Two miles away. II

A mile away. Simple Express 1. At a considerable distance. I wrote to you how we greedily rushed to the shore to bask in the hot breath of the earth, how we reveled in the fragrance of flowers wafting from the shore a mile away.(Goncharov. Frigate “Pallada”). To top it all off, it seemed to him that his last name was not sufficiently distinguished from others, and he forced Nastya to rewrite it with the most in large letters. “Being the best plowman,” he shook his fist, “Lobanov must be visible a mile away.”(F. Abramov. Brothers and sisters). ON THE VERST. Outdated Apart from a few willow trees and two or three skinny birches, you won’t see a tree for a mile around(Turgenev. Khor and Kalinich). 2. From afar. Uncle Styopa was respected for such height. Uncle Styopa was walking home from work - It was visible a mile away(S. Mikhalkov. Uncle Styopa). TWO VERSTS. - Mitin had devilish insight into Katino’s mood. Two miles away he sensed whether she was in good spirits or torn from all its hinges.(Z. Boguslavskaya. Close ones).

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 half a mile...

    Dictionary of synonyms

  • - Simple. Joking. Walk on long distance. He was a long and dry old man, with long and dry legs, with which he daily measured up to fifteen miles, walking around the upper, middle and lower parts of Kyiv every day...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - Cm....
  • - Cm....

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Gorky. To predict, to foresee smth. BalSok, 26...
  • - Simple. Walk long distances. FSRY, 242; ZS 1996, 496...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

  • - Zharg. school Joking-iron. The road to school. /i> By the title of the movie. Maksimov, 284...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 walked...

    Dictionary of synonyms

  • - ...

    Dictionary of synonyms

"Two Miles Away" in books

Neither miles, nor years - nothing matters

From the book Kolyma notebooks author Shalamov Varlam

Neither miles, nor years - nothing at all. Neither miles, nor years - nothing at all. Can cope with our legend. Look - the sky is supported by the Northern Lights. And we will not be crushed by the deaf firmament, will not collapse over the life of the ravine, will not be crushed into the biblical patterned ice by hot heads


From the book Ermak author Skrynnikov Ruslan Grigorievich

DIFFICULT MILES Remezov was the first Siberian historian to fall to the spring folk art. The spring did not dry up after the death of the historian. Wonderful folk poet Kirsha Danilov not only repeated in his songs Cossack legends about Ermak, but also put them on paper.

Fire miles

From the book by Denis Davydov author Serebryakov Gennady Viktorovich

Fiery miles Should we now sleep in peace, loyal sons of Russia?! Let's go, let's unite in military formation, Let's go and fear the horrors of war. To friends, fatherland, people We will find glory and freedom, Or we will all fall in our native fields! What is better: life, where are the bonds of captivity, Or death, where are the Russian banners? IN


From the book Crossing of Fates author Belkina Maria Iosifovna

DISTANCES, VERTS, MILES First there were poems, then she herself. The poems stood on the shelves, in bright chintz bindings, typewritten, copied by hand. Tarasenkov did not have many genuine books by Marina Ivanovna. The main wealth is reprints,

“Distance: versts, miles...”

From the author's book

“Distance: versts, miles...” Distance: versts, miles.. We were spaced out, seated, so that we could behave quietly, two at a time. different ends land. Distance: versts, far... We were glued, unsoldered, We were separated into two hands, crucified, And they didn’t know that this was an alloy of Inspirations

Miles of one year (1916)

From the book by Marina Tsvetaeva. Life and creativity author Sahakyants Anna Alexandrovna


From the author's book


From the book Literary conversations. Book two ("Link": 1926-1928) author Adamovich Georgy Viktorovich

<Журнал «Версты»>1. “Versts” is a huge volume, published in our times not only beautifully, but even “luxuriously.” Editors: Svyatopolk-Mirsky, Suvchinsky, Efron. Closest participants: Tsvetaeva, Remizov, Shestov. Various departments: fiction, criticism, philosophy,


From the book Journalism 1918-1953 author Bunin Ivan Alekseevich

“Versts”* Another Russian magazine abroad is the first (and huge) book “Versts”. I looked through it and fell into despondency again. Yes, things are bad with our “new ways”. An absurd, boring and very bad book. What should a cultured European who is interested in us think about us?

Sun. Rozhdestvensky Rec.: Marina Tsvetaeva Miles: Poems. M.: Bonfires, 1921; Versts: Poems. M.: Gosizdat, 1922(59)

author Tsvetaeva Marina

Sun. Rozhdestvensky Rec.: Marina Tsvetaeva Miles: Poems. M.: Bonfires, 1921; Versts: Poems. M.: Gosizdat, 1922(59) With the name of Marina Tsvetaeva, a gypsy wind enters the room - a wandering song. Only under the shaggy Black Sea stars, by the steppe fire in the guitar rumble, in the tobacco

I. Bunin Rec.: “Milestones”, No. 1 (112)

From the book Reviews of the works of Marina Tsvetaeva author Tsvetaeva Marina

I. Bunin Rec.: “Milestones”, No. 1<Отрывки>(112) Another Russian magazine abroad is the first (and huge) book “Verst”. I looked through it and fell into despondency again. Yes, things are bad with our “new ways”. An absurd, boring and very bad book. What should a cultured person think about us?

V. Zlobin Rec.: “Milestones”, No. 1 (117)

From the book Reviews of the works of Marina Tsvetaeva author Tsvetaeva Marina

V. Zlobin Rec.: “Milestones”, No. 1<Отрывки>(117) Remember, remember, my dear, Little Red Lantern. Writing about “Versts” after such exhaustive articles as those by Anton Krainiy and M. Tsetlin is not an easy task. Everything that could be said about this magazine from the point of view

N. Kulman Rec.: “Versts”, No. 2 (122)

From the book Reviews of the works of Marina Tsvetaeva author Tsvetaeva Marina

N. Kulman Rec.: “Milestones”, No. 2<Отрывок>{122} <…>The book is varied and interesting. The tragedy “Theseus” by M. Tsvetaeva is full of sonic brilliance, rich in fresh, not tired images. But M. Tsvetaeva has an evil genius - mannerism, affectation and even rudeness

V. Veidle Rec.: “Versty”, No. 3 (128)

From the book Reviews of the works of Marina Tsvetaeva author Tsvetaeva Marina

V. Veidle Rec.: “Milestones”, No. 3<Отрывок>{128} <…>There is one more reason not to believe the prince’s love. Svyatopolk-Mirsky to Pasternak is his well-known passion for the poems of Marina Tsvetaeva. Two poems by this poetess (I deliberately do not say poet, because these poems are

Striped miles of Russia

From the book Literary Newspaper 6263 (№ 59 2010) author Literary Newspaper

Striped versts of Russia Art Striped versts of Russia TIME TRAVEL IN State Museum A.S. Pushkin on Prechistenka a new large-scale exhibition “From western seas to the very eastern gates" - Russia of Pushkin’s time in engravings and maps, in

All this, in total, represented a capital of seven hundred and forty rubles on banknotes. Indeed, a terrible sum, if you consider that it took only about ten years to compile it! Of course, every penny of this capital came later; to get every ruble it was necessary to work without straightening your back; but what can labor mean in comparison with such a huge reward!..

The simple class of the people are generally governed by routine; he is frightened by all sorts of innovations: he is afraid to take a new path and rarely decides to use money for a business, for a business that his fathers and grandfathers did not do. The neighbors seriously felt sorry for him; they seriously thought that he had gone crazy. The surrounding millers contributed greatly to this opinion; Saveliy tried to take away the prayers from them: they were annoyed and spread the most unfavorable rumors about his enterprise, they even tried to harm him in a more effective way: they sent him to throw mercury into the stream, in order to damage the dam, which was supposed to leak from this) they said that the waters of the stream not enough to lift two millstones when the river floods in spring the water will flow to the yard and demolish the mill, and so on.

But Savely was not the type to act at random, headlong. His keen eye had long ago spotted the area, his quick-witted mind had calculated all the benefits and unfavorable cases, and long experience had taught him how to prevent them. The matter was too familiar to him, he had spent too many years of his life studying it for him to be deceived. Rumors and conversations stopped as soon as the floodgates were raised for the first time, both wheels began to spin together and the millstones began to flutter as quickly as those of the neighbors. Everyone now knows that in its district, Uncle Savely’s mill is the most serviceable, even though it is the smallest and stands on a stream, and not on a river: its dam has never broken, there has never been a shortage of water, it has never washed away the yard, the prayer never lingered; To all this it should be added that during these three years the pomolets always left happy and in conversations never praised enough the custom of the small mill: they left it there to be sprayed less flour than their neighbors, they never delayed the grains, the flour was always soft and the queue was always strictly observed - whoever arrived first got to fill it up; not like in other places: the one who promised the miller the most is always right.

Year after year, Savely's millstones suffered more work; there were no big profits, but it was possible to live; I could live well! I haven’t met, I haven’t yet foreseen the need to touch the reserve capital remaining after the construction of the mill. The money lay hidden from everyone in the chest and brought joy to the heart of the prudent old man. This was the case, at least, until the day when Savely prepared for the christening and rocked his newborn granddaughter, the subject of so many expectations and joys.

IV. scrape

Poor Andrei from Yagodnya long ago ground his sack of rye and left the mill; Moreover, out of the three carts that arrived at the wrong time, only one remained; and yet neither Peter, who had gone to the village with invitations, nor Grishutka, who had gone to buy wine, was visible. The time was approaching evening. The sun was setting, increasing with every minute the purple brilliance of the hills and distant groves that looked west; from the east, meanwhile, blue, cold shadows descended; they fled as if from the sun, quickly filled the hollows and spread wider and wider across the meadows, leaving behind them here and there the top of a willow or a roof, which, in the brilliance of the sunset, burned as if engulfed in flames. The wind did not touch a single faded stalk, not a single straw on the roof; but even without the wind it stung my ears and cheeks. The transparency of the air and the dazzling clarity of the sunset foreshadowed a fair frost for the night; even now, in low-lying places, where the shadows thickened, fallen leaves and grass were covered with gray drizzle. The road rang underfoot. Two or three miles away, it seemed, one could discern the slightest sound: the barking of dogs in distant villages, voices in a nearby mill, the noise of a board suddenly thrown onto the frozen ground. But no matter how much Savely listened, the rattling of the cart could not be heard anywhere: Grishutka did not appear. It was also in vain that the old man’s eyes turned to the valley along which the road wound: and Peter did not show himself. After standing for about two minutes at the gate, Saveliy returned to the yard, looked into the barn, exchanged a few words with the beggar who was finishing the last cart, and again went into the hut.

His hut was not big, but it was warm and cozy. On the occasion of cooking for the christening, it was even hot in it; but that's nothing; when it’s freezing in the yard, you feel especially pleasant to enter a very heated home. The hut was no different from other huts: to the right of the door there was a stove; a plank partition, separated from the stove by a small door, rested at the other end against the back wall. Two windows illuminated this first half; the windows looked west, and the setting sun beat so hard on the partition, the stove and the floor that the light was reflected under the table and benches, leaving here and there only impenetrable spots of shadow. In the back corner, which is called red, although it is usually the darkest, one could see icons, a cast copper cross, the tips of yellow wax candles and an awkward glass of thick violet glass; all this was located on two shelves, decorated inside with pieces of wallpaper, outside with rough but intricate carvings; the style of carving was the same as on the valances that once decorated the Yagodnya church; it must have belonged to that time and belonged to the same chisel and axe. The sun's rays, piercing the small window panes with a rainbow tint, gilded the dust that passed in two parallel stripes across the entire hut, and rested on the cast iron pot with water standing by the stove; Above the cast iron, in the dark, smoky ceiling, a light spot trembled, which the children called a “mouse.” A cat and four tabby kittens were playing nearby.

In the second half, behind the partition, opposite the stove, there was a cot, covered with straw and covered with felt, on which Peter’s wife lay. Under her hand hung a cradle attached to the end of a pole fixed in the ceiling; The baby was lying, however, not in the cradle, but next to the mother. There was also a cupboard with dishes, two chests and a wide bench, which Palageya, busy at the stove, filled with loaves, pots and pies. Behind this partition it was both cramped and stuffy. There was also a window here, but sunbeam, encountering many corners and ledges, clinging now to the cradle, now to the edge of the bench, now passing along a row of pies, thickly browned egg yolk, produced a terrible diversity here; the eye rested only on the upper part of the bed, which was drowned in a soft yellowish half-light, where the head of the mother in labor and the baby sleeping next to her rested.

- Oh, it's frosty! Wraps it up nicely! - said Savely, entering the hut and rubbing his palms, which resembled the crust of old tree stumps. - If it stays like this for a day or two, perhaps the river will become... Eck, they’ve fried it! - he said, turning behind the partition, - as if in a bathhouse, really, in a bathhouse! great tenderness to her), I don’t know what to do with our fellows: I can’t see it now! It seems like it’s high time...

– That’s something to think about! - Palageya said briskly, rattling her grip at the same time, - one must not have found the owners. Came: “At home?” - asks. “Gone,” they say; he sat down to wait for him, or went to look for him... The other one is sitting in a tavern; maybe there are a lot of people - he waits until the kisser lets the others go; we know: the guy is small, he won’t shout out the big ones; he came later and was the first to take...

- Well, no, not like that! Shuster, oooh Shuster! - the old man interrupted, shaking his finger at some imaginary object, - I suppose he won’t let himself be offended, he’s not big for nothing!.. That’s not what I’m thinking about at all; I think: the boy is very keen, he wouldn’t do anything mischievous there... Well, he’ll come, we’ll ask, we’ll ask... - he added, as if hesitating his speech and approaching the bedside of the mother in labor. - Well, dear darling, how can it be, huh?

- Nothing, father, God is merciful...

- All of you... for example, don’t listen to me!.. That’s what...

- What is it, father?

- I wish you could... you put in a lot of work... by God! At first, this is not suitable... After all, I did the pumping on purpose for the little one. No, you keep him close to you, you keep fiddling with him; Well, God have mercy, you’ll still fall asleep somehow... How long until trouble!

“And-and, iris,” interrupted Palageya, “Christ is with you!” The Lord is merciful, he will not allow such a sin!

- No, it happens! Happens! – Savely picked up in a tone of conviction. - After all, it happened: Martha of Vyselov fell asleep with the baby! they will scratch... Well, what good! There's no way to reason with you, women! After all, he purposely made the rocking, deliberately hung it next to the bed: the baby began to cry - just stretch out your hand, or, if you can’t handle it, Palageya will give it... Again, now another reasoning: isn’t it more peaceful for him to lie in the cradle than on the bed?.. He, of course, , won’t say, but everyone can see that it’s calmer in the cradle! It was made on purpose for peace of mind...

The old man bent down to the baby.

- Aha, father, aha! – he said, shaking his gray hair and somehow wrinkling his face comically. - Listen, my dear... let me, really... let me put him in the cradle... Well, why is he here? Did you feed him?

- I fed you, father...

- Well, okay!.. Go, killer whale, go! - said the old man, raising the child, while both women looked at him silently.

The child was red, like a freshly baked lobster, and looked like a piece of meat wrapped in white diapers: there was nothing good; with all that, Savely’s wrinkles somehow sweetly parted, his face grinned, and such a feeling of joy began to play in his eyes, which he did not experience even when he successfully dammed the mill for the first time, when it was put into operation, when he bought his millstones cheaply ... Go ahead and judge after this how the human soul is structured, and on what its joys are sometimes based!

Holding the child in his arms with such an air, as if mentally calculating how much he weighed, the old man carefully laid him in the cradle.

- Well, why not be calmer? – he exclaimed smugly, taking a step back. - How could it not be calmer?.. See: as if in a boat... Evna! - he added, moving the cradle slightly, - evna! Evna how!..

- Oh, you are a mastermind! Entertainer! - Old Palageya said meanwhile, leaning her elbow on the end of the grip and shaking her head, - really, a mastermind!..

During the last of these explanations, the noise of an approaching cart was heard; but Savely spoke loudly, Palageya rattled with her grip, the daughter-in-law’s attention was absorbed by the child and the father-in-law’s chatter; so that no one noticed the noise from outside, until finally the cart drove up almost to the very gate.

- And here comes Grishutka! - said the old man.

At that moment, such desperate screams and screams were heard from the yard that the feet of those present were rooted to the ground for a second. Savely rushed headlong out of the hut. Peter held the horse by the bridle and sadly led it into the yard; in the cart, next to Grishutka, sat a man with a thin, but purple and pockmarked face, wearing a tall lambskin cap and a blue sheepskin coat, tightly secured with a belt.

Savely recognized him as a cordon guard, a retired soldier who guarded the border of the neighboring province against the smuggling of wine. The old man’s heart skipped a beat. The cordonny held Grishka by the collar, who roared at the top of his voice and said, sobbing bitterly:

- By God, I didn’t know!.. Let me go!.. Golden, let me go!.. Father, I didn’t know!.. Golden, I didn’t know!..

Grishutka's face was swollen from tears; they flowed in streams from his half-closed eyes and dripped into his mouth, which was gaping excessively, probably from the excess of sighs and sobs that were oppressing him. The procession was closed by a pomolet, who remained to finish the last cart; he was a small, dark-skinned peasant, with a very quick, fussy appearance; He, however, as soon as he saw Savely, jumped forward, waved his arms and, terribly widening his eyes, shouted in a voice straining with zeal:

- I got caught with wine!.. They grabbed me!.. They took me! They brought it with wine!..

“I got caught with wine!” Peter repeated sadly.

- How?.. Oh, my God! – said Savely, stopping in bewilderment.

The noise in the hallway and Palageya's voice made him turn around. Marya rushed forward onto the porch, so that Palageya could barely hold her back; the young woman's face was pale, and she was shaking all over from head to toe; Seeing her little brother in the arms of a stranger, she screamed and swayed.

- Where! Don’t let her in... Peter, hold on!.. Oh, you merciful creator! Take her away quickly!.. – exclaimed Savely.

Peter rushed to his wife and, with the help of Palageya, took her to the hut. At this time the cordon guard jumped off the cart.

-Are you the boss here? Did you send for wine? - he asked, turning to the old man, who could not come to his senses.

- I, father...

- Caught with wine!.. Eco business! Oh! Captured! Got it! – the dark-skinned man hastened to explain, again using his eyes and hands.

- That's right, father, we caught it! - said Peter, appearing on the porch and quickly descending into the yard.

Saveliy hit the hem of his sheepskin coat with his palms and shook his head with a contrite look.

“Uncle... I didn’t know... I didn’t know, uncle!..” Grishutka spoke, sobbing. - The Mikulin millers taught... They said: that tavern is closer...

- Who sent for wine? Are you? – the cordon guard repeated again, looking boldly at Savely.

- We sent it! - Peter answered, because his father only shook his head and beat his coat with his palms.

-Who are you? – the guard asked Peter.

“I am his son... I, father,” Peter picked up, “I met them as they approached our gates...”

- I just got shot! - the little fellow intervened again, - we drove up, - he’s here! I look: and I came up! Eco business!..

“You’ll tell us about this later,” the guard interrupted. “He sent for wine,” and so he will answer... What robbers! - he added, getting excited, - his tavern is at hand... no, we need to send it to another!..

“I didn’t know anything!.. They taught me at the mill...” said Grishutka, streaming with tears.

- Shut up! - said Peter.

The boy put his hand to his mouth, leaned his forehead against the cart and roared louder than before.

- What is this, father... How can this be? - said Savely, impatiently waving his hand in response to the requester, who blinked, tugged at his sleeve and made some mysterious signs.

“I got caught with wine, and that’s all!” - the guard objected. - He got caught in our village as soon as he left the tavern; Our elder kept the wine, and they put a seal on the barrel.

- The stamp has been attached! They sealed it!.. - Grishutka cried desperately.

- This is bad! - the good man shouted, starting to move. - They’ll drag you down, grandpa, they’ll drag you down!.. If you open your eyes, they’ll drag you down!..

- How, then, will it do? - the guard interrupted. - It is known that they will teach you a lesson! You will know how to go to a foreign province to buy wine! It was said: don’t you dare, it’s not ordered! No, they got into the habit, you damned ones! Now we are waiting for the attorney; They will hand it over to him, approximately, they will tell him everything... Tomorrow they will present him to the court...

Until now, Savely had only hit his sheepskin coat with his hands and shook his head with the air of a man placed in the most difficult position; at the word “court” he raised his head, and color suddenly began to appear in his embarrassed features; even his neck turned red. The word “court” also seemed to have an effect on Grishutka; While the last explanations were going on, he stood with his mouth open, into which tears continued to fall; Now he again leaned his forehead against the cart and again filled the yard with desperate sobs. Peter shifted in place and did not take his eyes off his father.

- They've caused trouble! They didn’t expect sin! – the old man finally said, looking around at those present.

He still wanted to add something, but suddenly changed his mind and walked with quick steps towards the small gate that led to the stream.

- Listen, kind person!.. Hey, listen! - he said, stopping at the gate and nodding to the guard, - come here, brother... Just a few words!..

The cordon guard's crimson face took on a worried look; he headed towards the gate, showing that he did it reluctantly - just out of condescension.

“Listen, good man,” Savely spoke, taking him to the pond, “hear,” he said, shrugging his lips, “hear!” Isn't it possible... huh?

- What is this about? – he asked in a more relaxed tone and as if trying to understand the words of his interlocutor.

“Do me such a favor,” the old man begged. “As long as I have lived in the world, there has never been such a sin.” Main reason, the boy got caught! Everything came out through him... Osloboni somehow... huh? Listen, good man!..

- Now it’s impossible, in any, that is, manner... They applied the seal! Moreover, the case was in front of witnesses... there’s no way...

“Do me a favor,” the old man continued, not content to beg in his voice this time, but still using pantomime and convincingly spreading his hands, which were trembling.

The gray, roguish eyes of the cordon guard rushed to the barn, behind which the voices of Peter and the Pomolets were heard; After that, he retreated a few more steps from the gate.

- Listen, good man! - the encouraged Savely picked up, - take it from me for the troubles... but is it not possible how to do something like this... for example... Is it possible to make it easier... really!..

Cordonny straightened his lambskin cap and scratched the bridge of his nose index finger and thought for a second.

- Will you give me twenty rubles? – he asked, lowering his voice.

Savely was so taken aback that he only opened his mouth and leaned back.

– You can’t do less! – the policeman picked up in a calm, convincing tone. - Think about it: you should now give it to the headman in the village, you should give it to the men who were witnesses, you should also give it to the kisser; If you don’t give it, they’ll tell the attorney about everything - that’s for sure, you yourself know: what kind of people are these days!.. Well, count it: how much will twenty rubles get me off?.. The attorney will find out - I have to go through this abyss! Our business is this: we, brother, are then assigned to the post; how, they will say, you caught the wine, hid it from the office, and took it from the man!.. Because of this, I must remain a scoundrel in front of the authorities! You work hard to make sure you have something...

- Twenty rubles for a bucket of wine! - said the old man, flushing again up to his neck,

“Listen, uncle,” the cordon guard said peacefully, “don’t shout, it’s not good!” That's not what we came here for; He said: if you want to make peace, do so, but shouting is not good. I say from my heart, really, you’ll give more if they bring you to court: for wine alone they’ll charge you three times; So, according to the law, you will pay Twelve rubles for wine! Yes, you will have a lot of quarrels in court...

The old man listened and looked at the ground; Now, more than ever, he seemed to be depressed by what had happened to him.

- Eco business! What a disaster! - he repeated, smacking his lips, shaking his head and spreading his hands hopelessly. “Father,” Peter suddenly said, appearing at the gate, “come here!”

Savely hastily hobbled towards his son. He gave him a sign to turn the corner of the barn. There stood a little fellow, who, as soon as the old man appeared, was again filled with speed.

“Listen, uncle,” he said hastily, grabbing the old man by the sleeve and blinking expressively at him at the gate, “hear: don’t give him anything, spit!” Spit, I say! Everyone saw it besides him! We saw how the little guy got caught! It happened in front of the people! If you give it to him, nothing will happen, rumors will spread, that’s all! Spit! No matter how much you give, everyone will demand it in court: this is the case, it happened in front of the people; rumors will reach; everything is unique! He wants to deceive!.. Spit, I say!

The little man hastily jumped back when he heard footsteps behind the gate. Cordonniy seemed to have guessed what was being discussed behind the barn. He was finally convinced of this when he called the old man, and he, instead of going to him, thoughtfully continued to look at the ground

“This is such a real thing,” said the cordon guard, casting an angry glance at the Pomolets, who was yawning at the rafters of the awnings as if nothing had happened, “we can fall through this abyss... Everyone protects himself: this is the case!” Tomorrow they will introduce you to an attorney, you ask him... Such people! It is said: don’t go to someone else’s pub - no! Now get scouted!.. What about me?.. I can’t. Ask for an attorney! Last words were already said outside the gates. The policeman straightened his hat and, grumbling something under his breath, quickly walked along the road.

“He must have heard what we were talking about here...” suddenly all his quickness returned, “he obviously heard, or guessed, that’s all!” He sees: there is nothing to take, he didn’t talk! How much did you ask, uncle? How many?

- Twenty rubles!..

- Oh, he is a sewn face! Hey, robber! Oh you! - the little man exclaimed, rushing in all directions at once, - twenty rubles! Damn you!.. Ek, he waved! Oh, the beast! These kissers, there are none worse! The worst thing is that they are scammers... get out! By God! Oh, you crazy face, come on!.. Oh, him!..

Savely did not pay any attention to the words of the beggar; he did not take his eyes off the ground and, apparently, was thinking to himself. Never before had he felt so upset. This is perhaps because in all my life I have never been so calm and happy as in these last three years, when I built a mill and lived on my own, with my son and daughter-in-law.

Pomolets started again and already grabbed him by the sleeve, but Savely only waved his hand, turned away and walked into the hut with a slow, heavy step.

V. Explanations. - Hope. - Consequences

– About five minutes later the old man appeared on the porch again.

- Gregory! - he shouted, looking around with a dissatisfied look. - Gregory! – he repeated, raising his voice.

Grishka did not respond.

“It must be somewhere behind the barn,” responded Peter, who began to unharness the horse.

“If you remove the horse, call him to me,” Savely said, going back into the hut.

Having unharnessed his horse, Peter called out to the boy several times; there was no answer. Peter led the horse and casually looked into the barn door.

- What, there’s not much? Did he really run away? - the little fellow asked carefully, grinning his teeth, which were now as almost white as his face, stained with flour, - did the old man call? How not to be angry! You're making me angry! You see how much trouble... he got us! So, you got scared... you fell somewhere... You'll get scared!.. You'll put your tail between your legs!.. Let's go, I'll look; why? You can search!.. Let's go.

Meanwhile, Peter led the horse into a cage attached to the back of the sheds; an obliging little man followed him, trying to hit his leg and constantly grabbing his sleeve, as if wanting to draw Peter’s attention to every corner and crevice where, in the peasant’s opinion, the boy should certainly be sitting. They both entered the cage.

- Here! Here it is! Got it! Got it! I'm holding it! - the fellow shouted at the top of his lungs, grabbing Grishutka, who stood quietly, huddling his face in the corner.

- I see, I see! Well, why are you shouting? - said Peter.

- Well, what are you crying about? About what? - said Peter. - Let's go, father is calling. Oh, you wanderer! Stram-nick!.. Really, such a wanderer!

- They'll flog you, that's how it is! And-and they will flog you! - he picked up, moving his hands and eyes, praying, - how not to flog? It's necessary, don't spoil it!..

“None of this will happen,” said Peter, “the old man, Grishutka, won’t do anything, just ask... Don’t be afraid!” Don’t you know?.. Don’t cry, otherwise it will be worse...” he added, taking the somewhat comforted boy by the hand.

A little black little man accompanied them all the way to the porch; He probably would have gone further, but he remembered that the rye was running low in the box, and ran headlong into the barn. Saveliy was behind the partition where his daughter-in-law was lying.

“Come here,” he said to the boy, who was looking at the ground and struggling with all his might to keep from crying. - Well, you see, look! - the old man said, turning to his daughter-in-law, - you see, they didn’t do anything to him! They weren’t shackled, they weren’t taken to prison... Safe, you see! There was something to make a fuss about, to run into the cold... like some kind of crazy person, really!.. If only she had thought about herself, thought about the child... Otherwise, it was in vain that she ran out into the cold, all open; Well, is there any reason? And is he worth grieving about him?.. Such a mischievous person!.. Come here,” said the old man, turning again to the boy and going out into the first half of the hut. - Why did you go to someone else’s pub, huh? Didn't I tell you where to go? tell me... huh?.. Didn’t you tell me?.. Well, what will your answer be, huh?..,” he concluded, sitting down on the bench.

From the boy’s explanations it was revealed (his voice sounded so sincere that it was impossible not to believe him, and, finally, all his words were later justified), it was revealed that the culprits of everything that happened were the eldest sons of the owner of the Mikulin mill, the same one that was visible in the distance. Having met Grishka at the dam, they asked where he was going; He said; they assured him that the tavern where Uncle Savely had sent him was now locked; the kisser left with his wife for his sister’s wedding and will return only tomorrow; they said that it didn’t matter, you could get the wine in another tavern, that that tavern was even closer than the first, that the wine there was even better, and that Uncle Savely would also say thank you. Grishutka believed and went. He swore and called all the saints as witnesses that he did not take off his hat the entire way; Having left the tavern, he safely set off on his way back, but as he was leaving the village, a policeman ran into him, they grabbed him, took him to the headman and took away his wine.

Having reached the place where the seal was applied to the barrel, the narrator stopped and again burst into bitter tears, as if the whole misfortune lay in this very sealing of the barrel. But Savely no longer listened to him. He even looked in the other direction. He was dullly silent and only, from time to time, annoyedly shook his gray hair, uttering reproaches, which, however, applied more to the Mikulin miller and his sons. It’s time for them, it seems, to come into their own conscience! It's time to leave him alone! What else do they want from him? Did he put his mill on the river? Did you cut off their water? They have a grit mill with seven stands, they work all year round, they produce thousands! Is this really not enough for them?.. Is it really envy that takes over, and did they not harm him enough?.. The rich, they have grit, they make thousands, but they envy some hammer with two wheels! They drink tea, eat crumbly rolls, but envy the poor man’s crumbs? Rich people, merchants, what shameful things they indulge in! The boy is taught to go to someone else's pub in order to get his parents into trouble!

Under the influence of such considerations, seasoned with the thought that the matter with the keg would not be in vain, Uncle Savely became grouchy and uncommunicative. In these last three years, since the mill was established, none of the family had seen him so gloomy and dissatisfied. At dinner, where the old man was usually so talkative, he barely said a few words. He sent Peter to pay off the request and, first of all, collapsed on the stove.

Peter, his wife and old Palageya, discussing tomorrow, they thought, however, that perhaps tomorrow the old man’s heart would somehow break apart. Their assumptions were justified. The dawn of the next morning showed them that Savely's face was not at all the same as the day before; His forehead, however, wrinkled, but the wrinkles expressed fussiness rather than a gloomy mood of spirit. He immediately sent Peter for wine; contrary to all expectations, he did not even show much annoyance, counting out the next four rubles to him; He only shrugged his lips twice and grunted.

The arrival of the godfather and godfather, the trip to church, the baptismal ceremony, the return home - all this significantly entertained the old man. Guests arrived, congratulations and refreshments came. It would not be possible, of course, not to mention the trouble that happened that evening; but the conversation about this subject, thanks to the glasses of wine that the interlocutors had already drunk, took on such a confused character, so often interrupted by all sorts of exclamations and bursts of laughter, that it had no effect on the disposition of the elderly owner. Overall the christening dinner was fun. Saveliy, who was sitting between godfather Dron and matchmaker Stegney, laughed even louder than them when, towards the end of the meal, old Palageya suddenly jumped out from behind the partition and, snapping her fingers, began to snatch off some outlandish knees.

The good attitude of the old man did not stop even the next day. He was still sleeping when seven carts of rye drove into the yard. One thing really could have worried the old man a little: his granddaughter, who had been so calm, suddenly began to scream for no apparent reason; At the same time, he also learned that Marya complained strongly about headache. It could easily have turned out that she caught a cold, running out onto the porch when Grishka was brought in; but why would a child cry? Why shouldn’t he take the breast?.. In vain Palageya assured that all children cry on the second day, that the cry of the granddaughter, perhaps, also happens because the mother’s breast is simply not in the mood, and it would be better if they give him a horn; but her words seemed to go in vain. The old man shook his head and shrugged his lips.

It was necessary, however, to get down to business; It’s not every day that seven people show up at the mill! For two days in a row there was no end to the prayers; the millstones worked without rest, and flour dust did not cease to swirl over the barn. On the day of the christening and the day that followed, Savely did not pass by Grishka, so as not to shake his finger at him or stop, leaning on his sides, and say to him: “Eh, you’re with me... Eh!.. Look!..”

But now all this is over; he called him Grishutka, Grinka and Grishakha; in a word, everything went again as before, until unexpectedly, on the fourth day after the christening, the sotsky appeared in the morning. He was a senior police officer. This circumstance overturned the peaceful flow of thoughts in Savely’s head. There was a reason, however. It turned out that Savely had received a “paper” against the camp for illegally transporting wine from a foreign province. The official ordered him to immediately report to the official's apartment. Savely had known Sotsky for a long time; there were inquiries and inquiries. Sotsky said that the matter, in fact, is not great importance; you just have to pay; but how much he would have to give, he did not know.

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Sentences containing "verst"

We found 50 sentences containing the word "verst". Also look at the synonyms for "verst".
Meaning of the word

  • Verst Kolomenskaya, as they say, two meters high, but skinny, like a spawning herring (the feeding one is plump, like a rocking chair, fat).
  • The total length of the empire's border was 64,900 versts ( verst equal to 1.0668 km), incl.
  • We made seventy versts from Bakhmut.
  • From it to Shchelykov exactly verst, and all the field.
  • From the New to the Old mouth 2 versts are 200 fathoms, and from the Old to the Bulginskaya channel 1 verst and 300 fathoms.
  • After all, everything verst with something separated the prince's estate from the princess's house.
  • From Amunka to Yena the distance is only one verst.
  • The elder abbess accompanied me to the 7th miles on the way to Seregovo.
  • We decided to go two miles on foot, and my sister was put on my horse.
  • We didn't pass miles when they heard the sound of wheels behind them.
  • The road went through Serebryany Bor, remote and deserted miles And miles.
  • Caucasians moving away miles at four, stood at a halt, setting up a guard.
  • For academic year walked every day to Novy Selo and back for two miles too much.
  • Our train left Kagan yesterday evening and, having passed only four miles, became.
  • It was already too easy to go back miles three and at the same time cross the river and the terrible mountain again.
  • Over time, the length of the Novy Svet cellars exceeded three miles.
  • If they were knocked out of these last shelters, they would find themselves in the bare steppe, without a single bush and in the snow for many miles.
  • There was no other way to gather our people, stationed in a village stretched miles three along the mountain gorges.
  • The huge train stretched for one and a half miles.
  • But if love shows up, then what does it matter? miles and cold?
  • Caucasians moving away miles on 4, they stood at a halt, setting up a guard.
  • After all, this barn is two doors away from us. miles almost.
  • And didn’t arrive in 3 miles to Torzhok, the merchants were taken and many volosts were burned.
  • This forest stretched for many miles and one side adjoined our land.
  • Alexander Mikhailovich, accompanied by guards, did not have time to pass miles four before he was returned to brigade headquarters.
  • From here, in two miles They don't seem to move.
  • Getting out of the carriages in the middle of the forest, we formed a column and walked miles for two.
  • Only decreased miles, separating him from Natasha.
  • Stuck in snowdrifts, freezing, passed miles were blackened with dotted lines of numb corpses.
  • That's when the exile felt how infinitely long miles, separating him from Natasha.
  • The journey there was made by car 17 versts, in a gig with miles and the last 2 miles on foot.
  • As the documents say, the regiment retreated to the village of Zvoz, and then two more miles north.
  • Before Gromokley there were four from Yanovka miles.
  • Sumorotsky, who lives from my son-in-law miles only four.
  • We were assigned to observe the area miles at four and report anything we notice.
  • From the stop there are only four to us miles.
  • Having passed miles Three times at random, along a road that seemed wider to me than others, I arrived at a manor house of beautiful architecture.
  • The Korolkovsky pond is deep, it is two hundred paces wide at the rowing and about miles.
  • Retreating, the cavalrymen every two or three miles dismounted, repelled enemy attacks, and then drove the enemy back with counterattacks.
  • The father's funeral was held in the village church of the village of Tarakanova, three miles from Shakhmatov.
  • There's only about miles, and there, we knew, a long descent would begin, and we would go again sooner.
  • We're heading somewhere miles for three, to some stop, near which there is a bathhouse.
  • We passed miles two and entered a small village.
  • The center of life is transferred to the current, behind the beaks, this is about a quarter miles behind the house.
  • Finally, having passed miles three, we ran into a hillock, from which, to our surprise, people began to crawl out.
  • On the way back from the garden I could hardly drag myself, and no wonder: two miles back and forth, and in the garden, maybe miles three came out!
  • After passing two miles, the cavalrymen found a suitable place for crossing.
  • Having left the monastery in the field, you need to follow through the village and from there miles three all the way through the forest up to Mikhailovsky’s estate.
  • Went miles for three years at the shooting range, a rifle company made its way with hole counters into the cover in front of the targets.
  • To supply water from the river to the wheel they stretched 3 miles water intake wooden rafts, a yard high and about a fathom wide.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

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