Byzantium as a civilizational space. Heritage of Great Bulgaria

There are very large differences between wakefulness and sleep, which manifest themselves in the state of the entire human body. During the day we do physical and mental work, and at night we relax and rest. Although, the systems and organs of our body do tremendous work during sleep: active production of hormones begins, tissue restoration begins, and we work harder immune system, the brain processes and sorts the information received, an exchange of conscious and unconscious occurs. All these processes affect temperature human body, its indicators change depending on whether we are sleeping or not.

Normal for humans

Generally speaking, a human body temperature of 36.6° C is considered normal. However, this is not a constant indicator, but an average statistical number. It is known that if a person performs heavy physical work or is engaged in complex mental work, his temperature can rise to 38.5 ° C, while there are no pathological changes in the body. Just before going to bed, our body prepares for rest, so its temperature can drop by 0.5-1° C. This is necessary for quickly falling asleep and a quality night's rest.

Scientists have found that the most low temperature observed between 2.00 and 3.00 at night, it is at this time that it can drop to 36-35.5 ° C.

This happens because all the muscles relax and catabolic processes begin to actively occur in the body. This means that protein structures are formed from amino acids, and not vice versa, as occurs during metabolism during the day.

However, the temperature of the brain itself rises significantly, especially during REM sleep, because it is at this time that it is engaged in data processing.

Distinguishing pathology from normality

It is quite difficult to monitor that during sleep the body temperature has gone beyond the normal range, since we are in an unconscious state. If you measure it after waking up, then the indicator should be within 36-37 ° C, because closer to the morning our body begins to prepare for a new active day and starts all the processes necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body during the waking period.

If a deviation from the norm is detected, you should immediately find out whether there is a pathology, or whether you are simply too scrupulous about your health. The following changes are considered normal:

  1. A decrease in body temperature in women by 0.2-0.5 ° C in the first days of the menstrual cycle and before ovulation.
  2. An increase in body temperature in women by 0.5-0.7 ° C on the eve of menstruation.
  3. Body temperature in newborns is 37.5-38° C, after a few hours it decreases by one or one and a half degrees; in children from 5 days old the norm is 37° C.

If all of the above factors are excluded, and the body temperature during sleep does not fit within the normal range, you should consult a doctor for detailed advice. With the help of examinations and tests, a specialist can find out what caused the violation of thermoregulation and how to eliminate this problem.

Reasons for failure

A person's body temperature is an indicator by which one can assess the state of health. A section in the brain called the hypothalamus is responsible for thermoregulation of the body - this is a kind of “thermostat” of our body. Since it is the brain that first responds to any changes in the body, the hypothalamus can signal specifically about health problems.

Critical temperature changes are observed at night for the reason that at this time of day the immune system is most high activity, it sends antibodies to the affected areas to fight pathogenic agents. This process triggers the production of pyrogens - substances that affect the hypothalamus and provoke an increase in body temperature.

If you notice that during rest you feel chills and other symptoms indicating the presence of pathology, you can suspect that this condition is caused by hidden inflammation.

Let's take a closer look at what can trigger fever during sleep or a drop in temperature.

In conclusion

A decrease or increase in body temperature during sleep may indicate the presence of various pathologies.

If the discrepancy between daytime and evening readings is no more than 0.5-1° C, and there are no other symptoms, then there is no need to panic.

However, if the deviation from the norm is significant and occurs regularly, you should immediately contact a specialist to determine the causes of the violation. Timely provision of qualified assistance is the key to preventing cancer, which often manifests itself as a violation of the body’s thermoregulation.

It can be firmly stated that almost every person suffered from acute respiratory diseases. But there are questions that patients and parents of sick children ask. The most common of them is why, when you have a cold, the temperature rises in the evening, and other symptoms also worsen. Let's understand this issue and look for opportunities to alleviate the patient's condition.

Sometimes when you have a cold, your temperature starts to rise in the evening

The human body is daily attacked by infectious microorganisms, which are literally “teeming with” environment. Thanks to the high-quality functioning of the immune system, most people manage to avoid serious diseases. But if the immune system is weakened, colds and other diseases will not take long to appear. To find out the mechanism of spread of viruses throughout the body and symptoms, you need to know what the flu is, what are the causes of its occurrence and how to treat it.

Where did the flu come from?

The common word “cold” is a collective term that refers to all types of acute respiratory diseases. They circle around us and wait for the right moment to penetrate the human body:

  • Air temperatures from -5 to 5 degrees;
  • Weakened immunity due to chronic diseases, hypothermia, previous operations, etc.

Viruses easily attack the body of babies if they are bottle-fed; natural infants receive all the beneficial microelements, vitamins, and minerals that protect the body from any diseases with mother's milk.

In the body of older people, processes are inhibited, metabolism and blood circulation deteriorate, and stagnation occurs. Internal potential is depleted, and it is increasingly difficult to protect against respiratory diseases.

Pathogenic microorganisms, penetrating our body, first settle on the mucous membrane, which causes the following symptoms:

  • sore throat;
  • dry cough.

Invading the epithelium of the cell, the virus penetrates the blood and begins a “journey” through our body, affecting all organs along the way. Signs of intoxication appear:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • high temperature;
  • aches in bones and muscles;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • the skin becomes pale.

Often there is inflammation of the conjunctiva, which causes watery and sore eyes, the larynx and nasopharynx are affected, nasal congestion occurs, pain in the bridge of the nose, etc.

If the flu persists and is left untreated, serious complications are likely.

At an advanced stage, influenza can lead to irreversible consequences. If nausea, vomiting, body rash, convulsions occur, there is a risk of meningitis, encephalitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.

Important: you should consult a doctor if you have primary symptoms against the background of the next wave of the epidemic. Timely measures taken to treat the virus will minimize the risk of complications.

Why does the temperature rise in the evening during ARVI?

All signs of the disease worsen towards evening. The patient gets worse, his joints ache, his head hurts, and the temperature on the thermometer rises. Why does a person experience intense discomfort during these hours? There are several factors influencing this process.


As we know, our brain gives commands to the whole body to carry out certain functions. A region called the hypothalamus is responsible for thermoregulation and heat exchange in the body. When the immune system detects a foreign microorganism, it fights it, activating special pyrogen cells, which in turn affect the hypothalamus and the temperature rises. The most ardent, so to speak, battle of the immune system with viral agents occurs precisely in evening hours


All living things on the planet: people, animals, plants obey biological rhythm. During sleep, a person saves accumulated energy, which the body will then spend on the healing process. In case of illness, it is also activated in the evening hours, enhancing the fight against infection.

Response to treatment

According to generally accepted standards, basically, medications for ARVI are started with morning hours. Most of them are based on chemical compounds, together with treatment, they cause considerable damage to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, genitourinary system, and blood vessels. Additional intoxication occurs, so with ARVI the temperature rises in the evening. To minimize risks, it is better to choose a safer analogue of the drug or use traditional methods, drugs based on interferon.

How to measure temperature correctly

No matter how strange it may sound, not everyone knows how to measure temperature correctly. Many refer to at this moment very frivolous. In order for the indicators to be accurate, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The patient should be in a calm position.
  • Avoid hot drinks and food before taking measurements.
  • The quality of the thermometer. This item also has its own lifespan; it is necessary to periodically replace it with a new one. Electronic thermometers, unlike mercury thermometers, are not as accurate in readings, so it is better to use familiar models.
  • You need to measure in the armpit. The main thing is that the thermometer is pressed firmly during the first 2 minutes, during which the mark reaches the actual mark. The extra 3 minutes can add a few beats at most.

Is it necessary to bring down the high mark on the thermometer?

We already know that rising temperatures are direct proof the fact that our immunity destroys pathogenic microorganisms with might and main. Doctors strongly do not recommend knocking it down until the mark has crossed 38.5. If you have a cold in the evening and the temperature rises above the indicated numbers, you should take antipyretics and carry out the following procedures:

  1. Wet the patient's wrists and ankles with cool water.
  2. Dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of warm water and wipe the entire body with a gauze cloth.

Important: at high temperatures, it is strictly not recommended to wrap the patient up; arms and legs should be open, and there should be only fresh air in the room.

How to reduce the temperature of a nursing mother with a cold

Mother's milk transfers into the baby's body everything that the young mother eats. The same applies to medications, in which a lot chemical components, harmful to the small body. Therefore, a woman needs to be selective in how she deals with fever.

Important: you should absolutely not stop breastfeeding even at high temperatures. Along with milk, the baby receives antibodies produced in the mother’s body and a certain degree protection against viruses.

To lower the level, you need to drink more fluids - herbal teas, compotes, fruit drinks, warm water, milk. Here you should also be careful with your choice, since herbal decoctions and honey can cause an allergic reaction in a child. After drying, allow the body to dry, put on a warm robe and lie quietly for at least 1 hour.

Breastfeeding does not stop, even if the mother has a high fever

If simple wiping procedures with vinegar and cool water do not help and the mark rises beyond 38.5, you need to take a baby antibacterial agent or paracetamol (preferably in the form of a suppository), so the components will not pass into mother’s milk.

Prevention measures

We learned why the temperature during a cold rises in the evening. But in order to protect your body from stress, intoxication and discomfort from respiratory disease, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

  1. It is recommended to undergo immunization. Even with the strongest immunity, it is difficult to avoid epidemics.
  2. News healthy image life - swimming, running, as a last resort, take long walks in the fresh air.
  3. Even during cold periods of the year, ventilate the room.
  4. During epidemics, wear a gauze bandage and limit contact.
  5. Eat natural foods: vegetables, fruits, fermented milk dishes.
  6. Drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, including fruit drinks, compotes, and herbal teas.

To strengthen your body, you can go swimming

It is necessary to give up fatty foods, smoked foods, and baked goods in order to facilitate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys. Immunity is formed in intestinal tract, and thus we will help the body get the maximum protective forces, which will not need to be spent on fighting toxins from unhealthy diets.

anonymous, Woman, 23 years old

Good afternoon I have the following problem: every evening (only in the evenings) the temperature rises to 37.3-37.5. It doesn't get any higher. When the temperature rises, I feel weak and slightly chilly. At night the temperature drops. The rest of the time I feel normal, there is no pronounced weakness. Sometimes it is cold despite the heat. This has been happening for almost 2 months now. During this time I lost 4-5 kg. I visited a bunch of doctors. A few months ago I had ulcers in my esophagus. There was a course of treatment, a gastroscopy was recently performed - no ulcers were found, the stomach was also in order. A little over a month ago they found a polyp in my uterus. It was removed by curettage. After this there was bleeding for some time. Around this time, I started sweating a lot at night. Then my period started, and then the bleeding went away completely. A couple of weeks ago they did an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity - nothing serious was revealed - a small stone in the kidney, a slightly enlarged liver. After a course of antibiotics after removal of the polyp, I had diarrhea. But I stopped sweating at night. A few days ago hemorrhoids appeared (do not bleed). The only medications I currently take are suppositories for hemorrhoids and birth control Chloe pills (I have been taking them for several years). the temperature continues to rise in the evenings. Here is a recent clinical analysis and analysis for c-reactive protein (received yesterday, done in vitro): hematocrit 31.3% hemoglobin 10.1 g/dl red blood cells 4.13 million/μl (indicated “Anisocytosis (micro) - insignificant" MCV (average erythrocyte volume. ) 75.8 fl RDW (wide distribution of erythrocytes) 14.5% MCH (average Hb concentration in era) 24.5 pg MCHC (average Hb concentration in era) 32.3 g/dl Platelets 443 thousand/µl Leukocytes 8.74 thousand/ µl Neutrophils (total number) 59.5% (indicated “When examining blood on a hematological analyzer, no pathological cells were found. The number of band neutrophils does not exceed 6%) Lymphocytes 30.3% Monocytes 8.6% Eosinophils 1.4% Basophils 0.2% Neutrophils 5.20 thousand/µl Lymphocytes 2.6 5 thousand/μl Monocytes 0.75 thousand/μl Eosinophils 0.12 thousand/μl Basophils 0.02 thousand/μl ESR (Westergren) 53 mm/h Analysis for C-reactive protein gave a result of 57.1 mg/l tests for mycoplasma and Epstein-Barr virus. also negative. Sugar is normal. Please tell me what to do? similar case in practice? I would be very grateful for your advice.

During sleep, a person’s body temperature can reach different levels, and not in all cases its increase or decrease indicates a disorder in the body. It is generally accepted that the best temperature is 36.6° C, although in fact it can vary throughout the day depending on various factors. For example, when actively performing any type of work, the temperature rises and can reach 38.5° C. Before going to bed, the body begins to prepare for rest, and therefore the body cools down. Thanks to this, a person sleeps well and has time to rest during the night.

Scientists have proven that the human body is not in a stable state at night: observations have shown that from two to three o’clock in the morning, the temperature during sleep drops to 35.5 ° C. This is due to muscle relaxation and active work catabolic processes. The brain temperature, on the contrary, begins to rise due to the processing of data received during the day.

During awakening, the body begins to prepare for the new day, resuming the work of all processes that maintain the human body in a healthy state. The temperature level during this period reaches 36-37 ° C. Deviation from the norm can be caused by both a disease and certain processes in the body.

Changes not related to diseases:

If the above symptoms are absent, but the person feels unwell, you should consult a specialist. An examination will help determine the cause of the failure.

Body temperature is an important indicator that can provide enough information about the state of the human body. The hypothalamus is special department in the brain main function which is temperature regulation. Since the brain is the first to notice changes in the body, the hypothalamus can specifically indicate the development of a disease.

Critical changes often occur during sleep; at this time, the human immune system begins to work actively, sending antibodies to the affected areas to eliminate the problem. In this regard, the body produces pyrogens, which cause a rise in temperature.

If the body cools or warms up by no more than 0.5 or 1 ° C at night, and general condition The human body is normal, there is no reason to panic.

Common reasons why body temperature increases or decreases during sleep:

If changes occur suddenly and regularly, a person needs to consult a specialist for examination. A timely response can prevent the development of a serious illness.

The state of the body is important for sleep. It determines how calm the night will pass and whether the body will rest during this time, since due to poor health a person has an anxious dream, causing anxiety and moral exhaustion.

Neuroscientist Matthew Walker has found that when body temperature rises to critical levels, the brain is unable to transition from wakefulness to rest and provide quality sleep.

Experts offer three ways to maintain healthy sleep:

Sleep is an important part of every person's life, so it must be taken seriously and not neglected. It is health that determines how people will feel in their dreams.

Contents of the article

If a person constantly monitored his temperature, he would notice that it changes several times during the day. Moreover, during sleep, body temperature differs from daytime levels. So what is the norm - an increase or decrease in degrees?

Body thermoregulation

People perceive temperature healthy body at 36.6°C as an axiom. Although modern medicine allows minor deviations in one direction or another; the range from 36°C to 37°C can be considered normal for a healthy body. It depends on individual characteristics body.

There are temperature fluctuations throughout the day depending on labor activity the person himself and the functionality of his organs. The laws of physics state that every work is accompanied by the release of heat. The more active a person is, the more energy his muscles expend.

During training, athletes’ body temperature can rise to 38 °C, and this is considered normal, since the indicator will quickly return to the optimal level. The sweating system contributes to this - with its help the body regulates thermal processes.

A decrease in body temperature can be affected by prolonged exposure to the cold. But even here, a healthy body will turn on its “thermostat”, trying to maintain optimal performance. Under normal conditions, fluctuations in body temperature are insignificant - 1-2°C.

At night, the body rests, its biorhythms slow down, the body relaxes and loses activity. Following the laws of physics, the absence of work does not entail energy expenditure, no heat is generated, and in theory the body should cool down. In fact, passivity is only external - internal systems continue to function, but in a different mode.

During sleep, the human body temperature is below daytime levels, but should not fall beyond 35.7°C for women and 35.1°C for men. This promotes normal rest and ensures necessary conditions for the functioning of the main organs.

A person is resting, the body is working

If all body functions stopped completely in a dream, the person would simply die. Nature is organized rationally, and while people are resting, their organs are working. Some are engaged in cleansing, others in restoration, and others in accumulating energy.

  • The muscles relax and rest, because they experience maximum stress during the day. physical activity. In a dream, they are not inactive, allowing a person to change body position several times.
  • To avoid freezing without active movement, the internal “thermostat” is always on alert.
  • The digestive system stops the breakdown of food that enters it - the body does not need sleep large number energy. For this reason, it is not recommended to fall asleep with a full stomach.
  • Towards the beginning of sleep, breathing slows down and becomes more even, but depending on dreams it can speed up. There are also cases of temporary cessation of breathing (this is called apnea).
  • All organs (even sleeping ones) need oxygen and nutrition, so circulatory system continues to work like a clock. The rhythm of movement in the vessels is calmer due to the moderately working heart. The beating of the “motor” can accelerate or freeze under the influence of dreams.
  • Dream - good time to restore the immune system. The main fight is against infections and bacteria that have entered the body. Rest helps normalize the level of leukocytes in the blood, which is the key to strong immunity.
  • The hormonal system distributes its functions at the stages of sleep and wakefulness.
    • During the day, corticosteroids and adrenaline are produced, which are necessary for activity.
    • At night, protein growth hormone begins to be produced. It promotes the restoration and renewal of all tissues and cells that have been “worn out” during the day.
    • Melatonin helps you enter the sleep stage, whose responsibilities include controlling the rhythms of the body's life. The active formation of this hormone directly depends on the decrease in human body temperature. Once the sleep cycle comes to an end, melatonin production decreases and body temperature returns to daily norm, why does a person wakes up.
    • It is in a dream that it stands out most hormones responsible for fertility and sexual activity - during this period the body temperature is the best for them.

The brain controls all processes in the body, including the subconscious during sleep. Through nerve impulses served necessary commands to each cell. It is also responsible for the stages of sleep, in each of which a person exhibits different activity. This is confirmed by the chaotic movement of the eyes under closed eyelids, weak twitching of some muscles.

Some people talk and even laugh in their sleep - another confirmation of the functioning of the brain. No matter how actively you go during this period internal processes, the body temperature does not increase, because in fact it is in a stationary state that does not require energy.

Deviations from optimal performance

From the above, it follows that a slight decrease in human body temperature during sleep is a normal phenomenon, “programmed” by nature. You should be concerned if the thermometer shows too low or high a temperature. There are reasons for this, and they should be eliminated.

Body temperature is below normal

Low temperature is a rare phenomenon, but quite dangerous. As soon as the indicator drops to 35°C, it’s time to sound the alarm. If the temperature drops further and reaches 32°C, the body is in mortal danger. Among the causes of low temperature are low hemoglobin and internal bleeding, intoxication and thyroid disease.

A drop in temperature below the optimal norm indicates weak immunity, which may be due to illness, as well as a lack of vital important elements nutrition due to fad diets. Among external factors can be called hypothermia, and it is the easiest to eliminate.

Sometimes the culprit sharp decline temperature is also the person taking antidepressants at night or sleeping pills above the norm. They make the nervous system insensitive, which affects the thermoregulation of the body.

The most serious reasons include hormonal imbalance and neoplasms in the hypothalamus, leading to failure of the entire system. This will require serious treatment, after which the temperature should recover.


If you healthy person In the evening, the body temperature begins to gradually decrease so that the sleep process begins; then, on the contrary, the patient’s indicators can jump sharply. In this way, the brain gives the command to produce antibodies that suppress pathogenic microbes.

There is no need to bring down a temperature that has not exceeded 38°C; it is better to give the immune system the opportunity to do its job. When does the thermometer start to go off scale? this indicator, this becomes a threat to a person’s life, and indicates the severity of the disease that the immune system cannot cope with.

In addition to inflammatory processes in acute stage show themselves high temperature and chronic, advanced diseases. Help you find them laboratory tests. In people associated with chemical industry, an increase in body temperature before bed can be caused by toxic fumes inhaled during the day.

Life at a frenzied, stressful pace sometimes forces the body to “use a trick” by turning on the body’s thermostat to the maximum level. So the immune system chronic fatigue trying to get a break to gain strength.


Having figured out what temperature is normal for sleep and what is not, you shouldn’t rest on this. If you pay close attention to your body, trusting the cycle laid down by nature, it is easy to avoid situations when indicators begin to deviate sharply from the norm.

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