should only be like-minded people. Here, all friends and patrons bring a person both support and spiritual comfort, as well as material well-being. Connections, contacts, attachments are the result of sudden unexpected meetings, which are often fatal or fatal in nature. But a person chooses friends only according to his own desire, at his own discretion. His friends are often unusual, giving him food for his mind and soul, but friendships can be uneven: it is not easy to endure the friendship of such a person. With negative aspects - thoughtless, reckless connections, which, as a rule, end in sudden and unexpected separation; troubles because of friends and even death because of them.

Uranus in the 12th house.

Uranus in the 12th house. This position of Uranus contributes to the deepening of various mental and phenomenal abilities of a person, revealing his talent and gift; directs him on the path of in-depth study of the occult, metaphysics, astrology, magic with involvement in various groups, societies, and lodges. Such a person devotes himself detailed study subconscious. The search for higher spiritual union often leads a person to yoga, meditation and other forms of mystical immersion. With harmonious aspects to Uranus, there are special intuitive abilities, even clairvoyance, hence the ability to sense the future. He becomes a real “confessor” for his friends, close and not so close people, because he is able to see and find solutions to their problems like no one else.

An ordinary person with such a position of Uranus in the horoscope is an ordinary skeptic. He feels his loneliness when the outside world discusses issues of science and progress that are at the very forefront of knowledge and the development of society. He is bored, and he feels to what extent all this is not his. However, deep study of this position of the planet produces a great scientist or prophet, since creative principle The Absolute acts precisely through the high mental plane, leading to discoveries that are centuries ahead of their time. If Uranus is damaged by disharmonious aspects from the Sun, there is a lot of anxiety and worry, sudden changes and changes in life; from Mars - secret enemies, the threat of premature death, a tendency to specific diseases; from Saturn - restriction of personal freedom, isolation, hospital bed, monastery.

Planets in the 12th house of the horoscope

The twelfth house of the horoscope corresponds to Pisces and symbolizes loss and loss in human life. All difficulties, obstacles on the path of life, losses and moral torment are associated with it. At the same time, the 12th house of the horoscope is the house of humility, acceptance of one’s destiny. It is closely connected with its vicissitudes, the inability to change the destined path. However, it can also symbolize an excess of luxury, passion, dark, physical pleasures life.

What will planets in the 12th house reward?

Sun in the 12th house of the horoscope

The Sun in the twelfth house symbolizes a person’s desire for solitude, inner peace, silence. Such people are prone to meditation, self-knowledge and self-improvement. The sun in the 12th house provokes secrecy, a desire for silence, and internal balance. Success under the influence of the planet in this house comes with age. The mind, in the process of constant reflection and introspection, becomes deeper and more spiritual. However, there is a risk of isolation and difficulties in communicating with people.

Moon in the 12th house of the horoscope

The Moon in the twelfth house provides high sensitivity, receptivity to all external changes, especially in relationships with people. The transit of the planet gives the owner particularly strong intuition. However, such qualities provoke increased sensitivity and a desire to hide all one’s emotions and experiences from others. The Moon in the 12th house also explains the tendency to retire for relaxation and meditation. A person should be wary of frequent worries and disappointments associated with his mother or family.

Mercury in the 12th house of the horoscope

Mercury in the twelfth house gives rise to a tendency towards loneliness and even some secrecy, this is due to the high mental insight with which such people are gifted. Since they are especially hurt by slander, they often have a desire to isolate themselves from others. Especially if you have to deal with human spiritual dishonesty especially often.

Mercury in the 12th house causes shyness and a tendency to worry about trifles and take everything to heart. Distinctive feature is contemplation and deep self-absorption. All intellectual pursuits of a person are fruitful in solitude, in isolation; he needs to be alone in order to think about something.

Venus in the 12th house of the horoscope

Venus in the twelfth house makes a person especially emotional and sensual. It is Venus in the 12th house that gives the ability for true altruistic love. Such people often have secret romantic relationships that do not always correspond to social canons.

It can also be noted complete absence discomfort in case of isolation from society. The transit of the planet in the 12th house brings about great artistic and creative aspirations. It is worth remembering the high probability of an unhappy marriage or unsuccessful sexual relationship.

Mars in the 12th house of the horoscope

Mars in the twelfth house forces one to hide deep feelings and an ardent, bright nature from the world. It turns out to be especially useful in personal relationships. developed intuition. Sexuality is especially high, however, it has to be constantly restrained.

Mars in the 12th house gives the owner a wild imagination and a bright nature, however, secret enemies are inevitably acquired that can greatly spoil life. And such people are never translated, no matter how many times you display them. clean water. Self-analysis occurs mainly in situations of martial arts, significant physical effort (regular exercise is required, possibly playing sports).

Jupiter in the 12th house of the horoscope

Jupiter in the twelfth house provokes a craving for the spiritual, the study of everything related to the soul, consciousness (the ability to be inspired by religion or philosophical theories). Medicine is especially attractive social activities. Jupiter in the 12th house gives you the ability to inspire yourself and inspire others, to develop independently, in solitude, including forced solitude.

Such people know how to sympathize, they are open and friendly, however, as a rule, they are completely impractical, naive and rely too much on others. Investing high hopes, you should be wary of frequent disappointments, because reality, unfortunately, often does not live up to expectations.

Uranus in the 12th house of the horoscope

Uranus in the twelfth house bestows super-developed intuition, almost at the level of clairvoyance. Most life is spent studying various religious movements and metaphysical doctrines, unusual directions and views are especially attractive.

The planet's transit may lead to an unexpected trip abroad for a while or simply to an unfamiliar place alone, however, it will end as suddenly as it happened.

Uranus in the 12th house causes a high need to be independent in thoughts, which provokes an eternal struggle with the restrictions imposed by others. Such people are endowed with humanism and the ability to compassion. However, the entire path of life is dotted with sudden obstacles and unexpected obstacles.

Saturn in the 12th house of the horoscope

Saturn in the twelfth house forces one to eternal self-control, deprivation, and restrictions in all areas of life. The distinctive qualities of a person are restraint, even secrecy. There are frequent cases of isolation from society, including forced isolation. Constant feeling Loneliness causes discomfort, makes it difficult to interact with others, and especially makes it difficult to express emotions and experiences.

Saturn in the 12th house gives success in independent work and strong endurance. However, the fear of a lonely, isolated old age is great. Unfortunately, inspiration visits such a person very rarely.

Neptune in the 12th house of the horoscope

Neptune in the twelfth house is associated with the depth and sensitivity of nature, refined taste and artistic inclinations. Such people prefer to live and work in a calm environment, perhaps in solitude, where nothing will interfere with contemplation, meditation and creativity.

Such people are mysterious; it is about them that one would like to say “not of this world.” Neptune in the 12th house imparts kindness and willingness to help. However, often such people find themselves poorly adapted to life outside their “little world” and are afraid of difficulties.

Pluto in the 12th house of the horoscope

Pluto in the twelfth house is associated with everything hidden and mysterious that happens in a person’s life. Such people are prone to secret sexual relationships, gravitate toward secrets concerning any part of life, and are interested in philosophy and everything connected with it.

Pluto in the 12th house is responsible for deep imagination, however, and this is often aimed at hiding emotions (especially negative ones such as anger and resentment). One should be wary of becoming too self-absorbed. When there are certain problems in life, a person begins to have a panicky fear of loneliness, and this is not without reason: the fear is so strong that the psyche may not be able to withstand it.

Video: Planets in the houses of the horoscope

They devote themselves to a detailed study of the subconscious. These people become real “confessors” for their friends. They are often members of a secret organization. They like to work in secret.
Most people do not know about your audacity, fury, “crazyness,” and even you yourself may not realize that you are capable of this. You try to restrain the unusual, inventive, impulsive side your nature - or realize it only in your fantasies. You may have strange dreams.

B. Israelite. Planets in houses

The karma that a person receives from society is fundamentally beyond ordinary understanding. Often it is impossible to decipher it, since it is distant, with deep roots, close to the karma of all humanity, the entire civilization. The man hides his dedication. Engaged in self-analysis during sudden, unpredictable changes. Any sudden situations lead to self-absorption. Emigration, isolation, loneliness do not last long.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in houses

Secret laboratory.
This person in captivity will not have a quiet, calm rest and peaceful contemplation of the world: he will be disturbed by powerful events and the most amazing ideas will come to his mind, which, unfortunately, very rarely turn out to be constructive.
Such a person feels his loneliness when the outside world discusses issues of science and progress that stand at the very forefront of knowledge and development of society; he is bored, and he feels to what extent all this is not his; however, his ideas on these issues require careful thought, testing, elaboration and adaptation to reality, which is not given to everyone, and ordinary person With this position of Uranus, I’m just a skeptic.
Deep study produces a great scientist or prophet, for the creative principle of the Absolute operates through a high mental plane, giving discoveries that are centuries ahead of time; if a person cannot withstand such energy, he can go crazy or fall into powerful destructive conditions. Fortunately, this rarely happens, and in usual time Uranus, through the XII house, sends signs of fate, which must be seen in unexpected requests for help, meetings with the poor, outcasts, unfortunates, etc. If a person learns to help them unselfishly, he will relieve many sufferings (his own and those of others) without even noticing it. In addition, he needs to learn to meekly endure short intense periods of various services, the meaning of which will become clear to him much later (or never), but hackwork or self-interest will quickly lead to extreme negative consequences.
In general, this person may be quite indifferent to other people’s troubles (Uranus gives a cosmic view, and at a low level - strong distortions), but he will have short flashes of acute pity, which also need to be considered as signs and try to be implemented constructively, even if in a minute this will seem meaningless to a person.

Bill Herbst. Horoscope Houses

Imagination. Your dreams sparkle with the expectation of the unusual, out of the ordinary, supernatural. In your dreams there are no prohibitions, everything is possible. In fantasies, you express yourself freely, regardless of whether they are acceptable or not. Other people's judgments mean nothing, and even your own judgments about yourself are discarded. The trap occurs when fantasies are transferred into reality. In your dreams there are no obstacles for you, but in real life you are faced with ordinary earthly experience. A small coin can stop your movement for a long time, but you will “drive” into a brick steppe at a speed of 80 miles per hour. Be careful what you transfer from one area to another. The task is to realize with the help of fantasies that everything in this world is not as it is presented, that the norms of life are simply illusions. Everything in the world is absolutely unique and incomparable to anything else.
Unfocused intuition. You are fascinated by the discovery of new spiritual qualities(or generally the study of what has to do with the psyche). Intuition is a visit from outer space, an unexpected leap that disrupts the normal process of logic, a neon sign that suddenly flashes in the night. It's either on or off, hot or cold, never barely warm. The task is to awaken your superconsciousness, no matter how revolutionary it turns out to be. Intuitive perception blows you up, uproots you from life so that you can find a new, more fertile soil for development.
Withdrawal or solitude. Other people see you as unique, even strange, and you strive to discover what makes you different from others. You retreat to find the “real” you. In solitude, you show interest in the realms of the mysterious and unusual, especially mental exploration. The more in touch you become with your secret self, the more you feel the need to reveal it to other people. The task is to allow selected personalities to your own world. Once your trust reaches such proportions that you feel safe with them, gradually begin to reveal your inner world for society. The goal is to connect the “illegal” and the ordinary self so that ultimately there is only one self, acceptable but special.
Selfless help. When you give help openly, without putting any conditions, something special happens. Selflessness is your chance to transcend worldly existence. The exact nature of what help you will provide and how you will provide it cannot be predicted; it is unpredictable in form and content. In fact, the more radical your gifts are, the more new horizons open up to you. The trap is stubbornness. You become like a zealous priest who sets out to save souls whether they desire (or feel the need) to be saved. Remember that true help is a correct response to needs. The task is to awaken within oneself a will more powerful and majestic than the will of the ego.
“Past Lives.” In this life the theme of independence passed from past life. Perhaps you have been such a zealous dissident that you have rejected other people. Broken agreements, sudden separations, both personal and public - there was enough in your life. Or you were a person who so desired the recognition of other people that you sacrificed your individuality, pushing it into your subconscious. In any case, the theme of freedom has reached such a stage of development when the need to transfer the patterns of past incarnations into this life became obvious. Whenever you experience unpredictable breakups in relationships, urges to shock people, or desires to upset the status quo, you are in the flow of karmic rhythms. The task is to restore the integrity of personal freedom without exploding own life and the lives of other people. Learn what it means to be independent, learn the difference between productive reform and unconscious rebellion.

Universal interpretation. Planets in houses

This person wants to destroy all traditions and patterns, remove all restrictions and eliminate any obstacles. He constantly feels a colossal desire to free himself from the demands placed on him by society. He is fascinated by everything mystical and romantic. He is intellectual and mysterious, likes to act in unusual ways, secretly and behind the scenes. Inclined to a lot of secret intimate acquaintances. The aspect favors research and affairs that unfold away from the eyes of others. Unresolved subconscious conflicts can significantly burden such a person’s life. With a lack of self-control and an unwillingness to develop it, it can become worst enemy to yourself and spend your whole life alone. Often such a person devotes himself to an in-depth study of the subconscious. The search for higher spiritual experience leads him to yogic meditation and mystical immersions. You may have the gift of clairvoyance and special intuitive abilities. Often such people become real confessors for their friends. Tend to join secret organizations. Neuroticism associated with excessive, almost mediumistic sensitivity is possible. There is a tendency towards visionary thinking. Interest in negative magical practices can greatly harm such a person and lead him to great confusion and serious disappointment. A deep estrangement with any of the relatives is possible. The inclinations of such people often turn out to be scandalously unusual. Their life is full of secret difficulties and unforeseen misadventures. There may be strange manifestations of hostility on the part of influential persons, exquisite cunning of enemies, unexpected illnesses and catastrophically sudden deprivation of liberty. Many people feel strange and unfounded envy and incomprehensible jealousy towards such people. Their life is surrounded by gossip and every now and then leads to meetings with enemies whom they themselves considered friends. When mass natural disasters occur, such people tend to find themselves at the epicenter of events. In general, they should be wary of accidents, expulsion, hospitalization, or ending up “behind bars.” Their financial situation is very unstable, and the use of paranormal psychic abilities often brings harm.

>> Uranus in the 12th house

A person born in Uranus in the 12th house, obsessed with the thirst for the destruction of all patterns and foundations, the removal of restrictions and prohibitions, the destruction of any obstacles.

He is burdened by social demands and orders. He tries his best to get rid of them.

He is delighted with romance and mysticism, intellectual and mysterious, loves to act in an unusual way, secretly and mysteriously. Capable of establishing large quantity secret love relationship. Prefers to conduct his activities and research far from others.

Communication with a person with Uranus in the 12th house

His life is heavily burdened by unresolved personal conflicts. In case of loss of self-control, he may remain lonely alone with his unresolved psychological problems. Often he devotes all his energy to studying his own subconscious. In search of the highest mental relaxation, he comes to the knowledge of yoga, meditation and mystical immersions. There is the possibility of developing the gift of clairvoyance and special intuitive abilities. Due to the development of their psychological abilities becomes a real spiritual healer for his friends.

It is common for such a person to join secret societies. Frequent neuroses and hallucinations appear due to special sensitivity, knowledge of the medium and magical practices. All these hobbies can lead to negative consequences in health and confusion, followed by disappointment.

Character of a person with Uranus in the 12th house

In relationships with relatives, isolation and indifference are possible. The nature of such a person manifests itself in excessive scandalousness. Life is full of problems and misfortunes. There may be incomprehensible causeless hostility on the part of influential people, sophisticated malice from ill-wishers, unexpected illnesses and even absurd imprisonment. The life of such a person is filled with gossip and squabbles. For unknown reasons, others experience a feeling of envy and jealousy towards such a person.

Deprived of luck and with natural disaster, by coincidence, will be at the very epicenter. He should be careful and avoid accidents, expulsion, hospital or going to prison.

His financial condition leaves much to be desired, and due to the use of his unique anomalous psychic talents, he often causes harm to his health.

>> Uranus in the 12th house

A person born in Uranus in the 12th house, obsessed with the thirst for the destruction of all patterns and foundations, the removal of restrictions and prohibitions, the destruction of any obstacles.

He is burdened by social demands and orders. He tries his best to get rid of them.

He is delighted with romance and mysticism, intellectual and mysterious, loves to act in an unusual way, secretly and mysteriously. Capable of establishing a large number of secret love relationships. Prefers to conduct his activities and research far from others.

Communication with a person with Uranus in the 12th house

His life is heavily burdened by unresolved personal conflicts. In case of loss of self-control, he may be left alone with his unresolved psychological problems. Often he devotes all his energy to studying his own subconscious. In search of the highest mental relaxation, he comes to the knowledge of yoga, meditation and mystical immersions. There is the possibility of developing the gift of clairvoyance and special intuitive abilities. Due to the development of his psychological abilities, he becomes a real spiritual healer for his friends.

It is common for such a person to join secret societies. Frequent neuroses and hallucinations appear due to special sensitivity, knowledge of the medium and magical practices. All these hobbies can lead to negative health consequences and confusion with subsequent disappointment.

Character of a person with Uranus in the 12th house

In relationships with relatives, isolation and indifference are possible. The nature of such a person manifests itself in excessive scandalousness. Life is full of problems and misfortunes. There may be incomprehensible causeless hostility on the part of influential people, sophisticated malice from ill-wishers, unexpected illnesses and even absurd imprisonment. The life of such a person is filled with gossip and squabbles. For unknown reasons, others experience a feeling of envy and jealousy towards such a person.

He is deprived of luck and in the event of a natural disaster, by coincidence, he will find himself at the very epicenter. He should be careful and avoid accidents, expulsion, hospital or going to prison.

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