Geography quiz questions. Comic geography quiz

Imagine a situation: a reporter from some local channel stops you on the street with an unobtrusive offer - to answer a series of simple questions about the country in which you live, study, work... If you doubt yourself, your knowledge, you will find thousands of reasons to avoid questions, you will want to move away, pass by, thereby avoiding a very delicate situation bordering on shame. It’s one thing to disgrace yourself in front of one person, and quite another to disgrace yourself in front of the whole country.

Recently, a video of just such a situation was shown on one of the state channels - in a crowded place, in the center of Moscow, a survey was conducted on the topic: “how do you know the geography of Russia.” The simplest questions were asked, and unfortunately most of the “test subjects” were embarrassed...

In this regard, we decided to introduce the “All about Russia” section, dividing articles into questions - answers on geography, history, and so on... Today we’ll start with geography. Test your knowledge here and now:

10 simple questions on Russian geography

1 Russia is the largest country in the world by area. Where is most of the territory of Russia located?

Answer: In eastern Europe and northern Asia

The European part of the country occupies about 23% of the area. Its border is the Ural Mountains, the border with Kazakhstan and the Kuma and Manych rivers.

The Asian part of Russia, occupying about 77% of the territory, lies east of the Urals and is also called Siberia (however, the exact definition of the boundaries of Siberia is a controversial issue) and the Far East.

2 How many subjects are there in the Russian Federation?

Answer: The Russian Federation consists of 85 subjects

Subject of the Russian Federation or abbreviated subject of the federation is the name of a territorial unit in the Russian Federation. According to the Russian Constitution of 1993, Russia is a federal state and consists of equal subjects of the Russian Federation. In total - 85 subjects. Of these - 22 republics, 9 territories, 46 regions, 3 federal cities, 1 autonomous region, 4 autonomous districts.

3 How many time zones are there in Russia?

Answer: 11 time zones

Time in Russia is regulated by the Federal Law “On the Calculation of Time”, according to which 11 time zones have been established since October 26, 2014. It is curious that the Republic of Yakutia occupies as many as three time zones, the Sakhalin region two, while the rest of Russia lies within a single time zone.

4 How many countries border Russia?

Answer: 18 states

Russia recognizes the existence of borders with 18 states: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Japan and the United States, as well as the partially recognized Republic of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

5 How many rivers and lakes are there in Russia?

Answer: More than 2.8 million rivers and ∼ 2,747,997 million lakes

There are more than 2.8 million rivers in Russia with a total length of 12.4 million km. Most of these rivers are relatively small and their length is usually no more than 100 kilometers. But as for large rivers, they are truly huge and reach shocking sizes. Read more about the largest rivers in Russia -

There are 2,747,997 lakes in Russia with a total area of ​​408,856 km (excluding the Caspian Sea). The largest lake is the Caspian Sea. From lakes in the traditional sense largest in area are Baikal (31,722 km²), Ladoga (17,872 km²), Onega (9693 km²) and Taimyr (4560 km²), and by volume Baikal (23,516 km³), Ladoga (838 km³), Onega (292 km³) and Khantay (82 km³), while about 96% of all lake water reserves are concentrated only in the eight largest lakes, of which 95.2% falls on Baikal alone. About the most beautiful lakes in Russia according to our magazine -

6 How many seas washes Russia?

Answer: Russia is washed by 1 closed sea and 13 seas belonging to three oceans

The seas of the Atlantic Ocean washing Russia:

  • Baltic Sea
  • Black Sea
  • Sea of ​​Azov

Seas of the Arctic Ocean washing Russia:

  • Barents Sea
  • Pechora Sea
  • White Sea
  • Kara Sea
  • Laptev Sea
  • East Siberian Sea
  • Chukchi Sea
Pacific seas washing Russia:
  • Bering Sea
  • Sea of ​​Okhotsk
  • Sea of ​​Japan
Closed seas washing Russia:
Sunset over the Caspian Sea, filmed from space

7 How many people live in Russia?

Answer: More than 146 million people

Russia is considered the largest country in the world in terms of the size of its own territory, but as for the population, here our country is located only on the 9th place on the planet.

  • China 1,339,450,000
  • India 1,187,550,000
  • USA 310,241,000
  • Indonesia 237,556,000
  • Brazil 193,467,000
  • Pakistan 170,532,000
  • Bangladesh 164,425,000
  • Nigeria 158,259,000
  • Russia 143,300,000

According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2017, the total population of Russia is 146,804,372 people.

And yet, the Russian Federation is the most populated state in Europe. The average density is 8.36 people per square kilometer, but the fact is that population density is extremely unevenly distributed. So, about 80 percent of our compatriots are in the European part of the country, which makes up only 23% of the entire territory of the Russian Federation. If the population density, say, in Chukotka is 0.07 inhabitants per square km, then in Moscow, the capital of our homeland, the numbers are completely different - about 4,700 people per square km!

8 How many federal districts are there in Russia?

Answer: 8 districts

All subjects of the Russian Federation are united into 8 federal districts.

The legal basis for the creation of federal districts of the Russian Federation is Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2000 No. 849 On the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district.

In accordance with this Decree, seven federal districts were formed:

  • Central (administrative center - Moscow)
  • Yuzhny (administrative center - Rostov-on-Don)
  • North-West (administrative center - St. Petersburg)
  • Far Eastern (administrative center - Khabarovsk)
  • Sibirsky (administrative center - Novosibirsk)
  • Uralsky (administrative center - Yekaterinburg)
  • Privolzhsky (administrative center - Nizhny Novgorod)
  • In 2010, the North Caucasus Federal District was separated from the Southern Federal District. It became the eighth (administrative center - Pyatigorsk).
  • By decree of President Vladimir Putin of March 21, 2014, the ninth federal district, Crimea, was formed. (administrative center - Simferopol), however later, in 2016, Vladimir Putin included the Crimean Federal District into the Southern Federal District.

The Crimean district is missing from the map of districts - old map.

9 How many cities are there in Russia?

Answer: 1113 cities

As of October 10, 2015, the number of cities in the Russian Federation increased to 1113, as the urban village of Uglegorsk, Amur Region, was transformed into the city of Tsiolkovsky.

However, it belongs to the so-called closed cities of Russia (ZATO). After all, this is where the full-scale construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome is underway.

The Vostochny cosmodrome will be located not far from the Svobodny cosmodrome, which was disbanded in 2007. About closed cities of Russia -

The largest cities in Russia are:

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Volgograd, Voronezh.

Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny Cosmodrome, October 14, 2015

Answer: Elbrus / Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed body of water on Earth, which can be classified as the largest endorheic lake, or as a full-fledged sea, due to its size, as well as due to the fact that its bed is composed of oceanic-type earth crust. Located at the junction of Europe and Asia.

Lowest point in Russia located far in the south - right next to the Caspian Sea, where in the Caspian Lowland the absolute elevations reach -28 meters! In other words, this territory is located almost thirty meters below the level of the World Ocean.

Of course, it is far from the absolute champion - the Dead Sea, which lies another 400 meters below the ocean shores, but the height of a nine-story building is also a lot.

The Caspian lowland was once the bottom of a huge sea, the memory of which remains the vast Caspian Sea.

Quiz “Entertaining Geography” for students in grades 8-9

Kotchenko Valentina Ivanovna,
teacher - librarian of the MKOU Veselovskaya secondary school, Veselovskoye village,
Krasnozersky district, Novosibirsk region

Job description: This material will be useful to a geography teacher, a circle leader, or a librarian.
Target: develop students’ curiosity, a research approach to work, and the desire to find data for an answer.
Preparing for the quiz: Children are introduced to the quiz questions in advance so that they can do their research. The classes are divided into two teams: “Meridian” and “Equator”. Questions are asked to the teams in turn; if one team cannot answer the question, the question is addressed to the opposing team. The answers are evaluated by the jury.

Quiz "Entertaining Geography"

1. What is the weight of the globe? (5,980,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons)
2. In what period of time can you fly around the Earth without stopping (along the equator) if the plane does 400 kilometers per hour?
(The circumference of the equator is over 40,000 kilometers, therefore, an airplane flying at such a speed will circle the globe in 100 hours)
3. What is the name of this amazing point on the globe, where the North Star stands directly overhead, where there is south on all sides, where you can travel around the world,
turning around yourself?
(This point is called the North Pole)
4. Where is the sun at its zenith on December 22? (Southern Tropic)
5. Who in our country celebrates the New Year first?
(Residents of Cape Dezhnev)
6. Situation: The sailors found a bottle in the ocean containing a paper asking for help for the shipwrecked. But the water that penetrated into the bottle destroyed some numbers and letters, and instead of an exact indication of the location, only the following fragments were preserved: 47 degrees... la. and... in... on the island... New... ...dia. Find the location of the castaways on the map?
(New Zealand Island)

7. Determine the location of the shipwrecked sailors using the following data preserved on paper: 3 degrees ... d and 6 degrees n ... on ... the islands. (Shetland Islands)

8. How dark is the polar night?
(The polar night is not as dark as many people imagine it. It is often as light as in cloudy weather. The fact is that astronomically, night is considered the time when the sun does not rise above the horizon. During the long polar night the sun does not rise, but rises almost to the horizon and immediately begins to descend. Daytime twilight occurs due to the abundance of snow, and the rest of the time the polar night is not as dark as in the middle latitudes).
9. Name the northernmost point on the globe, the westernmost, the southernmost, the easternmost.
(The northernmost and southernmost points are the poles, but there are no westernmost or easternmost points on the globe).
10. What part of the world is washed by four oceans? (Asia)
11. How much water is there on Earth?
(Water surface makes up 71% of the Earth’s surface, and land 29%. The volume of all water in the World Ocean is 2 billion cubic km)
12. Name the deepest depression in the World Ocean.
(Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. Its depth is 10,863 meters).
13. How deep did the man go into the sea?
(To a depth of 10,918 meters)
14. Do you know how many seas there are on the globe? (43).
15. Seas are parts of the oceans that protrude into land or are separated from the oceans by islands. But there is one sea on the globe, located in the middle of the ocean. It has no permanent borders or shores. Call this endless sea?
(Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic Ocean).
16. Sea ice has interesting properties: even when formed, it is significantly less salty than sea water. As it continues to exist, it becomes more and more fresh and finally becomes suitable for cooking. Why is this happening?
(When sea water freezes, the water itself turns into ice. Salts do not form a single crystalline mass with ice. They freeze out on the surface of the ice floe, where they form crystals of an intricate pattern - “ice flowers.” At a frost of 30 degrees, the ice crystals freeze so tightly that there are almost no droplets of salt solution left between them).
17. In which sea will not drown even a person who cannot swim?
(In the Dead Sea. It is called so because its waters are so salty that no living creature can live in them. The human body is lighter than such water).
18. Do you know how thick the layer would be if the salts of the World Ocean were extracted from the water and scattered over the entire surface of the globe?
(The layer of salt would be 45 meters. If this salt were scattered only on the surface of the land, a layer 153 meters thick would form).
19. What can be the size of Sea waves?
(13 -14 meters high and up to 400 meters wide; during the earthquake, a record was set at 35 meters high and 148 kilometers long. This wave washed away everything, even the soil from the nearby islands)
20. Where is the “Roof of the World”? (“The roof of the world” is called the Pamir)
21. Approximately how deep should a well be for water to boil at its bottom?
(The temperature deep within the Earth increases on average by 1 degree every 33 meters. Water must boil in a well 3,000 - 3,200 meters deep)
22. Do you know approximately how many earthquakes occur annually?
(About 10,000)
23. Do you know which mineral can be torn like an ordinary sheet of paper? (Palygorskite, or “mountain leather,” is a mineral from the asbestos group)
24. How much would the level of the World Ocean rise if all the glaciers on Earth melted? (At 50 meters)
25. Where were the highest temperatures observed on the globe?
(The highest temperature of + 70.7 degrees was observed in the Dasht-Lut desert in the southwest of Iran, and the lowest - 93.2 degrees in Antarctica).
26. Why is the sky blue?
(Sunlight consists of seven colors of the spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The atmosphere retains and scatters mainly blue and violet rays. This gives the sky a blue color. At high altitudes, the color of the sky appears black and violet) .
27. Where on the globe does the maximum amount of precipitation fall? Where is the least?
(The maximum (up to 12 meters) falls in the Himalayas, the least in the Atacama Desert (8 mm per year).
28. In the tropics, the living quarters of ships sailing here are regularly heated. For what purpose is this being done?
(In the tropics there is very high air humidity. Even wet laundry does not dry, wood products warp, metal products rust, so living quarters on ships are regularly heated).
29. Where is Death Valley?
(In North America, in California. This desert area is one of the hottest places on the planet, temperatures are over + 50 degrees).

Geography quiz: “By countries and continents.”

Kuzmina I.N.

geography teacher

MKOU "Leninskaya Secondary School No. 1"

Leninsky district, Volgograd region.

1. What features of the nature of the Sahara are reflected in the proverbs and sayings of its inhabitants? “The sun in our country makes even the stones scream.”

2. Name the hottest continent. (Africa)

3. Which continent is the driest? (Australia)

4. Which continent has the most endemics? (Australia)

5. Lake Eyre is the most famous in Australia. Which African lake does it have much in common with? (Chad)

6. “I saw how the rivers stopped their flow, and the water disappeared from them,” wrote Charles Sturt. What natural feature of Australian rivers did Sturt describe? (Screams)

7. Which continent has no glaciers or active volcanoes? (Antarctica)

8. What is the area of ​​the African continent? (30.3 million sq. km.)

9. Name the continents that the equator crosses? (Africa, South America, Eurasia)

11. The largest lake on mainland Africa? (Lake Victoria)

12. What does the word helium mean? (forest)

13. Which tree drowns in water? (Ebony)

14. Name the largest desert? (Sahara)

15. The smallest continent? (Australia)

16. What is simoom? (sandstorm in Africa)

17. The fruits of which tree are called the bread of the desert? (Date palm)

19. What bird weighs only 2-3 grams? (Hummingbird)

20. Name the shortest people on Earth? (Pygmies)

21. In the desert regions of Australia, thickets of dry bushes are common. What are they called? (Scrub)

22. What primitive mammals do you know in Australia? (Echidna, platypus)

23. Name the tallest waterfall on Earth? (Angel)

24. From the sap of which tree can rubber be obtained? (Hevea)

25. The leaves of which plant can support a weight of 50 kg. And they have a diameter of 2m? (Victory region)

26. Name the chocolate tree? (Cocoa)

27. What are the names of the indigenous people of Australia? (Aborigines)

28. Who was the first to travel around the world? (Magellan)

29. Name the island located in the south of Australia? (Island Tasmania)

30. On which river is Victoria Falls located? (R. Zambezi)

31. Where on Earth is day always equal to night, and where is the Sun at its zenith twice a year? (Equator)

32. In what part of the world, the further north the warmer it is? (Australia)

33. Where on the globe can you build a house with all the windows facing south? (At the North Pole)

34. The map in it is one to one

Sewn at the printing house.

Now he is always with you - a geography guide. (Atlas)

35. He is both in summer and winter - between heaven and earth.

Even if you go to him all your life, he will always be ahead. (Horizon)

36. What do our brains and the Earth have in common? (There is a cortex and hemispheres)

37. What is the name of an island in the ocean where coconuts do not grow and crocodile are not caught? (Island of Bad Luck)

38. What kind of forest grows in school classrooms during lessons for which the children are well prepared? (Forest of hands)

39.Which of the two mountains is higher: Everest or Chomolungma? (It's the same mountain)

40. What kind of hard rock are children forced to chew at school? (Granite Science)

41. What is measured on the Richtor scale? (The strength of the earthquake)

42. Which continent do all meridians cross? (Antarctica)

43. In which country does it have a bright day and a dark night at the same time? (Russia)

44. Whose journey to the south was interrupted due to untimely boasting? (Frog Travelers)

45. Which country has the largest number of neighbors? (Russia)

46. ​​What is the smallest state in terms of area? (Vatican)

47. Which country in the world is the most populated? (China)

This quiz will be useful for teachers, parents and all those who organize leisure time with children.

Questions on the topic Geography for high school students

1. Which island nation off the coast of America is a freely acceded territory of the United States? (Puerto Rico)

2. To which country do the Commander Islands belong? (Russia)

3. What was the name of the atoll in the Pacific Ocean where the Americans tested the hydrogen bomb? (Bikini)

4. What is the current name of the island that Christopher Columbus named Hispaniola? (Haiti)

5. How many seas wash the shores of Turkey? (Four seas: Black, Marmara, Mediterranean and Aegean)

6. Which oceans are connected by the Suez Canal? (Indian and Atlantic)

7. Name the largest lake in both Americas? (Top)

8. Which African river has the largest basin, second only to the South American Amazon? (Congo River)

9. What is the name of the largest desert in Eurasia? (Gobi)

10. Which sea is the largest in the world? (Sargasso)

11. Name the largest peninsula in Europe? (Scandinavian)

12. What is the old name of the Ural River? (Yaik - until 1775)

13. On what continent are the Rocky Mountains located? (North America)

14. On which island, according to ancient Greek legend, was the labyrinth of the Minotaur located? (In Crete)

15. Which islands are separated by the La Perouse Strait? (Sakhalin Island and the Japanese island of Hokkaido)

16. On which lake is Kizhi Island, a monument of wooden architecture, located? (On Lake Onega in Karelia)

17. On the border of which two countries is Mount Everest (Qomolangma) located? (Nepal and China)

18. What was the name of the ancient single continent from which all the continents were formed? (Pangea)

19. What is the name of the world's largest peninsula? (Arabian)

20. What is the name of the greatest of the high mountain lakes on our planet? (Lake Titicaca in South America, on the border of Bolivia and Peru)

21. On the shore of which lake is the ancient Russian city of Rostov the Great? (Lake Nero in the Yaroslavl region)

22. Name the strait between the mainland of South America and the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. (Strait of Magellan)

23. Name the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea? (Sicily. Italian territory)

24. What is the name of the island, which was discovered by Gedenstorm’s expedition in 1811, discovered again by geologist Tol in 1902, but the expedition of Academician Samoilovich, specially organized in 1937, could not discover? (Sannikov Land)

25. The name of which large desert in China is translated into Russian as; “Whoever gets here always disappears”? (Takla Makan)

26. What straits separate the European and Asian parts of Turkey? (Bosphorus and Dardanelles)

27. Between which seas does Asia Minor lie? (Between the Black and Mediterranean Seas)

28. What territory did the UK return to China in 1997? (The Hong Kong Peninsula (Chinese name for Hong Kong) was a British colony for 155 years)

29. What is the name of the main island of Japan? (Honshu)

30. Which island is the largest in Europe? (United Kingdom)

31. They can have the shape of an arch, a wing, a dome, a pyramid, a table, and their maximum draft can be more than half a kilometer. What are we talking about? (About icebergs)

32. Which islands name literally translates to “Turtle Islands”? (Galapagos Islands in the South China Sea)

33. The Sandwich Islands archipelago consists of twenty-four islands: Mauk, Mole Okai, Oahu, and so on. What is the name of the largest of the Sandwich Islands? (Hawaii. The Sandwich Islands are otherwise called the Hawaiian Islands)

34. Mount Tonga is only slightly inferior to Everest: its height is 8,690 meters. However, it is not listed among the eight-thousanders on Earth, and climbers have not made a single attempt to conquer it. Why? (It is underwater in the Pacific Ocean)

35. The Muna Kea volcano can be considered the highest mountain in the world. Its base is located under water at a depth of 5,500 meters, and the top rises four thousand three hundred meters above sea level. The total distance between the base and the top is 9,800 meters. On which islands is this volcano located? (in Hawaiian)

36. Which port is called the “ocean gate” of our country? (Port city of Nakhodka in Primorsky Krai)

37. Which lands of Ukraine are named after the trees that grow there? (Bukovyna)

38. Which cities have the word “salt” in their names? (Sol-Iletsk (Orenburg region), Solvychegorsk (Arkhangelsk region), Solikamsk and Usolye (Perm region), Usolye-Sibirskoye (Irkutsk region), Soltsy (Novgorod region), Sol (Donetsk region, Ukraine), Staraya Sol (Lviv region , Ukraine))

39. What famous mountain range and river have the same name? (Ural)

"Geographic Kaleidoscope"

(quiz for 6th grade)

Target: broadening the horizons of students and developing cognitive interest in geography, the ability to work with atlas maps, and work in a team.

Preparing for the quiz:

Task cards.

Progress of the event

I. Organizational moment

Familiarization with the topic of the quiz, distribution of teams.

Within 3 minutes, teams prepare their greeting (name, motto) and choose a team captain.

II. Command View

III. Main part


We are used to studying natural history and geography using strict school textbooks, atlases, and encyclopedias. Is it always possible to talk about geography only in geography lessons?

This will be my goal today - to prove to you that geography is an all-pervasive science, and of course, to test your erudition and ability to work in a team.

So we begin...

1 competition “In the Land of Understanding”

(Teams answer in turns).

Guess what we're talking about.

- A geologist, a tourist, a driver, an archaeologist takes it with him (map);

- Instead of oaks, birches and lindens you will see eucalyptus; if you look out the window in the morning - a kangaroo is jumping across the field (Australia);

- The cards in it are stitched one to one in a printing house. Now he is always with you - a geography guide (atlas);

- Everyone goes around this place: here the ground is like dough, here there is sedge, hummocks, mosses... there is no support for the foot (swamp);

- The wind raged in the sea, turning the waves into a shaft. He did a lot of things and where Neptune looked (storm, storm);

- It’s not clear where I am now? The steppes here are called “Prairie”, here any shepherd is called a “cowboy” (America)

2nd competition “Geographical charades”

To solve charades you need to know geography.

For example:

First you can make it out of snow,

a piece of dirt could also be it.

Well, the second thing is passing the ball,

This is an important task in football.

Whole People take hikes

because without him they will not find the way,



1. Beginning words are pronouns

that upstarts shout without hesitation,

and what at the end - the child puts on,

Some clothes are sleeveless.

All together - this island is very hot,

the sun is shining brightly in the sky


2. The last letter of the alphabet opens the word and closes it. And between them stands a small horse without a saddle. You should know this word: it is the name of the country


3rd competition "Geology"

Using these definitions, guess the geographical term or concept. Whoever gives the correct answer based on fewer definitions is considered the winner:

- Warm, cold, starry, acidic, blind, mushroom, frequent, lingering, torrential... (Rain);

- Meteor, transport, financial, air, human, rain, water, mud, river... (flow);

- Terrestrial, underwater, sleeping, fire-breathing, erupting... (volcano);

- Living, dead, fiery, muddy, transparent, fresh, salty... (water);

- Lush, cirrus, stratus, rain, thunder... (clouds);

- Starry, cold, warm, strong, weak, gusty, southern, northeastern... (wind);

- Sound, shock, sea, tidal, magnetic... (wave);

4th competition “Question Mania”

Provide answers to the following questions:

1. The hottest continent...(Africa)

2. The largest desert in the world...(Sahara)

3. Which state occupies the entire continent? (Australia)

4. The smallest bird in the world...(Hummingbird)

5. Coldest continent? (Antarctica)

6. On which continent does the Congo River flow?

7. What trees and shrubs grow in our forest? (oak, hornbeam, spruce, poplar...).

8. Why do you think the forest died when old hollow trees were cut down? (Birds nest in the hollows of old trees and bats live, eating insects harmful to the forest)

9. What should you do if someone cuts their leg with glass? (Attach a plantain leaf)

5th competition “Comic Geography”

1. The green scarf was dropped into the Yellow Sea. How was he pulled out of the water? (wet);

2. What kind of lake is admired in the theater (Swan Lake);

3. What is the name of the island in the ocean where coconuts do not grow and crocodile cannot be caught (Island of Bad Luck);

4. In which country do all the animals run around with bags (Australia);

5. Which island calls itself sportswear? (Jamaica);

6. Which country can you wear on your head (Panama)

6 competition “One extra one”

Here are the names of geographical objects. One of them is extra in the group. Which one exactly?

I. Madagascar, Java, New Guinea, Somalia

II. Alps, Drakensberg, Andes, Sahara

III. Sargasso, Nile, Niger, Danube.

7th competition “Geography in drawings”

Compose puzzles with pictures so that the result is a geographical object or the name of an animal.

(Teams must create at least 3 puzzles)

8th competition “Talking card”

The teacher names geographical objects, and students find them on the map

I V . Summing up, rewarding

While the teacher and jury are summing up the results and counting the points, students are invited to watch the video “These Funny Animals.”

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