What can you praise a person for? How to praise a man: the right words, examples and advice from psychologists

You probably know the feeling when you try to do something, but those around you only criticize you, point out the slightest shortcomings and downplay your achievements in every possible way. In fact, many of us do this to ourselves. No wonder nothing works out. Stop being a strict judge of yourself and start praising yourself, your beloved.

Positive attitude and a good attitude are much more effective than constant criticism and resentment. Especially if you change your life: you lose weight, get used to new job etc. In any case, you are in the process of changing your lifestyle. For motivation purposes, you simply need encouragement and praise.

Remember the main rule - you deserve praise. If you have thoughts that there is nothing to praise yourself for, who needs it, etc. - drive them away. This is a 100% path to failure. Try to be supportive, respectful, and caring.

How to properly praise yourself?

Praise can be big or small. But when and how to use them is the question. Let's say you're losing weight. Big praise (trips, clothes, shopping, etc.) are great as rewards for achieving a certain weight loss goal (half a pound gone - you can buy yourself a blouse). Small praises (often forgotten) are ideal for "everyday use." Reward yourself every day or every week for meeting your calorie target, running an extra mile, constantly healthy eating or simply for following a meal plan. Small praises are watching a movie (or going to the cinema), chatting on the phone, taking a bath, etc.

You can reward yourself for literally anything you like. The key to success is to do it constantly and often. Remember that you are trying to live healthy life, and this task requires constant participation and reminders. Those. Praise and encourage yourself often, and don’t leave all the encouragement “for later.” And once again: long-term goals associated with losing weight are great praise, and daily and weekly goals (of course, those that are achieved) - here you can treat yourself to small joys.

How to avoid mistakes?

Make sure that praise is used solely for the purpose of supporting and accelerating your program. Simply put, don't become dependent on rewards, otherwise your entire motivation will simply fall apart. Try not to make sure that all your efforts are aimed solely at receiving praise and not at losing weight. Never use food as praise, it's a recipe for failure.

Make sure that praise or reward is not indifferent to you. A pair of new shoes, a new car, a day off? What's right for you? Don't fool yourself. If you perform rewards and praises only in your head and think that next time I will definitely do this, then you simply will not be able to develop this important habit of praising yourself.

1. You are doing the right thing now.

2. Wonderful!

3. You coped with this matter.

4. Correct!

5. This is wonderful.

7. Yes, that's it!

8. Today I am proud of your work.

9. You manage to do it better than anyone.

10. So much better.

Wonderful job!

12. I am incredibly happy to see your work.

13. Today you are doing it much better.

14. You are doing a good job.

15. You are one step away from the truth!

16. This is the best thing you ever did.

17. Congratulations!

18. Just what you need!

19. I was sure that you would succeed.

20. This is a significant improvement.

21. Well, you understand.

22. Grandiose!

23. Well, finally!

24. Not bad at all.

25. You are a good student.

26. Keep doing this, you will achieve a lot.

27. Not bad for you.

28. I couldn't have done better.

29. Be patient, just a little longer and everything will be ok.

30. It wasn’t difficult for you.

31. You did it jokingly.

32. This is absolutely the right way.

33. Every time you do it better and better.

34. You did it very quickly.

35. This is damn good!

36. Yes, yes, yes!

37. Great way!

38. You took everything into account!

39. Is this the right way?

40. Keep it up!

41. This is unforgettable!

42. Amazing!

43. This is the best!

44. Absolutely right!

45. Excellent line of thought!

46. ​​How understanding you are.

47. Sensation!

48. This is better than it was.

49. Now nothing can stop you.

50. Awesome!

51. Simply cool!

53. Better than everything else!

54. Were you able to do this?

55. This is much better than usual.

56. You did a great job.

57. You will definitely achieve success.

58. This is an outstanding find.

59. Fantastic!

60. Incredible!

61. This can be called an excellent job.

62. You did it just perfectly.

63. You probably studied for a long time?

64. You are doing a beautiful job!

65. You have done so much!

66. Really!

67. It got better with you.

68. Prudently!

69. You have a good memory!

70. I want to congratulate you.

71. You are right as always!

72. Hold on!

73. This is very timely.

74. Today you did more than usual.

75. Wonderful way!

76. Soon you will have the knack.

77. I like it!

78. I am very proud of you.

79. You are so smart.

80. Thank you so much.

81. You have outdone yourself.

82. I have never seen anything better.

83. You understand quickly.

84. Your work made me happy.

85. Wonderful!

89. No one has ever seen this before.

90. Today you are unrecognizable.

91. What a success!

92. Victory!

93. Well, now you have found out your capabilities.

94. You are a super master.

95. I'm glad.

96. I express my delight.

97. Stunning!

98. Good idea.

99. I always believed in you!

How often do we hear kind kind words to your address? How often do we ourselves say kind words to our family and friends? Unfortunately, it is much easier for us to scold or yell at someone than to be happy for the person and praise him. How to praise a person? How to prevent boasting from becoming flattery?


Praise is approval, praising, complimenting, exalting, praising a person. Very often the question arises: “How to praise a person correctly?” One must praise sincerely, from pure heart. Praise often works wonders. You need to praise a person for concrete actions, deeds, actions.

We must also remember about the individuality of a person. After all, some people are pleased when they are praised in public, while others are more pleased to hear approval and kind words only in personal communication.

You should not use a person who has just been praised as an example. This is not always pleasant for others; perhaps for them this person is not a role model.

You definitely need to praise your family! To praise loved one, you can always find good reason. You can say words of gratitude to your family every day simply for existing!

How to praise a man

Beautiful compliments for your beloved men will then be perceived correctly when they are said to the point.

Empty praise can be viewed with suspicion by a man. So, she needs something again! But sincerely expressed praise based on his actions, deeds or achievements will be perceived completely differently.

Unfortunately, a woman often does not know how to praise her beloved; she sees no reason for this. Men can be praised for some things, even if they seem obvious to a woman. If you praise your beloved man for every little thing, he will feel needed and useful. And if you also praise him for something significant, it can inspire a man and he will move mountains for his beloved.

Here are some phrases that are pleasant for every man:

  • You are the best!
  • I felt very good!
  • Thank you, everything was so delicious!
  • I love you!

How to praise a girl

Girls and women have always liked pleasant words and compliments. She needs to praise what she herself is proud of. It could be eyelashes, eyes, hair, legs, figure, dress, etc. You can praise a girl not only for her actions, but also for her character traits, for her appearance:

  • Darling, your elegant walk makes my heart beat faster!
  • Your sexy nose is asking for a kiss!
  • Only you can love like that!
  • Your magical voice takes me far away, to the planet of love!
  • You are like an angel: beautiful and divine!

How to praise a child

Children are often punished - for reasons or just because. How to praise a child, what words to find for him? Unfortunately, the main words for praise are “good”, “well done”. The following words of praise can be offered:

  • I always believed in you!
  • I didn't know you could do that!
  • It's nice to look at your work!
  • Your help could not have come at a better time!
  • You can be relied on!
  • You can serve as an example for others!
  • Thank you, dear, for your honesty!
  • You are an exceptional child!
  • You are my pride!
  • A brave move!
  • You are simply Super!

The child must be praised, including for the little things: he washed the dishes, made the bed, put the toys in their place, solved a problem, read, wrote (even if one is even, a beautiful letter from the whole sentence). For older children, you need to find other words that will be important for their age.

How to praise yourself

Every person wants to hear kind words addressed to him or her, praise for some actions.

There are moments when not everything goes well, but you definitely need to support yourself and praise yourself at this time. First you need to do this alone with yourself in front of the mirror. Look into your eyes and praise yourself, you can mentally, you can out loud, “You’re great, you’ll definitely succeed, you’re strong, you’ll definitely make it!” This gives psychological support to overcome difficulties.

You need to learn to praise yourself out loud, in the presence of others, you need to do it in a humorous manner, which does not prevent this praise from being effective.

Praising yourself for a job well done in the form of natural encouragement works very well: your favorite food (chocolate, fruit, beer, etc.), a long-awaited item, and the like.

Make each other stronger, happier, more loved!

Attention, TODAY only!

What to say if you need to help a colleague, improve relationships in a team, or get a promotion

Even the most productive and proactive employee sooner or later runs out of efficiency battery and, looking at what is happening, gives up.

What to do? Praise. One of the best intangible ways to support a colleague or build bridges is to say a kind and appropriate word at the right time. Compliments are also necessary to maintain a positive company culture and create a motivating atmosphere in the team. Agree, if one of your colleagues remarked, “how great you came up with everything,” your mood improves significantly, strength comes from somewhere, and things move uphill with escape velocity. Indeed, support is important and necessary. It has been noted that teams where employees praise each other work faster, more efficiently, more creatively, are not afraid to offer ideas, have no conflicts, and are focused on overall result, exchange experiences and are open to new projects.

How to praise? Where to start? And are there any proven expressions?

We have prepared for you 17 motivating phrases that will help in different work situations.

How to say: “You did THIS -…. "

If you want to really help a colleague, then add certainty to your praise. Specify What he did exactly that. In this way, you will show both your interest in your colleague’s personal success and your understanding of the importance of his work for the team.

Advice: try not to overdo it, point out your colleague’s actual victories.

What phrases can you say:

  • You've done a great job
  • Superbly done
  • You're doing great!
  • How great it turned out! You're great
How to say: “How well YOU thought of everything.”

Advice: You should not do this often, otherwise you will provoke ambiguous views from colleagues or “star fever” from Ivan Petrov.

What phrases can you say:

  • This is your victory.
  • This is exactly what you need
  • I knew you could do this.
  • I completely trust your opinion and your taste.
How to say: “It was DIFFICULT, but YOU did it.”

Imagine yourself in the place of a colleague and you will understand perfectly how important it is for those around you to understand how much work, effort and patience is behind the result. Emphasize the challenge your colleague overcame, point out their contribution, and maybe repeat it.

Advice:“Well done” - in this case it will sound extremely disrespectful towards the work of a colleague. Let's have more detailed comments.

What phrases can you say:

  • I'm proud of you!
  • You're doing everything right!
  • How do you do it
  • I was sure that you wouldn't let me down
  • That's right!
How to say: “You have a lot to LEARN.”

The status of “teacher” will not only express your respect, but will also emphasize the importance of the work of a colleague or manager. Point out his personal superpower.

Advice: specify what exactly you learned from your colleague or manager. Otherwise, praise will turn into a meaningless and, partly, pretentious set of words.

What phrases can you say:

  • Discovered something new for this project/company
  • You did it very well (clarification).

    You can feel the professionalism and experience!

  • Great presentations you have! Always so bright and colorful. I'm proud to have you on our team!
  • I know that I can always turn to you for advice

And always remember that 1 negative phrase crosses out several good ones. Treat your colleagues' work with respect, don't be afraid to pay attention to their achievements, and avoid conflicts at work. For example, you can even use a life hack like compliment notes - colleagues send messages of praise to each other or attach stickers to their desktop. Re-reading about your achievements is one of the effective ways believe in yourself, remember that once upon a time similar tasks were resolved. Well, at the same time, understand that your team is a dream team.

Even the most productive and proactive employee sooner or later runs out of efficiency battery and, looking at what is happening, gives up.

What to do? Praise. One of the best intangible ways to support a colleague or build bridges is to say a kind and appropriate word at the right time. Compliments are also necessary to maintain a positive company culture and create a motivating atmosphere in the team. Agree, if one of your colleagues remarked, “how great you came up with everything,” your mood improves significantly, strength comes from somewhere, and things move uphill at cosmic speed. Indeed, support is important and necessary. It has been noted that teams where employees praise each other work faster, more efficiently, more creatively, are not afraid to propose ideas, have no conflicts, are focused on a common result, exchange experiences and are open to new projects.

How to praise? Where to start? And are there any proven expressions?

We have prepared for you 17 motivating phrases that will help in different work situations.

How to say: “You did THIS -…. "

If you want to really help a colleague, then add certainty to your praise. Specify What he did exactly that. In this way, you will show both your interest in your colleague’s personal success and your understanding of the importance of his work for the team.

Advice: try not to overdo it, point out your colleague’s actual victories.

What phrases can you say:

  • You've done a great job
  • Superbly done
  • You're doing great!
  • How great it turned out! You're great
How to say: “How well YOU thought of everything.”

Advice: You should not do this often, otherwise you will provoke ambiguous views from colleagues or “star fever” from Ivan Petrov.

What phrases can you say:

  • This is your victory.
  • This is exactly what you need
  • I knew you could do this.
  • I completely trust your opinion and your taste.
How to say: “It was DIFFICULT, but YOU did it.”

Imagine yourself in the place of a colleague and you will understand perfectly how important it is for those around you to understand how much work, effort and patience is behind the result. Emphasize the challenge your colleague overcame, point out their contribution, and maybe repeat it.

Advice:“Well done” - in this case it will sound extremely disrespectful towards the work of a colleague. Let's have more detailed comments.

What phrases can you say:

  • I'm proud of you!
  • You're doing everything right!
  • How do you do it
  • I was sure that you wouldn't let me down
  • That's right!
How to say: “You have a lot to LEARN.”

The status of “teacher” will not only express your respect, but will also emphasize the importance of the work of a colleague or manager. Point out his personal superpower.

Advice: specify what exactly you learned from your colleague or manager. Otherwise, praise will turn into a meaningless and, partly, pretentious set of words.

What phrases can you say:

  • Discovered something new for this project/company
  • You did it very well (clarification). You can feel the professionalism and experience!
  • Great presentations you have! Always so bright and colorful. I'm proud to have you on our team!
  • I know that I can always turn to you for advice

And always remember that 1 negative phrase cancels out several good ones. Treat your colleagues’ work with respect, don’t be afraid to pay attention to their achievements and For example, you can even use a life hack like compliment notes - colleagues send messages of praise to each other or attach stickers to their desktop. Re-reading about your achievements is one of the effective ways to believe in yourself and remember that similar problems were once solved. Well, at the same time, understand that your team is a dream team.

In the relationship between a man and a woman it is very important role support plays. It is important for a man to know that his passion believes in him. This is why women should not only support their boyfriends or spouses in all their endeavors, but also praise them for their success at work. Praising the representative of the strong half of humanity, the girl motivates him to new actions and new exploits. But, it is very important to know how to properly praise a man so that he does not become arrogant. This is a rather subtle science.

Main principles

To learn information about how to praise a man, you need to start with the basic principles of praise. The most important thing for a man is to know that for his lady love he is the best and irreplaceable. This will be considered the highest compliment and the best remedy motivation to accomplish new feats at work or at home.

Of course, this information should be presented to your boyfriend or husband in as many different variations as possible. You need to choose very carefully and carefully, since in some situations this phrase can be said as a reproach to your loved one, and not as praise.

Other important principles for praising a man:

  • Never, under any circumstances, should you compare him with other men. Even if this praise is in his favor. For example, in no case can one say that his earnings are much more than the earnings of his friend’s husband. This may please him, but it will not give him an incentive to develop further.
  • In no case should you praise a man too much for everything, for example, for work, for housework, and so on. You need to learn to highlight special moments and only then praise. But don’t forget to please your soulmate. kind words. Rare but accurate praise is the best compliment for any man.
  • All compliments towards him must be sincere. In any case, sooner or later your boyfriend or husband will realize that you are fake and will stop taking all your kind SMS and words seriously. This will significantly affect his self-esteem and later life. Men's feelings are also very easy to hurt, so you need to be especially careful with this.

By following all the principles of praise and compliments, you can create your own dream man. The main thing is to find the right approach to your loved one.

The need for compliments

Praise for any reason or no reason increases the self-esteem of any person. It is not customary for men to constantly give compliments, so it is quite rare to hear these words from the lips of women. But in vain, many women neglect such a concept as an ordinary compliment to their beloved man.

Praise helps a man to constantly keep himself in good shape and keep the bar high for achieving high results in work and in life in general. It is important for a man to know that everything he does is not in vain, that someone will appreciate all his efforts and support him in all his endeavors.

Compliments make it easier to cope with various stressful situations. When everything around doesn’t work out the way you wanted, a man may give up. It is at such a moment that a woman should cheer up her other half and convince him that he is the best, and only he can cope with all the problems.

That is why compliments and praise are an integral part of a happy life together and long, and most importantly, strong relationships.

Correct Praise

How to properly praise a man is a question that many women ask. In fact, this is inherent in girls at the level of the subconscious and intuition. It’s just that some people know how to use this knowledge, and others don’t.

The first thing to remember is that admiration for no reason, taken “out of the blue,” can lead to the idea that the girl is not sincere in her words and she needs something from the man. Therefore, before praising your man, think about whether praise would be appropriate in at the moment time.

Here are some nice words right moment They will not just cheer you up for the whole day, but will also give a man confidence in his abilities and in himself. This behavior will show that the girl really follows everything that her other half does, it will prove that she is attentive, smart and knows when it is best to cheer up the man.

When praising, the voice should be calm and at the same time joyful. It is desirable that praise comes from the soul and from the heart, and not simply because “that’s what needs to be said at this moment.” It is very easy to distinguish a lie from a sincere compliment and any man will immediately notice the difference.

It is very important to give a competent assessment of the situation, and not just say with the cliched phrase “you are my best” or “you are great.” It is important to feel everything that happened and make a positive assessment of what is happening. Then the man will understand that his activities really interested you and you are truly sincerely happy about his success.

Compliments for friends

Any praise or compliment is, of course, an element of flirting. But what man doesn’t like to be flirted with? beautiful girl, even if she is just a friend to him. Therefore, it is also very important for male friends to give compliments on time in order to maintain warm and friendly relations.

The best compliments for male friends:

  • You're great at doing...
  • I need your advice.
  • I completely trust your opinion and your taste.
  • I have complete confidence in you.
  • You are popular among women.
  • Your dreams delight me.

These are banal phrases that will help a man feel like a real hero.

Please note that you shouldn’t talk to your male friends about what a great physique he has, how sexy he is, and other compliments like that. For friends, these character traits are “forbidden”, so you should not focus on them. These phrases are best left to a girl who has serious romantic intentions for this man.

Compliment templates

Any man loves to be praised. E If your imagination is limited only to phrases that a man is the best and the strongest, then it is better to slightly expand your vocabulary. There are several template words with which you can easily compose the best praise in the life of every man.

If you want to emphasize his intelligence, then use the following phrases:

  • well-read;
  • fast;
  • erudite;
  • practical;
  • innovator.

To emphasize your appearance, use the following phrases:

  • courageous;
  • strong;
  • fashionable;
  • chic;
  • pumped up;
  • fit; fit
  • sexual.

If you want to pay attention to his success in various matters, then it is better to use the following words:

  • talented;
  • smart;
  • irreproachable;
  • purposeful;
  • vigorous;
  • creative;
  • versatile;
  • principled.

To emphasize it personal qualities the following words can be used:

  • friendly;
  • understanding;
  • reasonable;
  • caring;
  • responsive;
  • Dear;
  • popular.

As you can see, a few are enough simple adjectives in order to emphasize something in a man certain quality. This is not the entire list, so you can easily add to it based on your feelings for the man.

There is probably not a single full-fledged girl who would not like to be liked male. There are many tricks to attract a man's attention, but one of the most effective is, of course, compliments. They are loved by both rich and poor; high social status and low. In general, that's all.

Only a compliment that is unfortunate makes you just want to turn away or even walk away from the person who said it. Especially if the compliment hurts a man’s pride. Everything should be literate, even such a small thing. How you can praise a man, and how to praise a man correctly: this article will tell you examples of correct compliments as opposed to erroneous ones.

Stupid criticism is not as noticeable as stupid praise.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Principles that reveal the idea of ​​how to properly praise a man

The main principle is that a man is the best. All. Other accolades will not be accepted.

Naturally, the forms of presenting this thought can be completely different, both successful and unsuccessful. It is best to dress this idea in beautiful clothes rather than ones that disgrace man’s dignity.

So, how to praise a man you need to be great chances for the result?

  • Under no circumstances compare him with others, even when he is better than others. Nobody likes to be compared. You respect a man's opinion, right?
    You can't praise a man for everything. This should only be done if he really deserves it.

    Unfortunately, many girls use this advice as an excuse not to praise their loved one. This leads to the relationship falling apart. Remember, every person has something to praise for.

    Nobody is stopping you from studying. You won't know how to properly praise a guy if you've never done it before. If you have these abilities, it does not exempt you from practicing. It often happens that more talented people achieve less in life only because they did nothing to develop themselves.

    Compliments must be sincere. If this rule is not followed, then sooner or later your loved one will hear falsehood and your relationship can be considered over after some time.

    How to properly praise a man depending on his status and age?

    In fact, there is not much difference how old a person is and what kind of person he is social status occupies. If you mean something to him, then he will appreciate your compliments. However, you need to understand some nuances here too. Obviously, the child accepts compliments better and can be praised for little things. Because the child is dependent on you.

    So, we need to know how to properly praise a man with status. Examples of proper compliments are:

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