You can now collect a portfolio in your electronic diary. How to enter the electronic diary? Test "What am I?"

Questions and answers

How do I get access for parents?

Each parent ( legal representative) can gain direct access to electronic diary and the ability to provide access to trusted persons to view the diary.

  1. Login to portal

Enter your username and password.

If you are not registered on the portal, then go through the registration procedure by clicking the “Register” button. When registering, please indicate your full name, e-mail, SNILS and number mobile phone.

  1. Check the required data in your Personal Account

On the right top corner Click on the user’s full name and select “Personal information”.

In your Personal Account, check whether the required fields are filled in to gain access to the electronic diary:

  • Email;
  • Mobile phone number.

If not all data is filled in, be sure to enter it into your Personal Account.

Important! Enter a valid address email and mobile phone number.

  1. Submit required information to school

If it was not possible to enter the diary, a message will appear indicating further actions. Most often this is due to the lack of data required to enter the diary. In this case, contact the school class teacher and provide him with the contact information indicated in your Personal Account:

  • Email;
  • Mobile phone number.

Important! The information provided to the school and the information in your personal account must match.

If the required data is entered in the Personal Account and matches the data at the school, then the parent (legal representative) receives direct access to the electronic diary.

How to get access for a student?

Each student must have their own registration on the portal to enter their personal electronic diary.

  1. Register your child on

Go to the portal and click the “Login” button.

Register your child by clicking the “Register” button, indicating his full name and contact information.

If a child already has a registration on, he will be able to log into the diary using his existing login and password.

  1. Send your child's details to school

If it was not possible to enter the diary, a message will appear indicating further actions. Most often this is due to the lack of data required to enter the diary. In this case, contact the school class teacher and provide him with the child’s contact information indicated in your Personal Account:

  • Email;
  • Mobile phone number.

Important! The information in the school and in the child’s personal account must match.

If the required data is entered in the child’s Personal Account and matches the data at school, then the student receives direct access to his personal electronic diary.

Who are the trustees?

The authorized representative, at the discretion of the parent, can be immediate relatives, a nanny, a tutor and other persons interested in receiving information about the educational process.

How to add a trusted person to access the electronic diary?

Each parent (legal representative) can provide access to their child’s electronic diary to trusted persons.

Where is the “Trusted Persons” section located?

  1. Go to the portal and click the “Login” button.

Enter your username and password.

  1. Go to your Personal Account and select the “Trusted Persons” section

How to add a proxy?

Go to your Personal Account on and select the “Authorized Persons” section.

Step 1. Select a service

Select the “Electronic Diary” service

Step 2. Select a child

Select the child(ren) whose diary you want to add a proxy to.

Step 3. Invite a trusted person

Indicate your mobile phone number or SNILS, as well as your last name trustee:

  • Mobile phone number/SNILS;
  • Surname.

Important! The authorized representative must be registered on the portal.

Step 4. Data verification

Check the information provided:

  • name of the service through which access is provided;
  • Full name of the authorized person;
  • Child's full name.

If everything is correct, then click the button "Send".

The invitation was sent to the authorized person in the Personal Account on

The authorized person must enter his personal account on in the “Notification Center” / “Messages” section and confirm receipt of the invitation.

After accepting the invitation, access to the electronic diary for the authorized person will be provided within 24 hours.

Tons of textbooks creative tasks, lectures and video consultations - a new one has launched on the Internet educational portal. This is a free service that will help schoolchildren improve their knowledge, test themselves with tests and, if necessary, prepare for exams on their own.

Tenth grader Anya Romanenko with future profession She has already decided that she wants to become a journalist. Next year - state exams. Will take history and social studies. I started preparing now. Tests his knowledge online.

“I had difficulty with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. I didn’t quite understand the meaning of the question, indicated the wrong aspect, and then I had to turn to the textbook,” says Anna Romanenko, a 10th grade student at gymnasium No. 1797.

You can now test your knowledge at any time and anywhere - using a computer or smartphone. A new service called “My Achievements” has been created for Moscow schoolchildren. Various test tasks divided into subjects: dictations in Russian, problems in mathematics, physics, history, geography, and more.

“The books in which our assignments are very large take up a lot of space, and therefore it’s easier to take a phone with you that has it all.” “In the application, for example, in the “Geography” section there is a special button, by clicking on which you can open the atlas. This is convenient because you do not need to carry the atlas with you,” the students note.

There are tests increased complexity for specialized classes - engineering and medical. Even teachers perform them with interest.

“The results, of course, leave much to be desired. You understand that you are forgetting something a little. There are mistakes, there are shortcomings,” admits biology teacher, methodologist at gymnasium No. 1797 Natalya Kozhedub.

In this application you can even take the OGE - as a training. The work is checked not by teachers, but by independent experts. They find errors, and if a student doesn’t understand something, they provide a free video consultation. To order it, just click the icon here on the website.

"We pass each expert through certain benchmark checks. If there is a discrepancy with the benchmark of more than 1.5% in final assessment, then the expert is not allowed to perform the inspection,” emphasizes Pavel Kuzmin, director of the Moscow Center for Educational Quality.

For those who do not like rigid boundaries - creative tasks. There is no division into objects here. In one version - tasks on logic and attentiveness, questions on biology and mathematics. You can answer either on a computer or on a piece of paper, then scan it and upload it to the system - the application recognizes handwritten text.

“A Moscow schoolchild confirms his status by following a link through government services to an electronic diary, and then to our service, he logs in, gets full access and can work in the system,” explains Roman Yurkovsky, head of the “My Achievements” project.

You can also fill gaps in knowledge yourself, without leaving home. Missed a lesson or didn't understand difficult topic- not scary. Lectures on everything school subjects from 1st to 11th grades were recorded on video by the teachers themselves. Valeria Levchak often uses the "Online Lesson" service when she does homework in mathematics.

“I turn on the video lesson, listen to the words of the teacher, he explains the topic to me in the same way as it happens at school. Everything is clear, and if it’s not clear, you can rewind and re-listen - this is also a convenient function,” notes Valeria Levchak, a student at school No. 1995 .

More than 4 thousand lessons are collected on one site. These are videos, notes and various simulators. And every week something new appears.

“We focus on the average student, we teach the same way as in school, our program complies with the federal state standard,” says the project manager." Home school"Olga Khasyakova.

The "Internet lesson" is available to all schoolchildren in Russia. For now, only small Muscovites can access the “My Achievements” service through the government services portal. For other regions, many options are blocked during testing. But soon everyone will be able to use the application.

"My Diary of Achievements"

Explanatory note

Success is essential for a child's positive self-esteem .

Help your students develop the habit of recording successes in their lives. It is easier for children to set themselves up for success and gain adequate self-esteem, when they see their progress and celebrate their new achievements without forgetting the previous ones.

For each child, you can create a “Diary” of his achievements and regularly fill it out with him, and sometimes with his parents. It will help children get to know themselves better, especially their strengths. There is no need to record only the most notable achievements. Any, no matter how small, success matters.

Target: Recording your achievements in life; formation of a positive self-attitude; assistance in the child’s analysis of his character, abilities, self-knowledge and self-esteem.

Materials: For each child: one folder with printed sheets, paper, pens, pencils, glue.


Today we will create a special folder. It is not intendedFor school assignments. It is necessary to record and record your successes and achievements.

Look, the first section of the folder is called “My Portrait”. Here, each of you has the opportunity to tell about yourself, and the folder will save your stories for yourself and other people who want to know you in more detail.

When you're done, put this sheet in a folder. Then you canfill out the following pages of the Diary.

Start filling out the notebook by describing the children's previous achievements, and then write down new successes in it once a week or every two weeks.

From time to time you can ask children to look at their achievement notebook to reflect on questions such as:

    What helped me most to achieve success?

    How important has it been for me to collaborate with others?

In what areas are my talents most developed?

    Who am I, what am I? etc.

Consider allowing children to put their most successful academic and extracurricular work in a folder; celebrate your participation in the life of the class; collect in the "piggy bank" useful tips.

for primary school students.

1. Front page(cover).

I section “My portrait” (information about the owner);

II section “Portfolio of documents” (official documents);

Section III“Portfolio of works” (creative works, areas of activity);

IV section “Piggy Bank” (memos, instructions, useful information).

Section I. Information about the portfolio owner.

My portrait.

Includes personal details of the student maintaining the portfolio. This section contains information that helps the child analyze his character, abilities, learn ways of self-development, self-improvement, self-knowledge; results psychological diagnostics. The student annually conducts self-analysis of his own plans and interests; sets goals, analyzes achievements; Conducts self-analysis of the year's results.

Self-analysis can be carried out at first class hour, and then put the completed sheet into your working folder (portfolio). It is interesting to analyze whether changes occur in the child’s reasoning, does he remain in firm positions, or does his thinking change in accordance with changes in age, certain events etc.

Section II. Official documents.

Portfolio of documents .

This section contains a list of those presented in the portfolio official documents (all certified documents available to the student confirming individual achievements V various types activities: diplomas of participation in subject Olympiads various levels, diplomas for participation in competitions, certificates, thank you letters, certificates, etc.)

IN this section Copies of documents may be submitted. The presence of this section is an opportunity for both high-quality and quantification portfolio materials. The final document, presented as an insert in the certificate, is then easily filled out by the class teacher.

The documents presented in this section are recorded in the table. The documents themselves or their copies may be kept at the student's home or in a file in the Work Folder.

Section III. Creative works, areas of activity.

Portfolio of works .

In this section, the student places the results of various creative, design, research work, abstracts; as well as a description of the main forms and directions of its educational and creative activity: participation in scientific conferences, competitions; classes in additional education institutions, sports, music, artistic achievements, etc.

The materials presented in this section give a broad idea of ​​the dynamics of a student’s educational and creative activity, the direction of his interests, and the nature of pre-profile preparation.

The student records on the “List” form creative works” and the table “My participation in school holidays and events” types creative activity during the established period of maintaining the working folder.

Section IV. Reminders, instructions, useful information.

(“Collecting a portfolio”)


Last name, first name

student of ____ class ____ Novo-Troitsk high school.

ChapterI. "My portrait"

My portrait. My name

My ancestry

What I like to do

What I love most

I think I can... I know I can!

Safe route"Home-school". My address

My friends

My school life

ChapterII. "Portfolio of documents"

My achievements

ChapterIII. "Portfolio of works"

My works

ChapterIV. "Piggy Bank"

"Znayka's Advice"



(draw or paste a photo)


Write about yourself:

Name ______________________________________________________________

Surname ________________________________________________________

Surname _________________________________________________________

Date of birth ___________________________________________________

What does your name mean? __________________________________________

Find out from your parents why they named you that?

Are there any other people in your family with that name?

What do you know about famous people who have the same name as you?









Why should you value your name?





Write about your parents:




Date of birth


What are they?

Who else is in your family?






What, in your opinion, needs to be done to keep the family strong and friendly?





Do you have any favorite family holidays? What are your common hobbies?






Now answer the question: “What is family happiness?”







In these squares, draw what you are most

you like to do, or cut out pictures from a magazine and paste them on.


My favorite time year

My favorite animal

The place where I love to be more than anything in the world


My best friend ______________

My favorite sport _

My favorite book is ___________

My favorite activity __________

My favorite movie is _____________

My favorite TV show _____

My favorite clothes are _____________

My favorite music

My favorite musical instrument

My favorite song ________________________________________________

My favorite game is _____________

My favorite color is _____________

My favorite sound is ____________

My favorite time of year _____________________________________________

My favorite toy ______________

My favorite dish

My favorite smell

My favorite time of day

(you can add what else you like)



What I do best is:

I'm not very good at:


Most of all I want to learn better....


Here's what I need for this:


safe route


M OH ADDRESS : ______________________________________________

History of my street:


“Why don’t I have friends?”, “Why is our class unfriendly?” – Guys often ask these questions to adults, to each other and to themselves. And really, why?

And who is a REAL FRIEND? Maybe these questions concern you too?

Do you agree with these statements?

(Please circle the statements you agree with)

    A true friend is one who never deceives his friend.

    A true friend is one who will not tell anyone his friend's secrets.

    A true friend is one who will not laugh at his friend's misfortune or failure.

    A true friend is someone with whom it is always interesting and never boring.

    A true friend is someone who will try to protect you from an offender.

Do you agree with most of the statements? If you agree, then try in each statement instead of the words REAL FRIEND a short word I.

Well, how is it working out?

Read what happened. Look at yourself from the outside again. Maybe you want to change something in your character, behavior, habits.

Make your PERSONAL SELF-EDUCATION PLAN and try to implement it.


Think about what you need to change in yourself - in your character, habits, hobbies - so that people want to be friends with you.

Here tell us about those you are friends with

1.__________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My participation in school and class holidays and events


My interest in school subjects

My favorite teachers

My favorite items







. What do you need to pay attention to? special attention to improve your performance in school? (Underline)

daily routine and routine;

willpower training;

memory training

(visual, auditory, logical);

development of logical thinking;

    reading scientific and fiction literature;

    watching educational television programs;

    classes in clubs, sections, ...;

    visiting museums.

2. Do you have any hobbies? Do you consider them serious? Do they help you with your studies or anything else? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

oh secrets successful work

Workplace organization



My daily routine




Finally, do a little test work.

Complete the unfinished sentences.

1. I like people who _____________________________________________________

2. I want ___________________________________________________ at school

3. After classes I like _________________________________________________

4. When things get difficult, I _________________________________________________

5. I know that my health is ________________________________________________

6. My friends are ________________________________________________________________

7. I often think about ______________________________________________________________

8. At home I ________________________________________________________________

9. I will become more independent ________________________________________

10. In the future I_________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________



My achievements, awards, merits




List of submitted creative works





Why do some people study well and others not so much? It happens like this: a student was in class, listened to the teacher and even wrote something down, but came home and doesn’t remember anything. And how to solve the problem is completely unclear. It seems like they were explaining something...

Maybe not decide, but copy it from someone?


Everyone has difficulties in studying, even excellent students. Try to find out what their reason is for you personally.

Select and mark suitable option the end of the phrase.

In class I usually...



In class I...

I listen carefully

I get distracted often

I do my homework

right after school

late at night

If something doesn't work out, I...

I'm trying to succeed

I'm quitting right away

Read all the resulting phrases. The results of this test can tell you what to pay attention to first.

Having serious hobbies is very important. What hobbies can be considered serious? Yes, very different. It can be collecting, sports, any craft, literature - whatever you want. But you need to do all this seriously, only then will it be beneficial.

For example, by collecting stamps, you can learn a lot: history and geography different countries, names and destinies outstanding people, history scientific discoveries– you will expand your horizons. And the wider your horizons, the more interesting your life becomes and the more interesting it is for other people to be with you. New knowledge is firmly fixed in memory (because it’s interesting!) and can come in handy more than once, including in school lessons.

Try different activities, find your passion.

Test “WHAT AM I?”

Imagine that you have caught a firebird. She can fulfill any of your desires if you tell her why you need it. Made a wish? Have you come up with an explanation? If your explanation matches any of the answer options below, mark that option.


1. Because others have THIS.

2. Because others don’t have THIS.

3. Because THIS is necessary for mine relatives, friends.

4. Because I need THIS today.

5. Because I just want to.

Here's what you can call it spiritual qualities(or character traits) that prompted you to answer this or that way:

1 – envy

2 – boastfulness

3 – kindness, caring, friendliness

4 – practicality

5 – greed

My wish (if you want, write)

Many other qualities are manifested in your actions, habits, and relationships with people. Some can be called good, others - bad.

They sometimes fight in your soul, and you decide which one will win.

Think and answer:

1. Which qualities do you consider good and which are bad?


2. What quality do you consider practicality? Why?


3. Which traits of your character hinder you, and which ones would you like to acquire?

I want to get rid of

I want to buy


Mom promised to go with Kostya on the day off to Luna Park to ride the rides. On the eve of the long-awaited day, she came home in the evening sad. “You know,” said mom, “we won’t be able to go to the park tomorrow, I have urgent work...”

Question. What do you think Kostya felt and what did he do?

Possible answers:

    He went to his room (in the corner) and cried for a long time so that his mother could hear.

    He sulked and didn’t talk to his mother all evening.

    He started screaming that this always happens when he wants to go somewhere.

    He began to console my mother and said that he was not at all upset that he could go to Luna Park the next day off.

Tell this story to the end in each of Kostya’s behavior options. Be sure to pay attention to the following:

– How did mom feel and how did she behave?

– How did Kostya himself feel in the end?

    Did you manage to find a way out of the situation?

Think and answer:

1. Draw a conclusion: which behavior will bring more benefit and why?



2. How do you feel about people about whom they say: “He is quick-tempered, but easy-going”? Why?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What is more pleasant to remember and tell others about: how you helped someone, or how you offended someone?

Kindness training exercise

remember and tell about good qualities, good deeds their classmates. Try to remember as many good things about each person as possible.

Doctors say that most heart diseases occur due to harmful effects rudeness and insults at him: “you can kill with a word.”

But those who like to make cruel jokes also harm themselves. Evil laughter, malice - negative emotions. They are bad for your health.

Think and answer:

1. Do you like coming up with teasing nicknames?

2. How do you feel when you are teased?

If someone is offended in front of you, support the weak.

Remember: “You can save with a word”!


How to cope with grief

Never rush to “throw out” your feelings on others. Gather all your will and restrain yourself. And try to calm down.

For this there is different ways. Choose the one that suits you best.

1. Do it breathing exercises- some deep breaths and exhalations (inhale for 1 count, hold the air for 4 counts, exhale for 2 counts).

2. Drink a glass of water, tea, juice, cola.

3. Get in the shower.

4. Try to distract yourself: talk to someone on the phone on a different topic, read a book, listen to music.

5. Make a few physical exercise

(you can box with a pillow).

6. Cry (but don't show it to others!).

7. After such a release, you will definitely feel calmer. Now you can think about and discuss the situation without shouting, crying and quarreling. There will be a solution!

If you take your irritation out on someone else or accumulate it within yourself, it will not lead to anything good. You still won’t solve the problem, but anger releases harmful substances into your blood.

And don’t forget that there are other people next to you - your loved ones, friends, just those around you. And they also have emotions.


It's good to be brave! Everyone respects the brave...

Does all courage deserve respect? Why?

Explain with examples of drawings .


1. The spell “I CAN!” helps you become more confident. Try repeating it quietly (before a test, for example).

2. Start becoming bold by doing something small. Don't be ashamed to ask for help.

3. It is useful to keep a SECRET DIARY OF OVERCOMING FEARS. Write down your successes in it. Every little success is your victory over fear.

4. But there are other fears.

Some guys are afraid, for example, of the dark, of being alone at home, of vampires, of ghosts - that is, of the unknown, the mysterious. From the unknown, the fear becomes even greater, and then the body becomes numb, the voice trembles, the teeth chatter, the pit of the stomach sucks, the mouth becomes dry, the palms become wet, the face turns pale, you shudder at every rustle. SCARY!..

Such fears are harmful to health. You definitely need to get rid of them. And this is also possible.


    If you're home alone and you're scared, do this:

– do breathing exercises (several deep breaths in and out) to relax;

    judge: is there real threat your life, or is it only in your imagination;

– use the spell “I AM NOT AFRAID!”;

- Do some work: cleaning the apartment, sorting out your books. At the same time, it’s good to hum something funny;

– talk on the phone with friends

    If you sleep restlessly at night, you often wake up in fear :

– be sure to tell your parents about this, don’t suffer alone. Maybe you need the help of a neurologist;

– do not forget that the health of the nervous system is very dependent on the health of the body. Therefore, temper your body, train it, strengthen it;

– think: aren’t you too keen on reading “horror films” and watching television “horror stories”? For people with a rich imagination (and you have a rich one), this is harmful - it has a bad effect on nervous system.

And the most important advice is this: rejoice more.

There are a lot of good things in life.

Learn to see this - BE AN OPTIMIST!

You can get up to 10 extra points for your portfolio: you can tell about prizes in All-Russian subject Olympiads, sports competitions, music competitions, and so on. The ability to keep detailed records of achievements appears in electronic diaries and journals.

At Moscow school No. 953, students' portfolios are prepared using the ElZhur system. Deputy director of the school Natalya Zhuk explains: “Students themselves add their achievements to the portfolio. After which ElZhur automatically sends a request to the appropriate teacher to verify the accuracy of the entered data. The teacher checks the protocols of the Olympiad, competition, etc. and the student receives confirmation of entry in the portfolio. You can also attach a scan of a supporting document, that is, a diploma or diploma, to your portfolio.” The portfolio is also used in the formation of specialized classes: in order to understand which group the child is best sent to, the commission analyzes in which areas he showed himself best.

Students from grades 1 to 11 can add information about a variety of achievements to the ElZhur portfolio: olympiads, competitions, design and research work, elective courses, additional education, sporting achievements, creativity. Each school has the right to add its own sections: e.g. cadet schools take into account successes in military training.

The teacher can also have his own portfolio: if a student takes some place in the Olympiad, this will automatically go into the portfolio of the subject teacher who prepared him for it. The teacher’s own achievements are also taken into account: seminars, projects, excursions, conferences, publications, courses, examinations, etc. next year ElZhur developers will add the ability to create school board honor: there it will be possible to post both information about the achievements of schoolchildren and the works themselves.

At the end of May, the developers of the Moscow electronic journal and the MRKO diary also announced the appearance of a portfolio module. The system allows you to record all additional activities of students - musical and sports sections, the clubs they attend at school. True, the success of participation cannot yet be noted in the MRKO portfolio - that is, the winner and the participant of the Olympiad will receive the same entries. In addition, the works themselves cannot be loaded into the system, and information can only be entered by class teacher. Among foreign services, it copes with the task best

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