Print out tasks for counting up to 5. Courses for the development of intelligence

In the manual for specific examples reveals itself modern approach to content selection, effective methods and methods of social and moral development and education of preschool children. Detailed, practice-tested lesson notes for senior and preparatory school groups are provided, which can be used in work on all programs for raising and training children and kindergarten approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The book includes a full annual course of training sessions for children aged 5-6 years in the main areas preschool education. By studying for just 20 minutes a day, the child will learn the basics of mathematics and literacy, prepare his hand for writing and get acquainted with the world around him, and will be able to develop speech, logic, attention, and imagination. Everything you need for this is in the book.
The tasks are presented in game form and are arranged in order of complexity.
The manual will be an indispensable assistant to parents and teachers in preparing their child for school.

Download and read Annual course of training sessions for gifted children 5-6 years old, Volodina N.V., 2017

The manual is intended for cognitive development children 5-6 years old. Is integral part Educational and training complex “Hello world!” for children preschool age And the initial link continuous author's course on the surrounding world (authors A.A. Vekhrushev and others), as well as an integral part of a set of manuals that implement the Basic educational program « Kindergarten 2100".

Download and read Hello, world, a manual for preschoolers, in 4 parts, part 3, 5-6 years, Vakhrushev A.A., 2015

The manual is intended for the cognitive development of children 4-5 years old. It is an integral part of the educational complex “Hello World!” for preschool children and the initial element of a continuous author’s course on the world around us (authors A.A. Vehrushev and others), as well as an integral part of a set of manuals implementing the Basic Educational Program “Kindergarten 2100”.
Provides integrated approach to solving the problems of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.
The textbook is focused on the development of the child’s personality, his creative abilities, to form a holistic picture of the world.
Can be used in preschool educational organizations, school preparation groups, as well as for individual work parents with children.
All texts included in this training manual, are not intended for reading by children, they are read by adults (teachers, parents).

Download and read Hello, world, textbook, in 4 parts, part 2, 4-5 years, Vakhrushev A.A., 2015

This book is intended for adults and children aged 5-6 years. Funny characters - Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Minnie and Pluto - will introduce your child to numbers and shapes. Fun activities, colorful illustrations and a set of stickers will help turn learning into fun.

Download and read Learning to count, 5-6 years old, Nayi K., 2011

This book is intended for adults and children 4-5 years old. Funny characters - Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Minnie and Pluto - will introduce your child to numbers and shapes. Fun activities, colorful illustrations and a set of stickers will help turn learning into fun.

Download and read Learning to count, 4-5 years, Nayi K., 2011

The course “12 steps to English” consists of 12 books and Work program to the course "12 steps to English" Books contain entertaining tasks, games, coloring materials, cut-out masks, puzzles and comics, allowing the child to begin to get acquainted with the basics of the English language, rules of behavior and the basics of the culture of different countries. The audio application will help children learn to perceive English speech by ear. The course materials promote both general and language development child. The course was created within the framework of the federal" state educational standard preschool education (FSES DO). Each part of the course includes a book for educators and parents with detailed methodological recommendations for conducting classes. Work with her help English Both teachers and parents and grandparents will be able to work with children.

“Mathematics must be taught first because it puts the mind in order,” everyone knows this statement by Lomonosov. In life, mathematics helps a person decide various kinds tasks, see the future, plan your actions. Psychologists confirm that teaching children to count improves everyone's performance mental processes, forms logical thinking and intelligence. Children who can handle numbers and mathematical concepts, are successfully studying at school in all subjects. Therefore, as soon as the baby grows up, caring parents immediately begin to teach him to count. However, teaching children at home requires special organization. It's important to know When And How correctly develop elementary mathematical concepts. According to experts, the age of 2-3 years is considered the best period to start learning. This is explained by the fact that children already have experience in understanding the world around them, understanding the speech of an adult, the ability to visually represent objects and associate mathematical concepts with them, for example: how many, one - many, more - less, equally. When parents ask where to start teaching their child, there is only one answer: learn to count from 1 to 5.

Counting items within 5

The main thing is that when teaching children to count within 5, adhere to the basic rules, then work on developing elementary mathematical representations it will go much easier and faster. So, how to teach a child to count?

We follow the principles of learning

Adults should understand that young children are not always able to quickly master new knowledge. To ensure that children do not lose interest in classes due to the complexity of the material, training should proceed:

  • from simple to complex;
  • gradually and in stages;
  • duration of classes for initial stage does not exceed 10 minutes;
  • there is no need to burden the child with unnecessary information;
  • it is necessary to constantly repeat the acquired knowledge.

Program homeschooling counting within 5 consists of the following steps:

  1. Compiling the number of objects within 5 and counting them directly and reverse order(first from 1 to 5, then from 5 to 1).
  2. Quantitative (question: how many items?) and ordinal (question: which one?) count within 5.
  3. Correlation of number and figure: we connect the auditory perception of a number with its designation (writing).

We prepare for a meaningful perception of mathematical knowledge

Teachers claim that even the most small child can easily count objects: one, two, three, etc. This reassures parents, they think that their baby can count. However, often the baby simply repeats after the adult and mechanically remembers the names of numerals. Finding himself in different conditions, he may simply confuse them. Parents will understand whether their baby is counting meaningfully if they change the conditions, for example, making up numbers from different toys, mixing them with household items, count drawn objects, counting sticks. For accurate perception and meaningful counting, you need to teach your child to act correctly: count objects by touching them with your hand, from left to right. When naming the last numeral, ask how many objects there are.

Don't forget! The numeral “one” cannot be replaced with the word “one”!

Counting forward and backward

Teaching a baby quantitative account, it is important to show him that he can count forward and backward. Experts say such skills are necessary for further, more complex manipulations with numbers, such as learning to subtract. Help teach children how to count backwards within 5 simple games, for example: lay out a ladder of cubes, along which toys walk up and down, counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Or play the game “What has changed?” (an adult makes up a number of 5 small items, the baby counts them, draws a conclusion: there are only 5 toys. Then he closes his eyes, and the adult puts away the toy, the child counts them and draws a conclusion: there are 4 toys in total, etc.).

We teach ordinal counting

After the baby masters quantitative counting, it is necessary to move on to ordinal counting. With such a score, each item receives its own serial number: first, second... You can count in order only from left to right. Useful for strengthening ordinal counting skills finger games, for example, bending your fingers, count with the child:

“The first finger is the largest, the index finger is the second, the third finger is the middle finger, and the fourth is the ring finger, the fifth finger is our favorite, and its name is the little finger!”

Or “The first finger is grandpa, the second finger is grandma, the third finger is daddy, the fourth finger is mommy, the fifth finger is our baby and his name is (child’s name).”

The game “Which toy is missing?” will be useful. (each item is assigned a serial number: the first is a bear, the second is a ball, the third is an elephant, the fourth is a cube, the fifth is a house. Then the child closes his eyes, the adult hides one of the toys and asks which item is missing).

Connecting the number and the corresponding digit

Children can quickly learn to match number and number. Important proper training, in which best reception when the baby is taught numerals and their corresponding numbers constantly, in everyday situations. For example, at home they count and number books, arranging them in order; count the steps marked with numbers; pigeons on the playground, trees in the park. Useful to create for a child problematic situation, deliberately omitting some numeral, for example: “Let’s collect leaves for a bouquet, the first leaf, the second, ... the fourth. Correct?” At the same time, pay attention that the number can be written down, look for numbers in surrounding objects: in books, house numbers, bus numbers.

Children's games, rhymes, and counting rhymes will help you remember the number meaningfully and connect it with the number. For example, in response to the words of S. Marshak: “Here is one or one, very thin, like a knitting needle. But this is the number two. Admire how it looks: the two arches its neck, the tail drags behind it...” the adult lays out numbers from available material or draws their. You can draw the names of the kittens in numbers in S. Mikhalkov’s counting rhyme: “We decided, we wondered: what should we call the kittens? Finally we named them: One, Two, Three, Four, Five.” Or give the kids pictures with numbers and play: “We’ll run and play, I decided to count you: one, two, three, four, five...”.

Teaching actions with numbers

Memorizing numbers will go much faster if a preschooler learns to actively work with them, for example, adding. Children aged 2 to 3 years begin to add numbers only when they have mastered meaningful counting. There's no need to worry if your three-year-old doesn't understand addition yet. This skill requires knowledge of the composition of numbers; it can be formed later, by the age of four, which is also the norm. In order for the child to understand the composition of the number, counting sticks are used as a simulator: “Put one stick on the left and two on the right, how many are there in total? What number did you get?”

Teaching children to count to 5 in games

So educational requirements answers. A special success in assimilation and consolidation mathematical knowledge They use didactic (educational) games, for example, like the familiar lotto, dominoes, and puzzles. To consolidate new material, verbal and mobile, plot and creative games, which can be a good help for parents to practice counting with their children.

Finger games for little ones

For the youngest children, finger games are suitable, which will serve not only as gymnastics for the small muscles of the hand, but also as a simulator for counting from 1 to 5. An adult invites the baby to work with his fingers to the rhythm of the verse: clench and unclench, alternately bend and count. Don't forget that we play with our fingers and learn to count to 5 together with the baby. Finger games will be interesting if you draw caps with funny faces for each finger or use a finger theater.

"Five Fingers"

There are five fingers on my hand
Five grabbers, five holders.
To plan and to saw,
To take and to give.
It's not hard to count them:
One, two, three, four, five!

"Counting fingers"

Mathematical games for counting

Any game can be math class for preschool children, the main thing is to comply necessary requirements. This activity will help children practice quantitative and ordinal counting, become familiar with numbers, mathematical concepts (one is many, more is less), and actively work with numbers.

"Our assistant"

Thematic actions allow the child to feel his importance in the family, enrich him emotionally, and at the same time strengthen his quantitative skills. The child, at the mother’s request, counts and lays out required quantity cutlery for dinner. You can ask him to bring two cucumbers, three tomatoes, one pepper for the salad.

"Make a figure"

The task is used as a simulator for development fine motor skills, counting within 5, fixing numbers, names geometric shapes. An adult prepares several colored ones in advance geometric shapes(square, circle), which are cut into 5 parts. Each part is marked with a corresponding number. The preschooler must pick up the pieces and count their number for each figure. For variety, you can offer a competition “Who will assemble faster figure!" Be sure to give your child the opportunity to win and encourage him.

"Kids - pencils"

Preschoolers get acquainted with the composition of numbers from units and repeat quantitative calculation. Colored pencils are needed for this lesson. The adult takes out a blue pencil, clarifies that there is only one object, then another pencil, yellow: The number 2 is made up of two pencils (units). Gradually, other pencils are placed in order to similarly introduce the composition of subsequent numbers. At the end of the lesson, to maintain interest, the adult reads poetry based on the work of A. Stepanov, and the child draws a picture:

The babies are lying in a box,
Kids are pencils.
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's start drawing.
Red, yellow, blue...
Choose any one for yourself.
Draw a beautiful house
We will live with you in it.
And draw the sun above the house,
So that there is light in our window.
And there are clouds in the sky,
They are running towards us from afar.
And below there is a stream, grass,
And there is foliage on the tree.

"Draw a number"

The task introduces preschool children to the composition of numbers, helps to correlate number and figure, and exercises quantitative calculations. An adult invites the child to “draw” a number from any objects: pencils, small toys, counting sticks, then count the number of objects.


IN story game Counting from 1 to 5 is practiced and ordinal is reinforced. It's good when the whole family plays. If this is not possible, large toys are used: bears, dolls, elephants. The adult arranges the chairs like a train, the child arranges the toys in order. You can ask if there is enough space for all passengers. The child counts chairs and toys. Then, accompanied by a cheerful song from the cartoon, the train sets off. The plot of the game could be like this: “The toys go on a journey. Count them and plant them in order: first, second, third, fourth, fifth.” You can diversify the action by attaching pictures with numbers to the chairs.

"Math Puzzles"

The game develops memory, attention, spatial thinking, and trains in memorizing numbers. Prepare material for this board game It’s very simple: select pictures with large images, for example, vegetables, fruits, household items, houses. The pictures are cut into five parts, and each part is indicated by a number. The child must assemble the picture in accordance with number series. In this game it is useful to learn to name the “neighbors” of numbers (2 has “neighbors” 1 and 3).

Children will quickly and easily learn to count if adults constantly exercise them!

From birth, a child learns about the world, he studies what surrounds him. Parents play important role in the education and formation of your child. Teaching mathematics to preschoolers is an interesting and uncomplicated process, parents can easily cope with it. Develop your child's attention.

Math exercises for preschoolers

Engage with your child in a calm environment for 25–30 minutes every day. If you see that your child is tired, stop the activity. Don't scold your child, praise him, even if he doesn't succeed. With your strictness and dissatisfaction, you will discourage your child from learning and learning something new.

Teach your child mathematics in the form of games and interesting exercises, mathematics tasks for preschoolers, while playing, the child quickly remembers.

A child 5-6 years old should:

    Be able to determine the location of objects: right, left, middle, top, bottom, back and front.

    Know and distinguish colors: red, blue, green, yellow, gray, white, black, blue, orange.

    Be able to arrange numbers in order from 1 to 5 and in reverse order from 5 to 1.

    Know the basic shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval, polygon.

    Be able to compare more, less, equally. Be able to add one item to a group with fewer items.

    The child learns to write numbers.

1. Determine the location of objects

It is very important to form a spatial understanding in children not only in real life, but also in mathematics, physical education, and music classes. Preschoolers aged 5–6 years should know the location of objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back.

Let's look at the next picture.

The picture shows a house. To the left of the house there is a tree, a fence, and two jugs. To the right of the house there is a tree and a fence.

At the top there is a roof and an antenna on the roof. There is earth below the house. There is grass drawn in front, a cat is sitting on the grass. You can't see anything behind the house.

Exercise 1

Look at the picture carefully and tell us the location of the objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back.

What's on the left of the house?

What is drawn to the right of the house?

What's on the front?

What's on the back?

What's pictured below?

Exercise 2

Look at the picture carefully and answer the following questions.

What toy is shown on the front?

What toy is shown on the back?

What toys are shown on the right?

Exercise 3

Look at the picture carefully and tell us the location of the objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back. Answer the following questions.

Who is on the left in this picture?

Who is on the right in this picture?

Who is pictured at the top?

What's pictured below?

What toys are shown on the left?

What objects are shown on the right?

2. Learning colors

A child can learn all the colors by visually studying various items. Any information can be easily absorbed in a playful way.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is red. A red apple is drawn in the picture. A red flower is drawn in the picture. A red tomato is drawn in the picture. A red car is drawn in the picture. A red ball is drawn in the picture. A red pyramid is drawn in the picture.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is blue.

The picture shows a blue bow.

The picture shows a blue bucket.

The picture shows a blue dolphin.

The picture shows blue boots.

The picture shows a blue bird.

The picture shows a blue umbrella.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is yellow.

The picture shows a yellow umbrella.

The picture shows a yellow star.

The picture shows a yellow banana.

The picture shows a yellow lamp.

The picture shows yellow flippers.

The picture shows a yellow lemon.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is green.

The picture shows a green watermelon.

The picture shows a green frog.

The picture shows a green hat.

The picture shows green leaves.

The picture shows a green sharpener.

The picture shows a green pea pod.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is orange.

The picture shows an orange pumpkin.

The picture shows an orange fish.

The picture shows an orange carrot.

The picture shows an orange mug and an orange saucer.

The picture shows an orange ball.

The picture shows an orange cake.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is brown.

The picture shows a brown cookie.

The picture shows a brown chicken.

The picture shows a brown briefcase.

The picture shows a brown pot.

The picture shows a brown bear.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is gray.

The picture shows a gray wolf.

The picture shows a gray mouse.

The picture shows a gray camera.

The picture shows a gray cap.

The picture shows a gray computer mouse.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is blue.

The picture shows a blue cell.

The picture shows a blue teapot.

The picture shows a blue stapler.

The picture shows blue panties.

The picture shows a blue saucepan.

The picture shows a blue salt shaker.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that it is white.

The picture shows a white bunny.

The picture shows a white mug.

The picture shows a white bird.

The picture shows a white dress.

The picture shows a white bow.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is black.

The picture shows a black teapot.

The picture shows a black notepad.

The picture shows a black computer.

The picture shows a black umbrella.

Consolidation exercises

After learning and reviewing all the colors, watch and do the following exercises. Your child can strengthen his new knowledge. After learning the colors, play visually with your child. Here the child will be involved auditory memory, visual memory, attention.

Exercise 1

Look at the following picture and answer the questions.

What color is the house painted?

What color is the roof of the house?

What color is the pipe on the roof?

What color are the windows painted?

What color are the doors painted?

What color is the grass?

Exercise 2

Look carefully at the picture and answer the following questions.

What color is the ball?

What color are the stripes on the ball?

Exercise 3

What color is the tree trunk?

What color are the leaves on the tree?

What color are the berries on the tree?

Exercise 4

Look carefully at the following picture. There are three cars drawn here. Answer the following questions carefully.

What colors are there on a police car?

What color is the flashing light on a police car?

What colors are there on an ambulance?

What color are the ambulance wheels?

What colors are on a fire truck?

What color is the flashing light of a fire truck?

Exercise 5

Look at the following picture and answer the following questions.

What flower is shown in the picture?

What color are the leaves?

What color are the petals?

What color is the center of the flower?

3. Learn numbers

What number?

How many balls?

What number?

How many cubes?

What number?

How many balls?

What number?

How many cars?

What number?

How many apples?

What number?

How many pears?

What number?

How many nesting dolls?

What number?

How many dolls?

What number?

How many flowers?

What number?

How many watermelons?

What number?

How many carrots?

Consolidation exercises

After this exercise, your child can consolidate his new knowledge. After studying the numbers, look at the following exercises and play visually with your child. Here the child will use auditory memory, visual memory, and attention.

Exercise 1

Find all the fruits that are drawn one at a time.

Find all the fruits that are drawn in twos.

Find all the fruits that are drawn in threes.

Are there four balls in this picture?

Are there five daisies in this picture?

How many nuts are there in this picture?

Are there 9 balls in this picture?

How many bananas are there in this picture?

How many ducklings are there in this picture?

Exercise 2

Look carefully at the number and draw the same number of balls.

Look at this number and draw apples in red.

Look carefully at this number and draw balls in blue.

Exercise 3

Look at the number next to the picture and color the same number of objects.

Exercise 4

Look carefully at the picture; there are many houses drawn on it. Now we need to answer a few questions.

How many houses are there in the picture?

How many windows are there in the second house?

How many red roofs are there on houses?

How many windows are there on the last house?

How many doors are there in the smallest house?

Exercise 5

Look carefully at the following picture and answer the following questions.

What is shown in this picture?

How many objects are there in this picture?

How many cars are red?

How many cars are blue?

How many cars are gray?

How many cars are yellow?

Exercise 6

How many vegetables are drawn in blue?

How many fruits are drawn in green?

How many bananas are drawn in gray?

Exercise 7

Look carefully at the following picture.

How many fruits are there in this picture?

How many vegetables are there in this picture?

How many yellow objects are drawn?

How many objects are drawn in red?

How many apples are there in this picture?

How many melons are there in this picture?

4. Learn to count from 1 to 5 and back from 5 to 1

Exercise 1

Connect the numbers in order.

Connect the numbers in reverse order.

5.Interactive game - learning figures

It is very important for a 5-6 year old preschooler to know shapes. Many children by this age know what a square, circle, rectangle, triangle, oval, polygon and rhombus are. Let's look at all the figures and practice the exercises.








After studying the shapes, look at the following exercises and play visually with your child. Here the child will use auditory memory, visual memory, attention, let's add counting.

Exercise 1

In this exercise the figures are given, look at them carefully and answer the following questions.

How many rectangles are shown?

How many figures are there in total?

Which figure is shown in yellow?

How many figures are red?

What figure is shown in blue?

How many pieces are green?

Exercise 2

Look at the following figure and answer the following questions.

What figure is shown in the picture?

How many squares does it have?

How many yellow triangles?

How many green triangles?

What other colors are there triangles?

How many different colors in this picture?

How many red pieces?

Exercise 3

Look at the following picture here a lot different figures. Look at them carefully and answer the following questions.

How many triangles are there in this picture?

How many red pieces are there in total?

How many squares are there in this picture?

How many yellow pieces are there in total?

How many rectangles are drawn in blue?

How many triangles are drawn in yellow?

How many blue pieces are there in total?

How many squares are blue?

How many polygons are there in this picture?

Exercise 4

Look at the following picture, there are many different shapes drawn on it. Look at them carefully and tell me what can be built from the following figures?

Exercise 5

Look at the following pictures, they consist of shapes. In this exercise you need to color these shapes by color. Be careful.

Color any 6 triangles red.

Rectangles in blue.

Color the five triangles gray.

Two squares in yellow.

Seven triangles in green.

Color the five triangles blue.

Did the figures turn out beautiful? Look at them and count them.

Color the remaining figures yellow.

What figures are used here?

6. Learn to compare more, less and equally

Preschoolers aged 5–6 years should be able to compare more, less, equally. Be able to add one item to a group with fewer items.

Take two apples and one apple separately. Look carefully at the two pictures, where are the most apples? Where there are two apples there are more, and where there is one apple there are less.

In this picture of apples, there are two apples drawn equally on the left and two apples drawn on the right.

Add one apple to fewer apples.

The smaller number of apples on the left is one apple. More The apples on the right are four apples.

Add one apple to fewer apples. We get two apples. The larger number of apples becomes one less apple, resulting in three apples.

Let's look at the following pictures and compare which objects are more in this picture, which objects are smaller, and which are equally divided.

Exercise 1

How many birds are there in the picture on the left?

How many birds are there in the picture on the right?

Which picture has more birds on the right or left?

Exercise 2

Look carefully at the following picture and answer the following questions.

How many fish are there in the picture on the right?

How many fish are there in the picture on the left?

In which picture are there more fish on the right or left?

Are there equal numbers of fish in the first and second pictures?

Exercise 3

Look carefully at the following picture and answer the following questions.

How many cubes are there in the first picture?

How many cubes are there in the second picture?

Which picture has more cubes on the right or left?

Exercise 4

Look carefully at the following picture and answer the following questions.

How many cars are there in the left picture?

How many cars are there in the right picture?

Which picture has more cars?

How many cars will there be in the right picture if you add another car there?

Exercise 5

Look carefully at the following picture and answer the following questions.

How many bunnies are there in the first picture?

How many bunnies are there in the second picture?

Which picture has more bunnies?

Are there equal numbers of bunnies in these two pictures?

7. Learning to write numbers

Look carefully at the numbers, there are arrows there, these arrows show how to write each number correctly. Practice every day, and your child will be able to write easily, beautifully and quickly.

Math games for preschoolers

These games will help your child become familiar with mathematics in the most interesting and exciting way because children love to play. Educational games are great for this.

Game "Quick Count"

The game "quick count" will help you improve your thinking. The essence of the game is that in the picture presented to you, you will need to choose the answer “yes” or “no” to the question “are there 5 identical fruits?” Follow your goal, and this game will help you with this.

Game "Piggy Bank"

I can’t resist recommending to you the game “Piggy Bank” from the same site where you need to register, indicating only your E-mail and password. This game will suit you fitness for the brain and rest for the body. The essence of the game is to indicate 1 of 4 windows in which the amount of coins is the largest. Will you be able to show great result? We are waiting for you!

Game "Number Reach: Revolution"

Interesting and useful game « Numerical coverage: Revolution”, which will help you improve and develop memory. The essence of the game is that the monitor will display numbers in order, one at a time, which you should remember and then reproduce. Such chains will consist of 4, 5 and even 6 digits. Time is limited. How many points can you score in this game?

Game "Mathematical Comparisons"

A great game with which you can relax your body and tense your brain. The screenshot shows an example of this game, in which there will be a question related to the picture, and you will need to answer. Time is limited. How much time will you have to answer?

Airport game

Airport game interesting game, the purpose of which is to show where the blue plane is flying and where the red one is coming from. This exercise will help develop such qualities as: intelligence, attention, speed of thought, speed of reaction. How many points can you score at the end of the game? Let's check it out!

Courses for the development of intelligence

In addition to games, we have interesting courses that will perfectly pump up your brain and improve your intelligence, memory, thinking, and concentration:

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. In every lesson useful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its functioning, improve your memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you:)

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training in the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

Within 30 days after subscribing you will receive interesting exercises and educational games to your email, which you can use in your life.

We will learn to remember everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month and even road maps.

Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, and consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to quickly read books, articles, newsletters, etc. that interest you? If your answer is “yes,” then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

When synchronized, working together both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities. Attention, concentration, speed of perception intensifies many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration, as when fast reading they are extremely important
  3. Read a book a day and finish your work faster

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and fast multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, calculating percentages, but you will also work them out in special assignments and educational games! Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

Natalia Melkova

I present to your attention options for didactic games aimed at developing mathematical concepts, learning to count to 5 and getting to know numbers, using sensory elements to develop fine motor skills (clothespins, Velcro parts, magnets, homemade puzzles.

The proposed game options are intended for children 3-5 years old.


1. Introducing children to numbers from 1 to 5, consolidating numbers and number series within 5.

2. Consolidation of reverse and ordinal counting, correlation of number and quantity.

3. Development of attention, memory, visual-figurative and logical thinking, the ability to analyze, compare, classify through training in counting operations and didactic games. Correction and development of long-term memory.

4. Formation of sensory abilities and tactile sensations in children.

5. Development of ideas about color, shape, size and properties of objects through bright visual images and play activities.


All types of games are inextricably linked with fine motor skills, finger dexterity and hand-eye coordination. All game elements are sewn from felt of different hardness and other materials, thanks to which it is enriched sensory experience children. Two types of clothespins are used as additional sensory elements: wooden – 4 cm and plastic – 6 cm, neodymium magnets, and Velcro. Velcro fabric (cans and chicken belly) was used as a base for Velcro (for a strong, tenacious fastening).



Puzzles are an excellent educational toy. They have a great influence on the development of logical and spatial thinking, attention, memory. By putting together a picture, the child develops fine motor skills and begins to better coordinate his movements. By developing such skills, the child will be able to easily master writing and speech in the future.

Let's count the dots on the back ladybugs and connect them with the desired number.

#2. TEACHING FELT CARDS "PALM"- introduction to counting to five on fingers.

Fingers help the child count for a long time. To the question: “How old are you?” kids use their fingers to show their age (one, two, three). It turns out that this is not only a pointing gesture for communication, but also useful exercise for fine motor skills, and mathematical sign, indicating quantity, and an excellent exercise for developing coordination, finger strength, etc.

When a child begins to learn to count, without yet realizing what a number is, successful methodical method The technique of correlating counting objects with fingers can serve. It is very important at the very beginning of getting acquainted with numbers to realize that one is one object, two is two objects at the same time, etc. And with the help of your fingers this is easy to do. Moreover, awareness of this fact when using fingers goes through several channels of perception at once: visual (we see, auditory (we hear, we pronounce), tactile (we feel, kinesthetic (we move).

We invite the child to place his fingers on the card and name the number, thereby correlating the number and quantity.

Very useful trick for the development of fine motor skills - the use of different-sized clothespins, which contributes to the development of coordination and strength of the fingers.

Small wooden clothespins with numbers...

Larger (and therefore more convenient) plastic clothespins...

At the same time, introduce children to numbers, focusing on visual memory.


We invite children to put a certain amount of juicy berries and fruits into jars...

“Canning” jars are made of velcro fabric, so berries and fruits (and other vegetables and mushrooms) have Velcro on them. back side- they cling to them wonderfully. Thus, jars of berries and fruits can be freely moved during the educational game, carried and stored.

And now the same thing with vegetables...

As an option, arrange the apples by color. The color of the apple should match the color of the lid on the jar.

Now let’s count how many apples and pears are in each jar.

Now let's count the mushrooms.

4. "Fireflies".

The sun hid. Dark.

It's long past midnight

There is a bright beacon in the grass -

The firefly hid.

Answer together, children:

Who shines in the grass for us at night?

Fits in your fist

This little firefly.


The chicken went out for a walk,

One, two, three, four, five,

We go for a walk together.

The mother chicken is made of hard felt, and her belly is made of velcro fabric, which makes it easy to attach eggs and chicks to her (which have Velcro on the back).

The chicken's wings fold and are held in place by neodymium magnets hidden under the felt flowers. All this, in turn, is an additional exercise machine for children's fingers.

How many chicks have hatched and how many have not yet...

How many chicks did mom hide under her wings?

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